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Mayhem Wrestling Unlimited (C-verse)

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[B]Seattle, New Years Eve 2006.[/B] I massaged my sore neck with my right hand, and instantly felt a sharp pain shooting down my left one. “The price you have to pay for being in this business. Sometimes it feels awfully high.”, I thought to myself. More than anything, it was the price you had to pay for working independent wrestling shows against ill-trained wannabes and bitter never-has-beens. “The Double Arm DDT that kid Macchi gave you looked hazardous. You feelin’ alright?” The voice boomed at me from the locker room door. I turned my upper body in that direction, doing my best not to turn my head doing so. Standing in the doorway was a big, bearded man. I immediately recognized him as Ken “Mayhem” Midden. Hardly a legend in the wrestling community, he was however a former long-time SWF worker. He had spent the last few years promoting the occasional indy show down in Texas, but I had never been to them, so that was about all I knew. Now what the heck was he doing here? He walked up to me, extending his right hand. “Ken Midden, but just call me Mayhem. Everyone else does.” I took his hand and was awarded with a handshake of a dignity that would have made a blacksmith proud. “Magnus Johansson. Pleasure to meet you Mayhem. What can I do for you?” Mayhem Midden sat down next to me, leaning casually against a steel locker. He adjusted the bandana covering – I supposed – his balding scalp. He turned his Ray-Ban covered eyes to me and said: “I think I am the one who can do something for you, kid.” Kid? That was a first. At 31, not even my dad called med “kid” anymore. Of course, he never had been since he is Swedish and all, but anyway… “I have attended your shows here in Seattle this weekend. You have a talent for putting together shows with limited resources. And you’re not afraid to take some bumps or job either. I like that in a booker who works matches.” “Thanks. I do my best. But my neck is telling me it could be time to reconsider taking the heaviest bumps in the future.” Midden looked at med from behind his shades (or at least it seemed that way). “Well, that’s for you to decide. Now, I have an offer to you.” “Sure, Mr. Midden. What is it?” “Mayhem, please. Or Ken if you don’t feel comfortable calling med that. Just not mister anything, ok?” “Ok. Sorry, Mayhem.” “Anyhow, back to my offer then. As I said, I like your booking style. And to be honest, I haven’t been able to put many successful shows together myself. That hasn’t really been a problem in the past, but now my business partner and I have bought a roadhouse called The Mayhem Bar & Grill just outside of Austin. It has started fine, especially a lot of bikers hang out there. Now we will invest in some Saturday night entertainment. And that’s where you come into the picture, Johansson.” “So you want to start a promotion to run a regular schedule at your place? And your offering me what exactly?” Midden took his sunglasses off, rubbed his eyes using his thumb and index finger, and then put his shades back on before speaking again. “I want you to be head booker, and if you want to, an active wrestler for Mayhem Wrestling Unlimited. Right now we have a wrestling ring, one hundred fifty grand and nothing more. You will have rather free hands in who you will hire and how you run things. What do you say?” I thought about my options for about two seconds. Either I could take his offer and become the head booker of a promotion no one had ever heard of and that really didn’t exist yet. Or, I could go on promoting and booking small indy shows, making hardly any money and risking my health by working with new poorly trained guys every show. “I’m interested. But handling the promotion should hardly be a full-time job. If I am to move to Texas, I’d prefer knowing what I will do to pay the bills.” Midden nodded slowly. “Right, I thought you’d say something like that. How about this? You’ll have a monthly salary working as head booker, but you will also help us tend the bar when not doing wrestling related things. Sound ok?” “This salary, what would it be?” Midden coughed in his fist, visibly disturbed by the question. “Well, since you will be spending most of your time at the roadhouse, you will not have to worry about meals. Our T-bones are already famous, you know. And there is an unoccupied room in the back. It’s not much, but it’s something.” “And the pay?” “Ah yes. We’re on a tight budget right now, but we could probably give you two grand a month.” I thought about it for a few moments. It was less than I made doing my day job. But still, head booker of a real, small but real, wrestling promotion! That had been a dream of mine for years. “Mr. Midden, I will take the job.” “It’s Mayhem. And that’s great. Welcome, Johansson.” A Midden phone call and a hand crushing experience later, I held ticket reservations for the 10:07am flight to Austin via Houston in my hand. I watched Midden’s back as he left the locker room. The following night, New Years Day, we were having a meeting at the roadhouse to start setting the promotion up. It was going to be a challenge, but I had never backed from a challenge before. Right now I needed to sleep, though. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day”, I said to myself.
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[B]Austin, New Years Day 2007.[/B] Actually, I was wrong thinking it would be a long day. I slept for most of the 5+ hour travel time. And then of course I lost two hours going from Pacific time to Central. But now, there I was, at the Mayhem Bar & Grill. I was already sitting at a table across from my new boss, Mayhem Midden, watching him down one shot of bourbon after the other while we were discussing a rough outline of what kind of promotion we wanted to run. We agreed early on that we would put the emphasis on traditional wrestling with some storylines connecting the monthly shows we would hold. Even though the crowd at the roadhouse usually were a rowdy bunch, Midden felt there should not be too much hardcore or risqué segments involved in our shows. When it came to workers, we agreed completely that we needed wrestlers who had some basic training and skills, and who were not already standing with one foot in the grave. Or as Midden put it: “We need wrestlers, not old men such as myself. It’s hard to draw the line, but you’re not hiring anyone older than 42 without clearing it with me first. Are we good with that?” “We’re good with that”, I assured him. Furthermore, we decided Midden was going to be our face toward the fans, in addition to working as a road agent for the promotion since I would be wrestling. “You have to understand one more thing, Johansson”, he told me. “This is a business, so I am not planning on letting you bleed my money out.” He held a hand up to halt my instant reply. “We will lose money for the first year or so. I’m cool with that. But then we have to start making some. I expect us to break even within two years. And that, my friend, means we WILL have more than 150 grand at New Years Day 2009. And that is not negotiable. I also expect our promotion to have gone beyond being just local a year after that. Makes sense to you?” I nodded. “It makes sense. Now let me go make some phone calls, gather workers for our first show.” It was Midden’s turn to nod. When I was in the middle of rising from my chair, he slid a piece of paper across the table. “There, have a look at our logo. Made it myself the other night. Whatcha think?” [IMG]http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MW.jpg[/IMG] It looks like ****, I thought. “I guess it’ll do for now.”, I said. Midden grunted something I could not hear, and then went back to his bourbon. I went to my room/office to call some old friends to get the word out we were hiring talent.
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[B]Week 1, January 2007[/B] My first task at hand was to fill the MWU roster, which as of now consisted of Mayhem Midden (Owner/Road Agent) and myself (Head Booker/Full-time wrestler). The non-wrestling talent I was looking for was a good referee, an announcer capable of keeping up with the talent (should not be too hard considering my budget) and a witty color commentator. I made some calls and moved on to the active roster. It would probably take 10-15 wrestlers to give our promotion reasonable width and depth. My budget was tight, and a main focus was going to be not losing too much money the first year, so I tried to think of as many workers I could who had talent but would not demand several hundred bucks per show. After a few days, with Dewey Libertine, Remmington Remus and Kenny O’Quinn, I had found my staff and with names like Cal Sanders, Frankie Dee, Thomas Morgan, Keith Vegas, Velocidad and Kashmir Singh most of the wrestlers who would work the opening and midcard matches. Still no well known wrestlers though, and I realized I needed to dig a little deeper in my wallet to get some bigger names. A few days later, I was happy with my crew. I had some worries I was overpaying some guys, but it was not like I had a choice really… On Monday night of week 2, Midden and myself sat down in a back room to plan our first show. Half a bottle of bourbon and a few beers later, we had come up with an outline, which was transformed into a flyer, which we made copies of and nailed to the walls and handed out to customers, as well as put on our brand new website. [SIZE="4"]Mayhem Wrestling Unlimited, The Future Is Here![/SIZE] [B]Next Saturday at the Mayhem Bar & Grill[/B] [I]Don’t miss the explosive action, including: Preliminary and Semi-Final rounds of the MWU Championship Tournament Featuring WHISKY JACK, BRADY PRINCE, VELOCIDAD, FRANKIE DEE, and 4 more wrestling stars[/I]
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;358321]Liking the look of things so far. Look forward to reading your first show.[/QUOTE] Thanks, mate. I appreciate it. I've enjoyed writing this diary so far, even though it takes me ages to finish an entry (since English obviously isn't my first language...) Will likely be afew days before the show is up, since I'm going on a business trip to Denmark tomorrow, and am not sure if the hotel I'll be staying at has wireless access.
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[SIZE="3"]Mayhem Wrestling Unlimited: The Future Is Here![/SIZE] [B][I]Held at the Mayhem Bar & Grill (Mid-South) in front of 10 persons.[/I][/B] ”Wow!” That was my first thought when I saw the handful of rowdy bikers making up the crowd for our first ever event. I turned to Midden, who was standing next to me in the backstage area (behind the black sheet we had covered the entrance to a back room with, that is). “Unless these guys are paying like three hundred each to watch this show, we are going to lose lots of money tonight!” Midden looked at me, silent, and then went out to the squared circle. He held a microphone in his hand; more to make sure the sound quality of our webcast was good than anything else. He welcomed everyone to our show, and said he was confident it would disappoint no one. He went on to announce the MWU officially opened, and said that with that, we were ready to let the action begin. (E+) Midden stayed in the ring, and was handed a wooden box. He said that inside the box was the one thing every wrestler in the back was aching to get their hands on: the MWU Championship Belt. He then elaborated on what it meant to be a wrestling champion and so on. He set the box down on the canvas, opened it and lifted the title belt above his head, showing it to the camera as well as the group of men in the live audience. He explained that the first champion would be decided through an eight-man tournament. The brackets were not decided, but instead a random wrestler would come out, and have his opponent decided through picking an envelope from a bowl. (E) A poorly recorded cover of “Whisky in the Jar” began to play, and Whisky Jack came to the ring, drawing some mild heat from the guys at ringside. After mouthing a little and generally trying to annoy our “fans”, he got his opponent: Kashmir Singh. (F+) [B]Kashmir Singh vs Whisky Jack[/B] – Preliminary round of Championship Tournament Singh came out to some generic Indian music, big happy smile on his face. Jack jumped him before the bell, and kept kicking and stomping him until Dewey pulled him back. Singh and Jack then traded blows and went on to have a rather open bout, until Whisky Jack used some “veteran tactics” to gain the upper hand and then laid his opponent out with a Face first suplex for the 1,2,3!. (Whisky Jack wins 7:56, E) As the previous two left, Frankie Dee hit the ring to some mystical sounds accentuating his Asian roots. His opponent turned out to be Tully Arthurs. (E) [B]Tully Arthurs vs Frankie Dee[/B] – Preliminary round of Championship Tournament It became a rather short match that had a few good spots. The two wrestlers seemed to have great chemistry, enjoying working together. After dodging the Shinanju Kick, Tully Arthurs press slammed Dee, and won by pinfall to some cheers from the audience. (Tully Arthurs wins 4:16, E+) Remmington Remus announced that the first semi-final match would be Tully Arthurs taking on Whisky Jack (E-) Some generic rock melody played and Brady Prince made his way to the ring to a decent pop from the “crowd”. In his envelope, the opponents name is Keith Vegas, who came out to another generic rock tune. No crowd reaction. (F+) [B]Brady Prince vs Keith Vegas[/B] – Preliminary round of Championship Tournament Brady Prince controlled most of the match through his no-nonsense approach using strikes and locks, and won via Super Bomb. Near the end of the match, Keith Vegas was visibly tiring, and that did not help the overall impression. (Brady Prince wins 7:25, E-) To no music at all, masked youngster Velocidad came out and drew Blackjack Robbins from the bowl! (E-) [B]Velocidad vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] – Preliminary round of Championship Tournament Blackjack entered the ring to some heat from the people watching. The match never really lifted. Robbins basic brawling was interrupted by some high-flying action from Velocidad in ways that did not look natural. Finally, Blackjack caught Velocidad mid-air during a body press attempt, and won through his signature Leaping Side Suplex. (Blackjack Robbins wins 8:59, E-) Second semi-final announced, Brady Prince vs Blackjack Robbins (F+) Folk music begins to play, and Thomas Morgan and Cal Sanders enter the ring, dressed like lumberjacks. They present themselves as “The Canadian Loggers”, and tell everyone how great it is to be in the MWU. They say that they do not have a match tonight, but that it is not a big problem. They say a bigger problem is one of the guys backstage, who simply cannot deal with not being in the tournament tonight. Obviously this guy thinks he is something else, and that he is being held back. They think that he is just a big cry-baby, and go on taunting him for a couple of minutes, until suddenly the lights go out. (E) When the lights come back on, both Loggers are down on the canvas with a huge man looming over them. It is The Big Problem. He orders Dewey Libertine to enter the ring and ring the bell. (F+) [B]The Canadian Loggers vs The Big Problem[/B] – Handicap match The Big Problem is absolutely furious, and dominates the Loggers who only get small amounts of offense. Problem eventually Choke Slams and covers Sanders after throwing Morgan out of the ring. (The Big Problem wins 5:40, E+) [B]Tully Arthurs vs Whisky Jack[/B] – Semi-final 1 of Championship Tournament Whisky Jack wins an open match, where both parties have several near falls. (Whisky Jack wins 7:41, E-) [B]Brady Prince vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] – Semi-final 2 of Championship Tournament After beginning okay, the match dragged in the middle. To make things worse, Brady and Blackjack did not work well together. Brady finally put an end to it with a Super Bomb. (Brady Prince wins 13:50, E-) The show ends with the finals between Brady Prince and Whisky Jack being announced for next month’s event, MWU Goldrush. (F+) We should be offering more storylines. Can be considered a success. (Show rating E-)
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE="3"]Mayhem Wrestling Unlimited: Goldrush[/SIZE] [B][I]Held at the Mayhem Bar & Grill (Mid-South) in front of 10 persons.[/I][/B] Tonight, we will see Brady Prince vs Whisky Jack for the MWU Championship. (E-) The Canadian Loggers Cal Sanders and Tom Morgan come to the ring, carrying microphones. They are just about ready to say something when Keith Vegas comes out too. He mocks the Loggers for their loss last week, and how they should be proud to even have been in the same ring with The Big Problem who really should have been in tonight’s tournament finals. The argument goes back and forth until the Loggers challenge Vegas and a partner of his choice to a match tonight. Vegas accepts and Frankie Dee comes out and says he will be happy to tag with Vegas. (F+) [B]Kashmir Singh vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] The first match of the night is a short one. Singh does not look good tonight. He gets some early offense, but then it’s all Blackjack. He eventually finishes Singh off with a Leaping Side Suplex. The crowd unfortunately never gets into the match. (Blackjack Robbins wins 6:43, E) Tully Arthurs is interviewed and says The Big Problem really needs to take a look at himself and stop whining backstage. (E) Suddenly, The Big Problem charges through the curtain and beats Tully to the floor.(E-) [B]The Canadian Loggers vs Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas[/B] After some good wrestling from all four competitors, Frankie Dee takes Tom Morgan out with a Shinanju Kick. By then Keith Vegas is visibly tiring. (Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas win 11:51, E) I, Magnus Johansson, come out with a microphone in my hand. I say that it’s a shame I am not booked in a match tonight, as I feel like I am in good shape and would be very hard to beat. If anyone in the back feels like trying, I let them know they are more than welcome. (E) An uncontrolled scream is heard, followed by some Slipknot-like music. Primal Rage comes out and accepts the challenge. (E-) [B]Magnus Johansson vs Primal Rage[/B] Primal Rage starts the match before the bell. I try to fight back, but ironically considering my open challenge, I seem to be off my game tonight. After a short period of time when the momentum is swinging my way even though I am getting rather tired, I go for the Atlas Shrug, but Primal Rage counters it and forces me to tap out to the Silent Scream. (Primal Rage wins 11:33, E) Primal Rage celebrates by pointing to the ceiling and howling. (F+) [B]Tully Arthurs vs The Big Problem[/B] Tully and Problem give a good performance with several power moves. After an open match, Problem choke slams Tully and picks up the win. (The Big Problem wins 10:37, E+) After the match, Tully seems to be in pain, and has to be helped to the back by Dewey and Midden. Primal Rage appears next to the ring and starts taunting him. Tully turns and starts toward him, but is held back. (E-) Tully asks Midden to be given a match against Primal Rage next month. Midden accepts. (E+) [B]Brady Prince vs Whisky Jack[/B] – for the MWU Championship (Tournament Finals) In a brawl that was too long to stay entertaining all the way through, Brady Prince became the first ever MWU Champion through the Maryland Crossface submission finish. (Brady Prince wins 18:30, E-) Brady Prince is given the championship belt and drops to his knees, looking at it. He is very emotional, hugging the belt to his chest and then holding it up with straight arms. (E-) Can be considered a success and should have increased out popularity. (Show rating E-)
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The MWU Roster after Goldrush: Main Event [COLOR="Red"]Whisky Jack The Big Problem[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tully Arthurs Brady Prince[/COLOR] - MWU Champion Upper Midcard [COLOR="Red"]Primal Rage Keith Vegas Blackjack Robbins Frankie Dee[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Magnus Johansson[/COLOR] Midcard [COLOR="blue"]Tom Morgan Velocidad Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] Lower Midcard [COLOR="blue"]Cal Sanders[/COLOR] Staff [COLOR="blue"]Remmington Remus[/COLOR] - Announcer [COLOR="blue"]Dewey Libertine[/COLOR] - Referee [COLOR="Red"]Kenny O'Quinn[/COLOR] - Color Commentator [COLOR="red"]Mayhem Midden[/COLOR] - Personality
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  • 2 months later...
[B][SIZE="3"]MWU Marching On, this Saturday at the Mayhem Bar & Grill[/SIZE][/B] MWU Heavyweight Champion [B]Brady Prince[/B] vs [B]Whisky Jack[/B] - Rematch for the title [B]Tully Arthurs[/B] vs [B]Primal Rage[/B] - as requested by Tully at Goldrush [B]The Canadian Loggers [/B]vs [B]Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas [/B]- For the vacant MWU Texas Tag Team Titles [B]Magnus Johansson [/B]vs [B]Blackjack Robbins[/B] [B]Velocidad and Kashmir Singh [/B]vs [B]The Big Problem [/B]- in a 2 on 1 handicap match
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[SIZE="3"]Mayhem Wrestling Unlimited: Marching On[/SIZE] [B][I]Held at the Mayhem Bar & Grill in front of 15 persons[/I][/B] Backstage, I turned to Mayhem and exclaimed: “Fifty percent more people here tonight than last month. Seems like we’re going places!” The big biker just looked at me, and then told me to get the show going. The first thing the audience got to see was Remmington Remus climbing into the ring and introducing his guest for an interview. To some heat, The Big Problem came out. He told us that he had been treated badly by the management, who had denied him a spot in the tournament, and now did not give him a title shot tonight either. He also said that it should be obvious to everyone that he was an unstoppable force in the MWU, and that he would make sure management would see it that way as well. (D-) [B]Velocidad and Kashmir Singh vs The Big Problem[/B] – Handicap match No problems for The Big Problem. The only thing working against him in this match was the speed of his opponents, which made him look rather tired before he Choke Slammed Velocidad for the 1,2,3. (The Big Problem wins in 8:11, E+) Keith Vegas came to the ring to raise The Big Problem’s hand in celebration. Problem looked a little disturbed by this, but allowed Vegas to share his glory for a few moments. (E+) The Canadian Loggers, Tom and Cal, came to ringside, microphones in hands, and told Vegas that he might be celebrating now, but after their match later tonight, he wouldn’t be so happy. And that, they felt the need to point out, was because The Loggers would claim the Texas Tag Team Titles. (F+) Whisky Jack was next in line with a microphone, and he told us that he was very confident that he would get the win in his upcoming match against Brady Prince. (E-) [B]Magnus Johansson vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] In an awkward bout, where the participants did not click, Blackjack beat me cleanly with a Leaping Side Suplex. (Blackjack Robbins wins in 9:26, E+). Primal Rage came out and shot off a tirade worthy of Lovecraft on acid. Or maybe just a raving madman. I think his point was that he would send Tully Arthurs to some dark place where blood-thirsty bats and unnamed horrors from crypts no man knows of and the universe might not have placed in our dimension reign. Or something like that… Slightly amusing, slightly amazing and mostly confusing. (E-) [B]The Canadian Loggers vs Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas[/B] – For the vacant MWU Texas Tag Team titles An open and entertaining match with several near victories for both teams, ending with a “TIMBER!” call from Cal, followed by a missed somersault senton from the top. The tiring Keith Vegas was quick to capitalize on it by covering Cal and getting the three count. (Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee win in 10:47, E+) Having just picked up the victory and being given the straps, Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas celebrated in the ring. (F) Brady Prince had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Whisky Jack, telling him that after tonight, the gold would remain exactly where it was right now – around the waist of Brady Prince. (E-) [B]Tully Arthurs vs Primal Rage[/B] These two had a good match that was very evenly fought. It ended when referee Dewey Libertine was distracted arguing with “a fan” while Primal Rage produced some brass knuckles and nailed Tully straight between the eyes with them, leading to an easy three count. (Primal Rage wins in 12:48, E+). Brady Prince came to the ring for the main event, when suddenly Whisky & Blackjack assaulted him, giving him a savage beating. Dewey then banned Blackjack from ringside. (E-) [B]Brady Prince(c) vs Whisky Jack[/B] – MWU Heavyweight title Whisky Jack dominated the match early on, with Prince looking dazed and confused. Brady refused to lose though, and slowly inched himself back as Jack’s stamina started to run out. The match was over when Prince locked Jack in the Maryland Crossface. (Brady Prince wins in 12:09. Brady Prince makes defence number 1 of his MWU Heavyweight title, E+). Final rating: E+. The show can be considered a success, and should have increased our popularity.
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"We can't go on like this." I spoke the words as I stepped into Mayhem's office. He looked up from his desk, where a chopper magazine lay open next to a full ashtray. "What do you mean, kid?" I explained to him how I felt that we were losing money much quicker than we were gaining popularity. With a larger crowd at our shows we would make more money, it did not require brilliant minds to understand that. The trick was obviously to make it happen. The plan I presented was to start holding small, weekly events to boost popularity in our home area. My idea was that mainly using our cheaper talent for these shows would keep cost down a bit. "Ok, kid. Go for it. I'll put some posters up about it. Your first weekly will be this Wednesday." With that, he turned his attention back to the magazine.
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[SIZE="3"]MWU Live Event[/SIZE] [B][I]Held at the Mayhem Bar & Grill in front of 13 people[/I][/B] Mayhem Midden came out and welcomed the crowd to the first Wednesday Night Live Event. He said that he was not going to give a speech, but instead announced that the show would begin right away with a tag team bout. (F+) [B]The Canadian Loggers vs Magnus Johansson and Kashmir Singh[/B] An open and cleanly fought match that was one of the best on a MWU card so far. Tom managed to pin me following the first ever display of his Chainsaw Cutter finisher. (The Canadian Loggers win in 15:19, D-). Tully Arthurs came out and said that tonight, Primal Rage would pay for his actions at Marching On. He told the crowd that there was no way Primal Rage would be lucky enough to cheat his way to victory once again. ”And let’s face it. Without cheating, he is not winning. It is that simple!”. (E-) Remmington Remus brought out one half of the Texas Tag Team champions, Frankie Dee, for an interview. After some talk about Frankie's martial arts background, Remus was about to end the insterview, when Frankie wanted to show him and the audience a few moves Frankie Dee ignored the protests, and started some Bruce Lee routine in the center of the ring. The crowd was not happy about this, but the jeers turned to cheers when Velocidad came storming out to the ring. He pointed at Dee and shouted something. Then he climbed the turnbuckle and moonsaulted to the canvas, landing on his feet. An argument broke out ending with Frankie Dee challenging Velocidad to a match, right there and then. "Looks like we've got a match," Remus announced, "Let's ring the bell!" (F+) [B]Velocidad vs Frankie Dee[/B] Dee probably hadn’t planned for a match tonight, as he was really off his game. The match would have been good if not for all the botched moves. Eventually, Velocidad hit Dee with the Velocidad Tornado for the 1-2-3. (Velocidad wins in 12:57, E+). Having picked up the victory, Velocidad went to all four turnbuckles, celebrating. The crowd did not get into it. (F-) [B]Tully Arthurs vs Primal Rage[/B] It looked like this show’s main event would end the same way Tully vs Rage at Marching On did. After some decent wrestling, Rage once again used the brass knuckles. This time, Tully dodged the blow, and Rage downed the ref instead. A groggy Libertine called for the bell. (Tully Arthurs wins in 9:43 by disqualification, E+). [B]Final rating: E+[/B]
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[SIZE="3"]MWU Live Event[/SIZE] [I][B]Held in front of 18 people at Mayhem Bar & Grill[/B][/I] [B]The Canadian Loggers vs. Whisky& Blackjack[/B] The Loggers were simply overpowered in this brawl. Just as they were fighting their way back into the match, Whisky defeated Cal with a Face First Suplex while Blackjack kept Tom busy in the opposite corner. (Whisky & Blackjack win in 8:34, E+) Next, Primal Rage was by the ring with Mayhem Midden. He asked to once again wrestle Tully Arthurs following the disqualification defeat last week. Mayhem Midden eagerly accepted the request, and announced that the match would take place later that night. (D-) [B]Magnus Johansson vs. Keith Vegas[/B] Even though Vegas looked out of focus and botched a few attacks, he managed to beat me by a simple roll-up. (Keith Vegas wins in 11:34, E) Next, Mayhem Midden came out to the ring and said that next week, Magnus Johansson and Tully Arthurs versus Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee would take place. (F+) [B]Tully Arthurs vs. Primal Rage[/B] Both men were determined to win this match. They opened in a furious manner, and neither man managed to really get the upper hand. The “moment of the match” came when Primal Rage speared Tully through the ropes. The brawl that ensued on the floor led to a double count out. (Draw in 7:27, E+) After the bell had sounded, Primal Rage and Tully Arthurs continued to do battle with each other all the way to the backstage area. (F+) [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Frankie Dee[/B] Frankie Dee had little trouble disposing of Kashmir Singh with a Shinanju Kick. Singh looked really frustrated as Dee was announced the winner, shouting something at the referee. (Frankie Dee wins in 10:18, E+) The show ended with the announcers saying that Tully Arthurs would take on Primal Rage in an Alley Fight at Nobody’s Fool. (F+) [B]Final rating: E+[/B]
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[SIZE="3"]MWU Live Event[/SIZE] [B][I]Held in front of 16 people at Mayhem Bar & Grill[/I][/B] The Candian Loggers opened up the show by coming to the ring. At ringside, Tom psyched up Cal for his upcoming match, telling him that he would have to be focused to defeat his opponent but that it could happen. (E-) [B]Logger Cal vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] In a good opender, Cal really was on fire, hitting all sorts of spectacular offense on Blackjack Robbins. Cal was close to ending it all with a sunset flip from the top rope, but Blackjack countered by a fist to the forehead. Less than a minute later, he reversed an attempted crucifix into his trademark Leaping Side Suplex for the 1-2-3. (Blackjack Robbins wins in 7:42 by pinfall, D-) After the match, Remmington Remus was called to the ring, and Blackjack Robbins said that he had proven himself worthy of a shot at Brady Prince’s title. Remmington had to agree, noting that Blackjack had only lost one match in the MWU, and that was against Prince. (F+) Next, Tully Arthurs entered the ring and started striking poses to the fans, who from the reaction obviously loved it. (D+) I joined Tully in the ring, but barely got there until Primal Rage, Frankie Dee, and Keith Vegas rushed in and attacked us. We were both stomped into the canvas before Mayhem, Dewey and a couple of others chased Primal Rage off and hled the others back. (F+) [B]Magnus Johansson and Tully Arthurs vs Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee (c) [/B]– MWU Texas Tag Team titles Tully and I were both in a bad shape to start with, and the Texa Tag Team champions had the early advantage. Tully and I then managed to keep Dee in the ring through a series of tags on our behalf, but a hot tag from Vegas that I did not notice proved fatal for us. I had Frankie in draped across my shoulders in my Atlas Shrug finisher when Vegas pinned me, legally!, by a simple roll-up. (Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee win in 8:33 by pinfall, E+) After that, Brady Prince had an interview hyping his upcoming match with Primal Rage. (F+) [B]Brady Prince(c) vs Primal Rage[/B] – MWU Heavyweight title From the crowd’s reaction, I could tell this match was too long to really keep them interested. After some pretty good wrestling, Brady Prince managed to defeat Primal Rage following a Super Bomb. (Brady Prince Wins in 16:46 by pinfall, E) Brady Prince, breathing hard, got a mic and said that he accepts the challenge laid down by Blackjack Robbins, he'll face him in a match at Nobody’s Fool in a week and a half. (E) [B]Final rating: E[/B]
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[B]Growing Promotions[/B] Wk 3, April 2007 Taking a moment to look at the "competition", I noticed that wrestling seems to be a popular kind of entertainment these days. Word recently came that TCW is more popular than ever, even abroad, and have risen to international size. Several new signings were to be expected from them. I could only hope that my "talent" pool was below their radar. Ah well, only time will tell, I thought to myself. Earlier this year SAISHO, Hinote Dojo, RIPW and MAW had all risen to small size without offering any of my workers a contract, so perhaps I would not have much to worry about (except the very low attendance we were still having at the shows, but can't really blame other promotions for that).
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[SIZE="3"]MWU Live Event[/SIZE] [B][I]Held in front of 10 people at Mayhem Bar & Grill[/I][/B] Remmington Remus started the show by interviewing Kashmir Singh. After some general questions, with Singh growing more and more annoyed, Remus wanted to know how Singh felt about his string of losses so far in the MWU. Remus pointed out that in 5 matches with the company, Singh had still not won. That really struck a nerve with Kashmir. In an apparent rage, he grabbed Remus by the collar, slapped him twice across the face, then tossed the announcer to the ground in disgust. A scary fire burned in his eyes. All ten persons in the audience went silent in shock. (E-) As Kashmir Singh stood over the shaken Remmington Remus, threatening more violence, Velocidad stormed in from the back and pounced on Kashmir. It quickly turned into a wild brawl, with the mayhem spilling out all around ringside. Eventually, several officials and other wrestlers hit the ringside and pulled them apart. Mayhem Midden then turned to Dewey Libertine and told him to ring the bell. (E-) [B]Velocidad vs Kashmir Singh[/B] The crowd woke up a little from this, booing Kashmir and cheering wildly for Velocidad. The match itself went back and forth, but unfortunately the real chemistry was not there between these two. Eventually Velocidad hit the Velocidad Tornado for the win. (Velocidad wins in 8:49 by pinfall, E) Primal Rage came out with a microphone, and began to taunt Tully Arthurs, calling him a big crybaby who would not stand a chance in a brutal Alley Fight this Saturday at Nobody’s Fool. (E) [B]Magnus Johansson vs Primal Rage[/B] In a good match, from our standards, Primal Rage defeated me with the Wake Up Call. That was quite an accomplishment since Tully came out during the match and distracted him. (Primal Rage wins in 10:18 by pinfall, D-) [B]The Canadian Loggers vs Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas (c)[/B] – MWU Texas Tag Team titles Tom and Cal looked strong in this match, but Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas managed to get the pinfall after some double teaming, leading to Dee knocking Tom off his feet with the Shinanju Kick. (Dee and Vegas win in 11:49 by pinfall, E+) Frankie Dee and Keith Vegas stayed in the ring as the Loggers were heading to the back. The champions claimed that they are so good that they cannot be defeated by anyone, and so they made an open challenge for any team on the roster to face them in a tag team match at Nobody’s Fool. (E-) The Canadian Loggers then turned at the curtain and came back, saying that they would take the challenge. (F+) The announcers put over the fact that The Canadian Loggers vs. Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee would take place at Nobody’s Fool. (F) [B]Tully Arthurs vs The Big Problem[/B] The Big Problem and Tully Arthurs opened the match evenly, but then Tully slowly started getting the upper hand. He was just about to finish Problem off when Primal Rage pulled Dewey Libertine out of the ring. With the referee unconscious at ringside, he beat on Tully with a lead pipe until Dewey started to stir. He then quickly escaped to the back. Dewey seemed uncertain of how to interpret the situation, so when Problem chokeslammed Tully and made the cover, he had no choice but to count the 1… 2… 3! (The Big Problem wins in 6:40 by pinfall, E+) The announcers ended the show by putting over the fact that we would be see me take on The Big Problem at Nobody’s Fool. (E-) [B]Final Rating: E+[/B]
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[B]Line-up for Nobody’s Fool[/B] Brady Prince (c) vs Blackjack Robbins – for the MWU Heavyweight title (F+) Tully Arthurs vs Primal Rage – Alley Fight (E) Magnus Johansson vs The Big Problem (F+) The Canadian Loggers vs Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee (c) – for the MWU Texas Tag Team titles (F) Velocidad vs Whisky Jack (F)
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The Fall of SWF Friday, wk3 April In what could be a reaction to TCW going International, SWF fell to Cult size. They proceeded to release several workers including Jim Force, Death Row and Mikel Alonso. I was not about to call this the end of the Supreme Era, as they still had two tv shows running, and probably could still find a way to fight themselves back to the top. But it was time to stop worrying about which eagle was flying higher. Right now the MWU was what I needed to focus on. More accurately, getting the MWU to lift off from the ground at all instead of staying buried in the dirt...
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Hopefully there are more people present when there is no wrestling. Otherwise I think Mayhem Midden will have to close his fine establishment rather soon... Oh, in case anyone was wondering, the diary is not dead. I have just had a few other things on my mind lately. I expect Nobody's Fool to be up tomorrow along with one or two Live Events. In ejoy playing this game, but starting with a zero prestige and zero popularity promotion is harder than I would have expected.
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[SIZE="3"]MWU Nobody’s Fool[/SIZE] [I][B]Held in front of 13 people at Mayhem Bar & Grill[/B][/I] The show opened with The Big Problem approaching Mayhem Midden. “I should be the number one contender for the MWU Heavyweight championship, Midden. And you know it! I demand a title match against Brady Prince tonight!” Mayhem did not seem too disturbed by the menacing monster in front of him, and simply shook his head. “Maybe when you stop whining, you will get your shot at the gold. But tonight Blackjack Robbins fights for the title, not you.” Problem looked ready to punch the owner, but simply stormed off instead. Segment rating: [B]D-[/B] [B]Velocidad vs Whisky Jack[/B] In a mediocre opening match, Whisky Jack was all over the Mexican rookie. The veteran easily conquered the small amount of offence Velocidad managed. Whisky finished him off with a Face First Suplex for the three count. (Whisky Jack wins in 7:52 by pinfall) Match rating: [B]E[/B] Next, Brady Prince came out and said that he was looking forward to facing Blackjack Robbins tonight. He reminded everyone (well… all 13 present and the handful who would buy the DVD, that is) that he had beaten Robbins in the tournament back in January, and he was not planning to lose tonight. “Because Robbins simply does not have the skill to take the gold from around my waist.” The statement was met with moderate cheers from the “crowd”. Segment rating: [B]E-[/B] Suddenly, Blackjack Robbins’ music played, and he joined Brady out there. He belched and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Then he growled that the champion might be feeling confident right now, but “I will shove that confidence down your stinkin’ throat and leave this dump with the MWU Heavyweight title around my waist tonight. Let’s see what you can do to stop me, little Prince!”. A heated argument ensued, but just when it looked certain the two men would start throwing punches, the Canadian Loggers music began to play, and the champion as well as the number one contender were shoved to the back before the tag team entered the ring. Segment rating: [B]E-[/B] [B]The Canadian Loggers vs Keith Vegas and Frankie Dee (c)[/B] – MWU Texas Tag Team titles This was a good match, by our standards. Both teams were determined to win here, and really gave it their all. None of them held the upper hand any length of time. In the end, it was the Loggers’ better teamwork that won the match for them, as Cal cut Frankie Dee off while Tom pinned a tiring Vegas following his trademark Chainsaw Cutter. (The Canadian Loggers win in 11:43 by pinfall.) Match rating: [B]D-[/B] After a very brief celebration from the new Tag Team champions, Primal Rage came out and told everyone about his hatred for Tully Arthurs. He said that Tully was a self-righteous bastard who would go to any lengths to please the crowd. Primal Rage said that it made him sick, and that in tonight’s Alley Fight, he was going to make the souls of all (hm…) the Tull-a-maniacs bleed the same way their bumbling fool of a hero would bleed. “Because in a match where nothing is taboo, the Primal Rage can be unleashed. WAUUUUOOOOOOOOO!” Segment rating: [B]E-[/B] [B]Magnus Johansson vs The Big Problem[/B] I don’t think anyone was expecting me to survive this long in the ring with The Big Problem. Certainly Problem did not. It was clear his intention was to beat me swiftly to prove himself worthy of a title shot soon. When that did not happen, he grew frustrated and started making bad decisions in the ring. At one point, I countered an uncontrolled charge from the big man with a drop toe hold and nearly ended the match with a figure four sleeper. Problem, however, fought his way out of it, and ended the match with a brutal Choke Slam. (The Big Problem wins in 10:41 by pinfall) Match rating: [B]D-[/B] When the match was over and I was trying to get up, a masked person rushed out from the back. He jumped me from behind, throwing a series of wild overhead shots. I somehow managed to fight him off though, and connected with a couple of forearm shots. After I connected with a nice swing, the masked man tumbled out of the ring and headed for the backstage area. He stopped to shout that “Prince Karma has your number, Johansson!”, whatever he meant by that. Segment rating: [B]F[/B] [B]Tully Arthurs vs Primal Rage[/B] – Alley Fight While not a real stinker, this match did not fully live up to the expectations. Tully did not look his usual self, and it really hurt the otherwise exciting and violent match. Obviously the crowd felt the match was too long as well, with too many rest holds in the middle. Eventually, a bloodied Primal Rage took a powerslam into a trashcan. Tully then covered him for the pinfall. (Tully Arthurs wins in 16:22 by pinfall) Match rating: [B]E[/B] Having picked up the victory, Tully Arthurs celebrated in the ring while Primal Rage was trying to get away from the demolished trashcan. Segment rating: [B]F+[/B] [B]Brady Prince (c) vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] – MWU Heavyweight title The main event of the show saw some decent brawling. Brady Prince looked strong, but Blackjack showed that he was no pushover. The match may not have had the flow expected from a main event, but when Brady Prince defeated Blackjack Robbins with a Super Bomb, shortly after Blackjack’s tag team partner Whisky Jack had tried to interfere, the audience erupted. (Brady Prince wins in 13:56 by pinfall. Defence number 3 of the MWU Heavyweight title) Match Rating: [B]E[/B] As Brady was celebrating, The Big Problem came out. The two superstars engaged in a tension-filled staredown. Neither gave ground, and the show came to an end. Segment rating: [B]E[/B] [B]Final rating: E[/B]
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