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[B]Hardcore Holly[/B] v Santino Marella via DQ or a tainted victory Carlito v [B]?????[/B] I can't wait to see who beats carlito in this haha William Regal v [B]The Big Show[/B] seriously there's no doubt in my mind that Big Show will take this one..... why? because of Vince "I hate Faces" Mcmahon [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v DH Smith I like DH Smith but the experience of Mr. Kennedy will be too much for him [B]Triple H[/B] v Bobby Lashley HHH WILL NOT JOB TO BOBBY LASHLEY haha plus he's got creative control in most mods anyway. [B]Shawn Michaels [/B]v Umaga nice choice in a main event btw
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are coming to you live from the sold out O2 Arena in London, England! And tonight King, after what we saw last week on Raw, I have to believe that at some point, we will hear from Triple H and Shawn Michaels during the course of the evening. King: I think it’s almost a guarantee that Shawn Michaels will have something to say. But JR< I want to know what’s going to happen to Jeff Hardy? Shane McMahon looked pretty upset when we went off the air last week. JR: He certainly did, we’re going to try get and get a word with our general manager at some point during the broadcast, also we hope… King: What? JR: It’s Shawn Michaels! Shawn Michaels is coming out here. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] HBK: You know… last week… I did something I thought I would never have to do ever again. Last week… I kicked the crap out of Triple H. But I thought those days were behind me. I thought that me and Triple H had put all the crap that happened to us in the past behind us. But at Wrestlemania… you turned your back on me Hunter. You broke up the friendship we had developed over the years. I mean… we’ve had our problems in the past, but we managed to put them behind us. But now… you just destroyed it all Hunter… and all because you felt your so called family was were you needed to be. And you may have gotten your shot at the WWE Title… and I hope it was worth it man. And now… I have to do something, I didn’t really want to do… but right here, right now, I am challenging you to put me in that triple threat match at Backlash! JR: Man, that’s a huge statement right there! King: Can he do that? I thought Shane McMahon was going to decide… HBK: C’mon Hunter… stop hiding behind Vince and Shane and put me in that match! *TIME TO PLAY THE GAME* King: Uh oh… JR: Well… here comes Triple H. The challenge has been made, what will the response be? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: Wait a second, wait a second there Shawn. You come back out of nowhere last week… cost me my match with Jeff Hardy… and now, you want me to give you the third spot in the triple threat match at Backlash? What the hell do think this is Shawn? You think you can screw me and then get a title shot out of it? HBK: You what Hunter… if you’re any kind of a man, then you’ll put me in that match. If you’ve got any guts… you’ll face me at Backlash. HHH: You’re on Shawn! But trust me… at Backlash… I am going to kick your ass… then I’m going to kick Randy Orton’s ass. It doesn’t matter what you do Shawn… I will be the WWE Champion again. And when it’s all over… I will retire you Shawn. I will finish your career, I will damn near kill you…. And you’re going to have no-one to blame but yourself! King: Oh my God JR! So… is the match set? Randy Orton, Triple H and Shawn Michaels at Backlash? JR: It certainly looks like it King. I wasn’t aware Triple H had the authority to make a decision like that, it’ll be interesting to hear what Shane McMahon has to say about it… ---- JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and we’ve just found out the line-up for our main event at Backlash, and what huge main event it’s going to be. King: I can’t wait for Backlash, but up next, Hardcore Holly and Santino Marella! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Holly v Santino Marella[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Holly off the ropes,… Charlie Hass just grabbed Holly by the foot… and down goes Hass with a right hand. Wait, from behind, a roll-up… 1-2… Holly kicked out. Holly back up… oh! A huge clothesline to Santino. King: They don’t come much tougher than Hardcore Holly… JR: Here’s a cover, 1-2… Santino kicks out. Next week, these two teams will face each other with the tag team titles on the line. King: And JR, let’s remember young Cody Rhodes, he won his match against Charlie Hass last week, so the winner of this match could give his team a huge boost going into the title match next week. JR: No doubt about it King. Holly now… has Santino in the corner… nice uppercut from Holly. And another…. Holly whips Santino across… Holy runs into a boot. King: Santino is not looking good right now JR, he’s took a real beating so far. JR: Santino… going to the second rop now… Santino… King: Oh no! JR: Holly… he just caught Santino in mid air… Alabama Slam! My God what impact! Here’s the cover… 1-2-3! And Hardcore Holly, picks up the win. And the tag team champs are looking good going into the title match next week. King: Santino and Charlie Hass… they better go back to the drawing board if they’re going to win the tag team titles. [B]Hardcore Holly beat Santino Marella (C-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Triple H* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Hey… hey, Hunter… what the hell are you doing? I mean… we talked about this. We we’re going to put Big Show in the triple threat match, to make sure either you or Show won. And what… you decide to put Shawn Michaels in there? HHH: Listen Shane… last week, Shawn got involved in my business. I want him in that match, so I can finish him off. Shane: And since when did you have the authority to make a decision like that anyway? Remember this… I am the general manager of Monday Night Raw. I make the decisions around here. HHH: I know that Shane… but this is how it has to be OK? I want Michaels in that match… and it better happen that way. Shane: OK… OK. You got it… but you better make sure you win that WWE Title. JR: Well, I guess it’s official King… Shawn Michaels will be in the triple threat match at Backlash. King: Yeah but I don’t think Shane McMahon was all that happy about it. JR: I don’t think so either, he seemed… well, here comes the Intercontinental Champion Carlito. He has made an open challenge tonight, for anyone in the back who wants to step up here and face him. King: Well, he’s certainly not lacking any confidence… but JR, who do you think is going to step up and take the challenge? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] Carlito: OK… Carlito is getting pretty bored with the guys who are challenging him for the Intercontinental Title. Carlito has beaten Jeff Hardy… DH Smith… Paul London… Carlito has beaten everybody. So Carlito is saying to anyone that wants to come out and here and face him... King: What the… who is that JR? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] JR: I know who that is King… that’s Chris Harris! Chris Harris… a new signing here in the WWE… what a debut this could be! Carlito: Who the hell are you? Harris: My name is Chris Harris! Carlito: Chris Harris? So you think… you think you can just turn up here and face Carlito in a match? Harris: Yeah I do… Carlito: OK… you got it man! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] [B]‘Open Challenge’ Carlito v Chris Harris[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Harris… oh! Chris Harris, just sent Carlito flying across the ring! King: I got to say JR… Carlito is unnerved here. He doesn’t know what’s going on or who this guy is. JR: Certainly a big time debut by Chris Harris. And what a place to do it, right here in London, England! Harris… slaps on a chinlock. Harris, trying to wear down the champion right now. King: JR, can you imagine if this guy Chris Harris just comes out of nowhere and wins tonight? JR: It would certainly be a huge deal. Carlito… fights back to his feet… hits Harris with a back elbow… Harris off the ropes… Harris… he caught Carlito in that crossbody… fall away slam! Here’s the cover, Harris is going to win this… 1-2… no! Carlito… just barely managed to get his shoulder up. King: God I thought that was it right there… JR: Close call for Harris, he nearly grabbed a huge win on his WWE debut. Harris now… looking to take put Carlito away now… wait, small package… 1-2… Carlito kicks out again. King: Carlito has been so close to losing this match on a couple of occasions now. JR: Harris… looking to slam Carlito… hard down to the mat. Harris… is he going upstairs here? Chris Harris… oh! Carlito pushed the referee into the ropes, Harris falls to the mat hard. King: That’s a pretty desperate move… JR: Wait, Carlito with the roll-up, he’s got the tights… 1-2-3! And Carlito just stole one. He had a handful of tights… King: Chris Harris, he made quite the statement tonight… he just came up a little short. JR: Well, this young man made a big impression tonight. I’m sure we’ll see more of Chris Harris in the future, and maybe we’ll see him and Carlito go at it for the Intercontinental Title at some point too. [B]Carlito beat Chris Harris (B-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time,. One of the men who will be involved in the number one contenders match at Backlash… Mr Kennedy! And Kennedy… I have to ask you, after you attacked Chris Jericho last week… are you at all worried about Jericho striking back? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy: Am I worried? You think I’m scared of Chris Jericho? Is that what you’re saying here Todd? Listen… Chris Jericho… is just another obstacle I have to go through to get to where I belong. I belong on top of the WWE… I belong as the WWE Champion… and if beating Chris Jericho gets me my title shot… then so be it. But everybody better realise one thing… I am the next big superstar in this company… and soon… I will be Mr Number One Contender… Contender! King: Is it just me or does anyone else have a problem with that guy? JR: It’s definitely not just you King… I can’t wait for that match at Backlash. I have feeling Chris Jericho is going to step up his game, and get himself back in the WWE Title hunt. But up next… here comes England’s own William Regal… he’s in action next… against the 7 foot tall Big Show! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/William_Regal3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [B]William Regal v The Big Show[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Big Show… he has Regal up… huge slam by Big Show! Regal must’ve been about 10 feet in the air. King: And he just came crashing down to the mat… JR: And this home crowd for Regal… seemingly enjoying seeing him take a beating here. Regal now… sent off the ropes… big boot. Regal is getting beaten like a government mule here. King: Well… I’m going to assume Big Show has been sent out here by Shane and Vince McMahon to give Regal message from them… but this is too much. JR: But the crowd seems to be loving it… Regal… crawling to the corner… trying to beg the Big Show to take it easy on him. King: But we all know that’s not going to happen JR. JR: Big Show… he has Regal by the throat… chokeslam! A huge chokeslam by the Big Show! Here’s the cover… 1-2-3! And thank God that’s over. The Big Show… he is looking absolutely dominant right now. King: And JR, do you think The Big Show will get involved in the triple threat match at Backlash? We all heard what Shane McMahon was saying earlier… JR: I don’t know King… I have to believe that if he does, he could give a huge advantage to the Game. [B]The Big Show beat William Regal (B-)[/B] ---- JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and up next, we have… *HERE COMES THE MONEY* JR: Well… I thought it was Mr Kennedy going up against DH Smith, but it seems… King: The boss has something to say JR. JR: Well… I guess we’ll have to listen to it… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Shane: As you know… this Sunday… the WWE Title will be defended in a triple threat match. It’ll be… the WWE Champion, Randy Orton… The Game Triple H… and… Shawn Michaels. But also at Backlash… you’re going to see… Umaga… going one on one with Jeff Hardy. And it’s going to be… a Loser Leaves Raw match! And Jeff Hardy… when Umaga beats you… I want you off of my show. I don’t care if you go to Smackdown… I don’t care if you go to ECW… but you and your Money in the Bank briefcase are getting the hell out of Monday Night Raw! King: Oh my God JR… JR: That’s a huge announcement right there, if Shane wins, Jeff Hardy is out of Monday Night Raw. King: But what if Jeff wins? Does that mean Umaga is out of here? He’s one Shane McMahon’s boys… could he be allowed to leave? JR: Well… I guess so King… Shane: And Jeff… I want you to savour these couple of weeks for you on Monday Night Raw. I know you’re back there Jeff… so I suggest you take the time to start saying some goodbyes. Cause next week… is going to be your last appearance on Raw. At Backlash… you will learn Jeff… that nobody screws with me. This is my show… and there’s no chance in hell of you being on it any longer! King: Did you hear that JR? Next week, could be Jeff Hardy’s last appearance on Monday Night Raw! JR: I heard it King, and I don’t like it. Jeff Hardy, who was victimised by Shane McMahon for winning Money in the Bank, and now he could be kicked off of Raw. ---- JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and after the shocking news about Backlash from Shane McMahon, we now have Mr Kennedy and DH Smith. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr Kennedy v DH Smith[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Kennedy now… going back to work on the shoulder. Armdrag… takes Smith down. King, I have to believe that Chris Jericho is dying to get back at Kennedy after what happened last week. King: Well, so far Kennedy and Jericho haven’t been able to stay away from each other. They’re going to face each other at backlash but… I reckon those two could get involved with each other before then. JR: Certainly seems neither man is willing to wait for Backlash. Kennedy, whips Smith off the ropes… Smith ducks the clothesline… and DH Smith hits the flying forearm. Kennedy back up… Smith takes him down with a clothesline. And Smith… sends Kennedy back down with a slam. King: Wow, DH Smith starting to build something here… JR: This young man, who made his debut here in the United Kingdom, looking to snap his losing streak tonight. But Kennedy… thumb to the eye, blatant move by Kennedy… Smith sent to the corner… Kennedy, runs into an elbow… DH Smith, he has Kennedy up… King: Is it a running powerslam? JR: The move made famous by his Dad the British Bulldog… no, Kennedy down the back… mic check! Kennedy hits the mic check… I thought Smith was… King: Wait, it’s Jericho! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] JR: Chris Jericho is out here now… and Kennedy and Jericho, exchanging words with each other… hey wait from behind… Smith with the roll-up… 1-2-3! He did it! DH Smith just beat Mr Kennedy! My God what an upset! King: I can’t believe it! Chris Jericho just cost Mr Kennedy his match with DH Smith! JR: Jericho gets a measure of revenge on Kennedy for last week and… Chris Jericho, raises the arm of DH Smith. That young man has a huge future in the WWE… but Jericho and Kennedy are on a collision course, and it’s coming to a head at Backlash! [B]DH Smith beat Mr Kennedy (B+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, the WWE Champion… Randy Orton! And Randy, it seems that everybody is focusing on your opponents in the triple threat match, but are they… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: You’re damn right they’re overlooking me! Let’s just remember here… I am the WWE Champion! And I already hold victories over both of Triple H and Shawn Michaels. If you two have a problem with each other, that’s fine… I’ll just stand back and let you two beat the hell out of each other. But understand this… I will win that triple threat match. I will leave Backlash still the WWE Champion! And if you two… or Shane McMahon… or anybody else has a problem with that… you just look at the list of people I have beaten. You look at some of the legends I have defended this title against. At Backlash… my legend… will live on. King: He has a point JR, I mean… with all the talk about Triple H and Shawn Michaels, we overlooked the WWE Champion. JR: He is one of the most dangerous WWE Champions we’ve ever seen. And if Triple H and Shawn Michaels do start to take each other out of the match… Orton can just wait and pick his moment to strike. I also have to believe that… *TIME TO PLAY THE GAME* King: Here he comes JR… JR: Triple H, on his way out here for his match tonight. Triple H and Bobby Lashley go one on one when we return! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H v Bobby Lashley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Triple H… whips Lashley to the corner… Lashley fires out with a clothesline! Down goes the Game and… Lashley has certainly not been afraid or nervous in this match. He has taken the fight to Triple H during this match. King: Right and Triple H is looking… he almost shocked at how much offence Bobby Lashley has thrown at him. JR: Lashley… hits a suplex, here’s another cover, 1-2… kick out again by Triple H. King: It’s going to take something more than that to pin The Game. JR: Lashley has been impressive, but you’re right King, Triple H is as tough as they come. Triple H now… he’s looking for a belly to belly… Lashley round the back… Lashley hits a belly to belly! Huge impact right there, hook’s the leg… 1-2… Triple H, managed to force his shoulder off the mat. King: Lashley, he was just too powerful for Triple H there… JR: Lashley now… he has Triple H back on his feet… sends Triple H to the corner… Lashley follows him in… Triple H, managed to get the boot up to block him. Triple H, up on the second rope… Triple H… Lashley caught him… spinebuster! My god, a huge spinebuster. Here’s the cover, 1-2… no! The Game, barely, just barely managed to kick out. King: That could’ve been it right there JR… JR: Lashley, it looked like that spinebuster was going to be enough for him, but Triple H managed to kick out. Lashley now… he’s lining the Game up… here he comes… no, Triple H managed to get out of the way… Lashley turns into a… pedigree! A pedigree! Triple H, just nailed Lashley with the pedigree… here’s the cover… 1…. 2… 3! King: Wow, out of nowhere, Triple H hits the pedigree… JR: It was a hell of an effort by Bobby Lashley, but The Game… he sensed an opportunity, and he took it. King: And that is why Triple H is so dangerous going into the triple threat match at Backlash! [B]Triple H beat Bobby Lashley (A)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Vince and Shane McMahon* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Vince: What are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Shane: What? Vince: Why have you put Umaga in a loser leaves Raw match? I mean… we wanted him to be here on Raw… watching our backs. And now… if Jeff Hardy wins, he’s not going to be here any more. Did you think this through before you made that match? Shane: Dad… don’t worry, OK? First… Umaga is going to destroy Jeff Hardy, OK? Second… I will be at ringside to make sure everything goes smoothly, OK? And third… Vince: Yeah? Shane: I forgot to mention it earlier but… the Loser Leaves Raw match… it’s going to be no DQ. Vince: So… anything goes? Shane: Anything… don’t worry about it, OK? I got it all figured out. Vince: Good job son… good job. JR: Oh c’mon now, this is too much. First Jeff Hardy has to take on Umaga, now it’s no disqualification… King: And Shane McMahon is going to be at ringside JR! JR: I don’t like this one bit. The McMahon family, seem to have set their sights on Jeff Hardy. I can only hope Jeff manages to pull through and get the win at Backlash but… the odds are certainly against him. King: And… well… speaking of Umaga… JR: here comes the Samoan Bulldozer. He is in action next, as he take son Shawn Michaels! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shawn Michaels v Umaga[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Michaels now… going upstairs… elbow off the top rope! Here’s a cover, 1-2… Umaga powers out of that pinfall. King: You have to wonder JR, what’s going through the mind of Shawn Michaels right now. This is the first match we’ve seen him in since what happened at Wrestlemania… JR: It’s a great point King. The mindset of Shawn Michaels, it can’t be good right now. But so far in this match… HBK has looked pretty good, as he takes Umaga down with a dropkick. Michaels now, trying to build momentum… Irish whip to the corner… Umaga reverses it… Michaels… hits a moonsault! Here’s a cover, 1… 2… no! Umaga kicked out! My God he kicked out! King: That was vintage Shawn Michaels right there JR. JR: Shawn Michaels, he knows he’s in one hell of a fight right here… and now… is HBK… he tuning up the band! King: Are we going to see it…. JR: Here comes… sweet chin… what the hell? King: It’s Shane! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] JR: What the hell is Shane McMahon doing out here? He has no business…oh! Michaels just hit Shane with some sweet chin music! The GM of Raw just went flying off the apron… oh wait… oh! Samoan Drop! A huge Samoan Drop! HBK turned right into the Samoan Drop and… King: Oh no not this… JR: And now… c’mon Umaga, don’t do this… no… oh! Samoan Spike! Devastating move! Here’s the cover… 1… 2…. 3! My God King… Umaga just pinned Shawn Michaels! Shane McMahon just cost HBK the match! King: What does this mean for Backlash JR? JR: I hate to think King… Umaga is looking dominant… what’s going to happen next week, on Monday Night Raw?! [B]Umaga beat Shawn Michaels (A*)[/B] ---- [SIZE="1"]Hardcore Holly beat Santino Marella (C-) Carlito beat Chris Harris (B-) The Big Show beat William Regal (B-) DH Smith beat Mr Kennedy (B+) Triple H beat Bobby Lashley (A) Umaga beat Shawn Michaels (A*)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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chris caulfield: 3/6 The Human Cancer: 4/6 combatmedic: 3/6 JamesFosterFan021: 3/6 dse81: 3/6 ultimatenoob: 4/6 darthsiddus2: 3/6 ---- RKO_HBK: 3/38 chris caulfield: 25/38 The Human Cancer: 27/38 Mtm2k6: 8/38 dse81: 22/38 ultimatenoob: 27/38 JamesFosterFan021: 13/38 pat21532: 3/38 ADeezy62: 12/38 combatmedic and darthsiddus2 - thanks for predicting! Hope you guys become regulars. I think we'll all agree this weeks Raw was a little bit tougher eh? ECW up soon! PS - Poopypants is such a undervalued word!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]Tommy Dreamer v Chuck Palumbo[/B] [SIZE="1"]Dreamer has been on a roll lately, and tonight he takes on Chuck Palumbo. Palumo has also picked his share of wins lately. Will he walk into ECW and grab the win? Or will the Innovator of Violence keep his momentum going?[/SIZE] [B]Paul Burchill v Balls Mahoney[/B] [SIZE="1"]Burchill has been dominating ever since he debuted on ECW. After beating one ECW Original in Stevie Richards last week, tonight he taks on Balls Mahoney. Will the newcomer continue his reign of terror? Or can Balls get the win and show Burchill life is far from easy on ECW?[/SIZE] [B]Kevin Thorn v Finlay[/B] [SIZE="1"]These two met on Smackdown last week, when Finlay won by DQ after Kenny Dykstra interferred. After what happened last Friday, Thorn demanded a rematch with Finlay in the Land of Extreme. Will Finaly put the distractions of Dykstra out of mind and get the win? Or will Thorn take out his frustrations on the Irishman?[/SIZE] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Elijah Burke[/B] [SIZE="1"]The friendship between these two seems to be over after Benjamin cost Burke two straight matches with CM Punk. Burke is looking to get even with Benjamin, but the ECW Champion will want a strong performance ahead of his match at Backlash. Which one of the former friends will grab the win here? And what role will the number one contender CM Punk play in it all?[/SIZE] ---- Quick Picks: Tommy Dreamer v Chuck Palumbo Paul Burchill v Balls Mahoney Kevin Thorn v Finlay Shelton Benjamin v Elijah Burke
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Hello everybody, and welcome to ECW on Sci-Fi! Tonight, we are in London, England. And Tazz… tonight, two friends… or should I say former friends… in Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke will collide. Tazz: That’s right Joey, and I have to believe CM Punk is going to be watching that match very closely. Styles: We’ll hope to get a word from the former ECW Champion at some point tonight. But up first… we are kicking things off with Tommy Dreamer! Tazz: The Heart and Soul of ECW right there… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChuckPalumbo-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tommy Dreamer v Chuck Palumbo[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Palumbo… clubbing blow to the back. Down goes Dreamer… Palumbo, lines him up… big time clothesline. Here’s a cover, 1-2… Dreamer kicks out at 2. Tazz: We’ve been talking a lot lately about Tommy Dreamer, maybe being inline for an ECW Title shot… I mean, I’d love to see it happen Joey. Styles: And grabbing a win against Chuck Palumbo tonight could go a long way to prove the point for Tommy Dreamer. But right now… Palumbo is in control, as he hits Dreamer with a knee to the face. Tazz: And a guy like Chuck Palumbo, a big guy with a lot of power… he can do some damage when he gets in the ring. Styles: He’s picked up some wins on Smackdown lately, much the same as Dreamer… as Dreamer hits him with a right hand. Palumbo answers back… Dreamer hits him again. Palumbo sends Dreamer off the ropes… Dreamer ducks the clothesline… but he doesn’t duck the big boot of Palumbo. Here’s a cover, 1-2… no, Dreamer kicks out. Tazz: Palumbo… looking like he’s running out of ideas here. Styles: Palumbo now… sends Dreamer hard into the corner… Palumbo runs into a boot, Dreamer on the second rope… Dreamer hits a clothesline. Here’s a cover, 1-2… and Palumbo gets the shoulder up. Tazz: Not often you see Tommy Dreamer go to the second rope, but that shows how much he wants to win tonight. Styles: No doubt about it, Dreamer is going to do whatever it takes here. Dreamer, looking to send Palumbo to the corner… Palumbo reverses it… Palumbo charges in… oh! Dreamer ducked, Palumbo gets caught up in the ropes… and Dreamer, sweeps that other leg, Palumbo is set up for… Tazz: Tree of woe, coming up… Styles: Dreamer… oh! Dreamer hits the tree of woe, here’s a cover… 1-2-3! And Tommy Dreamer picks up the win. And once again Tazz, I have to ask… when will Tommy Dreamer get his shot at the ECW Championship? Tazz: Well… I can’t really answer that, he deserves it, but it’s up to Armando Estrada, but… Dreamer has to be in with a shot of facing whoever comes out on top at Backlash. [B]Tommy Dreamer beat Chuck Palumbo (B-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Elijah Burke and Armando Estrada* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ArmandoAlejandroEstrada.jpg[/IMG] Burke: Listen man… this is the way it has to be. I can’t be having him messing things up for me all the time. I know you don’t like it… but I’ve had enough of it man. Estrada: Look Amigo… I know you are upset at Shelton Benjamin for what happened last week… Burke: And the week before… Estrada: And the week before… but this is not the answer my friend. You and Benjamin tonight? I mean… the title may not be on the line, but still… you two should not be getting into matches with each other. I you two have a problem… you should take out your anger on CM Punk, not on each other. Burke: Well… every time I try to take out my anger on CM Punk, Shelton gets in my way… so tonight… I’m going to teach him a lesson… don’t mess with me. Now excuse me but… I got to ready for my match. Styles: Tazz, it seems that what was a volatile relationship when we went off the air last week hasn’t gotten any better on the other side of the Atlantic. Tazz: I’d say it’s gotten worse Joey. I mean, I don’t like either one of these guys, but Burke’s got a point. I mean, he asked Shelton Benjamin to stay out of his match last week, and he wound costing him it. Styles: Well, the match at Backlash is set. It’ll be Shelton Benjamin putting the gold on the line against CM Punk, but what impact will this match tonight have? Tazz: It depends on how much Elijah Burke wants to… Styles: Hate to interrupt you Tazz, but here comes Paul Burchill. A man who made his debut on ECW a couple of weeks ago, and so far he has been dominant. Will that dominance continue tonight against Balls Mahoney? We’ll find out when we return… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Balls_Mahoney.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul Burchill v Balls Mahoney[/B][/CENTER] *we join this match near its conclusion* Styles: Burchill, showing off that aggressive nature of his, chokes Balls Mahoney in the corner. Tazz: You know, this guy Burchill… I like him. I think he’s got a good future here on ECW. Styles: Burchill… slams Balls to the mat. We’ve talked about how impressive he’s been lately, he could emerge as a contender for the ECW Title in the future. As he hits a huge clothesline on Balls. Tazz: Balls is a pretty big guy, and to see him getting thrown about the ring here… Styles: Not a good sign for Balls. Burchill now… sends Balls into the corner… Burchill drives the knee into the face of Mahoney. And the end could be near in this match. Tazz: Everything Paul Burchill does he does with so much intensity and so much impact… Styles: And Burchill now… he has Balls set up… Tazz: C4! Man, what a move that is… Styles: Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Paul Burchill… he is looking unbeatable right now. Tazz: There’s a new force coming through ECW right now, and it’s name is Paul Burchill. Styles: And you have to wonder, who is going to stop this guy? [B]Paul Burchill beat Balls Mahoney (C)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time, the number one contender for the ECW Title and the man who will face Shelton Benjamin at Backlash… CM Punk. And CM… I have to ask, how do you feel seeing Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke, two men you’ve been fighting against lately, going one on one with each other? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Punk: Let’s get one thing clear right now… I don’t like either Shelton Benjamin or Elijah Burke. As far as I’m concerned, those two can go out there and beat the hell out of each other. I’ll be watching tonight, but I’ll only be watching to see which one of you two leaves the ring the most beat up. And Shelton… you like to call yourself the ‘Gold Standard’. Well… you didn’t pin me for the ECW Title, so as far as I’m concerned… you’ve still got to prove yourself against me. And at Backlash… I will regain my ECW Title. And when I do… I’ll prove that I am the standard on ECW! Styles: Backlash is just two weeks away and… the ECW Title match is getting more and more intriguing as the weeks go past. Tazz: Yeah I mean, CM Punk, he knows he has that title shot in the bag now, or at least we hope he does, who knows what Armando Estrada could throw in? But, this match tonight… I got to think it can only help CM Punk to see his two biggest rivals going one on one. Styles: I can’t wait to see it, but up next… here comes Kevin Thorn and Tazz… this is a re-match from last Friday night. Thorn and Finlay had a match and… Kenny Dykstra made his presence felt… Tazz: He cost Thorn the match Joey! That’s all there is to it, he cost him the match, and tonight Thorn wants a rematch. Styles: Well… here comes Finlay and Hornswoggle! Finlay steps into the Land of Extreme next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kevin Thorn v Finlay[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Thorn sent to the corner… oh! Finlay just rocked Thorn with a clothesline. Finlay… nails Thorn with a right hand. Thorn, off the ropes… Thorn reverses… and Thorn hits Finlay with the boot. This has been a back and forth match so far… Tazz: Neither guy has been in control, both guys have hit each other with a lot of power moves. Styles: Thorn now, can he take a step closer to winning this thing? He has Finlay up… slams him down. Thorn off the ropes… misses with the knee. Thorn was looking to drive his knee right into Finlays head, the veteran managed to get out the way. Tazz: And Finlay now, he’ll look to take advantage to this… Styles: And Finlay… kick to the knee of Thorn… and another Thorn. Finlay, not known for his submission skills… Tazz: Yeah but he’ll attack any sign of weakness Joey. Styles: You got that right… Finlay now, going back upstairs with the forearm. And… what the hell is Kenny Dykstra doing out here? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] Tazz: Dykstra… he’s out here to distract Finlay again. Styles: Well so far, he’s hanging around ringside… wait a second, Dykstra just grabbed hold of Hornswoggle! Tazz: Wait a second, what the hell you doing? I’m going to step in here if he… Styles: Finlay… shouting at Dykstra… hey wait, from behind, Thron with the roll-up… 1-2-3! And Kenny Dykstra, he just Finlay the match. Tazz: And now he’s… Styles: Oh! Kenny Dykstra… he just hit Finlay with that shillelagh… what is this guys problem? He has no business being out here, he… Tazz: Wait a second, what’s Thorn doing? Styles: Thorn… he has Finlay up… crucifix powerbomb! Thorn just nailed Finlay, and Dykstra flashes a smile. This kid’s got some problems… Tazz: Mark my words Joey, Finlay is going to tear Kenny Dykstra apart some time, I don’t know when it’ll happen, but he’s going to get his eventually. [B]Kevin Thorn beat Finlay (B+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Elijah Burke* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] Burke: What do you want man? I ain’t got nothing to say to you… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Punk: Well I got something to say to you. Listen… I don’t like you, you don’t like me. That’s fine… I can deal with that. But you got to realise something… I’m getting pretty sick and tired of you, Benjamin and Estrada trying to screw me out of going to Backlash. If you three have something in mind tonight… if this is all just a set up for my benefit… I’d save it if I was you. Burke: Trust me man… this ain’t no set up… this is me giving Shelton a little payback. Punk: Alright then… then I wish you good luck. But if you guys try anything… I’m coming after you… then I’m going to Backlash to get Benjamin. Styles: The number one contender there, laying down the law to Elijah Burke almost. Punk: Well, I think CM Punk has gone through so much with Burke and Benjamin, he’s got to be a bit cagey around these two guys, regardless of what problems they’ve been having. Styles: Well… here comes the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin… he takes on his former friend Elijah Burke. And that match is coming up, when we return… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Elijah Burke[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Benjamin, runs Burke into the corner… comes out with a bulldog. Here’s a cover, 1-2… kick out by Burke. So far Tazz, I got to say… I’m surprised at the way these two have gone at each other. Tazz: Neither guy has held anything back so far, both these guys want to win this. Styles: Benjamin, looking to pick up a big win before he faces CM Punk at Backlash. Benjamin… sends Burke to the corner… Benjamin runs into a boot… Burke now, tilt the world backbreaker. Here’s a cover… 1-2… kick out by Benjamin. Burke now… has Benjamin in a armbar, trying to do some damage to Benjamin’s shoulder. Tazz: And Joey, I got to believe, CM Punk is back there watching this match, he’ll be pretty pleased with what he’s seeing right now. Both these guys have been going at each other. Styles: Benjamin… fights back to his feet… and… well… CM Punk is making his way out here. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Tazz: What’s he doing… he’s just going to stand there at the top of the ramp? Styles: It certainly looks like it… the action continues… Benjamin gets a two count and… Tazz: Now he sees Punk… now he sees the number one contender… Styles: And the stare down begins… Benjamin and Punk… exchanging words down the ramp. Tazz: Benjamin better pay attention to what’s going on in the ring… Styles: Burke… he has Benjamin set up… Elijah Experience! Elijah Experience! Burke, takes advantage… here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! Elijah Burke, just pinned the ECW Champion! Tazz: And he did it with a huge assist from CM Punk! Styles: Burke and Punk… and Burke and Punk, shaking hands?! Benjamin is furious! What the hell is going on around here?! Tazz: This would happen in London wouldn’t it? Styles: What’s going to happen next week? What is the relationship between Burke and Punk? Join us next week on Sci-Fi to find out! [B]Elijah Burke beat Shelton Benjamin (B)[/B] ---- [SIZE="1"]Tommy Dreamer beat Chuck Palumbo (B-) Paul Burchill beat Balls Mahoney (C) Kevin Thorn beat Finlay (B+) Elijah Burke beat Shelton Benjamin (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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JamesFosterFan021: 2/4 dse81: 2/4 chris caulfield: 2/4 The Human Cancer: 3/4 RatedHBK79: 3/4 ultimatenoob: 3/4 Destiny: 2/4 ---- chris caulfield: 27/42 The Human Cancer: 30/42 Mtm2k6: 8/42 dse81: 24/42 ultimatenoob: 30/42 JamesFosterFan021: 15/42 pat21532: 3/42 ADeezy62: 12/42 Smackdown up soon!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Smackdown Preview[/B] [B]'Cruiserweight Number One Contender Four Way' Jamie Noble v Billy Kidman v Funaki v Nunzio[/B] [SIZE="1"]Brian Kendrick will defend the Cruiserweight Title at Backlash. Tonight, the number one contender will be crowned. Which one of these former Cruiserweight Champions will get first crack at the new champ?[/SIZE] [B]Deuce v John Morrison v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [SIZE="1"]Morrison and Miz will defend the tag team titles next week on Smackdown against Deuce and Domino and Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore. Tonight, all three teams send one member into this match. Who will gain the momentum for their team going into next weeks title match?[/SIZE] [B]Kane v Paul Burchill[/B] [SIZE="1"]Burchill has been on a roll since he made his debut on ECW, but tonight he goes into Smackdown against Kane. Will the Big Red Machine pick up the win he needs to get back into things? Or will Burchill take his dominance on ECW into Smackdown?[/SIZE] [B]Mark Henry v Finlay[/B] [SIZE="1"]After being the victim of two weeks of attacks from Kenny Dykstra, Finlay has his wish and the two will face each other at Backlash. Tonight thought, Finlay takes on Mark Henry, a man who has returned to dominance since Wrestlemania. Will Henry continue to climb back up the ranks? Or will Finlay put Dykstra out of his mind and get the win?[/SIZE] [B]Rey Mysterio v Curt Hawkins[/B] [SIZE="1"]Rey tried to talk some sense into Vickie Guerrero last week, and wound up being attacked by the Edge-heads for his trouble. Tonight, he takes on Curt Hawkins. Can Rey step up and beat Hawkins? Or will Zack ryder and Edge make their presence felt and hand Hawkins the win?[/SIZE] [B]Edge v Matt Hardy[/B] [SIZE="1"]The bad blood between these two goes back a long way, but it came back last week after Edge and MVP attacked Matt. Will he put the past behind him and finish Edge once and for all? Or will Edge be able to put The Undertaker out of his mind long enough for him to win?[/SIZE] ---- Quick Picks: Jamie Noble v Billy Kidman v Funaki v Nunzio Deuce v John Morrison v Jimmy Wang Yang Kane v Paul Burchill Mark Henry v Finlay Rey Mysterio v Curt Hawkins Edge v Matt Hardy
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