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Where is your best Pass Blocker

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Usually don't you want your best pass blocker at LT? Wouldn't you want your best Pass Rusher at RDE? The game always seems to stack right to left on Offense and left to right on defense. In a 4-3 I thought you would want your bigger/stronger DT at the NT position but the engine doesn't always do this. if I set my depth chart as what I think it should be I'll go 7-5 or something in that neighborhood but if I let the ai do it I'll win an extra 2-3 games. I was just wondering what everyone else's thoughts/experience was on this.
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blockers I can't say definitely what works best in game play, but putting a strong blocker at LT allows you to run effectively to the weak side where the AI opponent tends to put its weakest lineman. Power runs to LT and LG can be really effective, especially out of passing formations or in passing situations. One of my favorites is the Strong FB power RT if you have a solid fullback.
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