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PWG 2007: Leading the Way... WITH COMEDY!

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[center][quote][size=3][font=Arial Black][b]PWG ROSTER[/b][/font][/size] [color=#0000FF]Austin Aries B-Boy[/color] [color=#FF0000]Bino Gambino[/color] [color=#0000FF]Bryan Danielson[/color] - PWG World Champion [color=#0000FF]Candice LaRae[/color] [color=#FF0000]Chris Bosh Chris Hero[/color] [color=#0000FF]Claudio Castagnoli[/color] [color=#FF0000]Davey Richards[/color] [color=#0000FF]Dino Winwood [/color]- Commissioner of Wrestling [color=#0000FF]Disco Machine El Generico[/color] - PWG World Tag Team Champion [color=#0000FF]Excalibur[/color] - Commissioner of Food & Beverage [color=#0000FF]Human Tornado Jack Evans[/color] [color=#FF0000]Jade Chung[/color] [color=#0000FF]Jay Briscoe[/color] [color=#FF0000]Joey Ryan Karl Anderson[/color] [color=#0000FF]Kevin Steen[/color] - PWG World Tag Team Champion [color=#FF0000]Lionheart[/color] [color=#0000FF]Mark Briscoe[/color] [color=#FF0000]Matt Sydal[/color] [color=#0000FF]Necro Butcher Nemesis PAC Phoenix Star Quicksilver[/color] [color=#FF0000]Ricky Reyes Rocky Romero Roderick Strong[/color] [color=#0000FF]Ronin Scorpio Sky[/color] [color=#FF0000]Scott Lost Super Dragon[/color] [color=#0000FF]Top Gun Talwar TJ Perkins Zorke[/color][/quote][/center] I'm starting out August '07.
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Thanks SHaynes23. Anyway, here's the first preview. [quote=ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com][color=#00FF00][size=3][b]We Want Some [i]Silicone Justice[/i] on August 5th[/b][/size][/color] [i]Posted by PWG Silverback[/i] Van Nuys, CA - Just one show from the Battle of Los Angeles, PWG wants to put on a show for it's fans, and Silicone Justice. [b]PWG World Heavyweight Championship; Three Way Dance "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson © vs. Masato Yoshino vs. "The Wrestling Machine" Austin Aries[/b] At [i]Giant-Size Annual #4[/i], Bryan Danielson defeated El Generico for the PWG World Heavyweight title right after Generico had won the PWG World Tag Team titles with Kevin Steen. While that same night a young Austin Aries defeated Rocky Romero to earn an entry in the Battle of Los Angeles, while Yoshino had not been seen since the [i]Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Tournament[/i] in May. So... why is Yoshino getting a title shot? Because he owns, that's why (and he put on an impressive performance against Ryo Saito at Dragon Gate's [i]Strong Emperor[/i]). This match will be Bryan Danielson's first defense of the PWG World title. Danielson pulled out a strong 38 title defenses in his reign as ROH Champ, but will his rule over PWG be the same? [b]PWG World Tag Team Championship "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen & "The Generic Luchadore" El Generico © vs. The Briscoe Brothers[/b] The tag team war that has raged through ROH since May comes to Pro Wrestling Guerrila! Except this time, the tables are turned, The Briscoes aren't the champs, "Steenerico" are. This match will be a straight 2-on-2 tag team with no crazy stipulation, just four men and their bare hands (and the title belts as well, I guess). Kevin Steen and El Generico just recently won the titles at [i]Giant-Size Annual #4[/i] while The Briscoe's took a night off. Had Steen and Generico not tried to take out The Briscoes, they would be having other random opponents picked out of a hat (seriously), but nope. Expect a match for the ages. [b]Ryo Saito vs. "The Savior" Chris Hero[/b] As mentioned above, this past Monday, July 30, Ryo Saito defeated Masato Yoshino in what was described to be a fantabolous contest between the two foreigners. We hear at PWG offices received a link on YouTube from a very generous unknown man on the internet (who also told us to meet him somewhere private. Hmm...) of the match. After watching the match and changing our pants, we instantaneously called Dragon Gate and set up a talent trade with them to acquire these two. After minutes of haggling, PWG got the men they wanted, and so, we've set one up in a World title shot, one in a match with Chris Hero, and (probably) both in the Battle of Los Angeles tournament. However, Chris Hero didn't really like what he heard when he caught wind of these, so he's promised to break Ryo Saito's neck tonight, or at least beat him. Will Hero end up ruining Ryo Saito's PWG debut? [b]30-Minute Ironman Match The Dynasty vs. Super Dragon, "The New Age Punisher" B-Boy, & "Mr. Intensity" Davey Richards[/b] Super Dragon and The Dynasty have had a long, checkered past, so when Super Dragon was told that he would get to pick his partner to face The Dynsaty, he knew exactly who he'd go to... well, sorta. He had to think about things, but then he decided. He'd go to... B-Boy and Davey Richards. This match is not only important due to the history behind it, but due to the future in front of it. If The Dynasty win, then all members get an entry into the Battle of Los Angeles, if they lose, then only Joey Ryan goes. Since so much is on the line, PWG Commissioner of Food & Beverage Excalibur convinced Dino Winwood to put a stipulation on this one. This match will be contested under 30 Minute Ironman rules. Which ever team has the most falls in 30 minutes gets the W. [b]Los Luchas vs. "Double C" Claudio Castagnoli & Matt Sydal[/b] Claudio Castagnoli and Matt Sydal have rarely teamed, but when they have, it's been a spectacle you must see to believe. They recently teamed to be delivered a loss against The Briscoe Brothers at ROH's [i]Respect Is Earned[/i], but tonight they face some... "easier" opponents in Phoenix Star and Zorke, aka Los Luchas. A win over Claudio and Sydal for Zorke and Star could easily put themselves in PWG World Tag Team title competition. While a win for Sydal and "Double C" might not be the same. Either way, come down to the Van Nuys Armory to check out what these two teams are all about! [b]"The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong vs. "The Man That Gravity Forgot" PAC[/b] At [i]Giant-Size Annual #4[/i], Roderick Strong and PAC lost the PWG Tag Team titles to "Steenerico." Roderick Strong has blamed PAC for the loss and vice-versa. Both men went to Dino Winwood and asked for the only way to solve their problems... MORTAL KOMBAT DEATH MATCH!!!!!one!! But Winwood said no, and instead booked them in a singles match. This bout should be an interesting one, pitting two former tag champs with two different styles against each other; Strong's "Backbreaker overkill/submission" and PAC's "high-flying overkill/nothing else." Which will win? [b]Rocky "Azucar" Romero, Necro Butcher, & Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson vs. "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans, Ricky Reyes, & "The King of Sting" Scorpio Sky[/b] This match was booked last minute when Jack Evans asked for a match pitting him against Rocky Romero. However, it was PWG Commissioner of Food & Beverage Excalibur who suggested that the match be a Six-Man Tag match, allowing both men to pick their partners. Dino Winwood agreed and booked the match, giving Romero and Evans two days to find their partners. After those two days, both men came back with their partners; Romero having Necro Butcher and Karl Anderson, while Evans has Ricky Reyes and Scorpio Sky. One thing is for certain, no one knows what the hell could happen tonight.[/quote]
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[quote=ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com][color="#00FF00"][size="3"][b]Silicone Justice Results[/b][/size][/color] We're here at the Van Nuys Armory in front of an awesome group of 922 Pro Wrestling Guerrilla fanatics!ys. The crowd turns to the curtain where none other than [b]Alex Shelley[/b] appears! Shelley, who hasn't been seen since Night Two of All Star Weekend V, walks to the ring and the Van Nuys crowd is stunned. Shelley tells Dino not to fear, because Alex Shelley is here! Shelley then says that the crowd has been promised a Three In the pre-show, [b]Bino Gambino[/b] defeats [b]Tony Kozina [/b]with a Double Underhook Side Slam while fans find their seats, drinks, and PWG merchandise. Bino celebrates as Kozina walks off, knowing no one in the arena cares that he lost... or that Gambino won for that matter. As the show opens up, PWG Commissioner of Wrestling [b]Dino Winwood[/b] comes down to the ring with the Commissioner of Food & Beverage, [b]Excalibur[/b]. Dino announces that due to PWG World Champion [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] missing his flight to Cali from Japan, the PWG World title will NOT be up for grabs. Winwood says that tonight's main event will instead simply be a singles match between [b]Masato Yoshino[/b] and[b] Austin Aries[/b]. Just as Dino utters those words, "Diamonds From Sierra Leone" by Kanye West plays! [b]Alex Shelley[/b] walks down to the ring to a shower of cheers. He enters the ring and grabs the mic. Shelley tells Dino Winwood that this crowd wants a Three Way Dance and they deserve a Three Way Dance! Dino ponders this statement for a second before turning to Shelley and exclaiming to the Heavens, that Shelley has got it! Tonight's main event will be Masato Yoshino versus Austin Aries versus Alex Shelley in a Three Way Dance with the winner earning himself a title shot on Night 3 of the Battle of Los Angeles! Winwood shakes Alex's hand and leaves with Excalibur as we cut to a backstage feed. [b]Austin Aries[/b] is seen backstage in his locker room. He says that [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] purposely missed his flight to escape losing his title to Austin Aries. He claims that Bryan Danielson skipped his flight, so he wouldn't have to wrestle Aries and [b]Masato Yoshino[/b]. Aries looks directly into the camera and claims that with every beat of his heart and every bit of blood flowing through his vains, Aries will come out winning tonight, and then he'll come on top against Bryan Danielson at the Battle of Los Angeles. After the [b]Austin Aries[/b] promo, we come to the ring where our announcers[b] Disco Machine[/b] and [b]Excalibur[/b] welcome us. For our first match, Top Gun Talwar goes over Lionheart (aka the fake Scorpio Sky) with ease. Lionheart got a bit of offense in, nailing a dropkick and a hurricanrana. Lionheart then went for a Tornado DDT, but Top Gun pushed him off. Lionheart quickly got up to his feet and was Irish whipped into the ropes for his trouble. Top Gun nailed a backdrop on Lionheart when he came back. Top Gun then exited the ring, lifted the apron up, and pulled out none other then "Tits McGee!" Top Gun entered the ring with the blow-up doll, as Lionheart got back up. Lionheart stumbled about, facing the crowd, before turning around and having a blow-up doll thrown at him. Lionheart threw the doll away and looked disgusted before being kneed in the gut and being nailed with the Dangah Zone! Referee Aaron Hassan counted the three at 6:41! Our second match was up next; [b]Los Luchas[/b] against [b]Claudio Castagnoli[/b] and [b]Matt Sydal[/b]. The match began with Claudio working over Phoenix Star, until he tagged in Sydal. Sydal and Star both used their high-flying skills in an attempt to one up each other. Eventually, Star hit a Springboard Moonsault that he overshot (on purpose). He grabbed Sydal's head and drove it into the mat for a Springboard Facebuster! Star then tagged in Zorke who hit off the ropes and went for a Springboard 430� Splash, but Sydal moved. Zorke hit chest first and was picked up by Sydal. Sydal dragged Zorke over to his corner where he tagged in Claudio. Sydal nailed a Slice Drop. Claudio picked up Zorke and nailed a UBS Neckbreaker, but Phoenix Star broke it up at two! Sydal climbed to the top rope and dove off nailing a non-pin version of the Dragonrana as Claudio picked Zorke up and nailed a Ricola Bomb! The ref counted the three at 14:25! We cut to a different feed of the ring for our third match of the night, [b]Human Tornado[/b], wit' his Numbah #1 Ho of [b]Candice LaRae[/b], versus[b] TJ Perkins[/b]. Tornado shouted at a fan who suggested he dance. Perkins did a horrible rendition of Carlton Banks' dance in attempt to have Tornado snap out of the ghetto, but Tornado seemed to be offended. Tornado attacked Perkins and the match was on. Both men pulled off an impressive showing in this one. Human Tornado went for the Tornado DDT early on in the match, but Perkins pushed Tornado off. Tornado landed on his his feet and ducked a clothesline attempt with style. Tornado then rolled through a crossbody from Perkins and stood up still carring the Artist Formerly Known as Puma. Tornado then went for a swinging side slam, only to have TJ counter it into an arm drag. Tornado rolled to his feet and was nailed with a dropkick that sent him back into the ropes. Perkins sent him off into the ropes, and when Tornado came back, Perkins went for the Puma Driver, but Tornado countered it by using the tilt-a-whirl to land to the right of Perkins. Tornado kneed TJ in the gut (really the balls), before nailing a Tornado DDT for the three at 11:19. Up next, Dragon Gate import [b]Ryo Saito[/b] took on PWG regular [b]Chris Hero[/b]. Hero showed of his talent of playing a cowardly heel by bailing out of the ring at the beginning when Saito got ANY offense in. Eventually Hero got back in the ring and both men locked up in a test of strength. However, Hero broke it up quickly with a cheap shot of a knee to the gut. Hero then Irish whipped Saito into the corner and charged at him, but Saito lifted his feet up and booted Hero in the head. Hero stumbled backwards as Saito climbed to the top and dove off, going for a diving hurricanrana, but Hero caught him. Hero tosses Saito up in the air and catches him in a cravate. Hero taunts the crowd, only to have Saito push Hero into the ropes. Hero comes back and goes for a clothesline, but Saito ducks it and nails a quick German suplex on Hero. Hero gets back up only to be nailed with a Shrimp Cooker (fisherman's suplex into sit-out powerbomb)! Saito holds him for the pin, but Hero kicks out at two. Saito picks Hero back up and goes for nails one fisherman's suplex, rolled into another, which is rolled into a third, which is rolled into a fourth! Saito stands back up, readies Hero, before dropping him in a fisherman's buster, completing the Fisherman Express! Saito covers Hero, but Chris Hero kicks out at two! The crowd claps in appreciation as Ryo Saito picks Hero up. Saito turns Hero around, locks the wrist, and goes for the Dragon suplex (aka the Premium Bridge), but Hero uses his right leg to nail a heel to the groin. Ryo releases the hold, as Hero hooks Ryo's head in a cravate. Hero nails the Cravate Buster, before picking up Saito. However, Saito nails a savate kick to Hero. Saito then goes for another fisherman's suplex, but Hero breaks the leg hold and turns it into a set-up for the Hero's Welcome. Hero taunts the crowd, before nailing Super Hero's Welcome! Hero gets the pin and the win at 18:13! [b]Chris Hero[/b] celebrated his win over the Dragon Gate regular by grabbing a microphone and doing what he loves best: talking. Hero starts off by calling himself the "Defender of America from Assorted Japanese Forces!" The crowd cheers and some chant Hero's new nickname. Hero soaks in the cheers, before turning the promo into a complaint on not being in the main event. Hero says that he owns both [b]Austin Aries[/b] and [b]Masato Yoshino[/b], but especially Yoshino. Hero claims that at the Battle of Los Angeles, he will defeat Masato Yoshino and go on to win the tournament, which he will use to skyrocket into the PWG World title, which he'll use to propel himself up into the top of wrestling. Hero then claimed that at the BOLA, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla would see a spectacle by the "Defender of America from Assorted Japanese Forces" Chris Hero! Hero dropped the mic and exited the ring. Up next was one of our two six-man tag matches, but this one pitted [b]Jack Evans[/b], [b]Ricky Reyes[/b], and [b]Scorpio Sky[/b] against [b]Rocky Romero[/b], [b]Necro Butcher[/b], and [b]Karl Anderson[/b]. The match went shorter than expected, with a lot of the crowd expecting a good twenty minutes, but only received about ten of those minutes. The match was ok. Evans started off against Butcher and was... [i]butchered[/i] (hehe). Eventually, Necro went for a powerbomb, but Evans pushed off his shoulders and landed in front of him. Evans hit off the ropes behind him, came back and nailed a somersault heel kick to the face that gave Evans enough time to tag in Ricky Reyes. Reyes came in and worked over Necro for a bit, until Necro nailed a Death Valley Driver that stopped Reyes in his tracks. Necro tagged in Rocky to some cheers to the crowd. Rocky then kicked away at Reyes, before settinh himself up for the roundhouse kick to the head, but stopped and tagged in Anderson. Romero hopped to the outside and claimed he was done doing what the fans wanted. Anderson entered the ring and picked up Reyes. He went for a DVD, but Reyes countered and by pushing off and landing behind Anderson. Reyes nailed a German suplex and started taking over the match, until Romero entered the ring and attacked Reyes. Scorpio Sky climbed to the top and nailed a missile dropkick that sent Romero back into his corner. Necro ran in, as did Jack, and attacked Scorpio Sky, before dumping him out of the ring. Necro and Scorpio brawled for a bit, as Reyes dealed with Romero, nailing a Scoop Brainbuster. Anderson seemed to have taken down Evans, when Reyes nailed a Scoop Brainbuster on him! Evans stood up and quickly climbed to the turnbuckle and nailed a Diving 630 Senton for the win at 10:55! It's intermission time, and we're backstage to see [b]Alex Shelley[/b]. Shelley talks about not being in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla since All Star Weekend. He then cuts all the nostalgic crap and starts gettin' down ta business. Shelley tells the camera that no matter whether he stays here for one night, two nights, or a whole year, Alex Shelley will rule the world over and he will do that which no one has done before. He won't have to do some flippy-floppy moves like Masato Yoshino. He won't have to do a 708,564,034 degree flip to get over. No, he will cr- Shelley stops mid sentence before looking at his watch. "Oh ****, massage time." Shelley runs off as the camera stays locked on where he sat. We come to the ring for our next match, pitting two former tag champs against each other in [b]Roderick Strong[/b] versus [b]PAC[/b]. PAC used his impressive high-flying skills against Roderick and threw Roderick off his game. At least until about seven minutes in, Roderick caught PAC attempting a crossbody and nailed a fall-away slam over the ropes and down to the floor. Strong then exited the ring and went to town on PAC. Roderick tossed PAC back in after using the guard rail as a temporary replacement for his knee. PAC slowly climbs to his feet only to be nailed with a side slam backbreaker. Strong covers PAC, but the resilient Brit kicks out. Strong climbs to his feet and picks PAC. He places PAC on the ropes and just started chopping away. However the chops seem to awake the fire within PAC, as he starts chopping his way off the ropes. PAC now has Strong in the center of the ring. He hits off the ropes and goes for a springboard crossbody! But Strong catches him and drops him immediately on his knee, crushing PAC's ribs! Strong immediately picks up PAC and nails a vicious Half Nelson Backbreaker! Strong covers PAC, but amazingly only gets a two! Strong stands up quickly and lifts the now limp PAC up to his feet. Strong nails a Gibson Driver and covers PAC, but PAC kicks out at two! Strong picks PAC back up to his feet and lifts him up in the crucifix. He goes for the CX '02, but PAC counters by pushing off Strong's shoulders, causing Strong to land backfirst on the mat. PAC nails a standing moonsault which he uses to cover Strong, but Roderick kicked out. Both men stand up after the failed pinfall attempt, but it is PAC who nails the first move, it being a running dropkick on Strong. PAC then quickly climbs to the turnbuckle. He looks out to the crowd, before diving off and nailing a Shooting Star Leg Drop! PAC covers, 1..., 2... KICK OUT! PAC then quickly stands up to his feet and climbs the turnbuckle a second time, as Roderick comes to his feet. PAC dives off for a missile dropkick, but Strong catches the feet and quickly turns the dropkick attempt into a Stronghold! After about half-a-minute of pain, PAC gives up and taps at 19:48! The crowd gives both competitors a standing ovation! Up next is our second Six-Man Tag match, this one being contested under 30:00 Ironman rules. [b]The Dynasty[/b] of [b]Joey Ryan[/b], [b]Scott Lost[/b], and[b] Chris Bosh[/b] against [b]Super Dragon[/b], [b]Davey Richards[/b], and [b]B-Boy[/b] with the stipulation that is The Dynasty lose, then Chris Bosh and Scott Lost will NOT be in the Battle of Los Angeles. B-Boy and Scott Lost started it off, with B-Boy gaining the upper hand earlier on. B-Boy went for the One Hitter Quitter, but Scott countered by rolling him up from behind and gaining a two. Both men roll up to their feet. B-Boy goes for another clothesline, but Lost ducks it and rolls him again, this time near The Dynasty's corner. Bosh pulls one of Lost's arms, gaining him more leverage and allowing [b]The Dynasty to go on the lead 1-0![/b] Lost tags in Ryan who enters the ring hooks B-Boy in front facelock. He then nails several elbows to the head, until B-Boy swipes his legs out from under him. B-Boy nails a vicious stomp right to the face that causes Joey Ryan to grab his face and squirm on the mat. B-Boy tags in Super Dragon as Ryan stands up. Dragon goes directly to Ryan, who tags in Bosh to get away from SD. Chris Bosh enters the ring as both men go to lock up, well, Bosh does, Dragon floats around the back and nails an elbow to the spine. Dragon lifts Bosh up and nails a dragon suplex! Bosh quickly stands up and tags in Scott Lost back in. Scott enters the ring reluctantly, only to come out with a knee to the gut and Irish whip to the ropes. Super Dragon came back and quickly countered a backdrop attempt into a backslide, but Lost kicks out at two. Both men roll up to their feet, but Dragon's the one with the momentum as he knees Lost in the gut and drops him with a DDT. Dragon covers, kick out at two. Super Dragon picks Scott Lost back up and goes for a Psycho Driver, but Lost counters by rolling off and landing behind Dragon. Lost quickly rolls Dragon up and gets a quick three count to give [b]The Dynasty the 2-0 lead[/b] at the half-way mark. Lost stands up and tags in Joey Ryan (again). Dragon rolls up and just flat-out attacks Ryan. Dragon grabs Ryan's hair and drags him over to Dragon's corner. Dragon tags in Davey Richards who enters the ring and knocks Ryan to the mat. Richards quickly locks in a surfboard, as Dragon climbs to the top rope. Dragon dives off and lands a double stomp across Ryan's mid-section, as Richards continues to apply the surfboard. Richards finally releases the hold after a couple seconds, before rolling to his feet. Richards picks up a groggy Ryan up to his feet. Davey Richards underhooks the hands and goes for one of the D.R. Driver's, but Joey Ryan turns out of the underhook, before nailing a forearm to the face. Joey Ryan goes to send Richards into the ropes, but he counters by nailing the handspring enziguri known as the Damage Reflex! Ryan stumbles back into the ropes, as Richards stands to his feet. Richards catches Ryan and lifts him up onto his shoulders. Richards drops Ryan with a Go 2 Sleep 2.0! Ryan stands after the move, but with a dazed look. Davey Richards uses this to underhook the arms and nail the D.R. Driver II! Richards covers for the three count [b]that makes the match 2-1![/b] With about seven minutes left, Richards stood up to his feet as Ryan attempted to come to, but he seemed to be groggy from the three consecutive shots to the head. Davey picked Ryan up and underhooked the hands again, but this time Ryan turns it out again. He nails a forearm just like last time, but instead of Irish whipping Richards, Ryan pushes Richards back, before nailing a That 70s Superkick! Ryan then clotheslined Richards down and tagged in Chris Bosh who entered the ring with a ****y swagger. Bosh grabbed Richards and pulled him up to his feet. Bosh shouted out "I got the Lion**** that will shock!" before wails away at Richards forehead with fists, until Davey Richards pushes Bosh back into the corner. Richards steadies himself and challenges Bosh to run at him. Bosh takes him up on the challenge and goes for a shoulder block, but Richards still stands. Bosh does it again, yet Richards stands. Richards challenges him to do it a third time, which Bosh goes for, but Davey outsmarts Bosh by nailing a belly-to-belly suplex when Bosh comes back. Bosh stands up and stumbles backwards right into a backdrop driver from Davey! Davey then tags in Super Dragon as Bosh stands up. Dragon grabs Bosh and lifts him up for a powerbomb. Davey helps in, nailing a Powerbomb/Lung Blower combo! Dragon then grabs Bosh and lifts him up onto his shoulder. PSYCHO DRIVER! Dragon covers, but Scott Lost breaks it up with about three minutes left! Lost nails some punches to Dragon only to be hit with a flurry of punches and kicks, before being nailed with a Roaring Elbow! Dragon covers Lost, but Joey Ryan breaks it up. Dragon nails the same flurry of offense, before being nailed with an uppercut to the groin from Bosh! Davey and B-Boy both enter the ring to even the odds. Ryan grabs Dragon and dumps him over the ropes and follows, as B-Boy and Richards work on Arrogance. Richards lifts Chris Bosh up and locks in the Horse Collar. B-Boy then comes out of the opposite side of the ring, nailing a Shining Wizard to Bosh's hanging head! Davey is forced to release the hold when Lost nails the Superman Spear! All while this happens, Ryan and Dragon brawl on the outside of the ring, until Dragon nails another Roaring Elbow. Dragon climbs to the apron, but Ryan quickly follows. Ryan nails several forearms to the back of the head, before nailing the Mustache Ride off the apron! Right as the Mustache Ride off the apron occurs, Lost covers Richards with about two minutes left, but it's broken up thanks to B-Boy picking Lost up. B-Boy quickly nails the Criss-Cross Driver II! B-Boy covers, but Lost kicks out. With about 1:50 left, B-Boy picks Lost back up. Richards climbs up to his feet and picks up Chris Bosh. B-Boy criss-cross Lost's arms as Richards underhooks Bosh's arms. They look at each other and nail the Criss-Cross Driver and the D.R. Driver at the same time! Both men cover, but Joey Ryan breaks up both pins. Ryan nails punches to both men as they get up with one minute left! Ryan stands in between the two men, who both nail a kick to the gut. Richards grabs Joey Ryan and tosses him over the ropes. Joey, however, lands on his feet, only to be nailed with a suicide dive! B-Boy picked Scott Lost up and went for the One Hitter Quitter, but Lost pushed off and landed right behind B-Boy. B-Boy turned around, only to be lifted onto Bosh's shoulders out of nowhere. Scott Lost hooked B-Boy's head and Arrogance hit a Gutbuster/Cutter combo! Lost covered B-Boy with about 15 seconds left for the three count [b]that put The Dynasty up 3-1![/b] With 10 seconds left, Scott Lost quickly picked up B-Boy, steadied him, and allowed Bosh to hit the Maximum Bosh! Bosh covered with less than 5 seconds left for the three count [b]to give The Dynasty a 4-1 lead as the clock runs out![/b] The Van Nuys crowd gives a mixed reaction, half cheering the match, half booing [b]The Dynasty[/b]. [i]Davey Richards[/i] entered the ring and looked at[b] B-Boy[/b] who was nearly knocked out. He looked up and was met with the Maximum Bosh! [b]Joey Ryan[/b] grabbed a microphone and shouted out that The Dynasty was going straight to the top, and it starts with the Battle of Los Angeles! We come to another feed of the ring which is our PWG World Tag Team Championship match. [b]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/b] against [b]The Briscoe Brothers[/b] in what is sure to be a great match. Mark and Steen started out. Both men locked up and went into stalemate mode with neither man being able to get an advantage. The lock-up was broken, but both men locked up again shortly after. However, this time Kevin Steen was able to get the advantage. He backed Mark Briscoe up into the corner, but the referee asked for a clean break. He didn't receive it as Steen nailed a punch and Irish whipped Mark into the opposite corner. Mark hit the turnbuckle and was near immediately clotheslined. Steen pulled Briscoe out of the corner and nailed a back suplex. Steen covered, but only got a count of one. Steen then picked Mark Briscoe back up and went for a superkick, but Briscoe caught the foot, threw it down, and hits Kevin Steen with a saito suplex! Cover, but a kickout at two. Mark climbs to his feet and tags in Jay. Jay climbs to the turnbuckle as Mark nails the Briscoe Barrage of throat thrusts, before Irish whipped Steen into the Briscoes' corner, but before he hits the turnbuckle, Jay Briscoe dives off and nails a missile dropkick. Steen climbs up to his feet as both Briscoes set themselves up for something. An uppercut from Mark, leg lariat from Jay. Steen gets back up only to be met with a jawbreaker from Mark, followed by a running big boot from Mark, finished with a reverse STO from Jay! Jay covers Steen, but he kicks out at two. Jay climbs to his feet and grabs Steen by the arm. Jay tags Mark back in and lifts Steen up to his feet. Both men trade places, but Jay climbs to the turnbuckle again. Mark lifts Steen horizontally as Jay dives off. The Briscoes nail a Sidewalk Slam/Leg Drop combination. Another cover, another kick out. Mark stands up and waits as Steen climbs to his feet. Briscoe throws an elbow, only to have Steen throw one back. Elbow from Mark! Elbow from Steen! Another elbow! These men are trading elbows like Yu-Gi-Oh Cards, except the elbows don't suck! After a crucial fifteen seconds of elbow trading, Steen ducks one elbow and uses the chance to nail a Sidewinder Suplex! Steen covers, but Mark Briscoe kicks out. Kevin Steen stands up and tags in "The Generic Luchadore." El Generico climbs to the turnbuckle as Steen goes out on the apron. Generico dives off and nails a moonsault on Mark! Generico stands back up, runs to the ropes, and nails a springboard moonsault! Generico quickly picks Mark up. Brainbuster! Cover, but Jay breaks it up right before three! Jay picks Generico up and wails at him, before pulling him into a sitout suplex-slam! Kevin Steen climbs to the turnbuckle as Jay stands up. Jay turns around and is met with Kevin Steen landing right on top of him with a moonsault! All men are layed out inside the ring as the crowd cheers. Kevin Steen rolls out of the ring and pulls El Generico out with him. Steen and Generico catch their breath as Jay Briscoe comes to. Jay exits the ring and goes straight to the champs, clobbering them with forearms. However, Steen and Generico eventually take control and beat Jay Briscoe down to the mat, as Mark Briscoe comes to. Mark Briscoe stands up and climbs the turnbuckle. The crowd climbs to their feet, realizing what's going to happen. Steen, Generico, and Jay look up and see a Mark Briscoe diving at them in a Shooting Star Press Plancha! All four men collapse to the floor as the crowd cheers! Our announcers go crazy! Mark Briscoe is the first up. He picks El Generico up and tosses him into the ring. Generico rolls to his feet and is lifted up onto Mark's shoulders. Mark gets a running start and nails the Cut-Throat Death Valley Driver! We're gonna have new champs! Mark covers El Generico, but Kevin Steen breaks it up at two! Steen grabs Mark and pulls him to his feet, but Mark Briscoe nails a vicious elbow right to Steen's jaw! Mark Briscoe runs at Kevin Steen and clotheslines Steen (and himself) over the ropes! Both men land on the floor, but Briscoe isn't going to stay down. Mark Briscoe nails punches after punches at a downed Steen, all while Jay Briscoe enters the ring. Jay climbs to the turnbuckle and dives off, going for a leg drop, but El Generico moves out of the way. Generico climbs to his feet and grabs Jay. He attempts to throw Jay over the ropes, but Jay lands on the apron. Jay then grabs Generico's mask and pulls him onto the apron, but Generico nails a headbutt the minute he readies himself. Generico hooks Jay's head and lifts him up. Generico then dives off the apron. Both men crash into the guard rail. Brainbustaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Mark Briscoe stands up and picks Kevin Steen back to his feet. Mark grabs a guard rail and moves it away, allowing the two access into the crowd. Mark then lifts Steen up onto his shoulders. PWG security guards move the fans away, to save them from a Cut-Throat Death Valley Driver on a set of chairs! Oh my God! El Generico grabs a now bleeding Jay Briscoe on the other side of the ring and tosses him into the ring. Generico enters him self as Jay stands up. Generico takes Jay and drags him to the turnbuckle. El Generico climbs to the second rope and hooks Jay Briscoe's head. He lifts Jay up and drops his head on the turnbuckle! Brainbustaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Generico covers Jay, as Mark Briscoe stands up from the fallen chairs. Mark slides into the ring as the refs starts counting. 1... 2... 3!!! Kevin Steen and El Generico retain at 28:45! Mark breaks it up just a second too late! El Generico rolls out of the ring and helps Kevin Steen up to his feet! Generico hands Steen his PWG World Tag Team belt. Both men head up the ramp as Mark makes sure Jay isn't TOO badly hurt. And finally, our main event, [b]Austin Aries[/b] versus [b]Alex Shelley[/b] versus [b]Masato Yoshino[/b] in a Three Way Dance, with the winner receiving a PWG World Heavyweight Championship shot at Battle of Los Angeles Night 3. The bell rings and all three men tense up as they gather in a circle. Eventually, the circle becomes smaller and smaller, until Shelley knees Yoshino in the gut and the circle is broken. Shelley nails a forearm to the back, before setting Yoshino up to stand up straight. Shelley nails a chop, but Aries stops his attempt of an attack on Yoshino with a foot to the gut. Aries throws a couple rights, before Irish whipping Shelley into the ropes. Bad idea. Shelley counters it into a springboard clothesline. Shelley covers Aries, but Austin kicks out at two. Shelley climbs up to his feet is met with a diving Masato Yoshino. Yoshino hooks Shelley's head and nails a diving hurricanrana that causes Shelley to flip, as Aries rolls up. Yoshino runs back at Shelley, but Shelley ducks the clothesline. Shelley wraps his arms around Yoshino's waist and legs him up off his feet, but Yoshino counters any attempt into an arm drag. Both men roll up. Shelley runs at Yoshino, but is nailed with a running forearm to shot to the head. Shelley falls to the left, as Aries stands over him. Aries talks some trash for a second, before being nailed with a springboard tornado DDT from Yoshino. The Japanese import covers Aries, but Austin kicks out at two. Shelley picks Yoshino up and nails some elbow shots to the spine, before lifting Yoshino up for a back suplex, but instead Shelley drops him in an assisted leg drop on Aries. Shelley hits off the ropes to the side of him and nails a dropkick to Yoshino's temple. Shelley grabs Aries' arm and pulls him to his feet. Shelley goes for the same move that Yoshino countered, and this time nails it. He then crawls up to Aries head, places it between his legs, and nails the Skull ****! Aries head smashes against the mat several times, before Shelley stands back up. Shelley grabs Yoshino and goes for an Irish whip, but Yoshino countered by holding onto Shelley's hands, jumping to the second rope, and then the rope. Yoshino runs across the ropes until he reaches mid-way, where he jumps off and nails a hurricanrana that sends both men over the ropes! The crowd cheers on the two, as they are laid out in the ring. Aries stands back up, as does Shelley and Yoshino. Shelley and Yoshino brawl outside of the ring, as Aries hits off the ropes behind him. He runs at the two, and dives through the ropes with a suicide dive. Shelley was lucky enough to get out of dodge, which only left Yoshino to take the attack. Aries flat-out CRUSHED Yoshino against the steel guard rail! Shelley took advantage of this by quickly pulling Yoshino up and tossing him into the ring. Shelley slides in himself and quickly picks Yoshino up. Shelley sets up for and nails the Shellshock! He covers Masato Yoshino, and we're done to one-on-one! Shelley stands back up and looks out to the crowd, before exiting the ring. He picks Austin up, only to be lifted up and dropped with a flapjack on the guard rail! Aries then hooked Alex's head and leg, before nailing a Fisherman's Buster on the edge of the canvas! Aries grabs Shelley by the head and rolls him in the ring. Aries climbs onto the apron as Shelley stands back. Aries jumps to the top rope and dives off in a springboard forearm shot! Aries covers Shelley, but he kicks out at two. Aries stands up and pulls Shelley to his feet. Aries Irish whips Shelley into the ropes, but Shelley dives through the top and middle ropes and lands on his feet. Aries hits off the ropes, and uses the top rope to nail a spinning crossbody! Aries picks Shelley back up and rolls him back inside the ring. Aries covers Shelley, but Alex kicks out at two again. Aries stands up and pulls Shelley to his feet. Aries hits off the ropes, comes back, and hits a running elbow that causes Shelley to stumble back into the ropes. Aries then lifts Aries up and drops him in a shin breaker which he uses to follow into a leg-hook Saito suplex. Aries hits some repeated knee strikes to Shelley's head, before locking in the Muta Lock! Shelley attempts to get his hand to the ropes and eventually does. Aries then rolls up to his feet, still holding on to Shelley's head. Aries lifts Shelley up, hooks the arm, and nails the Brainbuster! Aries covers, 1..., 2..., no, kickout! Aries stands back up. He lifts Shelley up for the Brainbuster, but Shelley counters and lands back down on his feet. Shelley then quickly nails a Shellshock! Shelley covers Aries, but Austin Aries kicks out at two! Shelley climbs to his feet and catches his breath as Aries stands up. Shelley then runs at Aries, catches his head, and goes for the Sliced Bread #2, but Aries pushes Shelley off. Shelley hits his back on the mat, but rolls up immediately. Shelley ducks a clothesline and lifts Aries onto his shoulders, but Austin counters into a Crucifix Bomb! Aries quickly picks Shelley up and nails a second Brainbuster! Shelley then climbs to the turnbuckle, looks at Aries, and dives off, nailing the 430 Splash! Aries covers Shelley, 1..., 2..., 3! We have a winner at 26:44. Aries has his arm raised as we cut to one more backstage feed. We see [b]Kevin Steen[/b] and [b]El Generico[/b] backstage with their titles on their shoulders. Steen does most of the talking, and says that at Night 1 of Battle of Los Angeles, Steen and Generico will put their titles on the line in a Van Nuys Street Fight against [b]The Briscoe Brothers[/b]. Steen also says that he has persuaded Dino Winwood to put Generico and Steen's BoLA match off until Night 2. Steen says something to Generico, who yells out "OLE!" and pulls water bottle out his tights. He starts dancing around, spraying the water everywhere, as Steen looks on. Generico stops and yells out "OLE!" Generico looks at Steen who shakes his head and says "what the hell?" under his breath. The feed ends... and that's a wrap.[/quote] I seem to be off on my first show of a diary since I'm usually used to writing a different style for a different promotion. I know it's a lot to read, but please, take some time to read it or just at least skim through it. Don't blame me if the attendance is unrealistic. In the game, the Van Nuys Armory apparently holds 1,000 people. No idea how much it truly does. There'll probably be an update later today.
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News Some news... [quote]That was a success. 922 people bought tickets for the show. I looked around to see what people were saying about the show. "Better than the bigger promotions efforts." I read that on many sites, including the PWG message boards. Along with that, fans were disappointed that Danielson didn't show. I also read Tiger Mask IV was out with a Torn Rotator Cuff. He was injured in a match Six-Man Tag, his partners being Gedo and Naofumi Yamamoto against Giant Bernard, Shinya Makabe (who also is out with a Distended Anus), and Koji Kanemoto. ROH went to the UK again. Both of their titles changed, The Hangmen 3 beat The Briscoe Brothers for the ROH Tag titles while Roderick Strong beat Takeshi Morishima for the ROH World title. Congrats for Roderick, I'll be sure to use this in future storylines. I got an email from Bryan Danielson. I opened it up expecting an apology for missing the show. I didn't get one. Instead, what I read caused my jaw to drop. At ROH's UK show, Bryan Danielson was injured during a match with Jimmy Jacobs. He went to a hospital where they found something wrong. They looked into it further, and found out he had a tumor in his brain. He would be out indefinitely and probably wouldn't be able to come back to wrestling. I took a deep sigh and stared at the computer. ****. I had no idea what to do. Not only was he my champion, but I had planned for him to hold it for a long time. I sent a reply back to Danielson, telling him that he'd beat this. He'd win. I hit "Send" and then went to post it on the site.[/quote] [quote=ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com][size=3][b]Bryan Danielson Out[/b][/size] Pro Wrestling Guerrilla is sad to say that Bryan Danielson will be out indefinitely, due to a tumor. Bryan Danielson was injured at an ROH event in Liverpool, England that caused him to go the hospital. What appeared to be a simple couple of days in the hospital will turn out to be a couple of weeks. After finding something unusual, doctors located a tumor. Obviously, this tumor will cause Danielson to give up wrestling for over a year and relinquish any title he holds, which includes the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan Danielson's scheduled title defense against Austin Aries has been changed. Instead, the winner of the Battle of Los Angeles will fight Austin Aries for the vacant PWG World Heavyweight Championship. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla would also like to take this time to announce that from now on, the first show of the New Year will be the annual Bryan Danielson Cup, highlighting the best of all of talents in wrestling. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and it's roster and it's fans would like to wish Bryan Danielson a speedy recovery and wish that Danielson will once again return to the wrestling ring.[/quote]
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Battle of Los Angeles. Yeah. [quote=ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com][size=3][b]BoLA Participants Announced[/b][/size] [b]1) Chris Hero[/b] - Hero has talked to Dino Winwood about being the first entrant into the Battle of Los Angeles, and thanks to Austin Aries' win at Silicone Justice and Hero's own win against Ryo Saito, Hero has done just that. Hero has recently dubbed himself the "Defender of America From Assorted Japanese Forces" and will hope to face at least one person from the "Assorted Japanese Forces." Unfortunately, Björk Guðmundsdóttir will not be in attendance... she's Japanese isn't she? [b]2) Joey Ryan 3) Scott Lost 4) Chris Bosh[/b] (2005 winner) - The Dynasty got what they wanted when they defeated Super Dragon's Super Team of himself, B-Boy, and Davey Richards 4-to-1 in an Ironman match. What did they want? A lifetime supply of Burger King... but they also wanted to have the entire Dynasty (minus Jade Chung) enter the Battle of Los Angeles, and with that win mentioned before, they got exactly that. (Note: Dino Winwood has promised The Dynasty a lifetime supply of Burger King if they win BOLA) [b]5) El Generico 6) Kevin Steen[/b] - Kevin Steen & El Generico have recently been embroiled in a feud with The Briscoe Brothers that recently almost cost them the PWG World Tag Team titles, but luckily for "Steenerico," Generico was lucky enough to nail a Brainbustaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! PWG management hopes that these two teams can settle their feud in a Van Nuys Street Fight at Night 1, but just incase, we've made it a possibility that these two teams could meet up during the tournament. [b]7) Matt Cross[/b] - Matt Cross hasn't been seen since Night Two of All Star Weekend 4 when he teamed with Frankie Kazarian to lose to Arrogance, now, Cross has one thing on his mind: to become the 2007 winner of the Battle of Los Angeles, and with his talents, Cross may just be able to do that. [b]8) Matt Sydal[/b] - Matt Sydal has been rumored to be in talks with the WWE, and if so, what would be the best way to go out? Winning the Battle of Los Angeles and proving his worth in the world of wrestling. [b]9) PAC[/b] - PAC is a high-flying Brit that can take a beating, yet still have enough in himself to pull out a victory. He's impressed fans across the pond thanks to his skills. PAC is usually an underdog in his matches and this tournament is no different. [b]10) Nigel McGuinness[/b] - Nigel McGuinness is in it to win it... or say he says. Nigel is not a regular in PWG, in fact, he hasn't appeared in a Pro Wrestling Guerrilla wrestling ring before, but at Battle of Los Angeles, that will all change. Nigel is a pure wrestler's pure wrestler and hopes to bring more prestige to the PWG World Heavyweight title. [b]11) Alex Shelley[/b] - The man behind the camera is ready and willing to win. Shelley made his at least three-night return to PWG when he substituted for Bryan Danielson in a Three-Way Dance against Austin Aries and Masato Yoshino in which a win would give you a title shot at Night Three. But since the unfortunate happened and Danielson was found with a tumor, the match turned out to be a match against the winner of the Battle of Los Angeles for the PWG World Heavyweight title. Shelley hopes to use these three shows as an attempt to win the title, win the tournament, and catch up on his camera skillz. [b]12) Super Dragon[/b] - The 4th ever PWG World Heavyweight Champ will hope to become the second ever 2 time PWG Champ. Super Dragon has had a long-standing feud with The Dynasty and at Silicone Justice, Dragon got a chance to put only one of those men into the tournament, but unfortunately, The Dynasty prevailed and instead have all three members in the Battle of Los Angeles. Though, the only chance Super Dragon will get of facing one of The Dynasty will be if he and a Dynasty member make it to the finals. [b]13) Davey Richards[/b] (2006 winner) - Davey Richards used the Battle of Los Angeles and the Super 8 tournament to sky rocket him into higher places, but Richards has not forget the littler people. Richards hopes to become the first ever two time Battle of Los Angeles winner, as well as the first ever consecutive Battle of Los Angeles winner. [b]14) Jay Briscoe 15) Mark Briscoe[/b] - The Briscoe Brothers are currently embroiled in a feud with Kevin Steen and El Generico over the PWG World Tag Team Championships. The Briscoes were the ROH World Tag Team Champs, but thanks to "Steenerico" they lost that to The Hangmen Three. Now, they want revenge, and the best way to do that is defeat Generico and Steen in a Van Nuys Street Fight at Night 1 for the PWG World Tag Team titles. However, win or loss, The Briscoes are also going to be fighting the next night, with both men having having a good chance of facing their current rivals. [b] 16) Kenzo Suzuki[/b] - Probably the most surprising entrant, Kenzo Suzuki is a wrestler who should not be taken for granted. Kenzo has skills that he can use to break out in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and even get a chance to win the PWG World Heavyweight Championship. [b]17) Ryo Saito[/b] - One of the many fly-ins for the tournament, Ryo Saito made his PWG debut at the last show, Silicone Justice, in a loss to Chris Hero. Saito enjoyed his experience in PWG and is glad to be back for the Battle of Los Angeles! [b]18) Roderick Strong[/b] - Roderick Strong has been a regular since 2005 and since then, he has held the PWG World Tag Team titles twice, with Davey Richards and PAC. Currently, Strong is the FIP World Heavyweight Champion and the ROH World Heavyweight Champion, which was originally done by Bryan Danielson. Now, Strong has another thing on his mind. That's becoming the first ever simultaneous FIP, ROH, and PWG World Heavyweight Champion, but he can only do that by winning the Battle of Los Angeles and defeating former friend, stablemate, Tag Team Champion, and partner, Austin Aries. [b]19) Human Tornado[/b] - Human Tornado has recently changed in his attitude. What used to be a fun-loving, dancing, fan-entertaining wrestler is now a ghetto supasta. Tornado has added a mean streak to himself and has gotten some small success with it. However, a Battle of Los Angeles win is no small success. And with that new mean streak, Human Tornado would have no problem winning the tournament. [b]20) Jack Evans[/b] - Jack Evans is one of the best wrestlers to appear in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla that hasn't won some gold. But as you know, a BOLA win would definitely give Evans the boost to finally be able to wrap some gold around his waist and call himself the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Heavyweight Champion. And you 'dis... maaannnnnnn! [b] 21) B-Boy[/b] - B-Boy has announced that 2007 is his last year in wrestling. With the New Year inching closer and closer, the rest of B-Boy's wrestling tenure is not going to last long, but a Battle of Los Angeles win would be a great way to go out with a bang! [b]22) Claudio Castagnoli[/b] - Claudio made his debut in PWG back in 2005 when he lost to Joey Ryan at Zombies Shouldn't Run. Since then, Claudio has appeared semi-regularly. Last year, Claudio was defeated in the first round by Jack Evans. He hopes to go farther this year and even crack the finals and get a PWG World Heavyweight title match. [b] 23) Masato Yoshino[/b] - Masato Yoshino first appeared in PWG during the DDT Tag tournament, teaming with Naruki Doi. They defeated Arrogance in the first round, but went to lose to the eventual winners Roderick Strong and PAC. After that, neither Doi nor Yoshino were seen until Silicone Justice when Yoshino returned in a Three Way Dance against Austin Aries and Alex Shelley (sub for Bryan Danielson). Yoshino was eliminated first by Shelley, but pulled out an impressive enough showing to be invited back for the Battle of Los Angeles. [b] 24) Naomichi Marufuji[/b] - Naomichi Marufuji is probably the Tournament's best foreigner. Naomichi has not yet appeared for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, but decided to make his debut on a show where he could potentially become the first Japanese PWG World Heavyweight Champion. Naomichi has appeared in Ring of Honor before in an attempt to make a name in America, which the Battle of Los Angeles is known for. A win here for Naomichi could provide him the extra boost to become a well-known name to wrestling fans across the nation. In the end, the finals brackets are as followed. [b]Block A Matches[/b] "The New Age Punisher" B-Boy vs. "Defend of America From Assorted Japanese Forces" Chris Hero Ryo Saito vs. Super Dragon Human Tornado vs. "M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross "The Man Behind the Camera" Alex Shelley vs. Nigel McGuinness [b]Block B Matches[/b] "Lion****" Chris Bosh vs. "The Professional" Scott Lost Joey "Magnum" Ryan vs. Matt Sydal "The Most Money Making Man" Claudio Castagnoli vs. "The Generic Luchadore" El Generico Jay Briscoe vs. Kenzo Suzuki [b]Block C Matches[/b] Davey Richards vs. "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans Masato Yoshino vs. Roderick Strong "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen vs. "The Man That Gravity Forgot" PAC Mark Briscoe vs. Naomichi Marufuji Also, in non-tournament matches we'll see Kevin Steen & El Generico put up their PWG World Tag Team titles in a Van Nuys Street Fight against The Briscoe Brothers, plus Roderick Strong puts his newly won ROH World Heavyweight Championship against Austin Aries, all on Night 1! For Night 2 in non-tournament action, Austin Aries team with the newly-renewed team Aerial Express to face Los Luchas and Human Tornado.[/quote]
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