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WWE: The Next Generation

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A video recapping the Smackdown action from Armageddon is shown, highlighting the World Heavyweight Championship match that was interrupted by the return of Edge. The usual opening video plays out, and after the blue pyro explodes, the camera shows a boisterous crowd until we turn to the announce desk and [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Happy new year everybody, and welcome to the show that’s changing Friday night! Welcome... to Smackdown! We are in Toronto, ONT, Canada as we kick off 2009 with a bang! Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, my colleague as always is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, we’ve got a huge night ahead of us just days after Armageddon. Coach: We do have a big night ahead, but Armageddon was huge night for Smackdown. Edge returned during the World Heavyweight Championship match and got involved during the match. I know both CM Punk and Christian are gonna be mad, but I for one am delighted to welcome back the Rated-R superstar! [B]Cole:[/B] Certainly Armageddon was huge, but tonight Coach, we’re getting a new general manager after JBL was fired from the post last week. Who do you think it’s gonna be? [B]Coach:[/B] Well Cole, I’m gonna let you and everybody else in on a little secret here. You know I have my contacts backstage and up in WWE headquarters in Stamford, and my sources tell me that the next general manager of Smackdown is gonna be your truly, the Coach! [B]Cole:[/B] What?! You gotta be kiddin’ me! Who are these sources? [B]Coach:[/B] You don’t need to worry about who they are, you just need to know that they always get the inside information, and I’m the guy that Mr McMahon has chosen... [I]Coach is interrupted by the sound of ‘No Chance’ playing out, as [B]Mr McMahon[/B] himself steps out into the arena...[/I] [B]Coach:[/B] Infact, here comes Mr McMahon now to announce my appointment. Just you wait and see. [B]Cole:[/B] I don’t believe for one second that you’re going to be the next general manager. [B]Coach:[/B] Well let me tell you this Cole, when I become general manager, you’re the first guy I’m gonna fire! [B]Cole:[/B] If you’re announced as general manager I’m walking out the door right now. [B]Coach:[/B] Good! [B]Vince:[/B] At this time, it once again falls to me to shake things up here on Smackdown. In the past year or so here on Smackdown, we’ve had general managers such as Vickie Guerrero... Teddy Long... and until last week, John Bradshaw Layfield. I hired all of them with the mandate to change things around here. I hired them because I want competition between my shows. I hired them to make Smackdown the greatest brand in the WWE... and for one reason or other, all three have come and gone without getting the job done. And that has led me to this moment... and the latest appointment to the position of Smackdown general manager. I’m sure you all know this individual. He’s been a valuable member of the WWE family for quite some time now... [B]Coach:[/B] Here it comes Cole... [B]Vince:[/B] He’s a man with great leadership skills... [B]Coach:[/B] That’s true I do... [B]Vince:[/B] A man with great vision... [B]Coach:[/B] I have that too... [B]Cole:[/B] Don’t you wear contacts? [B]Coach:[/B] Don’t you dare ruin this for me! [B]Vince:[/B] He’s a man who won’t take any crap from anybody, he’s man with dignity, a man who’ll bring back the pride and the swagger to this show... [B]Cole:[/B] There’s not a chance he’s talking about you. [B]Coach:[/B] I’m warning you Cole. You won’t be so disrespectful when Mr McMahon announces my name... [B]Vince:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to announce the new general manager of Friday Night Smackdown... [B]Coach:[/B] It was nice working with you Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Will you please sit down? It’s not gonna be... [B]Coach:[/B] I told you it’s gonna be... [B]Vince:[/B] Ric Flair! [I]WOOOO![/I] [B]Cole:[/B] What?! [B]Coach:[/B] What?! [I]Cole, Coach and the capacity audience are stunned by Vince’s announcement, but the cheers soon ring out, and eventually [B]’Nature Boy’ Ric Flair[/B] steps out onto the ramp and makes his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] What a way to kick off 2009! Ric Flair is the new general manager of Smackdown! [B]Coach:[/B] I... I... [B]Cole:[/B] You’re speechless! You’re actually speechless! [B]Coach:[/B] But... but they said... [B]Cole:[/B] Coach is in shock... but we’ve got a new GM! Ric Flair! [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! Did... woooo... somebody... woooo... say... woooo... that the Naitcha Boi, Ric Flair was the new general manager of Smackdown? Woooo! [B]Cole:[/B] Haha! I love it! [B]Coach:[/B] God I can’t believe this! [B]Cole:[/B] I think you need to get better sources Coach. [B]Coach:[/B] You shut your mouth right now! [B]Flair:[/B] Did ol’ Vinny Mac go out and find the limousine ridin’, jet flyin’, kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealin’ son of a gun to run Smackdown? Woooo! You bet your ass he did! And now that Ric Flair is the general manager of Smackdown, things are gonna change around here! This is a new year, and this is a new Smackdown. And it all starts tonight, because I am... [I]Flair is interrupted by the sound of ‘Metallingus’ and the sight of the [B]Rated-R Entourage[/B], [B]Edge[/B], [B]Curt Hawkins[/B], [B]Zack Ryder[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] stepping out onto the ramp and down into the ring, where Edge grasb a mic...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Wow... Ric Flair. Mr McMahon, an inspired choice on your part. Almost as inspired as your decision to overturn JBL’s firing of me a few weeks ago. And now that I’m back here on Smackdown... I don’t intend on wasting any time. So Ric, I know this is your moment right now, this is your time in the spotlight... but I’m out here for one reason and one reason only. I want CM Punk tonight! [B]Flair:[/B] You want CM Punk tonight? You want a World Heavyweight Championship match, is that right? [B]Edge:[/B] That’s right. [B]Flair:[/B] Well Edge... as you were about to find out before you interrupted me... there is going to be a World Heavyweight Title match tonight. But... you’re not going to be in it. Because tonight, we’re gonna have a rematch from the match at Armageddon that you interrupted. Tonight, one on one, we’re gonna have CM Punk and Christian, and this time, there will be a finish! [B]Edge:[/B] Whoa, whoa... hold on. Nobody wants to see that. This is Toronto! This is my hometown! These people don’t want to see CM Punk and Christian... they want to see Edge and CM Punk! [B]Flair:[/B] Well correct me if I’m wrong Edge... but I believe this is Christian’s hometown too. I think everybody would want to see Christian in action too. Infact... I think everybody would rather see Christian in action instead of you! [B]Edge:[/B] Oh you think so Flair? Well how about I make you a deal? Let me put it this way Flair, it’s your first show as GM of Smackdown. You want it to go off with a bang don’t you? You want this night to be a memorable occasion. You give me my title shot with CM Punk... and I’ll never ask you for another title shot as long as you’re general manager! [B]Cole:[/B] Wow! What an offer from Edge. [B]Coach:[/B] Uh... Edge, what the hell are you doing? [B]Flair:[/B] You’ll never ask for another title shot? If I make Cm Punk and Edge, one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight... and you don’t win the title... that’s it for you? No more title shots for Edge if you don’t win tonight? [B]Edge:[/B] You have my word Ric. [B]Flair:[/B] Well... Edge my friend... you got a deal! You and CM Punk, one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight! Woooo! [B]Cole:[/B] What a huge main event we have in store. CM Punk and Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship, and it could be Edge’s last chance at the title. [B]Coach:[/B] I don’t understand this. I mean, why would Edge make an offer like that? I just don’t get it. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChuckPalumbo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Big Show v Chuck Palumbo[/B] A spot in the Royal Rumble is up for grabs as we kick things off with the Big Show and Chuck Palumbo. Palumbo looks to jump Show before the bell rings, driving his knee into the spine and then nailing kicks to the gut in the corner. Chuck then goes for an Irish whip across, but Show reverses, and when Palumbo crashes into the corner, he staggers out right into a sidewalk slam for an early 2 count. Palumbo struggles to his feet, and when he gets there, Show puts him backed won with a big headbutt, before grabbing Palumbo and sending him off the ropes... hiptoss takes him down. Palumbo back off into the corner, but Show stays on him, dropping several slaps across Chuck’s chest and then driving his hip into the gut before sending Chuck across... again Chuck crashes into the corner and staggers out, this time into a gorilla-press slam... but Chuck slips down from Show’s grasp, and he takes Show down with a chop-block. Palumbo takes his time to recover, before targeting Show’s knee, going to work with stomps, driving his own knee and then locking on a single-leg Boston crab. Show grimaces in pain as Chuck wrenches back on the knee, and he has Show down in the middle of the ring. The crowd rallies behind Show, and eventually he manages to drag himself towards the ropes, finally reaching out and breaking the hold. Show struggles back to his knees, but Chuck stays on the attack, aiming kicks to the head and injured knee before coming off the ropes... but Show is back up, and he catches Chuck in a side-slam! 1... 2... Chuck gets a shoulder up. Big Show now tries to build momentum, rocking Chuck with more headbutts and then taking him down with a suplex. Both men slowly make it back up, and as Chuck turns, Big Show gabs him by the throat... but Palumbo fight out of a potential chokeslam by franticly hitting elbows to the head. Palumbo now comes off the ropes for a running big boot... but Show grabs it, and he spins Chuck around... and again grabs him by the throat... chokeslam! Big Show nails the chokeslam and goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! Big Show becomes the first Smackdown superstar to qualify for the Royal Rumble. [B]Big Show beat Chuck Palumbo to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion... CM Punk! And Punk, earlier tonight we found out that Ric Flair is the new general manager of Smackdown, and one of his first acts was to make a match where you will put your title on the line against Edge. What are you feelings about what could happen tonight? [B]Punk:[/B] Well first of all, I’d like to welcome Ric Flair to Smackdown. I think he’ll make a heck of a general manager around here. As for tonight and the match with Edge... I heard what he said about how if he loses tonight he’ll never ask for another title shot as long as Ric Flair is GM. And quite frankly... I’m not buying it. Edge is the ultimate opportunist, and I know he’s got something up his sleeve for tonight. But Edge, I gotta tell you man, whatever you’ve got in mind... it’s not gonna work. You better bring everything you’ve got tonight Edge, because this is gonna be your last shot at the gold... I’m gonna make sure of that. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang v Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms[/B] A rivalry between these two teams has developed in recent weeks, with this being second match between the two. Jimmy and Noble start things, with the match starting fast, as Jimmy breaks free from a headlock by sending Noble off the ropes... but Noble runs through him with a shoulderblock. Noble then looks to drop the elbow, go Jimmy moves, and he quickly back on his feet for an armdrag takedown before locking on an armbar. Noble gets back up, and he rocks Jimmy with a right hand to break the hold before sending Jimmy off the ropes... reversal... Jimmy connects with a dropkick. A near fall follows, before Jimmy again focuses on the arm, only for Noble to again hit a big right hand and tag in Helms. Helms charges into the ring, but Jimmy hits another armdrag takedown, with Helms backing into the corner. Jimmy follows in and deliver’s Flair-esque chops, before sending Helms across... Jimmy charges in... but Helms elevates him over the top rope, but Jimmy lands on the apron, and here comes Noble... but Jimmy ducks his clothesline... but he can’t avoid a knee to the spine from Helms that sends him crashing to the floor. Noble drops down and tosses Jimmy back into the ring, allowing Helms to continue the attack with stomps before tagging in Noble. Helms and Noble begin to target Jimmy’s back, hitting painful forearms to the spine, and Noble nailing a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Helms connecting with a Russian legsweep. Quick tags follow as Helms and Noble punish Jimmy, but when Helms sends him to the corner with a hard Irish whip, Helms charges in with a monkey flip... Jimmy lands on his feet, and he dives to the corner to tag in Moore! The crowd cheers as Shannon enters the ring, but Noble also gets the tag... but Shannon ducks his clothesline, coming off the ropes with a flying forearm and then a dropkick before a swinging neckbreaker keeps Noble down for a cover... 1... 2... Helms makes the save, and he aims a sick kick at Jimmy’s head that sends him through the ropes... but then Shannon nails a dropkick that sends Helms over the top rope, leaving just Moore and Noble. Shannon has all the momentum, and he hits right hands before sending Noble to the corner... Noble reverses, but Moore jumps to the second rope... diving neckbreaker... no! Noble ducks underneath, and he moves quickly to scoop Moore up... fireman’s carry... into a double-knee gutbuster! Noble makes the cover... 1... 2... 3. [B]Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms beat Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang (C-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Well, another gutsy effort from Jimmy and Shannon, but once again they come up short against Noble and Helms. [B]Coach: [/B]If I remember correctly, it was Moore and Wang Yang who made this challenge for a rematch. Well it just came back and kicked them in the ass! [B]Cole:[/B] And there you see, Jimmy Wang Yang clearly not happy with the losing streak he and Shannon Moore are going through right now. [B]Coach:[/B] I don’t see why. The guy’s a loser. He should be used to it by now. ---------------- [I]The new general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B] is getting settled into his new office, when he is joined by the man he replaced, [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and his employee, [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] And what can I do for you two? [B]JBL:[/B] Ric Flair? You’re the best they could come up with as a replacement for me? [B]Flair:[/B] I guess so. [B]JBL:[/B] My, my... what a sad state of affairs. [B]Flair:[/B] Look, what do you want JBL? I’m a busy man, I got a lot of phone calls to make. What do you want? [B]JBL:[/B] What do I want? I just wanted to welcome you to Smackdown. [B]Flair:[/B] Well I appreciate that, but I got a lot of work to do. [B]JBL:[/B] I also just wanted to ask you... about the Royal Rumble. [B]Flair:[/B] The Rumble? What you want a qualifying match or something? [B]JBL:[/B] Hahaha, no, no Ric. I don’t want to be in the Royal Rumble match. No... I want a World Heavyweight Championship match at the Rumble. [B]Flair:[/B] You want a title shot at the Rumble? JBL, for the last two weeks, you’ve been giving yourself title matches. I think you’ve had all the titles shots you’re going to get for a while. [B]JBL:[/B] Huh... you know what Flair? You’re right. You’re absolutely right. For me to ask for another title shot at the Rumble... it’s just sheer greed on my part. But... what about my young associate here Bobby Lashley? I mean, here he is, fresh off a big win at Armageddon over Rey Mysterio... doesn’t he deserve a title shot at the Rumble? [B]Flair:[/B] Well, whether Lashley deserves a title shot or he doesn’t, if he wants one, he’s gonna have to earn it. Infact, next week, I will be making an announcement with regards to the challenger at the Royal Rumble. [B]JBL:[/B] Next week? I think we can wait for that. C’mon Bobby. Let’s head back up to my executive sky box and watch the rest of the show. See you later Ric... ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Montel Vontavious Porter v Super Crazy[/B] The second Smackdown spot in the Rumble is up for grabs as former World Heavyweight Champion MVP takes on the always enthusiastic Super Crazy. MVP looks to gain a quick advantage by driving Crazy to the corner, but the Mexican avoids his right hand, striking with rights of his own and dropping MVP with a drop-toe-hold. Crazy locks on a front headlock, but MVP gets back to his feet, taking Crazy to the corner where the ref calls for a break... and MVP hits a cheap shot to the gut and follows with shots the head. Knees to the gut follow, and then MVP sends Crazy across... but Crazy jumps to the second rope, and catches MVP with a dropkick as he charges in. Another dropkick sends MVP under the bottom rope to the outside, where he shows his frustrations by slapping the apron, but here comes Crazy... somersault plancha! The crowd rises as Crazy goes airborne, and when he rolls MVP back into the ring, Crazy climbs to the top rope... moonsault... no! MVP rolls out of the way, leaving Crazy to smack the mat face first. MVP moves quickly to begin dropping boots, before a hard Irish whip sends Crazy to the corner and MVP charges in... oh! Big boot to the face connects, and here’s the cover... 1... 2... Crazy gets the shoulder up. MVP pushes Crazy to the corner, but Crazy fires out with right hands, driving MVP to the middle of the ring and coming off the ropes... spinning wheel kick! MVP backs off into the corner but Crazy follows him in, climbing to the second rope and rattling off 10 punches to the head with the crowd loving it. MVP staggers out of the corner and alls flat on his face, leading to Crazy connecting with a standing moonsault and rolling him over for a 2 count. Crazy now looks to build momentum, coming off the ropes... but running right into a snap belly-to-belly overhead. The crowd deflates as MVP regains control, and as he waits for Crazy to stir, the inevitable happens... drive-by kick! MVP nails Crazy and rolls over for the easy cover... 1... 2... 3. [B]Montel Vontavious Porter beat Super Crazy to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Christian[/B]! And Christian, last night we all saw your World Heavyweight Championship match with CM Punk, and at one point it looked like you were going to fulfil your dream, you were going to become World Heavyweight Champion... until Edge got involved, costing you your chance at the title. If you’d like to take a look at the monitor, we can show you that footage... [B]Christian:[/B] Wait, wait, wait... we don’t need to look at any footage. Everybody knows what happened, everybody saw what Edge did. He came through the crowd and attacked me and he cost me the title. Why did he do it? Hell, I don’t know. Now, I heard earlier tonight that Edge is getting a title shot against CM Punk tonight. What he did to deserve it, I haven’t got a clue, but uh... well maybe tonight I’ll return the favour, you know what I mean? Maybe I’ll grab myself a front row seat for that match and... [I]The conversation stops as Christian is blindsided by [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] and [B]Zack Ryder[/B]! Edge’s cronies promptly put the boots to Christian before throwing him into the interview set, bouncing his head off walls and even assaulting him with the television lights! The beat down ensues, with Josh trying to shout for help. The [COLOR="Red"][B]blood[/B][/COLOR] soon starts to pour from Christian’s head, until finally we get referees and backstage officials in to pull Hawkins and Ryder away. The two walk away, pleased with their handy work, leaving Christian a [COLOR="Red"][B]bloody[/B][/COLOR] mess on the floor...[/I] ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ValVenis.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Val Venis v Santino Marella[/B] After weeks of Santino’s attempts to convince [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] to go out with him failed, tonight he and Val face off, with Santino knowing victory will guarantee him a date with Rosa next week. Rosa is in Val’s corner for the match, and she looks very happy early on, as Val dominates straight from the first tie-up, driving his knee into Santino’s gut, rocking him with hard forearms and then sending him off the ropes... right into a spinebuster! Santino cries out in pain, but Val stays on the attack, dragging him to his feet and hoisting him up... for a long vertical suplex! Val goes for a cover and gets a 2 count, but this match looks like it’ll be over quickly, as Val is dominating early on. Val now climbs to the top rope, and this match could be over as Val looks for the money shot... until Santino out of desperation pushes the referee into the ropes, causing Val to fall to the mat. Santino finally has an opening, and he looks to take advantage, coming off the ropes with a kick to the head and getting a 2 count. Back on their feet, Santino sends Val off the ropes, but Venis ducks a clothesline and responds with a clothesline of his own. Santino is quickly back up, but another clothesline sends him down again, but he again is quickly back up... until a scoop slam finally plants him. Val then drops the elbow for another two count, which leads to Santino crawling to the corner, begging Val for mercy. Val takes a quick glance at Rosa, who encourages him to finish Santino off... so Val drags Santino back up and sends him across the ring, following in with a clothesline in the corner that sees Santino slump to the mat. One more time, Val climbs to the top rope, looking for the money shot, but as he stands on the top, he looks to Rosa... allowing Santino to get up and shake the ropes, once again causing Val to fall, but this time Santino goes for a schoolboy cover... 1... 2... feet on the ropes... 3. Santino steals a win from Val, and Rosa looks dejcted as the reality of the situation sets in. [B]Santino Marella beat Val Venis (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Oh my God! Santino has somehow pulled off a win here. [B]Coach:[/B] Haha! God, how does this man do it? I really don’t understand it. [B]Cole:[/B] And look at the look on Rosa’s face. She looks devastated. [B]Coach:[/B] Do you blame her? She’s got to go on a date with Santino next week. ----------------- [I]One last time, we cut back to the general manager’s office to [B]Ric Flair[/B], busy chatting away on the phone. Flair puts the phone down and slaps his desk, obviously pleased at the outcome of his conversation, and then there is a knock on his door, with [B]Ted DiBiase[/B] entering the room...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, DiBiase. How are ya? [B]DiBiase:[/B] I’m good Mr Flair, I’m very good. [B]Flair:[/B] Well I’m glad to hear that, but I assume you’ve got some other reason for coming in here. [B]DiBiase:[/B] Yes sir I do. Ric, I know you and my Dad were both good friends back in the day. I mean, you both had similar qualities. You were both flashy, you both had expensive taste, you both liked to flaunt your money. [B]Flair:[/B] It sounds like something I’d do yeah. [B]DiBiase:[/B] But uh, I also know that in recent years you’ve had your share of financial problems. [B]Flair:[/B] What’s your point Ted? [B]DiBiase:[/B] Well, let’s just say I’m looking to advance myself up the card here on Smackdown. And I was thinking that one of the best ways for me to do that would be for me to get myself into the Royal Rumble and put in a great performance. And I was thinking that... to maybe guarantee myself a spot in the Rumble... a little financial assistance might be in order. [B]Flair:[/B] Oh. So you want to buy yourself a spot in the Royal Rumble, is that what you’re saying? [B]DiBiase:[/B] C’mon Ric, everybody’s got a price. [B]Flair:[/B] You listen to me DiBiase! The old regime may have let you waltz in here and buy title shots, but that ain’t gonna happen anymore! You want a spot in the Rumble, you’re gonna have to earn it. And I’ve got just the match for you to do it in. Next week, it’s gonna be you against another young stud here on Smackdown. It’s gonna be you one on one with the undefeated Jake Hager! [B]DiBiase:[/B] What?! [B]Flair:[/B] You heard me junior. Now get outta my office! ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ZackRyder.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder v Rey Mysterio and Matt Sydal[/B] Having just made their return, Hawkins and Ryder now step into the ring to take on the new partnership of Mysterio and Sydal. Ryder and Sydal kick things off, and Ryder shows he has the power advantage by driving Sydal to the corner and going for a right hand... but Sydal ducks, taking Ryder down with an armdrag and wrenching at the arm before tagging in Mysterio who springboards off the top rope across the arm. Mysterio looks to carry on Sydal’s work, but his attempt at sending Ryder to the corner is reversed... Mysterio jumps to the second rope... crossbody... no! Ryder catches him... and drops him across the knee for a gutbuster! Hawkins gets the tag, and he aims a sick kick to the ribs, before driving repeated elbows to the chest and then locking on a seated abdominal stretch. Sydal gets the crowd behind Rey, and he manages to break the hold with kicks to the head, but Hawkins pushes him into his corner, and with Ryder holding on, Hawkins charges in... but Mysterio moves and Hawkins runs right into Ryder! Rey moves quickly to take advantage, hitting Hawkins with wheelbarrow bulldog and tagging in Sydal. Sydal goes straight to the top rope, connecting with a double knee-drop to the shoulder and then going for the cover... 1... 2... Ryder makes the save, but Mysterio sends him over the top rope, and then Sydal charges at Rey... who elevates Sydal over the top... into a hurricanrana on Ryder! Back in the ring, Sydal catches Hawkins with a jumping heel kick and then climbs to the top rope looking for the shooting star press... but Ryder leaps up and pushes him, sending Sydal crashing to the mat. Now Hawkins and Ryder look to punish Sydal, keeping him away from Rey and locking on chinlocks, headlocks and sending Sydal off the ropes for a double hiptoss backbreaker. Repeated attempts from Sydal to make the tag are stopped, and Hawkins and Ryder pour on the pressure, targeting Sydal’s back with knees and hard forearms. Sydal looks to be in trouble, but when Hawkins and Ryder look for another double team move, Sydal breaks free, diving for the corner and tagging in Mysterio, who enters the ring with a springboard crossbody that takes down both men. A headscissors sends Ryder over the top rope, and Mysterio then uses the springboard seated senton to drop Hawkins for a 2 count. Hawkins struggles back up, but Rey dropkicks him, leaving him hung up on the second rope as Rey charges in... 619... spear! Rey runs right into a spear from Ryder, and here’s the cover... 1... 2... Sydal makes the save! Sydal breaks up the count, and he sends Ryder out the ring with a roundhouse kick, but then Hawkins clubs Sydal from behind and goes for an Irish whip... reversal... Hawkins runs into Mysterio who drops him with a drop-toe-hold... and again he’s on the ropes, and here comes Rey... 619! Mysterio nails it, and Sydal climbs to the top rope... shooting star press! 1... 2... 3! [B] Rey Mysterio and Matt Sydal beat Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]We return from commercial to the sight of [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] and [B]Zack Ryder[/B] backstage, sat on a bench, trying to recover from their defeat when [B]Edge[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] walk up to them...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Guys... what the hell was that? I mean, Mysterio and Sydal? [B]Hawkins:[/B] Hey, they’re a lot harder to beat than it looks. [B]Ryder:[/B] Yeah. I mean so damn fast and slippery, it’s hard to catch them sometimes. [B]Edge:[/B] What? Anyway, forget that. You two took care of Christian right? [B]Ryder:[/B] Yeah boss. We got him good. [B]Hawkins:[/B] We nailed him boss. We left him lying in a poll of his own blood. [B]Ryder:[/B] Ain’t no way he’s doing getting involved tonight. [B]Edge:[/B] Good job guys. But listen, I don’t want to take any chances. So I want you two out there with me tonight, just incase. I don’t want anybody getting anywhere near that ring tonight, you got me? [B]Hawkins:[/B] You got it boss. [B]Ryder:[/B] We got your back. [B]Edge:[/B] Alright, let’s go... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match CM Punk (C) v Edge[/B] With Hawkins and Ryder positioned at the bottom of the ramp and Torrie at ringside, the deck is firmly stacked against the champion in this one. It’s a cagey start from both men, as the importance of the match settles in, with both men tying up and breaking several times before Punk gains the advantage with a waistlock takedown. Both men then counter out of each other’s front headlocks, and a series of chain wrestling happens, as both men fight for the advantage, leading to the shoulder being down for 2 counts a few times. Both men then return to their feet frustrated, and it shows as Edge slaps Punk in the face... leading to a huge kick to the skull from the champion and a cover... 1... 2... Edge kicks out. Punk now looks to take control, sending Edge to the corner and following in with a knee to the face and now going for a bulldog... but Edge pushes out of it, sending Punk crashing into the opposite corner. Now it’s Edge’s turn to take control, as he drives his knee into Punk’s spine and hits clubbing forearms in the corner. A backbreaker and a kick continue the focus on the spine, before Edge locks on a seated chinlock, making sure to continue to drive the knee. Punk fights back to his feet, but when he breaks the hold with an elbow and comes off the ropes, Torrie grabs his ankle, causing Punk to stop... and allowing Edge to sends him through the ropes with another knee to the back. Edge now distracts the ref, allowing Hawkins and Ryder to gets in several cheap shots, including driving Punk back first into the ring post. They leave Punk down, and Edge now comes out to the floor and drives Punk into the barricade before rolling him back into the ring for a 2 count. Edge is relentless in his assault, stomping down on the back, placing Punk face first in the corner and driving his shoulder, before going for an Irish whip... Punk reverses... he charges in for the knee to the face... but Edge moves, and as Punk stands on the second rope, Edge strikes with a forearm and then takes Punk down with a side-suplex from the second rope for another near fall. Edge begins to get frustrated at his inability to Punk away, and he looks to up the ante, hitting a falling-DDT for another 2 count and then locking on a leg-scissors, applying more pressure to the spine. Edge squeezes down, causing Punk to cry out in pain. Eventually, the crowd starts to stir, trying to get a response from the champ, and he delivers, nailing elbows to the face and countering into a bridging pin... 1... 2... Edge kicks out, and both men are back on their feet... Irish whip to the corner from Punk... Edge reverses and charges in... but he goes shoulder first into the ringpost, leading to Punk jumping to the top rope... springboard flying clothesline! 1... 2... Edge kicks out. Punk has all the momentum now, nailing a step-up enzuigiri that sends Edge under the ropes. Hawkins and Ryder help Edge back up, but here comes Punk... suicide dive takes down all three! Punk rolls Edge back into the ring, and he lines him up... GTS... no! Edge counters... Edgecution! Edge connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... no! The champion kicks out! Edge is furious, but he quickly retreats to a corner and lines Punk up... here he comes... spear... no! Punk catches him on the way in, hoisting him up on his shoulder... GTS... no! This time, Hawkins pulls Edge down... but Punk nails Hawkins with a kick to the skull, and he turns back to Edge... spear! Spear! Edge nails the spear, we’ve got a new champion... 1... 2... Punk gets his foot on the rope! The cover was made too close to the ropes, and Punk survives... but will he survive this. Edge drags him to the middle of the ring, and he once again goes to the corner... [/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] And now Edge, crouching in the corner, waiting to strike the champion. [B]Coach:[/B] God this is gonna be great. Do it Edge! Spear the hell... [B]Cole:[/B] No wait... it’s [B]Christian[/B]! Christian’s making his way down to the ring! [B]Coach:[/B] Hawkins, Ryder, get him... [I]The crowd erupts at the sight of Christian making his way down the ramp, bandage across his head, but more importantly, steel chair in his hand! Hawkins charges up the ramp... but he runs right into a sick shot to the skull from the chair! Ryder now tries it, but he suffers the same fate. Edge has stopped his spear attempt and is now standing by the ropes, looking up the ramp at his cronies being wiped out. Christian now makes it to the bottom of the ramp and comes to a stop at the edge of the ring, just yards away from the challenger. The two engage in a shouting match, until Christian flashes a smile and points to the ring, motioning for Edge to turn around as...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Punk is back on his feet... [B]Coach:[/B] Look out Edge... [B]Cole:[/B] Edge turns... and Punk has him on his shoulders... [B]Coach:[/B] No! [B]Cole:[/B] GTS! GTS! Punk nails the Go-to-sleep... 1... 2... [B]Coach:[/B] No, kick out, kick out! [B]Cole:[/B] 3! [B][CENTER]CM Punk beat Edge to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B+)[/CENTER][/B] [B]Coach:[/B] God, not again! [B]Cole:[/B] CM Punk retains the title! And that means no more title shots for Edge! [B]Coach:[/B] No, no he didn’t mean that earlier tonight, he was just... [B]Cole:[/B] It doesn’t matter what excuses you offer Coach, Edge got beat in his last chance! [B]Coach:[/B] Don’t even say it Cole, don’t even say it. [B]Cole:[/B] What a night this has been. Smackdown has just kicked off the Ric Flair era in typical Nature Boy fashion. Goodnight everybody. ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Big Show beat Chuck Palumbo to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+) Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms beat Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang (C-) Montel Vontavious Porter beat Super Crazy to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-) Santino Marella beat Val Venis (B-) Rey Mysterio and Matt Sydal beat Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder (B) CM Punk beat Edge to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] [QUOTE=Sarcasm;612463]Great RAW and ECW and I stand by my opinion by saying you have the best current era diary I've ever read. KUTGW.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=GatorBait19;612497]iMac I remember reading this from the start and your work has improved ten folds from the start great work.[/QUOTE] Wow, thanks guys. High praise indeed. Hope you both enjoyed Smackdown too! [QUOTE=GatorBait19;612500]one thing though I saw around tab 52 Taker disappeared what happen?[/QUOTE] Well, Undertaker was intially meant to be in the 5 on 5 Survivor Series match between Team Long and Team Revolution, but the Raw before SS I we had a casket match between Triple H and Taker where Revolution got Taker in the casket and sent it flying off the stage. When the casket lid opened, the Deadman was nowhere to be seen (how does he do that?) and missed out on SS and hasn't appeared since. Now he's on his way back and Revolution are his target (hence the shenanigans during the Revolution beatdown of Finlay last Monday night) and he'll be back during the Rumble. Hope that helps. ;)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A brief video plays out highlighting the events of last week, including the John Cena and Jeff Hardy match, and the assault after the match from Triple H. The regular Raw intro plays out, and the arena is lit up by a burst of pyro and the camera focuses on the announce desk and [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are live and sold out in Manchester, NH, I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and after what happened last week, we’re sure to be in for quite the night tonight. [B]King:[/B] Boy you’re not kidding! Last week, we found out that John Cena will go to the Royal Rumble to face the Game, Triple H for the WWE Championship, but in order to earn that opportunity, he had to beat Jeff Hardy, and that means Jeff has to enter the Royal Rumble as the very first entrant. [B]JR:[/B] The Royal Rumble is going to be quite the night when it comes, and tonight, we’ll see more Royal Rumble qualifiers as more Raw superstars try to book their spot. [B]King:[/B] Well we know Batista has a qualifying match tonight, will he make it into the Royal Rumble match? [B]JR:[/B] We’ll just have to wait to find out, as... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Well it sounds like we’re about to be joined by Revolution. [B]King:[/B] After what happened as we went off the air last week, you have to believe Triple H is very happy at how things are going right now. [B]JR:[/B] He’s got that WWE Title around his waist and the general manager’s his brother in law. How could he be unhappy right now? [B]King:[/B] Well you make a good point... [I]The five members of [B]Revolution[/B], Raw GM [B]Shane McMahon[/B], WWE Champion [B]Triple H[/B], Intercontinental Champion [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] and the Canadian Bulldogs, [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] step out onto the stage and make their way down to the ring, swaggering as arrogantly as ever. In the ring, Triple H asks for and receives a microphone...[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] I hate to be the one to tell you all this... but... I told you so. I said it clear as day last week, I walked out onto that stage and I made it as clear as I could to each and every one of you... and in particular, I made it clear to John Cena and Jeff Hardy last week. Simply put... I’m the best in the damn world at what I do! I am the Game! I am the cerebral assassin, I am the most ruthless son of a bitch to ever hold this championship... and last week, I once again proved it to the world when I laid out both John Cena and Jeff Hardy in the middle of this ring! You people can have all the conspiracy theories you want, you can make all the excuses you want, you can blame it on politics, you can blame it on favouritism, you can blame it on whatever the hell you want, it doesn’t matter. The truth hurts, and the truth is, there’s not a man walking this earth right now that’s as good as me in a wrestling ring. [I]As the boos ring out from the crowd, the Game tosses the mic to Shane...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] It’s just a fact you people are all going to have to get used to. You see, I’ve been around the business my whole life. This is my family’s company. Me and Triple H... this is our family business. You people may not like us, but you’ve got to respect us! You see, you people like to cheer for guys like Jeff Hardy... guys like John Cena... you cheer for them because they offer you worthless losers a little bit of hope in your lives. Well let me tell you this... there is no hope anymore. My Dad runs the business... I run the flagship show... and Triple H is the champion of that show. You people can boo all you want, but it’s a fact. Jeff Hardy... John Cena... hell, even Superman himself can’t stop what you see in the ring right now. In this ring before is Revolution... and now that we’ve taking over, nothing’s gonna stop us. [I]More boos ring out, but Shane just laughs them off before handing the mic back to Triple H[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] What Shane said is absolutely right. All you fans out there... you’re all completely useless. You may pay your money, but this sight in the ring right now... the five of us, once again in control... that’s a sight you’re going to be seeing for a long time. And if you think that... [I]Finally Triple H is interrupted as ‘The Time Is Now’ plays out and [B]John Cena[/B] steps out onto the stage, microphone in hand...[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] Please, please, enough, stop it, just stop. I can’t listen to this crap anymore! I mean, what the hell is this? You five come out here, you brag about how great you are, you put down all these people and all the folks watching at home... I mean, why do people even bother turning up for these shows anymore?! Why do people bother turning on their televisions when this all they get? Well you know what? I’ve had enough of it. I can’t take anymore of this outta you guys. So I got a little challenge for you Game. You stand in that ring and tonight and claim how last week you proved how great you are when you attacked me and Jeff. You forgot to mention you waited until after both of us gave it all we had against each other, and then you struck from behind with a sledgehammer. You kinda missed that part out didn’t you Game? But since you like to brag... how about you put up or shut up? You and the leader of the boy scouts Kenny... in a tag team match against me and Jeff tonight?! [B]Triple H:[/B] You and Jeff against me and Kenny? You... [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa... hold on a second there. Hold on Game, don’t be rushing into things here. John... [B]Cena:[/B] Cut the bull Shane! Me and Jeff against Game and Kenny, make it happen! [B]Shane:[/B] You don’t threaten me John. You understand that? Now, I don’t think the WWE Champion should be involved in any match tonight so I’ll... [B]Triple H:[/B] Cena... you tell Jeff Hardy... that the two or you are on! [B]JR:[/B] What a main event in store! John Cena and Triple H taking on Triple H and Kenny Dykstra! [B]King:[/B] Yeah but look at Shane, he doesn’t look very happy at the fact Triple H agreed to this match. [B]JR:[/B] John Cena is right though. If the Game’s so good, then he won’t have any problems being in the match. [B]King:[/B] He might have a problem with Shane before the night’s out. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] Royal Rumble Qualifying Match [B]Carlito v Hardcore Holly[/B] Another spot in the Royal Rumble is up for grabs, as Carlito, with Primo and Apolo for company, steps into the ring with Hardcore Holly, both men determined to book their placed in Detroit. As the bell rings, Primo tries to distract Holly, but when Carlito tries to attack from behind, the veteran makes him miss, hitting Carlito with stiff forearms and sending him off the ropes... back body drop! Carlito backs off to the corner, but Holly follows him in, hitting boots to the gut before sending Carlito to the corner and following in with a clothesline. Carlito is then sent off the ropes, but when Holly goes for a dropkick, Carlito grabs hold off the top rope, seeing Holly crash to the mat. Carlito now attacks, driving his knee into Holly’s head, sending Holly shoulder first into the ringpost and then locking on an armbar. Holly manages to fight out of it, but Carlito is able to toss Holly through the ropes, and with the referee distracted, Apolo and Primo go to work, driving Holly into the ringpost and hitting rights and lefts before rolling him back into the ring. Holly can barely get back to his feet, and Carlito is waiting to strike with the backstabber... but Holly grabs hold off the top rope. Now Holly looks to build some offense, hitting right hands and driving Carlito to the corner. An Irish whip sends Carlito across, but Carlito tries to avoid him by leaping out of the way... but Holly catches Carlito on his shoulders, drops him across the top rope... and then hits a huge kick to the gut. Carlito turns around... right into... the Alabama slam... no! Carlito counters with a roll-up... 1... 2... Carlito grabs the ropes... 3! Carlito steals the win and grabs himself a spot in the Royal Rumble. [B]Carlito beat Hardcore Holly to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage in the [B]Revolution[/B] dressing room, all five members are engaged in a heated discussion...[/I] [B]Shane: [/B]You just couldn’t say no could ya? You just couldn’t ignore him, walk away and not face them tonight could ya? [B]Triple H:[/B] What the hell’s your problem Shane? Me and Kenny can take Hard and Cena, hell I don’t even need Kenny out there, I can take the two of them myself. [B]Kenny:[/B] Whoa, what? You don’t need me out there huh? I guess I’ll just relax back here later on tonight then? [B]Triple H:[/B] Alright that’s it! I’ve had enough of you running your mouth kid! [B]Kenny:[/B] Oh yeah? Well I’m sick and tired of you holding me back... [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! Hey! Enough! Listen to you two. Can’t you see this is what Hardy and Cena want? They want us all at each other’s throats, they want us to fall apart. This is why I didn’t want you to take that match tonight. I’d rather Harry and TJ faced them, what with the way you two have been acting towards each other lately. [B]Harry:[/B] Excuse me? Is that how it is? Just throw Harry and TJ at Hard and Cena huh? [B]Shane:[/B] That... that’s not what I meant. I meant... [B]TJ:[/B] Oh we know exactly what you meant. [B]Kenny:[/B] Sounds like I’m not the only one getting a little sick and tired of the way things are going around here. [B]Triple H:[/B] Listen to you man. You wouldn’t even have that Intercontinental Title if it wasn’t for Shane and me. [B]Shane:[/B] Alright, seriously, everybody just shut up and listen! Kenny, Harry, TJ, maybe you three should go take a walk, maybe cool off a little. Maybe deliver that message to Jericho and Kennedy that I was talking about earlier. [B]Kenny:[/B] You want us to tell them? [B]Shane:[/B] I would appreciate it. [B]Kenny:[/B] Alright, we’ll go tell them. [B]Shane:[/B] Good, thank you. [I]As Kenny, Harry and TJ exit the room, [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] enters...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Oh... what now? [B]Sheamus:[/B] Shane... Mr McMahon... me and you need to have a few words with each other. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh yeah? What about? [B]Sheamus:[/B] I want a spot in that Royal Rumble match. I want a qualifying match tonight. [B]Shane:[/B] Uh... the card’s pretty full tonight. You’ll just have to wait until next week. [B]Sheamus:[/B] You should know, I’m not a very patient man Mr McMahon. [B]Shane:[/B] Hey, listen, I am now in the mood for... wait a second... wait. I got an idea. You want to earn that Rumble shot tonight? [B]Sheamus:[/B] I do... [B]Shane:[/B] Then close the door behind you and grab a seat next to Hunter. We’ve got a little something to discuss... ---------------- [I]We then cut to a corridor and to the sight of [B]Mark Henry[/B] storming down it, a mad look on his face no doubt from the embarrassment he suffered last week. He then settles on one door in particular and bangs on it...[/I] [B]Henry:[/B] Hey! Finlay! I know you and that little runt are in there! Open the damn door! [I]There’s no response from inside...[/I] [B]Henry:[/B] I said open this damn door! [I]Again no response...[/I] [B]Henry:[/B] You don’t open this door, I’m gonna bust it down! [I]Again silence, so Henry backs up and drives his shoulder into the door, breaking it off its hinges! But as Henry steps into the room, he notices it’s empty. Angry, Henry turns back towards the door... to the sight of [B]Hornswoggle[/B], mischievous smile on his face. Henry makes a move towards the little guy, but Hornswoggle takes off running. As he reaches the end of the corridor, the little guy finds a mini scooter (that just happened to be sitting there) and jumps on, putting more distance between himself and Henry. The big guy keeps up the chase though, and as Hornswoggle goes off camera, Henry follows him into another room... right into [B]Finlay[/B] and the shillelagh! Finlay starts smashing away on Henry, and soon the big guy is down. Finlay and Hornswoggle then walk away, safe in the knowledge that for the second week in a row they’ve outsmarted Mark Henry...[/I] --------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Melina.jpg[/IMG] [B]Beth Phoenix v Melina[/B] The Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix is in action, taking on the diva she won the title from, Melina. The champion makes a quick start to the match, rocking Melina with big forearms and then sending her off the ropes for a clothesline. Beth then nails a sidewalk slam for a 2 count, but as she looks to keep the pressure on, Melina grabs a handful of hair, slamming Beth to the mat. Melina again grabs the hair for a curb stomp, before locking on a bow and arrow stretch, with the champion wrenching back on Beth’s neck, causing the champion to cry out in agony. Slowly but surely, Beth manages to claw her way towards the ropes, reaching out to grab them, breaking the hold. Melina has the advantage now though, and she looks to push it home, driving Beth to the corner and choking her with her foot, before sending Beth across the ring and following in with a clothesline... but Phoenix ducks, and she catches Melina with a neckbreaker out of the corner. A suplex and a backbreaker follow, but just like last week, [B]Natalya[/B] steps out onto the stage, casting her eye over the champion. Again Beth’s attention leaves the match, allowing Melina to sneak up from behind... split-legged neckbreaker! 1... 2... Beth kicks out. Melina is furious, and after a pair of kicks to the face, she connects with the legdrop bulldog... 1... 2... again Beth kicks out! Melina slithers over to the corner, and she waits for Beth to get back up. When Beth eventually does, Melina charges in for... the spinning facebuster... but Beth catches her and counters with a sideslam, leaving both divas down. Both women make it back up, and Beth again rattles of a series of forearms and then sends Melina off the ropes... Melina slides under her clothesline... last call... no! Beth counters, sending Melina crashing to the mat, and when she gets back up, the champion is ready... glam-slam! Beth plants Melina, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Beth picks up another win, and immediately stares at Natalya, who again flashes a smirk at the champion and leaves. [B]Beth Phoenix beat Melina (C)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]Backstage, Todd Grisham is standing by with...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Cody Rhodes[/B]! And Cody, last week you became the first man to qualify for the Royal Rumble match. Cody, I know you’ve gotta be excited by the chance to go onto the Rumble and try outlast 29 other men. Cody, can you win the Royal Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania 25? [B]Cody:[/B] You know what Todd? Honestly, I think I can. I’ve been looking to take a step up in this company for a while now. I mean, we’ve just started 2009, but I can’t help to look back at my 2008. I was a tag team champion, I was the Intercontinental Champion, I fought at pay-per-views... I had a pretty big year. And now, in 2009, I think I can... [I]Cody is interrupted as The Animal, [B]Batista[/B] walks into the picture...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Uh... uh... Batista? [B]Batista:[/B] Cody... little Cody Rhodes. You honestly think you’ve got a chance at winning the Royal Rumble? Listen kid, I’ve got my qualifying match up next. Why don’t you sit back and watch that match... and I’ll show you how it’s done. I said it last week, and I’ll say it again tonight... I’m going to win that Royal Rumble match. And there’s not a chance in hell a little punk like you is going to get in my way. ------------------ [I]We now go to the dressing room of the World Tag Team Champions, [B]Chris Jericho[/B] and [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Listen... uh... I just wanted to apologize for the way I was acting before our match last week. I should’ve known that when we got in the ring you’d be all focus on keeping these titles. I’m sorry man. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Hey man, forget about it. I guess I should apologise too. I mean, there we were, just moments away from defending our tag team titles against Carlito and Primo, and I’m talking more about Kenny Dykstra and the Intercontinental Title. I’m sorry too man. [B]Jericho:[/B] Well, you know what? I actually kinda agree with you that the two of us have got some unfinished business with Revolution. [B]Kennedy:[/B] You do? [B]Jericho:[/B] Yeah, I do. Infact, I agree with you so much... that I went to Shane McMahon earlier tonight and challenged him to give me a match with Kenny for the Intercontinetal Title. [B]Kennedy:[/B] You went to Shane and asked for a shot at Kenny? [B]Jericho:[/B] Yeah I did. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Huh... wow. You wanna take the knife out of my back buddy? [B]Jericho:[/B] Hey, you were gonna do that same thing, admit it. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Oh yeah I was... infact earlier tonight I did the exact same thing. [B] Jericho:[/B] What? [I]Just at that moment, with perfect timing, [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] enter the room...[/I] [B]Kenny:[/B] Oh dear... do I detect tension in the ranks between the tag team champions? I mean, both of you challenging for my Intercontinental Title. That’s pretty ironic, wouldn’t you say guys? [B]Harry:[/B] Very ironic... [B]TJ:[/B] Extremely ironic... [B]Jericho:[/B] What are you guys doing out so late on a school night? [B]Kennedy:[/B] Yeah, shouldn’t you be tucked up in bed listening to stories from Uncle Shane? [B]Kenny:[/B] Listen, you two can tell all the little jokes you want, but I actually do have a reason for being here. [B]Jericho:[/B] What’s that? [B]Kenny:[/B] Shane wanted me to pass on a message to you two. Since both of you have decided to challenge me for my Intercontinental Title... Shane decided the two of you should square off against each other tonight. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Me and Jericho tonight? [B]Kenny:[/B] That’s right. The winner gets an Intercontinental Title match next week on Raw. Man, I can’t wait to see you two go at it. Have a nice night guys... ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/LanceCade.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Batista v Lance Cade[/B] Yet another spot in the Rumble is on the line as Lance Cade and Batista square off. Cade looks to attack early, but his shoulderblocks have little effect on the Animal, and when Cade tries again, he runs into a huge clothesline. Batista then scoops Cade up and drives him to the corner, driving his shoulder into the gut before sending Harris crashing to the opposite corner with a hard Irish whip. Batista then drives his shoulder into Cade’s spine, before nailing a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Batista then sends Cade off the ropes, but Cade ducks his clothesline and connects with a dropkick, which sees Batista stagger to the rope, leading to Cade sending him over the top with a clothesline. Cade then looks to take the fight outside, but Batista drives him spine first into the barricade then the ringpost, before rolling Cade back into the ring for a 2 count. The pace of the match slows right down as Batista takes control again, targeting Cade’ spine with forearms, backbreakers and powerslams, before sending Cade off the ropes... spinebuster... no! Cade counters into a DDT... 1... 2... Batista gets the shoulder up. Cade looks to build offense, catching Batista with a bulldog and then climbing to the top rope... elbow-drop connects! 1... 2... Batista powers out. Cade then looks to send Batista to the corner, but the Animal reverses and charges in... right into a boot to the face... and Cade explodes out the corner with a clothesline! 1... 2... again Batista kicks out. Cade has all the momentum and he again comes off the ropes... but he runs right into a spinebuster! Batista silences the crowd by planting Cade, and when he drags him to his feet, the end is near... Batista-bomb! Batista nails Cade, and makes the cover... 1... 2... 3. Batista makes good on his promise to qualify for the Rumble, and he has to be considered one of the favourites. [B]Batista beat Lance Cade to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]The camera cuts backstage to the sight of [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] chilling out, talking to [B]Maria[/B] and [B]Mickie James[/B]...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Hey Jeff, how are you? [B]Jeff:[/B] I’m good, I’m good. How are you guys doing? [B]Mickie:[/B] We’re fine. We heard about you having to enter the Royal Rumble at number one. [B]Maria:[/B] Yeah, I mean... do you think you can go all the way and win it? [B]Jeff:[/B] Well, if I want my WWE Title back, it looks like I’m gonna have to. [I]At this, the newcomer from last week [B]Dolph Ziggler[/B] then walks into the shot...[/I] [B]Dolph:[/B] Hi... I’m Dolph Ziggler. *offers handshake* [B]Jeff:[/B] Oh... hi. *accepts handshake* [B]Mickie:[/B] Ugh... what are you doing here? You’re not going to try and impress me again like last week are you? [B]Dolph:[/B] Look ladies... I’m just out here to have a good time. But I question for you both. Feel my jacket... [B]Maria:[/B] What? [B]Dolph:[/B] Feel my jacket. Now... doesn’t that feel good? [B]Maria:[/B] Uh, yeah I guess. [B]Dolph:[/B] Doesn’t that feel like material feel nice? [B]Mickie:[/B] It’s OK I guess. [B]Dolph:[/B] Doesn’t that feel like boyfriend material? [B]Mickie:[/B] Oh my God... [B]Maria:[/B] That’s horrible. [B]Jeff:[/B] Dude, are you for real? I mean... that was terrible. Like, that was really bad. You oughta just... [I]Jeff is interrupted by a huge boot to the skull from [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B]! Sheamus then continues to pound Jeff, slamming him into walls, bouncing his head off a Pepsi machine and beating Jeff down to the ground. Soon, the [COLOR="Red"]blood[/COLOR] starts to flow from Jeff’s head as Sheamus pounds it with right hand, and then Jeff is placed with his head against the wall as Sheamus back up adn charges in... and delivers the boot to Jeff’s head! Hardy’s skull bounces back off the wall from the impact of the kick, and we finally get some referee’s over to break it up[/I]... ------------------ [I]When we return from commercial, [B]Mark Henry[/B] is in the ring with a mic...[/I] [B]Henry:[/B] There’s been somebody for a while now who has been victimising me. This person has embarrassed me, this person has assaulted me and I’ve had enough! I’m sick and tired of being treated this way by this individual. So Hornswoggle... I’m calling you out right now! Drag your ass out here you little troll and fight me like a man... or whatever the hell you are. C’mon little guy, let’s go! [I]After a few moments of silence, [B]Hornswoggle[/B] does appear, but of course he has [B]Finlay[/B] with him, who has a mic in his hand...[/I] [B]Finlay:[/B] What is wrong with you Henry? You’re the world strongest man, you weigh 400lbs... and you’re calling out Hornswoggle? If it’s a fight you want Henry, it’s a fight you’ve got... with me, right now! [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]Finlay v Mark Henry[/B] Henry is obviously in a foul mood, and when Hornswoggle looks to leave the ring, Henry strides towards him, only for Finlay to attack from behind, drilling forearms to the spine and shoving Henry into the corner where he drives his knee into his gut. Finlay then goes for an Irish whip across, but Henry reverses and charges in... nobody home! Finlay hits a dropkick to the knee taking Henry down, but when he climbs on Henry’s back for a sleeper, Henry just backs him into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break, which Henry gives... until he rocks Finlay with an elbow to the face. Henry then clubs down with forearms to the back, before a short-arm clothesline sends Finlay down. Finlay backs off to the corner, clearly in pain, but Henry charges in again... and again Finlay makes him miss, and he hits a series of right and comes off the ropes... but Finlay runs right into a back-body-drop! 1... 2... Finlay gets the shoulder up. Henry keeps on the pressure with boots to the chest, before using the ropes to stand on Finlay’s chest, applying all of his weight. Finlay has to use the ropes to get back up, only for Henry to clothesline him to the floor. Henry climbs through and again gets in Hornswoggle’s face, forcing the little guy to flee under the ring, before scooping Finlay up and slamming him spine first into the ringpost and tossing him back into the ring. Henry then spots the shillelagh and picks up... and then he tosses it all the way back up the ramp, removing it from the equation. Henry climbs the steps and goes through the ropes, but Hornswoggle reappears... and he cracks Henry across the leg with another shillelagh! Henry cries out in pain, and Finlay looks to take advantage, trying to scoop Henry up for the Celtic cross... but Finlay’s legs give way and Henry collapses on top of him for a cover... 1... 2... 3. Mark Henry gets the win, and he again turns his sights to Hornswoggle, leading to the little guy again diving under the ring. [B]Mark Henry beat Finlay (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]In his locker-room, [B]Batista[/B] is getting changed back into street clothes, his work for the night done after his victory earlier, when he is confronted by [B]Randy Orton[/B]...[/I] [B]Batista:[/B] What do you want Orton? [B]Orton:[/B] What do I want Batista? The answer to that is simple. I’m here to make you an offer. [B]Batista:[/B] You’re here to make me an offer? [B]Orton:[/B] That’s right. Dave, you remember back when we were in Evolution? We always talked about taking control, we always talked about how one day we would run things in this company. And listening to Shane and Triple H talk earlier, it got me thinking. The Royal Rumble is just around the corner, I qualified last week, you qualified this week. You and me, we get the band back together, we work together, we become the last two left in the Rumble... and then we settle it between us. Whoever wins goes onto Wrestlemania and becomes champion, and then together we dominate the WWE, just like we talked about in the past. [B]Batista:[/B] Look Randy... I appreciate the offer, but I walk alone. I’m going to eliminate 29 other guys to win the Rumble... including you. [B]Orton:[/B] Hey, hey... that’s alright. But uh... you think about what I said. I know that this time next week... it’ll all make sense. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr Kennedy v Chris Jericho[/B] Another match made purely for the pleasure of Shane McMahon, the World Tag Team Champions Kennedy and Jericho now square off against each other, with a shot at Kenny Dykstra and the Intercontinental Title up for grabs. A hand shake is followed by a tie-up, and it’s Kennedy who gains the upperhand with a headlock takedown, which Jericho quickly counters out of and gets back up... only for Kennedy to take him down again with a armdrag and going back to the headlock. Jericho counters with a headlock of his own, until both men get back up and Kennedy sends him off the ropes... hiptoss from Kennedy... but Jericho grabs his leg and pulls him down, before the pace settles with a chinlock. Kennedy struggles back to his feet and breaks the hold with elbows to the gut, before taking Jericho down with a backslide... 1... 2... Jericho kicks out and is quickly back up... to nail a step-up enzuigiri! 1... 2... Kennedy kicks out, but Jericho stays on him, coming off the ropes with a spinning wheel kick that sends Kennedy under the bottom rope and onto the apron, and Jericho charges the corner... springboard dropkick sends Kennedy to the floor! Kennedy quickly gets back into the ring and tempers flare between the two, as the intensity of the right hands being traded picks up. Jericho sends Kennedy off the ropes, but he ducks Jericho’s clothesline, nailing Jericho with a forward Russian legsweep for a 2 count. Neither man can gain control, as Jericho now fires back, delivering chops to the chest, dropping Kennedy with a one-handed bulldog and then charging the ropes for... the lionsault... no! Kennedy gets his knees up, and as both men stagger back up, Kennedy makes his move... mic check... no! Jericho battles out with elbows and goes for a double-leg takedown into... the walls of Jericho! Jeircho tries to lock it in, but Kennedy scrambles for the ropes, leading to a break. Both men now feel the pace of the match, and a slugfest ensues, until Kennedy hits three in a row and sends Jericho off the ropes... Jericho ducks his clothesline... flying forearm! Kennedy staggers back to his feet and Jericho makes his move... codebreaker! Jericho nails the codebreaker and hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Jericho pins Kennedy to earn a shot at Kenny Dykstra, and when we offers a handshake to Kennedy, Kennedy takes a long time to stare at Jericho... until eventually accepting and shaking hands. The tag champions leave the ring together, but something isn’t right between the two. [B]Chris Jericho beat Mr Kennedy (A)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]We return from commercial to the sight of [B]Triple H[/B] and [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] already in the ring, awaiting the arrival of their opponents, with JR and King speculating if Jeff Hardy will make it or not...[/I] [B]King:[/B] What do you think JR? Is Jeff Hardy going to be able to compete here tonight? [B]JR:[/B] I really don’t know. It was quite the beating he took from Sheamus O’Shaunessy earlier, but there’s a lot of fight in Jeff Hardy. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but is there enough to... [B]JR:[/B] Well... here comes [B]John Cena[/B]. Cena is gonna fight no matter what, but will this turn into a handicap match? [B]Cena:[/B] You know... you Revolution guys... you’re a real piece of work, you know that? I mean, I come out here ad I challenge you to a tag team match... and then Shane decides to by off somebody to take my partner out of the equation. And don’t be standing there with those shocked looks on your faces, I know damn well it was Shane who put Sheamus up to that. So, that was your plan huh? Take out Jeff, make me come out here and fight by myself? Well... I’m not going to fight you two on one. Nah, that would be stupid. I went out and found myself another partner. A partner that you know pretty well Game. I got... [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] as my partner! [I]The Game is furious as Michaels steps out onto the ramp, and he and Cena make their way down to the ring for the match...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H and Kenny Dykstra v John Cena and Shawn Michaels[/B] After the surprise of HBK being in Cena’s corner wears off, Cena and Kenny kick things off, with Cena quickly gaining the advantage, coming off the ropes with a shoulderblock. Kenny is quickly back up, but right hands from Cena drive him to the corner, and an Irish whip sends him across. Kenny hits the turnbuckle hard and staggers out... right into a back-body-drop! Kenny retreats to his corner, leading to Cena calling for him to tag in the Game. Kenny obliges, and Triple H enters the ring, but Cena stays in control, hitting right hands and sending Triple H off the ropes... reversal... Cena ducks a clothesline... flying shoulderblock! More right hands follow, until Cena wrenches on the Game’s arm and tags in HBK. Michaels enters the ring from the second rope with a double axe-handle, before backing Triple H into a corner and unloading with chops to the chest. Kenny is nearby to cause a distraction, and despite Michaels nailing Kenny with a right hand, the Game takes advantage by dropping HBK with a right of his own. Now the Game unloads in the corner, before placing Michaels on the top rope and climbing up for a suplex... but Michaels fights out of it, pushing Triple H down to the mat and steadying himself for... the elbow off the top! 1... 2... Kenny makes the save, but here comes Cena... clothesline sends Kenny over the top rope, but the Game is back up, and he drives the knee into HBK’s head, regaining control. Dykstra gets the tag, and he sends HBK to the corner with a hard Irish whip that leaves Michaels hanging upside-down before slumping to the mat. Triple H comes back in, and he sends Michaels off the ropes... spinning spinebuster! 1... 2... Michaels kicks out, but the pressure stays on as Triple H and Kenny slow the match down, making plenty of tags and focusing their efforts on Michaels’ back. Triple H then locks on an abdominal stretch, applying pressure on HBK’s back for a long time. Cena and the crowd rally behind Michaels, and eventually he breaks free with a hiptoss, before crawling towards his corner... but Kenny gets the tag first and knocks Cena off the apron, before turning back towards Michaels and hitting a right hand... Michaels fires back... another from Kenny... another from Michaels... and a third, and now Michaels sends Kenny to the corner... but he runs into an elbow, allowing Kenny to climb to the top rope and steady himself for... the sky high legdrop... no! Michaels rolls out of the way... and both men are down and heading for their corners... Triple H gets the tag... but so does Cena! Cena strikes with right hands before sending the Game off the ropes... sitout hiptoss! Cena now turns to Kenny, sending him off the ropes... reversal... Lou Thesz press! Cena nails right hands before getting back to his feet and coming off the ropes... five-knuckle shuffle! 1... 2... Triple H makes the save, but here comes Michaels... sweet chin music... no! Triple H ducks... and Michaels nails the referee! A total accident, but HBK just nailed the ref, and the Game sends him through the ropes with a knee to the back, and he charges at Cena... drop-toe-hold... STFU! Cena has the STFU locked in... and the Game is tapping... but there’s no ref! Just like at Armageddon, Triple H is tapping to the STFU but there’s no ref to call it! Eventually Cena lets go, and he checks on the ref, but here comes Dykstra... but he runs into a FU! Cena plants Dykstra and goes for the cover... and here comes a ref running down to the ring... 1... 2... Triple H makes the save! It took too long for the ref to get there, but Cena and Michaels now go back on the attack, with Cena and Kenny going at it... clothesline takes both men over the top, leaving Michaels and the Game... and Michaels is tuning up the band... sweet chin music... no! Triple H ducks... kick... pedigree! Triple H nails the pedigree and slumps into the cover... 1... 2... 3. [B]Triple H and Kenny Dykstra beat John Cena and Shawn Michaels (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Dammit! Once again, Triple H has gotten away with it! [B]King:[/B] At one point, HBK and Cena had this match won, but somehow Revolution pulls it out again. [B]JR:[/B] And now... oh now c’mon. Triple H has that damn sledgehammer again! The sledgehammer that did all the damage last week... oh! A shot to the spine of John Cena! [B]King:[/B] Oh my God. Once again, Triple H has laid out John Cena... [I]GONG[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Wait a minute... wait just a minute! [B]King:[/B] Not again... [I]GONG[/I] [B]JR:[/B] There’s a presence in the air! Is The Undertaker here? [B]King:[/B] JR, is it just me or did it get really cold in here all of a sudden? [I]GONG[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! [B]King:[/B] A bolt of lightning just struck the ring! [B]JR:[/B] And look at Triple H! He’s running up the ramp... [B]King:[/B] JR... look at the tron... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Promos/TakerReturnPromo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]GONG[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Well finally the lights have come back on... [B]King:[/B] The lights are back on... and Kenny’s alone in the ring with HBK and Cena! [B]JR:[/B] Turn around kid, you’re about to... [B]King:[/B] Sweet chin music! [B]JR:[/B] Right into... the FU! John Cena with the FU to Kenny Dykstra! [B]King:[/B] And JR, look at Triple H! He looks like he’s seen a ghost! [B]JR:[/B] The Undertaker is coming back at the Royal Rumble and he’s coming for Revolution... but John Cena has his sight set on the WWE Championship! What a night this has been! Thank you for joining us for Monday Night Raw! ---------------- [SIZE="1"]Carlito beat Hardcore Holly to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+) Beth Phoenix beat Melina (C) Batista beat Lance Cade to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-) Mark Henry beat Finlay (B-) Chris Jericho beat Mr Kennedy (A) Triple H and Kenny Dykstra beat John Cena and Shawn Michaels (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]We kick things off with a highlight video from last week, including Mick Foley’s announcement that because of his actions at Armageddon, Kane would not be receiving a title shot, and also footage of Kane laying out both Colt Cabana and The Brian Kendrick in last week’s main event. We then cut straight to ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] in his office, talking on a cell-phone...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah... yeah I know... no, I’m just about to go out to the ring to make the announcement now... yeah... listen, I’m not going to stand for what he did last week or at Armageddon... I know that... well we’ll see what he’s got to say after I say my bit... alright, listen, I got to go... aright I’ll talk to you later... bye. [I]Foley snaps shut his cell and walks towards the door of his office to leave... but when he pulls on the handle, the door doesn’t open...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] What the hell? [I]Again Foley pulls at the handle but the door won’t budge, leading to him banging on the door and shouting...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Hey! Some idiot’s locked me in! What is this? [I]Again Foley bangs on the door...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Hey, c’mon! Cabana... is this your idea of a joke? C’mon, somebody let me out, I got a big announcement to make. If this is... [I]Foley goes silent as the lights in his room go out, leaving him in pitch dark...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] What the...? [I]Suddenly, an eerie [COLOR="Red"][B]red[/B][/COLOR] glow shatters the darkness, and the face of [B]Kane[/B] appears, somehow in the room standing behind Foley![/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Surprise! Hahaha... [I]The opening video featuring ‘Don’t Question My Heart’ plays out, until we go into the arena for a pyro display, and the camera scans the crowd before going to the announce desk and [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Uh, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ECW on Sci-Fi. I’m Joey Styles, alongside me is Tazz and... I apologize folks but as we just saw, Kane has ECW general manager Mick Foley trapped in his office. [B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell was all that about? I mean... is Mick OK? Do we know how Mick is? [B]Styles:[/B] We’re trying to get an update on what’s going on backstage. Right now though, we are in East Rutherford, NJ tonight, and earlier on today on wwe.com, Mick Foley announced that tonight’s main event will be a tag team match with Kane teaming up with Mike Knox to take on Shelton Benjamin and a returning ECW Champion, Kurt Angle. [B]Tazz:[/B] Well that’s for later on, but for god’s sake, somebody get back there and help Mick Foley! [B]Styles:[/B] From what I understand, we’ve got... wait... we’re getting something from the back folks... [B]Tazz:[/B] Are we going backstage? [B]Styles:[/B] We... yes, let’s go backstage... [I]The camera cuts backstage to see a series of backstage workers and officials scrambling towards Mick Foley’s office. The cameraman is also running, until he reaches the door, and we see people franticly trying to open the door. Eventually, one of the workers is able to bust the door down with his shoulder, and several people dive into the dark room. A cry for the lights to be turned on is heard, to which someone obliges... but the room is empty! Kane and Foley are nowhere to be seen![/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Uh... well... I don’t know what’s going on here... [B]Tazz:[/B] Where the hell is Mick? Somebody back there find out where the hell Mick Foley is! Who knows what that crazy son of a bitch Kane could do. [B]Styles:[/B] Well, you and me buddy, we’ve got to compose ourselves here. We’ve still got a show to do. Right now, two spots in the Royal Rumble are up for grabs... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DrewMcIntyre.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match John Morrison and Tommy Dreamer v The Empire[/B] After Burchill and McIntyre beat the champs 2 weeks ago to earn a future title shot, the two teams square off again, this time for spots in the Royal Rumble. As always when these teams meet, [B]William Regal[/B] and [B]Katie Lea[/B] are with the Brits, while [B]Kelly Kelly[/B] cheers on the champions. Morrison and McIntyre start in a repeat of their match last week, and much like last week, it’s Morrison who takes control, sending McIntyre off the ropes, missing him with a leapfrog and taking him down with a clothesline. McIntyre is back up, but a dropkick sends him under the ropes to the outside, where Morrison follows... only fro McIntyre to hid behind Katie Lea. Morrison hesitates, allowing McIntyre to hit a cheap shot. Back in the ring, McIntyre goes to work, driving forearms and knees to the face, but when he goes for a suplex, Morrison lands on his feet, dropping McIntyre with a Russian legsweep and tagging in Dreamer. Dreamer rocks McIntyre with right hands, driving him to the corner for an Irish whip across... Dreamer charges in, but he runs into an elbow, but then ducks McIntyre’s right hand, lifting McIntyre up... and hanging him upside down in the corner! Here comes Dreamer... tree of woe dropkick! Dreamer connects, leading to Regal getting up on the apron in protest... right hand sends Regal down... but then Burchill nails a huge clothesline from the apron! Dreamer is down, allowing McIntyre to crawl over and make the tag. Burchill now enters and begins to dominate, driving the knee, hitting right hands and sending Dreamer off the ropes for a back-body-drop. Burchill and McIntyre continue to tag each other in, wearing down Dreamer in the process with headlocks, backbreaekrs and slams. The pace of the match slows way down as Dreamer is punished, and Burchill gets a near fall from a pumphandle slam. Burchill then sends Dreamer to the corner, but when he charges, Dreamer moves, connecting with a neckbreaker and tagging in Morrison. Morrison flies into the ring, taking down both Burchill and McIntyre before nailing Burchill with a step-up enzuigiri. McIntyre is back up, but he quickly goes down from a spinning wheel kick, before Morrison hits the split-legged corkscrew moonsault for a near fall. Burchill catches Morrison from behind, but Dreamer clotheslines him, taking both men out. Now it’s just McIntyre and Morrison, and Morrison is in control, hitting rights and sending Drew off the ropes... kick... moonlight drive! Here’s the cover... but Katie Lea is on the apron! Kelly Kelly quickly moves to drag her down, but behind the refs back, Regal throws the brass knucks at McIntyre... but Morrison plucks them from the air... and nails McIntyre with them! Dreamer pulls Regal down, and the ref turns to make the cover... 1... 2... 3! The champs win to qualify for the Rumble and tie the series at 1, with the title match in two weeks set to be the decider. [B]John Morrison and Tommy Dreamer beat The Empire to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time... [B]Armando Estrada[/B] and [B]Umaga[/B]! Mr. Estrada, you requested this interview time and I understand... [B]Estrada:[/B] Si, si... understand this little girl. My name... is Armando... Estrada! This... this is the Samoan bulldozer... Umaga! Last week, Umaga qualified for the Royal Rumble match. The most devastating man in the WWE... is in the Rumble. And for you other 29 superstars, whoever you may be, that means you haven’t got a chance of winning and going onto Wrestlemania. And just to prove how dominant Umaga is... it’s time for him to prove it here on ECW. From here on out... all of you on the ECW roster can consider yourselves on notice. The Samoan bulldozer is going to win the Royal Rumble... and he will go onto Wrestlemania 25... and become a champion! ----------------- [I]We now cut to a dark room in an unknown part of the building, where we see the menacing figure of [B]Kane[/B], once again bathed in an eerie [COLOR="Red"][B]red[/B][/COLOR] glow...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! Foley... you think you could stop me? You think your little announcement last week was going to keep me away from the ECW Championship? Hahaha! What a fool you are Foley. And now... now look at what’s happened to you... [I]Kane motions for the camera to pan to the floor, where we see the motionless figure of [B]Mick Foley[/B], clearly unconscious, a stream of [COLOR="Red"][B]blood[/B][/COLOR] pouring from his head...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] You see Foley... I always get what I want. And what I want... is to destroy ECW. I want to burn this brand to the ground, and I want to punish those who punished me. Mick Foley... Kurt Angle... you both have it coming. Angle... if you want Mick Foley to make it through the end of the show... you’ll answer this challenge. I want an ECW Title match at the Royal Rumble... and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it... even if that means... removing our general manager permanently! Hahaha! Hahaha! [I]Kane then picks up what appears to be a gas-can, and he starts to soak Mick Foley in the liquid out of it! He’s pouring gasoline on Mick Foley![/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Kurt... you give me that ECW Championship match... or I’ll set Mick Foley on fire! Oh, and Kurt... that little tag team match Foley had planned for us both... I don’t think I’ll bother turning up for that. But you will Kurt... you’ll take part in that match... and you’ll give me my title shot... or it’ll all go up in flames! Hahaha! Hahaha! ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Richards v The Miz[/B] Stevie Richards and The Miz now square off, with [B]Layla[/B] in Miz’s corner and [B]Balls Mahoney[/B] backing up Stevie. It’s the ECW original Richards who starts this match the fastest, coming off the ropes and taking Miz down with a clothesline for an early 2 count. Miz is quickly back up, driving his knee into the gut and locking on a headlock... only for Richards to counter with a side-suplex. Miz backs off to the corner, but Richards stays on the attack, hitting right hands and chops before going for an Irish whip... reversal... Richards jumps to the second rope for a crossbody... but Miz ducks and Richards crashes to the mat. Miz now targets Richards arm, nailing a single-arm DDT and then turning an armdrag into an armbar. Richards is able to kick his way out of it, but Miz stays keeps the pressure on, holding Steve’s arm behind him and slamming him to the mat for a 2 count. Back to the armbar, and this time Miz drives his knee into Richards back, increasing the pressure. The crowd urges Stevie back to his feet, and he manages to send Miz off the ropes... kick... snap suplex takes Miz down. Miz again backs off into the corner, but Stevie follows him in and sends him across... but Richards runs into a boot, and here comes Miz... Richards ducks his clothesline... enzuigiri! 1... 2... Miz kicks out. Miz is dazed, and Stevie drags him to the corner... tornado DDT! 1... 2... Miz barely gets a shoulder up. Miz is in trouble now, and Stevie sends him off the ropes... sidewalk slam! 1... 2... again Miz gets his shoulder up. Richards now looks to send Miz to the corner, but Miz reverses... and hits his running clothesline in the corner. Stevie staggers out of the corner, and Miz looks for the reality check... but Richards avoids the knee, and goes for... the Stevie-kick... but Miz ducks that, and he spins Stevie round... reality check connects! 1... 2... 3. Miz grabs the win. [B]The Miz beat Stevie Richards (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Colt Cabana[/B] is making his way towards the ring, when he’s confronted by [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B] and [B]Danny Rodimer[/B]...[/I] [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Hey look Danny, it’s Colt Cabana. You on your way to the ring to make things go boom-boom Colt? [B]Colt:[/B] Ha! Boom-boom! That’s really funny! But seriously, what do you want Kendrick? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] That’s [I]The[/I] Kendrick to you Cabana. And listen, I realise that you’ve got your Royal Rumble qualifying match next. But uh... last week... you and me, me never quite got to settle things did we? [B]Colt:[/B] No we didn’t... [B]The Kendrick:[/B] What a shame, huh? I mean, there I was, all set to give you an ass kicking, and that big freak Kane storms the ring. [B]Colt:[/B] Whoa, wait... Kane saved me from an ass kicking? Is that what you're trying to say? Are you sure you were even in that match, cause I had you beat. [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Funny, I don’t remember it like that. Anyway... I just thought I’d let you know that you and me... we’re not finished yet Cabana. We’re gonna finish what we started last week... and when we do... I’ll be the guy that hands you your second loss in the WWE. Later loser... ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ElijahBurke.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] Royal Rumble Qualifying Match [B]Elijah Burke v Colt Cabana[/B] Another spot in the Rumble is up for grabs, as Colt Cabana and Elijah Burke square off. Burke, realising how important this match is, wastes no time going on the attack, jumping Cabana before the bell rings, clubbing him from behind and sending Colt off the ropes... Cabana ducks his clothesline... and he takes Burke down with a release German suplex. Burke staggers to his feet, only for Cabana to put him back down with a scoop slam and then climb to the top rope... legdrop... no! Burke rolls out of the way, and now he takes control, stomping down on Cabana, targeting his ribs and chest by driving the knee and then sending Colt chest first into the corner. Burke then locks on an abdominal stretch, nailing stiff elbows to the gut at the same time. Cabana eventually is able to fight his way out of it, countering into a northern lights suplex for a near fall, but Burke is back to his feet first, driving his knee into Cabana’s ribs while he’s still on the mat. Burke stays on the attack to the gut with a series of right hands and then an uppercut, before again sending Cabana chest first to the corner. This time Burke goes to the opposite side of the ring, and he lines Colt up and charges in for... the Elijah express! Burke drives his knees into Colt’s back, and when Cabana slumps to the mat, Burke charges in again... outer limits elbow! 1... 2... Colt gets a foot on the ropes! Burke is enraged, and he strikes with a flurry of rights and lefts, before dragging Colt to his feet and going for a release German... but Cabana lands on his feet... victory roll... 1... 2... Burke kicks out, but Colt looks to build the momentum, ducking a right hand and hitting an atomic drop before scooping Burke up for a suplex but instead perching him on the top turnbuckle. Cabana then joins him, steadies himself for... a hurricanrana off the top rope! 1... 2... Burke gets the shoulder up! Colt can’t believe it, but he stays on the attack, hitting right hands and sending Burke off the ropes... but he ducks his head, allowing Elijah to nail a kick to the chest and go for... the Elijah experience... no! Colt fights out of it with elbows, before again sending Burke off the ropes... kick to the gut... Colt .45! Cabana plants Burke, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Colt Cabana books his place in the Royal Rumble match! [B] Colt Cabana beat Elijah Burke to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by with...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the ECW Champion... [B]Kurt Angle[/B]! And Kurt, I have to ask you, how is your neck after the vicious assaulted you suffered at the hands of Kane at Armageddon? [B]Angle:[/B] My neck? How’s my neck? Forget about my neck! My neck isn’t important right now. What’s important is finding where the hell Mick Foley is and how he’s doing after what that sick freak Kane has done to him! Now Kane, you listen to me... I’ll wrestle in the tag match tonight. Me and Shelton Benjamin against whoever Mike Knox can find. I’ll do it. And as for the Royal Rumble... you got it. You and me, one on one Kane for the ECW Championship. Now I know you can hear me Kane... you’ve got what you wanted, now let Mick Foley go. I want Mick Foley to be free by the end of the show Kane! Excuse me... I gotta go for my match now... ------------------ [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome back to ECW on Sci-Fi folks. It has been an unbelievable night. It has been a shocking night. The ECW general manager, Mick Foley was assaulted and kidnapped by Kane at the start of the show. Our main event tonight was supposed to be Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin against Kane and Mike Knox, but Kane has decided he will now not be taking part in that match, so... [B]Tazz:[/B] So I guess it’s up to Mike Knox to find himself a partner. But why the hell are we still going on with this show? I mean, Mick Foley is back there, covered in gasoline with Kane threatening to set him on fire! Why the hell don’t we take everybody we’ve got, split up and find that son of a bitch and kick his ass?! [B]Styles:[/B] We understand we have people backstage looking for Mick Foley as we speak, they’ve been searching all night. Hopefully by the end of the show, we’ve found Mick Foley save and well. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah well, Mike Knox is in the ring now, you think he found a partner? [B]Styles:[/B] Well let’s find out... oh boy... [B]Tazz:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Umaga[/B] is gonna be his partner? [B]Styles:[/B] Well Armando Estrada earlier tonight declared his client Umaga was going to re-establish himself here in ECW, and what better way than stepping into the ring with the ECW Champion... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MikeKnox.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin v Umaga and Mike Knox[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]After the surprise of Umaga being there wears off, Knox and Benjamin kicks things off, nothing settled between the two despite last week’s extreme rules match. Straight from the tie-up, it’s clear Knox has the power advantage, and when he drives Shelton to the corer, the ref asks for a break... but Knox drives his shoulder into the gut, and again... but the third time Shelton moves, sending Knox shoulder first into the ringpost, with Benjamin immediately targeting his arm, wrenching away on it until Knox sends him off the ropes... Shelton ducks the clothesline... but he can’t duck a huge boot to the face! Knox then plants Benjamin with a suplex for a near fall before tagging in Umaga. Umaga enters and rocks Shelton with rights before sending him off the ropes... and catching Shelton with the Samoan drop! 1... 2... Angle makes the save. Umaga now locks on the nerve hold, applying pressure across Shelton’s neck. Shelton eventually fights back to his feet, breaking the hold with elbows to the gut... only for Umaga to club him across the back with a forearm and tag in Knox. Knox continues to punish Shelton, dropping him with a slam and coming off the ropes for a legdrop and another 2 count. Shelton is in trouble, and it could get worse as Knox sends him off the ropes and ducks for a back-body-drop... but Shelton counters... jumping DDT! Shelton plants Knox, and both men crawl towards their corner... Knox tags Umaga... Shelton tags Angle! Angle rocks Umaga with right hands, driving him to the corner and going for an Irish whip... reversal... Umaga charges in for a splash... but he goes head first into the ringpost... and Angle nails a bridging German suplex... 1... 2... Umaga kicks out. Angle quickly moves to stay on the attack, hitting right hands and sending Umaga off the ropes... another reversal... Angle ducks his clothesline... ankle-lock... no! Knox goes for a big boot, but Angle ducks... and he goes for the ankle-lock on Knox... oh! But Umaga strikes with a savate kick, dropping Angle, but here comes Benjamin... tornado DDT! Benjamin plants Umaga, but Knox is back up, striking Benjamin with right hands and sending Benjamin off the ropes... Benjamin ducks his big boot... paydirt! Shelton nails paydirt, but Knox rolls under the ropes, but Benjamin walks over to the ropes... somersault plancha! Benjamin takes the fight to Knox on the outside, and the two start brawling up the ramp, eventually leading to the two battling their way backstage! Umaga and Angle are left in the ring, and Angle’s head is propped up on the bottom turnbuckle, and here comes Umaga... Samoan wrecking ball... no! Angle rolled out of the way, and he moves quickly for...[/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Angle slam! Angle slam! Kurt Angle nails Umaga with the Angle slam! [B]Tazz:[/B] Game over for Umaga here... [I]Suddenly, the camera and the tron cut backstage to the sight of officials and workers trying to break down another door. Again they struggle, but eventually they door breaks and they flood into the room. The cameraman struggles to get a good shot of the action, but a shout of “We found him!” comes from inside...[/I] [B]Tazz:[/B] Did you hear that? They said they found him! They found Mick Foley! [B]Styles:[/B] Well that is great news! This match came to a standstill there, Shelton Benjamin and Mike Knox have brawled to the back, Umaga is down from the Angle slam... [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah and Kurt was watching the tron. I mean, no offence, but I care more about the well being of Mick Foley than this... [B]Styles:[/B] Hey! What the hell? It’s [B]Kane[/B]! Kane is in the ring! [B]Tazz:[/B] Where the hell did he come from? Turn around Kurt... [B]Styles:[/B] Oh... Kane’s got him by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam! Kane, who spent all night holding Mick Foley hostage, has just chokeslammed the ECW Champion! [CENTER][B]Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin v Umaga and Mike Knox ended in a no contest (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tazz:[/B] Screw this! This match is over and I’m gonna kick that freaks ass! [B]Styles:[/B] Hey! [I]Tazz drops headset and dives into the ring looking to get his hands on Kane, but Kane quickly exits the ring, heading back up the ramp. The crowd explodes at the sight of Tazz taking the fight to Kane, and we end the show with Kane and Tazz locked in a deadly staredown...[/I] ------------------ [SIZE="1"]John Morrison and Tommy Dreamer beat The Empire to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B) The Miz beat Stevie Richards (C+) Colt Cabana beat Elijah Burke to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+) Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin v Umaga and Mike Knox ended in a no contest (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A brief highlight video featuring the action from last week, including the debut of Ric Flair as general manager, Edge’s declaration that he wanted a title shot against CM Punk, that if he lost it would be his last title shot while Flair was GM, the assault of Christian backstage, and then his return to cost Edge his match with Punk. The opening video then plays, followed by us going to the arena for a burst of pyro, and once the cemra has scanned the crowd, we arrive at the announce desk with [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Welcome everybody to Friday Night Smackdown! I’m Michael Cole, alongside me is Jonathan Coachman, we are in East Rutherford, NJ for another episode of the show that’s changing Friday nights! Tonight, more spots in the Royal Rumble are up for grabs, as we continue the race to the Rumble. [B]Coach:[/B] Forgot about all that Cole, what I want to know is what does last week mean for Edge and his title hopes? [B]Cole:[/B] Well Edge said if he lost last week, he’d never get another title shot while Ric Flair is the general manager of Smackdown. [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah but he didn’t mean it! I mean, the heat of the moment, he just caught up and didn’t realise what he was saying. Then, he was robbed by Christian! Edge deserves another chance, even you have to agree with that Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Well I’m not so sure I agree with that... [I]Cole is interrupted as ‘Mettalingus’ blares out, and the [B]Rated-R Entourage[/B], [B]Edge[/B], [B]Curt Hawkins[/B], [B]Zack Ryder[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] step out onto the ramp and down to the ring...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Well here comes Edge now. Edge, who put it all on the line last week and then it backfired on him. [B]Coach:[/B] It did not backfire on him, it was all Christian’s fault. Look, I know Edge was only kidding when he said it was all or nothing last week. It didn’t mean anything. [B]Cole:[/B] I wonder if Ric Flair feels that way... [B]Edge:[/B] Last week, I made a statement to Ric Flair. I laid down a challenge, where I asked for World Heavyweight Championship match against CM Punk... and if I lost that match, I would never be entitled to another title shot as long as Ric Flair was the general manager of Smackdown. Before I go any further, I’d like to ask Ric Flair to come out here and join me. [I]WOOOO[/I] [I]The crowd goes wild as the Smackdown GM, [B]Ric Flair[/B] steps out into the arena and struts his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Ric... thank you for joining me here. I have a couple of things I want to say to you. First of all... when I said what I said last week about not getting anymore title shots... you were on the same page as me with that weren’t you? I mean, you know I was only kidding. I mean, I’d never be stupid enough to gamble it all on one match. I mean... you know that, right Ric? [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! You listen to me Edge. You came out here last week, and you gave me your word, that if you didn’t beat CM Punk last week... that was it for you. No more title shots. Now, I’ve been around long enough to know that in the business, somebody’s word don’t mean a damn thing. But my word... my word is all I’ve got. And I gave my word when I said if you lost, I wouldn’t give you another title shot. And I’m sticking to my word. No more title shots for you Edge! You had your chance, and you blew it. As for the World Heavyweight Championship, tonight, I’m going to make the match I wanted to make last week. Tonight, we’re going to have CM Punk and Christian one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship! Woooo! [B]Cole:[/B]Wow. What a huge main event tonight. CM Punk and Christian one on one in a Survivor Series rematch. [B]Coach:[/B] He’s gotta give Edge another chance! I mean c’mon Flair, show some compassion! [B]Flair:[/B] And furthermore, Edge... I know that at Survivor Series you got involved in Christian’s title match... and then Christian got involved in your shot last week... and I’ve had enough of it. So you listen to me when I say this... if you, or Hawkins, or Ryder get involved in this match in any way... you’re all suspended indefinitely! No running down to ringside during the match, no backstage attacks, nothing! You hear me? CM Punk and Christian are gonna have it out to a finish tonight, and you are not gonna get involved in that. Now, I’ve said all I want to say to you, so now... it’s time to get on with the show! Woooo! [B]Cole:[/B] Well I guess Edge has put in his place by Ric Flair. No more title shots, and no interference in the title match tonight. [B]Coach:[/B] He can’t do that! He... can’t say that to Edge! He’s gotta give Edge another chance! ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChavoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattBentley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match 10 Man Cruiserweight Battle Royal[/B] Ten cruiserweights now step into the ring, each determined to grab themselves a spot in the Royal Rumble by throwing the other nine over the top rope to the floor. Moore, Wang Yang, Helms and Noble have been involved in a rivalry for a number of weeks now, and those four immediately pair off with each other. The Cruiserweight Champion Paul London mixes it up with Billy Kidman, while Funaki, Bentley, Chavo and Crazy battle it out. Early on, Funaki hangs on for dear life, while in the other corner, Shannon Moore has to make the save for Wang Yang before Noble and Helms can dump him out. It takes several minutes of action before we see the first elimination, and it comes when Kidman and Bentley look to double team London, but when they send London off the ropes he hangs on, leading to Kidman dropkicking Bentley into London’s path, and he elevates Bentley over the top rope to the floor. London is in great form as he grabs the second elimination too, sending Funaki out by the skinning-the-cat and using a headscissors to eliminate him. Noble and Helms now go to work on London, while over in the corner, Chavo and Kidman are squaring off. Super Crazy charges at Shannon Moore in another corner, only for Moore to elevate Crazy over the ropes onto the apron. Crazy saves himself by hanging on, only for Moore to nail him with a springboard dropkick from the second rope for elimination number three. Noble and Helms use this time to strike, hitting a double-clothesline to sends Moore over the top rope... but he lands on the apron, and makes it back to his feet, and here comes Jimmy for the save... but he accidently strikes Shannon and eliminates him... and then Helms and Noble eliminate Jimmy! Once again Helms and Noble get the better of Jimmy and Shannon, and just like that, we’re down to five. Chavo is immediately set upon by Helms and Noble, while Kidman and London square off, and it’s there that elimination number six happens, as when Kidman goes for an Irish whip to the corner, London reverses... Kidman jumps to the second rope... but before he can attack, London dropkicks him over the top rope! We’re down to four! Helms and Noble now look to eliminate the opposition and take on each other, and first they target the champion, nailing London with hard rights and kicks and then sending London to the corner... reversal... Chavo connects with a dropkick from the top! Noble goes down, and now London goes after Helms, sending him off the ropes... leapfrog from London... into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Chavo! Noble quickly backs off into the corner, but Helms is sent towards him by London... and Noble elevates Helms onto the apron! Realising his mistake, the partners agree to back off... but London dropkicks Noble into Helms, sending him to the floor... and then another dropkick from Chavo sends Noble over the top rope! We’re down to two, Chavo Guerrero and Paul London! London wastes little time, grabbing Chavo and running him to the corner for sliced bread... but Chavo pushes him over the top rope... but London manages to hold on, barely keeping his feet off the floor... and he grabs Chavo with a headscissors... and sends him crashing to the floor! Paul London survives and books himself a spot in the Royal Rumble match! [B]Paul London won the Cruiserweight Battle Royal to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]We cut backstage where [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, earlier tonight we heard Ric Flair say that tonight you will put your World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Christian, with Edge being banned from ringside. Punk, can you hold onto your championship tonight? [B]Punk:[/B] Can I hold onto my championship? You bet your ass I can! I just want to take this time to say I’m glad Edge is banned from ringside. You know, ever since I became champion, there’s been a lot of guys sticking their nose in my business. There’s been a lot of guys looking to get involved in my matches, especially when my title’s on the line. And quite frankly... I’m getting damn sick and tired of it. Tonight, I will beat Christian, and there better be nobody anywhere near the ring when I do it. ----------------- [I]We now go to a rather fancy restaurant, where we see [B]Santino Marella[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] being shown to a table by a waiter, obviously out on the date Santino earned with his victory over Val Venis last week. Santino has a huge grin on his face, while it’s clear Rosa is not happy to be there...[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] Thank-ah you very much. So, Rosa Mendes, here we are on our date. I know-ah you’ll have a good time tonight. [B]Rosa:[/B] I seriously doubt it. [B]Santino:[/B] Rosa, I have-ah went to a lot of trouble to set this up tonight. I mean, while everyone else-ah is in East Rutherford, here we are-ah in New York City, the big banana! [B]Rosa:[/B] The big apple Santino... [B]Santino:[/B] Em... whatever. Anyway, I want-ah you to have a great night Rosa, so you can order anything you want... unless you-ah want to skip straight to desert back at Santino’s hotel room? [B]Rosa:[/B] Uh, actually, I’m feeling really hungry, so I think I’ll maybe order five or six courses tonight, if that’s OK with you? [B]Santino:[/B] Five or six?! What are you, some kind of racehorse? [B]Rosa:[/B] Oh, I thought you Italian men loved to eat. [B]Santino:[/B] Well we do but-ah... forget about it, you order what you want-ah. Waiter! We would like to order please. OK Rosa... anything you want-ah. [B]Rosa:[/B] Alright... let’s see... I’ll have... [B]Santino:[/B] Wait, wait, wait... since-ah I am Italian, I think I should be the one to say the order, no? [B]Rosa:[/B] Oh it’s OK Santino, I can order for myself. I’ll have bruschetta to start, followed by some minestrone soup and some ciabatta bread, margherita pizza, lasagne, ravioli, pancetta, salame, a little bit of mascarpone, some olives and tiramisu to finish please. [B]Santino:[/B] What?! [B]Rosa:[/B] Oh, and some red wine and an espresso to top it off. What do you want Santino? [B]Santino:[/B] Uh... uh... I’ll just have some-ah water and bread please. Uh... waiter... you take-ah Italian express credit cards right? ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Hardy v Chase Stevens[/B] The United States Champion Matt Hardy is now in action, taking on Chase Stevens, who of course has [B]Andy Douglas[/B] at ringside for company. From the tie-up, both men jockey for position, but when they both hit the ropes, the ref calls for a clean break... leading to Stevens hitting a cheap shot to the gut... and Hardy firing back with a big right hand! Stevens backs away, before eventually moving back in and tying up again... and he manages to manoeuvre into a hammerlock, but a snapmare from Hardy takes him down, before more stiff rights again put Stevens in the corner. An Irish whip is reversed by Stevens, and when Hardy comes off the ropes, Douglas grabs him by the foot, the distraction enough for Stevens to nail Hardy from behind with a dropkick that sends him through the ropes. Stevens now distracts the ref, allowing Douglas to hit cheapshots on the floor before rolling Matt back into the ring for a 2 count. Stevens now targets Matt’s back, driving the knee into the spine and dropping the elbow. Hard stomps follow, before Stevens hits a backbreaker for another close fall. Stevens now locks on a reverse chinlock, making sure to apply pressure to the back with his knee. Hardy is eventually able to fight back to his feet, breaking the hold with elbows to the face before again hitting hard rights and sending Stevens off the ropes... reversal... Matt ducks a clothesline... side-effect! Matt nails the side-effect, but the punishment he’s taking prevents him from making the cover, but he gets back to his feet, driving Stevens to the corner with rights, sending him across and charging in... clothesline... followed by a bulldog! Hardy plants Stevens and then goes to the second rope, waits for Stevens to get to his knees... legdrop to the back of the head! 1... 2... Stevens kicks out. Hardy stays on the attack, getting back to his feet... kick to the gut... twist of fate... no! Stevens spins out, and nails a painful forearm to the back, before sending Matt to the corner... reversal... Hardy runs into a boot, and Stevens goes to the second rope... but Hardy catches him with a right to the gut... and nails the twist of fate from the second rope! 1... 2... 3! [B]Matt Hardy beat Chase Stevens (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]In his office, [B]Ric Flair[/B] is joined once again by [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and his associate [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] JBL... Lashley... what can I do for you two? [B]JBL:[/B] What can you do for us? How about you explain to me why, despite what I said to you last week, Christian is getting a title shot tonight and Bobby Lashley is not? [B]Flair:[/B] Well JBL, like I said, Christian deserves his chance with Punk without any interruptions. And while you’re both here, let me tell you I don’t want to see either of you two out there tonight. [B]JBL:[/B] Don’t worry about us Flair, we won’t be getting involved in anything tonight. We’re just gonna sit back, relax and enjoy the show. [B]Flair:[/B] You see that you do, otherwise you two are gonna be in the same boat as Edge. [B]JBL:[/B] Like I said Flair, you won’t see us anywhere near that ring tonight. But I’ll remind you again Flair... Bobby Lashley is on his way to being the most dominant superstar on this brand. If anybody deserves a title shot... it’s him. [B]Flair:[/B] Alright JBL... I’ll take it under advisement. But Lashley is gonna have to earn any title shot. [B]JBL:[/B] Oh don’t worry... we don’t have a problem with that. We’ll see you later Flair... enjoy the show... ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JakeHager.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Ted DiBiase v Jake Hager[/B] Last week DiBiase tried to buy his way into the Rumble, only for Flair to hand him a qualifying match with undefeated newcomer Jake Hager. Straight from the tie-up, Hager looks to take charge, taking DiBiase down with a waistlock and locking on a headlock... but DiBiase counters into an armbar, and he gets to his feet for better leverage... with leads to Hager hitting a fireman’s carry and locking on an armbar of his own. DiBiase breaks free with a kick to the head, and he follows with stomps to the chest, before sending Hager to the corner... reversal... DiBiase staggers out... right into a hiptoss. DiBiase is quickly back up, but a clothesline puts him back down again, before Hager sends him off the ropes... back-body-drop! 1... 2... DiBiase kicks out. Hager looks to stay on the attack, but as both get back to their feet, Ted aims a kick to Hager’s knee, and he drives Hager to the corner and delivers a flurry of fists and stomps. Out of the corner, DiBiase goes for an Irish whip... reversal... Hager misses with a clothesline... and DiBiase takes him down with a chop-block, and he aims a stiff kick to the chest. After a near fall, Hager fights back to his feet, hitting right hands, only for DiBiase to again target the knee, aiming a dropkick at it that sends Hager to the outside. DiBiase rolls Hager back into the ring, but he keeps Hager close, dragging him to the corner... and slamming his knee off the ringpost! Hager cries out on pain, and DiBiase goes for a cover... 1... 2... Hager kicks out. DiBiase then drops a fist across the head, before locking on a single-leg Boston crab. DiBiase wrenches back, applying pressure, and he has Hager in a good spot in the centre of the ring. Hager strains for the ropes, and eventually the crowd gets behind him, willing him to the ropes... and he makes it, breaking the hold, but the damage is done. DiBiase now drags Hager to his feet, sending him to the corner... but he runs into a boot, and Hager explodes out the corner with a clothesline. But men struggle to get back up, but when they do, Hager hits right hands and sends DiBiase off the ropes... snap belly-to-belly overhead! DiBiase is back up... but he runs into a spinebuster! DiBiase is in trouble, and Hager grabs him bridging German suplex... 1... 2... DiBiase kicks out! Hager is in control now, and he strikes with rights... kick to the gut... gutwrench powerbomb... no! DiBisae slides down the back and goes for a roll-up... 1... 2... he’s got the tights... 3! Ted DiBiase steals a win and a spot in the Rumble, handing Hager his first defeat in the process. [B]Ted DiBiase beat Jake Hager to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]In the locker-room, [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] is getting ready for his match, alongside [B]Matt Sydal[/B]...[/I] [B]Sydal:[/B] Hey man, you know you’ve got this tonight. You can book your spot in the Rumble man. Man, I can wait for my qualifying match next week, I’d kill to be in the Rumble. [B]Mysterio:[/B] Easy man, calm down. [B]Sydal:[/B] I can’t help it man. I really want in the Rumble. It would be awesome, I could... [I]Sydal is interrupted as [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] walks into the room, looking sharp in a suit and shades...[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] Whoa, whoa... hold up. Did I hear you two right? You got a qualifying match for the Rumble tonight? [B]Mysterio:[/B] Yeah... [B]MVP:[/B] And you get one next week? [B]Sydal:[/B] That’s right. [B]MVP:[/B] Damn... they’re letting anybody try out of for this thing. I mean, Mysterio... you I can understand. You won one of these things. But Sydal? Pfft... what the hell is Ric Flair thinking? [B]Mysterio:[/B] Hey, listen MVP... I’m gonna qualify for the Rumble tonight. And I’m sure Matt’s gonna make it next week too. [B]MVP:[/B] Whatever man. I really don’t care either way. I’m the one that’s gonna win the Rumble, you can bank on it. And when I do, I’ll go to Wrestlemania and become World Heavyweight Champion again. I’ll see you two midgets later... ---------------- [I]We again return to the restaurant, where [B]Santino Marella[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] are enjoying their meal...[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] So, Rosa... I take it you are-ah enjoying your meal? [B]Rosa:[/B] I have to admit, it’s been really nice Santino. [B]Santino:[/B] Yes, well... you certainly put enough away. [B]Rosa:[/B] Sorry... [B]Santino:[/B] No, no, it’s OK. I want you-ah to have a good night Rosa. A night without that Vil Vanus interrupting us. [B]Rosa:[/B] Well, I have to say, you’ve been quite the gentlemen tonight Santino. [B]Santino:[/B] Yes, I have. And to make-ah the night even better... I got you a present. [B]Rosa:[/B] Oh Santino, you shouldn’t have. [B]Santino:[/B] No, no, I wanted-ah to get-ah you something. Here... [B]Rosa:[/B] Oh... it’s... it’s... [B]Santino:[/B] That’s right... it’s a... [B]Rosa:[/B] An Italian phrase book? [B]Santino:[/B] Of course! You’ll need to-ah know Italiano for when I take you back to the old country to meet my mama. [B]Rosa:[/B] Meet your mama?! [B]Santino:[/B] Si... [B]Rosa:[/B] Waiter... I think I need another drink... --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cryme Tyme v John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley[/B] The recent association between JBL and Lashley continues tonight, as they, accompanied by JBL’s executive assistant [B]Maryse[/B], take on Shad and JTG. It’s JBL and JTG who start things, with JBL quickly gaining the advantage, landing a kick to the gut and forearms to the back before sending JTG off the ropes... but JBL ducks for a back-body-drop, allowing JTG to hit a kick to the chest. JTG now goes to work on JBL’s arm, winding it up and driving his elbow into it and then tagging in Shad. Cryme Tyme then show off their tag team experience advantage, as they place JBL in the corner and JTG sends his partner crashing into JBL. Shad continues to apply pressure to the arm, again winding it up... only for JBL to nail a stiff right and send Shad off the ropes... Shad ducks his clothesline... and then comes off the ropes with a big boot to the face! 1... 2... JBL kicks out. JTG gets the tag, and again they use the double-team, as Shad winds up the arm and JTG comes off the ropes... and leapfrogs his opponent to land across the arm! Again JBL is sent off the ropes, but he catches a break when JTG ducks, allowing JBL to hit a kick and a clothesline and tag in Lashley. Lashley comes in and is all power, scooping JTG up with ease and slamming him down before dragging him up and sending him to the corner. A flurry of stiff rights and lefts follow, before Lashley sends JTG across... and follows in with a clothesline, and as JTG stagers out, Lashley grabs him... for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! JBL now gets the tag, and he continues to pile on the punishment, nailing JTG with a short-arm clothesline before scooping him up for a fallaway slam. Another near fall follows, and then JBL sends JTG off the ropes... right into a sleeper! JBL locks it on, and despite JTG’s struggles, he slowly begins to fade. Eventually, the crowd and Shad try to rally JTG, and he makes it back to his feet... and breaks the hold with a jawbreaker. Both men crawl to their corner... here comes Lashley... here comes Shad! Shad bursts into the ring and knocks down both men shoulderblocks, before sending JBL off the ropes... and scooping him up for a sidewalk slam! 1... 2... Lashley makes the save, but JTG is back up... but he’s quickly elevated over the top rope to the floor. Shad takes the fight to Lashley, hitting him with right hands, driving him to the ropes and then going for an Irish whip... reversal... Shad’s ducks Lashley’s right hand... but then he’s blindsided by a huge clothesline from hell! JBL springs out of nowhere, and he falls on top for the cover... 1... 2... 3. [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley beat Cryme Tyme (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]One last time we go to the GM’s office and [B]Ric Flair[/B], and this time he is greeted by the [B]Big Show[/B]...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey big guy, I was wondering when you’d show up. How are you? [B]Big Show:[/B] I’m good Ric, I’m good. Listen, I know you know I qualified for the Rumble last week. [B]Flair:[/B] I saw that match. Very impressive. I don’t know how they’re gonna get rid of you in the Rumble. [B]Big Show:[/B] Yeah, listen, I was thinking... I heard what you said to Lashley and JBL about the championship. If he wants a title shot, he’s gotta earn it? [B]Flair:[/B] That’s right... [B]Big Show:[/B] And I also heard JBL say Lashley’s on his way to being the most dominant superstar here on Smackdown. [B]Flair:[/B] I heard that too... [B]Big Show:[/B] Well if Lashley wants to call himself the most dominant superstar here on Smackdown... then I reckon he should earn the right to call himself that... against me. [B]Flair:[/B] You and Lashley huh? I like the sounds of that. I tell you what Show... you let me think about that for a week and I’ll get back to you. Alright? [B]Big Show:[/B] Of course. And hey... welcome to Smackdown Ric. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/WilliamRegal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Rey Mysterio v William Regal[/B] After seeing his protégés Paul Burchill and Drew McIntyre fail to reach the Rumble on Tuesday night, William Regal, accompanied by [B]Katie Lea[/B] steps into the ring with Rey Mysterio, both men determined to go on to Detroit. Straight from the bell, Rey attacks with kicks to the leg, driving Regal to the corner and then going for an Irish whip... reversal... but Regal runs into a boot, and Mysterio quickly jumps to the top rope... headscissors leaves Regal hung up on the second rope, and here comes Mysterio... 619... no! Regal gets back to his feet and nails Rey with a huge clothesline, and he now attacks with stiff kicks to the chest, before pushing Rey into the corner and striking with slaps across the chest. A stiff uppercut allows Regal to gain a 2 count, and he goes straight back to work, slapping Mysterio across the face and sending him off the ropes... but Regal ducks, allowing Rey to kick him in the chest and come off the ropes... wheelbarrow bulldog... Regal counters by throwing Rey over his head! 1... 2... Mysterio kicks out. Regal now looks to punish Rey, dropping his knee across the head and then clubbing Rey with forearms to the face. Regal now begins to target the neck, dropping Rey with a neckbreaker and then locking on a surfboard. Mysterio cries out in pain, as Regal has it locked in tight. Rey has been in the hold for quite a while, but eventually the crowd starts to rally behind him, and Rey is able to break free, getting back to his feet only for Regal to send him off the ropes... Rey ducks his clothesline... hurricanrana! 1... 2... Regal kicks out, and he quickly gets back on his feet to catch Rey with a knee to the gut, before going for a suplex... but Rey lands on his feet... and a dropkick sends Regal to the second rope, here comes Rey... 619! Regal hits the mat, and Rey jumps to the top rope... big splash! 1... 2... 3! Mysterio wins, and he grabs a place in the Royal Rumble! [B]Rey Mysterio beat William Regal to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the man who is about to face CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship... [B]Christian[/B]! And Christian, we now know that when you and CM Punk face each other, Edge will be barred from ringside. After Edge cost you at Survivor Series, can tonight finally be the night you fulfil your destiny? [B]Christian:[/B] Is tonight the night? Is the fact that Edge is out of the equation going to mean I can now become World Heavyweight Champion? I think it is. I think tonight is finally going to be the night I take the step into the big time here in the WWE. Edge, you’ve tried to hold me down for years... and it’s not happening anymore. I will win tonight, and I will become World Heavyweight Champion. And Edge... when I do... I might even be generous enough to have my first title defence against you. ------------------ [I]For the final time tonight, we return to the Italian restaurant, where [B]Santino Marella[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] have just finished their meals...[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] Well... you certainly like to eat, don’t you Rosa Mendes? [B]Rosa:[/B] Sorry about that. Well, I just want to say thank you for a great evening Santino. [B]Santino:[/B] Yes, well every evening is a great-ah evening with Santino Marella. Perhaps we can do this again next Friday night maybe? [B]Rosa:[/B] Sorry Santino, but... [B]Santino:[/B] Oh, let me guess... Vil Vanus? [B]Rosa:[/B] Well, he’s been... [B]Santino:[/B] No, no... I have heard enough of Vil Vanus! This date is-ah over! Waiter, cheque please! [I]As Rosa tries to reason with Santino, the waiter brings over the cheque... but he looks strangely familiar... it’s [B]Val Venis[/B]![/I] [B]Santino:[/B] OK, how much do I owe-ah? [B]Venis:[/B] Hello Santino... [I]Val explodes with a series of right hands, and pretty soon tables and chairs are being broken. Santino staggers back to his feet, only for Rosa to grab an empty wine bottle... and crack Santino across the head with it! Santino slumps to the ground, allowing Val and Rosa to make their exit, leaving Santino covered in sauce... and he still has to pay the bill![/I] ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match[/B] [B]CM Punk (C) v Christian[/B] After their match at Armageddon was interrupted, both men step into the ring for this one determined to go to a finish. Straight from the bell, the champ wastes little time, teeing off with kicks to the leg, sending Christian off the ropes and dropping him with an elbow. Christian backs into the corner, but Punk stays on him, again aiming kicks before taking Christian over with a snapmare and aiming a kick to the spine. Punk makes his intention to target the back clear, as he drops Christian with a backbreaker and goes for a headlock. Back to their feet, both jockey for position until Christian sends Punk off the ropes... and as Punk runs in, Christian helps him over the top rope to the floor! Punk takes his time to get back up, and when he does, Christian is perched on the top rope... crossbody to the floor! Christian connects, and he rolls Punk back into the ring... 1... 2... Punk kicks out. Christian now looks to take control, using the middle rope to stand on Punk’s back and choke him before sending Punk to the corner... reversal... Punk charges in and hits a knee, coming out of the corner with a bulldog for another near fall. The match continues to swing back and forth, as Christian sends Punk off the ropes for a back-body-drop, before going to the second rope... diving corkscrew uppercut! Punk staggers to his feet, and Christian moves for... the unprettier... but Punk pushes him off the ropes... and gets him on his shoulder... GTS... no! Christian grabs the ropes to save himself, so Punk elevates him over... but Christian lands on the apron, striking with a right hand and climbing to the top rope... but Punk jumps out there two, and now both men are trading rights while perched up there... a final right sends Punk down, but he lands on his feet, allowing Christian to grab him for... a tornado DDT! 1... 2... Punk gets the shoulder up! Christian is in control now, and he drags Punk to his feet... kick to the gut... unprettier... no! Punk pushes Christian into the corner, and he staggers out... Punk has him up... GTS... no! Again Christian fights out of it... unprettier! This time Christian nails it, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... Punk gets a foot on the rope! Christian thought he had the title won, but Punk hangs on, and both men are feeling the effects of the match now, as when Christian drags Punk to his feet, a slugfest ensues... right from Punk... Christian fires back... they continue to trade... until out of nowhere Punk nails a kick to the head! 1... 2... Christian kicks out! Punk now looks to take control, hitting more kicks and right hands and then sending Christian off the ropes... tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! 1... 2... again Christian hangs on. Punk now sends Christian to the corner, and charges in... knee to the face... no, Christian avoids it, and Punk is perched on the top rope... back-suplex from the top rope! Christian goes for the cover... 1... 2... no! Punk stays alive, but Christian picks him up, slams him down and climbs to the top rope, steadying himself for... a frog splash... no! Punk rolls out of the way, leaving Christian to crash to the mat, and as both men staggers back to their feet, Punk makes his move... he has him up... GTS! GTS! This time Punk nails it, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]CM Punk beat Christian to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] He did it! CM Punk beats Christian! CM Punk is still the World Heavyweight Champion! [B]Coach:[/B] Well I may not like either of these two, but I gotta hand it to CM Punk, that was a heck of a title defence. [B]Cole:[/B] But the question is, who will CM Punk face at the Royal Rumble? We’ll find out next week. For all of us here on Smackdown, thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you next week! Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Paul London won the Cruiserweight Battle Royal to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+) Matt Hardy beat Chase Stevens (B-) Ted DiBiase beat Jake Hager to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C-) John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley beat Cryme Tyme (B-) Rey Mysterio beat William Regal to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B) CM Punk beat Christian to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: A (dunno how but it was)[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A brief recap video plays, highlighting the action from last week, in particular the vicious assault of Sheamus O’Shaunessy on Jeff Hardy and the main event, where Triple H and Kenny Dykstra overcame John Cena and Shawn Michaels. The Raw intro now plays, and we then go live in the arena as the pyro explodes and the camera scans the crowd, before he hear the voices of [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw! Hello everybody, I’m good ol’ JR< Jim Ross, alongside me as ever is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, what can we expect live tonight from Sioux City, IA? [B]King:[/B] Well after the last couple of weeks we’ve had, I don’t know what we’re going to see. [B]JR:[/B] Hopefully we’ll hear on the status of Jeff Hardy ahead of the Royal Rumble, where Jeff will enter number one. Also tonight, John Cena is in the building as is the WWE Champion Triple H... [B]King:[/B] Yeah but we’re not wasting anytime JR, here comes Chris Jericho! [B]JR:[/B] We’re kicking things off with the Intercontinental Title on the line... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Championship Match Kenny Dykstra (C) v Chris Jericho[/B] After overcoming his fellow tag team champion, Mr Kennedy, last week to earn this title shot, Jericho is in a confident mood ahead of this match, and it shows early on, as when the two square up after the bell rings, he quickly gains control, taking Dykstra down and hitting a series of rights and lefts. Back on their feet, Jericho looks to send Kenny off the ropes, but the champion reverses... Jericho ducks a clothesline... and connects with a flying forearm, and once again the fists rain down, causing Dykstra to roll under the ropes onto the apron. As Kenny drags himself back up, Jericho jumps to the second rope... and nails Kenny with a dropkick! Dykstra hits the floor hard, and he takes every second of the ref’s 10 count before returning to the ring. The pace of the match slows again, and as the two tie-up, Dykstra scores a knee to the gut and follows with a hard clothesline to gain control. Kenny now scoops Jericho up onto his shoulders, dropping him into a gutbuster, before kicking Jericho to the corner and laying into him with boots, stomping Jericho down to the mat. Kenny then looks to send Jericho across, only for Jericho to reverse it, but when he charges in, Kenny gets a boot up... and then he runs into a spinning wheel kick from Jericho! Jericho crawls over for the cover... 1... 2... Kenny kicks out. Jericho tries to regain control, but Dykstra quickly jumps on him with a double axe-handle, and he again sends Jericho to the corner... but Jericho gets the boot up, and he jumps to the second rope... missile dropkick connects! Jericho is quickly back up, and he unloads on Kenny’s chest with chops before sending him off the ropes... Kenny ducks a clothesline... and drops Jericho with a side-suplex. The champion now immediately heads for the corner, where he climbs to the top rope... but Jericho shakes the ropes, landing Kenny on the top turnbuckle! Now Jericho climbs up, looking for a suplex... but Kenny pushes him down, and as Jericho lands on his feet, Kenny dives at him... sunset flip... no! Jericho rolls through... into the...[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Walls of Jericho! Walls of Jericho! Jericho has it locked in! [B]King:[/B] We’re gonna have a new Intercontinental Champion JR! [B]JR:[/B] Oh now what the hell? [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] are coming out here! [B]King:[/B] And they’re up on the apron distracting the referee! [B]JR:[/B] Get them the hell out of here! They don’t... wait... it’s [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]! Kennedy is coming out here! [B]King:[/B] And he’s taking care of Harry and TJ! [CENTER]Sadly for Jericho though, in the confusion, the referee never saw Kenny tap out, and Jericho had released the hold by the time Kennedy got there. Jericho now has to build again, waiting for Kenny to get back to his feet and charging at him... one handed bulldog... no! Kenny moved, and Jericho charges right into the referee, who goes down! Kenny moves quickly to hit Jericho from behind, and now Harry makes a move by diving into the ring... but Kennedy follows him in, taking him down and unloading with right hands. While this is going on, TJ grabs the Intercontinental Title, and he slips into the ring with it... and swings at Kennedy... who ducks! Kick to the gut, and now Kennedy has the title... and he nails TJ! Harry then takes a shot that sends him over the top rope, and now Kennedy swings at Kenny... but the champion ducks... and he nails Jericho instead! Kennedy can’t believe what happened, as by complete accident he’s laid out Jericho... and now Harry and TJ drag him to the floor, as Kenny slumps on top for the cover and the referee finally stirs... 1... 2... 3. Kennedy has just cost his partner the Intercontinental Championship, and once again, Revolution uses the numbers game to save themselves. [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Kenny Dykstra beat Chris Jericho to retain the Intercontinental Championship (B+)[/CENTER][/B] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... the general manager of Monday Night Raw, [B]Shane McMahon[/B]. And Mr McMahon, you requested an interview at this time as you wish to address certain issues from last week. [B]Shane:[/B] That’s right Todd, thank you. Last week, I along with everyone else saw a rather vicious assault laid down upon Jeff Hardy from Sheamus O’Shaunessy. Now, I have heard a lot of rumours and comments flying around all week, saying that I possibly had something to do with it. That perhaps I had put Sheamus up to it. I would just like to take this time to categorically deny that I had anything to do with what happened last week to Jeff Hardy. Furthermore, I have punished Sheamus O’Shaunessy by placing him in a match tonight with John Cena. Sheamus will learn that I will not condone these actions happening on my show. That’s all I really I have to say. [B]Todd:[/B] Uh... thank you Mr McMahon. [B]Shane:[/B] You’re welcome. Oh... before I forget. Sheamus O’Shaunessy has been given a spot in the Royal Rumble match. Despite his actions last week, I felt he deserved it. Have a good night Todd. ------------------ [I]In the locker-room, [B]Batista[/B] is sitting back relaxing, when just like last week, he’s confronted by [B]Randy Orton[/B]...[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] So... Batista... did you consider my little proposal from last week? [B]Batista:[/B] Yeah I thought about it. And to be honest Orton... I don’t trust you one bit. [B]Orton:[/B] Trust me? I’m not looking for your trust Dave. All I’m asking is that we work together to put ourselves back on top here in the WWE. We both know we deserve better, and we can help each other to get there. [B]Batista:[/B] You might be right. Maybe you and me working together can put us both back on top... but what’s to say when we get there you won’t turn around and stab me in the back? [B]Orton:[/B] Like you did when I won my first WWE Championship? [I]Before Batista can answer, [B]Cody Rhodes[/B] enters the room...[/I] [B]Batista:[/B] What the hell do you want Rhodes? [B]Cody:[/B] What do I want? I just want to let you know... I went to Shane McMahon earlier tonight and I asked him for a match. And guess what? I got what I wanted. You and me one on one! [B]Batista:[/B] Haha! What? You’re kidding? You demanded a match with me? [B]Cody:[/B] That’s right. I’m pretty sick and tired of the way people keep treating me around here. It’s time for people to start seeing me as a threat... and it starts with you tonight. [B]Batista:[/B] Listen boy, you are not worth my time or my energy so why don’t you... [B]Cody:[/B] Why don’t you just stop running your mouth and accept my challenge Batista? [B]Batista:[/B] Alright... fine. You want me in the ring, you got me. [B]Cody:[/B] Good. I’ll see you later tonight... [I]Cody exits the room...[/I] [B]Batista:[/B] Can you believe that? [B]Orton:[/B] Now, you see Dave... you work together with me... and people like Cody Rhodes wouldn’t dare step up and challenge you. Think about it Dave... ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DolphZiggler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Shawn Michaels v Dolph Ziggler[/B] Dolph Ziggler steps into the ring for his first match in the WWE, and if he can beat Shawn Michaels, he could earn himself a spot in the Rumble. When the bell rings, Dolph of course thrusts out his hand and introduces himself to Shawn... but when Shawn refuses, Dolph gives him a stiff slap in the face... leading to Michaels unloading with a series of right hands before sending Dolph off the ropes... back-body-drop! Ziggler backs off to the corner, but Michaels stays on him, unloading with hard chops to the chest before going for an Irish whip... but Ziggler reverses... and sends Michaels crashing upside-down into the corner! As Michaels staggers out, Ziggler follows up with a hard clothesline, scoring a near fall. Dolph now shows off his vicious side, stomping down on Michaels and then raining down with rights and lefts, before targeting Michaels’ arm by driving his knee into the shoulder and sending him shoulder first into the ringpost. After slamming Michaels to the mat, Ziggler then hits a jumping elbowdrop for another near fall, before locking on a full nelson. Ziggler has the hold locked on for a long time before Michaels is able to fight back to his feet, and he’s finally able to break free with a jawbreaker. Ziggler staggers towards Michaels, who connects with an atomic drop before nailing Dolph with a clothesline and climbing to the top rope. There, Michaels launches himself... elbowdrop connects! 1... 2... Dolph gets the shoulder up! Both men are back up, and Michaels unloads with right hands and sends Ziggler off the ropes... reversal... flying forearm! Michaels drops Ziggler again... and kips up, before going to the corner and tuning up the band... sweet chin music! 1... 2... 3! [B]Shawn Michaels beat Dolph Ziggler to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]In their locker-room, [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] and a dejected [B]Chris Jericho[/B] discuss what happened earlier...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] I had him. I mean... I had him! I had him beat Kennedy! [B] Kennedy:[/B] Hey, listen man, I know you did. I made a mistake, what can I say? [B]Jericho:[/B] Oh you made a mistake? I’m not so sure it was a mistake. [B]Kennedy:[/B] what you trying to say I did it on purpose? [B]Jericho:[/B] Yeah well maybe you did. I know how much you wanted that shot at Kenny. Maybe you’re jealous that I beat you last week. [B]Kennedy:[/B] I’m not jealous of you! I don’t care that... [I]Kennedy is interrupted as [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] enter the room, all looking smug...[/I] [B]Kenny:[/B] Wow guys. One loss to me and look at you two. You look like you want to kill each other! [B]Jericho:[/B] What the hell do you want Dykstra? [B]Kenny:[/B] Hey, hey... easy Jericho. I didn’t come here to gloat... [B]Harry:[/B] Well maybe a little bit. [B]Kenny:[/B] Yeah, just a bit. But anyway, the real reason I’m here is because I got a message for you two from Shane McMahon. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Oh yeah, what’s that? [B]Kenny:[/B] Well, since I defended my title tonight, and since Harry and TJ really want your tag team titles... next week, they’re going to get the chance to earn a shot at you guys. [B]Jericho:[/B] That’s it? Us and the boy scouts next week? [B]TJ:[/B] Hey, who you calling a boy scout? [B]Kennedy:[/B] Relax junior... [B]Kenny:[/B] Fellas, fellas... I wasn’t finished. Next week, it’s going to be you two... against the three of us in a handicap match. If we win, then the night after the Rumble, Harry and TJ get a tag team title match with you two. [B]Kennedy:[/B] A handicap match? [B]Kenny:[/B] You heard me. Anyway, we’ll let you guys get back to your little lover’s tiff... later guys. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MickieJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Victoria.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Natalya.jpg[/IMG] [B]Beth Phoenix and Mickie James v Victoria and Natalya[/B] Mickie James and the recently dominant Natalya kick this match off, and from the first tie-up, Natalya takes control, working a front headlock and taking the champion down to the mat. Mickie shows strength to fight back to her feet, and she reverses into a hammerlock... only for Natalya to drive her to the corner, before unloading with a stiff right hand... to which Mickie responds with a huge right of her own! Mickie then comes off the ropes, but she runs right into a powerslam from Natalya, gaining a near fall before she tags in Victoria. Victoria lays the boots to Mickie, before sending her to the corner and driving her shoulder into the gut. A short-arm clothesline drops Mickie, only for Victoria to drag her up and send her off the ropes... but when Victoria ducks, Mickie nails her with a kick to the chest and comes off the ropes... Lou Thesz press into a cover... 1... 2... Victoria kicks out, and Mickie looks to tag in Beth... only for Victoria to grab her foot and drag her into her corner, tagging in Natalya. Now Natalya and Victoria really look to punish Mickie, with Natalya in particular doing damage with backbreakers and then locking on a surfboard. The crowd tries to rally behind Mickie, and eventually she’s able to break the hold, but Natalya sends her off the ropes... baseball slide from Mickie... into a springboard bulldog, and finally Beth gets the tag! The champion enters the ring and cleans house, sending both Natalya and Victoria down with clotheslines before grabbing Victoria and sending her off the ropes... sidewalk slam! 1... 2... Natalya makes the save, but here comes Mickie... clothesline takes her and Natalya out, leaving Beth and Victoria. Victoria has control, and she unloads with rights before taking Beth up onto her shoulders for the spider’s web... but Beth fights out of it, dropping to her feet and going for... the glam slam! Beth drops Victoria... but Natalya sneaks into the ring, and she catches Beth from behind with roll-up... 1... 2... 3! Natalya grabs the victory and in the process steals a pinfall on the champion Beth Phoenix. [B]Victoria and Natalya beat Beth Phoenix and Mickie James (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... he is the man who will face Triple H at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Championship... [B]John Cena[/B]! And John, tonight you’ll step into the ring with Sheamus O’Shaunessy, who last week brutally attacked Jeff Hardy. John, can you overcome Sheamus and build momentum before the Royal Rumble? [B]Cena:[/B] Before I talk about Sheamus, I just want to say something to Shane McMahon. Shane, you want to deny you had anything to do with Jeff getting attacked? Nobody’s buying that crap man. Everybody knows you put him up to it, and now, you want to send him to the ring to do the same to me? It ain’t gonna happen Shane. You tell Triple H, he can send Sheamus, he can sends Kenny, he can send the Bulldogs, he can send whoever the hell he wants! It ain’t gonna work! I will go to the Royal Rumble, and I will win the WWE Championship. And Shane... I know Jeff Hardy is gonna go the distance at the Rumble. And let me say right now... I’d be honoured to put the WWE Championship on the line against him at Wrestlemania... regardless of what you want to happen Shane. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Mark Henry v Finlay[/B] Last week, Henry grabbed a win over Finlay, and it looked like he’d finally seen off the curse of Hornswoggle. This week, the two square off again, this time for a spot in the Royal Rumble. Straight from the bell, Finlay tries to take the fight to Henry, locking on a headlock, only for Henry to send him off the ropes... and then down with a big shoulderblock. The two up again, but Henry overpowers Finlay and drives him to the corner, but when the ref calls for a break, Finlay aims a kick to the gut and kicks Henry through the ropes to the floor. Finlay follows out, only for Henry to drive him into the ringpost. Henry stands Finlay against the post and goes for a clothesline... but the veteran ducks, and Henry sends his arm crashing into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Finlay works the arm with an armbar, but Henry shows great strength to toss Finlay into the corner, and he follows in with a splash, causing Finlay to slump to the mat. After a 2 count, Henry uses the ropes to choke Finlay, dropping his leg across Finlay’s neck, before locking on a reverse chinlock to apply pressure. Finlay fights his way back to his feet, nailing rights and elbows to the gut and then coming off the ropes... but running right into a bearhug! Henry clamps down on Finlay, squeezing the life out of him, and the veteran begins to fade. Hornswoggle and the crowd get behind him, and eventually Finlay is able to fashion an escape, biting Henry on the head to break free! Again Finlay strikes, before coming off the ropes... dropkick to the knees drops Henry, and again Finlay charges... another low dropkick, this time to the face gets Finlay a near fall. Finlay then heads for the corner and grabs the shillelagh... only for Henry to get back up and nail him with a clothesline, and grab the shillelagh himself. Henry waits for Finlay to get back up and then draws back, ready to strike... but at the last moment, the ref grabs the shillelagh and goes to put it in the corner. With the refs back turned and Henry arguing with him, Finlay turns to Hornswoggle... who slips him a second shillelagh! Henry turns... right into a shot to the skull! The ref turns back around just as Finlay slumps for the cover... 1... 2... 3! Once again Finlay and Hornswoggle get the better of Mark Henry, and Finlay is going to the Rumble. [B]Finlay beat Mark Henry to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]In the Revolution dressing room, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] and [B]Triple H[/B] are deep in conversation...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Did you hear what he said earlier? I mean, how dare John Cena accuse me of having anything to do with what happened to Jeff Hardy last week. [B]Triple H:[/B] Cut the crap Shane, everyone knows you did. [B]Shane:[/B] What? I mean... yeah I did put him up to it for a spot in the Rumble but... you don’t have to say it out loud. [B]Triple H:[/B] Whatever. Listen, I’m more worried about this thing with The Undertaker last week. I mean... what is all this crap with the lights and the messages on the tron? [B]Shane:[/B] I don’t know. I mean... you think he’s mad at us or something? [B]Triple H:[/B] Of course he’s mad at us. We put him in a coffin and pushed him off the stage! Nobody’s seen him since, and now he’s making noise about coming back. [B]Shane:[/B] Wow, wait a second. It sounds like to me that the mighty Triple H, the WWE Champion... is a little bit scared. [B]Triple H:[/B] Hey, I’m not scared of anybody! If anything you’re the one who should be worried. I mean... you are the guy in charge here. If The Undertaker’s coming back to get anybody... it’s you. [B]Shane:[/B] What? No way. He’s gonna... [I]Shane then comes to a sudden stop, as the lights in the room begin to flicker, and the TV on which Revolution were watching the show turns to static. As the lights and TV continue to go crazy, Shane and Triple H can only wonder what’s going on... until the lights go out, and an image flashes across the screen...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Promos/TakerReturnPromo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The image leaves and the lights come back on, and the camera glances back to Triple H and Shane...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] What the hell was that? [B]Triple H:[/B] It’s him. He thinks he can intimidate me? Not a chance... [B]Shane:[/B] Hey, wait... don’t leave me here by myself! --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Batista v Cody Rhodes[/B] Searching for recognition as a major player on Raw, Cody goes straight on the attack the second Batista steps through the ropes, exploding with a flurry of right and lefts and then sending Batista to the corner... reversal... and Batista follows in with a huge clothesline! The Animal then composes himself, before dropping big boots on Cody and then using his knee to choke him. Clubbing forearms now drop across Cody’s back, before Batista tosses him through the ropes and follows him to the outside. Batista now looks to target Cody’s back, driving him into the apron and scooping Cody up onto his shoulders... running powerslam on the floor... no! Cody drops down the back, and he uses Batista’s momentum to push him into the ringpost! Cody looks to continue the fight on the outside, looking to send Batista into the steel steps... but the Animal reverses, and it’s Cody who tastes the steel! Back in the ring, Batista gets a near fall, and now he looks to punish Cody, again raining down with clubbing forearms and sending Cody to the corner and driving his shoulder into the gut. An Irish whip sends Cody across, but when Batista charges in, Cody avoids his clothesline, before nailing a standing dropkick... but it only stagers Batista, so Cody comes off the ropes... ducks a clothesline... and connects with a Russian legsweep! Batista staggers to his feet... and Cody drops him with a bulldog! 1... 2... Batista powers out, but Cody has all the momentum, and he climbs to the second rope... crossbody... no! Batista catches him... spinebuster! Batista plants Cody, and when he drags him to his feet, the end is inevitable... Batista-bomb! 1... 2... 3. [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Batista beat Cody Rhodes (B-)[/CENTER][/B] [B]JR:[/B] Well, that was a hell of an effort from Cody Rhodes, but the Animal is unstoppable right now. [B]King:[/B] Yeah and just who is going to be able to eliminate Batista from the Royal Rumble? I mean, he’s just dominant right now. [B]JR:[/B] I don’t know what it’s gonna take to... oh now c’mon. Batista... dragging Cody to his feet... no! Don’t do this! [B]King:[/B] He’s got Cody lined up for another Batista-bomb... [B]JR:[/B] Wait... here comes [B]Shawn Michaels[/B]! [I]Michaels races down to the ring, still angry over his loss to the Animal at Armageddon. Batista drops Cody, and Michaels dives into the ring, rattling off a series of right hands...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Michaels is picking a fight with Batista! [B]King:[/B] And thankfully he’s saved Cody Rhodes from... [B]JR:[/B] What the hell? [B]King:[/B] It’s [B]Randy Orton[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] RKO! RKO! Orton came up from behind and nailed Shawn Michaels with the RKO! [B]King:[/B] Well we heard Orton and Batista talking earlier, and has Orton just given Batista another reason for the two of them to work together? [B]JR:[/B] Please don’t tell me these two are working together now? ----------------- [B]JR:[/B] Welcome back everybody. Up next, our main event. [B]King:[/B] Yeah, John Cena and Sheamus O’Shaunessy one on one... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheamusOShaunessy.jpg[/IMG] [B]John Cena v Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] With Sheamus taking out Jeff Hardy last week and looking to do the same this week, Cena wastes little time in taking the fight to the Irishman, going straight for him with a flurry of rights and lefts, slamming Sheamus’ head into the top turnbuckle and sending him off the ropes... back elbow staggers the big guy, so Cena runs the ropes... and connects with a flying shoulderblock, gaining a near fall. Both men are back up, and Cena again goes for the fists, before going for an Irish whip... but Sheamus reverses... and Cena runs into a huge boot to the face! Sheamus then scoops Cena up and slams him to the mat, before using his boot and the ropes to choke him. Big right hands send Cena to the corner, and a hard Irish whip across sees Cena slumping to the mat as Sheamus takes control. More hard rights find their mark, and then another Irish whip sends Cena back across, and Sheamus charges in... but Cena avoids his boot to the face, and as Sheamus staggers out, Cena is waiting... he has him up... FU... no! Sheamus grabs the ropes, pulling himself off Cena’s shoulders... and then nailing him with a huge boot to the face, scoring another 2 count. Cena is then tossed shoulder first into the ringpost, and now Sheamus slows the match right down, hitting knees to the gut and face and sending Cena off the ropes... big time poswerslam! 1... 2... Cena gets a shoulder up! Sheamus is now getting agitated, and after more clubbing forearms, he again sends Cena to the corner and follows in with a clothesline... but Cena gets a boot up, and he climbs to the second rope... diving legdrop bulldog connects! Sheamus is back up, but so is Cena... sitout hiptoss! Sheamus is planted, and Cena comes off the ropes... five knuckle shuffle! Cena is back up, and he waits for Sheamus before moving in... FU... no! Again Sheamus fights out of it... and he plants Cena with the fiery red hand! 1... 2... somehow Cena kicks out! Sheamus can’t believe it, and after getting in the referee’s face about it, he drags Cena back to his feet... but Cena ducks his short-arm clothesline... and he has him up... FU! FU! Cena nails the FU... and now he locks on the...[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] STFU! Cena has it locked on in the centre of the ring! [B]King:[/B] Is Sheamus gonna tap? [B]JR:[/B] Sheamus... trying to drag himself to the ropes... oh what the hell? [B]King:[/B] It’s [B]Triple H[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] Triple H, beating the hell out of Cena! [B][CENTER]John Cena beat Sheamus O’Shaunessy by disqualification (B)[/CENTER][/B] [B]JR:[/B] Goddammit! Triple H is destroying John Cena! [B]King:[/B] My God JR. Cena is busted open! [B]JR:[/B] Triple H and Sheamus have really done a number here on John Cena. They’ve... [B]King:[/B] Hey JR... it’s [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy is here... and he’s taking the fight to Sheamus and Triple H! [B]King:[/B] And Triple H just knocked out of the ring! [B]JR:[/B] Cena’a back up... FU! FU! FU to Sheamus! John Cena just planted Sheamus O’Shaunessy! [B]King:[/B] And Cena and Hardy are standing tall in the ring! [B]JR:[/B] What’s going to happen next week as we continue the countdown to the Royal Rumble? Goodnight everyone! ------------------ [SIZE="1"]Kenny Dykstra beat Chris Jericho to retain the Intercontinental Championship (B+) Shawn Michaels beat Dolph Ziggler to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-) Victoria and Natalya beat Beth Phoenix and Mickie James (C+) Finlay beat Mark Henry to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B) Batista beat Cody Rhodes (B-) John Cena beat Sheamus O’Shaunessy by disqualification (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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[QUOTE=Lexa90;622428]okay... who's going to the rumble? In the match description Finlay goes, but in the results Mark Henry goes...[/QUOTE] :o Dunno how that happened, been fixed now. Nice to know at least one of us is paying attention as I obviously wasn't!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A highlights package from last week starts the show, paying particular attention to Kane disturbing abduction of Mick Foley, with him holding the ECW general manager hostage until Kurt Angle met his demands for an ECW Title shot at the Royal Rumble. After the opening video, we cut to the arena, and after the usual pyro display, we go to the announce desk to find a sombre looking [B]Joey Styles[/B] and an intense looking [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ECW on Sci-Fi, coming to you tonight from Omaha, NE. Last week, the ever more disturbing Kane kidnapped and held hostage our ECW general manager Mick Foley, and the ransom was a title match against ECW Champion Kurt Angle at the Royal Rumble. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah and Kurt had no option but to agree to those demands, and we now know it will be Kane and Kurt Angle one on one at the Rumble. But right now, Kane, if you’re watching this, if you can hear me right now, I got a little message for you. Mick Foley is one of my best friends in this business. I’ve known him for years, and after what you did to him last week... I’m calling you out Kane! I’m not gonna sit back and let you get away with what you did last week. Kane, you and me, one on one tonight pal! [B]Styles:[/B] What? Are you serious? You’re challenging Kane? [B]Tazz:[/B] There comes a time when enough is enough. Kane’s been running around acting crazy for a while now and last week he crossed a line. [B]Styles:[/B] Well, I hope you know what you’re doing... [I]Styles is interrupted by the sound of crashing cars, and that can only mean one thing, it’s the ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B]. Foley slowly makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, where he grabs a microphone...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Let me just start by saying that last week I was subjected to a pretty traumatic hour by Kane. Uh... I don’t know how far Kane was prepared to go to get his title shot. Would he have set me on fire? It’s possible I guess... but I’d rather not think about it going that far. Kane... you overstepped the mark last week. You threatened my life all for an ECW Championship match... and I’m not going to stand for that. Now, I heard what my good friend Tazz had to say a few moments ago. Tazz, I appreciate your anger right now, and I know you wanted to get your hands on Kane tonight. But some battles you just have to fight for yourself. So Kane... you’re not going to facing Tazz tonight... no, you’re going to take on another hardcore legend. It’s you and me Kane, one on one tonight in an extreme rules match! [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah! God I hope Mick kicks his ass tonight! [B]Styles:[/B] But what kind of condition is Mick Foley in after what he went through last week? [B]Tazz:[/B] When has that ever mattered to Mick? [B]Styles:[/B] You have a point there... [B]Foley:[/B] Kane... you spoke last week about wanting to kill ECW. Well Kane, if you’re going to kill ECW... you’ll have to kill me first! And you might have get a shot at it tonight Kane... but regardless of how it turns out... I guarantee you... you won’t be having a nice day! [B]Styles:[/B] Well folks, there you have it. Tonight’s main event sees Mick Foley take on Kane in an extreme rules match! [B]Tazz:[/B] And let me tell you something, I know for a fact that Kane does not know what he’s getting himself into here. He wants to threaten ECW? Then Mick Foley’s the guy to set him straight on a few things! ----------------- [B]Styles:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to ECW on Sci-Fi. We’re kicking things off with a Royal Rumble qualifying match featuring The Brian Kendrick and Kofi Kingston. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah and we’re being joined on commentary by a guy who qualified last week, [B]Colt Cabana[/B]. How’s it going Colt? [B]Colt:[/B] I’m good, I’m good. How are you guys? [B]Styles:[/B] We’re doing great. So Colt, what brings you out here? [B]Colt:[/B] Well last week Kendrick and myself had a few words, and I just figured I’d come out here and see if this guy’s as good as he thinks he is. [B]Tazz:[/B] Well if you wanna know how good Kendrick is just ask him, he’ll tell ya... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KofiKingston.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match The Brian Kendrick v Kofi Kingston[/B] Another spot in the Rumble is up for grabs as Kendrick, with [B]Danny Rodimer[/B] at ringside, and Kingston square off, and it’s Kendrick who starts fastest, as straight from the bell he connects with a knee to the gut and kicks to the thigh before locking on a headlock... but Kingston breaks free and sends him off the ropes... leapfrog... and then a monkey flip sends Kendrick flying! Kendrick backs off into the corner, but Kofi follows in and sends him across... reversal... here comes Kendrick... but Kofi elevates him over the top onto the apron... and then Kendrick drops Kofi across the top rope, sending him down. Kendrick now climbs to the top rope... missile dropkick connects! 1... 2... Kofi kicks out, and Kendrick moves quickly to apply a camel clutch. Kendrick applies pressure, but he also lays in with stiff forearms, and it takes a lot for Kofi to finally make it back to his feet... elbow to the gut... another one... Kendrick is sent off the ropes... right into a standing dropkick, but he’s up quickly, only for Kofi to put him down again with a back elbow. Kingston now comes off the ropes... and nails a huge double legdrop! 1... 2... Kendrick kicks out. Kofi now gets the crowd behind him, and he waits for Kendrick to get back up before going for the trouble in paradise... but Kendrick ducks the roundhouse kick, and he strikes to Kofi’s gut and then runs him to the corner... sliced bread... no! Kofi pushes Kendrick all the way over, and he jumps to the second rope... springboard crossbody... but Kendrick rolls through... 1... 2... he got the tights... 3! The Brian Kendrick gets a dubious victory over Kofi Kingston and qualifies for the Royal Rumble. [B]The Brian Kendrick beat Kofi Kingston to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Well, there you have it Colt. The Brian Kendrick will join you in the Royal Rumble match. [B]Colt:[/B] Yeah but he cheated. I mean, I don't get me wrong, he made it to the Rumble, but... [B]Tazz:[/B] Wait a second... Kendrick and Rodimer making some noises down here at our table... [B]Colt:[/B] You want some of me Kendrick? [I]Cabana rises to his feet, but both he and Kendrick are surprised when [B]Umaga[/B] and [B]Armando Estrada[/B] step out onto the ramp and make their way down to the ring. Cabana drops his headset and slowly get into the ring...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Well last week Armando Estrada declared it was time for Umaga to reassert himself, to begin to dominate ECW again. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah but... what’s that got to do with Kendrick and Cabana? [I]As Umaga enters the ring, the three engage in a tense staredown, with no one wanting to make the first move... until Kendrick flies at Cabana, and the two start brawling... and Cabana sends Kendrick off the ropes... right into a Samoan drop! Umaga plants Kendrick, and now Cabana charges at him... and he connects with right hands, but when he comes off the ropes... he runs into a Samoan spike![/I] [B]Styles:[/B] God, Umaga has just decimated Cabana and Kendrick! [B]Tazz:[/B] The Samoan bulldozer, out to re-establish his dominance here on ECW... and he just laid out two guys! ------------------ [I]Once again, we cut to the boiler room, bathed in [B][COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR][/B], and then the sight of [B]Kane[/B] laughing his head off...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! Mick Foley... you challenge me to an extreme rules match? I told you last week Mick, that I always get what I want. And tonight... you’ve just handed me what I want. I want you in pain Foley! I want you to feel the torture that I went through all those months ago. Foley... I will cause you pain tonight... and in the process... it will be the beginning of the end... for ECW! Hahaha! ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tommy Dreamer v Paul Burchill[/B] As always when a combination of the tag team champions and the Empire meet, there is a plethora of people at ringside, with [B]John Morrison[/B] and [B]Kelly Kelly[/B] in Dreamer’s corner, while Burchill is backed by [B]William Regal[/B], [B]Drew McIntyre[/B] and [B]Katie Lea[/B]. From the first tie-up, Burchill backs Dreamer into a corner, and then connects with a clubbing forearm to the back... only for Dreamer to toss Burchill into the corner and unload with fists and kicks to the gut. Dreamer then sends Burchill off the ropes, catching him with a hiptoss... but Burchill is quickly back up... only for Dreamer to take him down with an armdrag, locking on an armbar. Burchill struggles back to his feet and is able to force Dreamer to a corner, where he drives his shoulder into Dreamer’s gut, before planting Dreamer with an overhead belly-to-belly for a 2 count. Burchill now piles on the pressure, dropping Dreamer with a backbreaker, driving his knee into the spine and then locking on a chinlock. Eventually Dreamers fights back up, only Burchill to send him to the corner and follow in with a clothesline. Burchill then backs off and charges in again... but this time Dreamer avoids the contact, and when Burchill staggers out the corner, he’s waiting... to hit a sitout spinebuster! 1... 2... Burchill gets the shoulder up. Dreamer now scoops Burchill up and hangs him in the corner, leaving him in the tree of woe, and Dreamer backs off and charges in... but before he can hit the dropkick, McIntyre sets Burchill free... which leads to Morrison going over to confront him... and now Morrison and McIntyre are brawling on the outside. Here comes Regal... but Morrison ducks and he nails McIntyre by mistake! Morrison then plants Regal, but back in the ring, Dreamer, distracted by the happenings on the floor doesn’t see Burchill coming from behind... to nail the jumping neckbreaker! 1... 2... 3. Paul Burchill gets the win, and he gives the Empire a huge boost ahead of the tag team title match next week on ECW. [B]Paul Burchill beat Tommy Dreamer (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the ECW Champion... [B]Kurt Angle[/B]! And Kurt, now that we know you and Kane will meet at the Royal Rumble for your ECW Championship, but tonight he takes on Mick Foley in an extreme rules match. Kurt, if Mick Foley can’t stop Kane tonight... will you be able to stop him at the Rumble? [B]Angle:[/B] Kane... you and me... we got a lot of history in this company. We’ve both done a lot of crazy stuff over the years. But this Kane... the Kane I’m seeing right now... you’ve gone too far man. You’ve threatened people’s lives, you’ve threatened to burn buildings to the ground, you’ve even threatened the legacy of ECW. I may not be an old school ECW guy, but right now, I am it’s champion, and that means I’m going to be the one to step up and protect this brand. Kane... I’ll see you at the Rumble... and if Mick Foley doesn’t do it tonight... then I’ll show you what extreme is all about! ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MikeKnox.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Shelton Benjamin v Mike Knox[/B] A rivalry that has been building for weeks now has added meaning with a spot in the Rumble up for grabs, as after repeated attempts these two once again look to settle things. Straight from the bell, Knox looks to take Shelton’s head off with kicks and clothesline, but Benjamin shows his agility in avoiding the contact, until he nails a jumping heel kick, backing Knox off to the corner. Shelton follows in and climbs to the second rope, and he rains down with right hands, the crowd calling out the numbers with him... until Knox drops him face first onto the top turnbuckle! Knox now mounts Shelton and hammers him with fists, before sending him crashing into the corner, leaving Shelton to slump to the mat. Boots follow, and Knox then takes Benjamin up for a long vertical suplex... no! Benjamin counters with a roll-up... 1... 2... Knox kicks out, and both men are quickly back up... only for Knox to nail Benjamin with a huge clothesline! After a near fall, Knox begins to target Benjamin’s back, slamming him to the mat, aiming kicks at the spine and then using a reverse chinlock to apply pressure. Eventually, the crowd rallies, and Benjamin gets back to his feet... elbow to the gut, and Benjamin comes off the ropes... ducks a clothesline... but can’t avoid a huge bicycle kick! 1... 2... again Benjamin kicks out. Knox now returns to the back, this time locking on an abdominal stretch. Knox wrenches away, but Benjamin catches him with a series of elbows, only for Knox to club him on the back and again go for the suplex... but Benjamin lands on his feet... and counters with a neckbreaker! Both men slowly get back up, and a slugfest ensues, which Benjamin gets the better off, before sending Knox off the ropes... back-body-drop! Knox backs off to the corner, but here comes Benjamin... big splash connects! Knox staggers out, and Benjamin climbs to the second ropes... bulldog! 1... 2... Knox kicks out! Benjamin almost had him, but he stays on the attack, hitting right hands and sending Knox off the ropes... reversal... Knox catches Benjamin... overhead belly-to-belly... but Benjamin lands on his feet, and when Knox turn round, Benjamin strikes... paydirt! Benjamin plants Knox, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Shelton Benjamin gets the win and he’s going to the Rumble! [B]Shelton Benjamin beat Mike Knox to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome back folks to ECW on Sci-Fi, there you see the ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] making his way through the arena, on his way down to the ring. [B]Tazz:[/B] I think tonight Mick Foley is gonna teach Kane a lesson. He’s gonna kick Kane’s ass, and hell, I might even help him do it. [B]Styles:[/B] I think it would be best if you... [I]Styles stops mid-sentence as [B]Kurt Angle[/B] enters the picture, stopping Foley in his tracks. Angle and Foley stare at each other... until Angle nods his head and offers Foley a handshake, which the GM accepts. The camera then pans out to reveal [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B], [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] and [B]John Morrison[/B] and a host of others standing nearby, offering their support to Foley...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Well it looks like Mick Foley has the support of the entire ECW roster tonight! [B]Tazz:[/B] So much respect for Mick Foley. I really hope he gives Kane an ass kicking tonight! [B]Styles:[/B] We’re about to find out... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [B]Extreme Rules Match Mick Foley v Kane[/B] Despite the trauma of last week, Foley isn’t interested in backing down in this one, as when Kane makes his pyro explode out of the corners, Foley cracks him from behind with a chair, and then another shot sends Kane through the ropes to the floor. Foley follows him out, and as Kane props himself against the ringpost, Foley takes aim and swings... but Kane ducks, and he catches Foley with a kick that makes him drop the chair. Kane then looks to send Foley into the steel steps, but Foley reverses... and Kane crashes into the steel and goes flying over the steps! Foley sends Kane back into the ring, and then he digs under the apron, pulling out a trash can full of weapons and then tossing it into the ring. Foley grabs a stop sign, but when he tries to use it, Kane kicks it back in his face, before grabbing it and cracking it across the back of Foley’s head. The trash can is then placed in the middle of the ring, and Kane sends Foley off the ropes... before a drop-toe-hold sends Foley face first into the trash can! 1... 2... Foley gets the shoulder up. Kane now looks to punish Foley, driving him to the corner with fists and then sending him across... reversal... Kane hits the corner and Foley charges in... and he nails Kane with a clothesline, leaving Kane slumped against the bottom turnbuckle, and again here comes Foley... knee to the face connects! Foley leaves the ring and again goes searching under the apron, this time bringing out... a table! Foley slides it into the ring and sets it up, before grabbing Kane and going for a suplex... no! Kane blocks it, and he hits uppercuts to the throat... before grabbing Foley... chokeslam through the table! Kane plants Foley, and after taking a while to recover, he rolls over for the cover... 1... 2... Foley gets the shoulder up! Now it’s Kane’s turn to use weapons, as he grabs a kendo stick and unloads across Foley’s back. Foley is clearly in pain, but Kane shows no signs of letting up, as he goes under the ring and pulls out... a barbed-wire baseball bat! Mick Foley’s signature weapon is now in Kane’s hands, and as Foley gets back up, Kane is ready... and he nails Foley across the skull with it! Almost instantly the [B][COLOR="Red"]blood[/COLOR][/B] pours from Foley’s head, and Kane delivers another shot across the back before going for the cover... 1... 2... again Foley gets the shoulder up! Kane is furious that he can’t put Foley away, and he drags Foley to his feet and clotheslines him over the top rope. Kane follows Foley out, and after a few more shots to the back, he rips the top of the announce desk...[/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Oh no, c’mon now. Don’t do this. [B]Tazz:[/B] Not a chance in hell I’m gonna stand back and let him do this... [CENTER] Kane rolls Foley onto the table, but Tazz, and he joins Foley on the table... he’s going to tombstone him through the table! The same thing Kane did to Kurt Angle at Armageddon is about to happen to Mick Foley... oh! Tazz nails Kane with a chair, causing him to fall back down to the floor. Tazz stands ready, calling Kane to attack, and as he gets back up, Tazz swings again... but Kane ducks, and he nails Tazz with a boot to the face. Tazz then receives a series of right hands, before Kane again turns his attentions to Foley, as he again clamps a hand around his neck... he’s going to chokeslam Foley through the announce desk... wait! Through the crowd... it’s [B]Kurt Angle[/B]! Angle is here to return the favour from last week, and he nails Kane from behind, before... hitting an Angle slam through the announce desk! Angle plants Kane, and he drags him back to his feet and rolls him into the ring, before helping Mick Foley back to his feet. Foley slowly rolls into the ring, his face a [B][COLOR="Red"]bloody[/COLOR][/B] mess, before getting back to his feet... and pulling out Mr Socko! The crowd goes wild, and as Kane tries to get back up, Foley pounces... Socko is locked in! Foley drives Kane to the mat, [B][COLOR="Red"]blood[/COLOR][/B] streaming from his face, screaming for Kane to submit. Eventually, the referee can see no life in the big red monster... so he calls for the bell! Foley wins! [B]Mick Foley beat Kane (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] He did it! Mick Foley has beaten Kane! It may have taken a huge assist from Kurt Angle, but Mick Foley pinned Kane. For all of us here on ECW on Sci-Fi, thank you for watching and goodnight! ------------------ [SIZE="1"]The Brian Kendrick beat Kofi Kingston to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+) Paul Burchill beat Tommy Dreamer (B-) Shelton Benjamin beat Mike Knox to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-) Mick Foley beat Kane (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[QUOTE=WeeMan;624338]I'd like to ask You what was the product You used for Your first show? It might work for me, You got an A match from Punk vs. Chavo and A+ from Rey vs. Edge... I'd be very thankful.[/QUOTE] I couldn't be bothered typing it, so here's a graphic of my product settings, which I can't ever remember changing (and when you refer to my first show, that was over a year ago so it's kinda hard to remember that far back)... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Promo/Product.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Wow man, Heavy Risque? How's that working for Ya? I mean, don't You have problems with TV stations or PPV carriers? Great diary by the way, but everyone already knows that :) I'm desperately looking for a good product for my promotion - I have like 25 guys with A* popularity everywhere, but they don't produce A* or A matches, even though my fed is based much more on popularity than performance, and what's funny, often ring skills of my A* stars are also very good... So it was weird but also great to see that You were able to pull of A and A* matches since the very first show.
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Hey buddy, I've got an exam in a minute so can't leave any longer feedback, but wanted to say I haven't been on here consitently for a while and even recently been short of time, but I have caught up with what I had missed over the last few days and this is still a fantastic diary. The characterisations are awesome and you give us a reason to care about your roster, which takes some doing on what is purely text based. So kudos, and KUTGW. This is so good it makes me want to do a real world game, and even a diary. Which may happen, in fact. But my interest in doing one is pretty much down to your take on it all. This really is top notch and i wish more people would leave feedback on it to be honest because you deserve it.
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[QUOTE=WeeMan;624914]Wow man, Heavy Risque? How's that working for Ya? I mean, don't You have problems with TV stations or PPV carriers? Great diary by the way, but everyone already knows that :) I'm desperately looking for a good product for my promotion - I have like 25 guys with A* popularity everywhere, but they don't produce A* or A matches, even though my fed is based much more on popularity than performance, and what's funny, often ring skills of my A* stars are also very good... So it was weird but also great to see that You were able to pull of A and A* matches since the very first show.[/QUOTE] Certain networks maybe, but it's not really been a problem yet. But yeah, hopefully it helps you with your game. And thank you for that comment! [QUOTE=keefmoon;625022]Hey buddy, I've got an exam in a minute so can't leave any longer feedback, but wanted to say I haven't been on here consitently for a while and even recently been short of time, but I have caught up with what I had missed over the last few days and this is still a fantastic diary. The characterisations are awesome and you give us a reason to care about your roster, which takes some doing on what is purely text based. So kudos, and KUTGW. This is so good it makes me want to do a real world game, and even a diary. Which may happen, in fact. But my interest in doing one is pretty much down to your take on it all. This really is top notch and i wish more people would leave feedback on it to be honest because you deserve it.[/QUOTE] Keefmoon! I know how you feel mate, I've got exams just around the corner. Thanks so much for the kind words. And you know I'd read any RW diary you produce, I'm sure it was rock my socks!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Highlights of last week flash across the screen, paying particular attention to the World Heavyweight Championship match between CM Punk and Christian, where the champion Punk got the win, seeing off the challenge of Christian... for now anyway. The opening video plays out, and we then go to the arena and commentators [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Welcome everybody to the show that’s changing Friday nights... welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, as always alongside me is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, last week we saw CM Punk defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Christian, but who will emerge to challenge CM Punk at the Royal Rumble? [B]Coach:[/B] Well there’s been a lot of names thrown about lately, a lot of people have been stepping up, saying they want to challenge CM Punk. I’ve heard Edge, JBL, Lashley, Big Show, all of them saying they want to be the man to face Punk at the Rumble. Tonight, we’ll find out just who’s gonna take the next step. [B]Cole:[/B] Well it certainly won’t be Edge. He lost his last shot at the title two weeks ago. [B]Coach:[/B] Will you stop saying that? If you don’t mention it for a while people will forget about it. [B]Cole:[/B] I don’t think there’s a chance of that happening... [I]The sound of the longhorn rings out, followed by the huge white limo. Out steps [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B], [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B], and the confidently make their way into the ring where JBL grabs a microphone...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] I’ve been hearing a lot of people running their mouths lately... and if you ask me, it’s time for people to pony up. For weeks now, I have been pushing the credentials of my associate here, Bobby Lashley. Since agreeing to see things my way, and agreeing to work for me, Lashley has become the most dominant force on the Smackdown roster. I’m sick and tired of all these people who claim they’re the top dog around here. Under my guidance, Bobby Lashley is going to the top, and there ain’t a damn thing anybody can do about it! So right here, right now, I am demanding that Ric Flair comes out here and announces Bobby Lashley as the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble. There is nobody back there who can... [I]WOOOO JBL is stopped in his tracks as the Smackdown general manager, [B]’Nature Boy’ Ric Flair[/B] steps out, strutting his way down the ramp and into the ring...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Well it’s about damn time you showed up Flair. Now, announce Bobby Lashley as... [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! Did somebody say, we were in... woooo... Omaha, NE tonight?! Woooo! [B]JBL:[/B] Alright Flair, you got your cheap pop, now let’s get down to business. We both know that Bobby Lashley, under my tutelage, is a star in the making. He is on his way to the top here on Smackdown, and it’s only a matter of time until he becomes the World Heavyweight Champion. Now Ric, I want you to name Bobby Lashley the number one contender for the Royal Rumble... and I want you to do it, right now. [B]Flair:[/B] You listen to me JBL... I don’t give a damn what you want! I’ve said since day one that I’ve been the Smackdown general manager, that anybody who wants a title shot is gonna have to earn it. Lashley wants to face Punk at the Rumble? He’ll have to earn it just like anybody else. [B]JBL:[/B] Alright Flair... have it your way. Lashley will earn his shot. What do you have in mind? Because honestly, it doesn’t matter. Nothing can stop us going to the Rumble and getting that title belt. [B]Flair:[/B] Oh really? Well... I tell you what JBL. Here’s what’s gonna happen. Tonight, Lashley will compete to become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight, Lashley will go one on one... with the world’s largest athlete, the Big Show! If Lashley wins, he goes to the Rumble to face CM Punk. But if Big Show wins... he gets the shot at Punk, and Lashley takes Big Show’s spot in the Rumble. And you two better be ready to go... because that match is happening right now! [I]WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] What? [B]Coach:[/B] No! He can’t do this! [B]Cole:[/B] Well... he’s the general manager, so I guess he can. [B]Coach:[/B] No, he... he... dammit, he can’t just make a match like that out of nowhere. He’s gotta give Lashley time to prepare, he’s gotta... [B]Cole:[/B] Lashley doesn’t have any time. We’re kicking things off with the number one contendership on the line... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Big Show v Bobby Lashley[/B] Caught off guard by the suddenness of the match, Lashley spends the early moments of the match ducking Show’s offense... until Show catches him by the throat and tosses him across the ring! Lashley quickly rolls to the outside to regroup with JBL, before slowly making his way back into the ring. Lashley tries to tie-up, but Show just rocks him with a headbutt, before bouncing Lashley’s head off the turnbuckle and then unloading with slaps to the chest. Show then slams Lashley to the mat and drops the elbow, scoring a near fall, causing Lashley to again roll to the outside. This time though, Show follows him out, and with JBL rushing for cover, Lashley grabs Maryse... and puts her between himself and Show! Big Show grabs Maryse and safely moves her out the road, but Lashley takes advantage, hitting a chop-block that drops Show. Back in the ring, Lashley targets the knee, keeping Show grounded by stomping away on it. Show manages to struggle back to his knees, but a stiff kick to the skull sends him down, slumping against the bottom turnbuckle. Lashley now jumps to the outside, grabs Show’s leg... and slams his knee against the ringpost! Lashley is now in control, and he continues to assault the knee, wearing it down by driving his elbow and knee into it and then locking on a single-leg Boston crab. Lashley wrenches back, and Show cries out in pain, with JBL loving every moment. Big Show tries to reach the ropes, but he can’t make it, so he manages to use his strength to drag both himself and Lashley slowly towards the ropes... and eventually he makes it! The referee calls for the break, but Lashley stays on the attack, continuing to focus on the knee. Show is barely able to make it back to his feet, and Lashley aims kicks before trying to send Show off the ropes... reversal... and he runs into a sidewalk slam! 1... 2... Lashley gets a shoulder up. Big Show tries to take control, but the damage to his knee slows him, and Lashley is able to hit right hands... but Show nails him with a headbutt... and another... and a third! Lashley staggers, and Show sends him off the ropes... clothesline sends him down. Show picks Lashley up... and takes him up for a huge vertical suplex! Show now comes off the ropes... big time legdrop! 1... 2... again Lashley barely gets a shoulder up. Big Show now gets to his feet, and he calls out for the chokeslam... but JBL gets up on the apron... only for Show to send him sprawling to the floor. The distraction allows Lashley to get back up, and he charges Show... spear... no! Show moves, seeing Lashley crash into the corner, and as he staggers out, Big Show is waiting... he grabs him by the throat... and takes him up... chokeslam... no! JBL, out of desperation grabs Show’s foot, and Show drops Lashley... and swings at JBL, but JBL moves, and when Show finally turns... spear! Lashley connects with a spear, and he goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3. Lashley gets a huge assist from JBL, and he’s going to the Rumble to face CM Punk. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Big Show (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, the Cruiserweight Champion [B]Paul London[/B] is kicking back, watching the show, when he is joined by the man he last eliminated from the Cruiserweight battle royal last week, [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B]...[/I] [B]London:[/B] Chavo? [B]Chavo:[/B] Hey champ, how are ya? [B]London:[/B] I’m good, I’m good. [B]Chavo:[/B] Hey, listen, I just wanted to say great job on winning the battle royal last week and getting a spot in the Rumble. [B]London:[/B] Thanks man, and hey, great job by you making it to the end with me. [B]Chavo:[/B] Yeah... about that. You know, I figured, since I did take you all the way in that battle royal... and since you won that Cruiserweight Title, you haven’t really defended it yet... how about next week you put that title on the line against me? [B]London:[/B] You and me, next week for the Cruiserweight Title? [B]Chavo:[/B] That’s right... [B]London:[/B] I’m not one to back away from a challenge... you got it man. [B]Chavo:[/B] Alright. I’ll uh... I’ll see you next week champ. [B]London:[/B] Yeah... see ya... [I]Chavo leaves the room with a smirk on his face, and despite the two being fan favourites, you can almost sense something is up between London and Chavo...[/I] ----------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] Royal Rumble Qualifying Match [B]Gregory Helms v Matt Sydal[/B] Another spot in the Rumble is up for grabs as Sydal and Helms square off. Straight from the tie-up, Helms shows his aggressive side, kneeing Sydal in the gut and clubbing across the neck with a forearm, before sending Sydal off the ropes... but a tilt-a-whirl headscissors sends Helms down, but he’s quickly back up and charging at Sydal... leapfrog... spinning heel kick connects! 1... 2... Helms kicks out. Sydal quickly goes to work on Helms’ arm, locking on an arm wrench and applying pressure... only for Helms to drop-toe-hold Sydal face first into the middle turnbuckle. Helms now stomps away, before nailing Sydal with a short-arm clothesline for a near fall. Helms now begins to focus in on Sydal’s neck, aiming forearms at it and dropping Sydal with a neckbreaker for another 2 count. A Russian legsweep increases the pressure, and now Helms locks on a chinlock, wrenching back, causing Sydal to cry out. Eventually, the crowd rises, and Sydal is able to struggle back to his feet... elbow to the gut... and another... and a kick to the gut breaks the hold, backing Helms away, and Sydal charges... flying clothesline. Helms staggers to his feet... right into a headscissors. Helms struggles back to his feet... only for Sydal to nail him with a roundhouse kick... 1... 2... Helms kicks out. Sydal is starting to build momentum, and he climbs to the top rope... double knee-drop plants Helms, and now Sydal goes back to the top rope... but as eh steadies himself, Helms shoves the referee into the ropes, leaving Sydal perched on the top turnbuckle. Helms now climbs tot eh second rope, looking for a suplex from the top... but Sydal hammers away with fists to the gut, with Helms landing on the mat with feet... allowing Sydal to nail a spinning hurricanrana from the top! One more time, Sydal climbs to the top rope, steadies himself... and nails the shooting star press! 1... 2... 3! Matt Sydal is going to the Royal Rumble! [B]Matt Sydal beat Gregory Helms to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, earlier tonight we saw Bobby Lashley beat the Big Show to become the number one contender for your World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble. Punk, how are you feeling now that we know your opponent for the Rumble? [B]Punk:[/B] How am I feeling? Well, I’m happy that now I know who I’m going to face. Lashley... he’s a tough guy, and as we saw earlier, he’s got JBL backing him. But come the Royal Rumble, none of that’s going to matter. You see, I know JBL is the brains in their little partnership. And lately, I’ve had the better of JBL on several occasions. And at the Royal Rumble... it’s going to continue. I will beat Bobby Lashley, and I will be the World Heavyweight Champion. And maybe finally JBL will learn that for all his money and all his business sense... he still can’t get his hands on my title. ------------------ [I]In his office, [B]Ric Flair[/B] is watching the show on TV with an annoyed look on his face, until he is interrupted by [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Thought you could pull a fast one on us earlier huh Flair? Thought you could throw a little surprise at us there huh? You thought springing that number one contenders match on us like that would see the Big Show in didn’t you? [B]Flair:[/B] Listen JBL... Big Show had your boy Lashley beat until you stuck your nose in it. [B]JBL:[/B] None of that matters Flair. What matters is that Lashley is going to the Rumble, and he will become the new World Heavyweight Champion. [B]Flair:[/B] I wouldn’t be so sure JBL. [B]JBL:[/B] Oh you better believe it Flair. I’ll see you later... [B]Flair:[/B] Hey! JBL... just before you leave, I got a little something I gotta tell you. [B]JBL:[/B] And what might that be? [B]Flair:[/B] Since you were so involved earlier tonight... how about you get involved in a match tonight. [B]JBL:[/B] What? [B]Flair:[/B] You teaming with Edge to take on CM Punk and Christian tonight! And Lashley, if I see your ass anywhere near that match tonight... I’ll take away your title shot at the Rumble! [B]JBL:[/B] What?! [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! Now both of you get out of here! ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JakeHager.jpg[/IMG] [B]Andy Douglas v Jake Hager[/B] After suffering his first defeat in the WWE to Ted DiBiase in a Royal Rumble qualifier last week, Hager looks to get back on track this week, as he takes on Andy Douglas, who has his partner [B]Chase Stevens[/B] in his corner. Stevens tries to be a distraction early on, but Hager is having none of it, as he catches Douglas with a fireman’s carry, following with a waistlock takedown into a headlock. Douglas fights back to his feet and sends Hager off the ropes, but Hager bowls Douglas over with a shoulderblock. Douglas looks to quicken the pace by running the ropes, but Hager continues to put him down, using hiptosses and back-body drops. Douglas staggers to his feet, only for Hager to take him back down again with a belly-to-back suplex. Hager starts to land big right hands and uppercuts, but when he sends Douglas to the corner and charges in, Douglas avoids him, and when Hager staggers out of the corner, Douglas plants him with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Douglas then shows an aggressive streak, stomping down on Hager, driving his knee into his head before mounting the rookie and hammering down with hard right hands. Douglas then looks to send Hager to the corner, but the youngster reverses... and runs into a boot, allowing Douglas to go to the second rope... diving neckbreaker. 1... 2... Hager gets the shoulder up, but Douglas stays on him, returning to the neck with a headscissors. Hager struggles to make it to his feet, but he does manage to reach out and grab the ropes, with the ref calling for the break. Both men are back up, and Douglas looks to stay on the attack... but Hager catches him... belly-to-belly overhead! Douglas goes flying, and Hager stays on the attack, knocking him back down with a clothesline and sending him off the ropes... back-body-drop! Douglas is reeling, and here comes Hager... he scoops him up... gutwrench powerbomb! 1... 2... 3! Jake Hager returns to winning ways here on Smackdown! [B]Jake Hager beat Andy Douglas (C-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I][B]Shannon Moore[/B] and [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] are seated backstage, discussing their recent losing streak...[/I] [B]Shannon:[/B] It’ll happen eventually. We’ll get a win one of these days. [B]Jimmy:[/B] One of these days? I’m tired of waiting Shannon. I want to start winning now. [B] Shannon:[/B] Yeah me too, but we just gotta keep working at it. [B]Jimmy:[/B] But we’ve been trying for... [I][B]Jamie Noble[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B] walk over, Helms still smarting from his defeat earlier in the evening, but still smug over the recent success they’ve had over Shannon and Jimmy...[/I] [B]Noble:[/B] Hey look Gregory... it’s those two losers we tossed out of that battle royal last week! [B]Helms:[/B] You know what Jamie? We shouldn’t make fun of these guys anymore. It’s just getting boring ripping on them all the time. [B]Shannon:[/B] Hey Gregory, how’s it feel to lost another chance at getting a Rumble spot? [B]Helms:[/B] Whatever Shannon... [B]Jimmy:[/B] Listen, I’ve had enough of this! Let’s say we settle this once and for all. You two and us, one last time next week? [B]Noble:[/B] You want us to beat you boys one more time? I ain’t got a problem with that. What about you Helms? [B]Helms:[/B] I’m cool with that. [B]Jimmy:[/B] Good. We’ll see you next week... and we will beat you guys. [B]Noble:[/B] Yeah, in your dreams... ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ValVenis.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Val Venis v Santino Marella[/B] After the humiliation he suffered last week, Santino enters this match more concerned with revenge than gaining a spot in the Rumble. Val, with [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] by his side, is determined to once again get the better of Santino, and it looks like he will, as straight from the bell he drives Santino the corner, but before he can attack, Santino sticks his head through the ropes, causing the ref to make Val back off. Again the two tie-up, this time with Val scooping Santino up and slamming him to the mat, before dropping an elbow for a near fall. Val then puts on a standing headlock, but Santino is able to walk Val into the corner... where Santino drives his shoulder into the gut, before right hands and going for an Irish whip... reversal... Val charges in... but Santino gets the boot up, and he snapmares Val out the corner and delivers a stiff kick to the spine. Boots, elbows and fists now drop down on Val’s back, until Santino locks on a chinlock, continuing to drive his knee into the back. Eventually Val fights back to his feet, aiming elbows to the gut and sending Santino off the ropes... right into a spinebuster! 1... 2... Santino gets a shoulder up. Val stays on the attack, nailing forearms and sending Santino the corner... Val follows in with a clothesline... and as Santino staggers out, Val nails him with a belly-to-belly suplex! 1... 2... Santino gets a shoulder up. Val now slams Val to the mat and climbs to the top rope, looking for... the money shot! Val connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... Santino gets a foot on the rope! Val gets back to his feet to confront the ref, and in the confusion, Val goes for a roll-up... 1... 2... he grabs the ropes for leverage... 3! Santino steals the win, and in the process, he steals a spot in the Royal Rumble. [B] Santino Marella beat Val Venis to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]We now cut to Ric Flair’s office, but the general manager is nowhere to be seen. Instead, we see [B]Christian[/B] stood in an empty room... until the door swings open and [B]Edge[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] walk in, and the two engage in a tense staredown...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] What the hell are you doing here Christian? [B]Christian:[/B] What am I doing here? Ric Flair told me to meet him here. What are you doing here? [B]Edge:[/B] I got the same message from Flair. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh yeah? I’m surprised you’ve not got Hawkins and Ryder with you. Maybe give you another chance to jump me like last time I saw them. [B]Edge:[/B] They’re getting ready for a match next. So... what are we supposed to do, just sit around and wait for Flair to show up? [B]Christian:[/B] Nobody’s forcing you to be here. You want to leave, go ahead. [B]Edge:[/B] Oh yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you? [B]Christian:[/B] I don’t give a damn what you do... [I][B]Ric Flair[/B] finally enters the room...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Good, you’re both here. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah, what’s this all about Flair? Why are we here? [B]Flair:[/B] Why are you here? I’ll tell you why. I’m sick and tired of the two of you getting involved in each other’s matches, beating each other up backstage, and the crap I gotta put up with from you two each week. You hate each other? Fine. But you’re gonna settle this thing between you, and you’re going to settle it at the Royal Rumble. [B]Edge:[/B] Wait, what are you saying here Ric? [B]Flair:[/B] I’m saying that at the Royal Rumble it’s going to be Edge and Christian one on one! [B]Christian:[/B] I’m fine with that. [B]Edge:[/B] No! No, no... I want to be in the Royal Rumble match. I don’t want to face Christian. The Royal Rumble might be my last chance at ever getting a title shot. [B]Flair:[/B] Listen, I am giving both of you spots in the Rumble too. You’ll face each other earlier in the night, and then you can both try win the Rumble. [B]Christian:[/B] You know what? That’s the best news I’ve heard since I came back to the WWE. [B]Edge:[/B] Wait, I need to be at 100% going into the Rumble. I can’t be wasting my energy beating Christian before throwing 29 other guys over the top rope. [B]Flair:[/B] Well... if you’re as good as you say you are Edge... you won’t have any problems. [B]Christian:[/B] Hey, Edge... don’t worry about it men. You haven’t got a hope in hell of winning at the Royal Rumble. I’m going to beat you... and then I’m going to grab myself a Wrestlemania main event. You can count on it... ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ZackRyder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Royal Rumble Qualifying Match Matt Hardy v Zack Ryder[/B] One more Rumble spot is on the line, as the United States Champion Matt Hardy takes on Zack Ryder, who of course has [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] with him for company. As the two tie-up, Matt quickly gains the advantage, locking on a headlock, but Ryder is able to fight out of it by sending Matt off the ropes... only for Hardy to run through him with a shoulderblock. Hardy now looks to target the arm, wrenching on it, aiming punches to the elbow, but again Ryder is able to break free by sending Hardy off the ropes... reversal... Matt takes him down with a hiptoss. Ryder bangs the mat in frustration, and as the two tie-up again, it’s still Hardy in control, again going back to the arm... but this time Ryder backs him up into the corner, and when the ref calls for a break, Ryder nails a cheap elbow to the face, following with a forearm to the face and then kicks to the gut. A neckbreaker sends Hardy down, and Ryder follows with a kneedrop from the second rope, gaining a near fall. Back to their feet, Ryder piles on the pressure by slamming Hardy to the mat and dropping the leg, and as Hardy uses the ropes to pull himself up, Ryder distracts the ref... allowing Hawkins to nail a cheap shot from the outside, which helps Ryder score another 2 count. Ryder is in control now, but he can’t put Hardy away, only managing 2 counts from a Russian legsweep and a DDT. After another near fall, Ryder crouches in the corner, waiting for Hardy to get up... he goes for a spear... but Hardy leapfrogs, seeing Ryder crash into the ringpost, and Hardy goes for the rollup... 1... 2... Ryder kicks out. Both men are quickly back up... side effect! Hardy plants Ryder, and he climbs to the second rope... legdrop connects! 1... 2... again Ryder kicks out. Hardy begins building momentum, and after some right hands, he sends Ryder off the ropes... kick to the gut... twist of fate! Matt plants Ryder... but Hawkins is up on the apron! The referee is distracted, and Hardy gets up to confront Hawkins... and here comes Ryder... spear... to Hawkins! Hard moves, and Ryder sends his partner flying, and when he turns around, Hardy is waiting... a second twist of fate! 1... 2... 3! Matt Hardy seals his spot in the Royal Rumble! [B] Matt Hardy beat Zack Ryder to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I][B]Matt Sydal[/B] is walking down the corridors in street clothes, his work for the night done and his Royal Rumble spot booked. He accepts a few congratulations from some backstage workers, but he stops as he runs into his friend [B]Rey Mysterio[/B]...[/I] [B]Mysterio:[/B] Hey man, congratulations. [B]Sydal:[/B] Thanks man. I can’t believe it, I’m in the Rumble! [B]Mysterio:[/B] I know man, and hey, you never know, you could go on and win it man. [B]Sydal:[/B] Yeah but I’d have to get past you first... [I][B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] walks past, talking away on his cell-phone, no doubt negotiating another multi-million dollar sponsorship deal, until he sees Rey and Sydal and stops his conversation...[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] So you did huh? You actually got a spot in the Royal Rumble? [B]Sydal:[/B] Yeah I did... [B]MVP:[/B] Man... what a waste. I mean, look at you. You haven’t got a hope in hell of winning the Rumble. I mean, are you even tall enough to throw somebody over the top rope? [B]Sydal:[/B] You know what MVP? How about I personally get rid of you in the Rumble? [B]MVP:[/B] Pfft, please. You couldn’t eliminate me... and as for you Mysterio, you may have won a Rumble in the past, but I wasn’t in that Rumble. This year... this is my year. I will win the Royal Rumble, I guarantee it. [B]Mysterio:[/B] Really? You guarantee it? [B]MVP:[/B] That’s right I guarantee it! [B]Mysterio:[/B] You shouldn’t write cheques you can’t cover MVP. [B]MVP:[/B] Oh don’t you worry about me. This is my year to shine Mysterio! [B]Mysterio:[/B] Yeah? Well how about next week you step into the ring with me and we’ll find out? [B]MVP:[/B] Alright... you’re on. I’ll see you next week Mysterio. As for you Sydal... you better watch your mouth little man... or I’ll see to it you don’t even make it to the Rumble. ------------------ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk and Christian v John Bradshaw Layfield and Edge[/B] Tonight’s main event sees Punk and Christian team to face JBL and Edge, with all four men wanting to win to prove a point tonight. Although Lashley is banned from ringside, [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] are both in attendance. Punk and JBL kick things off, and from the first tie-up, JBL shows his power, backing Punk into the corner and hitting knees to the gut and stiff forearms to the head before locking on a headlock... but Punk sends JBL off the ropes... only for JBL to bowl him over with a shoulderblock. Now JBL runs the ropes, but Punk catches him with an armdrag... and another forces JBL to Punk’s corner, where he follows in with a knee to the skull and tags in Christian. Christian enters the ring swinging with rights and lefts, but JBL manages to hit a knee to the gut, and he’s able to tag in Edge... who runs right into a hiptoss! Edge is quickly back up... but he walks into a fireman carry gutbuster, grabbing Christian a near fall. Christian then looks to send Edge off the ropes, but when Edge reverses, JBL drives his knee into Christian’s back... allowing Edge to take advantage with a clothesline. Edge pounces, hitting a flurry of right hands with Christian still on the floor before going for a chinlock. Christian fights back to his feet, and he sends Edge off the ropes... but Christian ducks his head, allowing Edge to kick him in the chest and then nail him with an inverted DDT for a near fall. JBL now gets the tag, and he rocks Christian with a short-arm clothesline before dropping a series of elbows and going for the cover... 1... 2... Punk makes the save. Edge and JBL now show good teamwork, making frequent tags to focus in on Christian, continually wearing him down. JBL is in the ring, but it looks like Christian is mounting a comeback, as he tees off with right hands and comes off the ropes... crossbody... no! JBL catches him... fallaway slam! 1... 2... Christian gets the shoulder up! JBL can’t believe it, but he returns to clubbing Christian’s back, before sending him to the corner and charging in... but Christian avoids the contact... and he nails a tornado DDT! Both men are down and crawling towards their corners... Edge gets the tag... and so does CM Punk! Punk jumps to the top rope... flying clothesline! JBL is back up... but an enzuigiri drops him to the mat. Edge charges Punk from behind, but Punk ducks, and he nails kicks that drive Edge to the corner and then charges in... knee to the face... bulldog! 1... 2... JBL makes the save, but here comes Christian... clothesline takes JBL and himself over the top rope. Punk and Edge now go at it, with Punk nailing more kicks and sending Edge off the ropes... and he has him on his shoulders... but before he can hit the GTS, Edge grabs the top rope and pulls himself down, pushing Punk off the ropes... spear! Edge nails the spear... but here comes Christian, nailing right hands to Edge... and then going for the unprettier... but Edge pushes out of it, and Christian runs right into... the clothesline from hell! JBL nails Christian, but it’s Edge who slumps on him for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B] John Bradshaw Layfield and Edge beat CM Punk and Christian (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] JBL and Edge, somehow get the win here. [B]Coach:[/B] And is this what we could see at the Royal Rumble? Will Lashley and JBL be celebrating a new World Heavyweight Champion, and will Edge overcome Christian? [B]Cole:[/B] The Rumble is just over one week away, and we hope you join us next week for the last stop on the road to the Rumble. Goodnight! ------------------ [SIZE="1"]Bobby Lashley beat Big Show (B) Matt Sydal beat Gregory Helms to qualify for the Royal Rumble (C+) Jake Hager beat Andy Douglas (C-) Santino Marella beat Val Venis to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-) Matt Hardy beat Zack Ryder to qualify for the Royal Rumble (B-) John Bradshaw Layfield and Edge beat CM Punk and Christian (B+)[/SIZE] [B] Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A highlights package from last week plays out, paying attention to last weeks main event, where John Cena looked to have a victory over Sheamus O’Shaunessy in hand, only for Triple H to interfere... only for Jeff Hardy to return and make the save. The usually Raw opening video plays out, and we go to the arena for the pyro display until the camera pans to the announce desk and hall of famers [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] The Royal Rumble is just six days away, and tonight, live from Chicago, IL, it's the last stop on the road to the Rumble for all of us here on Monday Night Raw! Hello everyone, I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside me as always is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, what are we going to see tonight with the Royal Rumble so close? [B]King:[/B] Well I’m sure we’ll see plenty of guys trying to establish themselves ahead of this Sunday, everybody will want to show that they’re the favourite going into the Rumble. [B]JR:[/B] Remember folks, we’ve known for weeks now, that Jeff Hardy will enter the Rumble as entrant number one. Can Jeff go the distance? Will Jeff Hardy see off 29 other men and book himself that spot in the main event of Wrestlemania? [B]King:[/B] It’s going to be a huge task for Jeff, but we’ve seen it happen in the past, and Jeff could do it again... [I]The arena erupts as ‘The Time Is Now’ plays out, and [B]John Cena[/B] steps out onto the ramp and makes his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]King:[/B] But here comes the man who will face Triple H this Sunday for the WWE Championship. Here comes John Cena! [B]JR:[/B] Can Cena do it this Sunday? Can he take on the Game and become the new WWE Champion? [B]King:[/B] Well, whenever you’re stepping into the ring to take on Revolution, it’s always going to be a huge task, but John Cena could be the man to do it... [B]Cena:[/B] This Sunday... this Sunday is a huge night in my career. Let me take you all back... October 1st, 2007. The night I was attacked by Randy Orton... the night I got hurt... the night I had to forfeit the WWE Championship. A lot went down since then. I had surgery, I had months of rehab. I had to sit in my house this time last year, and watch Randy Orton take my title into the Royal Rumble and defend it against Jeff Hardy. Then I had to sit back and watch Randy Orton defend my title against Ric Flair in his last ever match. Then I watched Triple H and Shane McMahon take over this show, and run however the hell they want. And during all of this, during all my rehab, I had one goal in mind, one thing that drove me on to recovery... the WWE Championship. I had something to settle with Randy Orton first, and now that we’ve taken care of that... I got my sights set fully on that championship. Triple H... that means I got my sights set on you. This Sunday... I complete my comeback. I complete my return, I get myself back in the game, I kick your ass and become the new WWE Champion! Triple H, me and you have danced this dance before. We’ve been in wars together, we’ve headlined Wrestlemania... and each time we’ve faced each other, I’ve came out on top, and that’s what going to happen this Sunday. This Sunday, I... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Well it looks like we’re being joined by our general manager [B]Shane McMahon[/B]. [B]King:[/B] This can’t be good news for John Cena. I’m sure Shane has something in mind to try sabotage John Cena’s chances this Sunday... [B]Shane:[/B] Nice speech John. Very heartfelt, pulled on the old heartstrings. This Sunday... you win the WWE Championship... it would be like a happy ending to your comeback story wouldn’t it John? But John... your happy ending is not going to happen. You want to live the dream don’t you John? You have to forfeit the title due to injury... you work hard, make it back, fight for the chance to win the title... and then I guess in your happy ending, you win the title at the Royal Rumble... just in time to defend it at Wrestlemania. Well John... that’s not how I see it going. And since my Dad owns this company, and since I run this show... how I see it going is the way it’s going to happen. I see me and my family... myself, my Dad and Triple H... I see us dominating here on Raw. I see Triple H beating you this Sunday... and walking in and out of Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion. And at Wrestlemania... I don’t see you or Jeff Hardy anywhere near the WWE Championship. And to make sure of that... both of you will be in matches tonight. Jeff Hardy... as well as being the number one entrant in the Royal Rumble... will take part in a street fight tonight against Sheamus O’Shaunessy! [B]JR:[/B] Oh c’mon now. You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]King:[/B] A street fight just days before the Royal Rumble? [B]JR:[/B] How in the hell is Jeff Hardy supposed to take on Sheamus in a street fight and then go the distance in the Royal Rumble? [B]Shane:[/B] And John... for your match tonight... I have a certain mystery opponent in mind for you. Who you’re going to face... you’ll find out later tonight. But I promise you John... tonight, just like this Sunday... Revolution will come out on top. [B]JR:[/B] Once again, Shane McMahon has stacked the desk against John Cena and Jeff Hardy. [B]King:[/B] Is Jeff Hardy even going to make it to the Royal Rumble? And who is John Cena going to face tonight? [B]JR:[/B] We’ll just have to wait and see, but I don’t have a good feeling about it. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Finlay v Carlito[/B] Two of Raw’s Rumble participants, Finlay and Carlito meet in the ring, looking to build some momentum before the big night. [B]Hornswoggle[/B], [B]Primo[/B] and [B]Apolo[/B] are all at ringside, and they see Carlito gain the early advantage, driving Finlay to the corner... but Finlay fights his way back out, and the two break the tie-up. Out of the corner of his eye, Finlay sees Primo making moves towards his shillelagh... so Finlay slides under the ropes and confronts Primo... and Carlito takes advantage, hitting a baseball slide dropkick that sends Finlay crashing into the announce desk. On the floor, Carlito stomps away, before rolling Finlay back in for a near fall. Carlito then sends Finlay off the ropes, but he ducks his head, and Finlay hits a kick then nails a clothesline, before driving the knee into the head and getting a 2 count. Back on their feet, Finlay sends Carlito to the corner, but when he charges in, Carlito gets a boot up, and he drops Finlay with a clothesline and again applies the boots. Carlito locks on a chinlock, but Finlay fights to his feet, driving Carlito to the corner and driving his shoulder into the gut, before sending Carlito off the ropes... clothesline sends him down... and another... and now a slam keeps Carlito down. Finlay comes off the ropes... seated senton! 1... 2... Carlito kicks out. Finlay stays on the attack, hitting a legdrop and then sending Carlito the corner... but Carlit avoids the offense, and Finlay goes shoulder first into the ringpost, and Carlito goes for a roll-up... 1... 2... Finlay kicks out. Carlito is back in control, and he targets the arm, aiming kicks and dropping Finlay with a shoulderbreaker. Carlito then climbs to the top rope, but he takes too long, and Finlay catches him with a right hand, dropping Carlito to the top turnbuckle before scooping Carlito onto his shoulders... Celtic cross... no! Carlito pulls himself down... backstabber! 1... 2... 3. Carlito pins Finlay and goes into the Rumble full of momentum. [B]Carlito beat Finlay (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time... they are the World Tag Team Champions... [B]Chris Jericho[/B] and [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]! And guys, tonight, you take on Kenny Dykstra, Harry Smith and TJ Wilson in a 3 on 2 handicap match. If Kenny and the Bulldogs win, then next week live on Raw, the Bulldogs will get a shot at your tag team titles. Now, recently there has been speculation of some possible tension between the two of you, especially on the back of your match for the Intercontinental Championship last week Chris. Guys, can you two stick together and see of the challenge of Revolution? [B]Kennedy:[/B] Grisham, let’s get one thing straight right now. Jericho and me... there is no tension. We are the World Tag Team Champions and quite frankly we’re sick and tired of these three idiots sticking their noses in our business. I don’t care if it’s 3 on 2, or however many people they want to bring to the ring... we’re keeping these titles and we’re together for the long haul. [B]Jericho:[/B] Me and Kennedy, we had a few words last week, and we’ve agreed we both need to focus on the task at hand, and that’s defending these tag team titles. No more chasing the Intercontinental Title... for now anyway. Shane McMahon is determined to take these titles away from us... but it’s not going to happen. I heard Shane earlier say he wants to see Triple H walk in and out of Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion... well we’ve got the same idea about these tag titles... and we’re going to show it tonight. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton and Batista v Shawn Michaels and Cody Rhodes[/B] After Orton and Batista got the better of last week’s exchange between the four, Michaels and Rhodes go looking for revenge tonight. Michaels and Orton kick things off, and it’s Orton who gains control, hitting a knee to the gut, right hands to the face and then bouncing Michaels head first off the turnbuckle... only for Michaels to toss Orton into the corner, and begin unloading with chops to the chest and sending Orton across... he bounces out the corner... right into a back-body-drop! Cody gets the tag, and he rocks Orton with kicks before sending him to the corner... reversal... Orton charges in... right into a boot, and Cody jumps to the second rope... dropkick connects! 1... 2... Orton kicks out. Cody tries for a Russian legsweep, but Orton aims a stiff elbow to the head, and he drops Cody with a clothesline before tagging in Batista. The Animal tosses Cody to the corner and unloads with kicks and right hands, before dropping Cody with a backbreaker and then sending him off the ropes... huge spinebuster! Orton gets the tag, and he hits a series of stomps before nailing Cody with the rope-hung DDT for a near fall. Now Orton and Batista make quick tags, punishing Cody and focusing on his back, with Batista doing most of the damage, sending Cody to the corner with hard Irish whips, driving his shoulder into the gut and hitting plenty of powerslams and backbreakers. Orton is in the ring with a headlock locked in, but Cody fights his way to the corner... only for Orton to hit knees to the gut and send Cody across... here comes Orton... but Cody avoids him... and plants him with a bulldog! Cody now dives for the corner... and makes the tag! Michaels comes in and unloads on Orton with chops, before sending him off the ropes... reversal... flying forearm! Michaels connects... then kips up, knocking Batista down with a right hand and turning back to Orton, hitting an atomic drop and then knocking Orton down with a clothesline. Michaels now climbs to the top rope... but he misses with the elbowdrop! Cody takes the fight to Orton, but now Batista is back in the ring... and he rocks Cody with another spinebuster! Bodies are strewn around the Animal, and he grabs Cody and hoists him up... Batista-bomb! Batista goes for the cover, and with Orton and Michaels brawling on the floor, there’s no one left to save Cody... 1... 2... 3. [B]Randy Orton and Batista beat Shawn Michaels and Cody Rhodes (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] are chilling in the Revolution dressing room, when [B]Shane McMahon[/B] and [B]Triple H[/B] walk into the room...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] You guys ready for tonight? [B]Kenny:[/B] Yeah we’re ready... [B]Triple H:[/B] Listen... we all know what we’ve got to do tonight. Nothing fails, nobody screws up, and then this Sunday is gonna be a piece of cake. [B]Harry:[/B] We understand. [B]TJ:[/B] We’ll take care of it guys. [B]Shane:[/B] No mistakes tonight guys... no mistakes. Alright? [B]Kenny:[/B] No mistakes... [B]Triple H:[/B] Alright, you three get out of here. Me and Shane have got something to discuss. [B]Kenny:[/B] Oh, what we can’t be part of this? [B]Harry:[/B] Kenny, Kenny... not tonight. Let’s just go. [B]Triple H:[/B] I suggest you listen to him Dykstra... [I]Kenny, Harry and TJ exit the room, although it’s clear Kenny is not happy about it...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Alright listen, you know what’s happening with Cena tonight yeah? [B]Triple H:[/B] Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it him. But you sure about this guy you’ve got him facing? [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah, yeah, he’s a great guy. He’ll handle it, trust me. [B]Triple H:[/B] Well if he doesn’t... I will. ------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Victoria.jpg[/IMG] [B]Beth Phoenix v Victoria[/B] After meeting in tag team action last week, Women’s Champion Phoenix and Victoria meet this week in singles action. The two square up as the bell rings, leading to Victoria giving Beth a shove to the ropes... only for Beth to bounce off and rock Victoria with a forearm. More forearms follow as Beth makes a strong start, before she sends Victoria off the ropes and hits a clothesline. More clotheslines and a sidewalk slam take Victoria down again, and after Beth gets a 2 count, she looks to stay on the attack... but much like previous weeks, [B]Natalya[/B] emerges onto the ramp, smirking at the champion, no doubt even more confident after scoring a pinfall over Beth last week. Phoenix is again distracted, but she tries to focus on Victoria... but Victoria ducks her clothesline attempt and grabs a handful of hair, slamming Beth hard to the mat. Victoria stays on the attack, hitting a knee to the back and using the ropes to choke Beth, before taking the champion down with a vertical suplex and getting a 2 count. Back on their feet, Beth blocks a right hand before scoring with forearms and clotheslines, before nailing a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Victoria regains control by dodging Beth’s dropkick attempt, and she looks to wear the champion down by locking on a bridging reverse chinlock. Victoria wrenches back on Beth’s neck, and it takes Beth crawling to the ropes to break the hold. Victoria looks to stay on the attack, hitting a standing moonsault for another 2 count and setting Beth up for the widow’s peak... but Beth blocks it, hitting a series of forearms to the head and sending Victoria off the ropes... gorilla press slam! Beth again rattles of a series of forearms and then sends Victoria off the ropes... Victoria slides under her clothesline... she goes for the widow’s peak... no! Beth counters, sending Victoria crashing to the mat, and when she gets back up, the champion is ready... glam-slam! Beth plants Victoria, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Beth picks up another win, and immediately stares at Natalya, who again flashes a smirk at the champion and leaves. [B]Beth Phoenix beat Victoria (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! And Jeff, we all know that you’re going to enter the Royal Rumble this Sunday at number one... but tonight, you’re taking on Sheamus O’Shaunessy in a street fight. Jeff... how does this affect you going into the Rumble this Sunday? [B]Jeff:[/B] You know, it seems like Shane McMahon is determined to put everything infront of me to stop me winning the Rumble. But Shane’s been doing that to me for months now. When I was champion, he did everything he could to take the title away from me. Now that I’m chasing Triple H... he’s doing everything he can to slow me down. Well Shane... I don’t care anymore. I don’t care who you get to stand in my way... I’ll run through them. I don’t care if I’ve got to outlast 29 other guys to win the Rumble... I’ll do it. Shane... I will beat Sheamus tonight, and I will win the Royal Rumble this Sunday... and then I’m taking that WWE Championship away from Triple H. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho v Kenny Dykstra, Harry Smith and TJ Wilson[/B] The bad blood between these two teams has been building for months, and if Kenny and the Bulldogs get their way, it’ll carry on until a tag titles match next week. Jericho and Kennedy waste little time, charging the ring and taking the fight before the ref can even call for the bell, and a five man brawl quickly ensues, with Kennedy quickly tossing Harry and TJ out of the ring to restore order, leaving Jericho and Dykstra to battle it out. Kenny gains control quickly, hitting right hands, sending Jericho off the ropes and nailing a standing dropkick. Jericho backs off to the corner, but Kenny follows in, hitting more right hands and then sending Jericho across... here comes Kenny... but Jericho avoids him... and as Kenny staggers out the corner, Jericho nails a one-handed bulldog. Jericho then looks for a quick walls of Jericho, but Kenny is able to scramble to his corner and tag in TJ. TJ charges into the ring, but Jericho catches him with a clothesline, and he looks for a suplex... but TJ lands on his feet, and he nails Jericho with a spinning heel kick. TJ now connects with elbows and fists, before sending Jericho off the ropes... reversal... back-body-drop sends TJ flying. Harry tries a cheap shot... but he goes flying as well, and Kennedy gets the tag. Kennedy goes to work on TJ, bouncing his head off the turnbuckle and dropping him with a front Russian legsweep for a near fall. Kennedy then locks on a headlock, but TJ is able to force him to his corner, where Harry makes a tag and rocks Kennedy with a cheap shot. Hard punches and kicks follow, until Harry sends Kennedy off the ropes... but Harry ducks... DDT! Kennedy hooks the leg... 1... 2... kick out. Jericho comes back in, and he goes for an Irish whip... reversal... Kenny aims a kick into Jericho’s back... right hand sends Kenny down, but Harry is waiting... German suplex. Harry now picks a fight with Kennedy, distracting the ref, allowing Kenny and TJ to hit multiple cheap shots. Kenny and the Bulldogs now make multiple tags, wearing Jericho down, getting several near falls in the process. Harry is in the ring, but when he sends Jericho off the ropes, a double clothesline takes both men down. Now they slowly crawl towards their corners... here comes TJ... here comes Kennedy! Kennedy knocks down TJ and also gives shots to Harry and Kenny, before sending TJ off the ropes... clothesline. Here comes Jericho... bulldog! 1... 2... Harry makes the save, and once again all five men brawl, and Kennedy and Harry brawl to the outside, with Kennedy going face first into the announce desk. In the ring, Jericho and TJ go at, and TJ sends Jericho to the corner... but Jericho avoids him... and nails the codebreaker! But Kenny catches Jericho with a neckbreaker, and he quickly climbs to the top rope... sky-high legdrop! 1... 2... 3! The numbers game pays off as Kenny and the Bulldogs gets the win, meaning next week the tag titles will be on the line. [B]Kenny Dykstra, Harry Smith and TJ Wilson beat Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [B]JR:[/B] Welcome back to Monday Night Raw folks. As you can see, [B]John Cena[/B] is making his way down to the ring. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but we still don’t know who John Cena’s opponent is going to be. I mean... how could it be JR? [B]JR:[/B] I shudder to think King. Who knows what Shane McMahon has in mind? [B]King:[/B] Well... Cena’s in the ring, he’s ready to go... who is it? [I]Everyone looks towards the entrance, awaiting Cena’s opponent. Eventually somebody walks out... [B]Dolph Ziggler[/B]?[/I] [B]King:[/B] What? [B]JR:[/B] Well that’s Dolph Ziggler, a relative newcomer here on Raw. [B]King:[/B] That’s who Shane McMahon has chosen to face John Cena tonight? [B]JR:[/B] It certainly looks like it yes. [B]King:[/B] Well... when you compare the fact that Jeff Hardy has to face Sheamus O’Shaunessy and John Cena has Dolph Ziggler... I guess Cena got the better of that one. [B]JR:[/B] Well... here we go. We’re... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]King:[/B] Wait a second... [B]JR:[/B] I knew it couldn’t be that simple. [I]As Revolution’s music rings out, it’s the WWE Champion [B]Triple H[/B] who steps out onto the ramp...[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Whoa, whoa... John. I’m sorry John, Shane completely forgot to mention this earlier. You see John... yes you are taking on Dolph Ziggler tonight... but... what Shane forgot to tell you is... that I’m going to be... the special guest referee! [B]JR:[/B] Oh you gotta be kiddin’ me! How the hell can he be an impartial referee? [B]King:[/B] I think that’s the point... I don’t think Triple H has any intention of being impartial. [B]JR:[/B] This is a damn joke right here... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DolphZiggler.jpg[/IMG] [B]John Cena v Dolph Ziggler[/B] The sight of the Game in the ring as referee obviously doesn’t please Cena, and he gets in Triple H’s face about it. Dolph on the otherhand is adamant Cena shakes his hand... but Cena ignores him, and again trash-talks with the Game... but Dolph is persistent, again offering his hand... oh! Cena begins unloading on Ziggler, driving him to the corner with right hands... and the Game is quick to call for the break and admonish Cena. Cena brushes him off and returns to Dolph, rocking him with more right hands and sending him off the ropes... sitout hiptoss! Cena plants Dolph, and he winds up... comes off the ropes... five knuckle shuffle! Cena gets back to his feet, but again Triple H gets in his face, this time admonishing him for striking with a closed fists. Cena and Triple H again trash-talk, allowing to get back to his feet and catch Cena from behind with an enzuigiri. Dolph now drops a quickfire series of elbows, before going for the cover... 1... 2... it was a quick count from Triple H, but Cena kicks out. Dolph now drives Cena to the corner with a series of rights and kicks, before climbing to the second rope and hitting a series of right hands... but Cena is able to get him on his shoulders... FU... no! Triple H, behind Cena’s back, grabs Ziggler’s foot and pulls him down, and Dolph is able to hit a dropkick to the knee. Now Dolph goes to work, targeting the knee, driving his own and dropping elbows before locking on a single-leg Boston crab. Triple H continually asks Cena if he wants to submit, with the Game loving every moment of Cena being in pain. Cena slowly drags himself towards the ropes, eventually reaching out and grabbing them... but it takes an age for Triple H to call for the break, and finally Dolph lets go. Cena is hurt, but he gets back to his feet, and Dolph sends him off the ropes... but he ducks, and Cena kicks him... then nails a fisherman’s suplex! Dolph is back up, but Cena charges... flying shoulderblock! Once again Cena lines Dolph up... but he gives the you can’t see me taunt to the Game and then comes off the ropes... five knuckle shuffle! Dolph is slowly back up, and Cena is waiting... FU! This time Cena hits the FU, and here comes Triple H for the count... 1... 2... but the Game won’t count 3! Cena looks with shock on his face as Triple H pretends like he has an arm injury, but Cena isn’t buying it, and he again gets in Triple H’s face... and it looks like the two might come to blows, but Triple H taunts Cena by pointing to the stripes, reminding him he’s a ref. While this is going on, Dolph gets back to his feet and attacks... dropkick... but Cena moves, and he nails Triple H instead, sending the Game through the ropes to the floor! Dolph can’t believe it, and he turns right into... the STFU! Cena has it locked on... and another ref races down to the ring... just in time to see Ziggler tapping out! [B] John Cena beat Dolph Ziggler (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] He did it! He did it! John Cena, despite all that Triple H threw at him, he managed to beat see off Dolph Ziggler. [B]King:[/B] And is that what we could see this Sunday/ Can John Cena overcome the odds to beat... [B]JR:[/B] Oh! For the love of God... Triple H just nailed John Cena from behind with the sledgehammer! Triple H was down, and Cena was celebrating, but the Game struck from behind. [B]King:[/B] And now look at Triple H hammering away on Cena... [B]JR:[/B] No... wait... wait... pedigree! Triple H with the pedigree! First the sledgehammer, now the pedigree! [B]King:[/B] We need some help out here for John Cena. He’s in bad shape right now. [B]JR:[/B] And has John Cena’s chance of winning the WWE Championship this Sunday just disappeared before our eyes? ------------------ [I]We immediately cut backstage to the sight of [B]Shane McMahon[/B], [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] watching the action unfold on a TV in the Revolution dressing room...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Now that... that’s how it’s done guys. God I love it! Alright... everything so far tonight is going our way, now let’s finish the night on a high. You guys know what you’ve got to do yeah? [B]Harry:[/B] We got it boss. [B]TJ:[/B] We’ll take care of it just like we did earlier. [B]Shane:[/B] Good, good. Alright... you guys go get ready, and let’s finish this. [I]Shane lets out a little laugh as Kenny and the Bulldogs leave the room... but his face soon turns to fear, as just like last week, the lights in his room begin to flicker, and the TV screen turns to static...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Oh no... no... no! Guys... hey! Wait up... [I]Shane immediately heads for the exit, pulling open the door and sprinting down the corridor. Has he been spooked again?[/I] ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheamusOShaunessy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Street Fight Jeff Hardy v Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] With Sheamus already in the ring, Jeff’s music rings out, but Hardy is nowhere to be seen... until he comes through the crowd and jumps Sheamus from behind! Jeff unload with a flurry of punches and then... he takes the belt off his jeans... and starts whipping Sheamus’ back! Hardy is vicious as he unloads with his belt, and he then aims a series of stiff kicks to the gut.. and Sheamus has to use the ropes to pull himself up... only for Jeff to clothesline him to the floor. Jeff takes the fight to Sheamus, bouncing his head off the barricade and then tossing him over it into the crowd! The fight now escalates, as the two brawl through the fans, until Jeff tosses Sheamus back over the barricade and jumps onto it, running the barricade and launching himself... diving clothesline! Jeff is dominating, and he goes under the ring, bringing out a trash can... and cracking it across Sheamus’ head! Again Jeff reaches under the ring, this time bringing out... a ladder! The crowd goes nuts at the sight of Jeff with a ladder in his hand, and Jeff props it up, but when he turns around... oh! Sheamus nails him with the trash can lid, before rolling Jeff back into the ring and grabbing a chair. The ladder is folded up and slid into the ring, but Sheamus again picks up the chair... and unloads on Jeff’s head! Sheamus is now in control, and he goes fishing under the ring, bringing a kendo stick with him... but Jeff connects with a baseball slide dropkick, sending Sheamus crashing into the barricade. Jeff goes outside, grabbing the kendo... and cracking it off Sheamus’ skull! Back in the ring, Jeff begins wearing out the kendo across Sheamus’ back, before waiting for Sheamus to get back up... oh! Another shot across the skull, and Sheamus slumps to the mat, and Jeff climbs to the top rope... swanton bomb... no! Sheamus moves out of the way, and Jeff crashes to the mat. It takes both men ages to recover, but it’s Sheamus who’s back up first, and he unfolds a chair and places it in the centre of the ring, before dragging Jeff to his feet and grabbing him by the throat... fiery red hand onto the chair! The crowd gasps as Jeff crashes into the propped up chair, and Sheamus just smiles, thinking about how he can inflict more pain. Sheamus again goes under the ring, this time bringing out a table, setting it up in the middle of the ring. Sheamus then grabs Jeff, trying to roll him onto the table... but Jeff fights out of it, swinging with all he has and breaking free, only for Sheamus to knee him in the gut and send him to the corner... Jeff climbs to the top rope... whisper in the wind! Jeff nails Sheamus, and now he has a chair in hand... another sick shot to the skull! The shot sees Sheamus roll onto the table, and now Jeff heads for the corner... no. Jeff has second thoughts, and instead... he glances at the ladder! Jeff drags the ladder into position, slowly making his way to the top, standing on the top rung and steadying himself... but before he can go for the swanton... [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] storm the ring, and Harry nails Jeff with a chair shot to the back, and Jeff slumps over the ladder. Sheamus is rolled off the table, and Jeff is pulled off the ladder by Harry and TJ. After a few right hands, Jeff is placed on the table, and Kenny climbs the ladder, steadying himself for... the sky-high legdrop through the table!! The referee has lost all control, and nobody cares about pinfalls anymore. [B]Jeff Hardy and Sheamus O’Shaunessy ended in a no contest (A)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Bah gawd! Jeff Hardy is broken in half! What the hell is the meaning of this? Kenny, Harry and TJ are assaulting Jeff Hardy! [B]King:[/B] This has to be what Shane McMahon had in mind. He wanted Sheamus to soften Jeff up so Kenny and the Bulldogs could finish him off. [B]JR:[/B] This is just... [I]GONG[/I] [I]JR stops dead in his tracks as the lights in the arena fade, and ‘thunder’ and ‘lightning’ ring out. Smoke quickly fills the arena, and Kenny, the Bulldogs and Sheamus don’t know what to do. A lightning bolt strikes the ring, forcing the four of them outside. As they slowly make their way up the ramp, the titan-tron begins to crackle, and the familiar image appears...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Promos/TakerReturnPromo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! He’s on his way! This Sunday... the Deadman rises again! [B]King:[/B] JR... I can’t see a damn thing! [I]GONG[/I] [I]The lights return, and we see Kenny, Harry, TJ and Sheamus stood at the bottom of the ramp, all of them looking like they’ve seen a ghost...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] There is a presence in the air. The Undertaker... [B]King:[/B] Wait... look at Jeff... [I]Hardy is back up and he comes off the ropes... suicide dive onto the four on the floor! Jeff levels all of them, and he begins unloading with furious punches...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy won’t back down! He’s taking the fight to Revolution and Sheamus! [B]King:[/B] And what about this Sunday? Can Jeff pull it off? Can he go the distance and win the Royal Rumble? [B]JR:[/B] Join us live this Sunday on pay-per-view to find out folks. Goodnight! ------------------ [SIZE="1"]Carlito beat Finlay (B-) Randy Orton and Batista beat Shawn Michaels and Cody Rhodes (B) Beth Phoenix beat Victoria (C+) Kenny Dykstra, Harry Smith and TJ Wilson beat Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho (B+) John Cena beat Dolph Ziggler (B-) Jeff Hardy and Sheamus O’Shaunessy ended in a no contest (A)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: A[/B]
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Another quality show bud. Loving Raw at the moment. I'm predicting a Triple H - Kenny Dykstra main event at Mania, I know it seems a bit far out but Dykstra was booked like a king in that last Raw and the tension seems to be building. But it was a great show that built it up all so well. I can't wait until the Rumble.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]We begin with a highlights package from last week, featuring the brutal extreme rules match between Mick Foley and Kane, with the ECW general manager coming out on top thanks to an assist from ECW Champion Kurt Angle. The regular opening video plays out, and we go to the arena and announcers [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome to another episode of ECW on Sci-Fi! I’m Joey Styles, as always alongside me is Tazz, and buddy, we’re just five days away from one of the biggest nights on the WWE calendar, the Royal Rumble! [B]Tazz:[/B] Man I can’t wait for this Sunday! I mean, not only have we got the Royal Rumble match, but also Kurt Angle is putting the ECW Title on the line against Kane, and I know Kurt is gonna knock the hell out of Kane this Sunday. [B]Styles:[/B] Well tonight, we’re in Saginaw, MI, and both Kurt Angle and Kane will be in action tonight. Announced earlier today, Kurt Angle will take on Mike Knox, while Kane will square off with Shelton Benjamin. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah and both guys will be looking for wins tonight to give them momentum ahead of this Sunday, as will Shelton Benjamin. He’s one of the ECW superstars who’ll be in the Rumble match. [B]Styles:[/B] It promises to be an explosive night, and we’re kicking things off with tag team gold on the line... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DrewMcIntyre.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship Match Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison v The Empire[/B] Previous clashes between these two teams have seen the series split, with both teams holding a victory over the other. Tonight, the decider is for the gold, and as always, [B]William Regal[/B], [B]Katie Lea[/B] and [B]Kelly Kelly[/B] are at ringside. Morrison and Burchill get us started, and Morrison starts fast, using his agility to avoid Burchill’s power game, connecting with flying forearms, a Russian legsweep and a step-up enzuigiri. Dreamer then gets the tag, and the veteran begins to target Burchill’s shoulder, winding his arm up, wrenching away at it and slamming Burchill to the mat and driving the knee. Dreamer then looks for a neckbreaker, but Burchill is able to reverse into a jawbreaker, following that up with a clothesline and a tag to McIntyre. McIntyre goes to work on Dreamer, pinning Dreamer in his corner with boots and fists to the gut, charging in with a knee to the head before sending Dreamer through the ropes to the floor. Burchill and McIntyre then do their best to distract Morrison and the ref, allowing Regal to strike... brass knucks shot to the skull! The referee turns to see Dreamer down and Regal standing over him, so he jumps to the floor and...[/CENTER] [B]Tazz:[/B] Wait a second... did he... [B]Styles:[/B] The referee... is ordering William Regal to the back! He’s kicking Regal out of here! [B]Tazz:[/B] About damn time the refs got wise to what Regal is doing. He’s been getting away with this kinda stuff for weeks now. [B]Styles:[/B] Regal is out of here, but Burchill and McIntyre are still in control... [CENTER]And with Dreamer still suffering the effects, McIntyre gets a near fall, as Dreamer barely gets the shoulder up. Several quick tags follow, and Burchill and McIntyre do a great job of isolating Dreamer, punishing him with backbreakers, shoulderbreakers and a pumphandle slam from Burchill for another near fall. Dreamer cries out in pain with every shot to his spine, and McIntyre and Burchill make plenty of tags, but despite punishing the back and hitting several double team moves, they can’t put Dreamer away. After a sidewalk slam gets yet another 2 count, Burchill gets to his feet, and he waits for Dreamer to rise and strikes... jumping neckbreaker! Burchill nails the move he used to pin Dreamer last week, and he goes for the cover... 1... 2... Morrison makes the save! Burchill is enraged, and he quickly tags in McIntyre, who climbs to the top rope and goes for a splash... but Dreamer rolls out of the way! Dreamer now crawls for his corner... and makes the tag! Morrison flies into the ring, connecting with a springboard clothesline and knocking Burchill off the apron before nailing McIntyre with a roundhouse kick and going for... the split-legged corkscrew moonsault! 1... 2... Burchill makes the save. Now all four men are brawling, and Dreamer and McIntyre trade right hands until McIntyre sends Dreamer off the ropes... Dreamer ducks his clothesline... DDT! Dreamer plants McIntyre, but he wisely rolls out of the ring, and Burchill comes from behind and clotheslines Dreamer out. Now it’s Burchill and Morrison, and the two go at, until Burchill goes for... the torture rack submission... no! Morrison lands on his feet... kick to the gut... moonlight drive! Morrison plants Burchill... but Katie Lea has the ref distracted! Kelly Kelly quickly pulls her off the apron, and a catfight ensues, but with the ref still distracted, McIntyre slips into the ring... and nails Morrison with a tag title belt! McIntyre quickly exits the ring and hides the evidence, and Burchill slumps on top for the cover... 1... 2... 3. The Empire have stolen the win and become the new champions! [B]The Empire beat Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B]! And Brian, tonight you’ll compete in a triple threat match against two of the other ECW superstars taking part in this Sunday’s Royal Rumble, namely Umaga and Colt Cabana. Brian, can you grab a win tonight and give yourself a huge momentum boost ahead of this Sunday? [B]Kendrick:[/B] Can I win? I think you question should be how impressive will my victory be. And my answer to that would be seriously impressive. I don’t need to tell anybody how good I am... but I will anyway. I am the best damn wrestler this brand... no wait... this business has to offer. This Sunday, I’m going to prove it to each and every one of you, when I win the Royal Rumble. And tonight... I’ll give Umaga and Cabana a close-up look at just how damn good I am. See ya later toots... ------------------ [I]Much like every other week, we see the menacing figure of [B]Kane[/B], his face standing out in a room full of an eerie [B][COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR][/B] glow, as he addresses the camera...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! Kurt Angle... this Sunday, the fire that burns inside you... will be extinguished. The fire that burns inside the soul of ECW... will also die out. This Sunday, I will become the new ECW Champion... and in doing so... so will be the beginning of the end for ECW. This Sunday... will be the beginning of the end for all of you here on ECW! Hahaha! ------------------- [I]In his office, [B]Mick Foley[/B] is stood infront of a television, clearly having heard every word Kane had just said. Foley flashes a smirk across his face, clearly an idea brewing in his mind. Foley then walks out of his office, but the question is... what thought has just crossed Foley’s mind?[/I] ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MikeKnox.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle v Mike Knox[/B] The ECW Champion is now in action, as Kurt Angle takes on Mike Knox, a dangerous beast who has been on the rise in recent weeks. Knox looks to take his power game to Angle early, but the champion is too smart early on, countering out of all of Knox’s attacks, taking him down with waistlocks and German suplexes, before a headlock keeps Knox grounded. But Knox isn’t down for long, fighting back to his feet and sending Angle off the ropes... bicycle kick... no! Angle slides underneath, and he grabs Knox’s other leg... ankle lock... no! Knox quickly scrambles to the ropes, but Angle is quick to let him know he was that close. The two tie-up again, and this time Knox hits some offense, driving a knee into the gut and then he drives Angle to the corner. Knees and shoulders are driven into the midsection, clubbing forearms hit the spine and then Knox takes Angle up and down with a vertical suplex. After a near fall, Knox tries to send Angle to the corner, only for Angle to reverse it and charge in... but Knox avoids him, and Angle crashes shoulder first into the ringpost. Knox now looks to target the arm, driving his knee and aiming kicks and punches before getting a 2 count from a shoulderbreaker. Knox then goes for an armbar, wrenching on the shoulder, applying pressure. Angle fights to break free, but Knox has it locked in tight... but Angle is able to leverage his way to a bridging pin, and Knox has to let go when he kicks out. Now Angle looks to attack, hitting right hands and sending Knox off the ropes... reversal leads Angle right into a bearhug! Knox squeezes down on Angle, and after being in the hold for a long time, the champion is fading. The crowd rallies, and Angle shows signs of life, and he manages to hit right hands before turning the bearhug into... a northern lights suplex! 1... 2... Knox kicks out, and he again goes for the bicycle kick... no! Again Angle ducks, and he goes for... the ankle lock! Just like that Angle has it locked on, and as he transitions into a grapevine, Knox has no option but to tap out! Kurt Angle gets the win, and he heads into the Rumble full of confidence. [B]Kurt Angle beat Mike Knox (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Once again, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the general manager of ECW... [B]Mick Foley[/B]! And Mick, you requested this time for an interview as you have some sort of announcement you’d like to make? [B]Foley:[/B] That’s right Anastacia. Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard a lot of noises coming from Kane about how he’s going to finish ECW, how this Sunday is the beginning of the end for us here on this brand. Well Kane, let me tell you something... people have been saying that about ECW since day one. And Kane... I’m pretty sick and tired of hearing it from you. Earlier tonight, I spoke with the ECW Champion Kurt Angle... and I ran an idea for this Sunday past him... and Kurt agreed with me. This Sunday Kane... you will face Kurt Angle one on one for the ECW Championship... in a last man standing match! And Kane... I know that come this Sunday... it’ll be your last stand... and not ECW’s. Thank you, and have a nice day! ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [B]Umaga v The Brian Kendrick v Colt Cabana[/B] All three of the men in this triple threat will be in the Royal Rumble this Sunday, and each man is determined for victory tonight to show they are the favourite to win from the ECW brand. As the bell rings, Kendrick tries to form a pact with Umaga, looking to convince the Samoan that the two of them should work to remove Cabana... only for Umaga to rock Kendrick with a huge right hand! Umaga and Cabana then lock up, with headbutts sending Colt flying. Umaga dominates early on, clubbing his opponents and sending Cabana to the corner... before scooping up Kendrick and driving him into Cabana! Both men slump to the mat, but Umaga drags Cabana up, sends him across and charges in... but Cabana gets a boot up, and he climbs to the second rope... crossbody... but Umaga catches him... and slams him to the mat! Kendrick is back up, and he’s able to finally take Umaga down, connecting with a spinning heel kick that sends the Samoan through the ropes to the floor. Kendrick now turns his attentions to Cabana, and after a few right hands, he sends Colt off the ropes... reversal... back-body-drop! Cabana looks to quicken the pace, coming off the ropes... but Umaga grabs him by the foot and drags him to the outside... then sends him crashing into the steel steps! Back in the ring, Kendrick and Umaga now square off, with Umaga dominating, sending Kendrick off the ropes... huge belly-to-belly overhead! Cabana is still down on the outside, and now Umaga locks on the nerve hold, applying pressure to Kendrick. Kendrick struggles to stay in the match, but while Umaga has him down, Cabana has recovered, and he climbs to the top rope... missile dropkick connects on Umaga! Cabana is quickly up, and he sends Kendrick crashing to the floor, before turning his attentions to Umaga, striking with rights and kicks before sending Umaga off the ropes... reversal... here comes Cabana... but he runs right into a swinging side-slam! Cabana crashes to the mat, but Umaga isn’t done, dragging him to the corner and perching his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Umaga then retreats to the opposite corner and charges in... Samoan wrecking ball! Cabana’s head snaps back, and Umaga drags him out for the cover... 1... 2... Kendrick makes the save! Now Kendrick aims kicks to the thigh and chest, before he comes off the ropes... but Umaga nails him with the Samoan drop! 1... 2... this time it’s Cabana who makes the save! Cabana swings tired right hands at Umaga, and then sends him off the ropes... another reversal... Cabana ducks his clothesline... and nails a crossbody! 1... 2... Kendrick breaks it up! Nobody can get the 3 count, and now it’s Kendrick and Cabana brawling, until Umaga comes over and hits a heel kick to Cabana and grabs Kendrick... Samoan spike... no! Kendrick ducks, and he manages to run Umaga to the corner... sliced bread! Kendrick nails Umaga, but before he can go for the cover, Cabana makes his move... Colt .45! Cabana plants Kendrick, and with Umaga still down he goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B] Colt Cabana beat Umaga and The Brian Kendrick (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] is walking the corridors, making his way towards the ring for tonight’s main event... when he stops and stares at the ECW Champion, [B]Kurt Angle[/B]...[/I] [B]Benjamin:[/B] Kurt? [B]Angle:[/B] Listen man... I just wanted to wish you luck tonight. [B] Benjamin:[/B] Alright... thanks. [B]Angle:[/B] Be careful out there alright? Kane’s lost it. The guy’s gone crazy. You gotta watch your back out there. [B]Benjamin:[/B] What about this Sunday? Who’s gonna watch your back in that last man standing match? [B]Angle:[/B] Well... that’s kinda why I wanted to talk to you. I was hoping you would. [B]Benjamin:[/B] You want me to watch your back? [B]Angle:[/B] Listen man... we both know this brand has been good to us. I mean... you won your first major championship here on ECW. ECW got my career back on track. We both owe this brand and Mick Foley a lot. [B]Benjamin:[/B] You got a point Kurt... alright, you got it. This Sunday, I got you covered. [B]Angle:[/B] Thanks man. Now... get out there and give Kane a taste of what he’s going to get from me this Sunday... ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Kane[/B] As the bell rings, Shelton shows little sign of fear, as he attacks the monster straight from the tie-up, focusing on his arm by twisting and wrenching on it, taking Kane down with an armdrag and locking on an armbar. Back on their feet, Shelton still has a grip of the arm, and he continues to focus on it by stomping and driving elbows... until Kane sends him off the ropes... Shelton ducks... and connects with a dropkick! Kane rolls to the outside to regroup, but Benjamin stays on the attack... plancha... no! Kane catches him... and drives him into the ringpost! Benjamin slumps to the floor, but Kane stays on him, aiming vicious forearms to the back and then rolling him back into the ring, locking on a bodyscissors to apply pressure to the back. Kane has it locked in for a long time, and he increases the pain by aiming headbutts to the back, causing Shelton to cry out. Eventually, a series of elbows to the arm breaks the hold, and Shelton is able to fight to his feet... only for a huge clothesline to send him down again. After a 2 count, Kane sends Benjamin to the corner, and he continues his attack, aiming fists, knees and shoulders into the back and then nailing a backbreaker. After another near fall, Kane sends Benjamin crashing into the corner, but when he follows in, Shelton gets a boot up, before coming out with a clothesline... but Kane ducks... and he grabs Shelton by the throat... chokeslam... no! Shelton counters... tornado DDT! Both men are down and slow to get back up, but when they do, it’s Benjamin who strikes first, hitting rights and lefts and sending Kane off the ropes... reversal... Shelton ducks... and connects with a flying forearm! Kane is quickly back up though and he goes for a slam... Shelton counters... Russian legsweep! 1... 2... Kane kicks out. Kane staggers to the corner, but Shelton stays on him, sending him across and charging in... big splash... no! Kane moved... and he nails Shelton with a sidewalk slam! 1... 2... Benjamin kicks out! Kane is enraged, and he gets in the refs face about it, and when he finally turns, Shelton is waiting... roundhouse kick! 1... 2... Kane gets the shoulder up! Now it’s Shelton’s turn to be shocked, but he tries to stay on the attack, throwing tired fists and sending Kane off the ropes... reversal... here comes Benjamin... payidrt! Shelton plants Kane, but before he can go for the cover... [/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Oh, what the hell? It’s [B]Mike Knox[/B]! [B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell is this guy’s problem? He’s been beating up Shelton Benjamin for weeks now. [B]Styles:[/B] The referee just called for the bell... [B][CENTER]Shelton Benjamin beat Kane by disqualification (B+)[/CENTER][/B] [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah and now Mike Knox and Kane are kicking Shelton’s ass and... [B]Styles:[/B] Wait... it’s [B]Kurt Angle[/B]! Just like he said he would, Kurt Angle has Shelton Benjamin’s back tonight! [B]Tazz:[/B] And Angle’s going straight for Kane! [B]Styles:[/B] Angle and Kane trading right hands, this is what we’re going to see this Sunday! Kane... Angle ducks... Angle slam! Angle slam to Kane! [B]Tazz:[/B] And now it’s Knox’s turn... [B]Styles:[/B] Turn around Knox... ankle lock! Ankle lock! The second time tonight Mike Knox tastes the ankle lock! [B]Tazz:[/B] And now Benjamin and Kane are going at it... [B]Styles:[/B] Clothesline sends Kane over the top rope! What a way to go into the Rumble! Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin are standing tall in the ring! Who’s going to win the Royal Rumble? And who’s going to be the ECW Champion when it’s all said and done? Join us this Sunday live on pay-per-view to find out. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]The Empire beat Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions (C+) Kurt Angle beat Mike Knox (B) Colt Cabana beat Umaga and The Brian Kendrick (B+) Shelton Benjamin beat Kane by disqualification (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] [QUOTE=keefmoon;627377]Another quality show bud. Loving Raw at the moment. I'm predicting a Triple H - Kenny Dykstra main event at Mania, I know it seems a bit far out but Dykstra was booked like a king in that last Raw and the tension seems to be building. But it was a great show that built it up all so well. I can't wait until the Rumble.[/QUOTE] That's quite the prediction buddy. Who knows, maybe it will happen? Anywa, thanks for the comment and I like you can't wait to get to the Rumble!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A quick recap video from last week plays out, highlighting the number one contenders match between Big Show and Bobby Lashley, the announcement of the Edge and Christian match at the Royal Rumble, and the main event in which JBL and Edge teamed to beat CM Punk and Christian. The standard Smackdown intro video plays, and then we go to the arena for the customary pyro display before going to the announce desk to hear from [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] The Royal Rumble is just two days away, and tonight, from Saginaw, MI, Friday Night Smackdown is the last stop on the race to the Rumble! Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, my colleague tonight is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, tonight promises to be quite the night. [B]Coach:[/B] Absolutely right. The dressing room is buzzing with anticipation, one of the biggest nights of the year, the Royal Rumble, is just 48 hours away, and everybody knows this Sunday is their chance to put themselves in the main event of Wrestlemania 25! [B]Cole:[/B] Tonight, four of the Smackdown participants will compete in a over the top rope challenge match, the new WWE Tag Team Champions The Empire, who won the gold Tuesday night on ECW, they’ll be here, and our main event tonight will be Bobby Lashley and Christian one on one. But right now, we’re kicking things off with the Cutting Edge... [I]In the ring, the [B]Rated-R Entourage[/B], [B]Edge[/B], [B]Torrie Wilson[/B], [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] and [B]Zack Ryder[/B] are all present, Edge sat on a stool while the others stand. The special Rated-R ring mat is out, and Edge has a mic in hand ready to welcome his guest...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] With just two days left until the Royal Rumble, it seems like everybody is getting ready for the big night. Everybody’s feeling good, everybody’s feeling confident... everybody just can’t wait for the Royal Rumble match, to see if they can outlast 29 other men and grab themselves a shot at the main event of Wrestlemania. And, to be honest with you... I thought I’d feel the same way. I figured that I’d be preparing myself mentally and physically for a long night this Sunday. I mean, I’ve had plenty of long nights in the past... just ask Torrie... but this Sunday, my night is going to be even longer than usual. You see, for some reason, our illustrious general manager, Ric Flair, has decided that I need to be involved in not just the Royal Rumble match... oh no. I need to be involved in a match earlier in the night too. I need to step into the ring, under protest, with a man I have a very long history with. My guest tonight... Christian! [I]The crowd explodes as ‘Just Close Your Eyes’ plays out, and [B]Christian[/B] emerges onto the ramp. He confidently makes his way down to the ring, grabbing a pre-placed mic and taking a seat on the empty stool opposite Edge...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Christian, welcome to the Cutting Edge. Christian, ever since you came back to the WWE, me and you... we’ve never really sat down and had a chat have me? I mean, you know how it is, everybody’s so busy, everyone’s got stuff to do... [B]Christian:[/B] Wait, wait... let me stop you right there Edge. The reason we haven’t spoken since I came back to the WWE... is because you’ve changed. I remember when we first arrived here in the WWE. You used to be the funniest guy I knew. You used to be my best friend. I used to call you ‘brother’. But now... I don’t know who you are anymore Edge. You know, when I came back... I actually thought you’d be happy to see me. I realise now that was a pretty naive thought, but at the time I hoped you’d be pleased. Bur right from the get-go, right from our first meeting at Survivor Series... I knew you’d changed. I knew you weren’t happy with me being here, I knew something was up... and when you speared me and dragged Colt Cabana on top of me, eliminating me from the Smackdown/ECW match... I knew I wanted you were jealous of me. But I never figured it would run so deep, that you’d cost me my shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Armageddon. The moment you did that Edge, not only did I know you were jealous of me... I knew I wanted revenge! And this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, revenge is what I’m going to get! [B]Edge:[/B] Are you finished? You think I’m jealous of you Christian? Tell me... ‘brother’... what have I got to be jealous about? I’m a former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion. You... you never made it that far did you Christian? You’ve never scaled the heights I have, you’ve never carried this company like I have. So I ask you again, what exactly have I got to be jealous about? [B]Christian:[/B] How about, the simple fact, that deep down inside, you know... I’m better than you. Ever since we’ve known each others, for all the years we’ve been wrestling together... I’ve been better than you. When I was in the WWE, you did everything you could to hold me down. You talk about being a former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion... every WWE or World championship reign you’ve ever had, happened after I left. Edge, if I’d stuck around, I guarantee you... I’d have been the one to take those titles away from you. This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, I will defeat you and then I’ll go on and win the Royal Rumble match... and I’ll make sure to throw you over the top rope personally. [B]Edge:[/B] Oh really? Well... I guess the only thing that’s left to say is... [I]Oh! Edge nails Christian with his microphone, and he starts pounding away on him. Christian tries to fight back, but he’s quickly subdued by Hawkins and Ryder, who drag Christian to his feet while Edge crouches in the corner... spear! Edge spears Christian, before again grabbing his mic...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Better than me?! You think you’re better than me?! You will never be better than me Christian! This is just a sample of what’s going to happen to you this Sunday. I’ve always been better than you, I always will be better than you... and at the Royal Rumble... I’m going to prove it to the world! [B]Coach:[/B] Well I’m convinced. Edge just proved it to me right there. He is better than Christian. [B]Cole:[/B] What?! It was three on one in there! [B]Coach:[/B] Exactly. That’s why Edge is better, he’s a lot smarter than Christian will ever be. [B]Cole:[/B] Well this Sunday, it’s not going to be three on one, it’s going to be Edge and Christian one on one at the Royal Rumble! ------------------ [CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChavoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cruiserweight Championship Match Paul London (C) v Chavo Guerrero[/B] We kick things off tonight with the Cruiserweight Championship on the line, as two fan favourites, London and Guerrero square off. A quick handshake is exchanged as the bell rings, before the two tie-up and London works a go-behind, only for Chavo to counter into a headlock... only for London to counter with a headlock of his own. The trading of moves ends when Chavo sends London off the ropes, and the champion responds with a hurricanrana, following with another headlock. This time though, Chavo backs London to the corner, and he breaks the hold with stiff elbows to the head, following with kicks to the gut and then sending London across... reversal... London charges in... and gets elevated over the top, but he lands on the apron and jumps to the top rope... but Chavo ducks the flying clothesline. Chavo now shows his vicious streak, sending London shoulder first into the ringpost and then he targets the arm, using the ropes to pull at the shoulder and driving his knee. Chavo continues to apply pressure by wrapping his legs around London’s arm while on the mat, wrenching back on it. Eventually London counters into a bridging pin for a 2 count, and with the hold broken. Both men are back up... and London strikes with kicks to the gut and legs before nailing a jumping heel kick enzuigiri, knocking Chavo down with a clothesline and getting a near fall. London is still favouring the arm, and it gets worse when his attempted suplex is countered into a single-arm DDT, with Chavo getting a 2 count. Chavo aims more kicks to the arm, but his Irish whip is reversed, and London nails a great standing dropkick. London now climbs to the top rope, but Chavo gets to his feet, shaking the ropes and causing London to fall to the mat. Now it’s Chavo who goes to the top rope, and he’s looking for the frog splash... but London returns the favour, knocking Chavo down but leaving him perched on the top turnbuckle. London climbs up... and nails a hurricanrana from the top rope! London crawls over for the cover... 1... 2... 3! Paul London retains the Cruiserweight Title! [B]Paul London beat Chavo Guerrero to retain the Cruiserweight Championship (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and the man who will face [B]CM Punk[/B] this Sunday at the Royal Rumble... [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]. Now Lashley, if I can ask you first, what is it going to take to... [B]JBL:[/B] Excuse me a second there Josh. All questions for Bobby Lashley shall be directed to and answered by myself. [B]Josh:[/B] Alright then. JBL, what’s it going to take for Bobby Lashley to beat CM Punk this Sunday to become the new World Heavyweight Champion? [B]JBL:[/B] I think the more appropriate question, is what’s it going to take for CM Punk to walk out of the arena this Sunday... in one piece. The World Heavyweight Championship changing hands at the Rumble is a foregone conclusion. Infact... you could go as far to say that at the Royal Rumble... the World Heavyweight Championship will be changing hands twice. [B]Josh:[/B] Uh... JBL, what do you mean by that? [B]JBL:[/B] Let me put it this way. As an employee of mine, I fully intend to reward Bobby Lashley for his victory this Sunday with a rather large financial bonus. However, I won’t simply be rewarding Lashley for winning the World Heavyweight Championship... I’ll also be buying the title for him. [B]Josh:[/B] What? If Bobby Lashley wins the title this Sunday... you’re going to buy it off him? [B]JBL:[/B] That’s right. Now... I think we’ve answered enough of your asinine questions. This interview is over... ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore v Gregory Helms and Jamie Noble[/B] For the third time in the last couple of months, Wang Yang and Moore take on Helms and Noble, desperate to finally pick up a win and snap the losing streak they’ve been on. Moore and Helms kick things off, and the action between the two is very back and forth, as Helms is able to take Moore down and club him with forearms until Moore fights back to his feet and catches Helms with a neckbreaker before tagging in Jimmy. Yang goes to the top rope and connects with a dropkick to enter the ring, following up with an atomic drop and a back-body-drop. Helms is able to tag in Noble, but Jimmy takes control here too, ducking Noble’s clothesline and hitting a jawbreaker and a crossbody for a 2 count before tagging in Moore. Shannon comes in and looks to target Noble’s arm, wrenching away and driving his knee into Noble’s shoulder. Noble pokes a thumb in the eye and tags in Helms, but as he charges at Moore, an armdrag takedown sends Helms backing into the corner. Shannon follows in and deliver’s Flair-esque chops, before sending Helms across... Shannon charges in... but Helms elevates him over the top rope, but Shannon lands on the apron, and here comes Noble... but Shannon ducks his clothesline... but he can’t avoid a knee to the spine from Helms that sends him crashing to the floor. Noble drops down and tosses Shannon back into the ring, allowing Helms to continue the attack with stomps before tagging in Noble. Noble and Helms now take control, targeting Shannon and doing plenty of damage, hitting neckbreakers, backbreakers and powerslams to wear Moore down, until Noble connects with a legdrop from the second rope for a 2 count. Noble then locks on a seated chinlock, firing forearms to the face at the same time. The crowd gets behind Shannon, and he struggles back to his feet, breaking the hold with a jawbreaker and following with a clothesline, crawling to his corner... and tagging in Jimmy! The crowd cheers as Jimmy enters the ring, but Helms also gets the tag... but Jimmy ducks his clothesline, coming off the ropes with a flying forearm and then a dropkick before a swinging neckbreaker keeps Helms down for a cover... 1... 2... Noble makes the save, and he aims a sick kick at Jimmy’s head that sends him through the ropes... but then Moore nails a dropkick that sends Helms over the top rope, leaving just Moore and Noble. Moore and Noble trade blows, until Noble is sent off the ropes... spinning heel kick! Moore plants Noble, but before he can go for a cover, Helms slips into the ring... nightmare on Helms street! Helms plants Moore, hooks the leg... 1... 2... Noble cuts off Jimmy... 3. [B]Gregory Helms and Jamie Noble beat Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore (C)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Once again, Helms and Noble get the victory over Wang Yang and Moore. [B]Coach:[/B] What is this like win number seven for these guys over Jimmy and Shannon? [B]Cole:[/B] It’s only win number three, but still, Wang Yang and Moore have been a losing streak for a number of weeks now. [B]Coach:[/B] And each week... [B]Cole:[/B] Oh! What the hell? Jimmy Wang Yang, assaulting Shannon Moore! [B]Coach:[/B] What the hell is this? [B]Cole:[/B] Jimmy... oh! A corkscrew moonsault off the top onto Shannon Moore! What the hell is the meaning of this? [B]Coach:[/B] I guess it’ just like Jimmy’s been saying for weeks. He’s had enough of losing and he’s cutting the dead weight. ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] is talking to a backstage worker, clipboard in hand, trying to organise something... until she is interrupted by [B]Santino Marella[/B], who is wearing a t-shirt with the phrase ‘Santino 2 – Vanus 0’ on it...[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] Ah... Rosa. So good to see you again. Do you like my new t-shirt? It’s available on wwe.com right now! [B]Rosa:[/B] Uh yeah... it’s great. [B]Santino:[/B] Rosa, I realise that our date two weeks ago didn’t exactly end very well... especially the part where Vil Vanus attacked me and you hit me on the head with a wine bottle. [B]Rosa:[/B] I thought the end of our date was the best part of the night. [B]Santino:[/B] Oh, really? Tell me Rosa... why do you hang around-ah with this Vil Vanus anyway? I mean, like-ah my t-shirt says... I’ve already beaten him twice. [B]Rosa:[/B] Look Santino, why don’t you just give a rest? I mean, you’ve been sleazing over me for weeks now. I’ll make this really easy for you to understand... I’m not interested in you! [B]Santino:[/B] Oh yes you are Rosa... you just don’t-ah realise it yet. Anyway... I have a big match in a few moments. It’s an over the top rope preview for the Rolly Ramble this Sunday. You know, the thing I’m in but Vil Vanus is not. [B]Rosa:[/B] Yeah only because you cheated. [B]Santino:[/B] Santino Marella never cheats! Anyway... I trust you’ll be watching tonight. Maybe when I win my match tonight and the Royal Rumble this Sunday you’ll finally see how much more of a man than Vil Vanus I am. Ciao Rosa. Cue commercial... ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]Over The Top Rope Challenge Matt Hardy v Santino Marella v Big Show v Ted DiBiase[/B] Four of the Smackdown participants in the Royal Rumble enter the ring for an elimination match, where much like this Sunday, you have to throw your opponent over the top rope to gain victory. Big Show is clearly the favourite here, but it’s the ever confident Santino who decides he’s going to be the win to eliminate the 7-footer, marching up to him and looking to scoop him up... but Show doesn’t budge. Again Santino tries to lift him up... but again Show doesn’t move. Hardy and DiBiase can only look on Show finally decides to end the charade, nailing Santino across the back with a forearm, and finally the match is properly under way, with Hardy and DiBiase trading right hands and Show sending Santino to the corner and raining down with slaps across his chest. Big Show now looks to dominate, sending Santino off the ropes... and taking him up into the air for a gorilla press slam, sending Santino down to the mat with easy. Hardy sends DiBiase to a corner, only to be blindsided by Show, who pounds Hardy to the mat. DiBiase and Santino pair off, and we see the first attempt at an elimination, as Show looks to force Hardy out, but the United States Champion wraps his legs around the ropes, managing to hold on. Big Show now turns his attentions to DiBiase and Santino, rocking both of them with headbutts, and soon Show is the only one standing. This leads to Hardy charging him, and with the help of the others, they manage to back Show up against the ropes. It takes all three to lift Show’s leg over the top rope, and now they struggle to leverage him out... and eventually Show begins unloading with headbutts again, sending all three down and stepping back into the ring. It’s here that we finally have our first elimination, as Santino charges at Show... only for Show to catch him by the throat... and toss him over the top rope to the floor! Big Show eliminates Santino, but here comes Hardy trying to take advantage, looking to use momentum and leverage to force Show over... but Show grabs hold off the ropes, steadying himself and managing to stay in. DiBiase now targets Hardy, teeing off with stiff rights and driving Hardy to the corner, where tries to get him over. A brief partnership between Show and DiBiase now emerges, as the two look to work together to eliminate Matt, but again he wraps his legs around the ropes, saving himself. DiBiase and Big Show continue to work over Hardy, and DiBiase thinks he has Show on his side when he orders the big guy to toss Hardy out... but Show just grabs DiBiase, and he runs him towards the ropes... and sends him flying over! We’re now down to two, and again Hardy looks to take advantage of a Big Show elimination, coming up from behind and trying to force him out... but again Show hangs on, pounding Hardy to the mat. Show then slams Hardy to the mat, before picking him up and tossing him over... but Hardy hangs onto the ropes, pulling himself back under them. Big Show now really lays into Matt, and on several occasions eh almost has Hardy out. Hardy now looks to stage a comeback, but it doesn’t last long, as Show continues to dominate. Show now picks Hardy up and gorilla presses him, but unlike earlier when he dropped Santino to the mat, this time he charges the rope to throw Hardy out... but Hardy drops down to his feet, and he uses Show’s momentum... to force him over the top rope to the floor! [B]Matt Hardy won the Over The Top Rope Challenge (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]We then cut backstage to the general manager’s office, and the sight of an angry looking [B]Ric Flair[/B], anxiously awaiting the arrival of someone. His door opens, and in walks [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Bobby Lashley[/B], JBL with a huge smirk across his face...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] You wanted to speak to us Flair? [B]Flair:[/B] You damn right I want to speak to you! What was all that stuff I heard earlier about Lashley selling you the title if he wins this Sunday? [B]JBL:[/B] It is what it is Flair. When Lashley beats Punk, he’s going to become the new World Heavyweight Champion... and then he’s going to sell the championship to me. [B]Flair:[/B] Not a chance in hell that’s gonna happen! [B]JBL:[/B] You can’t stop it from happening Flair. It’s nothing more than a business transaction between employer and employee, and you have no jurisdiction as far as that goes. [B]Flair:[/B] If... and I stress if... Lashley wins this Sunday and you two go through with this... I will fight it all the way to the very top! [B]JBL:[/B] Fight it all you want Flair, it won’t make a damn bit of difference. This is happening... whether you like it or not. ----------------- [I]In the ring, [B]The Empire[/B], new WWE Tag Team Champions [B]Paul Burchill[/B] and [B]Drew McIntyre[/B], [B]Katie Lea[/B] and [B]William Regal[/B] stand proudly, clearly still basking in the glory of their victory on Tuesday night. Regal has a microphone in hand, and he addresses the crowd...[/I] [B]Regal:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen... stand and applaud your new WWE Tag Team Champions, Paul Burchill and Drew McIntyre! [I]Nothing but boos from the crowd, but Regal is undeterred...[/I] [B]Regal:[/B] Come on now, everybody, up on your feet and congratulate your new champions. [I]Again, Regal draws nothing but boos...[/I] [B]Regal:[/B] How dare you! How dare you people sit on your fat backsides and boo these men! These brave warriors, who walked into that savage hellhole called ECW, and emerged victorious. How dare you boo them! I’ve never felt so besmirched in my whole life. I tell you, this wouldn’t bloody happen if we were in England! There we’d be treated with the dignity and respect champions deserve! We’d be treated with class, we’d have red carpets lining the route to the ring, we’d be... [I]YO, YO, YO, YO... Finally Regal is shut up as [B]Cryme Tyme[/B]’s music plays out, with Shad and JTG bouncing their way down the ramp while The Empire grab seats near the announce desk to watch the next match...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cryme Tyme v Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas[/B] With the champions looking on, both teams know this is a great chance to show they deserve the first shot at The Empire’s gold. Shad and Douglas get the match under way, and Douglas is no match for Shad’s power early on, as despite using speed and agility, he just Douglas is continually sent down by Shad. Sidewalk and scoop slams follow, and JTG gets the tag, continuing the attack with neckbreakers and clotheslines. JTG then sends Douglas off the ropes, but he doesn’t see Stevens make the blind tag, and when Douglas goes flying from a back-body-drop, Stevens takes advantage by hitting a dropkick from behind, sending JTG crashing into the corner. Stevens now punishes TJG, driving his knee, elbow and fists into his head before taking him out of the corner and slamming him to the mat, allowing him to tag in Douglas. Plenty of tags between the two follow, as they wear JTG down, with JTG having to kick out of plenty of near falls. Stevens is in, and he has a reverse chinlock applied, wrenching back and using his knee to apply pressure. JTG fights back to his feet, and he breaks the hold with a series of elbows before coming off the ropes... and running into a dropkick, getting Stevens another near fall. Stevens then sends JTG off the ropes, but when Stevens ducks his head, JTG leapfrogs him... and dives for his corner to tag in Shad! Shad comes in and bowls both opponents over with shoulderblocks and clotheslines, before scooping Douglas up for a sidewalk slam and then another clothesline sends Stevens over the top rope. Douglas is left alone now, and it doesn’t take long for Shad to scoop him up on his shoulders, and here comes JTG for the jumping neckbreaker... G9 connects! Cryme Tyme hit the G9, and it’s Shad who goes for the cover... 1... 2...3! [B]Cryme Tyme beat Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas (C)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Cryme Tyme get the win, and as they celebrate, Shad and JTG lock eyes with Burchill and McIntyre, motioning that they want the titles in The Empires possession. Could a title shot be in their future?[/I] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... he is the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, what is your response to the announcement from JBL earlier tonight, where he said if Bobby Lashley beats you this Sunday for the World Heavyweight Championship, he’s then going to sell the title to JBL? [B]Punk:[/B] Honestly? I doesn’t surprise me. I knew there had to be some reason why JBL was kissing Lashley’s ass so much. JBL tried twice to take this title away from me, and he failed. Now, he’s hoping Lashley can get it done and then he can buy the championship from him. Well JBL... as awesome as that plan sounds... it’s not going to work man. I’ve worked too damn hard and I’ve got too much pride in this championship to let you pay for it like some toy. Your little announcement tonight has only made me more determined to beat Lashley on Sunday and keep this belt away from you. The Royal Rumble is one of the most historic nights in the WWE... and I’m not going to let you two ruin that legacy. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio[/B] Two former World Heavyweight Champions and two of the participants in this Sunday’s Royal Rumble collide, as Mysterio and MVP go one on one, although another Rumble participant, [B]Matt Sydal[/B] is in Rey’s corner. Straight from the first tie-up, MVP drives Mysterio to the corner, and he hits stiff right and drives the knee, taking an early advantage. The ref calls for the bell, and as MVP backs off and then swings a right, Rey ducks, aiming kicks at MVP’s leg and taking him down with a wheelbarrow bulldog, scoring an early near fall. Mysterio looks to quicken the pace, coming off the ropes... baseball slide under MVP’s kick... drop-toe-hold... and now MVP’s in position, here comes Rey... 619... no! MVP rolls out of the way, and he takes advantage by driving his knee into Mysterio’s face. A series of boots follows, and then Rey is sent off the ropes... but he hangs on, and MVP charges... but Mysterio pulls down the top rope, sending MVP crashing to the floor. Rey quickly climbs to the top rope... crossbody to the outside! Back in the ring, Rey tries to send MVP to the corner, but MVP reverses... and almost takes Rey’s head off with a boot! After a few forearms to the head, MVP locks on a three-quarter facelock, driving his knee into the head. Mysterio battle out it, only for MVP to send him off the ropes... Rey ducks his clothesline... but he can’t avoid the snap overhead belly-to-belly! 1... 2... Mysterio kicks out. Rey crawls to the corner to use the ropes to pull himself up, and MVP charges in again for the kick... but this time Rey ducks, and he aims kicks to MVP’s leg and sends him off the ropes... reversal... springboard moonsault! 1... 2... MVP kicks out, but Rey stays on the attack, going to the apron and jumping to the top rope... seated senton! 1... 2... again MVP kicks out. Rey now looks to quicken the pace, charging at MVP... but running right into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! 1... 2... Rey gets the shoulder up! MVP is enraged, and as he gets to his feet to admonish the ref, he pauses and waits for Rey to get back up. Mysterio makes it to his knees, and MVP charges... drive-by kick... no! Mysterio avoids it, and he dropkicks MVP from behind... he’s in position, and here comes Rey... 619! Rey connects... and then he drops the dime! 1... 2... 3! Mysterio builds momentum for the Royal Rumble by beating MVP! [B]Rey Mysterio beat Montel Vontavious Porter (B)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown folks. Up next, our main event, as Christian and Bobby Lashley go one on one. [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah and CM Punk, I hope you’re going to watch this match. You’re about to get an example of what Bobby Lashley’s going to do to you this Sunday. [B]Cole:[/B] I’m sure the World Heavyweight Champion will be looking on... [I]Cole is interrupted as [B]CM Punk[/B]’s music hits, and the champion steps out and makes his way down to the announce desk to join Cole and Coach...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Well here comes the champion now. Why don’t you tell him what you just said about him? [B]Coach:[/B] Why don’t you shut up? [B]Punk:[/B] What’s up guys? [B]Cole:[/B] Thanks for joining us Punk. Hey Coach, why don’t you tell Punk what you were just saying to me? [B]Punk:[/B] What was that Coach? [B]Coach:[/B] I was just saying what a great match it’s going to be this Sunday between you and Bobby Lashley. [B]Cole:[/B] Yeah right... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian v Bobby Lashley[/B] The ruthlessness installed in Bobby Lashley by [B]JBL[/B], who of course is at ringside, is in clear evidence here, as when Christian hits the ring and climbs the turnbuckle to salute the crowd, Lashley jumps him from behind, hitting several forearms to the back and then slamming Christian hard to the mat. Lashley then uses his boot and the bottom rope to choke Christian, only releasing when the ref admonishes him... and this gives Christian a chance to hit some offence, chopping Lashley across the chest, aiming kicks to the gut... but Lashley is just too powerful, and he shoves Christian to the corner and charges in... but the match continues to swing back and forth, as Christian gets a boot up and bounces to the second rope... but Lashley hits a clothesline that sends him sprawling to the floor! Lashley goes out and drags Christian back into the ring, slamming him to the mat for a 2 count and then locking on a chinlock. Lashley applies pressure, but Christian fights to his feet, hitting rights to the gut and coming off the ropes... but he runs into a huge clothesline! Lashley then scoops him up and military presses him above his head... and drops Christian into a powerslam! 1... 2... Christian kicks out. Lashley now tosses Punk through the ropes, and as he distracts the ref, JBL strikes, kicking Punk in the head and sending him into the barricade. Lashley comes out and tosses Christian back in the ring, and he again uses his boot and the bottom rope to choke Christian. A long vertical suplex gains Lashley another 2 count, before he drives Christian to the corner, driving his shoulder into the gut and then propping Christian up on the top turnbuckle. Lashley then climbs to the second rope, and it looks like he wants to go for a suplex... but Christian hits a flurry of right to the gut, which sees Lashley step down... allowing Christian to his a tornado DDT! Both men slowly make it back up, and it’s Christian who attacks, hitting stinging chops to the chest and going for an Irish whip... reversal... Christian ducks a clothesline... inverted DDT! The crowd is on it’s feet, and Christian climbs to the top rope... but before he can go for a frogsplash, JBL gets up on the apron, distracting Christian... kick sends JBL down, but Lashley is back up, and he slams Christian to the mat, before once again tossing him through the ropes, and with the ref distracted again, JBL is waiting... [/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] And once again, JBL hitting Christian with a cheap shot on the outside. [B]Coach:[/B] What happened? I missed it, I wasn’t looking. [B]Punk:[/B] You know what? I’ve seen enough of this... [B]Coach:[/B] Where the hell are you going? [CENTER]Punk drops headset and heads over to confront JBL... but JBL sees him coming, and he starts running away! JBL runs round the ring, with Punk in pursuit, and eventually he catches him, and the two square up and trade insults... until JBL slaps Punk across the face! Punk feels the sting of the shot, and he clutches his cheek... and then he starts unloading with rights hands to JBL! While Punk and JBL brawl on the floor, the match in the ring is continuing, although the referee is distracted, trying to separate the fight outside. Lashley looks to put Christian away, scooping him up onto his shoulder for a running powerslam... but Christian drops down the back and uses Lashley’s momentum to push him into the turnbuckle. Lashley hits it hard, and when he staggers out, Christian is waiting... unprettier! Christian plants Lashley... but there’s no referee! Christian has Lashley pinned, but there’s no count. Christian glances over to see Punk and JBL going at it... and he doesn’t see [B]Edge[/B] run down the ramp and slide into the ring! The ref is still distracted, and Edge is begging Christian to turn around... and when he does... spear! Edge nails Christian with a spear! Edge smiles at what he’s done, and he dives through the ropes and back up the ramp. Punk finally drops JBL with a kick to the skull, and the ref turns to see Lashley with an arm draped across Christian... 1... 2... 3. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Christian (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Dammit! Bobby Lashley gets the win thanks to Edge. [B]Coach:[/B] And that’s what we’re going to see this Sunday. You’re gonna see Christian down thanks to Edge, and Bobby Lashley is going to be victorious. I guarantee it. [B]Cole:[/B] What’s going to happen this Sunday? Join us live on pay-per-view for the Royal Rumble to find out. Goodnight! ---------------- [SIZE="1"]Paul London beat Chavo Guerrero to retain the Cruiserweight Championship (C+) Gregory Helms and Jamie Noble beat Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore (C) Matt Hardy won the Over The Top Rope Challenge (B-) Cryme Tyme beat Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas (C) Rey Mysterio beat Montel Vontavious Porter (B) Bobby Lashley beat Christian (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PPV/RRPoster.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Royal Rumble 2009 Preview[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge v Christian[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/ecwworld1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Last Man Standing Match Kurt Angle (C) v Kane[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match CM Punk (C) v Bobby Lashley[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Match Triple H (C) v John Cena[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/RoyalRumble.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheamusOShaunessy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] ------------------ Edge v Christian Kurt Angle v Kane CM Punk v Bobby Lashley Triple H v John Cena Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker [QUOTE]So, yeah, some predictions would be awesome to read! Also, this diary started on Royal Rumble 2008, so this is a kinda anniversary show (well for me anway) so hopefully you'll all enjoy it![/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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Edge v [B]Christian[/B] [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Kane CM Punk v [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] [B]Triple H[/B] v John Cena Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, [B]Christian[/B], Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker KUTGW man. Can't wait for the Royal Rumble
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[B]Edge[/B] v Christian Kurt Angle v [B]Kane[/B] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Bobby Lashley [B]Triple H[/B] v John Cena Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, [B]The Undertaker[/B]
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[B]Edge[/B] v Christian [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Kane [B]CM Punk[/B] v Bobby Lashley Triple H v [B]John Cena[/B] Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B], Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker
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