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CCW: Rise of the Underdogs (A C-Verse Diary)

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[B]11:30pm Saturday, Week 2, July 2007 Ohio Jewish Center[/B] Leo was grinning when I finally bumped into him after the show. He liked to sit out in the audience, back on the top bleacher when he wasn't in the show. As head booker I spend most of the time running around and trying not to have a heart attack, but he gets to relax and enjoy the show. He was beaming about the main event, and the locker room was abuzz with good spirits. Everyone knew that we put on a really good show, and American Elemental and Art Reed were definitely the highlights of the show. I was not in as good spirits, my mind was already churning about what lay ahead. A problem was looming on our horizon and his name was Harry Wilson. His performance these past couple nights has been subpar at best. Art and Elemental were able to carry the finale to high levels, but it could have easily been higher if Harry had put in some effort. It seemed like his mind wasn't on the game at best, or at worst he was purposefully sabotaging the event because he was upset, and I knew exactly what was bothering him. Months ago when Leo and I were putting together the show, we had planned for our two champions to get the rub, Ginko really needed some popularity and Tully as our figurehead could always use the bump. However, when looking at our roster I realized that Harry needed more name recognition. If he was going to be a credible threat to Tully, he needed a couple big wins, even if he had to cheat to get them. When I brought this up, we changed things to get Harry the cup. It was decided to use another worker, Mikey fit the bill, to help Harry cheat to the top. We finished our proposal and Harry was excited about the chance to get a title win, or as excited as Harry gets which meant that he shrugged and muttered "about time." Everything was going to plan until an unexpected boon turned double-edged. When Art Reed expressed interest and Vilbert went along with it, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to have DAVE talent in our little tournament, but the stipulation was that Art would have creative control. Surprisingly enough AAA made the exact when we brought on Suzanne Brazzle. That surprised us because AAA is not nearly as popular as DAVE, but Anne Stardust said that Suzanne was important to their future and would not be willing to have her job to such unknown women as our roster. Art also made that same statement, and although he was very nice about it he said that if he let this happen his career would continue to stall. In the end Leo and I agreed to put Art over in exchange for him working with our workers, but Harry was not thrilled. Knowing that it is easy to tell how Harry decided to take out his frustrations. I'm honestly hoping that his dad died recently because I can deal with him having personal life issues, but I don't even know how to begin dealing with intentional sabotage of our biggest match of the year. The workers had all gone home, or so I thought. I was overseeing the last of the stage be packed into a trailer when two workers approached me. I was surprised to see Bill and Craig Lewis still here and they hadn't even wrestled today. Bill looked pissed off. His little eyes narrow and you can see him clenching his teeth. Behind him, the larger Craig looked very uncomfortable, it was obvious he wanted to be anywhere but here. Bill: [COLOR="Gray"]"Hey, Mr. Booker, I wanted to talk to you 'bout something. Something that's been bothering me."[/COLOR]I sighed, as I could tell already this wouldn't be a fun conversation. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"How can I help you, Bill?"[/COLOR] Bill: [COLOR="gray"]"You see, this whole tournament thing was great, a real good idea from that noggin' of yours. There's just one problem. I wasn't in it. You had the freakin' women in the tourny, you had the other stars in the tournament. I was expecting a bit more tag team action, and let me tell you I've been pretty dissapointed with the matches we've had so far."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"I understand your concerns, it's just we don't really have a tag team division set up. We just don't have the numbers to set up a sizable division yet."[/COLOR] Bill: [COLOR="gray"]"Are you kidding me? We've got plenty of slobs who don't do anything but sit on their asses and drink beer. Throw a couple of them into a team together and let me and Craig here beat the **** out of them. It's that simple."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"I wish it was. The only problem is that you'll have ****ty matches and no one will want to see you wrestle. Trust me, I've been looking very hard at our roster for some good combinations, and as soon as I find some you'll get a nice tag feud and some more spotlight. Until then you just have to trust that I have your best interests in mind."[/COLOR] Bill did not like that answer, but he couldn't argue it anymore. The cogs in his head were almost visible, turning as he thought about what I said. Bill: [COLOR="gray"]"Listen, I only trust people I know deliver, and right now you're a little short on that category. But whatever, just make sure I get some action soon."[/COLOR] Bill turned and walked off towards the parking lot. Craig lagged behind, and when Bill turned a corner and went out of sight, Craig relaxed a little and turned back towards me. Craig: [COLOR="Green"]"Listen...I...uh. I just want to... uh... apologize for Bill. He gets a little worked up sometimes. We both really appreciate you giving us the gold. It's the first time either of us ever won anything, and I've been working for years. I trust you. You've given me more in six months then anyone else has done in years. You just do what you gotta do, and..uh... I'll do something about Bill. He gets a little worked up, ya know, but he means well. See ya later Gabriel."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"Later Craig. And thanks."[/COLOR] Craig didn't say anything, but he turned a little red and I must say it's awkward seeing a man of his age and experience get worked up about a simple midcard tag team belt, but I guess when you get the nickname "Crash" any kind of belt is a step in the right direction. As much as I hated Bill's attitude, he was right. CCW needed a tag team division and we did have some extra weight on the roster that could be thrown into the tag team arena. I had a meeting with Leo next Monday, and I would be sure to bring this up to him there. [I]OOC: So here's the problem. I have a bunch of midcard workers with no real purpose and a complete lack of a tag team division. Hopefully one problem will solve the other so I'm opening up to the internet for suggestions. Here is the midcard, let me know if you can think of any neat combinations or just would like to see something happen with two particular workers.[/I] Faces: TJ Bailey Rex Reeves Sir Arthur Kashmir Singh Jeremy Jazz Heels: Leo Davis Carlos Gonzalez Dusty Bin Murderous Mikey Evil Spirit [I]I've got a few ideas, but I'm always open to suggestions[/I]
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If I remember rightly (I probably don't) then TJ Bailey and Jeremy Jazz were both part of the MWC training camp back in TEW04. They must've known each other back then, you could work on that. :) Evil Spirit could be like your version of the Boogeyman, only nasty. Showingup anc cursing people... attacking people maliciously for no reason... generally causing mischief. Although to be honest... you might need to bring in a team or two to expand your division. I can't really see any other obvious combinations. :)
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I guess, going on gimmicks, you could look at Carlos Gonzalez (fresh out of prison) and Murderous Mikey as a prison/bad-ass duo. Call Mikey something other than Mikey though, because it just doesn't sound hard enough. Maybe use his alt name of Switchblade Mike and make Gonzalez Carlos The Jackal or something like that. They'd probably be an awful pairing in the ring, but you could call them 'Life Sentence' or something. Just a thought. Or... If you want a partner for Evil Spirit that is equally stupid looking, you could look no further than... Bin-Dust! [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/Bin-Dust.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;373980]I guess, going on gimmicks, you could look at Carlos Gonzalez (fresh out of prison) and Murderous Mikey as a prison/bad-ass duo. Call Mikey something other than Mikey though, because it just doesn't sound hard enough. Maybe use his alt name of Switchblade Mike and make Gonzalez Carlos The Jackal or something like that. They'd probably be an awful pairing in the ring, but you could call them 'Life Sentence' or something. Just a thought. Or... If you want a partner for Evil Spirit that is equally stupid looking, you could look no further than... Bin-Dust! [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/Bin-Dust.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Thanks a lot. Now I have to clean milk off my monitor.
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Both Leo and I had huge grins on our faces when Art held up his arms in victory. That would have been a good show for a promotion twice as popular as ours. I hope I wouldn't be too dissapointed after our August event, but I knew that without Art Reed and Larry Wood that things would be taking a step backwards. One day we'd have talent of that caliber, but not quite yet. I took Sunday to just rest and relax and do anything but think about wrestling, because Monday was going to be rough, mainly because Leo and I would be facing the financial consequences of bringing stars all over the globe under one roof for two nights. I already knew the numbers but Leo didn't, and I really didn't want to be the one to break the news to him. He was already in my office, I wasn't even late but he was always in my office before me. Sometimes I wondered if he even had a place to sleep or if he just stayed in the office. When I left the office at night he would always still be here working, writing up scripts or keeping in contact with some of his wrestling buddies. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Well?"[/COLOR] I snapped out of my thoughts and took a seat on the wrong side of my desk. Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"Well, which would you like to hear, the bad news or the worse news?"[/COLOR] Leo's eyes narrowed a bit, it was obvious he didn't want to hear any bad news at all. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Don't dance about the bush on this one, I'm getting too old to dance."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"Alright, I double-checked these figures so they're accurate, unfortunately. As you know we tried cutting back expenses a bit last month, got it down to just a grand in the red. However, that didn't help much. The tournament cost us about $25,000, and even with sponsorship we barely made back an eighth of it. Merchandise hasn't been selling, we sold one Tully t-shirt that night. Anyway, unless something unexpected happens at the end of this month, we'll be down to half of our funds in just the first year alone. At this rate we'll never be able to recoup those kinds of costs, and at our current average rate we'll be bankrupt in about a year, not including additional costs from next years tournament."[/COLOR] Leo just sat there, and he took up the financial reports that I slid across the table, I even made a nice little graph that showed just how fast we were sinking. And then the unexpected happened...Leo laughed. It wasn't a big laugh, just a chuckle. A small smile spread across his face as he threw down the reports. I must have looked dumbfounded because he laughed louder when he saw my face. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Listen Gabe, it's just money. We put on a hell of a show and we'll make it back. When we talk to Tommy next month I'm gonna get them to sponsor us, help recoup the costs of that tournament. We've shown what we can do, and plus we should be hot on their list, I mean we're showcasing talent from around the world, talent they can take notice of next time they have spots to fill. Now I can't say I'm completely happy abuot dropping money this quickly, but we're doing what we're supposed to, getting the show out there to our fans. Now, let's get on with the roster review, enough talk about bean counting."[/COLOR] Mid-Year Roster Review: Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"So, first off how is the main event? How have they been doing?"[/COLOR] Tully Arthurs Although Tully is about as popular as when he started 6 months ago, his wrestling ability has definitely improved. Giving him a wide range of opponents has really allowed him to develop some of his other abilities. He started to include more groundwork, with some better transitions and even an ankle lock submission which is new. He is also improving at the ring-psychology, and he's starting to make better decisions about when to sell and when to no-sell. Finally, I noticed a couple unusual aspects in his style that he's recently started to use, and when I asked him about it turns out he's a huge Dread fan, and he's been studying some of the Puroresu techniques. Although his move set is still very limited, the addition of a submission and some transitions should help round him out when facing opponents like Harry Wilson. American Elemental When TCW picked him up in January, Elemental told me that he was told to focus on hitting his high spots every time. That is why his performance was even better then expected when he hooked up with us. His match with Art Reed and Harry Wilson have really helped develo his ground game, and Art even gave Elemental a few pointers about keeping things safe. Finally, his brawling ability is steadily improving which isn't surprising considering that our best talent at the moment is in straight up punching. Titan Titan's spats with Tully have improved his power game, as the two big men are sharing their techniques with eachother. It was a good move pairing him up with a valet because Monique has been working with him and his roars are sounding more powerful. Monique says we'll be able to put Titan in front of the mic by the end of the year although I don't hold too much hope for him on that aspect. Other then that his popularity has been steadily rising and the fans are believing in his credibility as an unstoppable monster. Dermot O'Logical Sticking Dermot O'Logical in the tournament was another good decision. He brought an improved aerial game and better match psychology from the competition. It also gave him a good popularity boost as well. I also noticed him working on slam landings with TUlly, so I think Dermot's bigger moves will be at least a little easier on his opponents. Harry Wilson WHile Harry's wrestling ability hasn't improved too much since our start, at least his popularity is soaring. Between the various feuds and scandals with him in the center, the fans are really loving hating him. Although nationally he's still unknown, at least in the Great Lakes region he's one of our most popular wrestlers. Leo nodded as I went through the main event person by person. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"What about the rest of the roster, any major improvements you've noticed?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"First off, the Lewis Brothers have surprised me by getting better and better at their promos. Even Craig is showing improvement. TJ has shown improvement all around the board, his technical work is improving, his brawling is getting a little better, his mic work is improving, and he's showing a better grasp on the basics and flow about a wrestling match. He's really picking up a lot of tips from his feud with Harry. Finally, the Rex/Mikey mini-feud has kind of paid off, Jemma's helping Rex with his promos, while Mikey's various actions have caused a sharp jump in popularity."[/COLOR] Leo narrowed his eyes and gave me a quizzical look. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"How do you know that popularity is increasing? We only have 30 fans, and I didn't see you polling them."[/COLOR] I just smiled. Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"Easy, the internet. We have a web page and all of our workers have profiles that show updates and clips from shows. Everytime a person clicks on the profile or watches a clip, it gets recorded. We can break down those numbers in a monthly report and stick it on a graph. The majority of our workers have shown improvmenet, where every month more and more people become interested in our workers. Except for Lazy Joe though. He started off rather high, but has started to dip down."[/COLOR] Leo just shrugged. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Whatever, the internet is your part of the business, not mine. So, any final thoughts about the roster? Concerns or problems?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"Two concerns really. First is that some of our roster have not had matches in awhile. Namely people like Jeremy Jazz and Lazy Joe. We should work on trying to mix up the roster more. Second is our tag team division, or complete lack there of. The Lewis Brothers are really working well, they're getting some real heel heat, and both members are becoming the spotlights of our upper midcard. But they have no real opponents, no real challengers to the title. Our tag team tournament was a joke, a bunch of random guys thrown together and half of them didn't work out. First off I want to get you into a tag team, and to counter that we need a face heel team. I'm thinking of teaming you up with Carlos."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Sounds good. It's been a long time since I competed for a tag title but let's give it a shot. We can start working different combinations to develop a couple new tag teams, or possibly look to the outside if none develop. One last bit, what are we going to do about Harry?"[/COLOR] The shock must have been written all over my face. Gabriel: [COLOR="indigo"]"You saw that?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Everyone saw that! He almost cost us the main event match! I want you to settle him out. He may be our main heel but we made him that way, we could easily bring up Titan or Dermot O'Logical."[/COLOR] I nodded and that concluded the meeting. Now that was left for this month was our big meeting with Tommy Cornell next week. Hopefully that would end with better news. OOC: Here's a list of everyone's improvement over the past 6 months in case anyone's interested in seeing their variuos improvements. Each '+' means that the respective skill went up a letter grade. American Elemental + Popularity + Brawling + Aerial - TCW + Chain + Safety + Consistency - TCW + Selling Tully Arthurs + Puroresu + Mat + submissions + Psychology + Selling + Respect Harry Wilson ++++ Popularity + Respect Titan + Popularity + Brawling - feud with Tully + Chain + Charisma + Respect Lazy Joe - Popularity + Aerial + Flashiness + Chain + Respect Dermot O'Logical + Popularity + Aerial - tournament + Paychology - tournament + Safety + Respect Rex Reeves + Acting - Jemma + Psychology + Respect TJ Bailey ++ Popularity + Brawling + Submission + Charisma + Microphone + Basics + Psychology Leo Davis + Popularity + Respect Carlos Gonzalez + Microphone Bill Lewis + Popularity + Chain + Microphone + Charisma Craig Lewis + Popularity ++ Microphone + Acting + Safety + Respect Murderous Mikey ++ Popularity + Submissions + Respect Sir Arthur + Respect Kashmir Singh + Popularity + Charisma + Safety Evil Spirit + Popularity + Star Quality + English (to basic) Jeremy Jazz + Popularity + Submissions + Microphone Womens Division Nadia Snow + Popularity + Puroresu + Hardcore + Respect + Intensity Carnival Queen Kendra + PUroresu Ginko Kuroda ++ Popularity + Brawling + Submissions Kinuye Mushashibo + Chain + Stamina + Basic English Gabriel + Looks Dale - Toughness - Resiliance
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;373980]I guess, going on gimmicks, you could look at Carlos Gonzalez (fresh out of prison) and Murderous Mikey as a prison/bad-ass duo. Call Mikey something other than Mikey though, because it just doesn't sound hard enough. Maybe use his alt name of Switchblade Mike and make Gonzalez Carlos The Jackal or something like that. They'd probably be an awful pairing in the ring, but you could call them 'Life Sentence' or something. Just a thought. Or... If you want a partner for Evil Spirit that is equally stupid looking, you could look no further than... Bin-Dust! [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/Bin-Dust.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] I wasn't originally going to throw dusty into a tag team, but something like that has to be used. Goldusty will debute next show
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, August 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]July Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=5]TCW Blue Chipper Injured[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Unbeknown to many, TCW rising star Wolf Hawkins is an avid esquitarian, and this hobby led to tragedy this month. Wolf was out riding when he was thrown and trampled by a horse. A friend who was riding with him said that something spooked the horse, causing it to rear. Wolf lost his grip and the panicked horse trampled him repeatedly before running off. Wolf received several powerful kicks to the head resulting in a major concussion. Doctors believe that Wolf may miss up to a year in order to ensure there was no permanent damage and to let his body recover from the horrible tragedy. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]World Renownd Joshi Wrestler Retires[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Sensational Ogiwara announced that she will be retiring shortly after she gives up the 5SSW World Belt. She is on her eight title reign for the Japanese joshi promotion, and before those title reigns she was a two-time tag champion with now retired Thunder Hike. First with Hike retiring and now Ogiwara, the joshi scene has been dealt a severe blow this year. A follow up is that Thunder Hike has transitioned into the role of manager, helping along the new generation of joshi wrestlers. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] A couple title turnovers this month. Japanese high flyer The Great Hisato won the internet poll for "Best High Flyer" with his series of bouts with Yasujiro for the World Level Universal title. Also, SWF star Marc DuBois takes the "Best Young Prospect" award. Marc has already been picked out as a hot prospect for the future, and it is only a matter of time before SWF gives Marc a huge push to the top. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Dan Stone Jr. (2 months) [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Sean McFly (2 months) [*][B]"Best High Flyer in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Great Hisato [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Jeremy Stone (2 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith (2 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Marc DuBois [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (6 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry beats Peter Michaels (6 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Phil Vilbert (3 months) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] The hits keep on coming for SWF. First Runaway Train decides to leave the company, unhappy with his recent series of losses, then SWF star Skull DeBones announced that he was planning on retiring to a less active role. SWF Supreme TV continues on a steady course selling out every show, as well as having their highest grossing PPV this year, getting a 6.9 rating. Despite the loss of some big name talent, SWF continues to close the gap between itself and long-time rival, TCW. [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] Big title upset as Troy Tornado beat Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. Tommy had defended 23 times against a variety of opponents, utterly destroying his competition in every match. some marks speculate that the loss was due to a series of savage attacks against Tommy Cornell, and these attacks weakened Tommy enough for someone like Troy to get the title win. The attacker has not been revealed, although many rumors circulate that the attacker was none other then Troy tornado himself. Rosterwise, TCW continues to expand by hiring former SWF announcer Duane Fry, as well as SWF manager Dawn the Cheerleader. Dawn has teamed up with Christian Faith, the two having worked together before in SWF. [*][B]Danger And Violence Extreme[/B] DAVE's popularity has been steadily rising, and many believe that they are gearing up for another run at the "big two." With TCW and SWF's recent troubles, now is the time for DAVE to try and establish itself on a national level. As such they have expanded their shows to the South East and Great Lakes regions, although this months PPV was still in Tri State area. Despite having sold out Plum Park, they only received a 0.76 PPV buy rate. This month Acid was given the push, the light flyer going up against the monster Eddie Peak. Acid took a quick early lead by getting Peak off his feet and unleashing a relentless offense, but Peak caught Acid midway through the match and started head butting the lighter worker. From that point on Peak was fully in control, absolutely destroying Acid leaving some to speculate whether Acid will have healed enough to return next month. [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] This month saw a huge raise in NOTBPW popularity, as they are slowly but steadily increasing their influence in the US. Last month saw several US based events, but this month they return to their roots hitting the various areas of Canada hard to maintain their lead over rival CGC. [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] CGC World Champion Alex DeColt continues his year-long reign of the title after making his 13th successful defense last week. Alex continues to show his skill and this long title reign is reinforcing the belief that when George DeColt finally leaves the business, Alex will take over the reins. [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] No news from BHotWG as they are currently on break from their touring season. [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] King of Fighters champion Tasuku Iesada continues to defend his title, taking on all challengers, including back-to-back defenses against former champion Marat Khoklov. Many fans thought that Tasuku Iesada would lose the title when Marat Khoklov delivered a massive powerbomb that had felled the legendary Kikkawa, but Iesada was able to kick out and deliver a vicious roundhouse kick to the face of Khoklov, dropping the giant. [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] Yoshimi Mushashibo's title reign is crushed by Shuji Inukai who has now started on his third title run with the PGHW Glory Crown. PGHW star Junnosuke Fukazawa injured with Herniated Spinal Disc PGHW star Shuji Inukai won the PGHW Glory Crown, defeating Yoshimi Mushashibo after 18 defenses. This starts Inukai's third title run. On a sadder note, the legendary Junnosuke Fukazawa was severely injured while wrestling newcomer American Elemental. It was reported that Elemental botched a high spot and caused Junnosuke to get a slipped disk. It is unknown whether American Elemental's contract will be terminated for such a grave offense. Many fans wonder if Junnosuke will ever return to the ring, the 46 year old veteran was already starting to show signs of aging, and many speculate that this will be the injury to finally put Junnosuke into retirement. [/LIST][/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Match of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This month the MotM once again goes to Canadian powerhouse NoTBPW. Month after month NoTBPW continues to dazzle viewers with solid, high quality wrestling. This month Sean McFly's defense of the NOTBPW Canadian title against Jeremy Stone displayed such excellence in wrestling that it clearly outpaces the competition. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This month's WMotM goes to Runaway Train and SWF both. Last month Runaway Train lost the SWF World Heavyweight title after a dozen defenses to Bruce the Giant. Runaway Train then took a series of losses to workers like Eric Eisen, F.A.G, and Skull DeBones. Runaway Train then decided not to renew his contract, saying he had outgrown SWF. Losing one of their most popular wrestlers must severely hurt SWF, although some believe that with hi recent matches, that Eisen was trying to drive away Runaway Train.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, August 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=4]Next Show: [B]CCW Fallout[/B][/SIZE] [B][U]ccw Hanson Invitational Tournament Conclusion[/U][/B][/CENTER] DAVE star Art Reed takes the cup after defeating two CCW wrestlers, American Elemental and Harry Wilson. Many speculated that Harry Wilson would grab the title with his hired help, Murderous Mikey, but an angry Larry Wood put a stop to that when he destroyed Mikey in an impromptu matchup. On the womens side, AAA star Suzanne Brazzle sinched the title from DEVIL Karube and CCW's own Ginko Kuroda. Backstage reports say that the loss has hit Ginko very hard, as many fans predicted her to be the winner in the tournament. [B][U]American Elemental Unmasked![/U][/B] The mystery worker who has been causing quite a stir has finally been revealed as none other then former TCW star American Elemental. American Elemental gained recognition when he even beat CCW champion Tully Arthurs, leading many to speculate that a title match will be announced between them soon. Will American Elemental be able to replicate his success and finally end the reign of CCW's powerhouse Champion? [B][U]Tag Teams Revealed[/U][/B] Now that the Hanson Invitational has been concluded, CCW will re-focus on the tag team division and will be introducing two new teams. [U]Hardcore Icons[/U] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Leo Davis.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carlos Gonzalez.jpg[/IMG] Leo Davis announced that he will be holding the leash of the psychotic Carlos Gonzalez. [U]Evil Power[/U] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Evil Spirit.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dusty Bin_alt01.jpg[/IMG] Evil Spirit leads this voodoo team, combining Evil Spirit's magical powers with Dusty Bin's raw power. [B][U]Concerning PGHW's Allegations[/U][/B] Recently PGHW released a report stating that American Elemental caused a severe injury for one of their veteran workers. CCW retorts that American Elemental has never shown any disregard for his opponents safety and that any injuries that occur would probably have been a result of the other workers ailing health. It was revealed that the other worker had already had several back injuries in the past, and that it was only a matter of time before a severe injury would occur. It is also believed that the PGHW worker had received a back injury earlier that week, and that despite medical objections entered the ring anyways. CCW feels that a worker of such caliber as American Elemental should never be blamed for an accident when all of the variables are still unknown. Quick Picks: Leo Davis vs. Evil Spirit Murderous Mikey vs. Rex Reeves Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy JaZz for Commissioner Powers Ginko Kuroda (c) vs. Nadia Snow for Womens Title The Lewis Brothers (c) vs. Nighttime Knights for Tag Team titles Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh vs. Jacob Jett & Titan Cage Match
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Leo Davis vs. [B]Evil Spirit[/b] [b]Murderous Mikey[/b] vs. Rex Reeves [b]Harry Wilson[/b] vs. Jeremy JaZz for Commissioner Powers [b]Ginko Kuroda (c)[/b] vs. Nadia Snow for Womens Title [b]The Lewis Brothers (c)[/b] vs. Nighttime Knights for Tag Team titles Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh vs. [b]Jacob Jett & Titan[/b] Cage Match
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[B]Thursday, Week 1 August Los Angeles, CA[/B] The meeting with Tommy Cornell would take place at their L.A. headquarters, which meant a long flight from O'Hare to LAX. Leo and I booked cheap tickets through Priceline which meant that 3 connections and 8 hours later we had arrived in L.A. My bags didn't arrive but somehow Leo's did, so when we arrived at TCW HQ this morning, Leo was in his favorite tweed suit and I was in the grungy t-shirt and jeans I had travelled in. We arrived early and the secretary buzzed us up. TCW HQ wasn't its own building but had a floor of a larger skyscraper still owned by J.K. Stallings. When HGC was converted into TCW, Stallings allowed Cornell to keep the 28th floor for the administrative offices. When Tommy admitted us to the conference room, Leo could barely contain his grin. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"This is where it all started, Tommy. CCW's rise all started in this room."[/COLOR] Tommy didn't say anything, and that immediately put my on my guard. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we are established now. We have gotten our foot in the door, we have put our mark on the map, people know we exist."[/COLOR] Tommy remained stone faced and silent, and this caused the warning bells to go off like crazy. Even Leo picked it up and he started stammering through his prepared speech. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"Well, I mean...um... I think we're ready to start developing TCW talent. You sign 'em, we train 'em, and you get back gold. We've been trying to sign TCW talent as much as possible, we picked up American Elemental when he was released from here, as well as TJ Bailey who wrestled a few dark matches awhile ago but was never used on screen. I think we're making good headway in bringing those two up to TCW level, and I can't wait to work with your new talent."[/COLOR] Tommy just sat there, stone faced as usual. I could sense the impending doom, and I nearly cringed when Tommy finally opened his mouth. Tommy: [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I'm sorry Leo, but at our current state we are not ready to start handing out development deals. Now the following information cannot leave this room, but the recent series of roster releases by both SWF and TCW were a result in a changing in the legality of certain contracts made last year. The court decision ended up nullifying almost a dozen contracts, including American Elemental's contract. We have recovered and replaced those workers, but we are not currently at a point where we can start formalizing development contracts with new workers. I'm sorry."[/COLOR] Leo's face became a mixture of anger and dissapointment. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"That's it? We bust our humps and break our budget to get on the map to get things ready for you as quickly as possible and this is how you repay us? We had an agreement, TOmmy. You said that once we had time to get established, once we get our place on the map you'd start looking at our roster for potential. I sold most of these guys by suggesting that you would be looking to start bringing some of them up. And now you're telling me that won't be happening anytime soon?"[/COLOR] Tommy didn't say anything, he just nodded his head. Leo stood up and paced a little, a dozen times he opened his mouth to say something but nothing ever came out. I understood what Leo was going through. He was completely impotent in this situation, if he pissed off Tommy too much Tommy could easily just cut the few ties between us, and that would be a best case. Worst case was that TCW would raid our roster and not even try to replace them, heck I imagine TCW could just buy us out completely, leaving Leo and I jobless. Leo finally cooled down a bit and resumed sitting. Once he was settled, he finally talked in a very strained voice. Leo: [COLOR="sienna"]"So what now? Is that it? Is that the end of this?"[/COLOR] Tommy surprisingly shook his head. Tommy: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Listen Leo, although times aren't good right now, I'm still behind the idea of having a development fed. Once our legal department gets settled and our roster gets established we can start analyzing it and looking for gaps. Then we'll come down and see what you have but until then we have to just keep things the way they are for now."[/COLOR] Leo nodded and that concluded the meeting. Leo was silent back at the hotel, at the airport hte next morning, even on the planride back. I wasn't talkative either, and I figured Leo and I were on the same thought line. When we got back we had an entire roster eagerly hearing who TCW will be bringing in or who on our roster will be getting development deals. It's going to be hard to tell them that TCW is keeping its distance, and this couldn't have come at a worse time. Contract negotiations were next month. Except for American Elemental, pretty much the entire roster would be negotiating in September, and I hated to think how this news would effect those talks.
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Leo Davis vs.[B] Evil Spirit[/B] [B]Murderous Mikey[/B] vs. Rex Reeves [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Jeremy JaZz for Commissioner Powers Ginko Kuroda (c) vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] for Womens Title [B]The Lewis Brothers[/B] (c) vs. Nighttime Knights for Tag Team titles [B] Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Jacob Jett & Titan Cage Match
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[I]Almost missed these predicitons[/I] [B]Leo Davis[/B] vs. Evil Spirit [I]Spirit is a jobber with a gimmick[/I] Murderous Mikey vs. [B]Rex Reeves[/B] [I]Reeves to win on a DQ, when Mikey takes the beating too far [/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Jeremy JaZz for Commissioner Powers [I]Can't see Wilson losing to Jazz[/I] [B]Ginko Kuroda (c)[/B] vs. Nadia Snow for Womens Title [I]Kuroda to keep hanging on to the Womens Belt[/I] [B]The Lewis Brothers (c)[/B] vs. Nighttime Knights for Tag Team titles [I]Likewise for the Lewis Brothers, until a better set of challengers are built up than the Nightime Knights.[/I] [B]Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Jacob Jett & Titan Cage Match [I]The obvious thing would be for the heels to win, to set up something like Tully vs Titan but I think Tully's team will win but with Kashmir Singh making the pin. KS could then start making a case that he will be worthy of challenging for the title.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][/B]CCW Fallout[B] Friday, Week 2, August 2007 Attendance: 38 [/B][/CENTER] The show starts up with a backstage video (courtesy of a handycam) showing Jemma and Murderous Mikey arguing near the locker room. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Murderous Mikey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jemma Griffiths.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Murderous Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"Rex can't protect you like I can. Look what happened when the Craig and Bill tried to attack you. You need someone to protect you."[/COLOR] Jemma: [COLOR="Olive"]"How dare you even think about talking like that. Ah may be a lady from the south but Ah wasn't born yesterday. Ah saw you at the tournament, skulking around like an ant at a picnic, attacking people in and out of the ring. And what happened? You almost died from that mountain of a man, Mr. Larry Wood. Now Ah don't know much but that doesn't look like the kind of lifestyle that could be protecting the likes of me."[/COLOR] Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"Rex can't..."[/COLOR] Rex: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Rex can't what?"[/COLOR] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Rex Reeves.jpg[/IMG] Rex Reeves storms around the corner, his face full of red fury. Rex: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I heard you talking behind my back, Mikey. You think you're such a big man, attacking everyone but Jemma is a lady and you have no business sniffing around her skirts."[/COLOR] Mikey's jaw juts out as he his face turns hard. Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"I wouldn't sniff around anything you left behind Rex, you had best start watching what comes out of that pretty mouth of yours before a fist gets punched through it."[/COLOR] Rex: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Oh, you want a fight do you? I'm not afraid of you Mikey, in fact nobody is. Now get the hell away from my lady."[/COLOR] Rex gets right up in Mikey's face and the two stare at each other for awhile. Mikey tenses as if he's about to punch Rex but Jemma shoves her way between the two, separating them. Mikey glowers and storms off. [B][CENTER] Rating: F+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Leo Davis.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Evil Spirit.jpg[/IMG] Leo Davis vs. Evil Spirit[/CENTER][/B] As part of the new tag division, Hardcore Icons and Evil Power are set to fight. But as Dusty Bin and Carlos Gonzalez are not available tonight, just half of the tag teams will be competing. Leo comes out to the sound of glass breaking, the new signature sound for the Hardcore Icons. Evil Spirit comes out to bathed in blood red lighting as voodoo chants play in the background. Leo shows his experience from the start by outmaneuvering the younger worker, keeping the fight grounded and up close where Evil Spirit's aerial prowess isn't a factor. Leo beats Evil down and once Evil is down Leo starts to pound him into the mat. Leo then slaps on his signature reverse armbar and Evil Spirit quickly taps out. [B][CENTER] Leo Davis defeated Evil Spirit in 4:57 by submission with a Reverse Armbar Rating: E- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Murderous Mikey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Rex Reeves.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jemma Griffiths.jpg[/IMG] Murderous Mikey vs. Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffiths[/CENTER][/B] Both Mikey and Rex waste no time. Rex is out first, and paces in the ring with Jemma trying to calm him down. Mikey charges down and the two start trading blows before the bell is even rung. The two wrestlers are looking for blood and show no mercy. Rex attacks Mikey's head with dropkicks and flying clotheslines while Mikey tries to split Rex in half with backbreakers and other heavy slams. Rex hits a bulldog, but Mikey recovers almost instantly and knocks Rex out with a huge Switchblade powerbomb. [B][CENTER]Murderous Mikey defeated Rex Reeves in 3:53 by pinfall with a Switchblade Rating: E[/CENTER][/B] Jemma rushes into the ring to tend to her client while Mikey grabs a mic. Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"You see Jemma, Rex can't protect you like I can. YOu should be with me." [/COLOR] Jemma doesn't respond, she props up Rex's head and tried to wake him up. Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"You hear me? I think you should be with me."[/COLOR] Jemma gently lowers Rex back to the mat and grabs the mic. Jemma: [COLOR="Olive"]"Why? Why are you so obsessed with me?"[/COLOR] Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"Because..." the words seem to stick in his throat. "Because I l-... because I think you deserve someone better."[/COLOR] Jemma just shakes her head, not responding. Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"I beat your man, you should be with me now."[/COLOR] Jemma sadly takes the mic. Jemma: [COLOR="Olive"]"Ah can't be won in a wrestling match. My place is with Rex."[/COLOR] Mikey throws the mic down and lets out a painful, guttural yell. He approaches Rex's limp form, his fist ****ed and ready to pummel, but Jemma interjects herself again between the two, and Mikey turns and leaves the ring, his face wrought with anger and frustration. As he's about to leave backstage, he shouts back towards Jemma. Mikey: [COLOR="DimGray"]"You think I was dangerous before, you haven't seen anything yet."[/COLOR] Rating: E- After Jemma helps Rex backstage, Harry Wilson comes out with a big grin on his face. He grabs the mic and pops a c0cky grin. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Oh wait, nobody here qualifies, so greetings losers and morons."[/COLOR] The crowd reacts to the cheap heat and booing fills the gym. Harry just laughs it off. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"As some of you may have heard, or probably forgot I have to defend my comiss. powers every other month. Although I got to the finals of the tournament, apparently the powers that be feel that I still have to prove my worth, so they matched me up with a real powerhouse of the CCW roster. That's right, I'm facing none other then Jeremy "Jobber" Jazz. Now I know the question that's going through all your minds: 'Who is that?' but trust me, he's a real force to be dealt with, especially with a name like Jobber Jazz. Terrifying."[/COLOR] The sarcasm isn't just dripping, it's pouring from Harry's words. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Anyway, I'd just like to say that if I lose I'm going to hang up my boots and leave the ring entirely. You hear that, Mr. Jobber. However, if I do win I'm going to really enjoy this win over my awesome opponent and pull some strings to get his name officially changed. You see, Leo's brilliant business sense left quite a few loopholes in my commissioner contract, and I have the power to change how a name appears on the card. But I'm a fair man. I'm giving him this chance to stop it. If he can beat me I lose the power and his name stays at it's current boring state. But if I win, he'll have to get used to this introduction. Come on down, Jobber Jazz." [/COLOR] [B][CENTER] Rating: E+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jeremy Jazz.jpg[/IMG] Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy Jazz [/CENTER][/B] Jeremy comes down to his smooth jazz riff, but his face is anything but calm. He rushes into the ring and starts trading insults with Harry. Both wrestlers are right in each others faces when the bell rings, and Harry takes the early advantage by kicking Jeremy in the gut and hitting a snap DDT. Jeremy is stunned and Harry keeps the pressure on, staying on the offensive while Jeremy tries to recover from Harry's variety of slams and throws. Jeremy takes longer and longer to recover after each blow or bump, and soon he's dazed enough that Harry can start taunting him in the ring, getting right into Jeremy's face and laughing. Jeremy throws a surprise jab and catches Harry right in his laughing face, but Jeremy is too weak to capitalize and Harry puts him away with a Humility, bouncing Jeremy's face off the map and flipping him over for the pin. [B][CENTER]Harry Wilson defeated Jeremy Jazz in 8:28 with a Humility Rating: E+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Ginko Kuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Nadia Snow.jpg[/IMG] Ginko Kuroda vs. Nadia Snow[/CENTER][/B] This is the fourth time these two women have faced eachother in the ring, and there is no love lost between these two athletes. Nadia face is contorted in rage as she hits her snapmares. Ginko holds nothing back when she its a side kick to Nadia's chest. Ginko is the larger competitor but Nadia shows that she has been studying Ginko's moves. Nadia is able to evade a lot of Ginko's offensive, ducking and dodging at the right moments and then landing on offensive maneuver of her own. Ginko realizes she's in trouble and starts launching a very risky offensive, going for flying dropkicks and massive roundhouse kicks. Nadia ducks a kick aimed right at her head and hits a beautiful double-leg takedown against Ginko, landing so hard that it was almost a spinebuster. Nadia wraps her legs in and locks in a figure-4 leg lock. Ginko claws towards the ropes and almost reaches them when Nadia claws back towards the ring. After almost a full minute of having her legs twisted, Ginko finally taps out. Nadia immediately leaps up in celebration as the ref hands her the CCW Womens title. [B][CENTER]Nadia Snow d. Ginko Kuroda in 12:46 by submission. Nadia wins the CCW Womens Title. Rating: D- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Little Bill Lebowski.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Craig Lewis.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kristen Pearce.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Lazy Joe.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Wizard Of Ottowa.jpg[/IMG] The Lewis Brothers w/ Kristen vs. Nighttime Knights[/CENTER][/B] The Nighttime Knights are out first, they walk out to a trumpeted fanfare and stand in the middle of the ring to await the Lewis Brothers. Kristen leads out the Lewis Brothers, moshing away as usual to a horrible squeal of speed metal. Kristen is wearing a very low cut dress, and the Lewis Brothers spend half of their moshing time jostling to try and look down her dress. When they get into the ring, Bill and Sir Arthur head to the apron, leaving Lazy Joe and Craig Lewis in the ring. The bell rings and Craig puts his fists up in a fighting stance. Lazy Joe... just stands there. Craig ducks forwards and back and Lazy Joe... just stands there. Finally Craig waves a hand in front of Joe's face and still Lazy Joe doesn't react. Craig shrugs and Lazy Joe lets out a huge snore, he's fallen asleep with his eyes open this time. Craig lazily bounces back against the ropes and runs full speed at Lazy Joe, hitting him with a massive clothesline that almost flips Joe end-over-end. Now Joe is awake and he recovers quickly enough to elbow his way out of a headlock. Craig and Joe proceed to slug each other, going punch for punch but Joe shows his stamina as Craig starts taking longer to recover. Joe whips Craig who ducks the clothesline and Craig taps to Bill. Bill explodes like a rocket, hitting a massive punch combination that leaves the much larger Joe staggering. Joe taps to Sir Arthur and the match takes a much faster tone. Arthur unleashes a top rope arsenal, hitting a huge dropkick against Bill. Bill staggers back to his corner and tags in Craig. Arthur charges Craig but runs straight into a side slam. Craig tosses Arthur into the Lewis corner, and starts to tap Bill in when Kristen shouts something from the sidelines. Bill and Craig hit Arthur with a double suplex, and then Bill taps Craig in again. Bill whips Craig into the ropes before leaping through the ropes and tackling Joe right off the apron. Craig uses his momentum to bounce off the ropes and hit a huge flying forearm, dropping Arthur. Bill has Joe tangled so he can't stop the three count. The Lewis Brothers are victorious once again, and Arthur and Joe make a speedy exit so they don't become a part of the Lewis Brothers' post-match celebrations. [B][CENTER]The Lewis Brothers defeated Nighttime Knights in 7:05 when Craig Lewis defeated Sir Arthur by pinfall with a Flying Forearm. The Lewis Brothers make defense number 1 of their CCW Tag Team Championship titles. Rating: E[/CENTER][/B] After the Lewis Brothers mosh on out, TJ, Jeremy and Chloe Dean head out to the ring. Jeremy is in rough shape after his match and has to be supported by Chloe and TJ. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/TJ Bailey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jeremy Jazz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Chloe Dean.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] TJ: [COLOR="DarkBlue"]"Month after month I have to hear Harry shoot his c0cky mouth off. Month after month I see him bully others, abuse his power, hire hits on other workers. Month after month nobody stands up to him, nobody does anything about it. The same goes for the Lewis Brothers. They have completely trashed the tag team division, heck they've probably trashed the titles as well and nobody stands in their way. Lucky for me I'm not the only one who feels that this kind of behavior should go unpunished."[/COLOR] TJ hands the mic off to Jeremy. Jeremy: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"Yeah, man. People like Harry and Craig and Bill are just not cool, ya dig? And, like, TJ and I agree that we've got to stand together to fight them, right daddy-o?"[/COLOR] TJ nods. Jeremy: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"So we're forming a tag team, and we'll have crazy. All the cool cats will want to jive with us, and all the jacks better watch themselves."[/COLOR] He hands the mic to Chloe Chloe: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"I have already received sendings from Gaia, and with her blessings come my blessings, and these two shall rise straight to the top."[/COLOR] Jeremy grabs the mic back. Jeremy: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"So be prepared, cuz the Underdogs gonna flip your lid!"[/COLOR] [CENTER] [B]Rating: E- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Titan.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jacob Jett.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Monique.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Tully Arthurs.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG] Titan & Jacob Jett w/ Monique vs. Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh[/B][/CENTER] For the main event, the first ever CCW cage is constructed. First Tully and Kashmir walk on down, with Tully even helping hold a cage side up while it gets latched into place. Then comes the roar of an engine and Jacob Jett, Titan and Monique all head down. The two teams glare at each other across the ring, and when it's finally constructed, both teams enter in. Tully and Titan immediately pair off, the two locking hands into a power struggle to dominate the other. Meanwhile Jacob and Kashmir fight around the two towering giants. Tully once again proves to be the stronger and he throws Titan into the turnbuckles, but Jacob hits a facebuster against Tully from behind, and the match becomes pure chaos. Kashmir shows off his power by going toe to toe with Titan briefly before Tully can rush in to help. The match turns when Titan throws Kashmir straight into the Jett Engine, a rolling leg drop from Jacob Jett. Kashmir is knocked out and Tully is faced against a 2 vs. 1 handicap. Both Jacob and Titan land some massive hits against Tully, but the CCW Champion doesn't go down easy and kicks out of three pin attempts. Jacob gets up and prepares another Jett Engine but Tully catches Jacob and hits a World's Strongest Slam right into the side of the cage. The cage wall almost pops off from the force and Jacob drops like a sack of potatoes. Titan and Tully get into a huge slugging match, every blow rocking the opponent almost off his feet. Tully starts to get the edge and takes a step back to launch a huge haymaker when he stumbles over Jacob, who recovered enough to grab Tully's ankles. Tully recovers his balance but drops his guard in the process, and Titan slaps his two huge mitts around Tully's neck. With fearsome strength, Titan lifts Tully up into a double-handed Titanic Choke Slam. Tully is down for the count and Titan wins the match. [B][CENTER] Titan and Jacob Jett defeated Kashmir Singh and Tully Arthurs in 12:03 when Titan defeated Tully Arthurs by pinfall with a Titanic Choke Slam. Rating: D- Overall Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER][B][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, September 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]August Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=4]New TV Shows Announced[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] New tv schedules have been announced. Here are the shows by region: North America: TCW Crash on the Pop! Network every Monday USPW Decimation on National Pride TV every Monday @ 10pm NOTBPW Lightning on GNN Total Sports every Tuesday @ 11pm SOTBPW Lucha Libre on Los Deporte Hoy every Friday @ 8pm DAVE Showcase on the Pop! Network every Saturday @ 12am CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports every Sunday @ 9:30pm UK/Europe: 21CW Best of British Wrestling on UK Digital Broadcasting every Thursday @ 8pm SWF Supreme TV on UK Broadcasting every Friday @ 10pm UCR International Wrestling Superstars every Friday @ 7pm Japan: BHOTWG Lords of the Ring on Japanese Sports Vision every Monday @ 8pm PGHW Essentials on Japanese Sports Vision every Monday @ 9pm 5SSW Grapple TV on Japanese Sports Vision 3 every Monday @ 12am GCG Progression on Japanese Sports Vision 3 every Tuesday @ 12am WLW Unexpected on All Japan TV every Tuesday @ 12am PGHW The King's Road on Japanese Sports Vision every Tuesday @ 8pm INSPIre Turbo on Japanese Sports Vision 2 every Saturday @ 12am BHTOWG Main Event on Japanese Sports Vision every Saturday @ 9pm [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Sam Keith removed from booking[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] SWF Sam Keith removed from head booking position. Keith has been booking for years and some speculate that SWF's recent troubles have stemmed from Keith's more conservative booking style. Critics often attack how he will wrestle the same people against each other over and over and almost completely ignore sections of the roster. It is not currently known who will be replacing Keith as SWF's head booker. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Strong Bashes Rival[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] In a recent internet podcast, USPW owner Sam Strong vented more then a few frustrations abot Sheik Mustafa recently, stating that for an experienced manager Sheik just doesn't have the skills necessary to be a good manager anymore. It is unknown how Sheik is taking these public criticisms. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]WEXXV On The Ropes[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Warrior Engine XXV, started and owned by Ryu Kajahara, announced that their company was on the verge of bankruptcy and that this months tour, the WEXXV Sweet Pain tour might be their last if the fan base doesn't come out inforce to save the company from its financial obligations. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This month saw no change in the polls. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Dan Stone Jr. (3 months) [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Sean McFly (3 months) [*][B]"Best High Flyer in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Great Hisato (2 months) [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Jeremy Stone (3 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith (3 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Marc DuBois (2 months) [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (7 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry beats Peter Michaels (7 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Phil Vilbert (4 months) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] Richard Eisen announced the end of the Sam Keith era, saying that in order to regain SWF's top status that they will be bringing in a fresh new booker. No additional information has been leaked, and the rumor mill is working overtime speculating who will be replacing Keith as the head of SWF books. [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] The big roster signing was DAVE tag team champion Sammy Bach. Sammy Bach is also known to be dating Emma Chase, and it is speculated that Sammy was hired solely in the attempt to lure Emma up to TCW. [*][B]Danger And Violence Extreme[/B] DAVE makes a few young hires, signing Frankie Perez and luchadore Mario Heroic to ppa contracts. [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] NOTBPW hired Dallas McWade, but chose not to hire his brother. NOTBPW already has a strong tag division and appears to be preparing Dallas for a singles run. [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] No headline news from CGC. [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] Burning Hammer has made some big hires for the upcoming BHOTWG tour. Hires include UK stars Merle O' Curle and UK Dragon, from the US comes Nathan Coleman and Rhino Umaga, and from Japan comes Pistol Pete Hall. [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] No headline news from INSPIRE this month. [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] Fans everywhere rejoiced as Strong Style Yeoman recovers from his injury and heads back into the ring. On another note, small American promotion , Chicago City Wrestling, has adamantely defended American Elemental's skills and safety record. [/LIST][/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Match of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The MotM finally leaves Canada and finds its home in the United States. TCW stars Tommy Cornell and Troy Tornado put on a spectacular match at TCW Hotter Than Hell last week. Troy Tornado retains the TCW World Heavyweight title. A combination of high flying and excellent technical work really demonstrated how Tommy Cornell is one of the most skilled worker in America. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This month had a tie for the worst moments. USPE Demon Spite decided not to renew his contract with the company, leaving Demon Anger without a partner. On otherside recently unempl0yed wrestler Enygma has decided to try looking for positions overseas, his agent was reported trying to contact BHOTWZG, PGHW, and GCG for an available position.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, August 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=4]Next Show: [B]CCW Armageddon[/B][/SIZE]\ [B][U]Titan Challenges Tully to Burial Match[/U][/B][/CENTER] After his recent tag team win, Titan has used the influence of his "friend" Harry Wilson to get a shot at the title. With Harry's influence and as stipulated in the "open challenge" that Tully issued earlier, Titan has declared that this will be a burial match, with the winner being the person who places his opponent into a coffin and closes the lid. [Quote=Harry Wilson] "I'm pleased that my friend Titan is getting a title shot. Tully has served his purpose, but now it's time to make way for the next generation. Tully is old, outdated, and ready to be retired, and Titan is just the man to do that. Make way for the next CCW Champion." [/QUOTE] Due to the size of the workers involved, the coffin is going to be extra long and wide to fit either Titan or Tully's massive frames. [CENTER][B][U]Tag Team Round Robin Continues[/U][/B][/CENTER] This month Evil Power gets a chance at the titles. Dusty Bin and Evil Spirit will be fighting against the Lewis Brothers for the titles. Meanwhile, the Hardcore Icons and Nighttime Knights will be duking it out in a hardcore match earlier in the evening. [CENTER][B][U]Harry Wilson faces both Underdogs[/U][/B][/CENTER] In response to the the Underdogs' verbal attack last month, Harry announed that he is willingly booking himself into a handicap match versus both Underdogs. [QUOTE=Harry Wilson]"I have absolutely nothing to fear from these guys. There's no way that they can win against me, even if they're both in the ring at the same time. Heck, they'll probably do more damage to themselves then they could possibly do to me."[/QUOTE] Quick Picks: Dark Matches Ginko Kuroda vs. Kinuye Mushashibo Carnival Queen Kendra vs. Nadia Snow Regular Show: Kashmir Singh vs. Rex Reeves Harry Wilson vs. The Underdogs Hardcore Icons vs. Nighttime Knights Evil Power vs. Lewi Brothers (c) for CCW Tag Team Championship American Elemental vs. Dermot O'Logical Titan vs. Tully Arthurs (c) for CCW Championship
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Dark Matches [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] vs. Kinuye Mushashibo Carnival Queen Kendra vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] Regular Show: [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Rex Reeves [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. The Underdogs [B]Hardcore Icons[/B] vs. Nighttime Knights Evil Power vs. [B]Lewi Brothers[/B] (c) for CCW Tag Team Championship [B]American Elemental[/B] vs. Dermot O'Logical [B]Titan [/B](c) vs. Tully Arthurs for CCW Championship
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Quick Picks: Dark Matches [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] vs. Kinuye Mushashibo [I]Kuroda to get a win after losing the womens belt[/I] Carnival Queen Kendra vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] [I]I take it this is non title, in any case the New Womens champion needs to continue looking strong.[/I] Regular Show: [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Rex Reeves [I]I think Reeves will lose again, which will give Mikey further ammunition in his feud with Reeves, that Reeves is not good enough to 'protect' Jemma Griffiths.[/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. The Underdogs [I]They're called The Underdogs for a reason....they're both completely hopeless. [/I] [B]Hardcore Icons[/B] vs. Nighttime Knights [I]Pretty much a coinflip at this stage but I'll go for the Hardcore Icons[/I] Evil Power vs. [B]Lewis Brothers (c)[/B] for CCW Tag Team Championship [I]Lewis Brothers to retain[/I] [B]American Elemental[/B] vs. Dermot O'Logical [I]I couldn't possibly not go for American Elemental, who is head and shoulders above the rest of this fed in terms of in-ring talent. One has to wonder why he's 'slumming it' in a fed the calibre of CCW. [/I] Titan (c) vs. [B]Tully Arthurs[/B] for CCW Championship [I]Did I miss something here, when did Titan win the belt ?! ...I know he got the pin in the last match, but that wasn't for the title was it ?! Anyway I think Tully will win the match and 'regain' the title.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;381364] [I]Did I miss something here, when did Titan win the belt ?! ...I know he got the pin in the last match, but that wasn't for the title was it ?! Anyway I think Tully will win the match and 'regain' the title.[/I][/QUOTE] Whoops, put the (c) on the wrong person
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey guys, bad news. Due to changes in work and school I feel that I no longer have the time to dedicate to continuing this dynasty. I think I'll post up the match summaries to the end of the year, but I don't have the time or energy to devote to this anymore. Thank you very much for following me this far, I had a lot of fun and I hope to continue CCW in '08. My plan is that CCW will be taking 6 month off, and then resume when '08 will start. Any changes to the C-verse can be incorporated into that 6 month window, so if Tully Arthurs or Harry Wilson suddenly on the DAVE or NOTBPW roster, it can be explained away. So keep an eye out in the future for the contination of the little fed tha could. ================== Ginko Kuroda defeated Kinuye Mushashibo in 13:27 by pinfall. Rating: E+ Bill & Craig's Excellent Adventure (movie skit staring the Lewis Brothers) Rating: E- Nadia Snow defeated Carnival Queen Kendra in 14:10 by pinfall. Nadia Snow makes defence number 1 of her CCW Womens title. Rating: E- Rex Reeves defeated Kashmir Singh in 12:33 by pinfall with a Flying Headbutt. Rating: D- Harry Wilson defeated Underdogs in 7:19 when Harry Wilson defeated Jeremy Jazz by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also had Murderous Mikey run in and attack TJ Bailey. Rating: E+ Hardcore Icons defeated Nighttime Knights in 4:13 when Carlos Gonzalez defeated Sir Arthur by submission. Rating: E- Monique had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between her client Titan and Tully Arthurs. Rating: E- The Lewis Brothers defeated Evil Power in 3:46 when Bill Lewis defeated Evil Spirit by pinfall with a Lewis Spindog. The Lewis Brothers make defence number 2 of their CCW Tag Team Championship titles. Rating: E- Bill off his game American Elemental defeated Dermot O'Logical in 12:57 when Dermot O'Logical was put through a table. Rating: C- American Elemental vs. Dermot O'Logical has good chemistry We are backstage, where the camera catches Harry Wilson apparently slipping an envelope of money to referee Dale Kenney. Rating: D Titan defeated Tully Arthurs in 4:53 when Tully Arthurs was trapped. Titan wins the CCW Championship title. During the match, Harry interferes and attacks Tully, but the ref does not call the DQ, supposedly not seeing the event. Rating: D- Overall Rating: D-
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