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One of my favorite things in this game is to open my own promotions. However, the problem I always have is getting "The announcing wasn't up to the quality of the match." or "This match deserved better color commentary." So a few questions dawn: 1. What announcers/commentators should I use? By which I mean, what has worked well for you? I generally pick up Marv Earnest or Steve Smith, but the game keeps telling me they aren't up to the quality of the matches. 2. Does subpar commentary hurt match quality? And if so, how greatly? I don't want to think my Freddie Datsun/Steve Flash with good chemistry matches are being bumbed from A to B- just because of the commentary quality. 3. What should I be looking for in commentators? I've assumed that Announcing is the stat for announcers, and Mic Skills for Color. Is this correct? Thanks very much in advance for the help.
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Somone will come in with the exact stats, but for announcers it's announcing and respect. And there's just no-one in the indies who have high values for both of them. You're better off going for someone with higher respect, mediocre announcing (like Rock Downpour), as the announcing stat is much more likely to increase than respect. Sub par commentary must affect match ratings, otherwise you don't need good commentary - just ask Scapino, who saw a noticeable hit when he had Steve Smith in. How big of an affect is debatable - you can definately still get A* matches with the commentary notes (and would in fact expect the note if the in ring actionwas that good).
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[QUOTE=Sudo_Nym;353970]One of my favorite things in this game is to open my own promotions. However, the problem I always have is getting "The announcing wasn't up to the quality of the match." or "This match deserved better color commentary." So a few questions dawn: 1. What announcers/commentators should I use? By which I mean, what has worked well for you? I generally pick up Marv Earnest or Steve Smith, but the game keeps telling me they aren't up to the quality of the matches.[/QUOTE] Which annoucners you should choose will really be based on what size your promotion is and how much money you have. If you are starting as a small poor promotion then Marc and Smith are good choices. If you have a butt load of money then the girl who commenates at BSC is your top choice as for Announcers there aren't a lot of good ones available to indy promotions. [QUOTE=Sudo_Nym;353970]2. Does subpar commentary hurt match quality? And if so, how greatly? I don't want to think my Freddie Datsun/Steve Flash with good chemistry matches are being bumbed from A to B- just because of the commentary quality.[/QUOTE] I can still get A* matches out of Steve Flash and Wolf Hawkisn in my TCW game even with no chemsitry, sub par annoucning and sub par commentary. [QUOTE=Sudo_Nym;353970]3. What should I be looking for in commentators? I've assumed that Announcing is the stat for announcers, and Mic Skills for Color. Is this correct? Thanks very much in advance for the help.[/QUOTE] Annoucners need Announcing and Respect and Commentators need Microphone and Charisma. To not get the sub par note their skill needs to be higher than the rating of the match I think in both categories althoguh it may be average.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;353980] I can still get A* matches out of Steve Flash and Wolf Hawkisn in my TCW game even with no chemsitry, sub par annoucning and sub par commentary. [/QUOTE] TCW is an overness based promotion, so if they have high overness they'll get great match ratings regardless of skill or chemistry. As long as they're at least SEMI talented. So that makes that argument pretty much irrelevant.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;354072]TCW is an overness based promotion, so if they have high overness they'll get great match ratings regardless of skill or chemistry. As long as they're at least SEMI talented. So that makes that argument pretty much irrelevant.[/QUOTE] With the high traditional they are also talent based and Steve Flash is only B- across the board while Wolf Hawkins is B across the board. They're just both great in the ring and although they have no chemsitry have manage to pull off A* matches. Whereas Flash and Cornell (who is A* overness across the board) can't get higher then B with no chemsitry notes and Hawkins and Cornell can't seem to get over B+ also with no chemsitry note. But that's stil not the point the question was can below par Annoucing and Colour Commentary bring down a match. My answer is it doesn't seem to do much seeing Flash and Hawkins (B- and B overness and no chemistry notes) still manage to keep in the A* range on match ratings with nots on both Annoucnig and Commentary being subpar.
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Guest The Aussie
I think its that you would listen to an announcer that you respect more. I'm just grasping straws here though so not entirely sure.
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