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[B]Chris Harris [/B]v Charlie Hass [B]Candice Michelle [/B]v Victoria Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v [B]The Highlanders[/B] Santino Marella v [B]Paul London[/B] Bobby Lashley v [B]The Big Show[/B] Triple H v [B]Chris Jericho[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Hello everybody! Tonight, the road to Judgement Day begins! We are running through East Rutherford, NJ, on the way to what could be a monumental pay per view in the history of the WWE! I’m Jim Ross, alongside my colleague Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, we may be on the road to Judgement Day, but we are all still reeling after what happened last night. King: God JR, Backlash was a heck of a night, but tonight, we’re going to see just who is going to Judgement Day to face Randy Orton. JR: And I think that right there is an absolute joke. Chris Jericho earned the rite to go to Judgement Day, to face Randy Orton, and Shane McMahon has decided otherwise. I think it’s going to be a damn shame if Triple H beats Chris Jericho tonight. He didn’t earn this opportunity, he had his shot last night and he couldn’t get it done. King: Right and Jericho… *HEY* JR: Well… here comes a man who for my mind took a huge step to greatness last night. The WWE Champion, Randy Orton… who managed to survive against Triple H and Shawn Michaels, and now he goes to Judgement Day… but who will he face? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: It seems to me… that a lot of you… thought that I was guaranteed to lose my WWE Title last night. But once again, I proved that the Age of Orton is here to stay. The list of victims… who have fallen at my hands continues to grow. And at Judgement Day, I don’t care if it’s Chris Jericho… I don’t care if it’s Triple H… but I will leave yet another pay per view still the WWE Champion. And can I also just say… Batista… I know you’re supposed to be here tonight. If you think you coming to Raw is going to be the springboard you need to another championship reign… then you may as well stay on Smackdown. You Batista… are not in my league. When we were both in Evolution… I was always the better wrestler, I was always the better champion… and don’t for a second think that I won’t make you another victim if I get the chance. King: JR… in all the excitement, I forgot Batista could become a member of the Raw roster tonight! JR: He certainly could, I don’t know if The Animal is here yet, but if he is, he’s going to have something to say to the WWE Champion. ---- JR: We’re back folks, and up next, Chris Harris, a man who has been very impressive since he made his debut a few weeks ago, is in action against Charlie Hass. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CharlieHass.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Harris v Charlie Hass[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Hass now, wrenching back on the shoulder. Chris Harris, who had the momentum early in this match, has been kept grounded now by Hass. King: Hass is a great technical wrestler, he’s had a lot of success in the tag team division over the years, and maybe now he can take a step and become a challenger in the Intercontinental division. JR: No doubt about that, but the champion Carlito has had Chris Harris in his sights lately… as Harris fights back to his feet… and there’s an elbow to the midsection… and another… Harris comes off the ropes, takes Hass down with a shoulder charge. Harris now… drives the elbow. Here’s a cover, 1-2… kick out by Hass. King: Harris now… starting to get back into the match… JR: And he follows up with a slam. Chris Harris… lining Charlie Hass up… King: What’s his move JR? JR: We’re about to find out King… Chris Harris… swinging side slam! Great impact from Harris, here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Chris Harris picks up his second win here on Raw. King: JR… if Chris Harris keeps putting on performances like this… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] JR: Hey wait! Carlito! From behind… Carlito attacking Chris Harris. Well… he said last week he wasn’t happy that Harris almost embarrassed him, but this… this is totally uncalled for… backstabber! Carlito hits the backstabber… Harris is down. King: I can’t believe Carlito is still mad about what happened. I mean… he won that match if I remember… JR: Who knows what’s going on in that young mans head? [B]Chris Harris beat Charlie Hass (C-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Teddy Long* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Where is he? Huh? Is he going to be here tonight? Teddy: I think so yeah… here he is now. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Batista7.jpg[/IMG] Batista: Teddy… Shane. How’s it going? Teddy: It’s all good playa… Shane: Yeah… yeah good. Anyway… me and Teddy have been talking… and we think we got a deal. Teddy: All you go to do is sign on the line Batista… Batista: So… it’s a done deal? Good… so who's going to Smackdown? Teddy: I think all will be revealed this Friday night. Shane: You don’t worry about that big guy… you just worry about being on Raw, OK? Batista: Oh don’t worry… I’m sure I’ll be making my impact around here sooner rather than later. King: Well… I guess it’s official JR! Batista is on Raw! JR: It looks like it King… but how are we losing to Smackdown? I mean… we lost Umaga last night, who’s it going to be this time? King: I don’t know JR… but I got something that might cheer you up. It’ll cheer me up at least… it’s a Divas match! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Candice_Michelle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Victoria.jpg[/IMG] [B]Candice Michelle v Victoria[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Victoria now… punishing Candice with that reverses chinlock... King: JR… it always amazes me how much power Victoria has. JR: No doubt about it, she’s a heck of a wrestler, and iit’s good to see her back on Raw. King: I bet Mickie James doesn’t think so… JR: Well, you have a point there. Candice… fighting out of this situation… and coming back with some offence of her own… kick to the midsection… and a spinning heel kick takes Victoria down. Here’s the cover… 1-2… kick out by Victoria. King: Nearly a big upset JR… JR: Not close enough though… Candice now, trying to… oh, Victoria hit a nice back elbow there… and Victoria starts raining down with the boot. Victoria… sends Candice off the ropes… oh she caught here… widows peak! My God what a move… here’s the cover… King: It’s over JR… JR: 1… 2…3. And Victoria picks up her first win back on Raw, and she looked dominant. King: Right and you got to believe she came back to Raw with the aim of taking that Women’s Title off of Mickie James. [B]Victoria beat Candice Michelle (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time, the man who won the Loser Leaves Raw match last night at Backlash… Mr Money in the Bank… Jeff Hardy! And Jeff… after you beat Umaga last night, do you think this war that you’ve been involved in lately is finally over? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Jeff: You know what man… I don’t think Shane is going o let this go. I mean… I just kicked his boy Umaga out the door. If Shane wants to try me one more time… I’ll be ready. And believe me… I won’t have any problems if I got to kick Big Show out of Raw too. JR: Jeff Hardy did a great job last night, I’m very happy he’s still going to be appearing on Raw but King… what is Jeff thinking in throwing a challenge at Shane McMahon like that? King: Well… we’ve questioned the actions of Jeff Hardy in the past, and I think this could be another time were we’re not all that sure what Jeff is doing. I hope it works out, infact I hope Shane McMahon didn’t hear the interview… because if he did, Jeff could be in a whole world of trouble. JR: It remains to be seen… but here comes The Highlanders. We haven’t seen these guys on Raw for a while. But there here tonight and they take on the tag team champions Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RobbieMcAllister.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RoryMcAllister.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v The Highlanders[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Rory now… taking Cody back to his corner… tag made to Robbie… and a hard shot to the kidneys by Robbie. That was a pretty vicious shot right there. King: Cody felt that shot, he’s in a lot of pain right now. JR: Robbie now… follows it up with a backbreaker, here’s a cover, 1-2… and Holly comes in to break up the count. Not exactly legal, but effective. And Robbie goes right back to work on Rhodes… he whips him to the corner… and Robbie runs into a boot… and there’s an elbow to the face for Rory. Cody now… dives across the ring and makes the tag. King: Here comes Holly… JR: Holly is in… and takes Robbie down with a clothesline. Rory… he goes for the ride with a back body drop. Holly… forearm to Rory… and Rory goes flying over the top rope. King: Landed right in front us JR… JR: Holly… he has Robbie… he has him up… Alabama Slam! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! King: The champs win again JR! JR: Holly and Rhodes keep up this run they’ve been on in recent weeks… and you have to wonder who is going to be able to challenge these guys for the titles? [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes beat The Highlanders (C-)[/B] ---- JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and up next… we believe that… *TIME TO PLAY THE GAME* King: What? JR: Well… here comes Triple H. He’s not scheduled to be wrestling until later on this evening… I’m not sure why he’s coming out here right now. King: He’s got a mic in his hand JR, so I think he’s got something to say… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: You know… last night… I was robbed of the WWE Title. I was robbed… and I wasn’t even robbed by the champion. I was robbed… by Shawn Michaels. You see… if Randy Orton and me go one on one… then I will be the new WWE Champion. Shawn Michaels did nothing but get in my way last night. So tonight… I am going to beat Chris Jericho… and then I’m going to Judgement Day to face Randy Orton. And Shawn… if don’t even know if you’re here tonight… but if you are… don’t even think about getting involved in this match. You have been holding me back for years Shawn… and I’m not going to stand for it. That’s why I kicked your ass at Wrestlemania… and if you mess in my business again… I’ll finish your career. King: JR… is Shawn Michaels here tonight? JR: I haven’t seen him King, but if he is… he’s been warned by The Game. If Shawn Michaels has any sense, he should stay the hell out of the way of Triple H. ---- JR: We’re back folks, and coming up, a man who the King holds close to his heart… King: Yeah, hold him by the throat… JR: Santino Marella takes on the young high flyer, Paul London. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Santino Marella v Paul London[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: London now… going to the top rope… hurricanrana! London with a huge move off the top rope, the cover… 1-2… oh Santino kicked out! King: Man I thought that was it… JR: Paul London, this kid has a lot of talent. And now… London… kick to the midsection… oh! Enziguri, down goes Santino… here’s a cover… King: God I hope it’s over… JR: 1… 2 no! Santino… showing a sense of resilience I haven’t seen out of him before. London looking like he’s almost running out of ideas here. King: I got one or two he could borrow… JR: I don’t think your style would go with Paul London’s offence King. London… he’s going back upstairs… Paul London off the top rope… crossbody, the cover… 1-2-3! And Paul London gets the win! King: Man Paul London… anyone that beats Santino Marella is a good guy in my books. JR: Paul London, a very under rated wrestler… if he carries on with these kind of performances, he could put himself in the frame for a Intercontinental Title shot. [B]Paul London beat Santino Marella (B-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Mr Kennedy* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Wait a second… wait a second. Run that past me again. Kennedy: Look… I know you’re sending somebody to Smackdown as part of the Batista trade… and I want it to be me. Shane: You want me to send you to Smackdown? Is that what your saying? Kennedy: Yeah… yeah that’s what I’m saying. Shane: Listen Kennedy… I’m not sending you to Smackdown. Me and Teddy Long, we already agreed on the trade alright? However… I have a better idea for you. Kennedy: Oh yeah… what’s that? Shane: Well… now that Umaga isn’t on Raw anymore… Team McMahon is one member short. Now… I was thinking about offering it to Batista, I mean I am the guy that brought him to Raw, so I figure he’ll do whatever I tell him to do. But you… I got a spot on my team for you too. But you got to prove to me that you want it… Kennedy: How do I do that? Shane: Haha… OK, here’s what I want you to do… King: What… what could Shane have I mind for Kennedy? JR: I shudder to think to King. Whatever it is… I doubt it’s all that good for… *WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW* King: Whoa… JR: Here he comes… the World’s Largest Athelete… The Big Show is on his way out here. He is in action next against Bobby Lashley. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bobby Lashley v The Big Show[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Big Show… applying a lot of pressure on the neck of Bobby Lashley. These two, had some battles back when they were both competing for the ECW Title… King: And Lashley came out on top of that battle, but it’s not looking good for him tonight. JR: The Big Show has been dominant. But Lashley… trying to fight out of this… Lashley gets back to his feet… there’s a kick… and another… Lashley off the ropes… shoulder block doesn’t take Big Show down… one more time…and Lashley runs into a clothesline. King: Just as Lashley was starting to put together some offence… The Big Show just ended it all with a clothesline. JR: And Big Show… he just called for the chokeslam. He’s looking to end this right now… Big Show… he has Lashley by the throat… he has him up… chokeslam! My God what a chokeslam! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… no! Lashley kicked out! King: Lashley somehow managed to get the shoulder up but… he can’t much left JR… JR: It took a lot for Lashley to kick out of that, but you’re right King, how much is left in the tank for Bobby Lashley? And The Big Show… God, he just clotheslined Lashley over the top rope… what the hell is he going to now? King: Whoa… we might have to get out of here JR… JR: Oh c’mon… stop this. There’s no need for this! This is uncalled for… King: I don’t think he’s going to listen to you JR… JR: The Big Show… no! No! Don’t do this… no! My God! Oh My God! The Big Show just chokeslammed Bobby Lashley thorugh our announce table! What the hell is wrong with you?! King: Lashley is hurt… we need some help out here guys! JR: You big son of a… well… I won’t finish that, but what the hell is the meaning of this? Why has The Big Show done this? Bobby Lashley has been decimated here… and for what reason? King: I still haven’t seen Lashley move JR… JR: Booby Lashley has been broken in half… [B]Bobby Lashley beat The Big Show by DQ (A)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, Y2J… Chris Jericho! And Chris, how are you feeling after finding out that you must beat Triple H tonight if you’re to still be able to go to Judgement Day to face Randy Orton? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: How do I feel about it? You know… I think that Shane McMahon has a lot of explaining to do. I mean… why make me go through Mr Kennedy at Backlash, if he was always going to make sure his boy Triple H was going to get another shot at Orton anyway? Well, you know what Shane? I am the flaw in your plan… I have worked too damn hard to give up my shot at Orton to you two jackasses! So tonight… I’m going to beat Triple H… and then I’m going to Judgement Day… and the WWE will never… ever… be the same again! JR: Triple H and Jericho… when we return! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Number One Contenders Match Triple H v Chris Jericho[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: What a battle this has been King! Jericho… lying motionless on the floor… Triple H… he’s not looking a whole lot better after that clothesline over the top rope. King: That and our table being in a million pieces… this is looking like a war zone out here JR! JR: Both men… trying to get back in the ring… the referee has started counting… he’s up to 7… King: There’s 8… JR: 9… and they just barely make it back in! That hard landing took a lot out of both men though… Jericho is back to his feet first… he sends Triple H off the ropes… reversal… oh! Jericho went for a heel kick, and Triple H pulled the referee in front of him! King: And the referee is down and he is hurt… JR: And now we’ve got Jericho and Triple H down… the referee is down… this is starting to get… oh wait a minute! What the hell is he doing out here? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] King: Kennedy? What the… JR: Mr Kennedy has no business being out here right now… King: He just grabbed hold of a chair JR! JR: Kennedy… lines Jericho up… no! Kennedy just cracked that chair right off Chris Jericho’s skull! What the hell is he doing? King: Uh… JR… you don’t think this is what Shane McMahon had in mind for Kennedy earlier do you? JR: I think that’s it exactly! Shane McMahon… once again, using his power to make sure Triple H gets the better of every situation he can. King: Triple H is almost surprised to see Kennedy out here… JR: The Game has just been handed a title shot at Judgement Day by Kennedy and… hey wait… wait! It’s… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] King: It’s Shawn Michaels! JR: Michaels through the crowd… oh! Sweet chin music to Triple H! Sweet chin music! And Kennedy… he gets the chair kicked right back in his face! My God! Shawn Michaels is here! And he’s kicking ass! King: Where did he come from JR? JR: He came through the crowd and… Michaels just placed Jericho on top of Triple H! C’mon ref! Make the count! Make the count! King: I can’t believe this! JR: 1… 2… King: Oh my God! JR: 3! Yes! YES! Jericho did it! Jericho beat The Game! Jericho is going to Judgement Day! My God I can’t believe it! Jericho will face Orton at Judgement Day! King: What is going to happen to Shawn Michaels though? JR: Shawn Michaels came here to fight! Shawn Michaels isn’t afraid of Triple H, Shawn Michaels isn’t afraid of Shane McMahon! My God… what the hell is going on around here? Tune in next week! You won’t want to miss it! [B]Chris Jericho beat Triple H (A*)[/B] ---- [SIZE="1"]Chris Harris beat Charlie Hass (C-) Victoria beat Candice Michelle (C+) Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes beat The Highlander (C-) Paul London beat Santino Marella (B-) Bobby Lashley beat The Big Show by DQ (A) Chris Jericho beat Triple H (A*)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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Mtm2k6: 4/6 JamesFosterFan021: 5/6 dse81: 6/6 pauls07: 3/6 Gameseeker: 3/6 ultimatenoob: 3/6 ---- Judgment Day is 3 weeks away so there won't be as many shows to predict. Let's see who wins this month!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox[/B] [SIZE="1"]ECW Originals Mahoney and Richards could emerge as possible contenders for the tag team titles at some point. However, they first will need to get past the new pairing of Thorn and Knox. Will the Originals get it done? Or will Thorn and Knox get their partnership off to a good start?[/SIZE] [B]Paul Burchill v Festus Dalton[/B] [SIZE="1"]Burchill suffered his first loss on Sci-Fi to Tommy Dreamer last week and will be looking to get back to winning ways tonight. Will Festus prove too big an obstacle for Burchill to overcome? Or will the Extreme Monster Burchill once again stake his claim for an ECW Title shot?[/SIZE] [B]Nunzio v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [SIZE="1"]These two cruiserweights go at each other tonight, with either one capable of being a worthy contender for Brian Kendrick's crown. Can take a step towards another great match with the champion? Or will Jimmy put his tag team woes behind him?[/SIZE] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer[/B] [SIZE="1"]Dreamer earned this non-title match by beating Paul Burchill last week. If he can get the win tonight, a title shot at judgement Day is his. But Benjamin will as always have Elijah Burke in his corner, and the combination could prove too much for Dreamer to overcome. Will the Innovator of Violence grab the win and the title shot? Or will Benjamin see off another contender to his title?[/SIZE] ---- Quick Picks: Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox Paul Burchill v Festus Dalton Nunzio v Jimmy Wang Yang Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Judgement Day is a mere three weeks away! And tonight on ECW on Sci-Fi, live from Atlantic City, NJ, we could find out just who the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin will face. Hello everybody, I’m Joey Styles with my broadcast partner Tazz… and Tazz, last Sunday at Backlash, we saw Shelton Benjamin walk out still the ECW Champion. Tazz: We did but he got a huge assist from his buddy Elijah Burke. CM Punk has got to be hot over that, and I think he’ll be looking for Burke at some point during the broadcast. Styles: We could see that happen, but tonight, the heart and soul of ECW Tommy Dreamer gets his chance to earn a shot at the title, but to get there he first has to beat the champion. Tazz: Tommy Dreamer is a guy who I got a lot of time for, he did a great job beating Paul Burchill last week… I’m rooting for him tonight but it’s going to be a huge order for Dreamer. Styles: It certainly will, but we are kicking things off tonight with two other ECW Originals, Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards in tag team action, taking on the daunting team of Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Balls_Mahoney.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/StevenRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mike_Knox2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Know…. Takes Richards down with the powerslam, here’s a cover… 1-2… kick out by Stevie. Tazz: This team, Know and Thorn, they could really make some noise and do some damage in the tag team division. They’re looking good right now. Styles: Certainly an impressive first outing so far for these two… tag made, Kevin Thorn comes in. And Thorn… kicks Richards right in the head. Man what shot… Stevie is hurt right now. Tazz: He’s seeing stars right now… Styles: And Thorn now… tags Knox back in… and Mike Knox… whips Richards hard into the corner. Knox… oh, misses with the clothesline… and Stevie tags in Balls! Tazz: Look out… Styles: Mahoney… sends Knox to the canvas. Knox back up… spjnebuster! Here’s the cover… 1-2, and Thorn makes the save. Thorn… sends Richards flying to the floor. Tazz: C’mon ref, get Thorn out of there… Styles: Thorn now… kick to Balls… he has him up… Crucifix Powerbomb! Kevin Thorn connects! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox get the victory. Tazz: Well… I don’t think Kevin Thorn should’ve been allowed to make that cover but… they looked very impressive tonight. Styles: And have we just seen the first appearance of a tag team that could take the division by storm? [B]Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox beat Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Armando Estrada and CM Punk* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ArmandoAlejandroEstrada.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Estrada: Whoa, whoa amigo… you can’t just barge into my office like that. You have to learn something my friend, this is ECW. This is my show, and if I say… Punk: Shut up Estrada! No listen to me alright? I want Elijah Burke… and I want him tonight! Estrada: Sorry my friend but… Elijah Burke… he is not here tonight. After the way he helped Shelton Benjamin beat you at Backlash… I felt like he deserved the night off. Punk: Then I want Burke next week… and it better happen Estrada, cause if it doesn’t… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Hey! Burke and Benjamin! Tazz: Estrada just said they had the night off! Styles: Burke and Benjamin… are attacking CM Punk… oh! CM Punk… drove head first into the wall… Estrada: Eh… I thought I told you to take the night off? Burke: I had more important things to do tonight… Benjamin: When are you going to learn Punk? You ain’t stoppin’ me and Burke man! Styles: What the hell was that all about? Burke and Benjamin… unloading on CM Punk! Tazz: I saw it and I don’t like it Joey… one of these days, CM Punk is going to get his hands on Elijah Burke, and he’s going to kick the crap out of him. Styles: Well… we move on I guess. Up next… Paul Burchill is in action. He lost his unbeaten streak to Tommy Dreamer last week… he’ll look to get back on track with a win over Festus Dalton next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/FestusDalton51.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul Burchill v Festus Dalton[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Burchill back on his feet first… and look at the strength of Paul Burchill as he drives Festus into the corner. Tazz: I’m telling you, Paul Burchill is a very impressive athlete. And I know he suffered his first loss to Tommy dreamer last week, but for my money he still could be a guy who could go on and face Shelton Benjamin for the ECW Title. Styles: Well, we’ll see if that happens. Tommy Dreamer gets his shot tonight, but Burchill… hard right hand to Festus. Burchill… misses with the right hand… Festus takes him down with a full nelson slam. Here’s the cover… 1-2… kick out by Burchill. Tazz: And that’s a reminder right there, don’t count out Festus. He’s a pretty big guy as well… Styles: No doubt about that. Festus… Irish whip, Burchill reverses… and Burchill hits a huge clothesline. Every time Festus tries to put together some offence, Burchill fires back at him. Tazz: He’s just too powerful for Festus right now, he’s… Styles: Wait a second… look out here… Paul Burchill… setting him up… Tazz: C4 baby! Styles: Oh! Burchill with the C4, this one is over… 1… 2… 3. And Paul Burchill, back to winning ways and he looked damn impressive doing so. Tazz: For me… it’s only a matter of time before we’re talking about Paul Burchill as a major contender here on ECW. [B]Paul Burchill beat Festus Dalton (C-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time… the Innovator of Violence… the Heart and Soul of ECW… Tommy Dreamer! And Tommy… how are you feeling ahead of your huge match with Shelton Benjamin tonight? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] Dreamer: I feel… I feel like tonight is the start of us taking ECW back to the old school. I feel like tonight… I’m representing everyone who gave their blood, sweat and tears for ECW. And Shelton Benjamin… I’m going to beat your ass tonight. Then I’m going to beat you at Judgement Day… and then I’ll show the world what ECW is all about! Tazz: God I love it Joey. I mean… can you imagine what would happen if Tommy Dreamer became the ECW Champion again? Styles: It would be a great night that’s for sure. But up next, a match that could have a big impact on the cruiserweight division. ECW Original Nunzio, who had a hell of a match with Brian Kendrick a few weeks ago, takes on Smackdown high flyer Jimmy Wang Yang. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/LittleGuido.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Jimmy_Yang.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nunzio v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Irish whip across the ring… Jimmy runs into a knee… Nunzio, off the second rope… elbow to the back of the head. Here’s a cover… 1-2… kick out by Jimmy Wang Yang. Tazz: I don’t think Jimmy was expecting Nunzio to put up as much of a fight as he has here. Styles: A great match up from two great cruiserweights. Nunzio hits those right hands… Jimmy off the ropes… headscissor takedown from Jimmy, hooks the leg… 1… 2… no! Nunzio managed to power out. Tazz: Nunzio is a tough little guy Joey, he was in ECW back in the day… Styles: No doubt about that, but Jimmy Wang Yang in control now… whips Nunzio into the corner… and this time Jimmy runs into an elbow. Tazz: Second time Jimmy has tried that, Nunzio’s been waiting for him both times… Styles: Nunzio… he sends Jimmy across… Jimmy to the top rope… moonsault connects! Here’s the roll-up… 1… 2… 3! And Jimmy Wang Yang, out of nowhere hits a moonsault off the top and gets the win! Tazz: Well… Jimmy Wang Yang and Nunzio… both these guys could go on and become Cruiserweight Champion… Jimmy came out on top tonight, but a great effort by Nunzio. Styles: And after Brian Kendrick saw off the challenge of Billy Kidman at Backlash, are we going to see Jimmy Wang Yang possibly getting a title shot at Kendrick? Jimmy Wang Yang beat Nunzio (C) ---- *we cut backstage to CM Punk, being treated by doctors* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Punk: Argh… take it easy man. My head still feels like… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] Dreamer: Hey man… how’s it going? Punk: Uh… yeah I’m alright. Dreamer: Well, uh… I was going to ask you, if you would have my back tonight. I don’t got to tell you about Elijah Burke being on the outside. But uh… if you’re not up to it… Punk: Listen man… I don’t know how much use I’ll be… but I’ll be out there. Dreamer: Alright… let’s do it… Styles: Tommy Dreamer, with CM Punk in his corner, takes on ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin when we return! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Benjamin… drives the knee into the spine of Dreamer. And Tommy Dreamer… we both know he’s one of the toughest guys in this company… but Benjamin has really taken it to him tonight. Tazz: Yeah but having Elijah Burke taking cheap shots behind the referees back has helped Joey. Styles: You got a point there. CM Punk, also on the outside, has tried his best to keep Elijah Burke from getting involved but… CM Punk’s got to be feeling hurt right now. He had his head driven into a wall earlier, he shouldn’t even be out here right now. Tazz: You’re right but CM Punk is pretty sick and tired of Elijah Burke and his crap so he’s out here trying to help out Tommy Dreamer but… Dreamer could use something cause Shelton Benjamin is all over him right now. Styles: Benjamin whips Dreamer to the corner… nobody home as Benjamin goes into the turnbuckle… Dreamer hits a bulldog! Tommy Dreamer… looking to get something going here… Tazz: And that’s the last thing Shelton Benjamin wants, Tommy Dreamer with momentum. Styles: Dreamer on the second rope… double axe handle. Tommy Dreamer looking to… what the… Elijah Burke is on the apron… and CM Punk just pulled him off it. Punk and Burke… exchanging right hands out here on the floor! Tazz: God look at these two guys go… Styles: Punk with the right hand… Punk charges in… oh! Drop toe hold sends Punk right off the steel steps. Tazz: Look out for Dreamer… Styles: Dreamer… looking for… spicolli driver! I haven’t seen him do that in years… here’s the cover… Elijah Burke is distracting the referee… Tazz: 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… how high you wanna take this? Styles: Dreamer… nails Burke with a right hand! Benjamin from behind… T-Bone suplex! Tazz: You gotta be kiddin’ me! Styles: 1… 2… 3! Dammit! Once again… Elijah Burke costs somebody a match. Two nights ago it was CM Punk, tonight Tommy Dreamer. Tazz: And it looks like they’re not done yet Joey… Styles: Elijah Burke, he has hold of a chair and… CM Punk is still down on the outside… what are these two going to do? Tazz: I don’t know, but it ain’t going to be pretty. Styles: Shelton Benjamin, holding Tommy Dreamer… Burke winds up… oh! CM Punk, just dropkicked that chair right back in Burkes face! Tazz: And now he’s going to work on Benjamin! Styles: Punk… he has Benjamin up… GTS… no wait! What the hell?! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] Tazz: It’s Paul Burchill! Styles: What is Paul Burchill doing out here?! Shot to Punk with the chair… and Dreamer gets one as well! Tazz: What the hell is this guy doing? Is this for last week? Is this for Tommy Dreamer beating him? Styles: Paul Burchill… he has Dreamer up… oh my God! No! Tazz: Oh c’mon Burchill, this is too much… Styles: Paul Burchill…. on the apron… oh! Oh my God! Oh my God! Paul Burchill just powerbombed Tommy Dreamer through our announce table! Tazz: Man! Dreamer is hurt… we need somebody out here… Dreamer is hurt. Styles: And what a sight that is! Paul Burchill… Burke and Benjamin are down… CM Punk is down… Tommy Dreamer is almost dead… and Paul Burchill is standing tall in the centre of the ring! Tazz: My God… this is a huge impact for a guy like Paul Burchill to make. Styles: Paul Burchill has just sent a shock to the heart of ECW! Join us next week to see what the hell is going to happen next! [B]Shelton Benjamin beat Tommy Dreamer (B)[/B] ---- [SIZE="1"]Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox beat Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards (C+) Paul Burchill beat Festus Dalton (C-) Jimmy Wang Yang beat Nunzio (C) Shelton Benjamin beat Tommy Dreamer (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Smackdown Preview[/B] [B]WWE Tag Team Title Match Deuce and Domino v John Morrison and The Miz[/B] [SIZE="1"]Miz and Morrison lost the title last week in the tag team triple threat match. Tonight, they get their rematch against Deuce and Domino. Will the new champs be successful in their first defence? Or will Miz and Morrison quickly regain the gold they lost last week?[/SIZE] [B]Brian Kendrick v Shannon Moore[/B] [SIZE="1"]Kendrick retained his title at Backlash with a win over Billy Kidman. Kidman is sure to be around the title scene for quite a while, but can Shannon Moore emerge as a viable challenger? Or will the champion continue his winnings ways on Smackdown?[/SIZE] [B]The Great Khali v Kane[/B] [SIZE="1"]Khali hasn't been seen since Wrestlemania, and is making his return tonight. He takes on Kane, a man who has been suffering his share of defeats lately. Which of these monsters will pick up the win?[/SIZE] [B]Matt Hardy v Chuck Palumbo[/B] [SIZE="1"]The new United States Champion is in action tonight against Chuck Palumbo, a man who could turn out to be a future challenger for the title. Hardy will be looking to put MVP behind him and move on, but will MVP get invovled in Hardy's business again tonight?[/SIZE] [B]Mark Henry v CM Punk[/B] [SIZE="1"]The former ECW Champion makes an appearance on Smackdown tonight, but he is running into a dominant Mark Henry, a man who has looked unbeatable lately. Will Punk end Henry's reign of terror? Or will Silverback claim another victory and push himself closer to a World Heavyweight Title shot?[/SIZE] [B]Edge v Chavo Guerrero[/B] [SIZE="1"]So much has happend recently within the Edge/Vickie Guerrero relationship. Edge has been cracking under the pressure, and even Hawkins and Ryder can't seem to do anything right lately. After Edge ordered an assault on Rey Mysterio last week, only for Chavo to make the save, Edge is out for revenge tonight. Will Edge and his boys finish off Chavo? Will Chavo be able to show Edge's true colours to Vickie? And will Rey Mysterio ever be able to trust Chavo again?[/SIZE] ---- Deuce and Domino v John Morrison and The Miz Brian Kendrick v Shannon Moore The Great Khali v Kane Matt Hardy v Chuck Palumbo Mark Henry v CM Punk Edge v Chavo Guerrero Bonus question (just for fun kids!): Who has come to Smackdown from Raw in the Batista trade (it's not Umaga)?
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[QUOTE=GatorBait19;406158]Great show i see big things for burchill on ECW[/QUOTE] Thanks man! Burchill has been a slow burner on ECW. I feel he's pretty established in the mid card and he can now take the step. The fact he lost to Tommy Dreamer wasn't neccesarily a bad thing, as it leaves open the possibility for a feud between the two. I just want to say, writting the next Smackdown show was probably the best fun I had writing a show yet. One segment in particular, the ideas were just flowing non stop. I pray when people read it they understand it they same way I did when I wrote it. So I am dying to post Smackdown, so if you want to predict get them in quick...
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[B]Deuce and Domino[/B] v John Morrison and The Miz [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Shannon Moore The Great Khali v [B]Kane[/B] [B]Matt Hardy[/B] v Chuck Palumbo Mark Henry v [B]CM Punk[/B] [B]Edge[/B] v Chavo Guerrero Bonus question (just for fun kids!): Who has come to Smackdown from Raw in the Batista trade (it's not Umaga)? Ken Kennedy ?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Welcome everybody to the show that’s changing Friday nights! Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! Tonight, we are in Atlantic City, NJ, as we begin the road to Judgement Day. And Coach… first up tonight… we’re going to find out just who has came over to Smackdown in the trade that saw Batista go to Raw. Coach: Right I mean, we lost a pretty good wrestler in Batista, and if Teddy Long has finally started doing his job right, we should be getting someone good in return. Cole: Also tonight… we’re hoping to hear from Rey Mysterio, and we’re looking for some answers as to this situation that has developed between Rey, Chavo Guerrero and Edge. Coach: This whole thing started when Rey Mysterio started running his mouth… tonight, he better put up or shut up regarding Vickie Guerrero. Cole: Well… we’re all waiting for who the man we got in that trade is… Coach: Where is he Cole? Cole: How should I know? We’re all waiting patiently for… oh c’mon! You got to be kidding me! Coach: Yes! Yes! Alright… finally Teddy Log has done something right! Cole: JBL… is back on Smackdown! I… I… I’m shocked. Coach: Admit it Cole, you’re speechless! You don’t know what to say to this! Well I’ll say it for you… JBL is back on Smackdown and it is great news! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] JBL: You’re Wrestling God has returned to Smackdown! I… JBL… have returned to the show I created! The greatest champion in Smackdown history is back… and I am here to once again… become the World Heavyweight Champion! And that is why… when Teddy Long begged me to come back… when Shane McMahon pleaded with me not to leave… I insisted that I would only return if I got a title shot at Judgement Day. And Teddy Long, so adamant that I return… gave me my title shot. So at Judgement Day… I will face you Deadman… and I will beat you for that World Heavyweight Title. JBL’s title campaign is off and running… and it’s going to run straight through you Undertaker! Cole: How does he do it? How does JBL always manage to negotiate himself into the main event Coach? Coach: He’s a Wall Street business man, that’s why! He’s a master manipulator, and he gave Teddy Long his terms. A title shot or he wasn’t coming back, and thankfully for once in his life Teddy Long has done the right thing. Cole: I still can’t believe it… ---- Cole: We’re back folks, and up next, a re-match of sorts from last week. Deuce and Domino became the new tag team champions, and tonight they defend those titles against the men they won them from, John Morrison and The Miz. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnMorrison-11.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/themiz.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Title Match Deuce and Domino v John Morrison and The Miz[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Morrison drives Domino to the corner… tag made, here comes Miz into the ring. Miz… hard kick to Domino. I got to ask you Coach, who you rooting for in this one? Coach: Well… I guess I will root for the Smackdown guys, Deuce and Domino. I want to see Smackdown guys do well. Cole: Fair enough… Coach: Who are you rooting for Cole? Cole: I am an impartial broadcast journalist… Coach: Yeah right! Cole: Domino hits a hard right hand… and he manages to tag in Deuce. Deuce into the ring… jawbreaker to Miz. Deuce off the ropes… misses with the elbow. Both men down now… and Miz makes it to the corner and tags in Morrison. John Morrison in… a right hand to Deuce…. a right hand to Domino. Deuce off the ropes… back body drop sends him hard off the mat… Coach: Look out… Cole: Miz… elevated to the floor. Miz is down now… Morrison alone with two guys. Domino hits him with a hard clothesline. Coach: That’s why I’m rooting for them, they take advantage of situations… Cole: Morrison… set up now… crack ’em in the mouth! Deuce with the cover… 1-2-3. And Deuce and Domino defend their tag team titles. Coach: And they did it with Miz on the floor. They took him out of the equation, and they took advantage of it. Great tag team wrestling… Cole: And Miz back in the ring… e does not look happy about losing that match. And Miz… why is he getting in Morrison’s face about this? Coach: Cause Morrison lost them the match! He got pinned by Deuce. Cole: Yeah but it was two on one after… well… Miz and Morrison leaving the ring now but… it doesn’t look like all is well with the former tag team champions. [B]Deuce and Domino beat John Morrison and The Miz (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Teddy Long and JBL* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Well… uh… I guess welcome back. JBL: It’s good to be back Teddy. I mean… this show needs JBL on it. I think we both know that. And I also think you know that I am going to beat your boy The Undertaker at Judgement Day. Teddy: Well… that remains to be seen playa. But I tell you what… now that you’re back… you better realise something. This is a different Smackdown from the one you left behind. I’m back in charge… and if you start putting your nose in other peoples business… JBL: Whoa, whoa, whoa… hold on there Teddy. Who do you thin you are? You can’t talk to a Wrestling God like that. Now listen… if I’m going to be back on Smackdown… I will do things like I always did. I’m going to be back in control of this brand pretty soon… and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it boy! Teddy: Oh no you didn’t JBL… Cole: And you’re happy to have him back? You’re happy to have JBL back, running his mouth and acting like a jerk? Coach: I am happy with anybody who is willing to stand up to Teddy Long. Cole: What?! Coach: JBL could finally be the man who puts Teddy Long back in his place. Hell, if JBL ever decides to run for GM of Smackdown, I’m going to be his campaign manager! Cole: If you think JBL is… well… we’ll come back to this later. But here comes the Cruiserweight Champion, Brian Kendrick! He is in non-title action tonight, as he takes on Shannon Moore. That match is coming up when we return, to Friday Night Smackdown! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shannon_Moore21.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brian Kendrick v Shannon Moore[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kendrick hits the clothesline… Moore back up… Kendrick hits an elbow… and a drop toe hold takes Shannon Moore down. Coach: A lot of energy between these two, and the champion so far being the one coming out on top. Cole: Kendrick sends Moore across, Moore reverses… Moore runs into a boot… Kendrick to the top rope…. crossbody connects! Here’s the cover, 1-2… Moore somehow stays alive in this match. Coach: Shannon Moore is running on empty here Cole, Brian Kendrick has thrown a lot at him in this match. Cole: And just as you say that, Moore hits a jawbreaker. Moore off the ropes… dropkick right to the face off Brian Kendrick. And Shannon Moore now… going to the top rope… Coach: And he’s taking a chance right there… Cole: Moore… Kendrick back to his feet… Moore goes flying off the top rope! Kendrick… has hold of Moore… runs him into the corner… sliced bread! Brian Kendrick connects! Coach: It’s over Cole… Cole: 1… 2… 3! Brian Kendrick gets another win here in the cruiserweight division! Coach: And we’ve seen him beat Billy Kidman, he’s beat Nunzio, he’s beat Shannon Moore, he’s beat a lot of cruiserweights. Who is going to step up and challenge Brian Kendrick for his title? [B]Brian Kendrick beat Shannon Moore (C)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Edge and Vickie Guerrero* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Vickie_Guerrero4.jpg[/IMG] Vickie: Edge… Edge? What is wrong with you Edge?! I mean… you never talk to me anymore! I haven’t seen you since Sunday, and you just sit there all quiet and… Edge: Shut up! Alright? Just shut up Vickie! I don’t need this OK? I have to deal with Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero, I don’t need you making things worse. You’re on my side on this one yeah? Vickie: Well yeah but… Edge: Then why don’t you start acting like it?! I mean… God… listen, I am going to kill Chavo tonight. And afterwards… you and me are going to have a long talk about things, OK? Vickie: OK, but… but… Edge: I got to go… Vickie: Edge! Cole: Wow… um… Coach, you’ve been denying it for weeks but… the relationship between Edge and Vickie Guerrero… it’s not looking good right now. Coach: Well, after all the stress Edge has been under fighting The Undertaker, and after all the rumours and lies Rey Mysterio has been spreading… it’s no wonder that Edge is starting to feel the strain. Cole: Yeah but there’s no need to act like that… Coach: Oh… alright! Business just picked up Cole! Cole: Well… The Great Khali… a man who we haven’t seen since Wrestlemania. He makes his return tonight… as he takes on the Big Red Machine, Kane. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DalipSingh.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/GlenJacobs2.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Great Khali v Kane[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Khali… and Khali just clotheslined Kane right over the top rope! How many people can say they can do that? Coach: Khali is no normal man though. He can do things that no-one else can do. Cole: Khali trying to… Kane rocks him with a right hand. Kane back in the ring… another shot by the Big Red Machine. Kane off the ropes… Khali barely moved after that shoulder block… and there’s another one… Kane off the ropes… and this time Khali caught him by the throat… Coach: Chokeslam! Cole: Chokeslam! Khali with a huge chokeslam! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… Coach: Goodnight Kane… Cole: No! Kane got the shoulder up! Kane somehow kicked out of that chokeslam. Coach: And Khali is looking to end this match right here… Cole: Khali… lining up for the Khali vice grip… Kane blocks it! Kane… off the ropes… a shot to the knees takes Khali down at last. Coach: I can’t believe he got him off his feet… Cole: Kane now… going to the top rope… Kane… off the top… flying clothesline! Kane with the cover… 1… 2… Coach: You got to be kidding me! Cole: 3! Kane finally snaps his losing streak! Coach: God… I… Cole: C’mon Coach, you got to hand it to Kane. That was an impressive victory over The Great Khali. Coach: It was yeah, but really he should… Cole: What the hell? Coach: Yes! I forgot all about this guy! Umaga! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Umaga… who lost a Loser Leaves Raw match to Jeff Hardy at Backlash… is he on Smackdown now too? Coach: I think he is Coach… and I think he has his first target in sight! Cole: Umaga into the ring… Kane just staring at him, wondering what the hell he’s doing here… oh! Samoan Spike! Right to the throat! Coach: I love Umaga! The Samoan Bulldozer is here on Smackdown Cole! This is great! Cole: What the hell is Umaga doing here? And why is he attacking Kane? Coach: Cause he’s just seen Kane defeat The Great Khali and Umaga thinks he’s the guy he needs to destroy to make his mark on Smackdown! What a night for us! First JBL… now Umaga! [B]Kane beat The Great Khali (C-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Chavo: Look man… I know we had our problems in the past. But I want to make it up to you. I want you to be able to trust me again. Rey: It’s going to take a lot more than chasing away Hawkins and Ryder for that to happen Chavo. Chavo: I know… I know. But this whole thing with Edge and Vickie… I believe you man. I’m trying to do everything I can to convince Vickie Edge is using her… and maybe if I can beat him tonight, he’ll show what he’s all about and then finally she’ll see. Rey: I don’t think so Chavo… you know she’s gone to far with him to listen to us… Chavo: We’ll see about that OK? But tonight… I need you to have my back man. Edge and those two punks are going to try something tonight… I’d feel a whole lot better if I knew you would be there for me. Rey: Look Chavo… I’m sorry. I just can’t do it… too much has happened between us. The answer’s no. Cole: Well this is obviously a very emotional time right now for Rey Mysterio. A lot of doubts remain as to wether or not Rey can truly trust Chavo. Coach: I think this is Rey Mysterio showing his true colours Cole. Chavo saved him from Hawkins and Ryder last week and if something happens tonight, Rey isn’t going to be there in return. Cole: Well… I hope if something does happen Rey will do the right thing and be there for Chavo. But up next, the new United States Champion Matt Hardy is in action, as he takes on Chuck Palumbo. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChuckPalumbo-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Hardy v Chuck Palumbo[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Hardy off the second rope… elbow to the back of the head. Hardy, going back to the second rope… and this time he hits a legdrop. Here’s a cover, 1-2… kick out by Palumbo. Coach: All I was saying was that Matt Hardy didn’t deserve his shot at MVP. He had a shot at Wrestlemania, he lost, so why did he get another shot at Backlash? Cole: Because the whole world saw MVP cheat for the win at Wrestlemania. Hardy now… setting Palumbo up… looking for the twist of fate… Palumbo counters, sends Hardy off the ropes… Hady… Palumbo caught him in mid air. Coach: This is going to hurt… Cole: Chuck Palumbo… oh! Huge powerslam! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… and Matt Hardy powers out! Coach: Chuck can’t believe he didn’t get the three count there. Cole: Neither can I. Palumbo now… scoops Matt Hardy up… he’s going to send him into the turnbuckle… Hardy with the counter… twist of fate! Twist of fate! Coach: What a counter… Cole: Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! And Matt Hardy gets the win! Coach: Matt Hardy may have won tonight, but I hope he takes note, Chuck Palumbo ran him close, and there’s plenty of other guys on the Smackdown roster who are just dying to get a shot at the United States Title. Cole: No question about that. Matt Hardy will need to be… Coach: And here comes the man who was robbed last Sunday. Cole: MVP is coming out here… or at least he’s stopping at the top of the ramp… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] MVP: Hold up a second Matt… hold up. Now… since Teddy Long decided that our match last Sunday was going to be the last time we could face each other for the United States Title… that means I don’t get no rematch. So… what I have decided… is that I will choose someone to represent me at Judgement Day. I have chosen someone… who I know is looking to elevate his game to a MVP level. I know this guy… is hungry for success… and I consider this guy to be the second best wrestler here on Smackdown… behind myself of course. The man I have chosen to face you at Judgement Day… is standing behind you right now! Cole: What the… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] Coach: Kenny Dykstra! Cole: Oh! Kenny Dykstra… out of nowhere, just levelled Matt Hardy with the United States Championship! Kenny Dykstra… is he in cahoots with MVP now? Coach: I would assume so, and what an astute move by MVP. Teddy Long has screwed him out of his United States Title, he won’t give him a rematch, so MVP finds the fastest rising star on Smackdown and gets him to take on Matt Hardy for him. It’s genius Cole! Cole: Kenny Dykstra… what would it mean for that young man’s career to go to Judgement Day and beat Matt Hardy? [B]Matt Hardy beat Chuck Palumbo (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time… the man who made his return to Smackdown earlier tonight… John Bradshaw Layfield… JBL! And JBL… I have to ask… how does it feel to be back on Smackdown? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] JBL: Listen girlie, that’s not the question you should be asking. What you should be asking is how does Smackdown feel to have me back? And if you asked that, you would hear… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Whoa, whoa… hold on a second playa! Hold on… JBL: What the hell are you doing Teddy? Can’t you see I’m conducting an interview right here? Teddy: I can see that… but I got some news for you. You see, what with you now officially being back on Smackdown… I figured you could use some help in getting back into the swing of things here on the blue brand. So I decided you can make your in-ring return next week… JBL: Oh yeah? Who against? Teddy: Well… since you’re so intent on going after The Undertaker… I figured you could face his brother Kane next week! JBL: Kane? Teddy: That’s right playa. Now… you have a good night… boy! Coach: How can you condone that Cole? Cole: What? All he did was make a match for next week… Coach: Yeah but JBL shouldn’t have to make his triumphant return to the Smackdown ring against Kane! Cole: Then he shouldn’t be running his mouth all the time! And also… Coach: Shut up Cole! Can’t you see Mark Henry is on his way out here? Cole: Well… Mark Henru has been very impressive in recent weeks… but tonight he takes on the former ECW Champion, CM Punk! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Henry v CM Punk[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Punk now… hitting Henry with kicks… and right hands… Coach: And none of it is fazing the World’s Strongest Man! Cole: Punk… ducks a right hand… standing dropkick takes Henry down. That’s the first time Henry has been off his feet in this match. Punk now, going to the top rope… missile dropkick connects! Here’s a cover, 1-2… and Henry powers out. Coach: And one of the main problems I see for CM Punk in this match is that he usually likes to use that GTS, the Go To Sleep on people. I can’t see any way for CM Punk to get Mark Henry on his shoulders and get him in position to do that move. Cole: You could be right Coach. Punk not doing to badly right now… running knee right to the face of Henry. Punk… off the ropes… flying forearm! Henry goes down again! Coach: I still can’t see CM Punk being able to put Mark Henry away… Cole: Well maybe this’ll do it. Punk… going to the top rope… waiting for Henry to get to his feet… Coach: He better not wait too long… Cole: Henry is up… Punk… oh my! CM Punk was looking for a crossbody… and Mark Henry caught him in mid air! Coach: Goodnight Punk! Cole: Mark Henry… World’s Strongest Slam! Devastating impact! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Mark Henry picks up another huge win over CM Punk. Coach: And I hope you were watching that Teddy Long! I hope you saw what Mark Henry just did! Do your damn job Teddy and give Mark Henry a World Heavyweight Title shot! [B]Mark Henry beat CM Punk (B-)[/B] ---- Cole: We’re back from commercial folks, and… well… I was about to say Edge and Chavo Guerrero are up next, but here comes the Rated R Superstar now. Coach: And of course, the Edge-heads, Hawkins and Ryder are coming out here as well. Cole: They usually aren’t far behind. Coach, you have to question the state of the relationship between Edge and Vickie Guerrero. Regardless of how you feel about what Rey Mysterio or Chavo Guerrero have had to say on the matter in recent weeks, something is not right between Edge and Vickie. Coach: I can’t deny Edge is under a lot of stress. He’s had to deal with The Undertaker, with Teddy Long, with Rey Mysterio, with Chavo Guerrero. It all starts to add up Cole. But I genuinely feel that Edge and Vickie will come out the other end of this a stronger couple. Cole: It remains to be seen… hopefully we’ll get some answers right here… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] Edge: At this time… I’d just like to offer an apology. I’d like to say sorry… to the love of my life Vickie Guerrero. I have put you through a lot lately and… I’m… I’m so sorry about the way I have acted. So much so… that next week… live on Smackdown… I… am going to marry Vickie Guerrero! Cole: What?! Coach: I told you Cole! God… what a beautiful occasion this is going to be! I… I… God, I’ll need to get a tux. I… I need to find a date! Cole: What the hell is going on around here tonight? Edge: Vickie… I love you. And I want to show it to you in front of the entire world! Hawkins and Ryder will be my best men… Coach: I can’t think of two better men to do it… Edge: …Coach will conduct proceedings… Cole: Oh my God… Coach: What? Well… I’m honoured! I’ll do it Edge! Edge: …JBL has offered to pay for it all… Coach: What a guy JBL is! Edge: …and I have arranged for Vince McMahon himself to be here to give you away Vickie! The Smackdown Divas can be the bridesmaids… it’ll be the greatest wedding in WWE History! Next week… in my hometown of Toronto, ON, Canada… I want to marry you Vickie. Coach: I completely forgot Smackdown is in Canada next week! This is going to be a huge national event! They should make next Friday a national holiday in Canada! Cole: This is ridiculous… Edge: Vickie… I know you’re back there… but I want you to… *OOOH CHAVO* Coach: What?! Why is he interrupting this?! Cole: Finally Chavo Guerrero has decided to come out here and stop this. Coach: Why can’t he just accept that Edge and Vickie love each other? Cole: Edge and Chavo, that match is next, when we return to Friday Night Smackdown… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge v Chavo Guerrero[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: This crowd, trying to get behind Chavo Guerrero. Edge has handed out a lot of punishment so far in this match. Coach: And rightly so! Cole: Edge now… sends Chavo hard into the corner. Edge charges in… nobody home, as Edge goes flying into the turnbuckle! Chavo now, from behind the roll-up… 1-2… Edge kicks out! So nearly could’ve been over right there. Coach: I will give Chavo Guerrero this, he’s a very good wrestler. He’s a former Cruiserweight Champion. But as far as his actions in recent weeks, I don’t like it one bit. Cole: Chavo now… sends Edge into the corner… here comes Chavo… Edge comes flying out with a spear! Coach: Yes! And that right there is why Edge is the man he is! He can strike from nowhere! Cole: And surely this match is over? Edge… well, all he ahs to do is pin Chavo, but instead he wants to add on a little humiliation first. Coach: Again fully deserved… Cole: Oh c’mon Coach, nobody deserves this! Edge… oh! Chavo hit a low blow! The ref never saw it! Coach: That should be a disqualification right there! This match should be over! Cole: It’s the Guerrero way! You lie, cheat and steal to get the win! Coach: This is a sham! There’s no way this should be allowed to happen… Cole: Chavo… going to the top rope… are we going to see the frog splash? Coach: Hawkins… Ryder! Somebody stop this! Cole: Chavo Guerrero… dammit! Hawkins just hit Chavo with a chair! That no good, son of a… Coach: You better watch your mouth Cole! Cole: And now… Hawkins and Ryder… are unloading on Chavo with right hands and boots. This is a mugging right here… Coach: And it’s completely deserved. And there’s no Rey Mysterio to save you Chavo! Cole: And look at Edge… directing traffic out here… his boys have saved him one more time. This is… hey… it’s… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] Coach: What?! He said he wasn’t going to be here! Cole: Rey Mysterio! Rey Mysterio is coming out here! Rey… oh! A huge chair shot to Hawkins… and Ruder takes one as well! Edge is crawling up the ramp… Rey Mysterio… he did the right thing. He couldn’t stand by and watch Chavo take a beating like that. Coach: That right there is a great example of how much of a liar Rey Mysterio is! He said he wanted nothing to do with Chavo, and look what he just did. Cole: Dammit Coach, Rey Mysterio did the right thing. Rey Mysterio… and Rey now… Coach: Don’t tell me we have to see this too… Cole: Rey Mysterio… offering his hand to Chavo Guerrero… and… Coach: This is sickening! Cole: And Rey and Chavo finally shake hands! The level of trust between these two seems to be back on track! Coach: Yeah but how long ‘til Chavo cracks Rey over the head with a chair? Or tries to break Rey Mysterio’s leg again? Cole: It’s not going to happen tonight! Rey and Chavo… united in battle against Edge! But what is going to happen next week? Edge and Vickie… are going to get married? Coach: Yes they are and it’s going to be one of the greatest moments in Smackdown history! Cole: Join us next week folks… you won’t want to miss it! [B]Chavo Guerrero beat Edge by DQ (B)[/B] ---- [SIZE="1"]Deuce and Domino beat John Morrison and The Miz (C+) Brian Kendrick beat Shannon Moore (C) Kane beat The Great Khali (C-) Matt Hardy beat Chuck Palumbo (C+) Mark Henry beat CM Punk (B-) Chavo Guerrero beat Edge by DQ (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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