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WWE: The Next Generation

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Judgement Day is just over 1 week away, and tonight, we take another step towards a show that is looking like being one of the biggest shows of the year! Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, my partner in crime is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, tonight, we’re going to see the in ring return of JBL as he takes on Kane! Coach: You know, normally that would be a huge thing… but tonight, something even bugger is going down. We’re in Edge’s hometown of Toronto, ON, Canada… and tonight… Edge is going to marry Vickie Guerrero! Cole: Certainly is a big night north of the border! And tonight, we’re kicking things off with the former United States Champion, MVP, and the man who MVP said he has chosen to take the title off of Matt Hardy, Kenny Dykstra. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] MVP: OK… OK… now, I know some of you are out there wondering why I chose Kenny Dykstra as the man to face Matt Hardy at Judgement Day. You see… after Teddy Long screwed me out of my title at Backlash… I needed someone who I can trust to deliver for me. I want my United States Title back… and as soon as Kenny wins it… he’s going to hand it over to me. And he’ll be paid pretty well for it… after all, I am the highest priced free agent in Smackdown history! So Matt Hardy… you better get ready boy. Cause me and Kenny Dykstra are going into Judgement Day… and we’re taking back my title. Cole: Well… it remains to be seen what happens between Kenny Dykstra and Matt Hardy. But up next, Dykstra is in action with Jimmy Wang Yang! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Jimmy_Yang.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kenny Dykstra v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Jimmy Wang Yang… going to the top rope… he’s going to fly… crossbody… no wait, Dykstra counters, 1-2… kick out by Jimmy. Great reversal by Kenny, and that was nearly a 3 count. Coach: And that’s the risk you take when you go to the top rope. You leave yourself open to a lot of punishment if you don’t get it right. Cole: But you can also do a lot of damage if you do get it right. Kenny Dykstra now… he’s climbing to the second rope. Kenny… lining Jimmy up… and this time Jimmy counters with a heel kick! Coach: And MVP is not looking happy at what he’s seeing… Cole: He’s watching his protégé having a real tough match here with Jimmy Wang Yang. Kenny now… whips Jimmy to the corner… Jimmy to the top rope… misses with the moonsault! Coach: And again, high risk manoeuvre and it doesn’t pay off for Jimmy. He’s in trouble now… Cole: Kenny Dykstra now… he’s going back to the second rope… Coach: He’s looking for that leg drop again… Cole: Kenny… nails it! Guillotine leg-drop! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Kenny Dykstra, impressive as he picks up the victory. Coach: And I hope Matt Hardy was watching that, as he just saw the man who is going to beat him at Judgement Day just finish off Jimmy Wang Yang… Cole: I’m sure MVP and Kenny Dykstra have sent their message to Matt Hardy loud and clear Caoch… [B]Kenny Dykstra beat Jimmy Wang Yang (C)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Edge and Vickie Guerrero* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Vickie_Guerrero4.jpg[/IMG] Vickie: Edge… what you did last week was so romantic. I can’t believe you went out there and proposed to me in front of the world! Edge: Well… it came from the heart Vickie. And… I want this night to one you’ll never forget. I want this night to go down in history. Vickie: I’m sure it would… but could you do me a favour. Could you try and convince Chavo to be there? He is family after all. Edge: Why are you still caring about Chavo thinks? What next… you want Rey Mysterio to be there too? Vickie: No, but… Edge: Listen… I’ll try talking to Chavo… but I don’t think it’s going to happen. I got to go… see you at the wedding OK? Coach: What a special night this is going to be! Cole: I still can’t believe they’re going to go through with this… Coach: Why? They love each other, and now thye’re getting married! How hard is that for you to accept Cole? Cole: Anyway… moving on. Here comes the Cruiserweight Champion, Brian Kendrick! HE is in non title action tonight, against the veteran Funaki! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brian Kendrick v Funaki[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kendrick… connects with the enziguri! Here’s a cover, 1-2… kick out by Funaki. Kendrick straight back up… takes Funaki down with a hip toss. Both men up quickly… hurricanrana by Kendrick. Wow! Coach: I’m surprised at how this match has gone so far. I mean, Funaki has had his share of offence, and Kendrick is now starting to take control. Cole: The Cruiserweight division is back on Smackdown, and Brian Kendrick is the man leading the way so far. Kendrick now… whips Funaki to the corner, Funaki reverses… Funaki charges in… Kendrick ducks out the way… sunset flip over the top rope… and Kendrick with the roll-up… 1-2… and again Funaki shows some toughness by kicking out. Coach: Could you imagine Funaki as Cruiserweight Champion? I mean… you’ve got Brian Kendrick flying all over the place, he’s a great champion, and compare him to Funaki as champion! We’d have Japanese photographers all over the place… Cole: Funaki is of course a former Cruiserweight Champion. And he… isn’t looking all that great in this match. Kendrick now… nice bulldog, takes Funaki to the mat. Funaki back up… Kendrick run shim to the corner… Coach: Here is comes… Cole: Sliced Bread! Kendrick connects! Hook of the leg… 1… 2… 3! And Brian Kendrick, picks up another impressive win in the Cruiserweight division! Coach: And I said it last week, and I’ll say it again tonight, who is going to be the guy that steps up and looks to take that Cruiserweight title away from Brian Kendrick? [B]Brian Kendrick beat Funaki (C-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to JBL and Teddy Long* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Listen playa… if you ain’t happy with your match tonight, then you better start acting right. I am not putting up with any of your… JBL: Whoa… whoa. Calm yourself down little man. You think I give a damn about what you think? I… am a Wrestling… God! You are nothing to me Teddy Long. And if you think… that putting me in the ring with Kane tonight is going to make me fall in line… you got another thing coming. Teddy: Oh is that right? Well… I think I got one or two things up my sleeve that might make you change your mind. JBL: OK… you can make your threats Teddy… but I will be the next World Heavyweight Champion… and when it happens… you won’t mean a damn thing on this show. Cole: JBL… just absolutely disrespecting our general manager… Coach: And rightly so Cole. Cole: You’re almost as much of a jerk as he is! Coach: What does that mean Cole? Are you trying to say… Cole: Here comes Finlay! Finlay… the new number one contender for the ECW Title. And Finlay will meet ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin at Judgement Day, but tonight he takes on Shelton Benjamin’s buddy, Elijah Burke! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [B]Finlay v Elijah Burke[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Finaly sent to the corner… Elijah runs into an elbow… and another. Finlay, out of the corner with a clothesline. Elijah Burke is reeling here… Coach: Yeah but he can come back in a matter of… Cole: Oh, and just as you say that Coach, Burke hits a neckbreaker. Elijah Burke, back in control now, as he… wait, roll-up from Finlay, 1-2… Burke barely kicks out! Coach: And it can go either way too I guess… Cole: What the… that’s Shelton Benjamin! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Coach: He’s probably just out here to cheer on his friend Elijah Burke. What’s wrong with that Cole? Cole: Shelton Benjamin… hey! He just took the shillelagh off of Hornswoggle! Finlay with the Irish whip, Burke reverses it… oh! Shelton Benjamin just nailed Finlay with that shillelagh, the ref never saw it! Coach: What happened? I missed it, I was… Cole: Here’s the cover, Finlay is out… 1… 2… 3. And Elijah Burke, with the help of the ECW Champion, has just come into Smackdown and beat Finlay! Coach: And what a great job he did too! Credit where it’s due, I was rooting for the Smackdown guy but… Cole: Credit where it’s due?! Give me a break! [B]Elijah Burke beat Finlay (B-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Edge and Chavo* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Edge: Listen… I don’t like you. And I know you don’t want this wedding to happen tonight… but it is happening, so deal with it! Chavo: Deal with it? If this you trying to persuade me to go then you’re not doing a great job so far… Edge: Look… for some reason… it would mean a lot to Vickie if you were there. Frankly, I don’t care fi you’re there or not… but she wants you to be there. Chavo: Well… then you can tell Vickie… I want nothing to do with her! She is disgracing the Guerrero name! I am not going anyway near that sham of a wedding this evening… Edge: Fine… I’ll tell her you said that. But trust me… when this is all over… you're going to wish you never even met me... Cole: What the hell did he mean by that? Coach: This is a huge event Cole! I mean… I was walking around Toronto earlier today, and all I could hear was people talking about Edge, the hometown hero getting married! And Edge is right… if Chavo doesn’t go he’s going to regret it. Cole: Well… I’ll take your word for it on that one. But… here we go! Jesse and Festus are on their way out here, and that can mean only one thing. Coach: Yeah… Mark Henry is about to kill somebody… Cole: That’s not what I meant… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/FestusDalton51.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Henry v Festus Dalton[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Henry with a right hand… Festus answers back… look at these two monsters just trading blows with each other. Coach: I’m amazed that Festus has managed to last this long with the World’s Strongest Man… Cole: Festus… sent into the corner…. Henry just crushed the air right out of Festus. Coach: And who else on the Smackdown roster could do that to a guy like Festus? I mean… there is no-one that could be as dominant as Mark Henry is right now. Cole: It’s a great point, as Festus slumps to the mat. Oh no... Mark Henry… off the ropes… oh! Mark Henry, just splashed all 400lbs of himself on top of Festus. Coach: Goodnight Festus… and if that little guy Jesse doesn’t watch himself, he’s going to get some of the World’s Strongest man too. Cole: You leave Jesse alone, he’s not doing anything to anybody. Henry now… he has Festus up… oh my God! Coach: Where have you ever seen anything like that?! Cole: Mark Henry… just scooped Festus up… and he press slammed him to the mat! Coach: Admit Cole, you’ve never seen someone that big go for a ride like that! Cole: Can’t say that I have as Henry… goes for the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Mark Henry… just absolutely destroyed Festus tonight. Coach: You want to talk about monsters Cole… there’s your monster right there! [B]Mark Henry beat Festus Dalton (C-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time… he is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title at Judgement Day… JBL! And JBL, now that your back on Smackdown, do you think you’ll soon be the World Heavyweight Champion again? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] JBL: Of course I will! Do you realise, that I am a Wrestling… God! And The Undertaker may be the Deadman… but everyone needs to realise one thing. I spent over a year sitting next to that piece of crap Michael Cole at the announce position. And when I was there… I got a first hand look at what everybody on Smackdown roster had to offer. I scouted every single person that wrestled a match on Smackdown… and I know The Undertaker inside out. And at Judgement Day… I will use that knowledge to become the World Heavyweight Champion… again. Coach: God, every time JBL speaks I love him more and more! Cole: Yeah he’s a real class act… anyway, here comes the United States Champion, Matt Hardy! He takes on ECW’s Kevin Thorn, and that match is coming up, when we return to Friday Night Smackdown! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Hardy v Kevin Thorn[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Oh! Matt Hardy just ran into a huge clothesline from Kevin Thorn. Coach: And that’s the kind of lights out offence Kevin Thorn has. He can absolutely knock you out when he gets things going. Cole: Here’s a cover, 1-2… kick out by Matt Hardy. Hardy showing some resilience here, trying to keep himself in this match. Coach: We talked a lot about Kevin Thorn in the last few months. He fought Batista at Wrestlemania in a great effort, and he could do some real damage to Matt Hardy here tonight. Matt Hardy may not even make it to Judgement Day if Kevin Thorn has his way. Cole: Thorn… whips Hardy to the corner… Thorn runs into an elbow… Hardy to the second rope… elbow drop connects. Matt Hardy now… goes back to the second rope… misses with the legdrop. Coach: Good awarness by Thorn to get out of the way of that… Cole: Thorn now… he has Hardy up… looking for that crucifix powerbomb… Coach: It’s over if he hits this… Cole: No wait, Hardy down the back… twist of fate! Matt Hardy hits the twist of fate! Here’s the cover, 1… 2… 3! Matt Hardy picks up another win. And he has surely sent a message to MVP and Kenny Dykstra. Coach: It’s going to be one hell of a battle at Judgement Day, but Matt Hardy better face facts, he is losing his United States Championship… [B]Matt Hardy beat Kevin Thorn (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Edge and the Edge-heads* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] Edge: You guys ready? Hawkins: We’re ready yeah but… Ryder: Are you really going to go through with this? I mean… Edge: Hey… I’m doing this OK? Tonight… Vickie gets everything she deserves. I’m getting married! Ryder: OK man… Hawkins: We’ll do our parts… Edge: Right… and remember, I don’t want to see Rey or Chavo anywhere near this thing tonight. Now… you got the ring? Ryder: Got it boss… Edge: Alright… let’s go. Coach: God… I can’t wait! Te wedding of the decade is about to take place Cole… Cole: For once I actually agree with the Edge-heads, I can’t believe he’s actually going tot go through with this. Coach: You’re such a cynic Cole, seriously… Cole: Oh! Here comes Kane! The Big Red Machine… who takes on JBL, next, on Smackdown! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/GlenJacobs2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kane v John Bradshaw Layfield[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kane now… going to work on JBL with the boot… JBL, off the ropes… Kane with a clothesline. Kane… he’s got JBL by the throat! Kane… and JBL manages to drive the knee in. Kane almost had enough to get the chokeslam locked in. Coach: Almost is not going got get it done against a guy like JBL though… Cole: JBL with the Irish whip, Kane reverses… and Kane follows it up with a clothesline inn the corner… and now a hard uppercut. JBL, staggers out… and Kane hits a sideslam. Coach: I got to admit I’m impressed with Kane so far… Cole: Kane… stalking JBL. Waiting for him to get back on his feet… Kane… misses with the chookslam attempt… clothesline from hell! Coach: Wooo! Goodnight! That’s it right there… Cole: JBL hits the clothesline from hell out of nowhere! This is…. Oh my! Kane just sat up! Kane… JBL can’t believe it! Coach: I can’t believe it either… Cole: Kane just rose up from that clothesline from hell… and JBL answers back with a boot to the head, and another one… Kane, back to his feet… JBL off the ropes… oh, Kane has him by the throat… Coach: No… Cole: Chokeslam! Chokeslam by Kane! Kane is going to… what the… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] Coach: It’s Umaga! Cole: Umaga… who we saw attacking Kane last week… Umaga is back for more. Coach: It’s about someone put a stop to this… Cole: Kane charges at Umaga…. Samoan Drop! Umaga just levelled Kane, JBL is pouring it on. Coach: Once again, Umaga has made an impact here on Smackdown. He just… *GONG* Cole: What? Coach: Not again… *GONG* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Undertaker’s in the ring! Undertaker… he’s got Umaga… chokeslam to Umaga! And JBL now… staring down the barrel at both Brothers of Destruction! Coach: Get out of there JBL! Cole: And JBL… JBL like the coward he is, running up the ramp… JBL, he nearly came face to face with The Undertaker right there! Coach: JBL is not an idiot, he knows now is not the time to face The Undertaker. At Judgement Day, JBL is going to face The Undertaker, and he’s going to beat the hell out of him. [B]Kane beat John Bradshaw Layfield by DQ (B)[/B] ---- Cole: Ladies and gentleman, we are back from commercial and… well, I never thought I’d ever say this but… here is the wedding of Edge and Vickie Guerrero. I um… I still can’t believe this is about to happen but… well, I’ll hand you over to my colleague Jonathan Coachman, who is in the ring right now. Take it away Coach… Coach: Thank you Michael Cole. I am standing here right now… about to witness the social event of the decade! The city of Toronto has been dying with anticipation all week… and now tonight… finally… Edge will marry Vickie Guerrero! At this point, I’d like to welcome the hometown hero… Edge! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Well… here comes Edge… along with his best men as we we’re told last week, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. We’ve got Eve Torres… Torrie Wilson coming out here, I believe they are bridesmaids… Michelle McCool coming out here too… I still can’t believe this is going to happen. Coach: And now… I’d like to welcome the bride… Vickie Guerrero! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Vickie_Guerrero4.jpg[/IMG] Cole: And here comes the uh… well, the women Edge called the love of his life last week… our former general manager, Vickie Guerrero. And… the reception here in Toronto for Vickie is not great, I mean… hearing boos on your wedding day can’t be a good sign. Coach: Will you people show some respect please? Now… I would like to tell a little story about Edge and Vickie. I remember sitting at that announce table one night, and listening to Michael Cole say… Edge: Coach… Coach? Can we maybe hurry this up a bit? Coach: OK… Vickie… do you take Edge to be your husband? Vickie: I… *OOOH CHAVO* Cole: Oh my! Well… you know this man would have something to say about all of this… Edge: Hey! Hey! What are you doing out here? You had your chance to be a part of this and you turned it down. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Chavo: You know… if you think for one second I am going to sit back there and listen to this happening then you are wrong my friend! You see… I think this marriage… is a sham! This is a disgrace! This is an insult to… Cole: Oh! Hawkins and Ryder… attacking Chavo! Edge: Hey… hold him right there! I want him to see this… Coach… if you would… Coach: OK… again… Vickie… do you take Edge to be your husband? Vickie: I do! Cole: God… I can’t believe this is happening… Coach: And Edge… do you take Vickie Guerrero to be your wife… Edge: I… DON’T! Cole: What?! Coach: Edge… you don’t? Edge: No… I don’t! And you want to know why? I’ll tell you why… you see Vickie… I was using you! I used to get back my World Heavyweight Championship! And I needed you to help me keep The Undertaker away from me… and you couldn’t do that. So now… this is payback! I am sick of you… I am sick of your family… and I am sick of the sight of you! Cole: God… this… this was a setup! Edge setup Vickie Guerrero… so he could humiliate her! Edge: And now… I want to introduce you to the woman I truly love… Torrie Wilson! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Torrie_Wilson35.jpg[/IMG] Cole: What?! Edge… and Torrie?! What the hell is going on around here?! Edge: So… Chavo… you do me a favour OK? You tell Rey Mysterio… since you two are such friends all of a sudden… you tell him… if he wants to settle this… he can come and find me. But mark my words Chavo… when I’m done… you… Vickie… and Rey… are going to wish you never messed with me! Cole: I… I can’t believe what I just saw! Edge… humiliating Vickie Guerrero at the alter… and now, he’s leaving with Torrie Wilson! Hawkins and Ryder… they’ve elft Chavo a bloody mess in the centre of the ring. Vickie… Vickie Guerrero is in tears! What the… we’ve got to go folks… join us next week, when hopefully we’ll get some answers… ---- [SIZE="1"]Kenny Dykstra beat Jimmy Wang Yang (C) Brian Kendrick beat Funaki (C-) Elijah Burke beat Finlay (B-) Mark Henry beat Festus Dalton (C-) Matt Hardy beat Kevin Thorn (C+) Kane beat John Bradshaw Layfield by DQ (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B [/B]
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Destiny: 2/6 Gameseeker: 4/6 dse81: 4/6 pauls07: 4/6 JamesFosterFan021: 5/6 Mtm2k6: 4/6 iceman: 3/6 GatorBait19: 5/6 ---- Mtm2k6: 22/32 JamesFosterFan021: 16/32 dse81: 25/32 pauls07: 19/32 Gameseeker: 23/32 ultimatenoob: 9/32 ADeezy62: 15/32
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Well it took forever to post, but could someone do me a favour? I don't usually ask for this kind fo thing, but if someone could read over my last show and just give some opinions on it? I tried to make it as over the top and WWE-like as I could. The whole Edge/Vickie thing is goign to lead to a big feud in my game, so it was important that for me that I wrote the diallogue for it good. Just to say, the angle in game got a B+, which was prob based on Edge's entertainment value. Bear in mind that this is the WWE, so I am allowed to go a bit over the top with it! But yeah, if someone (or more if they want) could read over it and give me their opinions on it, I would really appreciate it.
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OK, if noone else will, I'll give it a shot: I liked the show overall, I the wrestling wasn't the best, but I think this show was to push the Edge v Rey feud (I assume that is where this is going). JBL v Taker is also shapping up nicely, adding Umaga and Kane is a smart move, will we also see those two on PPV at some point? As for the wedding angle, I liked the fact you kept it short, but at the same time it got the message across, with Edge being the ultra heel by setting all this up to embarass Vickie and admitting he was just using her. The beatdown of Chavo was a bit odd though, as I don't see him having a big roll in the feud. Edge and Torrie is a strange choice too, has she ever been heel before IRL? But yeah I liked the show, I can't wait for JD. KUTGW (And if you read this diary a lot then you should offer some opinions if he asks for it)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Raw Preview[/B] [B]Santino Marella v Chris Harris[/B] [SIZE="1"]Judgment Day is less than a week away, and for Chris Harris it means his first shot at WWE Gold. He takes on Carlito for the Intercontinental Title, but tonight he has his hands full against Santino Marella. Will Harris grab a win going into the biggest night of his WWE career so far? Or will the crafty Italian spoil the occasion for Harris?[/SIZE] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle v Beth Phoenix and Victoria[/B] [SIZE="1"]The Women's Title will be defended at Judgment Day in a triple threat match featuring champion Mickie and challengers Beth and Victoria. Will opponents this Sunday Beth and Victoria be able to get along? Or will Candice help Mickie send her challengers a message?[/SIZE] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week these two teams squared off in six man action, and now they meet in a non-title match. Will the feud between these two teams ever come to an end?[/SIZE] [B]Mr Kennedy v Super Crazy[/B] [SIZE="1"]Kennedy made the challenge to Jeff Hardy last week regarding his Money in the Bank briefcase. We still await Hardy's response, but tonight Kennedy takes on Super Crazy. Will we see a mojor upset tonight?[/SIZE] [B]William Regal v Jeff Hardy[/B] [SIZE="1"]What will Hardy's answer to Kennedy be? After Kennedy called him out, will Hardy really put his briefcase on the line at One Night Stand? And with William Regal being his opponent tonight, Regal could take advantage of the Kennedy distraction and score the win.[/SIZE] [B]Randy Orton and The Big Show v Chris Jericho and Batista[/B] [SIZE="1"]These four men will look to settle their differences at Judgment Day. Batista and Big Show are both out to earn WWE Title shots, while Orton and Jericho have unfinished business regarding the title. Which team will come out on top and have all the momentum going into Judgment Day?[/SIZE] ---- Quick Picks: Santino Marella v Chris Harris Mickie James and Candice Michelle v Beth Phoenix and Victoria Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch Mr Kennedy v Super Crazy William Regal v Jeff Hardy Randy Orton and The Big Show v Chris Jericho and Batista
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Santino Marella v [B]Chris Harris[/B] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle[/B] v Beth Phoenix and Victoria [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes [/B]v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Super Crazy William Regal v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] [B]Randy Orton and The Big Show[/B] v Chris Jericho and Batista
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Santino Marella v [B]Chris Harris[/B] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle [/B]v Beth Phoenix and Victoria [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes [/B]v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Mr Kennedy [/B]v Super Crazy William Regal v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] Randy Orton and The Big Show v [B]Chris Jericho and Batista[/B]
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Santino Marella v [B]Chris Harris[/B] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle[/B] v Beth Phoenix and Victoria [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Super Crazy William Regal v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] [B]Randy Orton and The Big Show [/B]v Chris Jericho and Batista
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Santino Marella v [B]Chris Harris[/B] Mickie James and Candice Michelle v [B]Beth Phoenix and Victoria[/B] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Super Crazy William Regal v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] Randy Orton and The Big Show v [B]Chris Jericho and Batista[/B]
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Santino Marella v [B]Chris Harris[/B] Mickie James and Candice Michelle v [B]Beth Phoenix and Victoria[/B] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Super Crazy William Regal v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] [B]Randy Orton and The Big Show[/B] v Chris Jericho and Batista
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Santino Marella v [B]Chris Harris[/B] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle[/B] v Beth Phoenix and Victoria [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Super Crazy William Regal v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] Randy Orton and The Big Show v [B]Chris Jericho and Batista[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Judgment Day is just six days away! And tonight, what will happen between our WWE Champion Randy Orton and the number on contender Chris Jericho? Hello everybody, welcome to Raw, and King, this situation between these two is about to reach breaking point. King: Right and it all comes down to Randy Orton feeling like he has already proved himself against Jericho, why does he have to do it again? JR: He has to do it because Jericho earned the rite to face him, despite the best efforts of Shane McMahon. *HEY* King: Well here he comes JR! JR: The WWE Champion, Randy Orton is making his way out here and… well, I guess we’ll have to listen to him, not that I particularly want to… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: I just want to say… that last week… Chris Jericho once again stuck his nose in my business. Now… I don’t know what business you think you have getting involved Jericho. Yes I will face you for my WWE Title this Sunday at Judgment Day… but as far as you interrupting me as I destroy Shawn Michaels… you have no place being out there. Infact… after I beat you this Sunday… I will… JR: Wait a minute… it’s Jericho! Jericho is coming out here… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: Please… shut the hell up! I am sick and tired of you Orton. You know… when I returned to the WWE… I said I was going to save us all from you. And I almost did that… but JBL decided to save your ass. But now, I am making that promise one more time… I will beat you this Sunday Orton… and when I do… the WWE, will never… ever… be the same… again! King: Well… I guess we know he’s not intimidated JR… JR: Absolutely not… Jericho and Orton will meet this Sunday… and by God what a match it’s going to be! ---- JR: We’re back folks and… well… here comes your favourite King… King: Yeah right… JR: Santino Marella is coming out here. He takes on Chris Harris next, a man who also has a huge dya ahead of him this Sunday. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Santino Marella v Chris Harris[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Harris, sent to the corner… Santino runs into an elbow… and now a hard clothesline takes him down. King: I hope Chris Harris beats the… JR: Here’s a cover, 1-2… kick out by Santino. You were saying King? King: Uh… never mind. JR: Santino off the ropes… big back body drop! What elevation! And Harris now… he;s going to the top rope… King: What’s he going for here? JR: I don’t know… but I think Santino’s about to find out… missile dropkick! What a move by Harris, here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! King: Alright! I don’t think we’ll hear much from Santino after that… JR: Hey wait a second… Carlito! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] King: What the… JR: Carlito… oh! Carlito just nailed Harris with the Intercontinental Title! Dammit! He’s got no business being out here! King: Well I guess JR… I guess he’s sending a message for this Sunday… [B]Chris Harris beat Santino Marella (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Batista* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Batista7.jpg[/IMG] Batista: You wanted to talk to me? Shane: Yeah. Now… I know I brought you back to Raw… so I expect a little bit of respect in return. And by that I mean… you will fall into place Batista. Batista: What? Shane: That’s right… and I mean no attacking Big Show… no running your mouth looking for title shots OK? This is my show… and the sooner you learnt hat, the better. Batista: I don’t give a damn if this is your show… I want a title shot. And if I have to go through Big Show to get it… then that’s exactly what I’m going to do. King: Wow JR… Batista has came back to Raw and he is in a foul mood… JR: You don’t want to mess with the Animal right now, he is out for blood. King: And you don’t want to mess with either of these two… JR: Victoria and Beth Phoenix… they’ll be opponents this Sunday, but they’re partners tonight, as they take on Candice Michelle and the Women’s Champion, Mickie James, next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AlexisLaree.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Candice_Michelle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BethPhoenix3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Victoria.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle v Beth Phoenix and Victoria[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Candice Michelle… she’s being taken apart right now. Beth and Victoria have sent a lot of punishment her way. King: She really needs to make a tag… JR: Victoria tags in Beth… Candice sent to the corner… and Beth runs into a boot… here’s a roll-up… 1-2… Beth kicks out… and Candice dives for the corner and makes the tag! King: Look out… JR: Mickie James in… and there’s a clothesline. Victoria is in… and she runs into a kick. Candice… she takes Victoria over the top rope. King: Oh boy… they’re fighting right out here in front of us JR! JR: Try and contain your excitement King. Mickie… send Beth to the corner… and then runs into a back elbow. Beth… she has Mickie up… slams her to the mat. King: This isn't looking good for the champ… JR: Beth… she has Mickie up again… down in flames! Beth Phoenix connects, here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Beth Phoenix and Victoria get the win, and… it does not look good for Mickie James this Sunday. King: The Women’s title is under threat JR… Beth Phoenix and Victoria beat Mickie James and Candice Michelle (C) ---- *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, Mr Money in the Bank… Jeff Hardy! And Jeff, I know you’re concentrating on your match with William Regal tonight but… do have a response for Mr Kennedy after he challenged you to put your Money in the Bank briefcase on the line at One Night Stand? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Jeff: Yeah I got a response… Kennedy… you been running your mouth man, and it seems like you’re the latest guy Shane McMahon is looking to throw at me. Well… you want this briefcase? You can come and get it! I’ll see you at One Night Stand! JR: Oh that’s going to be a huge match! King: Yeah but is that smart for Jeff to put the briefcase on the line? JR: He runs on instinct, that’s how it’s always been with Jeff Hardy. Up next folks, the tag team champions are in action, as they take on their long time nemesis, Cade and Murdoch. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Lance_Cade31.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TrevorMurdoch2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* King: Here’s the tag… JR: And in comes Cody Rhodes. Rhodes now… flying forearm takes down Lance Cade! Here comes Murdoch… he hits Cody with a boot to the head. King: Here comes Holly… JR: Holly… clothesline takes Murdoch down. Lance Cade back up… King: Uh oh… JR: Lance Cade… Holly has him up… no. Murdoch hits Holly at the knees. That was almost an Alabama Slam. Cody Rhodes is back up… he sends Murdoch to the floor. Cody… dropkick to Lance Cade. King: Wow! Action everywhere in this match… JR: Cade is up… and now Holly has him up again… Alabama Slam! Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! And Holly and Rhodes win! King: The tag team champions win again! JR: Hey… from behind, Cade and Murdoch attacking the champions. What sore losers these guys are. King: Yeah this is… JR: Hey wait… DH Smith! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG] King: What’s he doing out here? JR: DH Smith… Cade and Murdoch heading out of here. DH Smith with the save. The young man who was with Holly and Rhodes in that six man last week, coming to the rescue here… King: Well, it’s a good job he did… [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes beat Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch (C+)[/B] ----- JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and…. *TIME TO PLAY THE GAME* JR: Oh great… here comes Triple H. I can’t wait for this… King: I take you’re not so thrilled to see him JR? JR: No I am not…. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: You know… last week… I sent a message to Shawn Michaels. I showed him… that I can strike at any time. The fact that I was about to destroy you Shawn… until Chris Jericho showed up… makes me believe that you are finally finished. I can beat you… any time… any where Shawn. And if you think that after all we’ve been through, that I… JR: Wait… wait… he’s here! Shawn Michaels is here! King: And he looks like he’s got something to say… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] HBK: Hunter… you think that by jumping me from behind… when I’m in a match with Randy Orton makes you better than me? Well… you are wrong! I am still the Heartbreak Kid! I am still the Showstopper… and if you want to get it on and settle this thing… then you just tell me where and when brother! HHH: Alright… I tell you what… since Judgment Day is looking a little full right now… how about you and me… one on one… at One… Night… Stand! HBK: You got it Hunter! But… the question is… what type of match are we going to have? HHH: I tell you what… you don’t worry about that right now. I’ll let you know… but your ass is on for One Night Stand! King: What? Triple H… and Shawn Michaels… One Night Stand? JR: What a war that could turn into King! ---- JR: In the ring folks right now, is Super Crazy… and he takes on… *KENNEDY* JR: Well… there’s you answer folks. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr Kennedy v Super Crazy[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Super Crazy… going to the top rope… misses with the crossbody. King: Kennedy… smart enough to move out of the way… he could’ve been in trouble if Super Crazy hit that move. JR: I don’t know what Super Crazy is going to have to do to get the win here, Kennedy is looking to strong right now. King: I think first he needs to get back on his feet… JR: And Kennedy gives him a helping hand but… oh, nice neckbreaker by Kennedy. King: JR… do you think after what we heard Jeff Hardy say earlier… do you think Kennedy could really win the Money in the Bank briefcase? JR: It could happen King. Kennedy could very well be Mr Money in the Bank by this time next week. But right now… he’s looking ot put Super Crazy away. Kennedy he’s has him up… King: Look out… JR: Oh! Green Bay Plunge! Great move by Kennedy… hooks the leg… 1… 2… 3. And Kennedy picks up the win. King: He is looking very impressive right now JR. JR: No doubt about that, Kennedy is a great athlete… a hell of a wrestler… just wish he wasn’t so much of a jackass is all… Kennedy: Jeff Hardy… I heard your response to my challenge earlier… and I have to say… I am very pleased you chose to accept. However… I think it could be the biggest mistake of your career. I am going to the top of this business… and I’m running through you to get there… and after I beat you at One Night Stand and win the Money in the Bank briefcase… I will use it like I would’ve done last year… and I will Champion! King: Wow… I mean… Kennedy is right. If he gets that briefcase… he could strike at any time. [B]Mr Kennedy beat Super Crazy (B-)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and The Big Show* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Listen… I had a talk with him and… he wasn’t exactly all that receptive to what I said. Big Show: So… we go ahead as planned yeah? Shane: Alright… yeah. But please… make sure you get the job done, OK? Big Show: Don’t worry… after tonight… I’ll be having the night off come Judgment Day… King: What did he mean by that JR? JR: I shudder to think King, but it can’t be good news for Batista. King: Well… here comes a man who hasn’t exactly been all that lucky as of late. JR: Will William Regal snap his losing streak, as he takes on Jeff Hardy, next? [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/William_Regal3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [B]William Regal v Jeff Hardy[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Hardy off the ropes… runs into an elbow. Regal now… drops the elbow across the throat of Hardy. Here’s a pin, 1-2… and Jeff gets the shoulder up. King: Regal is a tough veteran… and tonight could be the night he gets his first win since he came back to being a wrestler. JR: I always doubted his skills as a GM but… no doubt that he is a talented brawler in the ring. Regal… misses with the clothesline… and Hardy takes him down with an armdrag. Regal back up… Hardy takes him down with a drop toe hold. King: And when Jeff quickens the pace like this, he becomes very hard to… JR: Hardy with a dropkick… and Jeff now… he’s looking to go to the top rope… Jeff Hardy… swanton bomb! What impact from Hardy… here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! And Jeff Hardy gets the win… and Hardy has really answered the challenge by Kennedy now. King: Well… I thought Regal had a chance at finally picking up a win in this match but… Jeff Hardy managed to turn it around and get the victory. JR: And King… when Jeff Hardy and Mr Kennedy meet… it’s going ot be a battle! And a guaranteed title shot is going to be on the line… at One Night Stand! [B]Jeff Hardy beat William Regal (A)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time… he is the WWE Champion… Randy Orton! And champ… after what has happened in the past regarding you and Chris Jericho… do you remain confident ahead of your match this Sunday at Judgment Day? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: Do I feel confident? I am… the Legend Killer! I am always… supremely confident! I will walk out of Judgment Day… still the WWE Champion. Chris Jericho… you can run your mouth all you want… but the Era of Orton is only getting started… and I’ll be damned if you’re the guy who’s going to stop it! King: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Randy Orton so focused on one match JR. JR: He is one of the most dangerous champions we’ve ever had in this business… and he could get his hands on Chris Jericho, in our main event, next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Batista7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton and The Big Show v Chris Jericho and Batista[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Orton… misses with the RKO… wait… Jericho… looking for the Walls of Jericho! King: Can he get it? JR: Yes! He’s got it locked in… Walls of Jericho! In the centre of the ring! Walls of Jericho… and from behind… The Big Show… just levelled Jericho. King: Here comes Batista… JR: Batista… spear to Big Show! Batista with a huge spear! Big Show is down… Orton is down! And The Animal… oh no. Not this… King: There’s no way he can do that… JR: Batista… he wants to Batista-bomb The Big Show! I can’t believe he… King: He’s going for it JR… JR: Batista… RKO! RKO! Orton… out of nowhere hits the RKO! King: Where did he come from JR? JR: He… Jericho is back up… but he runs into The Big Show… chokeslam! Big Show nails Jericho with a clothesline! King: And Orton wants to pin him… JR: Orton… hooks the leg… 1… 2… 3! King: They did it! JR: Orton and The Big Show… have somehow came away with a win tonight. And now… look at Orton… standing over Chris Jericho… King: Is this what we’re going to see this Sunday JR? JR: I can’t wait to find out! Join us this Sunday, live on pay per view! You won’t want to miss Judgment Day folks! [B]Randy Orton and The Big Show beat Chris Jericho and Batista (B+)[/B] ----- [SIZE="1"]Chris Harris beat Santino Marella (C+) Beth Phoenix and Victoria beat Mickie James and Candice Michelle (C) Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes beat Lace Cade and Trevor Murdoch (C+) Mr Kennedy beat Super Crazy (B-) Jeff Hardy beat William Regal (A) Randy Orton and The Big Show beat Chris Jericho and Batista (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]The Miz v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [SIZE="1"]One week after he attacked former partner John Morrison, Miz has set his sights on the Cruiserweight title. Will he start his campaign of with a win? Or will Jimmy show how hard it is to get ahead in the Cruiserweight divison?[/SIZE] [B]Balls Mahoney v Kevin Thorn[/B] [SIZE="1"]Thorn and his partner Mike Knox have been targetting ECW Originals Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards in recent weeks. After Knox beat Richards last week, can Balls get a win to bring his team back into contention? Or will Thorn keep the momentum going for him and Knox?[/SIZE] [B]Paul Burchill v Jesse Dalton[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week Burchill got back to winning ways against Festus. this week he takes on the brains of the Daltons, Jesse. Will Jesse get some revenge for last week? Or will Burchill continue to keep on winning?[/SIZE] [B]Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke v Finlay and CM Punk[/B] [SIZE="1"]The new number one contender was robbed by Benjamin when he took on Elijah Burke on Smackdown last Friday. He tags with CM Punk, with both men out to get some revenge against the champ and his buddy. Which team will win and go into Judgment Day with all the momentum?[/SIZE] ---- quick picks: The Miz v Jimmy Wang Yang Balls Mahoney v Kevin Thorn Paul Burchill v Jesse Dalton Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke v Finlay and CM Punk
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Welcome everybody to ECW on Sci-Fi! Last week, we learned just who will face ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin at Judgment Day, and when we found out, it took everybody in the Land Of Extreme by surprise. Tazz: No doubt about that. Finlay… who is probably the toughest guy on Smackdown, was sent here by Teddy Long to compete in our number one contenders match… and he did it! He won, and now he’s going to Judgment Day! Styles: Our main event tonight features both men… but up first, here comes The Miz. A man who last week, turned on his tag team partner John Morrison… and now he’s looking to go it alone. Tazz: Yeah and he told us… he’s looking for a shot at the Cruiserweight Title! Styles: And a win against Jimmy Wang Yang tonight could take him one step closer to that… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/themiz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Jimmy_Yang.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Miz v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Miz… nice headscissor takedown. Jimmy back up… and he hits MIz with a dropkick. Tazz: Both these guys, flying around all over the place. Styles: And Tazz… he’s been a tag team champion… could MIz go on and be a Cruiserweight Champion? Tazz: Who knows, I mean… tonight is a big test for him. Brian Kendrick has his hands full right now but… Miz could one day challenge for that title. Styles: Jimmy… off the ropes… leapfrog by Jimmy… but he runs into a knee. And Miz has that ability, he can be as tough as hell when he wants to be. Tazz: You don’t be a tag team champion without having a bit of that… Styles: Miz now… sends Jimmy the ropes… boot to the midsection… here comes Miz… oh! Reality Check connects! Tazz: Goodnight… Styles: Hook of the leg… 1… 2… 3. Tazz: Man what a match these two put on… and The Miz comes out on top. Styles: He did, and you have to wonder… hey! Tazz: It’s Morrison! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnMorrison-11.jpg[/IMG] Styles: John Morrison, off the top rope… spinning heel kick! John Morrison… out of nowhere… getting some payback for last week! Tazz: God I… I never even saw him coming! Styles: What is going to happen between these two? [B]The Miz beat Jimmy Wang Yang (C)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Armando Estrada, Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ArmandoAlejandroEstrada.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] Benjamin: Finlay? Finlay! That’s the guy who Teddy Long was talking about? And you didn’t even do nothing to stop him! Estrada: What could I do amigo? He just said it was… Benjamin: Enough! Burke: Listen Estrada… you said you wanted us to get the ECW Title off of CM Punk… well we did that, but you’re not helping us out much… Benjamin: Yeah… I mean… this is meant to be your show… you don’t even know who’s challenging for the title! Estrada: Listen my friends… we will fight through this… tonight, in the tag team match… maybe Finlay gets hurt. Maybe something happens to him… something that means he isn’t going to Judgment Day, eh? Burke; It better… Benjamin: We’ll take care of it… but this better not happen again! Tazz: That makes me sick Joey, it really does… Styles: The politics continue here on ECW. Up next… Kevin Thorn, who has had some success lately with his new partner Mike Know… he takes on ECW Original Balls Mahoney! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Balls_Mahoney.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG] [B]Balls Mahoney v Kevin Thorn[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Oh! Mahoney… runs into a huge boot from Thorn! Man… Tazz: That is impact right there… Styles: No doubt about that… Kevin Thorn… and now he just scoops Mahoney up and slams him to the mat. Tazz: You know, Kevin Thorn… this guy has power. I mean, scary power. He’s a big guy… and he’s just throwing Mahoney about like he’s nothing. Styles: Balls is a big guy too remember… but he is getting dominated right now. Mahoney… whipped hard into the corner… and Thorn follows him in… and just crushes him. Tazz: And there you see Balls just slumping to the mat… Styles: And Thorn now… I think the end may be near. Kevin Thorn… he has Mahoney up… Tazz: Look at the strength of Thorn…. Styles: Crucifix powerbomb! Kevin Thorn… here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3. And Thorn and Knox… once again these two pick up the win against an ECW Original. Tazz: Man… these two guys, Knox and Thorn… they’re just too powerful for these guys right now… [B]Kevin Thorn beat Balls Mahoney (B+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time… he is the man who will face Shelton Benjamin this Sunday at Judgment Day… Finlay! And Finlay… will you… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] Finlay: Hey… hey… Hornswoggle! Leave her alone! Hornswoggle! Sorry about him… anyway… I just want to this to Shelton Benjamin… if you think that just because I come from Smackdown, that I’m not as ready to fight as you ECW guys… you got another thing coming. And if you think I’m going to let you away for what you and Burke did last Friday night… you’re dead wrong! I am going to kick your ass tonight… and I’m going to kick even harder this Sunday! Tazz: God I can’t wait for Sunday! Styles: I don’t think anyone doubts how tough Finlay is… but could you imagine Finlay as the ECW Champion? It would be mayhem! Tazz: And that’s what ECW is all about baby! Styles: Well, here comes Paul Burchill. A man who has been dominant on Sci-Fi as of late… last week he beat Festus Dalton… tonight, it’s the brains of the outfit, Jesse who steps into the ring… [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JesseDalton51.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul Burchill v Jesse Dalton[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Jesse with the roll-up… 1-2… oh. Burchill manages to kick out… and he fires back with a huge clothesline. Tazz: Man… I thought Jesse was going to get a huge upset win right there but… Burchill managed to barely kick out. Styles: And after the clothesline, Burchill is back in charge. Burchill… pump handle slam. Hooks the leg… 1-2… and Jesse kicks out. He’s a tough little guy is Jesse Dalton… Tazz: Well… I’m not sure if being tough is enough for Jesse against Paul Burchill. Styles: Burchill now… uh oh… this could be trouble right here… Tazz: It’s time… for the C4! Styles: Oh! Burchill with the C4! Absolutely devastating move… Burchill… just puts his foot on Jesse’s chest… 1… 2… 3. Paul Burchill… Tazz: Wow Joey… absolutely dominant! Styles: Another impressive performance from Paul… oh! Tommy Dreamer! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] Tazz: What the hell? Styles: He came through the crowd… and he just levelled Burchill with a trash can! Tazz: God… I guess Tommy Dreamer wasn’t going to let Paul Burchill forget about what he did to him a couple of weeks ago. Styles: The Innovator of Violence… Tommy Dreamer! He’s not going to let some new guy kick his ass and then just let it go Tazz…. [B]Paul Burchill beat Jesse Dalton (C-)[/B] ----- Styles: We’re back folks… and in the ring… the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin… Tazz: And sadly for us he’s got a microphone… [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Shelton: Finlay… I heard you running your mouth backstage boy! You better realise something… I am the ECW Champion! And don’t for a second thing… that you can just walk in here and take my title away from me. I am the Gold Standard… and this Sunday… I am kicking your ass back to Smackdown… and you ain’t stopping me! Styles: Well… here comes CM Punk! He is Finlay’a tag team partner… as our main event is next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke v Finlay and CM Punk[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Tag made… Burke brings in Benjamin. And Burke and Benjamin… have really gone to work on CM Punk so far in this match. Tazz: Well, smart strategy to leave Finlay on the apron and go to work on Punk. Styles: And I don’t think Shelton Benjamin really wants anything to do with Finlay ahead of their match this Sunday. Tazz: I don’t know about that but… Styles: Benjamin… sends Punk to the corner… and follows in with a knee to the face. And Benjamin… oh. He was looking for a bulldog out of the corner… but Punk managed to hold on. Punk now… running neckbreaker takes both men down. Tazz: And now would be a great time for CM Punk to make it to the corner and bring in Finlay… Styles: The Irishman… waiting in the corner for his chance to get his hands on Burke and Benjamin. Benjamin… tags in Burke… here comes Finlay! Tazz: Look out… Styles: Burke runs into a right hand… and another one… and a third. Burke now… back body drop sends him down. Benjamin… he gets slammed to the mat. Tazz: Shelton Benjamin… he just rolled out of the ring there and… Styles: Is Shelton Benjamin leaving? Elijah Burke… is back in the ring… trying to get Benjamin to come back and… oh my! Tazz: I think Elijah Burke has just realised what has happened here… Styles: Burke turns round… he sees CM Punk and Finlay… and he has nowhere left to run... Tazz: Oh! Man what a right hand by Finlay… look out… CM Punk… Styles: GTS… right into a… Celtic Cross! Tazz: I don’t believe it… Styles: Here’s the cover… 1… 2… 3! And Finlay pins Elijah Burke… and Shelton Benjamin just left his buddy to hang out to dry! Tazz: Man… the ECW Champion… he’s in trouble this Sunday! Styles; Will we have a new ECW Champion? Join us at Judgment Day to find out! [B]Finlay and CM Punk beat Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke (B)[/B] ---- [SIZE="1"]The Miz beat Jimmy Wang Yang (C) Kevin Thorn beat Balls Mahoney (B+) Paul Burchill beat Jesse Dalton (C-) Finlay and CM Punk beat Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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