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WWE: The Next Generation

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[B][U][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Monday Night Raw[/COLOR], Week 4 February, Spokane, WA[/CENTER][/U][/B] We kick off the show with the chairman of the board, [B]Vince McMahon[/B], making his way down to the ring. Vince admits that despite his son’s best efforts, it will be Triple H and Jeff Hardy one on one at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. Vince then goes on to say that as the chairman of a multinational, billion dollar company, Vince refuses to have the champion of his flagship show be a man with rainbow coloured hair, painted fingernails and low-slung jeans. As the number one wrestling company in the world, the WWE needs a champion full of dignity and class, a true athlete and an upstanding human being... he of course is refereeing to his son-in-law, Triple H. Vince then reiterates that there is no chance in hell of Jeff Hardy leaving Wrestlemania 25 as the WWE Champion, and that the next five weeks would be the most brutal five week period of Jeff’s life, starting with tonight, as in our main event Jeff will meet Batista in a steel cage match! When we return from commercial, the actions kicks off with four of the men involved at No Way Out, as [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] and [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] take on [B]Chris Jericho[/B] and [B]Carlito[/B]. A highly technical and competitive match sees Michaels take a great deal of punishment, but he finally makes a tag to Kennedy, who storms the ring and takes control. With Jericho and Kennedy in the ring, it looks like Kennedy is going to secure the win with the mic check, only for Jericho to counter with the walls of Jericho, and after pinning Kennedy with the codebreaker the previous night, tonight Jericho makes Kennedy tap out, ending their feud once and for all. Backstage, [B]Vince McMahon[/B] is thoroughly delighted with his announcement earlier, and he brags about it to [B]Shane McMahon[/B] and [B]Triple H[/B]. Shane though isn’t impressed, feeling his Dad is starting to take over his show. Vince makes it perfectly clear to Shane and Triple H that the WWE is his universe, and he will run it however he sees fit, reminding Shane off his warnings all those months ago regarding Jeff’s usage of the Money in the Bank briefcase, and how Shane constantly failed to take the briefcase away. Vince states he is here on Raw for the foreseeable future to ensure Jeff doesn’t win at Wrestlemania. The second match sees the Woman’s Championship on the line, as champion [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] defends against [B]Natalya[/B], who won this chance last week on Raw. Having run through the rest of the Women’s division, it looks like Natalya will have no trouble doing the same to the champion, as she dominates for large portions of the match. Phoenix manages to rally though, and she mounts a comeback, but Natalya blocks several glam-slam attempts, only to then lock on the sharpshooter. Beth somehow reaches the ropes to break the hold (becoming the first diva to do so), and she somehow pulls a rollup out of nowhere to retain the title, but as she backs up the ramp with the belt, Natalya screams at her that it isn’t over between the two of them. [B]Maria[/B] then interviews [B]John Cena[/B] who demands an explanation from Batista regarding his actions last night after Cena eliminated him from the elimination chamber, when Batista then put Cena through one of the pods with a spinebuster and then Batista-bombed him onto the steel. Cena says that ever since Survivor Series Batista has had a problem with Cena, and that Batista should settle those issues with Cena like a man in the ring. [B]Finlay[/B] and [B]Dolph Ziggler[/B] then meet, with Dolph out for revenge after the Finlay/Hornswoggle combination cost him his match last week. Dolph is as aggressive as ever, but the veteran Irishman matches him every step of the way, and the stiff shots traded between the two deliver a seriously hard hitting match. Finlay looks like he could grab the win with a Celtic Cross, but Dolph counters into a rollup, and he grabs hold of the ropes for leverage as the ref counts 3. As we return from commercial, [B]Jim Ross[/B] is in the ring, and he mentions that with Wrestlemania right around the corner, it’s now time to begin announcing the inductees of the 2009 WWE Hall of Fame class. JR mentions that tonight is one of his proudest nights in the business, second only to his own Hall of Fame induction in 2007, as tonight he has the honour and privilege of announcing the first member of the 2009 class, the 6-time WWE Champion, the bionic redneck, the Texas rattlesnake... [B]’Stone Cold’ Steve Austin[/B]! A brief video now plays out highlighting some of the memorable moments in Austin’s legendary career, and JR makes his way back to his seat, assuming the next match is up, but... [B]Randy Orton[/B] makes his way down to the ring, with JR and King admitting this is an unscheduled appearance from the legend killer. Orton plays up his performance in last night’s elimination chamber, saying it was only sheer luck that Jeff Hardy eliminated him last to win. Orton then admits that he can’t believe a man like Steve Austin is entering the Hall of Fame. Orton claims that all Austin ever did was feud with Vince McMahon and drink beer, hardly a HoF worthy career. Orton points out that the HoF should be reserved for legendary workers such as his father ‘Cowboy’ Bob Orton, inducted in 2005. Orton then invites Austin to meet him in the ring next week live on Raw, saying he has something he’d like to say to the Rattlesnake but it would be better said in person. Our fourth match pits [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] and [B]Trevor Murdoch[/B] against each other, and unfortunately for Murdoch, Sheamus is back to his dominating best. Murdoch starts the match well, but soon Sheamus takes over, and he makes quick work of Murdoch, finishing him off with the fiery-red hand for an impressive victory. [B]Todd Grisham[/B] then interviews [B]Jeff Hardy[/B], with Jeff admitting he’s still banged up from last night’s elimination chamber. Jeff though vows to defy Vince and Shane, promising to beat Batista tonight in the steel cage and then go on to Wrestlemania to beat Triple H for the Championship. [B]The Undertaker[/B] is now in the ring for his match with [B]TJ Wilson[/B], the Deadman determined to extract revenge for Revolution’s interference in his title match with Triple H last night. Sadly for TJ, out of he, Harry Smith and Kenny Dykstra, it’s TJ who draws the short straw, and despite Harry and Kenny being at ringside and constantly interfering in the match, Undertaker fights back, overcoming the numbers game to nail Harry and Kenny on the outside and then return to the ring to finish off TJ with a chokeslam. After the match, Taker scares the Revolution members away, only for [B]Chris Jericho[/B] to emerge onto the ramp, dressed in a seriously flash suit. Jericho first addresses the crowd, repeating his claim of recent weeks that they are nothing more than hypocrites due to the way they have treated Jericho in recent weeks. Jericho reinforces his stance that he refuses to pander to them anymore, and that they can cheer all they want for a loser like Mr Kennedy, as Jericho had now beat him twice, with Jericho now moving on from Kennedy. Now Jericho turns his attentions to the Deadman in the ring, saying that Undertaker is the biggest hypocrite of them all, as he plays up his immortal image, but in reality he is nothing but flesh and bone, the same as Jericho. Flesh bleeds, and bones break, and Jericho vows that he will break The Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak, to prove to the world that there is nothing in the Deadman that anyone should fear. The cage is lowered and it’s now time for our main event, as [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] and [B]Batista[/B] meet. The match, much like the chamber last night, is a brutal affair, with Jeff taking plenty of high risks to gain the early advantage, Batista soon takes control, and he punishes Jeff by repeatedly hitting spinebusters, running powerslams and spears, as Jeff takes a real beating in the match. Slowly but surely, Jeff manages to battle back, connecting with the whisper in the wind and the twist of fate, but each time he tries to escape, Batista brings him back into the ring. Batista also has several escape attempts denied, and the match is seemingly hung in the balance... until Batista connects with the Batista-bomb! Another Batista-bomb has Jeff down and out, and the Animal casually walks towards the door of the cage and demands it to be opened... only for [B]John Cena[/B] to appear out of nowhere, slamming the door into Batista’s head! Hardy now takes advantage, hitting another twist of fate and a swanton bomb, and with Cena watching from ringside, Jeff slowly makes his way up the cage... but then [B]Revolution[/B] storm the ring, jumping Cena from behind. Jeff stands on the top of the cage, seeing the five man brawl happening below... and hits a suicidal swanton bomb from the top of the cage onto all five men below! Jeff wins by landing on the floor, but it’s his insane stunt that everyone will remember, and we go off the air with Cena and Jeff fighting with Revolution. [B][U][CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/COLOR], Week 4 February, Portland, OR[/CENTER][/U][/B] We kick off the show with [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] coming down to the ring and grabbing a mic. Shelton claims he was robbed last night by the returning Kurt Angle, and that had Angle not came through the crowd and jumped him from behind, it would be Benjamin not Umaga who would be going to Wrestlemania to face Kane. Shelton then demands for ECW general manager Mick Foley to come out and reverses the decision from last night and announce Benjamin as the number one contender. It doesn’t take long for [B]Mick Foley[/B] to emerge, and he admits that last night’s Championship Chase final was mired in controversy, but the decision of Umaga as winner stands. However, Foley also announced that the other two men in the match, Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison would meet in tonight’s main event, and the winner of that match would join Kane and Umaga at Wrestlemania in a triple threat match for the ECW Championship! Our first match sees champion [B]Kane[/B] take on [B]Kofi Kingston[/B]. Kofi puts up a good fight, and he has the best of the early goings, only for Kane to take control, punishing Kofi and getting several near falls. Kofi manages to mount a comeback, and he even manages to connect with the trouble in paradise... but Kane gets a shoulder up, and it doesn’t take long for the champion to nail the chokeslam for the 3 count. Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] interviews [B]Kurt Angle[/B], asking Angle about his health after the brutal last man standing match he and Kane had at the Royal Rumble and also questioning his actions at No Way Out. Angle says that when Benjamin screwed him out of the ECW Championship at the Rumble, he picked a fight with the wrong man. Angle also sends out a warning to Kane, saying he isn’t finished with him and he will be getting a rematch for the title soon, but right now, Angle is focused on Benjamin and revenge. Before the next match, [B]The Miz[/B] cuts a promo saying he is sick and tired of being overlooked here on ECW. Miz points out that he wasn’t even a part of the Championship Chase, and that is talent has been horribly misused. Miz then said he was quitting ECW and signing with Smackdown, and that he and [B]Layla[/B] would be there this Friday night looking to make an impact. Miz’s final match on ECW was against Smackdown’s [B]Jesse Dalton[/B], and despite the presence of Festus at ringside, Miz made quick work of Jesse, finishing him off with the reality check ensuring his recent run of victories continued and that he would arrive on Smackdown full of momentum. We are then treated to another strange [B]Kane[/B] promo from the boiler-room, the eerie red light surrounding Kane as always. Kane says that when he tossed Tommy Dreamer into the flames to win the inferno match at No Way Out, he truly had burned the heart and soul of ECW. Kane then went on to send a message to Umaga, Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison, claiming that no matter who stepped into the ring with him at Wrestlemania, the outcome would be the same... that Kane would dominate and his reign of terror over the land of extreme would continue. Up next, [B]Colt Cabana[/B] and [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B] squared off in a great match that saw plenty of back and forth action. Cabana starts the match at a fast pace, but a little outside interference from Danny Rodimer helps Kendrick take control. After near falls from enzuigiris, hurricanranas and tornado-DDTs, Kendrick appears to have it all tied up as he goes for the sliced bread... but Cabana counters out of the corner with a spinning sitout powerbomb for a near fall, and he looks to finish Kendrick off with the Colt.45... only Rodimer to get up on the apron. Cabana knocks him down with a kick to the head, but Kendrick comes up from behind with a rollup, and he places his feet on the ropes for extra leverage to get the 3 count. Before our main event, [B]Umaga[/B] and [B]Armando Estrada[/B] come out, and when Estrada is handed a mic he claims that Kane is not the dominant monster here on ECW, it is Umaga who is the true monster, and he will prove it at Wrestlemania by winning the ECW Championship. Estrada and Umaga decide to hang around for the main event, with Estrada joining Styles and Tazz at commentary and Umaga looming menacingly. [B]John Morrison[/B] and [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] square off in the ring, with both men wary of the presence of Umaga at ringside. Morrison comes close to winning early on as he nails a springboard roundhouse kick and goes for a cover, only for Benjamin to get a foot on the ropes. The match quickly spills outside, and Morrison loses composure as he gets in Umaga’s face, allowing Benjamin to take advantage by nailing Morrison from behind and then drive him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Benjamin comes close to victory with a bridging northern lights suplex and then a superkick, but he’s sure he has victory secured when he nails the T-Bone suplex... but somehow Morrison kicks out. After wearing Morrison down some more, Benjamin lines Morrison up for the paydirt... only for [B]Kurt Angle[/B]’s music to hit, and the Olympic champion steps out onto the ramp. Benjamin turns his attention to Angle, telling him to stay out of this, but the distraction is enough for Morrison, who hits the moonlight drive and then follows with the split-legged corkscrew moonsault for the 3 count! Angle returns the favour by screwing Benjamin, and Morrison is going to Wrestlemania... but Umaga spoils the party, storming the ring and just like at No Way Out, he nails Morrison with a Samoan spike, and we go off the air to the sight of the Samoan bulldozer standing over Morrison. [B][U][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Friday Night Smackdown[/COLOR], Week 4 February, Portland, OR[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show starts with [B]Edge[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] coming out to the ring, Edge with a huge smile on his face after his performance at No Way Out. Edge brags about how he outsmarted everyone, just like he outsmarted Jeff Hardy in the Royal Rumble match. Edge reiterates his stance from previous weeks, that the Wrestlemania 25 will be his night to shine and that now he has won both the Rumble and the elimination chamber, he will finally get CM Punk one on one and will beat him for the World Heavyweight Championship. Edge’s self appreciation is interrupted by Smackdown general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B], who of course promised at No Way Out he would have a surprise in store for Edge tonight. Flair said that Edge entered the Royal Rumble under false pretences, and that it was unfair for the other five men in the chamber as they were unprepared for Edge being involved at No Way Out. Therefore, in the interests of fairness of course, Flair announced that tonight’s main event would see the other five competitors from the chamber meeting in a match tonight. The winner of that match would then go on to face Edge next week on Smackdown, and if that person could beat Edge, he would join CM Punk and Edge in the Smackdown main event at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship, leaving Edge furious. The first match then pitted WWE Tag Team Champions [B]Paul Burchill[/B] and [B]Drew McIntyre[/B] against [B]Jesse[/B] and [B]Festus[/B]. Jesse takes a lot of punishment in this match, surviving several near falls and eventually tagging in Festus. The big man enters and dominates as per usual, and it looks like he’s about to put McIntyre, but on the outside William Regal rings the bell, stopping Festus in his tracks and sending him into a trance. Burchill and McIntyre take advantage, as Burchill hits an easy jumping neckbreaker, and with Jesse still down from his earlier beating, Festus offers no resistance as Burchill gets the 3 count. Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] interviews World Heavyweight Champion [B]CM Punk[/B] regarding the championship situation. Punk states that to him it really doesn’t matter if it’s he and Edge one on one or in a triple threat match, regardless of the opposition the outcome will be the same... that Punk will leave Wrestlemania still the World Heavyweight Champion. Our second match sees former tag partners [B]Jamie Noble[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B] square off. There is no high flying action here as both men deliver a stiff match, with plenty of pain being handed out. Noble in particular is full of heavy hitting, as he lands plenty of uppercuts and kicks to the spine, and he gets a near fall with the same fireman’s carry gutbuster he hit Helms with last week. Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore are both at ringside, and Yang tries to make his presence felt in the match by hitting Helms with cheap shots. Moore though takes the fight to his former partner, and the two start brawling on the outside. Noble is distracted by this, and it’s enough for Helms to regroup and nail the nightmare on Helms street for the 3 count, with Helms and Moore celebrating up the ramp while Noble and Yang stare them down from the ring. The recent arguments between Cruiserweight Champion [B]Paul London[/B] and [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] continue again tonight, as Chavo informs London that up next is a Cruiserweight’s number one contender’s match, and that it’s in this match that Chavo will finally earn his second chance at London’s Cruiserweight Title. London wishes Chavo well, saying he can’t wait to face Chavo again and prove that despite him earning another chance, he still won’t be able to take away his title. Chavo is in the ring waiting for his opponent, and everybody is shocked when [B]The Miz[/B] steps out! Is this impact Miz was talking about making? The match starts and Chavo is taken off guard by Miz, but he quickly takes control of the match by hitting the three amigos and then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Miz answers back by taking advantage of a distraction from Layla, and he comes close to victory with a snap-DDT and a springboard bulldog. Chavo manages to block Miz’s reality check attempt, and he scores a 2 count from a missile dropkick and a bridging German suplex. Chavo then goes to the top rope, looking for a frog splash... but again Layla gets involved, and this allows Miz to slam Chavo to the mat, and he moves quickly to score the reality check, making Miz the number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship. Miz celebrates with Layla, having made good on his promise to go to Smackdown and make an impact, while Chavo is left in the ring dejected, still waiting for his second chance at Paul London and the title. [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] are then seen talking backstage, with JBL making it perfectly clear that mistakes like the one Lashley committed at No Way Out will not be tolerated, and that if Lashley wanted to remain working for JBL and to continue to receive the salary JBL is paying him, then he better make sure nothing like that happens again. JBL then steps into the ring with [B]Matt Sydal[/B], and despite the clear size and power advantage JBL has, Sydal doesn’t let him effect him, as he uses his speed and agility to avoid most of JBL’s offence, connecting with headscissor takedowns and kicks to the head, catching JBL by surprise. Soon however the power moves start to arrive from JBL, with plenty of shoulderblocks and boots to the face grounding Sydal. Near falls follow from a fallaway slam and a series of elbowdrops, and pretty soon JBL is ready to swing with the clothesline from hell... but Sydal avoids it, and he hits the diving double knee drop from the top rope, getting a 2 count. The match has swung back in Sydal’s favour, but JBL soon regains control, and he tosses Sydal to the outside and distracts the ref, allowing Lashley to move in and cause damage. However, when Lashley scoops Sydal up and tries to lawndart him into the ringpost, Sydal pushes off and Lashley crashes into the ringpost, and by the time JBL is through with the ref, Sydal is at the top rope... another double knee drop, and Sydal moves quickly to go back upstairs... shooting star press! Lashley recovers just in time to see Sydal pull off a major upset by getting the 3 count over his boss! Sydal is ecstatic with his huge win, while Lashley can only hang his head, knowing he once again screwed up a request from JBL. When we return from commercial, [B]Santino Marella[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] are in the ring, and Santino grabs a mic and proclaims that at Wrestlemania 25 he will make history by becoming the first man to win the Money in the Bank (or the denaro in the briefcase as he calls it) and cash it in on the same night. Santino then demanded a Money in the Bank qualifier next week, and that tonight he would have a warm up match. Santino’s opponent turned out to be none other than the World Heavyweight Champion [B]CM Punk[/B]! At first Santino shows fear, but after realising Rosa is still at ringside watching on, he suddenly becomes arrogant, confidently saying he’ll win this one for his girl. Sadly for Santino, the champion is no mood to mess around, and despite Santino mounting some semblance of offence with a jawbreaker and a neckbreaker, Punk simply overwhelms him with kicks to the thighs and head, and after sending Santino to the corner, following in for the knee to the face and the bulldog, Punk wastes no time in taking Santino up for the GTS and the 3 count. [B]Christian[/B] is making his way through the corridors for tonight’s main event when he’s confronted by [B]Edge[/B], who delivers a quick warning to Christian, stating that whether it’s he or whoever else that faces Edge next week, he won’t let them share in his Wrestlemania spotlight. Before Christian even has a chance to respond Edge walks away, leaving Christian to head down to the ring to take on [B]Big Show[/B], United States Champion [B]Matt Hardy[/B], [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] and [B]Rey Mysterio[/B]. Early on, Big Show is the target of the other four, and they work together to toss Show out of the ring before taking the fight to each other. Show makes it back in, and he dominates with a series of headbutts to the point that he’s the only one left standing. Mysterio and Hardy take the fight to Show, but he swats them away, and finally it’s Christian who manages to score some offense on Show. MVP sneakily strikes Mysterio while he’s down, and Matt and Christian battle in a corner. The match progresses with all five men coming close to gaining victory, in particular Rey Mysterio coming close on several occasions. Mysterio connects with a dropkick to the back of Matt Hardy, but when he goes for the 619, Matt manages to avoid it, allowing MVP to connect with a drive-by kick that knocks Rey out of the ring. MVP now turns to Matt, sending him off the ropes for the snap overhead belly-to-belly and then looking for the playmaker... but Big Show grabs both by the throat... double chokeslam! Big Show drops both MVP and Matt, but before he can go for a cover, Christian dropkicks him, sending Show over the top rope to the floor. Christian then climbs to the top rope... diving headbutt to MVP! 1... 2... 3! Christian steals the win from the Big Show, and it’s he who will face Edge next week, and we go off the air to the sight of Christian celebrating in the ring. [QUOTE=The Final Countdown;640994]Great swerve with Edge weaseling his way into the Chamber match...a classic Edge move. And at the same time, you teased a rift with the JBL/Lashley alliance. Very fluid stuff.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;641374]Another great show. Loved Edge sneaking in to the Chamber and can't wait to see what Flair has in store for him. Don't worry about short shwos for a while, do what you have to to get to Wrestlemania because otherwise the gap will be huge and may take away from it. Do whatever you can do. As long as we get the idea that's the important thing.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=WWE4ever!;641408]wow! i just read through this entire thread and i have to say that i am impressed with what ive seen so far....the writing is balanced, you get shows out regularly, and i can tell you have put a lot of effort into this diary No Way Out was another great PPV and i loved how Edge got the best of Flair...at least for now....Mania is shaping up to be a great show and i cant wait to see the fall out from the ppv and the ensuing weeks leading up to Mania ive enjoyed what ive read so far and i hope you have fun here in America![/QUOTE] Guys thanks for the comments. So, the first week on the road to Wrestlemania is up in short form. Hoepfully I've done enough to get the point across and a few of the Mania feuds have became a little clearer. Another week of shows like these (probably up on Wednesday) and then we should be back to normal. :)
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[U][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]Monday Night Raw[/B][/COLOR], [B]Week 1 March, Memphis, TN[/B][/CENTER][/U] We kick off tonight’s show with the Animal [B]Batista[/B] making his way down the ramp, a serious pissed off look on his face. He discusses the interview John Cena gave last week, mentioning Cena’s comment that any problem Batista has with him should be settled in the ring. Batista says that after Cena cost him the main event cage match with Jeff Hardy last week, Batista’s problem with Cena just got a whole lot worse. This leads to [B]John Cena[/B] also coming out to the ring. Cena says that back at Survivor Series when Batista Batista-bombed him and handed victory to Revolution, that ever since then both men have been on a collision course. Cena points out that Batista screwed him at Survivor Series and he screwed him again at No Way Out. Cena then lays points out that both men arrived in the WWE at roughly the same time back in 2002, and for the last 7 years they have stayed away from each other until now. A challenge is then laid down by Cena, that the two should settle their problems in the ring, for the first ever match between the two... at Wrestlemania 25! Batista says he gladly accepts, and that at Wrestlemania he’ll prove to Cena that the reason the two have never faced before is because deep down Cena is scared of him. Our first match pits [B]Chris Jericho[/B] against [B]Finlay[/B], and the two deliver a great first match of the night. The action between the two is stiff and hard hitting, in particular the forearms and kicks to the spine traded between the two. Jericho looks he may have the match in hand when he goes for the lionsault, but Finlay gets his knees up, and the match swings back in his favour. Finlay tries for the Celtic Cross, but Jericho counters that into a codebreaker... only for Finlay to grab the top rope to save himself, as neither man can hit that one big move to grab the win. Jericho gets a near fall from an enzuigiri, and while he has Finlay down he goes for the walls of Jericho... but Finlay kicks out of it, sending Jericho to the corner, getting back on his feet and again going for the Celtic cross... but again Jericho fights out of it... and this time he does nail the codebreaker for the 3 count. After the match, Jericho gets on the stick and demands the Undertaker answer his challenge from last week. When Jericho is met by silence, he assumes it’s just the Deadman playing some of his famed mind games with him. Jericho tells Taker that the mind games won’t work on him. Again there is nothing but silence, so Jericho gives up and walks up the ramp, with everyone, including Jericho expecting some sort of message from the Deadman... but it never arrives. In the Revolution locker-room, [B]Vince McMahon[/B] informs [B]Triple H[/B] and [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] that they will be involved in a 3 on 2 handicap with Batista against Jeff Hardy and John Cena. Kenny says that although he’s happy to help Triple H hold onto the title, he’d also like to be involved in a match at Wrestlemania. The Game warns Kenny that Revolution’s sole focus should be the WWE Championship, but Kenny says he also wants his Wrestlemania moment. Vince asks if Kenny has anything in mind, and the Intercontinental Champion tells Vince that he, Harry and TJ will take care of everything. The first Money in the Bank qualifier is up next, as [B]Dolph Ziggler[/B] goes toe to toe with [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]. The two have a typically competitive match, with Dolph being his usual aggressive self and Kennedy struggling to make much of an impact. Dolph tries for his jumping Russian legsweep, but Kennedy counters into a rollup for a near fall. The match is delicately poised, but when Dolph connects with an enzuigiri and climbs to the top rope, it could be over if he nails a diving legdrop... but Kennedy rolls out of the way, and after a near fall with a snap DDT, Kennedy hits the mic check and puts Dolph away to become the first man qualified for the Money in the Bank ladder match. Backstage, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] interviews [B]Jeff Hardy[/B], asking him about the 3 on 2 handicap match tonight. Jeff declares that he and John Cena have worked together well in the past and they’ll do so again tonight, and he reiterates that no matter what Vince McMahon throws infront of him, nothing will stop Jeff from going to Wrestlemania and becoming the new WWE Champion. The next member of the 2009 WWE Hall of Fame class is then announced, and it’s a member of the celebrity wing... [B]Mike Tyson[/B]! A quick video follows showing the storyline from 1998 involving Tyson, DX and Steve Austin, concluding at Wrestlemania 14 where Tyson counted the pinfall on Shawn Michaels that saw Austin win his first WWE Championship. The Women’s Champion [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] in action next, taking on [B]Jillian Hall[/B]. Despite some early offence from Jillian, the champion is able to make light work of her, and Beth soon hits the Glamslam to put Jillian away. After the bell, [B]Natalya[/B] makes her presence felt, coming out onto the ramp with a mic in hand and saying her loss last week to Beth was nothing but a fluke. Natalya repeats her message from last week, that it isn’t over between the two of them, and that Natalya will get another shot at the title... and this time Beth won’t be so lucky. When we return from commercial, [B]Jim Ross[/B] is in the ring, and he says that he has been asked to conduct an interview, but he isn’t sure if he wants to. JR welcome out [B]Randy Orton[/B], and the legend killer makes his way down to the ring. JR starts by asking Orton why he’s asked JR to be in the ring for this interview, but Orton starts talking by reminding everyone that last week he invited ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin to meet him in the ring this week... only Austin isn’t here tonight. Austin asks JR where Austin is and why he hasn’t agreed to meet him, with JR saying probably because Austin is back on his ranch in Texas relaxing. Orton says he wants to meet Austin face to face as he has a challenge for him. Orton states that last year he took on a hall of famer in Ric Flair and beat him, and he’s determined to do it again this year. Orton then challenges Austin to a match in Houston at Wrestlemania 25! JR however is quick to point out that Austin retired several years ago, and he has no interest in getting back in the ring. JR advises Orton that he should think again regarding his Wrestlemania match. Orton then states that if Austin won’t agree to meet him in the ring, he’ll just have to think of a way to get under Austin’s skin to force him to... so he RKO’s JR! Orton lays out JR, and he grabs the mic and stares intensely into the camera, daring Austin to come to Boston for next week’s Raw to meet him then. When we return from commercial, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] has joined King for commentary, but before the next match, King sends a message to Randy Orton... for the attack on JR, King is challenging Orton to a match next week live on Raw. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] steps out, and he’s ready for his match with [B]Deuce[/B]. The presence of Domino and Cherry at ringside prove helpful to Deuce for most of the match, as he’s able to score plenty of 2 counts from high knees and heel kicks, as well as distracting the ref so Domino can do some damage on the outside. Michaels fires back with the flying forearm, and after a near fall he’s ready to strike... sweet chin music! Down goes Deuce, and Domino takes a shot too before Michaels goes for the cover and gets the 3 count. As Michaels recovers from the match, [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] storm the ring, and the Bulldogs quickly beat Michaels down and subdue him while Kenny grabs a mic. Harry and TJ hold Michaels in place so Kenny can speak straight to his face. Kenny says that he wants his Wrestlemania moment, and who better for him to take it from than Mr Wrestlemania himself, Shawn Michaels. Kenny claims he and the Bulldogs are the future of this business, and that a washed up veteran like Shawn Michaels needs to pass the torch to guys like them. At Wrestlemania, Kenny vows to beat Mr Wrestlemania, establishing himself and the Bulldogs as major players in the WWE. Of course the segment ends with more punishment being handed down to Michaels. [B]Batista[/B] then enters the Revolution locker-room, and he is reminded by [B]Triple H[/B] and [B]Shane McMahon[/B] that Jeff Hardy must be punished tonight. The Animal insists he will punish both Jeff Hardy and John Cena, but he won’t be doing it to help out Triple H retain the WWE Title, he’ll be doing because he hates both men. The fifth match of the night pits [B]Cody Rhodes[/B] against the ever dangerous [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B]. Cody puts up a hell of a fight against Sheamus, getting good offence in with a bulldog and plenty of dropkicks and Russian legsweeps. Cody even connects with the moonsault off the top for an agonising near fall. Cody looks for a DDT, but Sheamus counters with a back-body-drop, and after coming close to victory with a bearhug and a neckbreaker, he finally hits the fiery red hand to finish Cody off. When we return from commercial, it’s time for the main event, the 3 on 2 handicap match featuring [B]Triple H[/B], [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] and [B]Batista[/B] taking on [B]John Cena[/B] and [B] Jeff Hardy[/B]. Hardy and Cena start the match strongly, as they target Kenny, keeping him away from his corner and coming close to pinfalls as Cena connects with the legdrop bulldog from the second rope and Hardy nails the whisper in the wind. Cena is in the ring and running the ropes when Batista cheap shots him from behind, and this is the opening Kenny needs to take Cena down and tag out. Batista and the Game now do damage to Cena, in particular Batista connects with the spear and Triple H hits the spinebuster and the facebreaker knee smash. Batista is in the ring, and he scoops Cena up looking for the Batista-bomb... but Cena fights out of it, and he lands on his feet and nails Batista with the flying shoulderblock, finally allowing him to tag in Jeff. Jeff explodes into the ring, taking the fight to Batista and nailing him with the leg-feed mulekick, prompting the Game and Kenny to storm the ring, but Cena is there too, and he takes Kenny up on his shoulders... FU! But before he can go for a cover, Triple H is on him, and he and Cena brawl to the outside. Jeff meanwhile nails Batista with a twist of fate, and he then climbs to the top rope... swanton bomb to Batista, but here comes the Game... pedigree! The Game nails the pedigree, and he picks up the 3 count, and we go off the air to the sight of the champion standing over his Wrestlemania opponent. [U][CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"][B]ECW on Sci-Fi[/B][/COLOR], [B]Week 1 March, Memphis, TN [/B][/CENTER][/U] We start the show with [B]Kurt Angle[/B] making his way down to the ring. Kurt says that now he’s back he has two things on his mind... Shelton Benjamin and the ECW Championship. Kurt says that last week when he cost Shelton Benjamin his match with John Morrison, that was only the beginning of what he has in store for Shelton. Tonight though, he’s focusing on the title, and that means cashing in his rematch clause from the Royal Rumble! ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] comes out and says that’s he still not so sure on the state of Kurt’s medical status, reminding everyone that at the Rumble Kane tombstoned Kurt onto the steel steps. However, since Kurt does has a rematch clause, he has no option but to grant Kurt his title match. Foley also adds a stipulation to the match regarding Shelton Benjamin. Foley states that if Shelton comes down to the ring and gets involved in the title match tonight, he will be suspended for 30 days, and will miss out on any possible Wrestlemania pay-day. The first match is the first ECW Money in the Bank qualifier, and it sees [B]Stevie Richards[/B] take on [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B]. With Balls Mahoney at ringside for Stevie keeping an eye on Danny Rodimer, Kendrick doesn’t have a chance to get his insurance policy involved, which gives us a highly competitive match. Richards comes close to victory with a sitout facebuster, and he gets even closer with a DDT, only for Rodimer to place Kendrick’s foot on the ropes before the 3 count. This leads to Balls charging around the ring to pick a fight with Rodimer, and while that chaos is going on, in the ring Kendrick is back on his feet and he nails the sliced bread for the 3 count, becoming the first ECW participant and the second overall in the Money in the Bank match. Once again we go backstage to [B]Kane[/B] for another one of his creepy promos. Kane laughs at the suggestion of him facing Kurt Angle tonight, saying the pain he felt at the Rumble when Kurt suffered a tombstone onto the steel steps was nothing compared to the pain he was going to feel tonight. Tommy Dreamer felt Kane’s pain at No Way Out, Kurt Angle will feel it tonight, and then at Wrestlemania, Umaga and John Morrison will suffer the same consequences. [B]Mike Knox[/B] and [B]Kofi Kingston[/B] now square off, a complete difference in style between the two as Kofi uses his agility and high flying styles to keep the powerful Knox off balance. Eventually Knox does get a grip of Kofi, nailing him with the bicycle kick for a near fall. Powerslams and backbreakers follow as Knox really punishes Kofi, but he’s unable to put Kofi away. Eventually Kofi rallies, connecting with a springboard crossbody and then the high legdrop for a near fall. Kofi tries for the trouble in paradise, but Knox ducks the kick, and after he nails Kofi with a clothesline, he quickly hits the Knox-out for the win. [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by backstage, and she’s ready to interview [B]Armando Estrada[/B] and [B]Umaga[/B]. Estrada says that he and Umaga are not worried about Kane’s threats, rather it should be the champion who is worried about what Umaga will do to him and John Morrison at Wrestlemania. Umaga is now in action in a tag team match with [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] as his partner, as the pair take on [B]John Morrison[/B] and [B]Colt Cabana[/B]. Morrison and Umaga battle for most of the early goings of the match, with the two trading shot after shot, neither man wanting to show any weakness before Wrestlemania. Morrison finally breaks through with the springboard roundhouse kick, before tagging in Cabana. Cabana tries to continue the assault, but the Samoan bulldozer regains control, and he and Benjamin make plenty of tags, all the while wearing Cabana down. Benjamin gets a near fall from a bridging Northern lights suplex, and Umaga comes close with a spinning wheel kick and then the Samoan wrecking ball, to which Cabana barely kicks out. Benjamin is in the ring, and he lines Cabana up for paydirt, only for Cabana to counter with an overhead belly-to-belly, and he crawls to his corner to tag in Morrison. Morrison enters and knocks down both Benjamin and Umaga, and he knocks Umaga out of the ring with a heel kick. Cabana is back up now, and after he nails Benjamin with the Colt.45, Morrison connects with the split-legged corkscrew moonsault for the 3 count, sending a clear message to Umaga that he shouldn’t be underestimated. We then have an interview via satellite with [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B], still recovering from the brutal inferno match in his home in back in New York. Joey Styles and Tazz conduct the interview from the arena, and they begin by asking Tommy what his condition is after No Way Out. Dreamer admits he’s still in a lot of pain, with the only consolation being he knows he once again took Kane to the limit. Styles and Tazz then ask Dreamer when he’ll be back in the ring. Dreamer admits that he’s unsure if he’ll ever be back, and that once again the doubts about whether he can still perform at the highest level have settled in. Dreamer states that if he has a change of heart, Styles and Tazz will be the first ones to know about it. The main event sees the ECW Championship on the line as [B]Kane[/B] defends the title against [B]Kurt Angle[/B]. Angle, in his first match since the Royal Rumble, starts at a quick pace, and the match quickly spills outside the ring, with Kane going into the steel steps and having his head slammed off the announce desk. Back in the ring, Angle comes close to victory with a bridging German suplex, and he continues his attack by taking Kane down with a belly-to-back and going for... the ankle lock... but Kane scrambles to the ropes before Kurt can get it locked in. Kane then strikes with a series of uppercuts to the throat, and he follows this with clotheslines and a big boot to the face as Kane takes control. Kane begins to target Angle’s back, connecting with backbreakers and powerslams, before getting a 2 count from a sidewalk slam. Kane continues the attack, nailing the flying clothesline from the top rope for another near fall and then coming close again with a running powerslam. Kane then grabs Angle by the throat looking for the chokeslam, but Angle fights free, and he counters with an overhead belly-to-belly that leaves both men down. Slowly they make it back up, and a slugfest ensues, with Angle eventually getting the better of it and getting a near fall from an enzuigiri. Angle then nails an Angle slam, but Kane gets a foot on the ropes before the ref can count 3. The tension builds, and Angle lines Kane up for the ankle lock... only for [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B]’s music to his, and the gold standard appears on the screen. Shelton says he realises he’s not allowed down to ringside for this match, but that Mick Foley never said anything about him not making his presence felt from backstage. Shelton then tells Kurt he should probably turn around... as Kane is waiting... chokeslam! Kane hits the chokeslam and gets the 3 count, and we go off the air with Styles and Tazz dejected that Benjamin has again cost Angle the ECW Championship. [U][CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]Friday Night Smackdown[/COLOR], Week 1 March, Memphis, TN[/B][/CENTER][/U] We don’t waste any time tonight as we get straight to the action for a Money in the Bank qualifier, as one half of the tag team champions, [B]Paul Burchill[/B] takes on [B]Rey Mysterio[/B]. Rey starts fast, attacking Burchill’s legs with stiff kicks and sending Burchill down with headscissors and a wheelbarrow bulldog. Mysterio is in complete control, but with The Empire at ringside, they soon put their numbers to work as Katie Lea distracts the ref allowing Regal and McIntyre to drag Mysterio to the outside to deliver a beating. Back in the ring, Burchill goes to work with power moves as he punishes Rey with backbreakers and slams, before getting a near fall with a belly-to-belly suplex. Burchill then goes for a torture rack, and as he applies pressure, it looks like Mysterio is done... but Rey manages to fight out of it, countering with a rollup for a 2 count before getting back on his feet and dropping Burchill with a wheelbarrow DDT. Rey grabs a couple of near falls, and this prompts Regal to get up on the apron distracting Rey, but when Burchill attacks, Rey ducks, seeing Burchill nail Regal and allowing Mysterio to dropkick Burchill onto the ropes, hitting the 619 and grabbing the 3 count to become the first Smackdown qualifier for the Money in the Bank. Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] interviews [B]Edge[/B] regarding his match with Christian tonight. Edge says that despite the fans all craving a happy ending where Christian beats him tonight and joins him and CM Punk at Wrestlemania, it’s not going to work out that way, as Edge guarantees victory tonight, again claiming that Wrestlemania 25 will be his night and he refuses to share it with anyone. The Cruiserweight Title is on the line now as [B]Paul London[/B] defends against Smackdown newcomer [B]The Miz[/B]. The two are having a highly competitive match, with both men coming close to victory until Miz takes control, when [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] walks down to the ring for a closer view. Miz isn’t pleased about Chavo being there, but he presses on, coming close to grabbing the win with a forward Russian legsweep. London rallies and he too comes close to retaining the title thanks to a jumping enzuigiri. It seems like neither man can put the other away, but London drops Miz with a tornado-DDT and climbs to the top rope... but Chavo gets up on the apron, distracting London. The ref manages to talk Chavo down, and Miz takes advantage of the distraction, nailing the reality check... but when Miz goes for the cover, Chavo distracts the ref again! Chavo has now cost both men victory, and Miz is furious, getting Chavo’s face, which allows London to come from behind with a rollup to grab a quick 3 count. London retains the title, but all Cole and Coach can talk about is the fact that Chavo tried to mess with both men involved in the match. Smackdown general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B] is in his office when he’s joined by [B]Santino Marella[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B]. Santino complains to Flair about his choice of opponent in Santino’s warm up match last week, when Flair chose World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk for him to face. Santino demands that he be told his opponent in his “Denaro in the Briefcase” qualifier right now. Flair agrees, informing Santino that his opponent is going to be the United States Champion Matt Hardy, leaving Santino as stunned as he was last week. The long running rivalry between [B]Shannon Moore[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B] and [B]Jimmy Yang[/B] and [B]Jamie Noble[/B] continues tonight, as the four square off in tag team action. Yang and Noble work well together, and they isolate Shannon from his corner and do plenty of damage to him. Moore fires back and tags in Helms, but while Helms is able to get near falls from a swinging neckbreaker and a crossbody from the top, Noble soon takes back control with a Northern lights suplex, and he and Yang now go to work on Helms. Again they do a great job of isolating Helms, and they come close to finishing him off, especially Yang when he hits a spinning wheel kick. Helms fights back and tags in Moore, and he fires into the ring and takes out both Noble and Yang, before getting a 2 count from a legdrop bulldog on Yang. The fight rages on, but when Noble sends Helms crashing to the steel steps on the outside, the numbers game in the ring pays off as Noble hits the fireman’s carry gutbuster for the 3 count. When we return from commercial, [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] are in the ring, for which JBL calls Lashley’s staff appraisal. JBL begins by reminding us of when he was general manager he took Lashley under his wing and made him a name on this show. He shared the spotlight with Lashley, paid him a great salary, allowed him to bask in JBL’s glory, and for that... Lashley did nothing but disappoint him. JBL then talks about Lashley’s poor performance at Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, No Way Out and even last week on Smackdown, with Lashley having made a string of mistakes that have cost JBL. JBL then states that unless Lashley improves, JBL is going to have to fire him. JBL then declares the appraisal over, but as he goes to leave the ring, Lashley grabs him by the jacket, taking the mic out of his hand and demands that JBL listen to what he has to say. Lashley tells a different side of the story, claiming JBL has had him do all his dirty work, telling him to beatdown his opponents before matches. Lashley claims that he did what was asked of him, and the fact that JBL isn’t currently World Heavyweight Champion is his fault and not Lashley’s. A shouting match ensues between the two, where Lashley snaps, grabs the mic and says he quits... only for JBL to strike with a right hand and then boots... but Lashley fights back to his feet, and he nails JBL with a spinebuster, causing JBL to flee the ring as Lashley stands tall. The second Money in the Bank qualifier is up next, as [B]Santino Marella[/B] takes on [B]Matt Hardy[/B]. As always, Santino is pure comedy, and consequently, Matt dominates the match, and he also has it wrapped up within a minute as he tries several rollups and inside cradles for near falls. Santino heads out of the ring to regroup, but Matt stays on the attack, taking the fight to Santino on the floor. Back in the ring, Santino crawls to the corner and begs for mercy, and in the split second Matt considers it, Santino grabs his jeans and sends Matt crashing into the ringpost. Santino now targets Matt’s arm, and he slowly does damage with a series of armbars. Matt fights back, and after breaking Santino’s hold, he gets a near fall from the side effect before finishing Santino off with the twist of fate, becoming the second Smackdown competitor in the Money in the Bank match. [B]Edge[/B] is getting ready for his match tonight when he’s joined by the World Heavyweight Champion [B]CM Punk[/B] It’s clear that Punk is only there to annoy Edge, as the champion is quick to remind Edge that he’s already lost to Christian one on one back at the Royal Rumble. Edge tells Punk that nothing is going to affect him tonight, and that nothing can stop him from getting his one on one match with Punk at Wrestlemania. The champion though knows he has Edge rattled, and he leaves the room with a sarcastic good luck which only annoys Edge even more. Tag team action is up next, as [B]Big Show[/B] and [B]Matt Sydal[/B] take on [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] and [B]Ted DiBiase[/B]. Show starts the match and he dominates, rocking both opponents with headbutts and slaps to the chest. Sydal is in the ring, and he quickens the pace, only for a cheap shot from MVP to ground him. Now MVP and DiBiase target Sydal, and the punishment from them leads to plenty of near falls, especially from the snap overhead belly-to-belly from MVP and a vertical suplex from Ted. MVP does most of the damage, but DiBiase is in the ring and he locks on the million dollar dream. Sydal begins to fade, so Show enters the ring and nails Ted from behind and then knocks MVP off the apron. Show goes back to his corner to take the tag from Sydal, and he goes to work on DiBiase, tossing him from pillar to post, hitting big boots and sidewalk slams and then grabbing Ted by the throat... chokeslam... but from behind, MVP nails Show with a chair! MVP snaps, and now he starts wearing out Show with repeated chair shots. Sydal tastes the chair as well, and despite losing by DQ, MVP is the only one looking like a winner when it’s over. We again go backstage to [B]Christian[/B] making his way down to the ring for the main event, when [B]CM Punk[/B] steps out to confront him. Unlike his chat with Edge earlier, Punk is much more sincere, and he encourages Christian to get the win and join him at Wrestlemania. Christian tells Punk he will win tonight, and despite the friendship that has grow between the two over the months since Christian has been back, Christian will have no regrets about taking the title away from Punk. The two shake hands and Punk wishes Christian a much more sincere good luck. [B]Edge[/B] comes out and the main event is underway, and much like their match at the Rumble, the match swings back and forth for the duration, with both men coming seriously close to getting the win. The hard hitting affair quickly spills outside, and Christian slams Edge into the steel steps only for Edge to drive Christian into the ringpost and then bounce his head off the announce desk. Back in the ring neither man can take control, as Christian hits the diving uppercut only for Edge to fire back with an inverted-DDT. Edge finally manages to gain control when he sends Christian crashing into the ringpost, and Edge connects with an impaler DDT, thinking he has it won only for Christian to barely kick out. Edge stays on the attack, nailing Christian with hard punches and getting more near falls from a Russian legsweep and a flapjack. Christian is barely hanging on, but he manages to fire back with a tornado-DDT, and he comes close to victory by hitting the unprettier, thinking it’s a 3 count only for Edge to get a foot on the rope. Christian continues his attack with more DDT’s and uppercuts, but when he climbs to the top rope, Edge pushes the ref into the ropes, and then he takes Christian down with a suplex off the top, getting a long 2 count. Edge can’t believe it, but he crouches in the corner and waits for Christian to rise... spear... no! Christian leapfrogs... unprettier! And now Christian is climbing to the top rope... frogsplash! 1... 2... 3! Christian wins, and now officially it’s CM Punk, Christian and Edge in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A highlight package from last week plays out, showing us the historic announcement that at Wrestlemania 25 we’ll see John Cena and Batista one on one for the first time ever, and then the main event with saw Triple H, Batista and Kenny Dykstra defeat John Cena and Jeff Hardy in a handicap mach. The opening video plays out, and we go live to the area for the pyro display and then to the announce desk to hear from [B]Todd Grisham[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Monay Night Raw! My name is Todd Grisham, I’m filling in for good ol’ JR, Jim Ross who was the victim of an RKO from Randy Orton last week. I’m joined tonight in Boston, MA by Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, I know you more than anybody were very upset by the actions of Orton last week. [B]King:[/B] Damn right I was. Orton, you may have a problem with Steve Austin, but that does not give you any right to put your hands on JR like that. So tonight Orton, it’s you and me one on one, and I’m gonna take you to school. [B]Todd:[/B] Well we look forward to that match, also tonight, another Money in the Bank participant will be determined... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] And of course, Revolution. And it appears we’re going to kick things off with them. [B]King:[/B] And after what happened in last week’s main event, you know they’ve got to be feeling a lot better about heading into Wrestlemania. [I]As Revolution step out, one notable addition to the line up is [B]Vince McMahon[/B], the WWE Chairman accompanying his son and Raw general manager [B]Shane McMahon[/B] as well as [B]Triple H[/B], [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] (all champions by the way), and the six swagger their way down to the ring where Vince is handed a mic...[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Last week, you all saw firsthand the lengths to which I will go to ensure Jeff Hardy does not become WWE Champion. Last week, John Cena and Jeff Hardy took part in a handicap match, and they were soundly beaten by Triple H, Kenny Dykstra and Batista. And after such a monumental effort last week, I have decided that tonight... I’m giving all Revolution members the night off. Triple H, Kenny, Harry, TJ... relax, have a good night, I’ll pick up the tab in the morning. However, I still want tonight to be an entertaining show. With that in mind, since Triple H and Jeff Hardy will meet at Wrestlemania... and since Kenny has challenged Shawn Michaels to a match at Wrestlemania... I’ve decided that tonight, it’s going to be Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels one on one! [I]Vince then hands the mic to Triple H, and after the boos die down, the champion speaks...[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Wow. Jeff and Shawn one on one. Jeff, if you need any advice on how to beat Shawn, just ask me, I’ve done it plenty of times. And last week Jeff, I beat you too. You see Jeff, you can do all your high flying, flashy moves... but with that comes risk Jeff. The risk that you’ll miss. And that’s what happened last week. You went for the swanton, and you missed... and that’s when I struck. That’s why they call me the cerebral assassin Jeff... because I see my chance and I strike, and I never miss Jeff. I nailed you with the pedigree, and it was game over. Last week was a look into your future Jeff, because at Wrestlemania, just like last week, I will make my move, I will strike... and I won’t miss. Jeff... I’m a better wrestle than you’ll ever be... and at Wrestlemania, I’m gonna prove it to each and every one of these idiots that cheer for you... and I’ll prove it to you too! [B]King:[/B] Well, it’s hard to argue with that. Triple H did indeed get the pinfall on Jeff Hardy last week. [B]Todd:[/B] But what about tonight? It’s Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels one on one. What a main event that’s gonna be! ----------------- [CENTER][B]Money in the Bank Qualifying Match Cody Rhodes v Carlito[/B] The second Raw Money in the Bank spot is up for grabs as two former Intercontinental Champions square off. Cody bounces around the ring as he usually does, and he drops Carlito with an early bulldog before connecting with rights, but when he sends Carlito off the ropes, Carlito reverses and Primo gets involved, allowing Carlito to take control. The match stays at a fast pace as Carlito also flies around the ring, although his knees to the head and springboard back elbow connect with more force than Cody’s offence. Carlito makes a mistake when he goes for a neckbreaker and Cody counters into a DDT for a near fall. After a scoop slam, Cody climbs to the top rope and goes for the moonsault, only to land flat on his face, allowing Carlito to pounce with the backstabber for the 3 count. [B]Carlito beat Cody Rhodes to qualify for the Money in the Bank match (B)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I][B]Maria[/B] is standing by backstage...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]! And Kennedy, last week you became the first man qualified for the Money in the Bank match, and now we know that Carlito will be the other Raw participant. Do you think you can win the Money in the Bank briefcase for the second time, or will someone else beat you up that ladder? [B]Kennedy:[/B] Maria, you know what happened the last time I was in the Money in the Bank ladder match? I climbed that ladder and I grabbed that briefcase, only to have it stolen away from me before I had a chance to use it. But this year, I’m not gonna let that happen again. I’m gonna go to Wrestlemania, grab that briefcase and once again you can all call me... Misssterrrrr... Money in the Bannnnnnnkkk! [B]Maria:[/B] Uh, well thanks for... [B]Kennedy:[/B] In the Bannnnnnnkkk! ------------------ [CENTER][B]Beth Phoenix and Mickie James v Natalya and Melina[/B] The feud between Natalya and Beth rages on tonight, as the two meet in tag action, with former Women's Champions Melina and Mickie James joining the frey. Beth and Natalya start the match, and the action is as intense as their title match a couple of weeks ago. Both divas seem intent on displaying their power, and they pair trade backbreakers and scoop slams until Beth hits a sidewalk slam and tags in Mickie. Mickie of course bounces into the ring and connects with with a Thesz press and a series of rights, but here headscissor takedown is countered into a facebuster, and when Melina gets the tag, she and Natalya keep Mickie away from making the tag and wear her down, with Melina coming very close to grabbing the win with a split-legged neckbreaker. Mickie counters Melina's roundhouse kick with a dropkick of her own, and she tags in the champion, who quickly goes to town on both opponents. All four women are brawling in the ring, when Mickie and Natalya take the fight outside. In the ring, Beth and Melina go at it, and the champion looks like she could win it when she plants Melina with the glam-slam, but Natalya sneaks back into the ring, and after she clubs Beth from behind, Natalya nails a spinning powerbomb, getting the victory for her team but more importantly a decisive pinfall over the champion, something which to this point Natalya was yet to accomplish. [B]Natalya and Melina beat Beth Phoenix and Mickie James (C-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I][B]Chris Jericho[/B] is seen walking the corridors, dressed in a flash suit and with a smirk on his face, when he’s confronted by the ever menacing [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B]...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Can I help you with something? [B]Sheamus:[/B] Aye. You’re the one challenging The Undertaker aren’t ya? [B]Jericho:[/B] Yeah I am. What’s it to you? [B]Sheamus:[/B] I got a match with him tonight... and when I beat him, I’ll be the one who faces The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. [B]Jericho:[/B] Oh really? Listen... it’s Sheamus isn’t it? [B]Sheamus:[/B] Aye... [B]Jericho:[/B] Listen Sheamus, I don’t know you. Quite frankly, I don’t care what happens with you and The Undertaker tonight. I am on a mission to expose The Undertaker as the fraud that he is, and I am determined to do that on the grandest stage of them all. So, you have fun out there tonight big guy, but I promise you... Undertaker will be accepting my challenge... whether he wants to or not. ---------------- [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, it is now our pleasure to announce the third member of the WWE hall of fame class for 2009. [B]King:[/B] And I have to say, this member is a legend in this business. [B]Todd:[/B] He was the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion in history, and if you weren’t careful, he’d lay down a little shake, rattle and roll on you. [B]King:[/B] It really is a thrill for me to say this. The third member of the 2009 hall of fame class is... [B]The Honky Tonk Man[/B]! [I]A brief video plays out highlighting the career of the Honky Tonk, paying particular attention to his record 64 week reign as Intercontinental Champion and classic moments like Kane nailing him with his guitar during the 2001 Royal Rumble...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Congratulations to The Honky Tonk man, we’ll see him in Houston. But right now... [B]King:[/B] Now it’s time to teach Randy Orton a little lesson in respect. As JR would say, Orton, it’s time you took a trip to the wood shed... [CENTER][B]Randy Orton v Jerry Lawler[/B] Lawler certainly is confident as he enters the ring, and when he ties up with Orton the old school Lawler tricks come flooding back, with thumbs to the eye and those carefully placed punches leading to a wind up for the big one bringing the crowd to their feet. Orton soon gains control, and he of course slows the match way down with his chinlocks as well as the customary Orton stomp. Soon Orton is pummelling King in the corner, determined to make an example of the hall of famer, but when the ref tries to separate the two, Lawler scores an old fashioned low blow, and again the carefully placed punches connect until Orton is sent off the ropes into a right that knocks him down. King then goes to the second rope and connects with the fist drop for a near fall, and the upset could be on as King goes for the piledriver.. but Orton counters with a back-body-drop, deflating the crowd and then striking with an RKO to grab a victory that was surely more difficult than he has anticipated. [B] Randy Orton beat Jerry Lawler (B-) [/B][/CENTER] [I]After the match, Orton demands a mic...[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] Somebody drag this sorry excuse for a hall of famer out of my ring. Austin... two weeks ago I challenged you to meet me in the middle of this ring... but you didn’t show up. Last week, I challenged you again to meet me in this ring, hell I even RKO’d your buddy Jim Ross, who isn’t here tonight... just like you Austin. Is this what’s it come to Austin? I RKO your friend, yet it’s left to a washed up loser like Jerry Lawler to defend his honour. Why aren’t you here doing that Austin? What’s the matter Steve? Don’t you have the balls for it anymore? Well Austin, if you won’t come to meet me... then I guess I’ll just have to go find you. Next week, I am going to Victoria, TX and I am going to find whatever hellhole you’re in Austin... and I am going to challenge you face to face, man to man to a match at Wrestlemania 25! ---------------- [I]In the locker-room, [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] is getting ready for his match tonight when [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] enter the room...[/I] [B]Kenny:[/B] Shawn... thought anymore about my little proposal last week? [B]Harry:[/B] You know, the one he made before we kicked your ass. [B]Shawn:[/B] Listen junior you said last week you wanted your Wrestlemania moment right? [B]Kenny:[/B] That’s right... [B]Shawn:[/B] And you want it to be with me, Mr Wrestlemania? [B]Kenny:[/B] Yeah. [B]Shawn:[/B] Well you know what Kenny? When I was your age and I wanted my Wrestlemania moment... I earned it. I didn’t grab my buddies, bet guys up and then run to Grandpa Vince crying for a match! I paid my dues, and when my moment came, I was ready to grab it! [B]Kenny:[/B] Oh yeah? Well I’m the future of this franchise... and I don’t pay dues. Now... I want my Wrestlemania moment Shawn... and you better give it to me. Do we have a... [I]Oh! Michaels nails Kenny with some sweet chin music out of nowhere, and he rocks Harry and TJ with right hands before getting in Kenny’s face...[/I] [B]Shawn:[/B] I tell you what Kenny... I’ll give you your moment... but to get it, you’re gonna have to give me something. I’ll let you know what that is next week junior. -------------- [CENTER][B]Finlay v Batista[/B] Two stiff workers gives you an equally stiff match, and that’s exactly what these two delivered, as Finlay and Batista spend the early goings trading blow for blow, with the Irishman’s forearms and uppercuts having an effect. An Irish whip to the corner is reversed by Batista, and he follows in with a clothesline and drives his shoulder into the gut, before connecting with a running powerslam for a near fall. More big clotheslines and slams follow, and again the Animal comes close to victory with a vertical suplex. Finlay is able to answer back with a dropkick to the knee, and after a legdrop from the second rope gets him a near fall, Finlay tries for the Celtic slam... but Batista lands on his feet, and he pushes Finlay off the ropes... right into a spinebuster. After that, it doesn’t take long for the Animal to scoop Finlay up for a Batista-bomb, getting the 3 count and an impressive victory to continue his roll to Wrestlemania. [B]Batista beat Finlay (A)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Once again, [B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the man who will face Batista at Wrestlemania 25... [B]John Cena[/B]! And John, we just saw Batista defeat Finlay in a really psychical match. John, can you match the power of the Animal and claim victory at Wrestlemania? [B]Cena:[/B] Batista, I mean, what was that all about huh? What, you beating up Finlay after the bell, is that supposed to me some sort of message aimed at me? You know what Dave? I ain’t gonna be intimidated by you. As far as I’m concerned, the reason you and me ain’t never faced each other before, is because you’re scared that for once you might run into somebody that’ll take you on at your game! I can match, and I can go beyond the power of the Animal, and at Wrestlemania, I will bring everything I got... and I will beat you Batista. ----------------- [CENTER][B] Undertaker v Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] A battle of the big men as Sheamus and Taker meet, with Sheamus vowing to beat Undertaker tonight and then do the same at Wrestlemania. Taker dominates early on, striking with big punches and elbows in the corner, and even delivering snake eyes and following it with a big boot for an early near fall. Taker then goes for old school, but Sheamus kicks the ropes, crotching Taker and then delivering a boot to the head that sends the Deadman to the floor. Outside, Sheamus begins to lay on the punishment, driving Taker into the barricade and the ringpost before rolling him back in the ring and dropping the elbow for a near fall. A bearhug slowly wears Taker down, but he soon fights out of it, and Sheamus is sent off the ropes into a big boot which is then followed by a DDT that gets a 2 count. Undertaker has all the momentum, but when he readies his hand to grab Sheamus by the throat, Sheamus ducks and grabs Taker's throat... but Taker grabs Sheamus, as both men struggle for a chokeslam... Taker hits a kick to the gut, and he goes for an Irish whip... reversal... Taker ducks a clothesline... and he has Sheamus by the throat... chokeslam! The 3 count is delivered, and Undertaker ends any thoughts Sheamus might have had about ending the famed streak. [B]Undertaker beat Sheamus O’Shaunessy (B)[/B][/CENTER] [I]As the bell rings, Taker returns to his feet and has his hand raised, but there’s little time to celebrate as [B]Chris Jericho[/B] steps out onto the ramp...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] My, my... Undertaker, very impressive. But unlike our Irish friend, I refuse to be scared by any mind games you might like to play. Last week, I repeated my challenge to you Taker... yet I was greeted with silence. I want an answer Undertaker. Will you agree to meet me at Wrestlemania? Will you put your infamous Wrestlemania streak on the line? I mean you idiots in the crowd, you want to see it don’t you? [I]Despite being called idiots, the crowd cheers at the thought of seeing Taker and Jericho one on one...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] There you see. They want it. So c’mon Taker, pander to these hypocrites. Give in to them, do as they say, be the hero Deadman and say yes. And when you do... you’ll be showing yourself as the worthless fan favourite that you always are. You make me sick Undertaker! I give my body, my blood, my tears... and these people have the nerve to boo me for it. You on the other hand... you sit up off the mat and you roll your eyes and these people go crazy. Well you may be undefeated at Wrestlemania, but you’ve never faced me Deadman, so what’s it gonna be? [I]No mic is needed for Undertkaer’s answer, as the Deadman simply looks up at Jericho and draws a thumb across his throat.[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Just as I though. Always the crowd pleaser. Deadman... I’ll see you at Wrestlemania. [I]Jericho drops his mic and turns to go backstage... only for an explosion to hit the ramp... and the entrance way erupts in flames! Jericho is forced back by the heat, and with nowhere to go, we go to commercial with the sight of a scared looking Jericho locked in a staredown with the Deadman...[/I] --------------- [CENTER][B]Jeff Hardy v Shawn Michaels[/B] Despite not particularly wanting to face each other, these two put on a solid main event, with Michaels in particular looking good in this match. The match starts fast, with Michaels chopping away on Jeff's chest and coming off the ropes for early flying forearms. Jeff answers back with the leg-feed mulekick and a double legdrop to the groin, as the match swings back and forth. Jeff tries for a twist of fate, only for Michaels to push him into the ropes and go for sweet chin music... but Jeff grabs the top rope and saves himself, but when he goes to the outside to regroup, Michaels attacks with a plancha, and after a few rights on the outside, he rolls Jeff back in for 2 count. Neither man can take control though, as Jeff fires back with a sitout jawbreaker and a dropkick in the corner for a near fall of his own. Michaels manages to slow the match down by locking on a seated headlock, but eventually Jeff fights back up, only to send Michaels off the ropes for another flying forearm, and this time Michaels kips up. An atomic drop and a rigth hand put Hardy down, and Michaels climbs to the top rope... elbow drop... no! Hardy rolls out of the way, and he's back up... twist of fate! Now Jeff climbs to the top rope... swanton bomb... no! Michaels rolls out of the way, and with both men down and exhausted, [B]Triple H[/B] and [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] decide this is their moment to strike. They slide into the ring and begin attacking both Jeff and Shawn, and the ref has no option but to call for the bell. [B]Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels ended in a no contest (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [I]And of course, the beatdown is on, as Triple H and Kenny decimate their exhausted Wrestlemania opponents. Soon Triple H has Jeff lined up for a pedigree... wait, it’s [B]John Cena[/B]! Cena races down to the ring, and he explodes into Triple H and Kenny with flying shoulderblocks, and then he scoops Kenny up... FU! FU to Kenny... but wait! Behind his back, [B]Batista[/B] has snuck into the ring, and he’s waiting for Cena to turn... Batista-bomb! Batista-bomb to Cena! Soon the champion drags himself back to his feet, and this time he does nail the pedigree to Jeff...[/I] [B]King:[/B] Look at that sight Todd. Triple H, Kenny Dykstra and Batista standing tall, with Jeff, Cena and Shawn Michaels laid out. [B]Todd:[/B] And could this be what happens in three weeks time at Wrestlemania? Folks, we hope you join us next week as the road to Wrestlemania 25 continues. Goodnight. ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Carlito beat Cody Rhodes to qualify for the Money in the Bank match (B) Natalya and Melina beat Beth Phoenix and Mickie James (C-) Randy Orton beat Jerry Lawler (B-) Batista beat Finlay (A) Undertaker beat Sheamus O’Shaunessy (B) Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels ended in a no contest (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] Still not upto my previous standards, but I'm feeling pretty ill and like I've said before time is against me. :(
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]We start with a brief highlights video from last week, with The Brian Kendrick qualifying for the Money in the Bank, John Morrison and Colt Cabana beating Shelton Benjamin and Umaga and then Kane retaining his ECW Championship against Kurt Angle, thanks to interference from Benjamin. After the opening video and the pyro display, we go to the announce desk to hear from [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Wrestlemania is less than 3 weeks away and tonight the Road to Wrestlemania runs through Bridgeport, CT for ECW on Sci-Fi! Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles alongside Tazz, and Tazz, tonight the countdown to the Wrestlemania triple threat for the ECW Championship continues. [B]Tazz:[/B] Umaga, John Morrison and the ECW Champion Kane are all in the building tonight, and all three of them will be looking to build momentum ahead of Wrestlemania. [B]Styles:[/B] Also tonight, the second ECW participant in the Money in the Bank ladder match will be decided, and both Shelton Benjamin and Kurt Angle are in action tonight... [I]Styles is interrupted as [B]Umaga[/B] and [B]Armando Estrada[/B] make their way down to the ring, where Estrada grabs a mic...[/I] [B]Estrada:[/B] My name... is Armando... Estrada! Haha! This... is the Samoan bulldozer... Umaga! At No Way Out, Umaga won the ECW Championship Chase, guaranteeing him a match with the ECW Champion. But... Mick Foley decided that due to controversial circumstances, it was going to be a triple threat match at Wrestlemania. But before No Way Out, Mick Foley said the winner of the Championship Chase would face the ECW Champion one on one... and we don’t want to wait for Wrestlemania. Mick Foley... Umaga officially challenges Kane to an ECW Championship match tonight! [I]Instead of Mick Foley, it’s [B]John Morrison[/B] and [B]Kelly Kelly[/B] who emerge from the back...[/I] [B]Morrison:[/B] You’re challenging Kane to a match tonight? If you’re challenging Kane tonight, then I want in on it too. So right here, right now... I’m also challenging Kane to an ECW Championship match! I have just as much right as you two do to a match with Kane tonight. [I]Before Estrada can answer, [B]Mick Foley[/B] makes his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Wait, wait, hold on. First of all let me just say how great it is to be here tonight in Bridgeport, CT! As for you two challenging Kane, I honestly can’t say that either of you deserve a championship match with Kane over the other. You both earned the right to go to Wrestlemania, you’re both former ECW Champions... so I tell you what. How about we bring Wrestlemania forward a few weeks? How about we have our Wrestlemania title match tonight? Tonight, right here in Bridgeport, CT, it’s going to be Kane defending the ECW Championship against Umaga and John Morrison in a triple threat match! [B]Tazz:[/B] Unbelievable! Our Wrestlemania match is tonight? [B]Styles:[/B] What a main event we’re going to have! Kane, Umaga and Morrison for the ECW Championship. [B]Foley:[/B] Now, of course, for that match to happen tonight, I’m going to have to tweak the ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania... but I’ll let you know about that later on. Anyway, Umaga, John... have a great match and have a nice day! ---------------- [CENTER][B]Money in the Bank Qualifying Match Elijah Burke v Colt Cabana[/B] The second ECW Money in the Bank spot is up for grabs as Burke and Cabana square off. The early moments see the two involved in a highly technical exchange, as the two counter out of armbars and headlocks with backslides and armdrags, until a boot to the face from Cabana ends it. The pace of the match quickens as Cabana nails headscissors and a sitout slam for a near fall. Burke fires back with a dropkick, and he begins to target Colt’s ribs with a series of well placed forearms and knees. A German suplex gets Burke a near fall, and he continues the pressure by sending Colt to the corner and following in with a clothesline. As Colt drops to the mat, Burke again charges, connecting with the outer limitz elbow for another 2 count. Burke goes back to the ribs as he locks on an abdominal stretch, only for Colt to counter with a hiptoss, and then a dropkick sends Burke to the corner. Cabana then nails a belly-to-belly suplex, and a legdrop from the second rope nets a 2 count. Cabana attempts a springboard moonsault, only for Burke to make him miss. Burke then sends tries the Elijah experience, but Cabana counters with knees to the gut, and he sends Burke off the ropes... kick... Colt.45! Cabana plants Burke, gets the 3 count and becomes the second ECW participant in the Money in the Bank match. [B]Colt Cabana beat Elijah Burke to qualify for the Money in the Bank match (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Kurt Angle[/B]! And Kurt, tonight you take on Mike Knox, one of the men who interfered in your match against Kane at the Royal Rumble, but everybody knows it the other man who interfered in that match, Shelton Benjamin, that you’re really focused on. [B]Angle:[/B] Tonight, I’m going out there to hurt you Knox. I’ve got some scores to settle, and settling you tonight. As for Shelton Benjamin, Shelton... we will settle this thing between us once and for all... at Wrestlemania! I just asked Mick Foley for a match with you at Wrestlemania 25, and I got my match. So tonight I’ll take care of Knox... then at Wrestlemania, I’m gonna snap Shelton’s ankle in half. Oh it’s true... it’s damn true! -------------- [CENTER][B]Shelton Benjamin v Kofi Kingston[/B] As the bell rings, Shelton, with Kurt Angle’s promo ringing in his ears, is determined to send a message here, and he starts with a series of stiff kicks and punches, as Kingston spends the early moments of the match pinned in the corner with Benjamin pummelling him. An Irish whip off the ropes gives Kofi a chance to attack, and he does so with a dropkick and a jumping legdrop for a 2 count. Kofi tries for a jumping roundhouse, but Shelton shows great athleticism to duck underneath and then spring to his feet to nail a Northern lights suplex, and he now begins to target Kofi’s knee, looking to take away some of that leaping and kicking ability. Kicks and knees land from Shelton, and he soon locks on a figure four, looking to make Kofi submit. Kofi struggles to the ropes, but the damage is done, and Shelton looks to further it by dragging Kofi to his feet... only for Kofi to nail an enzuigiri. Kofi limps, but he still mounts offence with a Russian legsweep and then coming off the top rope with a crossbody for a near fall. Again the jumping legdrop connects, and Kofi may have it won as he goes for the trouble in paradise... but Shelton ducks, and he strikes with paydirt, hooking the leg and getting the 3 count. [B]Shelton Benjamin beat Kofi Kingston (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]In the locker-room, [B]Colt Cabana[/B] is getting changed after his match earlier, when the other ECW Money in the Bank participant, [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B] enters the room with [B]Danny Rodimer[/B]...[/I] [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Hey Colt, nice job out there tonight. Shame it’ll all count for nothing come Wrestlemania. [B]Cabana:[/B] What are you talking about? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] I just mean it’ll all count for nothing when I climb that ladder and grab that briefcase at Wrestlemania, that’s all. [B]Cabana:[/B] You think you’re gonna win the Money in the Bank? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] When you’re as good as me, you don’t think these things... you just know ‘em! Just like I knew I was gonna beat you two week ago. [B]Cabana:[/B] Yeah right, you had your goon Rodimer cheap shot me. [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Whoa, easy Danny, easy. Colt, don’t shoot the messenger. We only came to tell you what everybody knows... you’ve got no chance of winning at Wrestlemania. And when I win... everybody can call me [I]The[/I] Mr Money in the Bank. Let’s go Danny... --------------- [CENTER][B]Kurt Angle v Mike Knox [/B] As he said earlier, Angle is out to cause serious pain in this match, and straight from the bell it’s a hard hitting affair, as both men engage in an early slugfest, until Angle rattles off three punches in a row and takes Know down with a belly-to-belly suplex. Knox quickly rolls outside, but Angle stays on him, bouncing Knox’s head off the announce desk and then sending him into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Angle tries to lock on the Ankle lock, but Knox quickly sprawls for the ropes. As the two tie-up again, Knox connects with knees to the gut and clubbing blows to the back, before he gets a near fall with a pumphandle slam. Knox continues to target the back, scooping Angle up for backbreakers and sidewalk slams before a hard Irish whip sends Angle crashing into the corner. A short-arm clothesline gets Knox a near fall, and he almost takes Angle’s head off when he connects with a bicycle kick. Knox goes for the cover, and Angle is only saved by sticking a foot on the bottom rope. Knox drags Angle to his feet and looks for the Knox-out, but Kurt counters with a rollup, and when Knox kicks out, Angle quickly nails a German suplex. Knox staggers to his feet, so Angle hits a belly-to-belly, and then he climbs to the top rope... moonsault connects, but Knox kicks out at 2. Angle has all the momentum, but when he goes for the Angle slam, Knox lands on his feet... bicyclye kick... Angle slides underneath, and hr grabs Knox’s standing leg... ankle lock! Angle has the ankle lock applied, and it doesn’t take long for Knox to tap out, handing Angle the win. [B] Kurt Angle beat Mike Knox (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]We then go backstage to see [B]Mick Foley[/B] talking to an unknown person on his cell phone...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah... well I know that... but you’ll make it here on time right? I mean this announcement is gonna be big and you should be here to hear it... alright... good... just make sure you get here on time, I’ll take care of the rest... alright, see you later man. [I]Hmmm... just who was Mick talking too?[/I] --------------- [CENTER] [B]ECW Championship Match Kane (C) v Umaga v John Morrison[/B] Wrestlemania comes early as the triple threat for the ECW Championship happens tonight. Straight from the bell, Umaga and Kane back Morrison into the corner, with the pair looking to double team Morrison and take him out... but Morrison quickly ducks their offence, and he strikes both men with right hands and kicks, only for Umaga to nail a savate kick as Morrison comes off the ropes. Kane and Umaga initially pound Morrison to the mat, but their partnership is short lived as the monsters quickly start trading right hands, with Umaga hitting uppercuts and then sending Kane off the ropes into spinning wheel kick. Morrison is back up, and he goes for a springboard crossbody, only for Umaga to catch him and counter with a spinning side slam for a near fall. Umaga scoops Morrison up and hangs him in the tree of woe, but as he charges in for a headbutt, Kane rocks him with a boot to the side of the head, before coming off the ropes and nailing a low dropkick. Morrison tries to score some offence, but again he is quickly sent back down, this time from a tilt-a-whirl slam. Again Kane and Umaga go at it, and this time it’s Kane who gets the best of it, as he drops Umaga with a powerslam. Morrison picks his moment and nails Kane from behind with an enzuigiri, and he gets a near fall from a springboard moonsault. Umaga is back in, and he and Morrison now go at it, with Morrison taking Umaga down with the springboard roundhouse. Morrison has both monsters down, but as he comes off the ropes, Kane spring to his feet... and grabs Morrison by the throat... chokeslam... no. Umaga is back up... and he takes both men on his back... double Samoan drop... no! Morrison lands on his feet, and Umaga only nails Kane... Russian legsweep to Umaga... and then the springboard corkscrew moonsault! 1... 2... Kane saves his title, but Morrison stays on the attack, striking Kane with kicks and punches, only for Kane to send Morrison to the corner... springboard roundhouse! 1... 2... this time it’s Umaga who makes the save, and he drags Morrison up... Samoan spike! But before Umaga can make the cover... chokeslam from Kane, and he slumps on Umaga for the 3 count. [B] Kane beat Umaga and John Morrison to retain the ECW Championship (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] What a huge effort from John Morrison, he almost had it won on several occasions, but once again Kane hols on to his title. [B]Tazz:[/B] I thought John Morrison had it when he hit the split-leg... [I]Tazz is interrupted by the sound of crashing cars, and that of course means [B]Mick Foley[/B] has something to say...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Wow, guys... hell of a match. I mean, I’d have been proud to see that at Wrestlemania. But uh... since the patience of everybody ran a little thin and we saw it tonight... I can’t ask you guys to go out and do that again in Houston. What am I gonna do? I mean, as ECW general manager, I’m contractually obligated to provide an ECW Championship match on the biggest show of the year, and I just gave it away on television. So guys, unfortunately... I’m gonna have to tweak things a little bit. I’m gonna have to add another element to the match at Wrestlemania. I’m gonna have to make it a four way elimination match at Wrestlemania! And I know just the person to add to the mix... [I]The crowd looks towards the entrance way... and [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] steps out![/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Oh my God! [B]Tazz:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Styles:[/B] Tommy Dreamer is going to Wrestlemania to challenge Kane, Umaga and John Morrison for the ECW Championship! [B]Tazz:[/B] What an announcement from Mick Foley! [B]Styles:[/B] What does this mean for the ECW Championship and Wrestlemania? Tommy Dreamer is going to the show! We’re out of time, but join us next week for more ECW on Sci-Fi, goodnight! ---------------- [SIZE="1"]Colt Cabana beat Elijah Burke to qualify for the Money in the Bank match (B-) Shelton Benjamin beat Kofi Kingston (C+) Kurt Angle beat Mike Knox (B) Kane beat Umaga and John Morrison to retain the ECW Championship (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+ [/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlight package from last week shows us the main event featuring Edge and Christian, which saw Christian finally grab his spot in the Smackdown main event at Wrestlemania. Also, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio grabbed spots in the Money in the Bank match. Usually opening video and then pyro, before we arrive at the announce desk with [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Wrestlemania is just over two weeks away, but tonight in Bridgeport, CT, Friday Night Smackdown is in for a huge night. Earlier today on wwe.com, it was announced by Smackdown general manager Ric Flair that tonight, CM Punk and Edge would meet in non-title action. [B]Coach:[/B] Right and really it’s not fair for Edge to be involved in a match tonight. He had to take on Christian last week, he was just victorious in an elimination chamber a couple of weeks ago, this is not the preparation Edge needs heading into Wrestlemania. [B]Cole:[/B] Also tonight, the situation regarding the Cruiserweight Title continues as Chavo Guerrero and The Miz go at it just one week after Chavo got involved in Miz’s title shot against Paul London. [B]Coach:[/B] What do you mean got involved? Say it like it happened, Chavo screwed Miz! Miz had Paul London beat, we should have a new Cruiserweight Champion right now. [B]Cole:[/B] Well be that as it may... here comes the World Heavyweight Champion now! We’re not wasting any time, here comes [B]CM Punk[/B]! What a way to kick off Smackdown with a non-title match between Punk and Edge. [I]The champion makes his way down to the ring and awaits the presence of his opponent. Finally [B]Edge[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] walk out onto the ramp... but instead of walking down to the ring, Edge stops half way down with a mic in his hand...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Wait, wait... no. No... no... no, no, no. I’m not gonna do this. Wrestlemania is just over two weeks away. I am so close to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion again. I refuse to put myself in a situation where I could be hurt, or where I could suffer an injury that could rule me out of Wrestlemania. Hell, I’ve had to win the Royal Rumble and an elimination chamber to get this far. I will not risk my health any further by competing so close to Wrestlemania. I don’t need to prove anything to you Punk, all you need to know is that I’ll be taking that title away from you. So, to all my legions of fans... I’m sorry, but this match is not happening. [I]Edge drops the mic and heads backstage, leaving a confused Punk in the ring, while the fans shower Edge with boos...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] What is Edge to pull here? He’s scheduled for a match, and now he’s just walking out on it? [B]Coach:[/B] And rightfully so. Edge doesn’t want to risk injury. He doesn’t need to prove anything to anybody, we all know he’s the better man. [B]Cole:[/B] Uh folks, we’re gonna cut to commercial... ---------------- [CENTER][B]Chavo Guerrero v The Miz[/B] Two weeks ago Miz beat Chavo to earn a shot at Paul London and the Cruiserweight Championship, only for Chavo to interfere, costing both men chances to win until London ended it. Miz goes for revenge tonight, but Chavo knows a win puts him right back in the hunt. Chavo starts in a technical fashion, playing up to his strengths and frustrating Miz early doors. Miz goes outside to break the flow, and when he returns he catches Chavo with a stiff knee to the gut and then snaps of a backbreaker. Stiff kicks to the gut follow, and Miz begins targeting Chavo’s ribs, driving his shoulder and knee and then locking on a bodyscissors, aiming fists into the gut as he squeezes. Chavo counters into a bridging pin, and when Miz kicks out he breaks the hold, allowing Chavo to send him down with a headscissors. Chavo then rattles off the three amigos, getting a 2 count and then sending Miz off the ropes... but hangs on, and Chavo dropkicks fresh air before dropping to the mat. Miz now sees this as his chance to strike, and he moves quickly for the reality check... but Chavo counters, hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and then climbing to the top rope... frog splash! 1... 2... 3! [B]Chavo Guerrero beat The Miz (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]In his locker-room, [B]Edge[/B] is getting changed when [B]Ric Flair[/B] walks in...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] What are you doing? [B]Edge:[/B] What? [B]Flair:[/B] That little stunt out there, bailing on that match... what the hell are you doing? [B]Edge:[/B] Like I said Flair, I’m not doing anything that could jeopardize mu chances of winning at Wrestlemania, and that includes facing CM Punk. [B]Flair:[/B] Now you listen to me. I promised the fans CM Punk one on one with Edge, and that’s what they’re gonna get. [B]Edge:[/B] No way, I refuse to do it. [B]Flair:[/B] Oh no Edge don’t worry. You see, since CM Punk came here ready for a fight tonight, I’m going to give him one... with Christian. But next week, he’s gonna get his match with one on one with you... [B]Edge:[/B] What’s to stop me from walking out on the match again? [B]Flair:[/B] How about the fact that next week it’s going to be a lumberjack match!? [B]Edge:[/B] What?! You can’t do that! [B]Flair:[/B] I think you’ll find I can. Now... I’m off to enjoy the rest of the show. I’ll see you next week Edge... wooo! --------------- [CENTER][B]Matt Hardy v Drew McIntyre[/B] With his Money in the Bank spot secure, Matt Hardy steps into the ring with Drew McIntyre. The Empire is of course in attendance, but Hardy doesn’t let that bother him as he dominates the match, dropping McIntyre with right hands and following with a legdrop for an early near fall. William Regal looks to get involved, and although Hardy knocks him down with a right hand, it allows McIntyre to take control of the match as he clubs Hardy from behind and then nails dropkick. Burchill and Regal get their cheap shots in while the ref isn’t looking, and McIntyre begins to target Hardy’s knee, looking to wear it down and then goes for a leglock, wrenching back on the knee. Eventually Hardy breaks free with elbows, but the damage is down, and a chop block sends him back down. McIntyre then goes for a suplex, but Hardy lands on his feet and counters with the side effect for a nearl fall. Matt limps to the second rope and nails a legdrop bulldog, and after a series of forearms, Matt goes for the twist of fate... but Regal gets up on the apron... and McIntyre pushes Matt away... and he knocks Regal off the apron! McIntyre charges, but Hardy ducks... twist of fate! 1... 2... 3! [B]Matt Hardy beat Drew McIntyre (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Hardy gets the win, but almost instantly the rest of The Empire hit the ring, and they lay a beating on Hardy, with Regal and Burchill going in heavy with the boots. Suddenly , the crowd begins to cheer... as [B]Rey Mysterio[/B], the victim of a similar Empire beatdown last week races down to the ring. Mysterio bounces to the top rope and hits the west coast pop to Regal, while Hardy is back up in time to clothesline Burchill over the top rope to the floor, leaving the two Smackdown Money in the Bank participants standing tall (well as tall as Rey can stand) in the ring...[/I] ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B]... MVP! And MVP, last week we saw you wear out a steel chair across the back of the Big Show. MVP, what drove you to those actions last week? [B]MVP:[/B] What drove me to my actions? You know, for a while now Big Show been showing up and interrupting my interviews, getting involved in my business... and I’m sick and tired of it! I’m not scared of the Big Show, and I proved it last week. But uh... you ain’t seen him around have you? I mean, I don’t want him interrupting another interview. [B]Josh:[/B] Uh... no, I haven’t seen him. [B]MVP:[/B] Thank god for... uh, I mean that’s right. That’s because he’s scared of me! Last week, I finally beat some sense into him, and now he knows not to mess with me. I sent Big Show a message, and he better understand that if he tries anything with me again, he’ll get more chair shots for his trouble! ---------------- [CENTER][B]Santino Marella v Bobby Lashley[/B] Bobby Lashley, fresh off his face turn last week with JBL, steps into the ring with the ever confident Santino Marella. Of course Santino starts the match by flexing his guns, and he tries to impress Rosa Mendes at ringside by lifting Lashley up for a scoop slam... but Lashley is in no mood to mess around, so he clubs Santino across the back and the match is on. It’s all power from Lashley, as he sends Santino flying from corner to the corner and then into the air with a back-body-drop. A big vertical suplex and then an overhead belly-to-belly sees Santino crashing to the mat, and the Italian backs into the corner and begs Lashley for mercy... but not in the mood Lashley is in. He quickly scoops Santino onto his shoulder and looks for the dominator... but Santino slips down the back, and Lashley’s momentum sees him crash into the corner. Santino gets a 2 count from a rollup, and he drops elbows and drives his knee, trying to put together some offence. Santino tries a cover, but Lashley powers out, and he brushes off Santino’s right hands, connecting with rights of his own, sending Santino off the ropes and knocking him down with shoulderblocks. Santino comes off the ropes and tries a crossbody... but Lashley catches him... fallaway slam! The end is near, as Lashley again scoops Santino up... dominator! 1... 2... 3. Lashley makes quick work of Santino and picks up a commanding victory. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Santino Marella (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Lashley doesn’t have long to celebrate though, as his former employer [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] emerges, mic in hand...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Lashley... last week when assaulted me in the ring, you not only ended our working relationship, you entered yourself into a world of pain. You see Lashley, I made you here on Smackdown. Before I took you under my wing, you were nothing. You turned your back on me Lashley... and you’re going to pay for it. And there’s no more appropriate place for that to happen than in my home state of Texas at Wrestlemania 25. I will humiliate you, I will embarrass you, I will beat you to within an inch of your life Lashley... because nobody embarrasses me like you did. At Wrestlemania, the grandest stage of them all, I will beat you Lashley... because I am a wrestling god.... and you are a nobody. ---------------- [I][B]Jamie Noble[/B] and [B]Jimmy Yang[/B] are sat backstage infront of a television, laughing at whatever they’re watching, when [B]Shannon Moore[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B] walk over...[/I] [B]Noble:[/B] Haha! Look Jimmy, here’s the bit where I drop that Helms on his head! [B]Helms:[/B] You boys having a good time huh? [B]Yang:[/B] Just looking back on our win over you guys last week that’s all. [B]Moore:[/B] Well how about you guys give us a chance to get that win back? How about next week we settle this once and for all? [B]Noble:[/B] Well... I tell you what. Well give you your rematch... if we get to pick what kinda match it is. [B]Helms:[/B] Alright, fine. What kind of match is it? [B]Yang:[/B] Uh... we’ll let you know next week. [B]Noble:[/B] Yeah, but you boys ain’t gonna like it! Haha! ---------------- [CENTER][B]Montel Vontavious Porter v Ron Killings[/B] Killings and MVP now go at it, and Killings takes control early on, as he rocks MVP with a German suplex and then a pair of clotheslines. MVP fires back with knees and kicks, and when he sends Killing off the ropes, he rocks him with an overhead belly-to-belly. Neither man can take control though, as Killings hits back with sitout hiptoss only for MVP to reverse an Irish whip to the corner and follow in with a kick for a near fall. MVP now does take control, and he locks on a headlock and fires knees to the head, before a facebreaker knee smash sends Killings down. Slowly MVP wears Killings down, and after a slam to the floor, MVP comes off the ropes for the ballin’ elbow... but Killings rolls out of the way, and he quickly strikes with a flying forearm and a heel kick enzuigiri for a near fall. MVP staggers to the corner, and after Killings nails him with right hands, he sends MVP across and follows in with a clothesline, and then he drops MVP with a facebuster. Killings waits for MVP to rise, and then he makes his move... axe kick... no! MVP avoids it... and strikes with the playmaker! 1... 2... 3. [B]Montel Vontavious Porter beat Ron Killings (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [I]MVP has his hand raised by the ref, but as he goes to leave the ring... WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW... [B]Big Show[/B] steps out from the back, and with a mean look in his eyes, he marches down towards the ring, looking like he wants to tear MVP in half! Despite his claims earlier about no being afraid, MVP panics and dives out the ring and leaps over the barricade, before he escapes through the crowd with Show chasing after him...[/I] -------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... Captain Charisma, [B]Christian[/B]! And Christian, we now know that tonight you will face CM Punk in a non title match, when it should have been Edge that faced Punk tonight. [B]Christian:[/B] You know, I should’ve expected Edge to pull a stunt like that. As long as I’ve known him, Edge has always been a coward. Ric Flair promised the fans a big time match tonight, so I’m gonna step up and face CM Punk... and then next week, I will be one of the lumberjacks for Edge and Punk’s match... and I’m gonna enjoy watching every second of it. --------------- [CENTER] [B]Matt Sydal v Ted DiBiase[/B] These two met in tag team action last week, but this week they go one-on-one. DiBiase tries to take Sydal down early with a waistlock, but Sydal breaks free and flies around the ring, connecting with a roundhouse kick, a headscissors and a dropkick that sends DiBiase to the outside. Sydal doesn’t let him rest though, as he climbs to the top rope and nails a double knee drop that sends DiBiase down. Back in the ring, Sydal looks for an enzuigiri, but DiBiase ducks, and he quickly drops a series of elbows. DiBiase now pummels Sydal with stiff punches and forearms, before sending Sydal crashing to the corner with an Irish whip. Powerslams and backbreakers follow, and then DiBiase goes for a chinlock. DiBiase does a good job of keeping Sydal grounded, but soon Sydal has fought back up, and he breaks the holds with elbows and comes off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits jumping heel kick to DiBiase’s head. Sydal again hits the headscissors, and he gets a near fall from a hurricanrana. DiBiase backs off to the corner, but Sydal follows him in with a kick to the head and then a headscissors out, and he climbs to the top rope and nails the shooting star press for the 3 count. [B]Matt Sydal beat Ted DiBiase (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Folks it is now time for our main event. World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk taking on Christian. [B]Coach:[/B] And right now Edge looks like the smartest guy in the world. Why should he put himself in a situation like this when he can let his two Wrestlemania opponents go at it. [B]Cole:[/B] Well Edge is gonna have to face CM Punk next week in a lumberjack match. [B]Coach:[/B] Nah, Edge will find a way out of it, I guarantee it. [I]YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME... As Cole and Coach are talking, [B]Edge[/B]’s music hits, and he makes his way down to ringside to join Cole and Coach on commentary...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] So wait, you walked out of a match with CM Punk, and now you want to join us for commentary? [B]Coach:[/B] Show some damn respect Cole! Edge, I apologise for my colleague. [B]Edge:[/B] That’s alright Coach don’t worry about it... [B]Cole:[/B] This is ridiculous... [CENTER][B]CM Punk v Christian[/B] Our main event sees the World Heavyweight Champion take on one of his Wrestlemania opponents. Both of men are wary of the presence of Edge at ringside, and as such they both start the match carefully, neither man wanting to give Edge a chance to strike. Both men counter in and out of headlocks, and the early goings see them trading technical moves between each other. Eventually Punk starts striking with kicks to the head, but Christian fires back with chops to the chest, before he hits an inverted-DDT for a near fall. A clothesline from Christian takes both men over the top rope, landing infront of Edge, but he remains in his seat and allows the two to return to the ring. Punk again attacks with kicks, only for Christian to hit a crossbody, as neither man can take control. Christian tries to wear Punk down, but the champion fights back, and he sends Christian to the corner and follows in... but Christian avoids his knee... and nails a tornado-DDT for a 2 count. Both men are slow to get back to their feet, and again Punk goes to work with the boots, but Christian tees off with rights and lefts and hits an inverted backbreaker before climbing to the second rope... diving uppercut, but it’s only a 2 count. Christian now looks for the unprettier, but Punk pushes him off the ropes... and he scoops him up for the GTS... but Christian lands on his feet... unprettier! 1... 2... Punk kicks out! Christian can’t believe it, but he presses on, climbing to the top rope... and going for the frogsplash... and missing! Punk rolls out of the way and gets back up... to nail the GTS! But before he can make the cover, Edge climbs up onto the apron... and nails Punk with a steel chair! The ref calls for the bell as Edge brings the match to an abrupt end. [B]CM Punk beat Christian by disqualification (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [I]The champion is down, and Christian is slowly making his way back to his feet after the GTS... only for Edge to nail him with the chair too! Christian slumps to the mat, leaving Edge in the ring standing tall, his two Wrestlemania opponents laid out at his feet...[/I] [B]Coach:[/B] Genius! Absolute genius! Edge has once again proved how great he is! [B]Cole:[/B] Edge had no business being involved in this match. [B]Coach:[/B] Of course he did! In just over two weeks, he’s facing the two guys who are out cold for the World Heavyweight Championship! [B]Cole:[/B] Well the road to Wrestlemania continues next week. Will Edge once again be standing tall after he takes on CM Punk in a lumberjack match next week? Join us to find out. Goodnight. ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Chavo Guerrero beat The Miz (C+) Matt Hardy beat Drew McIntyre (B-) Bobby Lashley beat Santino Marella (B-) Montel Vontavious Porter beat Ron Killings (B-) Matt Sydal beat Ted DiBiase (C+) CM Punk beat Christian by disqualification (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B] I should (hopefully) be back to the way I was writing by the time I get the next Raw up.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A brief highlights video shows us the goings on from last week, including Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels having a great match until Triple H and Kenny Dykstra hit the ring, which borught out John Cena, which of course brought out Batista, and the lasting image is that of Triple H, Kenny and Batista standing tall in the ring as we went off the air. The usual opening video plays out, and after the fireworks we go to the announce desk where it’s a welcome back for [B]Jim Ross[/B] alongside [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside me tonight as always is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, we are and we are sold out in Jacksonville, FL. [B]King:[/B] Well first of all JR< let me say it’s great to have you back behind the desk after what Randy Orton did to you. And speaking of Orton, I understand a camera crew has followed Orton to Texas as he searches for Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]JR:[/B] We’ve got footage of Orton from earlier today to show, as well as going live to Texas to see if Orton can find the rattlesnake. Also tonight, a huge six man tag team match has been announced, as the WWE Champion Triple H, the Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra and the Animal Batista team up to face Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and John Cena. [B]King:[/B] What a main event that’s going to be... [I]King is interrupted as [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] makes his way down to the ring, and after applauding the crowd Jeff is handed a mic...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] What’s up Jacksonville!? We are so close to Wrestlemania, the tension is killing me! I’m not really one for talking, but there’s a few things I gotta say. My whole life, I’ve dreamed about headlining Wrestlemania. Year after year, Wrestlemania after Wrestlemania, I flew off ladders, I took risk after risk, I put it all on the line on the biggest night of the year. And this year, there won’t be any ladders for me, but I will once again put it all on the line... for the WWE Championship. Speaking of which, Triple H and Shane McMahon have tried their best to make my life pretty miserable these last few months. I mean, first they took the title from me at Armageddon... then they worked with Edge to screw me at the Royal Rumble... then they did all they could to screw me at No Way Out... but I overcame it all. Each week, I turn up here wondering what they’re gonna throw at me next. Hell, now even Vince McMahon himself is getting involved. But there’s something you gotta realise Triple H... nothing is gonna stop me from taking that title away from you. I’ve came too far to... [I]Jeff is stopped in his tracks as the chairman of the board, [B]Vince McMahon[/B] struts down to the ring, noticeably without Revolution by his side. Vince enters the ring and is handed a mic...[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Jeff Hardy... wow. I remember all those years ago, when a young purple haired kid and his brother turned up at my door one day and begged me for a job. And indeed, I did give you a job Jeff. I gave you a job... and you and your brother Matt, you helped define tag team wrestling. I mean you had some great Wrestlemania moments Jeff. And me, as owner of the company... I loved it. I loved you and Matt flying around all over the place, living your dream of working for the WWE. But you needed more didn’t you Jeff? I mean, slowly you chased the Intercontinental Championship... and then last year at Wrestlemania 24, you won the Money in the Bank briefcase. And I’m not gonna lie to you Jeff... I wasn’t happy about it. You holding the Money in the Bank briefcase meant that you could cash it in at any time... and of course, you decided to cash it in on Triple H. And that meant you were the champion of my flagship show. That meant I had a purple haired stuntman as my champion. You think that’s the kind of image I want to project Jeff? You think you’re the kind of champion I can sell to sponsors. Sure, the fans love you... but for me it’s not about the fans, it’s all about the money. And quite frankly Jeff... I don’t think you’re going to make me any money. And that’s why you got no chance in hell of winning at Wrestlemania Jeff. [B]Jeff:[/B] Well... that’s a pretty heavy statement to make Vince. Jeez... uh... I really don’t know what to say to that. I guess all I can really do is... [B]JR:[/B] Oh... twist of fate! Twist of fate to Mr McMahon! [B]King:[/B] Oh my God! Vince... I mean Mr McMahon, are you alright? [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy has just hit the twist of fate on the boss! [B]King:[/B] Does he have a death wish or something? Can we get some help out here for Mr McMahon? [B]JR:[/B] What a way to kick off Monday Night Raw! ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carlito v Mr Kennedy[/B] The two Raw Money in the Bank participants now square off, with both men looking to build some momentum ahead of Wrestlemania. [B]Apolo[/B] and [B]Primo[/B] join Carlito at ringside, but Kennedy refuses to let them be a distraction, and he turns the first tie-up into a headlock, only for Carlito to counter with a headlock of his own and then come off the ropes... drop-toe-hold sends Carlito down, and Kennedy is quick to hit a short-arm clothesline that sends Carlito down again. Carlito rolls to the outside to regroup, but Kennedy stays on him, following him out and clubbing him from behind. As Kennedy rolls Carlito back into the ring, Primo gets in his face, and that distraction is enough for Carlito to lay in with boots as Kennedy slides under the ropes. A scoop slam and then a legdrop gets Carlito a near fall, and he quickly goes for a chinlock as he looks to wear Kennedy down. Kennedy fights back to his feet, and he breaks the hold by sending Carlito to the corner... but Carlito uses the ropes to leapfrog Kennedy... backstabber... no! Kennedy grabs the ropes to save himself, and now he attacks Carlito with kicks to the head, before he sends Carlito to the corner and follows in with a clothesline. Carlito slumps in the corner, and Kennedy backs up and charges in... kick to the head... no! Carlito ducks underneath, and as Kennedy staggers out of the corner, Carlito bounces to the top rope... springboard moonsault! 1... 2... Kennedy kicks out, and Carlito demands a quicker count from the ref. Carlito is now in control, and he attacks with punches to the head before sending Kennedy off the ropes... Kennedy ducks his clothesline... snap-DDT! 1... 2... Carlito kicks out, and Kennedy thought he had it won. Now it’s Kennedy who attacks with the fists, and he again sends Carlito to the corner... reversal... Carlito charges in... but Kennedy avoids his clothesline, and when Carlito staggers out of the corner, Kennedy is waiting... mic check! 1... 2... 3! [B]Mr Kennedy beat Carlito (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]We cut to an airport, where we see [B]Randy Orton[/B] leaving the terminal. A sign in the background reads “Victoria Regional Airport”. Orton walks towards a taxi rank, where he is greeted by an overweight man wearing a cowboy hat, who speaks with a deep southern drawl...[/I] [B]Man:[/B] Well howdy son. Welcome to Victoria. [B]Orton:[/B] So this is Victoria, TX huh? [B]Man:[/B] That’s right... [B]Orton:[/B] God it’s worse than I thought it would be. [B]Man:[/B] What was that? [B]Orton:[/B] Nothing, nothing. [B]Man:[/B] So what brings you to these here parts? Business or pleasure? [B]Orton:[/B] Business. [B]Man:[/B] Oh... what kind of business? [B]Orton:[/B] Not that it’s any of your damn business... but I’m here looking for someone. [B]Man:[/B] Oh... and who might that be? [B]Orton:[/B] A man by the name of Steve Austin. You know him? [B]Man:[/B] No sir. Can’t say that I do. Uh... ain’t it a little strange for a young fella like yourself to come flying into a city he don’t know just to look for somebody? [B]Orton:[/B] I can think of stranger things. [B]Man:[/B] Oh... well here’s your cab. Best of luck to you sir. [B]Orton:[/B] Here... here’s 5 bucks. Put it towards a new hat. [B]Man:[/B] I like this hat... ------------------- [I]In the Revolution locker-room, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] is franticly talking to [B]Triple H[/B]...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Did you see what he did? I mean he hit the twist of fate on my Dad! [B]Triple H:[/B] I know I saw it. I told him he shouldn’t gone out there alone, but oh no, your Dad always has to play the tough guy doesn’t he? [B]Shane:[/B] You trying to say it was his fault? [B]Triple H:[/B] No I’m not saying that, but I warned him Hardy would try something if he did. [I][B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] then burst into the room...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Well? [B]Kenny:[/B] We couldn’t find him anywhere. [B]Harry:[/B] We looked all over Shane, we don’t know where he is. [B]Shane:[/B] I want Jeff Hardy found right now! I want him in an ambulance before the end of the night! [B]Triple H:[/B] Relax, he’ll turn up for the six man later. He won’t let down him buddy Cena. And when he shows up, I’ll take care of him personally. [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah I’ve heard that before... ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MickieJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Natalya.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mickie James v Natalya[/B] Divas action now, with Mickie and Natalya meeting one week after the par met in tag action. Straight from the first tie-up, Natalya shows she has the power advantage, as she pushes Mickie to the mat. Again the pair tie-up, and again Natalya gets the best of it as she takes Mickie down with a waistlock. The pair tie-up for a third time, and this it’s Mickie who takes control, taking Natalya down with a headlock. Natalya fights back up, and a yank of the hair allows her to counter with a headlock of her own, only for Mickie to hit elbows to the gut and sends Natalya off the ropes... but Natalya runs through Mickie with a shoulderblock, before going for an Irish whip... but Mickie fires back with a Thesz press, and she rains down with right hands, causing Natalya to scramble to the ropes for a break. When she gets back up, Natalya strikes with a boot to the gut and then forearms, and a scoop slam gets Natalya a near fall. Natalya then locks on an abdominal stretch, and she wrenches, applying pressure. Mickie eventually breaks free with an armdrag which sends Natalya to the corner, and after a bunch of forearms, Mickie sends Natalya across... reversal... Natalya charges in... but Mickie uses the ropes to wrap her legs around Natalya’s head... and she comes out the corner with a headscissors! Now Mickie attacks, hitting clotheslines and kicks to the head before going for a victory roll... but Natalya blocks it, and she twists Mickie’s legs into... the sharpshooter! Natalya locks on the sharpshooter, and despite Mickie clawing for the ropes, she can’t make it... and she has no choice but to tap out. [B]Natalya beat Mickie James (C)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Even though the ref is calling for the bell, Natalya refuses to release her grip, and despite Mickie tapping furiously, there’s no letting up. A posse of refs race down to the ring, but even they can’t make Natalya let go. Finally, Women’s Champion [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] charges down to the ring, and she takes Natalya down to the mat and the fists soon fly. The refs manage to separate the pair, but the bad blood between these two looks like it will boil over when they meet for the title next week.[/I] ----------------- [I][B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... he is the heartbreak kid, [B]Shane Michaels[/B]! And Shawn, last week you agreed to Kenny Dykstra’s challenge for a match at Wrestlemania, but you said that for Kenny to have his Wrestlemania moment, he has was going to have to give you something. Shawn, can you tell us what that was? [B]Shawn:[/B] You know why they call me Mr Wrestlemania Todd? Because year after year, I steal the show. I remember when I was a young guy searching for my Wrestlemania moment. And finally at Wrestlemania 10, I found it when me and Scott Hall climbed a ladder, reaching for the Intercontinental Championship. We stole the show that night... and by God, I’m determined to do it again this year. So Kenny... you want me at Wrestlemania? You put that Intercontinental Title up for grabs... in a ladder match... and you’ve got it junior. I’ll give you your Wrestlemania moment... I just hope you can keep up with me. --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DolphZiggler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Holly v Dolph Ziggler[/B] Ultra stiff veteran Holly is in no mood to play games with Ziggler, who of course demands Holly shake his hand before the start of the match. Holly simply stares at Dolph and shakes his head, before delivering a hard slap to the face and a boot to the gut as the match gets underway. Dolph is then sent off the ropes, and Holly nails him with a dropkick, causing Dolph to back off to the corner. Holly doesn’t let up though, as he hits hard punches to the face and sends Dolph across... but as he charges in, Dolph gets a boot up, and he fires out the corner with a clothesline. Now Dolph shows his aggressive side, stomping down on Holly, then hitting a series of quick elbows, getting Dolph a 2 count. An Irish whip sends Holly to the corner, but when he uses the ropes to leapfrog Dolph, Holly unloads with chops to the chest, causing Dolph to slump to the mat. Holly then climbs to the top rope... but Dolph catches him, and slams Holly to the mat from the top. Dolph now arrogantly goes on the attack, posing after each right hand and screaming his name after each boot to the face. An inverted-DDT gets Dolph a 2 count, and he then climbs to the top rope... only for Holly to shake the ropes, leaving Dolph perched on the top turnbuckle. Holly follows him up... suplex off the top! 1... 2... Dolph gets a shoulder up. Both men slowly get back up, and they trade rights until Holly rattles off three in a row and sends Dolph off the ropes... back-body-drop! Again Dolph is sent off the ropes... another dropkick connects! Dolph has to use the ropes to pull himself up, only for Holly to grab his legs and hang him from the ropes... kick to the gut from Holly! Dolph is in trouble, and Holly sends him off the ropes... flapjack sends Dolph into the ropes, and now Holly makes his move... he pulls Dolph on his shoulders for the Alabama slam.... but Dolph rolls through, and he rolls Holly up... 1... 2... Dolph has his feet on the ropes... 3! [B] Dolph Ziggler beat Hardcore Holly (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]We return to Victoria, now in the suburbs, where [B]Randy Orton[/B] enters a bar. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL7ifSxp9xU"]I Love This Bar by Toby Keith[/URL] can be vaguely heard in the background. The entrance of Orton causes the entire collection of patrons to turn and stare at him. Orton approaches the bartender, who is shining up a beer glass with a towel hung on his shoulder...[/I] [B]Bartender:[/B] You lost son? [B]Orton:[/B] No... I’m exactly where I need to be. [B]Bartender:[/B] Well then can I help you? [B]Orton:[/B] I don’t think you can even help yourself. [B]Bartender:[/B] Pardon me? [B]Orton:[/B] Never mind. Listen... I’m looking for a guy who I heard drinks in here. [B] Bartender:[/B] This fella have a name? [B]Orton:[/B] Steve Austin. You know him? [B]Bartender:[/B] Yeah I know Steve! He’s in here all the time. [B]Orton:[/B] Has he been in tonight? [B]Bartender:[/B] Well... no. Infact... now you mention it... he ain’t been in for a couple of weeks. [B]Orton:[/B] Why’s that? [B]Bartender:[/B] I... I can’t remember why. [B]Man#1:[/B] Didn’t he say he had a fight to get ready for? [B]Bartender:[/B] Oh yeah... yeah that was it. Steve came in here one night, got drunk as a skunk, said this was gonna be the last time he was gonna be in here for a while. [B]Orton:[/B] He said he had a fight to get ready for? [B]Bartender:[/B] That’s right. Said he had to stop the booze, get himself in shape for a big fight in... where was it again, Dallas? [B]Man#2:[/B] It was San Antonio I think... [B]Man#1:[/B] Houston! It was in Houston! [B]Bartender:[/B] That’s it! Houston! He said he had to get ready for a big fight in Houston. Said some young punk was talking trash about him and he had to teach him a thing or two. [B]Orton:[/B] A big fight in Houston? [B]Bartender:[/B] Yeah. Say... you alright son? You don’t look too good. [B]Orton:[/B] Gimme a bear huh? [B]Bartender:[/B] You got it. [B]Orton:[/B] You wouldn’t happen to know where Steve lives do you? --------------------- [I][B]John Cena[/B] is seen entering what appears to be the Revolution dressing room... and to his surprise he’s greeted by ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] and Smackdown general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B]...[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] Hey! Mick, Ric... what’s up guys? [B]Flair:[/B] Not much Cena. How’s it going with you? [B]Cena:[/B] All good, all good. So what you guys doing here on Raw? [B]Foley:[/B] We’ve got a little proposal we want to put to Shane, but uh, we don’t know... [I]At that, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] bursts through the door, talking on his cell phone...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] What... no... listen, just make sure he’s ok... I don’t care if he’s being awkward, the guy’s a millionaire, he can do what he wants... well you’re the doctor aren’t you? [I]Shane snaps shut his phone and sees his crowded office...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Oh... I forgot you two were coming here tonight. Alright, Foley, Flair, make this quick. What do you guys want? [B]Flair:[/B] Well Shane, seeing as next week is the last week before Wrestlemania... we were thinking that next week we shake things up a little bit. [B]Shane:[/B] What do you mean? [B]Foley:[/B] Let’s say next week we open up the shows. Have Raw guys on ECW, Smackdown guys on Raw... you get the picture. [B]Flair:[/B] Yeah, I mean, imagine... the Friday before Wrestlemania, Triple H and CM Punk one on one! [B]Foley:[/B] Or say John Cena taking on the ECW Champion Kane. [B]Cena:[/B] Sounds good to me. [B]Shane:[/B} Yeah alright fine. Next week, we’ll shake it up a bit. Now, could you two get out of my office, I have some business to attend to with Cena. [B]Foley:[/B] Alright, no problem. [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! Nice doing business with you Shane! [I]Foley and Flair leave the room, leaving just Shane and Cena[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] As for you... I know you and Jeff Hardy are pretty tight. He seems to have gone into hiding. Who knows if he’ll even show up for the six man tag match tonight. [B]Cena:[/B] Oh he’ll be there... don’t worry. [B]Shane:[/B] He better... otherwise you and Michaels are taking on Triple H, Batista and Kenny in a handicap match. Now, you go find Jeff, and you tell him to show up. [B]Cena:[/B] Easy Shane... you don’t want to join your Dad in the hospital do ya? ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Undertaker v Mark Henry[/B] The Deadman continues his march to Wrestlemania tonight against Mark Henry, a match seen many times in the past. The two tie-up, and Henry is able to lock on an early headlock, and after squeezing Taker’s head, the Deadman sends him off the ropes... but Henry bowls him over with a shoulderblock. Henry looks to take advantage and charges in, but Taker gets a boot up, and then he goes for an elbowdrop... but Henry rolls out of the way, and he follows with a clothesline over the top rope... but Undertaker lands on his feet! Henry doesn’t realise, so Undertaker grabs his foot and drags him outside, where he attacks with rapid-fire punches to the gut. Henry is rolled onto the apron, and the Deadman charges... legdrop across the apron! Henry quickly rolls back into the ring, but Taker knocks him down with a clothesline, getting a 2 count. Henry backs off to the corner, only for Undertaker to again go to work with the fists, but his Irish whip is reversed, and Henry follows in for a big splash in the corner, getting a near fall. Henry whips Taker off the ropes, and he catches the Deadman in a bearhug, squeezing at Taker’s ribs, wrenching all the time and driving his head into Taker’s chest. Eventually, Undertaker manages to break free, and he again goes to work with the fists, only for Henry to send him off the ropes... Taker ducks a clothesline... and hits a flying clothesline of his own! After a 2 count, Henry staggers to his feet, but Taker is on him with kicks to the gut and then a whip to the corner... Taker follows in with a clothesline... and then hits a big legdrop! 1... 2... Henry gets the shoulder up. Both men are back up, and again Taker strikes before looking to send Henry off the ropes... Henry reverses... Taker ducks a clothesline... and he grabs Henry by the throat... chokeslam! 1... 2... 3! [B]The Undertaker beat Mark Henry (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]????:[/B] Hey... Undertaker! [I]The camera cuts to the titan-tron and to the image of [B]Chris Jericho[/B], dressed in his flash suit and stood in what appears to be a graveyard...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Now that I have your attention... I’m sure you recognise where I am Deadman. I suppose you call places like this home don’t you? So here I am Undertaker... in your graveyard, proving to you and the world that I am not scared of you. Oh... look at this. It’s an open grave. And what’s this? Well... it looks like a tombstone! This is your kinda mindgame isn’t Undertaker. You stood here with your shovel, digging a grave, carving a name into a tombstone... that’s the whole reason behind your Wrestlemania streak isn’t it? You play your little games, you scare your opponents... hell, you’ve practically won before they sing America The Beautiful. But not this year Deadman. This year you’re dealing with somebody who’s not going to be affected by your games. I’m not scared of you Undertaker! But you should be scared of me Deadman... and you should probably turn around right about now... [I]It’s a setup! Jericho is in the ring with a steel chair... and he nails Undertaker right between the eyes with it! Taker slumps to the mat, and Jericho stands over him, smug that he’s played the ultimate mind game with the master of them... but Undertaker sits up! Jericho sees him... another shot to the skull with the chair! And a third... and a fourth! It quickly becomes evident that Undertaker is [B][COLOR="Red"]bleeding[/COLOR][/B] from the head, and Jericho finally drops the chair and leaves the ring, a huge smile on his face. The camera continues to stare at The Undertaker, with everyone expecting him to sit up... but we cut backstage with the Deadman still out cold.[/I] --------------- [I][B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Batista[/B]! And Batista, tonight you join Revolution members Tri... [B]Batista:[/B] Whoa, whoa... let’s get one thing straight here. My actions last week and tonight have nothing to do with Revolution. Hell, they’ve got nothing to with Jeff Hardy or Shawn Michaels either. My sole purpose out there in that ring tonight is to cause John Cena as much as pain as is physically possible. Cena... the fact that we’ve never faced before is not a good thing for you. All that means is that you’ve never felt anywhere near the pain and suffering I’m going to cause you at Wrestlemania. I’m not just gonna beat you Cena... I’m gonna damn near kill you! ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Canadian Bulldogs v Finlay and Cody Rhodes[/B] A rare tag team appearance for the champions Smith and Wilson, as they have mostly been used in recent weeks to help Triple H in his battles. Tonight, they take on the makeshift team of Rhodes and Finlay, and it’s the veteran Irishman who starts with TJ, and Finlay quickly works a headlock into a hammerlock, before sending TJ into the ringpost shoulder first. Finlay immediately targets the arm, wrenching on it, driving his own shoulder into it and then tagging in Cody who continues the attack by driving his elbow into the arm and then taking TJ down with an armdrag and locking on an armbar. TJ struggles to his feet, and he’s able to break the hold with a kick to the head, before nailing Cody with an enzuigiri and tagging in Harry. Smith hits a series of hard shots to the back, and he then takes Cody up for a long vertical suplex before crashing to the mat. The Bulldogs look to target Cody’s back, with Harry delivering power moves like backbreakers and powerslams, while TJ shows his aggression by nailing stiff kicks to the spine and then a snap suplex for a near fall. Harry is in the ring, and after a near fall from a Northern lights suplex, he scoops Cody up for the running powerslam... but Cody pushes off his shoulders, and Harry crashes into the corner, allowing Cody to nail a bulldog and tag in Finlay. Finlay charges in with clotheslines to Harry, and then a right hand knocks TJ off the apron. Finlay turns to Harry and nails a single-arm DDT for a 2 count, before he again takes the fight to TJ. Cody is back up, and he drops Harry with a dropkick and climbs to the top rope... moonsault connects! 1... 2... TJ makes the save, and we see Finlay down on the outside after TJ sent him crashing into the ringsteps. Outnumbered, Cody puts up a fight, but it doesn’t take long for Harry and TJ to overpower him, and soon Harry has Cody up as TJ comes off the ropes... Hart attack! 1... 2... 3. [B]Canadian Bulldogs beat Finlay and Cody Rhodes (B)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]One more time we cut back to Victoria, TX where a cab is seen driving down a dusty track. The cab then pulls up, and we see the front of a ranch. [B]Randy Orton[/B] steps out of the cab, and he takes a look around. He then slowly makes his way towards the front door. Slowly Orton makes his way up the steps, and he presses the buzzer of what looks like an intercom. A Latino sounding voice answers...[/I] [B]Lady:[/B] Si? [B]Orton:[/B] Yeah... uh... I’m looking for Steve Austin. [B]Lady:[/B] Austin? [B] Orton:[/B] Yeah Austin. I heard he lives here. [B] Lady:[/B] Senor Austin is not here right now. [B]Orton:[/B] God dammit! Well do you know where he is? [B]Lady:[/B] Uh... sorry. Can I take a message? [B]Orton[/B]: Yeah... tell him Randy Orton dropped by. [B]Lady:[/B] Wait... Orton? [B]Orton:[/B] Yeah Orton. [B]Lady:[/B] Senor Austin was expecting you. He told me if you showed up that I should give you a message. [B]Orton:[/B] Austin left a message for me? [B]Lady:[/B] Si. [B]Orton:[/B] Well what is it? [B]????:[/B] I’ll see you in Houston you son of a bitch! [I]Orton turns to see the man himself, [B]Steve Austin[/B] standing behind, and almost immediately Austin flies at Orton and takes him down, and the two start brawling in Austin’s front yard![/I] [B]JR:[/B] Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Orton’s found Austin! [B]King:[/B] Yeah but I don’t think he’s liking what he’s found! Austin’s kicking Orton’s ass on his front lawn! [I] Eventually Austin grabs Orton by the collar and holds him against the wall...[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] Now you listen to me you little bastard! I will see you in Houston, and I will beat the living hell out of you, you understand me son? Now get the hell off my property! [B]JR:[/B] Well I guess Randy Orton found Steve Austin, but I don’t think that’s what he had in mind! Stone Cold is going to Wrestlemania and he’s gonna take on Randy Orton! ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H, Kenny Dykstra and Batista v Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and John Cena[/B] It’s now time for the main event, with all six men knowing momentum going into Wrestlemania can be built here. Triple H and Michaels start things, and from the first tie-up, the Game locks on a headlock only to be sent off the ropes... shoulderblock sends Michaels down, and Triple H again runs the ropes... but Michaels kips up... hiptoss sends Triple H down, but he’s right back up... so Michaels unloads with chops, before sending him off the ropes... back-body-drop! Michaels tags in Jeff, and Jeff rocks the champion with a series of clotheslines before going for an Irish whip... but Triple H hangs onto the ropes, and he tags in Kenny, who charges at Jeff, only for Jeff to duck his clothesline... sitout jawbreaker sends Kenny to the corner, where he sends Kenny across... reversal... Jeff climbs the corner... whisper in the wind! 1... 2... Kenny kicks out, so Jeff tags in Cena. Cena charges the ropes and hits a flying shoulderblock, and he follows with a fisherman suplex for another near fall. Cena sends Kenny off the ropes, and Batista reaches across for a blind tag, and when Cena drops Kenny with a sitout hiptoss, Batista clubs him from behind. Now the Animal looks to make good on his claim earlier, and he sends Cena to the corner and repeatedly drives his shoulder into the gut. Cena is whipped across, and he slumps to the mat after Batista runs in for a clothesline. Cena is now kept away from his corner, as Triple H and Batista hit plenty of power moves to wear Cena down, including a big time spinebuster from Batista for a near fall and a high knee from the Game. Kenny is in the ring, and he knocks Cena down with a swinging neckbreaker, before he climbs to the top rope... sky-high legdrop... no! Cena rolls out of the way, and now both men crawl for their corners... here comes Triple H... here comes Jeff Hardy! Hardy flies into the ring and knocks the Game down with clothesline, before sending him off the ropes... reversal... flying clothesline from Hardy, and he tags in Michaels who climbs to the top rope... elbowdrop to the Game! 1... 2... Batista makes the save, but here comes Cena... clothesline takes both over the top, and now Cena and Batista brawl on the floor. In the ring, Kenny and Michaels go at it, and Michaels tees off with rights and goes for an Irish whip... Kenny reverses... flying forearm... and then a kip-up! Michaels now stands in the corner, tuning up the band... here comes Kenny... sweet chin music! Jeff climbs to the top rope, but the Game is on the apron... sweet chin music knocks Triple H down, and here comes Jeff... swanton bomb! 1... 2... 3! [B]Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and John Cena beat Triple H, Kenny Dykstra and Batista (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] What a night this has been! Hardy, Michaels and Cena have beaten Triple H, Kenny and Batista! [B]King:[/B] JR, there’s only one more Raw before Wrestlemania! Can you believe it? [B]JR:[/B] What’s gonna happen next week? Superstars from all three brands are gonna be here! All hell could break loose! Join us next week, you won’t wanna miss it folks! Goodnight! ------------------- [SIZE="1"]Mr Kennedy beat Carlito (B) Natalya beat Mickie James (C) Dolph Ziggler beat Hardcore Holly (C+) The Undertaker beat Mark Henry (B-) Canadian Bulldogs beat Finlay and Cody Rhodes (B) Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and John Cena beat Triple H, Kenny Dykstra and Batista (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]We start with the highlights of last week, as the Wrestlemania triple threat is brought forward, with Kane, Umaga and John Morrison battle for the ECW Championship. Kane somehow manages to win, and assumes that he now has the night off when Wrestlemania roles around... only for Mick Foley to announce that at Wrestlemania it will now be a four way elimination match... featuring Tommy Dreamer! Usual opening video plays, and after the pyro we go to the announce desk to hear from [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Last week, we went off the air to the huge announcement that Tommy Dreamer will be involved in the ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania. Tonight, live in Tampa, FL, ECW continues down the road to Wrestlemania! Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles, my colleague is Tazz, and Tazz, I know you couldn’t believe it last week when you saw Tommy Dreamer enter the arena last week. [B]Tazz:[/B] After No Way Out when I saw Tommy Dreamer chokeslammed into flames by Kane, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see Tommy Dreamer again. But now he’s back, and he’s going to Wrestlemania, and I can’t wait to see it. [B]Styles:[/B] Tonight’s main event sees Dreamer and John Morrison team up to take on Kane and Umaga... but we’re not wasting any time tonight, as we kick things off with the two ECW Money in the Bank competitors in action... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [B]Colt Cabana v The Brian Kendrick[/B] Last week Kendrick smugly claimed it would be who would be grabbing the briefcase at Wrestlemania. Tonight, he takes on Cabana, with both men determined to grab the win tonight. The early goings are very fast paced, with Cabana sending Kendrick to the corner and following in with a clothesline, then coming out the corner with a bulldog for an early near fall. Cabana continues the attack, but when he sends Kendrick off the ropes, but he lowers his head, allowing Kendrick to hit a kick to the chest and then a flying forearm. Cabana gets back up, but Kendrick is waiting, and he delivers a jumping kick to the back of the head, getting a 2 count. Kendrick now begins to target Cabana’s neck, driving his knee into and applying pressure. Back on their feet, Kendrick nails a jumping heel kick for another 2 count before returning to the neck, this time with a camel clutch. Kendrick wrenches back, but Cabana is eventually able to make it to the ropes, and the ref calls for the break. Kendrick now looks to press home his advantage, nailing a tornado DDT for another near fall before dragging Cabana to his feet and running him to the corner... sliced bread... no! Cabana blocks it, but Kendrick lands on his feet and charges the corner... Cabana makes him miss, and here’s a roll-up... 1... 2... Kendrick kicks out, but Cabana is quickly back up... hurricanrana! 1... 2... again Kendrick kicks out. Colt now has the momentum, and he looks to stay on the attack, slamming Kendrick to the mat and climbing to the top rope... legdrop connects! 1... 2... no! Kendrick gets the shoulder up again! Cabana now looks to finish things, dragging Kendrick up and going for the Colt. 45... but Kendrick counters with a headscissors... but he can’t take Cabana down, and Colt counters... spinning powerbomb! 1... 2... 3! [B]Colt Cabana beat The Brian Kendrick (B)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B]! And Tommy, last week we found out that you have been added to the ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania, with it now being a four way elimination match. Can you go to Wrestlemania and finally win the ECW Championship? [B]Dreamer:[/B] You know, when Kane chokeslammed me into those flames at No Way Out, I gotta admit, I thought my last chance had gone. I thought that once again I’d come close to getting my hands on the ECW Championship, only to see it slip away. All the doubts I had, they all came rushing back. But one man said he still believed in me. One man said he was giving me one last chance at glory. I owe Mick Foley a lot... and at Wrestlemania, I won’t let him down. I will become the ECW Champion... and I’m gonna repay Mick in the process. --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Richards v Shelton Benjamin[/B] Shelton has been on a high in recent weeks, picking up wins and making life tough for Kurt Angle. With that in mind, it’s no surprise to see Shelton take control of this match early on, taking Stevie down with a waistlock and then turning it into a headlock. Stevie struggles to his feet, but when he sends Shelton off the ropes, Shelton knocks him down with a shoulderblock. Shelton strikes with right hands, driving Stevie to the corner and then sending him across... but he misses with the splash in the corner, and Stevie quickly rolls him up for a 2 count. Richards now hits a series of armdrags, and he follows with a snap suplex for a near fall. Richards sends Benjamin off the ropes, but Shelton ducks his clothesline, and he nails Stevie with a jumping roundhouse kick, getting a 2 count. Now Shelton looks to wear Stevie down, targeting Stevie’s back with forearms and backbreakers, and then locking to stretch Stevie with a surfboard. Stevie cries out, but eventually he’s able to break free, and he turns the surfboard into a bridging pin. Back on their feet, Stevie connects with right hands, before he drops Shelton with a sitout facebuster, scoring another near fall. Again Stevie attacks with right hands, before going for an Irish whip... Shelton reverses... but he lowers his head... DDT! 1... 2... Shelton gets a shoulder up. Stevie drags Shelton back up, and he sends Shelton off the ropes... Stevie-kick... no, Shelton grabs his foot... dragon whip! Shelton nails Stevie, and he waits for Stevie to rise before making his move... paydirt! 1... 2... 3. [B] Shelton Benjamin beat Stevie Richards (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]We now go to the boiler-room, which as always is dimly light by the creepy [B][COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR][/B] light. [B]Kane[/B] emerges from the darkness and addresses the camera...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! Mick Foley... is this how desperate you have become? I take on John Morrison and Umaga, two challengers of your choosing... and I beat them both. You tried to take this title away from me Foley... and you failed miserably. And now... Tommy Dreamer. The last act of a desperate man. Well Foley... at Wrestlemania, Dreamer will crash and burn just like Morrison and Umaga... and ECW will join them in flames! Hahaha! --------------- [B]Styles:[/B] Now ladies and gentlemen, it gives us great pleasure to announce the next inductee, or I should say the next pair of inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame. [B]Tazz:[/B] These two brothers are wrestling legends. Both were NWA Champions, and one of them in particular played a huge part in putting ECW on the map. [B]Styles:[/B] It’s an honour for me to say that the next two members of the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2009... are Dory and Terry Funk! [B]Tazz:[/B] Congratulation to both of them! The Funk Brothers enter the WWE Hall of Fame in less than two weeks time at Wrestlemania 25! --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CharlieHass.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle v Charlie Hass[/B] After his troubles with Benjamin in recent weeks, it’s clear Angle is out to dominate this one, and from the second the bell rings he goes on the attack, taking Hass down with a double-leg takedown and nailing a flurry of rights and lefts. Hass crawls to the corner, but Angle stays on him, hitting punches and kicks to the gut and sending Hass across, where Angle follows in with a clothesline. Hass slumps to the mat, and Angle tries for the ankle lock, but Hass quickly scurries to the ropes, forcing Angle to let go. After a tie-up, Hass finally scores some offence by nailing a pair of forearms, and he gets a near fall from a northern lights suplex. Hass now stomps down on Angle, but when he goes for an Irish whip, Angle reverses... and catches Hass with an overhead belly-to-belly! Hass crashes hard to the mat, and Angle begins pummelling him with stiff uppercuts, before he drops Hass with a belly-to-belly and climbs to the top rope. Angle gets there, steadies himself... moonsault... no! Hass rolls out of the way, and he quickly moves to lock on the Hass of pain! Hass applies the submission hold to Angle’s leg, leaving Kurt to cry out in pain. Eventually Angle breaks free, but Hass now targets his knee, aiming kicks to it and taking Angle down with a chopblock. Again Hass tries to target the leg, but Angle kicks him away, sending Hass to the corner. Hass staggers out and goes for a clothesline, but Angle ducks... Angle slam! Angle plants Hass, but instead of going for the cover, he goes for the Ankle lock! Angle locks it on, and Hass has no choice but to tap out! [B]Kurt Angle beat Charlie Hass (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Eventually Angle lets go off the ankle lock, and the ref raises his hand in victory... oh! From behind, [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] nails Angle with a chair! Angle slumps to the mat, as just like at the Royal Rumble, Shelton has laid Angle out with a chair. Angle tries to drag himself back up... so Shelton nails him again! This time Angle goes down and stays down, and we go to commercial to the sight of Benjamin standing over Angle.[/I] ---------------- [I]We return from commercial to the sight of [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] walking backstage, a huge smile on his face... until ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] steps infront of him...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] You look pretty happy with yourself Shelton. [B]Benjamin:[/B] Didn’t you just see what happened Foley? Once again I just laid Kurt Angle out cold! [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah I did see that. And it got me thinking. I mean, you seem to always be getting the better of Kurt. At the Royal Rumble, you screwed him out of the ECW Championship. When Kurt faced Kane in his rematch a couple of weeks ago, it was a distraction from you that cost Kurt the match. [B]Benjamin:[/B] What can I say Mick? All those things you mentioned are just a preview of what’s gonna happen at Wrestlemania. [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah, you say that but... I really don’t like you Shelton. And because of that, I was thinking just how I could even up the score a little bit... so you’re match with Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania... it’s going to be a submission match! [B]Benjamin:[/B] What?! [B]Foley:[/B] Shelton, it’s easy... all you gotta do is make Kurt tap out. Anyway, I gotta check if Kurt’s OK after you smashed him with that chair... so you have a nice day! --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kane and Umaga v Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison[/B] The four men involved in the ECW Championship match now meet in tag action, with former tag team champions Morrison and Dreamer getting along a lot better than Kane and Umaga on the other side. Morrison and Umaga start things, and the early moments of the match see Morrison avoiding Umaga, using his athleticism to dodge big rights, striking with punches and kicks of his own. Morrison tries to send Umaga to the corner, only for the Samoan to reverse it and then charge in... but Morrison avoids the big splash in the corner, and he drops Umaga with a wheelbarrow bulldog before tagging in Dreamer. Dreamer comes in and tees off with right hands, but when tries to send Umaga off the ropes, Umaga reverses... and he catches Dreamer with a spinning wheel kick, allowing him to tag in Kane. The champion immediately runs the ropes to hit the low-angle dropkick, getting a 2 count, and now Kane looks to punish Dreamer, aiming uppercuts at Dreamer’s throat and using his boot to choke Dreamer in the corner. A hard Irish whip sends Dreamer crashing to the opposite corner, and when Kane follows in for a clothesline, Dreamer slumps to the mat and Umaga gets the tag. More stiff uppercuts rock Dreamer, but when Umaga sends him to the corner and charges in, Dreamer gets a boot up and quickly climbs to the second rope... but Umaga catches him... swinging side-slam! 1... 2... Dreamer gets the shoulder up. Kane and Umaga manage to get along enough to make plenty of tags, and the work well together to punish Dreamer and wear him down, with Kane hitting the sidewalk slam and Umaga nails a savate kick, both getting 2 counts. Kane is the ring, and he sends Dreamer to the corner and charges in for a boot to the face... but Dreamer ducks, and Kane is crotched on the top rope. Dreamer quickly moves Kane’s other leg onto the ropes, and he leaves Kane hanging upside down, goes to the opposite corner and charges in... tree of woe dropkick! Kane slumps to the mat, while Dreamer makes the tag to Morrison. Morrison enters and immediately knocks Umaga off the apron, then he turns to Kane, sending Kane off the ropes... spinning heel kick knocks Kane down, but as he gets back up, Morrison bounces to the top rope... springboard roundhouse! 1... 2... Umaga makes the save, but now Dreamer and Morrison double team Umaga... double clothesline sends Umaga over the top rope, but Kane is back up... and he grabs Dreamer and Morrison by the throat... boots from both of them... and Dreamer nails the DDT! 1... 2... 3! [B]Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison beat Kane and Umaga (A)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Tommy Dreamer is back and he’s just pinned the ECW Champion! [B]Tazz:[/B] Hell of a match, and Dreamer and Morrison pull out the win. [B]Styles:[/B] Next week, it’s the last stop on the road to Wrestlemania, and all three brands will be represented here on Sci-Fi! Join us next week folks! Goodnight! -------------- [SIZE="1"]Colt Cabana beat The Brian Kendrick (B) Shelton Benjamin beat Stevie Richards (C+) Kurt Angle beat Charlie Hass (B-) Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison beat Kane and Umaga (A)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlights of last week play out, including Edge walking out on his match with CM Punk, Ric Flair’s announcement that Edge and Punk will meet tonight in a lumberjack match, and then Edge laying out both Punk and Christian during the main event. Opening video, usual pyro display and we’re at the announce desk to hear from [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Tonight Friday Night Smackdown comes to you from Tampa, FL, and we are just over one week away from the biggest spectacle in sports entertainment, Wrestlemania 25! Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, alongside me is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, our main event tonight sees CM Punk and Edge square off in a lumberjack match! [B]Coach:[/B] Right, and it’s a match that Edge has no interest in being involved in. Edge stated last week that he didn’t want to risk injury this close to Wrestlemania, yet Ric Flair is forcing him to compete tonight. [B]Cole:[/B] Tonight, the next member of the 2009 WWE Hall of Fame class will also be revealed. Who do you think it’s gonna be Coach? [B]Coach:[/B] Well, I really think it’s going to be me. I mean, if JR and Lawler can make it in then I sure as hell can! [B]Cole:[/B] What?! You gotta be kiddin’ me! Anyway, also tonight, the WWE Tag Team Championships will be on the line as The Empire defend the gold against Rey Mysterio and the United States Champion Matt Hardy, but right now, we’re kicking things off with the VIP Lounge... [I]The ring is decked out in the VIP Lounge set, and of course our host [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] is there. Also in the ring, and around the ring, and at the bottom of the ramp, are a posse of bouncers...[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] Big things poppin’, little things stoppin’, it’s time for the VIP Lounge, with me, your host, the ballin’ superstar, MVP. Now last week, you may have heard me say that I wasn’t afraid of my guest tonight... and I stand by that. And to prove it, I have invited my Wrestlemania opponent to be my guest tonight on the VIP Lounge. Ladies and gentlemen... the [B]Big Show[/B]! [I]Show emerges from the back and makes his way down the ramp, where he is confronted by the first set of MVP’s security team. One bouncer steps forward and demands that Show spread his arms so he can be frisked. Show laughs at the notion, but he agrees to play along, with the bouncer giving his colleague the all clear to let Show through the velvet rope and into the ring. In the ring, MVP casually relaxes on a stool... a stool that is positioned behind a line of bouncers, with Show forced to stand on the other side, away from MVP. Remember folks, he’s not afraid or anything like that...[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] Alright big guy. Before we start, I just want to clear one thing up right away. See, people in the back have been saying that last week when you came out after my match, I ran away from you. The thing is, the reason I jumped through the crowd after my match was because I had my limo waiting outside, ready to rush me down from Bridgeport down to Manhattan so I could get to a party. The fact your music played when I was leaving was pure coincidence. Like I keep saying Show, I ain’t afraid of you. [B]Show:[/B] Oh really? So what’s the deal with all the security? [B]MVP:[/B] These guys are here because I heard you have a reputation of drinking too much and tearing up all the clubs you go into. That ain’t gonna happen here in my VIP Lounge! These guys are here for your protection as much as mine. [B]Show:[/B] Haha! Whatever man! Listen MVP, I don’t know why you brought me out here to appear on your little show, but I’ll just say what I’ve gotta say and leave. At Wrestlemania, you won’t have anybody to hide behind... it’s just gonna be you and me, one on one... and I will destroy you! [I]Show drops his mic and makes to leave, only for some of the bouncers to block his exit...[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] Hold on man! You don’t come into my VIP Lounge, talk like that and leave! You might be 7 feet tall, but that don’t give you the right to disrespect me like that! [I]MVP has now left his stool and walked over to Big Show, still surrounded by the security guards. MVP barges past and gets in Show’s face...[/I] [B]MVP:[/B] You understand one thing Show... I’m better than you’ll ever be! You understand me? Huh? [I]Out of nowhere, MVP slaps Show across the face! In an instant the smile from Show’s face it gone... and he goes after MVP, who again runs like hell! The bouncers try to get involved, but Show swats them away, laying out about five of them five right hands. MVP backs his way up the ramp, whilst back in the ring, Show is tearing up the VIP Lounge set! Couches are tipped over, the stool on which MVP sat is snapped in half, and now Show has one of the bouncers by the throat... chokeslam! MVP can only stare in disbelief as his security is laid out at the feet of Show, and we fade to commercial with Show staring a hole through MVP...[/I] --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JimmyYang-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/GregoryHelms2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tables Match Jamie Noble and Jimmy Yang v Gregory Helms and Shannon Moore[/B] When they agreed to this final match between the two teams, Noble and Yang demanded they be allowed to choose the stipulation. It appears they’ve chosen a tables match, and that doesn’t seem to faze Moore and Helms, as they don’t even wait for the bell, sliding into the ring and taking the fight to Yang and Noble. Quickly the teams pair off, with Noble and Moore in one corner and Helms and Yang going at it in another. Helms shouts for Moore to go grab a table, and when he does, Helms runs between two corners hitting clothesline and kicks to both Noble and Yang. Moore props the table up in the corner, and he and Helms place Noble against. The pair then go to the opposite corner, where Helms whips Moore towards the table... but Noble moves... and Moore shows great athleticism to run up the table and onto the top rope, saving himself from crashing through it... only for Yang to club him from behind, sending Moore flying from the top rope to the floor! Now in the ring, Helms is outnumbered, with Yang and Noble beating him down to the mat. The table is pulled away from the corner and propped up in the middle of the ring, and Helms is dragged to his feet, and then Noble hoists him up on his shoulders as Yang climbs to the top rope... they’re going for a doomsday device through the table! Yang steadies himself, but before he can fly, Helms twists into a hurricanrana... that sends Noble into the corner... which causes Yang to fall, and he has an uncomfortable landing on the top turnbuckle. Helms joins him up top... suplex through the table... no! Noble pulls the table out of the way at the last second, and Helms and Yang crash to the mat. Noble now stomps down on Helms, and he and Yang pick the table up... but Moore is back in the ring... and he dropkicks the table in their faces, but it doesn’t break. Now Moore props the table up near the centre of the ring, and he grabs Yang and rolls him on the table. Moore now bounces to the top rope... springboard legdrop on the table... no! Yang rolls out of the way... but Moore ****s his balance in midair... and turns it into a springboard hurricanrana... that sends Yang flying over the table but not through it! Noble quickly attacks Moore, stomping down on him, while Yang is back up and he tosses Helms to the outside. Now Yang and Noble double team Moore, and they quickly have him placed on the table. Yang climbs to the top rope, and he lines Moore up for a moonsault off the top through the table... but Helms shakes the ropes, and again Yang has a painful landing on top. Noble charges as Helms, but he low-bridges the top rope, and Noble goes flying to the floor. Moore is back up now, and he climbs the ropes, grabbing hold of Yang, twisting him around and now both are stood on the top rope... Moore hooks Yang up... and goes for a belly-to-belly overhead from the top rope... that sends Yang crashing through the table! [B]Gregory Helms and Shannon Moore beat Jamie Noble and Jimmy Yang (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]! And Bobby, last week we found out that at Wrestlemania you will take on your former employer John Bradshaw Layfield. Lashley, when you face JBL, can you overcome the self proclaimed wrestling god? [B]Lashley:[/B] You know, when I worked for JBL, he taught me a lot. Granted, most of the time I did his dirty work for him, but on the rare occasions he taught me something, I paid attention. I know all his tricks, I know all the sneak tactics he likes to use. JBL... at Wrestlemania, you’ll realise you taught me too much... and you created a monster that you can’t handle! ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChavoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul London v Chavo Guerrero[/B] Despite their recent problems over the Cruiserweight Championship and The Miz, London and Chavo square off with Chavo looking for a win to earn him another shot at the title. From the first tie-up, the pair trade headlocks and counter in and out of holds as neither man can take control. Eventually Chavo connects with a spinning wheel kick, and he follows this with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a 2 count. London fires back by connecting with a dropkick and then a tornado-DDT for a near fall, but as he drags Chavo back to his feet, [B]The Miz[/B] makes his way down the ramp. London clamps on a headlock and stares at Miz, but Miz just smiles and motions for London to get on with the match. Chavo battles back to his feet, but when he sends London to the corner, London bounces to the second rope for a springboard crossbody. London charges... running moonsault... no! Chavo rolls out of the way, and he moves quickly to lock on a single-leg Boston crab. Chavo wrenches back on London’s knee, and the champion strains for the ropes, eventually dragging himself over and grabbing them. Chavo now targets the knee, stomping down on it and hitting a legdrag to further the damage. Chavo then rattle of the three amigos, but he can only get a 2 count, and his frustrations are showing. Chavo sends London to the corner, but when he charges in, London gets a boot up, and he comes out of the corner with another tornado-DDT. London then connects with right hands before sending Chavo off the ropes... reversal... flying forearm from London! London now climbs to the top rope... crossbody... but Chavo rolls through... only for Miz to jump up on the apron! The ref doesn’t count, as he tries to get Miz down, and eventually Chavo gets in his face... but from behind, London with a rollup... 1... 2... 3! Miz returns the favour on Chavo after Chavo cost Miz last week, but the saga over the Cruiserweight Championship hasn’t ended yet. [B]Paul London beat Chavo Guerrero (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, Smackdown general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B] is in his office when he’s joined by [B]Edge[/B]...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Edge... what can I do for you? [B]Edge:[/B] Ric... I know we haven’t always gotten along... but please Ric, don’t make me compete in that lumberjack match tonight. You realise how jealous all of those idiots that are gonna be around that ring are of me? I mean, I won the Royal Rumble, I won the elimination chamber... those guys can’t stand me because I’m so damn talented. Each and every one of them will be dying to take a shot at me. [B]Flair:[/B] Listen Edge, like I said last week, I promised the fans CM Punk and Edge one on one, and tonight, that’s what they’re gonna get. [B]Edge:[/B] So you’re not gonna change your mind huh? [B]Flair:[/B] No I’m not. [B]Edge:[/B] You know something Ric? When I win the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania... you’re gonna regret the way you’ve been treating me these last few months. You’ll regret all of this when I’m champion! [B]Flair:[/B] Well... I guess I’ll just have to take your word for that Edge. Now, if you don’t mind... --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DrewMcIntyre.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship Match The Empire v Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] After the recent beatings Mysterio and Hardy have suffered at the hands of The Empire, Ric Flair has ordered the tag titles be defended tonight. Hardy and Burchill kicks things off, with their feud over the United States Championship fresh in everybody’s mind. The two trade headlocks, until Burchill sends Hardy off the ropes... and knocks him down with a shoulderblock. Now it’s Burchill who runs the ropes... but Hardy fires back with a hiptoss, and follows with a forearm smash and a Russian legsweep. Mysterio gets the tag, and with Burchill still down, he bounces to the top rope... springboard splash! 1... 2... Burchill kicks out, but Mysterio stays on the attack, coming off the ropes for a wheelbarrow bulldog and then a springboard crossbody... but Burchill catches Rey in mid-air... and drops him with a backbreaker. McIntyre gets the tag, and he targets Rey’s back, driving knees, dropping elbows and aiming kicks at the spine. Burchill sends Mysterio flying with an overhead belly-to-belly, and McIntyre does further damage with a vertical suplex, and Burchill gets a near fall from a northern lights suplex. Mysterio is in a lot of pain, but when McIntyre sends him to the corner, Mysterio manages to avoid him, before nailing a headscissors that leaves both men down. The race is on as both men crawl for their corners... here comes Burchill... here comes Hardy! Matt charges into the ring and knocks Burchill down with clothesline, before sending him off the ropes... kick... side-effect! 1... 2... McIntyre makes the save, but Mysterio is back up, and now all four men are going at it. Hardy tees off with right hands to Burchill, while Mysterio and McIntyre battle. McIntyre sends Rey off the ropes, but Mysterio ducks his clothesline... dopkick leaves McIntyre hung up on the ropes, here comes Rey... 619... no! [B]William Regal[/B], The Empire’s manager pulls McIntyre to safety... only for Mysterio to nail Regal with a plancha! Rey quickly bounces to the top rope... springboard seated-senton to McIntyre! 1... 2... this time Burchill makes the save, but Hardy is all over him with punches, as the ref has lost all control. In the mayhem, Regal drags Rey to the floor and nails him with a kick to the head, and with McIntyre distracting the ref, he tosses the brass knucks to Burchill... who levels Matt with a shot to the back of the head! The ref turns just as Burchill hides the evidence and slumps for the cover... 1... 2... 3. [B] The Empire beat Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... Captain Charisma... [B]Christian[/B]! And Christian, we’re 9 days away from Wrestlemania, where you will take on CM Punk and Edge in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight, your two opponents square off in a lumberjack match, and you have said you will be one of the lumberjacks involved. Christian, my question to you is what kind of lumberjack will you be tonight? [B]Christian:[/B] I’ll be the one dressed in plaid carrying an axe. In all seriousness, if Edge or CM Punk happen to fall out of the ring, and they happen to land at my feet, of course I will help them back up and escort them into the ring. That’s not what you wanted to hear huh Josh? Well to tell you the truth... if I get a chance tonight to increase my chances of winning at Wrestlemania... you can be damn sure I’m gonna take it. --------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, it now gives us great pleasure to announce the next entrant in the 2009 WWE Hall of Fame class. [B]Coach:[/B] For many years this man was quite literally the voice of the WWE. His dramatic pauses and unique style of delivery when he announced the outcome of a match separated him from the rest. [B]Cole:[/B] He defined what it meant to be a ring announcer here in the WWE, and although many have followed in his footsteps, few will ever do it better than he did. It is out honour to announce the sixth member of the 2009 WWE Hall of Fame class... is ‘The Fink’, Howard Finkel! ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Santino Marella v Matt Sydal[/B] As always with Santino, the early moments of this match are pure comedy, as Sydal flies around the ring, fooling Santino on several occasions, leaving the Italian frustrated at his inability to keep the high flyer grounded. Eventually Santino has Sydal trapped in a corner, but when he charges in, Sydal uses the ropes to send Santino flying with a headscissors, and he moves quickly to take Santino back down with a roundhouse kick. Santino rolls to the outside and calls for timeout, but Sydal refuses to wait, coming off the ropes... suicide dive! Sydal nails Santino on the outside, and he rolls him back into the ring for a 2 count. Santino cowers in the corner, begging Sydal for mercy... but it’s a trap, as he grabs Sydal and sends him into the ringpost shoulder first. After recovering, Santino now targets the arm, wrenching on it, driving knees and elbows into it and then hitting a legdrop across the arm. Santino thinks he’s in control enough for him to play up to the crowd a bit, but that only gives Sydal the chance to catch him from behind with a victory roll for a near fall, and Sydal is quickly back up to send Santino down with a headscissors. Santino staggers back to his feet, but Sydal is waiting for him on the top rope... diving double knee drop. Santino is down and it doesn’t look like he’s going anywhere, so Sydal climbs to the top rope, steadies himself... and hits the shooting star press! 1... 2... 3! [B]Matt Sydal beat Santino Marella (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]In the locker-room, [B]Christian[/B] is getting ready for the lumberjack match, when the World Heavyweight Champion [B]CM Punk[/B] enters the room...[/I] [B]Christian:[/B] What’s up Punk? [B]Punk:[/B] I uh... I heard your little speech earlier. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah? You like it? [B]Punk:[/B] Oh yeah it was great. Very moving... especially that last part. The part about if you get a chance to improve your odds of winning at Wrestlemania you’re gonna take it. [B]Christian:[/B] What about it? [B]Punk:[/B] Listen man, I kinda like you. I mean, we share a common interest... we both hate Edge. But if you get in my face tonight... all of that goes out the door. You try and take a cheap shot at me, and I’ll give it straight back to you. [B]Christian:[/B] Listen champ, you just concentrate on Edge tonight and don’t worry about me. But uh... it’s nice to know I’m your head Punk. [B]Punk:[/B] Believe me Christian... you aren’t. ---------------- [I][B]Bobby Lashley[/B] is in the ring, awaiting his opponent for the next match... when JBL’s music begins to play. The white limo emerges from the back, and the driver steps out to open the door... out comes JBL, but also [B]Ted DiBiase[/B], and it looks like he will be Lashley’s opponent, with JBL set to be at ringside...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bobby Lashley v Ted DiBiase[/B] With JBL encouraging him, DiBiase is very confident as the bell rings, and he swaggers up to Lashley and strikes with a right hand... but Lashley just stares at him, and he quickly grabs DiBiase and tosses him to the corner, where he unloads with rights to the gut. A hard Irish whip sends DiBiase across, and he staggers out of the corner... into a back-body-drop! DiBiase rolls to the outside, but Lashley follows him out, bouncing DiBiase’s head off the announce desk and rolling him back into the ring... only for JBL to get in Lashley’s face, and the trash talking starts. Eventually Lashley turns to walk away from JBL, but as he climbs back onto the apron, DiBiase hits a baseball slide dropkick that sends Lashley back down to the floor. DiBiase distracts the ref, allowing JBL to lay in with the boots, before he rolls Lashley back in. DiBiase looks to take advantage, stomping down and hitting a fist drop for a near fall. DiBiase then sends Lashley off the ropes, and as Lashley comes past, DiBiase goes for... the million dollar dream! DiBiase gets it locked on, and despite Lashley trying to fight free, DiBiase has it locked in tight, and slowly but surely he gets Lashley to drop to a knee. The ref checks to see if Lashley wants to submit, but Lashley shakes it off, and he slowly fights back to his feet, only for DiBiase to leap on his back... but now Lashley grabs him, and he pulls DiBiase on to his shoulder... dominator! Lashley counters the million dollar dream into a dominator, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Ted DiBiase (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [I]But almost immediately after the bell, JBL storms the ring, and he nails Lashley from behind and starts delivering boots. DiBiase soon joins in, and the pair quickly subdue Lashley, until DiBiase drags Lashley to his feet and JBL comes off the ropes... clothesline from hell! JBL nearly takes Lashley’s head off, and he and DiBiase leave the ring looking very pleased with themselves...[/I] ------------------ [I]We return from commercial to see the lumberjacks for the main event surrounding the ring. There are plenty in attendance, but there’s one more to come, and ‘Just Close Your Eyes’ plays and out comes [B]Christian[/B]. Captain Charisma makes his way down to the ring, and we’re ready for the main event...[/I] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lumberjack Match CM Punk v Edge[/B] As the bell rings, the lumberjacks are called into action early on as Edge tries to make a quick getaway, but both the faces and the heels stand firm, and eventually Edge is forced to tie up with Punk. Keeping up with his determination not to be injured so close to Mania, Edge sticks his head through the ropes on several occasions, forcing the ref to tell Punk to back off. Finally we see some action, as Punk turns his back on Edge who sees a chance to attack... but Punk suckers Edge in by turning in time, and he bounces Edge’s head off the turnbuckle before he sends him across and follows in with a clothesline. Kicks to the leg and head follow, before Punk gets a near fall from a step-up enzuigiri. Edge crawls to the corner, where Punk follows in for more kicks, before going for an Irish whip... Punk charges and connects with a knee to the head... but before he can go for the bulldog, Edge dumps him over the top rope to the floor! It’s bad news for Punk as he lands on the heel side of the ring, and the lumberjacks are more than happy to take shots at the World Heavyweight Champion. Christian leads the faces over to restore order, and it’s Captain Charisma who personally rolls Punk back in. Edge immediately goes on the attack, wearing Punk down with boots and then going for a chinlock. Edge applies the pressure, but eventually Punk struggles back to his feet... elbow to the gut... and another... but Edge clubs Punk’s back, and he sends him off the ropes... but Punk hangs on to the top rope, so Edge charges... only for Punk to lowbridge, sending Edge crashing to the floor right infront of Christian and the face lumberjacks! Quickly Christian is in Edge’s face, and the faces look ready to attack, when Punk comes off the ropes... suicide dive to Edge and Christian! All hell breaks loose as the heels run around, and soon there are plenty of battle happening at ringside, with Punk swinging wildly at anyone who comes near him. The champion then rolls Edge back into the ring, but before he can slide back in, Christian gets in his face, and it looks like they could come to blows. Punk tells Christian to back off, and he goes back in, where he kicks Edge to the corner, sends him across, follows in for the knee... and this time he does nail the bulldog! Punk now waits for Edge to rise... he scoops him up on his shoulder... GTS... but Edge has a hold of the top rope... so Christian jumps up and kicks Edge hands off, but Edge lands behind Punk... and shoves Punk into Christian! Christian goes flying off the apron and crashes to the floor, while Punk turns around... spear! Spear! Edge nails the spear and hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Edge beats CM Punk (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Edge staggers to his feet to celebrate his victory, while Christian pulls himself back up on the outside. Edge looks down at him and taps his head in a ‘I’m smarter than you’ kinda way... which leads Christian to slide into the ring... kick... unprettier! Christian hits the unprettier to Edge! Christian stands over Edge with a big smile on his face... but behind him CM Punk has now pulled himself back up. Punk spins Christian around, angry at the way the match ended. The two have an awkward stand off... until Christian offers Punk a handshake as a form of apology. Punk eventually agrees, shaking Christian’s hand, and as the crowd cheers, Christian raises Punk’s hand in the air... and then kicks him in the gut... unprettier to Punk too! The crowd goes wild as Christian has laid out both of his Wrestlemania opponents, just like Edge did last week![/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Christian has just sent a huge message to his Wrestlemania opponents! Christian has just laid out both champion and challenger! [B]Coach:[/B] And what’s gonna happen next week? Superstars from all three brands are scheduled to appear on all three shows next week! [B]Cole:[/B] Join us to find out folks! Goodnight! --------------- [SIZE="1"]Gregory Helms and Shannon Moore beat Jamie Noble and Jimmy Yang (C+) Paul London and Chavo Guerrero ended in a no contest (C+) The Empire beat Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (B) Matt Sydal beat Santino Marella (B) Bobby Lashley beat Ted DiBiase (B-) Edge beats CM Punk (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A brief highlights video plays out, showing us the confrontation between Randy Orton and Steve Austin and then last week’s main event where Jeff Hardy, John Cena and Shawn Michaels beat Triple H, Kenny Dykstra and Batista in a six man tag. Usual opening video and pyro display, before we hear from [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to the last Monday Night Raw before Wrestlemania! Hello everyone, I’m Jim Ross, alongside Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, we are live and we are sold out in San Antonio, TX, and King, Wrestlemania is just 6 short days away! [B]King:[/B] And I can’t wait! You can feel the excitement in the air JR, everybody is just dying for Sunday to roll around. [B]JR:[/B] Tonight folks, superstars from all three brands will be in attendance, and the Women’s Championship is on the line as Beth Phoenix defends the title against Natalya... [I]GLASS SHATTERS...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] But we’re in rattlesnake country, and here comes the bionic redneck himself... it’s [B]’Stone Cold’ Steve Austin[/B]! [I]Austin makes his way down to the ring to a thunderous reception from his fellow Texans, and he grabs a mic to address the crowd...[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] Six years ago... Wrestlemania 19... that was the last time ol’ Stone Cold stepped foot in a WWE ring for a match. Stone Cold was pretty happy being retired, kicking ass in movies instead of in the ring. But for some reason, a stupid jackass called Randy Orton decided he wanted to challenge Stone Cold to a match at Wrestlemania 25. So Stone Cold thought about it... and I drank a beer... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] Two beers... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] Three beers... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] A shot of tequila... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] Another shot of tequila... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] A bottle of tequila... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] I had another beer... [I]WHAT[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] And now here I am in this ring ready to look that little rat bastard dead in his eye! Last week Orton, you came to my hometown looking for me, and you got more than you bargained for. And now Orton, Stone Cold is here in San Antonio and he’s calling you out son! So drag your ass out here Orton before I come back there and do it myself! [I]I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD... Sure enough, [B]Randy Orton[/B] does make his way down to the ring, although he doesn’t look his usual arrogant self, no doubt due to the beating he took at the hands of Austin last week...[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] Austin, I’m glad that... [B]Austin:[/B] Shut up! I’ve sat at home and heard you run your mouth for weeks, saying that Stone Cold is scared of you, saying that Stone Cold shouldn’t be in the Hall of Fame. So I dare ya Orton, look me dead in my eye and tell me I’m scared! [B]Orton:[/B] Austin, I... [B]Austin:[/B] Shut up! You know what my watch is saying to me son? [B]Orton:[/B] Is it saying that this Sunday at Wrestlemania, Randy Orton is going to show you exactly what hall of fame credentials are all about? [B]Austin:[/B] No you stupid son of a bitch! Watches can’t talk, they tell the time! But what I’m saying to you, is that you’ve been out here challenging Stone Cold to a match, you RKO’d Jim Ross, you beat up Jerry Lawler, and then you came knockin’ at my front door. Now, what do you think ol’ Stone Cold oughta make of that? [B]Orton:[/B] I think you should... [B]Austin:[/B] I’ll tell ya what Stone Cold thinks of that. I think you’re either stupid or you got a death wish son. It’s been a hell of a long time since I... [B]Orton:[/B] Enough! You’ve had your turn to talk, now it’s my turn! Austin... you want to know my reason for challenging you to a match this Sunday? Because you are everything I despise in a WWE superstar. I mean look at me Austin... I am in peak physical shape. You? You’re sporting quite the beer gut now Austin. I am one of the best in the business, I have killed the careers of countless legends... yet I never ever got a shot at you Austin. I carved my legacy on the back of taking out some of the biggest names this business has to offer... and now I want you. This Sunday, Wrestlemania 25, in your home state of Texas, the night after you enter the WWE Hall of Fame... your legacy will be killed for ever... at the hands of the legend killer. [B]Austin:[/B] Are ya done? Jesus Christ son, I never been so damn bored in my life! Hell yeah I drink a lot beer, hell yeah I’ve got a beer belly, hell yeah I’m going into the Hall of Fame, and hell yeah I’m going to open up a can of whoop ass this Sunday, and it’s got your name on it! And that’s the bottom line... because Stone Cold... [I]Out of nowhere Orton goes for the RKO... but Austin pushes him off the ropes... kick... stunner... no! Orton pushes Austin off the ropes... RKO! Orton strikes with the RKO! Orton nails Austin, and he slides out of the ring with a sick smile on his face, while Austin struggles back to his feet and the two engage in a hate filled staredown as Orton backs up the ramp...[/I] --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [B]Money in the Bank Battle Royal Carlito v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick[/B] The six man involved in this Sunday’s Money in the Bank meet in an over-the-top-rope battle royal. The action is frantic as soon as the bell rings, with all six men finding someone to brawl with. Mysterio and Kendrick go at it, Kennedy and Cabana pair off, while over in the corner Carlito and Matt are trading right hands. The first real action comes when Kendrick sends Mysterio off the ropes, only for Rey to hit a headscissors that sends Kendrick down. Carlito tries to sneak up and eliminated Rey from behind, but Mysterio skins the cat, and he goes right back to work on Kendrick. Matt now sends Carlito across and follows in with a clothesline, but when he tries to leverage Carlito over, Carlito wraps his legs around the ropes to save himself. Kennedy tries to eliminate Cabana with a suplex, but Colt lands on the apron, and after a elbow to the gut he jumps to the top rope and connects with a diving clothesline. The first elimination comes when Kendrick tries for the sliced bread on Matt, but instead of taking Matt down, Kendrick wounds up getting launched over the top rope, and now we’re down to five. Mysterio survives an elimination attempt from Cabana, but when the two Raw members Kennedy and Carlito battle near the ropes, both wind up on the wrong side of the ropes, and the two trade right hands on the apron. Kennedy has Carlito teetering close to the edge, but Carlito’s cronies [B]Apolo[/B] and [B]Primo[/B] get involved, with Primo helping Carlito regain his balance and Apolo swiping Kennedy’s feet to pull him down to the floor, leaving us with four. In the ring, Rey is down in the corner, while Colt and Matt go at it. Cabana connects with a snap suplex, but Matt soon fires back with the side effect, but neither man can eliminate the other. Carlito is back in, and he targets Mysterio, while Colt and Matt continues to battle. Matt sends Cabana to the corner, and when Colt tries for a springboard crossbody, Matt ducks, and when Colt staggers back to his feet, Matt is ready... twist of fate! Matt plants Colt and then tosses him over the top rope... only for Carlito to sneak up from behind and dump Matt over, and just like that we’re down to two! Rey is still hurting in the corner, so Carlito arrogantly walks over, thinking it’ll be an easy elimination... but when he scoops Rey up on his shoulders and tries to dump him out, Rey counters into a headscissors... leaving Carlito hung up on the second rope! Here comes Rey... 619! Rey connects, and he bounces to the top rope... but Primo shakes the ropes, and Rey falls to the floor! Carlito has won, but he doesn’t even realise as he’s still out from the 619! Could Apolo and Primo play their part at Wrestlemania to help Carlito win the Money in the Bank too? [B]Carlito won the Money in the Bank Battle Royal (A)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the man who will face the Animal, Batista, this Sunday at Wrestlemania... [B]John Cena[/B]! And John, like I said this Sunday you take on Batista in the first ever match between the two of you. John, can you tame the Animal and grab a huge victory this Sunday? [B]Cena:[/B] This Sunday... Wrestlemania 25! The biggest night in WWE history, with two of the biggest stars in the WWE set to go one on one for the first time ever! Can I tame the Animal? Can I beat Batista? You know what Todd? You’re damn right I can beat Batista. After all the attacks, after all the showdowns, after all the talking, when it’s all said and done, John Cena and Batista, this is what it’s all about! With the entire frakin’ planet watching on, the question is not whether I can tame the Animal, the question is Batista... can you handle me? Hustle, loyalty, respect, the things that I live by... that’s what’s gonna bring me a win this Sunday, that’s what it’s gonna take to beat you Batista... and rest assured... I will beat you! ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Natalya.jpg[/IMG] Women’s Championship Match Beth Phoenix (C) v Natalya The Women’s Championship is now on the line, as Phoenix and Natalya meet one month after their first match for the title. Straight from the tie-up, the champion looks to show her power, as Beth quickly works into a belly-to-back suplex, keeping her hands locked on for a waistlock. Natalya fights back to her feet, and she counters into a waistlock of her own, only for Beth to counter that into a sidewalk slam for the first near fall of the match. Beth connects with a series of uppercuts, and then she sends Natalya off the ropes... reversal... and Natalya sends Beth down with a clothesline. Natalya lays in with the boots, before she locks the champion in a surfboard. Beth cries out in pain as Natalya pulls at her shoulders, and she has the hold locked on for a good while. Beth shows great strength as she eventually breaks free, but when she swings a right hand, Natalya ducks and slams Beth to the mat, getting a near fall. Stiff right hands land, but Beth fights back with a series of shots to the midsection, only for Natalya to drop her with a chopblock and quickly lock on... the sharpshooter! Much like in their first meeting, Natalya gets the champion in a sharpshooter, again causing Beth to cry out in pain. Slowly Beth inches towards the ropes, and she claws desperately... and eventually reaches out and grabs the bottom rope! Natalya lets go, but she quickly mounts Beth and rains down with right hands, but when Natalya looks to send the champion off the ropes, Beth reverses... and she takes Natalya up into the air... gorilla press slam! 1... 2... Natalya kicks out, but now Beth looks to build some offence, connecting with forearms and dropping Natalya with a backbreaker. Beth then hits a fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count, and she now tries for the glam-slam... but Natalya counters, rolling through and grabbing Beth’s leg... and twisting into another sharpshooter! Again Beth cries out and tries to reach the ropes, but Natalya has it locked in tight in the centre of the ring, and despite her best efforts, Beth has no choice but to tap out! [B]Natalya beat Beth Phoenix to become the new Women’s Champion (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, the three general managers, [B]Shane McMahon[/B], [B]Mick Foley[/B] and [B]Ric Flair[/B], are in Shane’s office, each trying to promote their show...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Wow, what a start to the night for Raw. I mean, first one of my guys wins the Money in the Bank battle royal, then we’ve got a title change hands... you two sure you want my guys on your shows this week? I wouldn’t want to embarrass either of you. [B]Foley:[/B] Don’t worry about it Shane. I’ve got an ECW six man tag coming up tonight. ECW’ll show you guys what we’re all about. [B]Flair:[/B] Yeah? Well I’ve got two of my guys in the main event tonight. Triple H and Edge taking on Jeff Hardy and Christian. And this Friday night, we’re not just gonna have one title match... we’ve got two! Paul London, Chavo Guerrero and The Miz in a triple threat for the Cruiserweight Title, and Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio one on one for the United States Championship! [B]Foley:[/B] Well since your champion CM Punk isn’t in action tonight, how about he’s in action on my show tomorrow night? How about the ECW Champion Kane against the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk? [B]Flair:[/B] Sounds good to me Mick. [B]Shane:[/B] Uh... are you two finished? I don’t give a damn what you guys have in store. Let’s remember one thing, this is my show. Infact, I think it’s one of my guys against one of your guys up next Ric. We’ll just see how dominant Raw is... ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JakeHager.jpg[/IMG] [B]Batista v Jake Hager[/B] Raw v Smackdown now as Batista takes on rookie Jake Hager, determined to send a message to Cena with Wrestlemania so close. Hager tries to take the fight to Batista early on, only for Batista to toss him to the corner and nail a series of knees to the gut, following with hard punches and chops to the chest before sending Finlay across... and charging in for a big clothesline. More right hands, and again Finlay is sent across the ring and Batista charges in... but this time Finlay gets a boot up, staggering the big guy, but again Batista charges... drop-toe-hold sends him face first into the middle turnbuckle! Now Hager looks to you his technical style to his advantage, taking Batista down with a belly-to-back suplex and then going for a cover, but the Animal powers out at 2. Swagger tries to stay on the attack by coming off the ropes, but Batista counters with a spinebuster, and after a near fall, the Animal is back in control as he hits a suplex and follows with a boot to the face. The match slows way down as Batista takes Hager to the corner and drives his shoulder into the midsection, and he sends Hager across and follows in with a clothesline that sees Hager slump to the mat. Batista looks to do the same again as he sends Hager across and follows in, but this time Hager avoids it, and he gets a 2 count from a rollup. Hager now looks to attack, connecting with right hands, sending Batista to the corner and following in with a knee to the head and then taking the Animal down with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Hager has momentum now, and he again sends Batista off the ropes... but Batista ducks his clothesline... and nails Hager with a spear! Hager crumples to the mat, and the Animal now looks to end it, dragging Hager to his feet and taking him up... Batista-bomb! 1... 2... 3. [B]Batista beat Jake Hager (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]We return from commercial with [B]Chris Jericho[/B] in the ring, as it’s time for another edition of the highlight reel...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Once again, I bring you another episode of the highlight reel. Now, usually at this time, I’d introduce my opponent in the upcoming pay-per-view, and I’d verbally berate and belittle them, much to the displeasure of all of you hypocrites. But The Undertaker... is not going to be my guest tonight. Oh no. Tonight, I have a very special guest here on the highlight reel. Since I am facing The Undertaker this Sunday, I figured who better to have as my guest tonight... than the man who knows the Deadman best. Ladies and gentlemen, my guest on the highlight reel... [B]Paul Bearer[/B]! [I]The crowd is stunned as Undertaker’s former mentor Bearer steps out to and old school version of Taker’s entrance music. Bearer slowly makes his way down to the ring, and he sits down in the stool opposite Jericho...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Paul... I want to thank you for agreeing to join me on the highlight reel. Paul, you know The Undertaker best. You’ve been by his side for many of his Wrestlemania victories, and even though you no longer walk beside the Deadman, I know you’ve still followed his career. Paul... tell me, honestly... has The Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak ever been in as much danger as what it’s in this Sunday? Be honest Paul. Am I the biggest threat The Undertaker has ever faced? It’s OK Paul, you can be honest with me, I won’t blush. [B]Bearer:[/B] Well... honestly Jericho... no. You can’t beat him Jericho... at Wrestlemania, nobody can. Quite frankly, I’m shocked at how naive you are Chris. Do you realise what you’re letting yourself in for this Sunday? The Undertaker... at Wrestlemania... the most unforgiving superstar in WWE history... on the grandest stage in WWE history... and you wanted to be the one to stand in his way. You will meet your make Jericho... at Wrestlemania 25, you will rest... in... [B]Jericho:[/B] Don’t you dare say that to me! Paul, I brought you out here because I wanted to get into the mindset of The Undertaker a little bit... and I think you’ve helped me do that. Just as I suspected, you are nothing more than a hypocrite. You come out here and you sing the praises of The Undertaker, yet the last time you were saw in the WWE, Undertaker was encasing you in cement. Yet here you are, just like these people, claiming about how dominant The Undertaker is at Wrestlemania. Well I got news for you Bearer... the only reason The Undertaker is still undefeated at Wrestlemania is because he’s never faced me! [B]Bearer:[/B] You just don’t get it do you Chris? When you challenge The Undertaker to a Wrestlemania match... you enter a whole world of pain that you can never return from. Ask any of the superstars here tonight who have faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Kane... Ric Flair... Big Show... Mark Henry... Ric Flair... Edge... Randy Orton... even the WWE Champion Triple H... ask them Chris if they’ve ever been the same since they faced the Deadman at Wrestlemania. I promise you, you won’t like the answer you get. [B]Jericho:[/B] Alright, you know what? I realise now that it was pointless bringing you here tonight. Instead of accepting the truth, admitting that I am the greatest superstar in WWE history, admitting that I am the biggest threat The Undertaker has ever faced, you have done nothing but embarrass yourself Bearer. You may write me off Bearer, you may proclaim that all Taker has to do is show up this Sunday and he’ll win, you may believe that, these mindless sheep may believe that, but tell me Paul... how can you beat a man who has nothing to lose? How can you... [I]GONG The lights go out... and when they come back on, [B]Undertaker[/B] is in the ring! But Jericho is already halfway up the ramp by the time the lights return, with a huge smirk on his face...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Nice try Undertaker! I thought you might try something like that. The old lights out, appear out of nowhere trick? I don’t think so Deadman. You see once again I have out smarted you Undertaker. I outsmarted you last week, I did it again tonight... and this Friday night on Smackdown, I’ll do it to you again. And then at Wrestlemania... I’ll end your famed Wrestlemania streak, and show you for the hypocrite you really are. --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kane, Umaga and Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer, John Morrison and Kurt Angle[/B] The two major feuds on ECW collide as the four men in the ECW Title match and the hate filled Benjamin and Angle square off in six man action. Umaga and Angle start things, and from the first tie-up Angle gains control using a waistlock takedown. Angle then works into a headlock, but Umaga overpowers him, sending Angle off the ropes and then down with a shoulderblock. Umaga comes off the ropes, but Angle rolls away from the splash, and he tags in Morrison. Morrison connects with kicks to the head, and he quickens the pace by coming off the ropes for a wheelbarrow facebuster and then a spinning legdrop for a 2 count. Morrison looks to stay on the attack, but when he comes off the ropes Kane knees him in the spine, and this allows Umaga to nail the savate kick and tag in Benjamin. Shelton hits a bunch of boots, and he then sends Morrison to the corner and follows in with a splash. Kane now comes in, and after a snapmare he comes off the ropes and hits a low-angle dropkick. Kane really turns on the power, and he punishes Morrison with uppercuts and a sidewalk slam. Umaga is back in, and he sends Morrison to the corner and charges in... but Morrison avoids his splash, and he climbs to the second rope... crossbody... but Umaga catches him... spinning side slam! 1... 2... Morrison kicks out! Benjamin gets the tag, and he attacks Morrison with kicks before sending him off the ropes... but Morrison jumps to the top rope... springboard roundhouse connects! Now Morrison crawls for the corner... and tags in Dreamer! Dreamer comes in and nails Benjamin with a series of clotheslines and right hands, before going for an Irish whip... reversal... Dreamer ducks a clothesline... neckbreaker! 1... 2... Kane makes the save, but that only encourages Morrison and Umaga to get involved, and now all six men are brawling in the ring. Angle takes both he and Benjamin out with a clothesline, and as the two are going at it on the outside, Dreamer tries for a DDT on Umaga... but Kane nails him with a boot to the face, but here comes Morrison... springboard roundhouse... no! Kane catches him by the throat... chokeslam! 1... 2... 3. [B]Kane, Umaga and Shelton Benjamin beat Tommy Dreamer, John Morrison and Kurt Angle (B)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the man who will challenge Triple H for the WWE Championship this Sunday at Wrestlemania... [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! Jeff, in six days time you meet Triple H. How are you feeling with Wrestlemania so close now? [B]Jeff:[/B] You know Maria, I’ve never been looked at as a guy who’d make it to the big time. I was never tagged as a future WWE Champion from a young age. But last year when I cashed in the Money in the Bank briefcase against Triple H... I achieved my dream... only to have it taken away from me. This Sunday, I will headline Wrestlemania 25! All the years of putting my body on the line, it’ll all be worth it when I beat Triple H to become the WWE Champion again. Triple H, if I’m gonna prove all the doubters wrong once and for all... then I have to beat you... and I fully intend on doing it. ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Canadian Bulldogs v Shawn Michaels[/B] With Shawn Michaels set to face Kenny Dykstra this Sunday in a ladder match for the Intercontinental Title, Kenny is at ringside to watch his Revolution buddies Harry and TJ take on Michaels in a handicap match. TJ starts the match, and the two exchange in a highly technical opening, with both countering in and out of headlocks and hammerlocks, until TJ sends Michaels off the ropes... Thesz press, and Michaels now hammers down with punches, and when both men are back up, Michaels hits an atomic drop and knocks TJ down with a right hand. TJ scrambles to the corner to tag in Harry, but he runs straight into a back-body-drop, and again Michaels tees off with rights before sending Harry to the corner... reversal... and Michaels crashes into the corner upside down before staggering back out... huge clothesline from Harry! 1... 2... Michaels kicks out. Now Harry looks to go to work, nailing Michaels with big forearms and sending him crashing into the corners with hard Irish whips. Harry lays in with the boots and then tags in TJ, who immediately starts working on Michaels’ leg, aiming kicks at it, driving his knee into and taking Michaels down with legdrags. Harry continues to attack with power, taking Michaels up for a long vertical suplex and following that by sending Michaels off the ropes into a powerslam for a near fall. TJ is back in, and spending some time locking Michaels in a legscissors to wear down the knee some more, TJ goes for a single-leg Boston crab, causing Michaels to cry out in pain. Michaels claws and finally reaches the ropes, but the ref doesn’t see it, and Kenny quickly pushes Michaels hands off the ropes, allowing TJ to hold it on for longer. Michaels reaches out and gets there a second time, and finally the ref breaks the hold. Michaels limps to his feet, only for TJ to send him to the corner and charge in... but Michaels gets a boot up, and he tees off with chops to the chest before sending TJ across... TJ staggers out... into a back-body-drop! Michaels now climbs to the top rope... elbowdrop! 1... 2... Harry makes the save, but Michaels hits a flying forearm, sending Harry to the outside. TJ tries to attack, but again Michaels hits chops, and he sends TJ off the ropes... reversal... another flying clothesline... and a kip-up! Michaels now stands in the corner and tunes the band, but Kenny jumps up on the apron... so Michaels nails him with sweet chin music! Here comes TJ... Michaels ducks... sweet chin music to TJ! 1... 2... 3! [B]Shawn Michaels beat Canadian Bulldogs (B)[/B][/CENTER] [I]But almost immediately after the bell rings, Dykstra storms the ring, and he puts the boots to Michaels. Harry and TJ make it back up, and they help with the beating, and it’s quickly 3 on 1. Kenny then bails from the ring and goes under the apron... to pull out a ladder! Harry and TJ are still laying into Michaels, while Kenny props up the ladder and climbs to the top of it... sky-high legdrop off the ladder! Kenny nails Michaels, and could this be what’s in store for Shawn this Sunday in the ladder match?[/I] --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H and Edge v Jeff Hardy and Christian[/B] Wrestlemania opponents meet in the main event, with Raw’s Triple H and Smackdown’s Edge taking on Jeff and Christian. Christian and the Game kick things off, and the Game quickly locks on a headlock and wrenches away, but Christian sends him off the ropes... only for Triple H to knock him down with a shoulderblock. The Game arrogantly encourages Christian to get back up, but when they tie-up again, this time it’s Christian who gets the headlock, only to be sent off the ropes... Christian ducks a clothesline... inverted-DDT! Jeff gets the tag, and he tees off on Triple H, before sending the champ to the corner and following in with a clothesline. Jeff goes for another Irish whip, but when the Game reverses, Jeff climbs to the top rope... whisper in the wind... no! Edge gets involved, kicking Jeff’s leg, leaving Jeff to have a hard landing on the top turnbuckle. Edge gets the tag, and he strikes with forearms to the back before joining Jeff up top and taking him down to the mat with a side-suplex for a 2 count. Edge and Triple H now target Jeff’s lower back, with Edge hitting a Russian legsweep and the Game connecting with the spinning spinebuster, causing Jeff to cry out in pain and grab his back with every move that lands. Edge continues the attack by taking Jeff down for a seated chinlock, driving his knee into the back at the same time. Jeff fights back to his feet, and just as it looks like he’ll break the hold, another shot to the back ends the momentum, and Triple H comes back in and knocks Jeff down with a clothesline. More punishment to the back follows, and eventually the Game applies an abdominal stretch. Triple H applies the pressure, and he hits shots to the ribs too, but the crowd rallies behind Jeff, and eventually he manages to break free with a hiptoss, but when he goes for the tag, Triple H grabs his leg... leg-feed mule kick! Jeff kicks Triple H away... and tags in Christian! Christian enters and rattles off right hands before coming off the ropes with a clothesline. Edge gets knocked off the apron, and Christian looks to send Triple H to the corner... the Game reverses... but he runs into a boot... and Christian comes out the corner with a tornado-DDT! 1... 2... Edge makes the save, but Jeff flies for Edge, and soon Jeff and Christian doubleteam Edge, sending him off the ropes... double back-body-drop! Edge staggers to the corner, where Christian crouches and Jeff charges... poetry in motion! Edge staggers out of the corner... into the unprettier! 1... 2... Triple H makes the save, and he quickly grabs Jeff to toss him over the top rope. The Game now works on Christian, nailing him right hands, and going for an Irish whip... Christian reverses, but he ducks his head... facebreaker knee smash, and then a clothesline sends Christian down. Triple H looks like he wants to nail the pedigree, but Edge says he wants to hit the spear. Edge waits for Christian to get up, and charges... spear... no! Christian leapfrogs... and Edge spears Triple H! Edge can’t believe it, but he’s quickly nailed from behind by Christian, while over in the corner, Jeff has climbed to the top rope... swanton bomb to Triple H! 1... 2... 3! [B]Jeff Hardy and Christian beat Triple H and Edge (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy has just pinned the WWE Champion! [B]King:[/B] Well he got a huge assist from Edge, but Jeff got it done. [B]JR:[/B] And could we see that this Sunday? Who’s going to win when Triple H and Jeff Hardy collide for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 25? Join us this Sunday live on pay-per-view for the biggest night in WWE history to find out! Goodnight! ---------------- [SIZE="1"]Carlito won the Money in the Bank Battle Royal (A) Natalya beat Beth Phoenix to become the new Women’s Champion (C+) Batista beat Jake Hager (C+) Kane, Umaga and Shelton Benjamin beat Tommy Dreamer, John Morrison and Kurt Angle (B) Shawn Michaels beat Canadian Bulldogs (B) Jeff Hardy and Christian beat Triple H and Edge (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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I dont read many diaries but was looking for some inspiration for my WWE game when I came across this. I gotta say this is a brilliant read, I am hoping Jeff beats Triple H but I think Trips will beat him now after being pinned twice by him. KUTGW dude, I am glued to this diary.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlight package includes footage from last week where Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison beat Kane and Umaga in tag team action, and also last night on Raw where Kane, Umaga and Shelton Benjamin teamed to beat Morrison, Dreamer and Kurt Angle in six man action. Usually opening video and pyro display, and then we hear from [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] It’s the last ECW on Sci-Fi before Wrestlemania, and tonight from Austin, TX, which one of the four men involved in the ECW Championship match will emerge as the favourite for this Sunday? Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles, alongside me is Tazz, and Tazz, tonight promises to be quite the night. [B]Tazz:[/B] No doubt about it. We got superstars from Raw and Smackdown here tonight, and everybody is buzzing with Wrestlemania just five days away. [B]Styles:[/B] As we found out on Raw last night, tonight it’ll be the ECW Champion Kane taking on the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk. But we’re kicking things off with another Money in the Bank preview match... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Colt Cabana and Mr Kennedy v The Brian Kendrick and Carlito[/B] The Raw and ECW Money in the Bank participants are now in tag action, with each man wanting to prove it will be them who climbs the ladder to victory this Sunday. Kennedy and Kendrick start things, with Kennedy quickly taking control, working Kendrick into a hammerlock and targeting his shoulder. Kennedy wrenches on the arm and drives his own shoulder into Kendrick’s, before tagging in Cabana, who bounces to the second rope and drops down on Kendrick’s arm. Cabana winds up the arm and takes Kendrick down with a heel kick, but when he goes for a legdrop, Kendrick rolls out of the way, and he nails a stiff boot to the face and tags in Carlito. Carlito lays in with the boots, before dragging Cabana to his corner and going to work on the midsection, driving knees and shoulders into the gut, before sending Colt off the ropes and nailing a springboard back elbow for a near fall. Kendrick and Carlito do a great job of wearing Cabana down, with Carlito nailing a swinging neckbreaker and Kendrick connecting with a tornado-DDT, both getting near falls. Kendrick is on the top rope, and he launches himself, only for Cabana to hit a dropkick, and he crawls to his corner to tag in Kennedy. Kennedy tees off with rights and lefts, before sending Kendrick off the ropes... back-body-drop! A right knocks Carlito off the apron, and now Kennedy goes back to Kendrick... forward Russian legsweep! 1... 2... Carlito makes the save, but Cabana is there to take the fight to Carlito, and the two brawl all the way to the floor. Kendrick has recovered, and he hits Kennedy with an enzuigiri, and now he runs him to the corner... sliced bread... no! Kennedy stays on his feet, and he grabs Kendrick... mic check! 1... 2... 3! [B]Colt Cabana and Mr Kennedy beat The Brian Kendrick and Carlito (B)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Once again we go backstage to the boiler-room to hear from [B]Kane[/B]...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! The end for ECW is nigh. Soon, I will rid ECW from this world. I have faced all that Mick Foley has to offer. At Wrestlemania, I will destroy the three pathetic challengers Foley has set me... and then finally, there will be nobody left. Nobody left to stand in my way... and ECW... will finally be burned to the ground! Hahaha! ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [B]Umaga v Finlay[/B] Raw veteran Finlay makes an appearance on Sci-Fi, stepping into the ring with Umaga. As you’d expect in a match between these two, it’s a stiff affair, with hard shots landing straight from the bell. The pair engage in a slugfest, until Finlay locks on a headlock, only for Umaga to send him off the ropes... and knock Finlay down with a shoulderblock. Now it’s Umaga who comes off the ropes... but Finlay rolls out of the way of his splash, and Finlay quickly lays in with the boots. Finlay tries to send Umaga to the corner, but Umaga reverses and charges in... but Finlay moves, and now he comes off the ropes... right into a savate kick from Umaga! Umaga nails Finlay and gets a 2 count, and now he looks to pile on the pain, hitting more shots to the throat, sending Finlay crashing to the corner and then following in with a splash. Finlay slumps to the mat, leaving his head perched on the bottom turnbuckle, and here comes Umaga... Samoan wrecking ball! 1... 2... Finlay gets a shoulder up, but Umaga stays on the attack, locking on the nerve hold. Umaga applies pressure, but eventually the crowd gets behind Finlay, and the veteran fights back to his feet, and he breaks the hold with elbows to the gut and comes off the ropes... clothesline, but it only staggers Umaga, so Finlay tries again... another clothesline, but again Umaga stays up... but a third clothesline finally puts him down! Finlay comes off the ropes... seated senton! 1... 2... Umaga kicks out, but Finlay has the momentum now, and after a series of uppercuts, he sends Umaga off the ropes... kick... single-arm DDT! 1... 2... again Umaga kicks out, so Finlay goes to the second rope... crossbody... but Umaga catches him on his shoulders... Samoan drop! Umaga plants Finlay, but he drags him back to his feet... Samoan spike! 1... 2... 3. [B]Umaga beat Finlay (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] is joined by his Smackdown counterpart [B]Ric Flair[/B] and the World Heavyweight Champion [B]CM Punk[/B]...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] I mean you guys heard what he said earlier. Wrestlemania is the end, we’re all going up in flames... the guy’s straight up lost it. [B]Flair:[/B] I never knew it was that bad. I mean, I heard about it, but I never knew it had gone so far. [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah, well just be careful out there tonight Punk. I know it’s Wrestlemania season and everybody wants to put on a show, and I appreciate you being here tonight... but just be careful. [B]Punk:[/B] Don’t worry about it Mick. I’ll take care of myself. [B]Flair:[/B] Yeah you better, I don’t want anything happening to you tonight that’ll effect the triple threat this Sunday. [B]Foley:[/B] Speaking of that, are Edge and Christian here tonight? [B]Flair:[/B] Uh... I think Christian is here, I’m not so sure about Edge. [B]Punk:[/B] Oh he’ll be here. He’ll be holed up somewhere, just waiting for his chance to attack. [B]Foley:[/B] Well anyway, guys I have some business to attend to, so enjoy the show and good luck tonight Punk... ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle and Big Show v Shelton Benjamin and Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] These four are all set to face at Wrestlemania this Sunday, so tonight is a chance for someone to pick up some momentum before the show. Show and Benjamin start, and Shelton has little joy early on, as Show swats him away on numerous occasions, and despite Shelton’s best efforts to use his quickness to stay away, Show traps him in the corner, and he unloads with stinging slaps to the chest, before sending Shelton off the ropes into a big boot to the face. Angle gets the tag, and after taking Shelton down with a German suplex, Angle goes for the ankle lock... but Shelton quickly scurries to his corner and tags in MVP, who charges into the ring... right into a belly-to-belly overhead! After a 2 count, Angle hits a series of uppercuts, but when he sends MVP off the ropes he lowers his head... and MVP a facebreaker knee smash and follows with a clothesline. Benjamin comes back in, and he hits a bridging Northern lights suplex for a near fall and then punishes Angle with a backbreaker. Benjamin and MVP make plenty of quick tags, and they wear Angle down, with Benjamin getting a 2 count from a springboard neckbreaker and MVP coming close to victory by sending Angle to the corner and charging in for a kick to the head. MVP has a facelock on, and he drives his knee repeatedly into the head before sending Angle off the ropes... snap overhead belly-to-belly! 1... 2... Angle kicks out, so MVP tags in Benjamin. Shelton enters, and he waits for Angle to get back to his feet, before going for... a crossface! With the submission match this Sunday, Shelton is looking to make Angle tap tonight! Angle tries to inch towards the ropes, but it takes Big Show getting involved to finally break the hold, but the message from Shelton has been sent. MVP tags back in, and after a few stomps, he comes off the ropes... ballin’ elbow... no! Angle rolls out of the way... and tags in Big Show! Show comes in and nails both opponents with right hands, before sending MVP off the ropes... sidewalk slam! Now it’s Benjamin who’s sent off the ropes... gorilla press slam! 1... 2... MVP makes the save, and he tries to get Show down, only for Angle to catch him from behind... Angle slam! Angle nails MVP... and now he locks on the ankle lock! Benjamin struggles to his feet, but Show is waiting... chokeslam! Shelton is planted, and MVP has no-one to save him... so he taps out! [B]Kurt Angle and Big Show beat Shelton Benjamin and Montel Vontavious Porter (B)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is one of them men involved in the ECW Championship match this Sunday at Wrestlemania... [B]John Morrison[/B]! And John, this Sunday you face Kane, Umaga and Tommy Dreamer in a four-way elimination match for the ECW Title. John, can you overcome your opponents and become the new ECW Champion? [B]Morrison:[/B] You know Anastacia, it’s been a long time since we had a party at the palace of wisdom. But this Sunday, the champagne is on ice, and I’m ready to celebrate. I have chased the ECW Championship for so long, and now finally this Sunday I’ll... [I]Morrison stops dead in his tracks as [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] walks into the shot...[/I] [B]Dreamer:[/B] Morrison... look man, you know I got a lot of respect for you. I mean, we were tag team champions together. We shared some great moments in the ring... and I don’t doubt that this Sunday is gonna be another great moment... for one of us. And you better keep that champagne on ice a little longer... because at Wrestlemania... I’m going to be the one that becomes the new ECW Champion. [B]Morrison:[/B] Oh really? No offence Tommy, but this isn’t 1999, and this isn’t your version of ECW. This is 2009... and this is my ECW. And this Sunday... I will win the ECW Championship... I’m just sorry I’m gonna have to beat you to get it. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kane v CM Punk[/B] Champions collide in tonight’s main event, and with Wrestlemania opponents no doubt looking on, neither man wants to lose this one. Straight from the bell, Punk strikes with kicks to the thigh and head before going for an Irish whip... reversal... baseball slide under Kane’s boot... but Punk can’t avoid the clothesline. Kane now drives Punk to the corner with stiff uppercuts, and then he sends Punk off the ropes... only for Punk to nail a spinning wheel kick, sending Kane through the ropes to the floor. Once Kane is back on his feet, Punk goes for a plancha... but Kane catches him... and rams Punk into the ringpost! Back in the ring, Kane now targets Punk’s back, sending him crashing into the corner and then slamming Punk to the mat and hitting the low-angle dropkick for a near fall. Punk struggles back to his feet, but Kane stays on the attack, hitting hard shots to the small of the back, nailing uppercuts to the throat and scooping Punk up for a sidewalk slam, gaining another 2 count. An Irish whip sends Punk off the ropes, but when Kane ducks, Punk goes for a sunset flip and tries to take Kane down for the pin... but Kane keeps his balance, and he grabs Punk by the throat... but before Kane can go for the chokeslam, Punk hits a flurry of elbows and kicks to break free, and then he connects with a step-up enzuigiri that sends Kane to the corner. Punk charges... knee to the head... but when he goes for the bulldog, Kane pushes off, but Punk jumps to the second rope... springboard crossbody! 1... 2... Kane kicks out. Punk lands more kicks, and now he looks to take Kane up for the GTS... but Kane hits elbows and lands on his feet, sending Punk off the ropes... but Punk holds on to the top rope, and here comes Kane... Punk lowbridges, and Kane goes crashing to the floor. At this point a commotion can be heard in the crows, and it’s due to [B]Umaga[/B] making his way down the ramp. Umaga and Kane go face-to-face, but before the Wrestlemania opponents can come to blows, [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] and [B]John Morrison[/B] race down to the ring, and soon the pair are brawling with Umaga, but here comes Punk...suicide dive! Punk takes down all four men, and he starts swinging wildly at whoever he can hit. The referee is out on the floor to try and sort of the melee, and Punk drags himself back into the ring... but through the crowd... it’s [B]Edge[/B]! Edge crouches, and he waits for Punk to turn... spear! Edge nails Punk with a spear, and he’s quickly back into the crowd. Kane rolls into the ring and drapes an arm over Punk, and the ref finally returns to the ring... 1... 2... 3. [B]Kane beat CM Punk (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Dammit! That absolute snake Edge just cost CM Punk! [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah but we’ve still got a war going on here at ringside! I mean, Morrison, Dreamer, Umaga... they’re all going at it out here! [B]Styles:[/B] It is mayhem here in the land of extreme! What’s gonna happen this Sunday at Wrestlemania with the ECW Championship on the line? Join us live on pay-per-view to find out! Goodnight! --------------- [SIZE="1"]Colt Cabana and Mr Kennedy beat The Brian Kendrick and Carlito (B) Umaga beat Finlay (B) Kurt Angle and Big Show beat Shelton Benjamin and Montel Vontavious Porter (B) Kane beat CM Punk (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+ [/B] [QUOTE=Acidburned;651079]I dont read many diaries but was looking for some inspiration for my WWE game when I came across this. I gotta say this is a brilliant read, I am hoping Jeff beats Triple H but I think Trips will beat him now after being pinned twice by him. KUTGW dude, I am glued to this diary.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the comment man. Was starting to wonder if anyone was bothering to read this anymore... :(
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A quick video recaps the recent goings on, including last Monday night when Edge accidently speared Triple H to hand a win to Christian and Jeff Hardy and Tuesday night where Edge sneaked into the ring to spear CM Punk. We go to the arena for the pyro display and then down to the announce desk to hear from [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] It’s the last stop on the road to Wrestlemania as Friday Night Smackdown comes to you from Austin, TX. Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, with me as always is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, Wrestlemania is just 48 hours away. [B]Coach:[/B] And everybody is here tonight to make the presence felt and prove that this Sunday they will leave Wrestlemania victorious. [B]Cole:[/B] All three brands are here tonight, and our main event features all three champions, as the WWE Champion Triple H, the ECW Champion Kane and Edge take on Jeff Hardy, John Morrison and the Word Heavyweight Champion CM Punk in six man action. [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah but what the hell was Ric Flair thinking when he announced Christian as the special guest referee? [B]Cole:[/B] Well that’s to come later. Also tonight, Matt Hardy defends the United States Championship against Rey Mysterio... but we’re kicking things off with the Cruiserweight Title on the line... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChavoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cruiserweight Championship Match Paul London (C) v Chavo Guerrero v The Miz[/B] These three have been at each other for weeks now, with both Miz and Chavo costing the other victories over the champion London. Tonight it’s every man for himself with the title on the line. Miz acts his usual arrogant self early on, daring both men to swing for him... so Chavo and London oblige, nailing Miz with rights, allowing London and Chavo to go at each other early, with the champion connecting with a tornado-DDT and a running moonsault for a 2 count. Miz is back up, and he clubs London from behind, before getting a near fall from a falling neckbreaker. Chavo and Miz now trade right hands, until Chavo sends Miz off the ropes and nails him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Miz is then tossed to the outside, and again Chavo and London go at it, with London hitting an enzuigiri and Chavo firing back with a spinning wheel kick. Chavo hits a Northern lights suplex for a 2 count, and as Miz returns to the ring, he climbs to the second rope... only for Chavo to hit a step-up heel kick, sending Miz crashing back down to the floor. Again Chavo and London try to put the other away, with Chavo coming close to the win after hitting the three amigos. London strikes back by sending Chavo to the corner and following in with a clothesline, then placing Chavo on the top rope and joining him for... a hurricanrana from the top! 1... 2... Miz dives in to make the save, and he now hits a flurry of rights and lefts to London before sending him off the ropes... London ducks a clothesline... and nails a flying forearm! London gets back up, and he connects with an atomic drop and hits a headscissors to send Miz back outside. London has the momentum, and he turns back to Chavo, nailing him with an enzuigiri, and then climbing to the top rope... but before London can go for the 450 splash, Miz pushes him off the top rope into the barricade! Miz now sneaks into the ring just as Chavo is rising... kick... reality check! 1... 2... 3! Miz has somehow become the new Cruiserweight Champion! [B]The Miz beat Paul London and Chavo Guerrero to become the new Cruiserweight Champion (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... he is one of the men involved in the World Heavyweight Championship triple threat this Sunday... [B]Edge[/B]! And Edge, can you win this Sunday at Wrestlemania and become the new World Heavyweight Champion, or will it be CM Punk or Christian who leave with the gold? [B]Edge:[/B] Oh yeah, the one-time champion and the wannabe. You think either of those two are gonna leave Wrestlemania as champion? No, no, Wrestlemania is a time for the real champions around here to stand up and be recognised. I mean, I’m a four time champion, a two time holder of the Money in the Bank briefcase, the 2009 Royal Rumble winner, the man who won the Smackdown elimination chamber at No Way Out... I’m practically a guarantee to win this Sunday! Punk can dream about leaving Wrestlemania the champion... Christian can dream about becoming a champion for the first time... but that’s all they are, dreams. Me? I’ve been there before, and I know what it takes to get there again. This Sunday... I will become the new World Heavyweight Champion... and all those dreams will fade away. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Sydal v Chris Jericho[/B] Sydal has been impressive recently, but tonight he takes on Raw’s Jericho, who’s been outsmarting the Undertaker for weeks now ahead of their Wrestlemania showdown. The pace of the match is frantic from the first tie-up, as Sydal takes Jericho down with a series of armdrags and headscissors, and he comes close to victory with a roundhouse kick. Jericho finally manages to slow Sydal down by kneeing him in the gut, and he follows this with some stiff forearms to the back and a hard Irish whip to the corner. A double-underhook backbreaker gets Jericho a near fall, and then he unloads with chops to the chest before sending Sydal to the corner... Sydal staggers out... and Jericho hits the one-handed bulldog. Jericho charges the ropes... lionsault... but Sydal gets his knees up, and he’s quickly back up to nail Jericho with an enzuigiri. Sydal comes off the ropes with a legdrop for a 2 count, and when Jericho is back up, Sydal; strikes with kicks to the thigh and goes for an Irish whip... Jericho reverses... spinning heel kick knocks Sydal down. Jericho moves quickly, grabbing Sydal’s legs... walls of Jericho... no! Sydal kicks Jericho into the corner, and he follows in a knee to the head. Jericho slumps to the mat, and Sydal climbs up top and waits for Jericho to rise... diving double knee drop... no! Jericho counters... mid-air codebreaker! 1... 2... 3. [B]Chris Jericho beat Matt Sydal (B)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Almost immediately after the bell, the lights go out, and we hear some strange music... it’s the music that is usually heard when the druids of the Undertaker appear. Jericho looks up the ramp, and he sees flames rising... and a set of druids slowly line the ramp! Jericho doesn’t know what’s going on, but with the Undertaker no doubt near, he looks to escape through the crowd... but there’s a druid at every exit! Jericho has nowhere to run, and despite franticly searching, he can find no way to escape, and then... GONG He’s here! It’s the [B]Undertaker[/B]! Taker slowly stalks his way down the ramp, removing his jacket and hat and climbing the stairs to the ring. Jericho has nowhere to go... so he decides to attack... and it turns into an all out fist fight! Both men swing wildly, but eventually Taker gets the upperhand, and he sends Jericho off the ropes... into a big boot to the face... no! Jericho grabs the boot, sweeps the other leg... and turns it into the walls of Jericho! Jericho leans back, and he has the walls locked on tight until... GONG The lights go out... and when they come back on... Undertaker is gone... and so are the druids... but Jericho is still crouching as if he has the walls locked on! Jericho finally realises that he’s applying a submission move to fresh air, and he has a confused look on his face as we go to backstage...[/I] ---------------- [I]In the general manager’s office [B]Ric Flair[/B] is joined by [B]John Cena[/B]...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey Cena! What’s up man? [B]Cena:[/B] Nothing much. What’s up with you Ric? [B]Flair:[/B] Everything’s good for the Nature Boy. So, you ready for your match tonight? [B]Cena:[/B] I would be if I knew who you had me against? I mean who is? [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, don’t you worry about it. What about this Sunday and Batista? You ready for that? [B]Cena:[/B] Oh I’m ready Ric. I’m ready... [B]Flair:[/B] Just don’t underestimate Batista. I was there with him back in the Evolution days, I know what he can do when he’s mad enough. [B]Cena:[/B] I’m not underestimating anybody Ric... and Batista better not be underestimating me either... or he’s gonna be in for a huge surprise this Sunday. Listen, I’m gonna go ready for my match... I’ll see you later Ric. [B]Flair:[/B] Yeah see ya... --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]United States Championship Match Matt Hardy (C) v Rey Mysterio[/B] With these two set to meet this Sunday in the Money in the Bank match, the loser of this one could have his confidence shattered head of Wrestlemania. The two shake hands and then they tie-up, and Hardy uses his weight advantage to back Mysterio into the corner, where the ref calls for the break. Again the pair tie-up, and Hardy works into a headlock, only for Rey to send him off the ropes... Matt knocks Rey down with a shoulderblock, and he runs the ropes... leapfrog from Rey... but Hardy counters with a powerbomb! 1... 2... Rey kicks out, but Matt stays on the attack, connecting with an elbow and then locking on a chinlock. Hardy looks to keep Rey grounded and wear him down, but Mysterio struggles back to his feet, and he breaks the hold with a sitout jawbreaker and then comes off the ropes... wheelbarrow bulldog! Hardy staggers to his feet, but Mysterio dropkicks him from behind, and now Matt is hung up on the second rope... here comes Rey... 619... no! Hardy ducks underneath, but Rey bounces to the top rope... west coast pop! 1... 2... Matt kicks out, and he’s up quickly to nail Rey with a clothesline. Now Matt heels it up a bit, stomping down on Rey and pummelling Rey in the corner with kicks and punches. A front headlock is applied, and Hardy repeatedly drives his knee into Mysterio’s head. A Russian legsweep takes Rey down, and Matt climbs to the second rope... legdrop connects, 1... 2... Mysterio rolls the shoulder, but Matt stays on the attack, again hitting rights and sends Rey off the ropes... wheelbarrow bulldog... no! This time Matt counters... sitout facebuster! 1... 2... Mysterio kicks out! Frustration is showing as Matt can’t put Mysterio away, and it worsens as he hits the side-effect but still only gets a 2 count. Matt strikes with forearms, but when he goes for a Northern lights suplex, Mysterio counters... DDT! 1... 2... Hardy gets the shoulder up! Now it’s Rey who looks to attack, as he hits kicks to the thigh and sends Matt to the corner... Matt reverses, but Rey jumps to the second rope... springboard crossbody... but Matt rolls through... 1... 2... Mysterio kicks out! Both men are feeling the effects of the match, but Hardy is teeing off with rights and then he sends Rey off the ropes... Mysterio ducks a clothesline... and he goes for a kick... Matt grabs his foot... enzuigiri... no! Hardy ducks... twist of fate... no! Mysterio counters, pulling Matt forward... and having him caught up on the second rope, here comes Rey... 619! Mysterio to the top rope... springboard splash! 1... 2... 3! We’ve got a new United States Champion! [B]Rey Mysterio beat Matt Hardy to become the new United States Champion (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... he is the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, we’ve heard a lot of talking over the last few weeks from you, Edge and Christian, but this Sunday the talking ends. Punk, can you walk out of Wrestlemania 25 still the World Heavyweight Champion? [B]Punk:[/B] Can I walk out of Wrestlemania 25 still the champion? How many champions can say they’ve accomplished that feat? How many guys can say they walked into Wrestlemania champion and walked back out again champion? I mean, since the days of Hulk Hogan, I can’t imagine it’s all that many. It’s a pretty rare feat to be a champion who defends a title at Wrestlemania... and I fully intend on joining that group. Edge was right when he said that this was my first reign as champion... and that makes me all the more determined to stay champion. So Edge... Christian... if you two want to take this title off of me this Sunday... you’re gonna have to damn near kill me... because I’m not giving this up without one hell of a fight! ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Montel Vontavious Porter v Bobby Lashley and Big Show[/B] Lashley and MVP gets us started in this one, and it’s the power of Lashley that stands out, as he knocks MVP down several times with shoulderblocks. Lashley then sends MVP off the ropes, and he takes MVP into the air... gorilla press slam! MVP crashes to the mat, and he quickly crawls over to tag in JBL, with the cagey veteran taking his time to enter the ring. JBL finally enters and ties-up with Lashley, and JBL backs him into a corner, hitting knees to the gut and forearms to the back. JBL tries to send Lashley off the ropes, but Lashley reverses... and nails JBL with a clothesline! Show gets the tag, and he starts raining down with slaps to the chest, but when he sends JBL off the ropes, JBL ducks his clothesline... and drops Show with a chopblock. MVP quickly tags in, and he immediately stomps away on the knee JBL hit, trying to do some damage ahead of the match this Sunday. More stomps to the knee, and then JBL comes in, and drops a series of quick elbows across the knee, before going for a single-leg Boston crab. Show cries out, but he’s stuck in the hold for a good while. Eventually he manages to kick his way free, but as he struggles back to his feet, JBL is quick to go back to work, aiming kicks to the knee. JBL tries to charge off the ropes, only for Show to scoop him up for a sidewalk slam. Show slowly crawls to his corner, and he tags in Lashley, who leaps into the ring and rocs JBL with clotheslines. MVP charges, and he goes flying from a back-body-drop, before Lashley sends him to the corner and follows in with a clothesline. MVP is then taken up and down for a vertical suplex, with JBL saving the pinfall by breaking up the count. Show is still down with his knee hurt, so Lashley takes the fight to both men, rocking JBL with right hands and hitting a clothesline that sends MVP over the top rope. Lashley now turns to JBL, nailing him with rights and then scooping JBL up on his shoulders for the dominator... but JBL pushes off, and Lashley hits the turnbuckle before staggering out... here comes JBL... clothesline from hell! JBL goes for the cover, and when Show tries to make the save, MVP grabs his foot and holds on... 1... 2... 3. [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Montel Vontavious Porter beat Bobby Lashley and Big Show (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]In another dressing room, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] and [B]Triple H[/B] are talking about tonight’s main event...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] God I can’t believe we need to be here on Smackdown. [B]Triple H:[/B] Well you’re the one who agreed to this whole brand swapping thing. [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah but I didn’t know it was gonna go this far. You realise you’ve gotta team up with Kane tonight? [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah and that idiot Edge. You see him spear me on Monday night? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I get my hands on Hardy tonight and I send him a little message ahead of this Sunday. [B]Shane:[/B] Well you better because you’ve lost the last two times he’s faced you. [B]Triple H:[/B] Hey! They don’t count! The first one was Dykstra’s fault, and the second was Edge’s! I keep telling you, me and Jeff, one on one in a straight up wrestling match... he can’t beat me. [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah we’ll you better make sure he doesn’t because if you lose it’s not just your title that’s gone, I might be too! [B]Triple H:[/B] What the hell are you talking about? [B]Shane:[/B] I’ll tell you what I’m talking about, I’m talking about my Dad firing me as general manager of Raw. He was already pissed about Jeff winning the chamber, and then he got hit with a twist of fate last week! My Dad is furious right now! [B]Triple H:[/B] Listen, you go home and you tell your Dad not to worry. I’m taking care of it... for the family. --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]Santino Marella v John Cena[/B] Santino is as always pure comedy, trying to take the fight to Cena early on but just being put down to the mat on numerous occasions. Cena decides to end the laughter, so he takes Santino down with a fisherman suplex and charges off the ropes for a flying shoulderblock. Cena stands on his feet, waiting for Santino to rise, but when he does, Santino immediately dives to the outside, trying to regroup. Cena follows him out, but Santino takes off running, and now it’s a foot-race around the ring! Santino slides into the ring first, and he catches Cena with elbows and boots as Cena gets back in. Santino manages to string together some offence, as he takes Cena down with a swinging neckbreaker and follows with a pointed elbow drop for a 2 count. Santino hits kicks to the gut and then goes for an Irish whip, but Cena reverses... and he sends Santino flying with a back-body-drop! Santino staggers back up... sitout hiptoss! Again Santino stumble back up, only for Cena to drop him with the one-handed bulldog, and then he comes off the ropes... five knuckle shuffle! Cena connects, and now he quickly moves to lock on... the STFU! Cena has it on tight, and despite his best efforts, Santino has to tap out, giving Cena a commanding victory ahead of Wrestlemania. [B]John Cena beat Santino Marella (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Once again we go backstage to [B]Eve Torres[/B]...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is one of the men who will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship this Sunday... [B]Christian[/B]! And Christian, we’ve heard from Edge and CM Punk, but what are your thoughts on the match at Wrestlemania 25? [B]Christian:[/B] My thoughts? Well, like you said we’ve already heard from Edge and CM Punk. I mean, they make some good points. Edge, he’s been there and done it. Punk, he’s the champ walking in. As for me? I’m the guy who’s never won the big one. But if you ask me... Edge and CM Punk should be worried about that. Maybe the gods have finally decided that this is my time? Maybe this Sunday, I take that big step into greatness, just like so many legends of this business have done at Wrestlemania? This Sunday, Wrestlemania 25... mark it down in your diaries peeps... because that’s the night I finally become World Heavyweight Champion! Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go referee the main event... --------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H, Kane and Edge v CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and John Morrison[/B] And indeed Christian is ready for the main event, as he wears the stripes for this one. Edge and Punk start, and we have all three of the triple threat in the ring at the same. Punk of course goes to work with the kicks to the thigh and head, but this only backs Edge into the corner where he slips his head between the ropes, and Christian has to ask Punk to back off. The two finally tie-up, and Punk takes Edge down with a headlock, and he locks it on tight. Edge manages to fight back to his feet, and he sends Punk off the ropes... Punk ducks his clothesline... and nails Edge with a spinning wheel kick! Jeff gets the tag, and he continues Punk’s work, hitting the sitout suplex slam for a 2 count, and then following that with a double legdrop to the groin. Morrison now gets the tag, and he takes Edge down with a Russian legsweep, but when he goes for a spinning legdrop, Edge rolls out of the way and tags in Kane. The ECW Champion enters and he unloads with uppercuts to the throat, before slamming Morrison to the mat and coming off the ropes for the low-angle dropkick. Elbows follow, and then Triple H gets the tag, and he pummels Morrison with hard rights in his corner. Edge, Kane and Triple H do a good job of keeping Morrison in their side of the ring, and they punish him, with Edge hitting an inverted-DDT, Kane nailing a sidewalk slam and the Game connecting with a spinning spinebuster, all getting 2 count. Morrison looks in trouble as Kane readies his hand for a chokeslam, but Morrison ducks underneath... dropkick to the knee drops Kane, and Morrison bounces to the top rope... springboard roundhouse! Now both men are crawling for their corner... here comes Edge... here comes Punk! Punk knocks Edge down with a clothesline, and he takes a shot at Triple H too, which leads to the Game storming the ring... but here comes Jeff too! Hardy and Triple H brawl to the mat, with Christian as ref trying to separate them as they’re both illegal men right now. Punk and Edge are still going at it, with Punk sending Edge to the corner... Edge tries to use the ropes to leapfrog... but Punk catches him on his shoulders... GTS! Punk nails the GTS, and he hooks the leg... but Christian is still trying to separate Jeff and Triple H! Punk can’t believe it, so he gets to his feet and gets in Christian’s face about it, asking where he was for the pinfall. The two argue, and here comes Edge... spear... to Christian! Edge was going for Punk, but he nails Christian instead! With the ref now down, the match loses control, as Jeff and the Game brawl to the outside, and Morrison and Kane are taking their fight up the ramp. Kane and Morrison battle up the ramp, and they soon leave the ring area, leaving us with four. Triple H sends Jeff crashing into the steel steps, and after checking to see if Christian is still down, he starts ripping apart the announce desk! Cole and Coach run for cover, as Triple H pulls Jeff up with him... pedigree through the announce desk! Triple H plants Jeff through the table! A sick smile crosses the face of the WWE Champion, and he decides that taking out Jeff mean his work for the night is done, so he too leaves the area. Back in the ring, Punk is nailing Edge in the corner with kicks, and then he sends Edge off the ropes... again Punk scoops Edge up on his shoulders... GTS... no! Edge drops to his feet and pushes Punk off the ropes... spear! Edge nails Punk with the spear, and he goes for the cover... just as Christian begins to stir. Christian looks across and sees Edge with the cover, and he knows he has no option but to count Punk... 1... 2... 3. [B]Triple H, Kane and Edge beat CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and John Morrison (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Dammit! Edge has done it again! [B]Coach:[/B] That’s exactly right! Just like at the Royal Rumble, just like at No Way Out, Edge get’s the job done! It’s not a fluke, it’s not luck, it’s because he’s that damn good. [B]Cole:[/B] And what about Jeff Hardy? Jeff is still down after being pedigreed through our announce table! What is gonna happen this Sunday at the grand daddy of them all?! Join us for Wrestlemania 25 live on pay-per-view! Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]The Miz beat Paul London and Chavo Guerrero to become the new Cruiserweight Champion (B) Chris Jericho beat Matt Sydal (B) Rey Mysterio beat Matt Hardy to become the new United States Champion (B-) John Bradshaw Layfield and Montel Vontavious Porter beat Bobby Lashley and Big Show (B) John Cena beat Santino Marella (B) Triple H, Kane and Edge beat CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and John Morrison (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+ [/B] [QUOTE=dse81;651548]Wow! You've been pouring out great shows lately![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ya_its_me;651560]I'm with ya there, oh and since was Mick Foley World Heavyweight Champion? :D (It's underneath the Umaga/Finlay match.)[/QUOTE] :o Cheers for the comments as always. Well, the big one is finally here. Like I said before, I'm pushing for it to be up Sunday night, if not then defo Monday at some point.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PPV/WM25v2.jpg[/IMG] [B][U] Wrestlemania 25 Preview[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [B]Money in the Bank Match Carlito v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [B]Big Show v Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Submission Match Kurt Angle v Shelton Benjamin[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]Batista v John Cena[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bobby Lashley v John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Title Ladder Match Kenny Dykstra (C) v Shawn Michaels[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/ECWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Four Way Elimination Match Kane (C) v John Morrison v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho v The Undertaker[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match CM Punk (C) v Christian v Edge[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Match Triple H (C) v Jeff Hardy[/B] ----------------- Carlito v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick Big Show v Montel Vontavious Porter Kurt Angle v Shelton Benjamin Batista v John Cena Bobby Lashley v John Bradshaw Layfield Kenny Dykstra v Shawn Michaels Randy Orton v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Kane v John Morrison v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga Chris Jericho v The Undertaker CM Punk v Christian v Edge Triple H v Jeff Hardy[/CENTER]
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Carlito v [B]Colt Cabana[/B] v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick - Just a guess...Would love to see Kendrick win too Big Show v [B]Montel Vontavious Porter [/B] - Just want him to go well Kurt Angle v [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] - Shelton rules school [B]Batista[/B] v John Cena - You've made him more interesting to me then Cena [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield - Better for the future and such Kenny Dykstra v [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] - Would love to see Kenny win but HBK still has the skill and he is Mr Wrestlemania [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin - Lights out for Stone Cold after a good fight by him [B]Kane[/B] v John Morrison v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga - More hopeful then anything, Kane's at his best in your game with a great character Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker [/B] - No hope for Christopher CM Punk v [B]Christian[/B] v Edge - Again, more hopeful then anything... Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] - You've built this moment so heavily, don't swerve me now :P Mate you've got a great game going on here and I read this whenever I see a new post, whether it's by you or not. Wrestlemania will be top notch :D
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Thanks Carlito v [B]Colt Cabana[/B] v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick [B]Big Show[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter Kurt Angle v [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] Bobby Lashley v [B]John Bradshaw Layfield [/B] Kenny Dykstra v [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Kane v [B]John Morrison[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Christian v Edge Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] I must say that this has been one of my favorite dynasties to read, and this is my first time commenting, so I just have to say thanks for doing a good job and I hope the work I'm writing is ever half as good as what you put out.
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[B]Carlito[/B] v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick [B]Big Show[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Shelton Benjamin Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Shawn Michaels Randy Orton v [B]'Stone Cold' Steve Austin[/B] Kane v John Morrison v [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] CM Punk v [B]Christian[/B] v Edge Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]
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Carlito v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] v The Brian Kendrick Big Show v [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] Kurt Angle v [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] - I sorta like seeing the whiney maggoty Angle, and losing to Benjamin here would strike him off Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield Kenny Dykstra v [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin - legend killer strikes Kane v [B]John Morrison[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga - I'm becoming a big John Morrison fan. Maybe it's because he bears some resemblence to Jim Morrison and frankly that guy was the boom shakalaka bomb. Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] [B]CM Punk [/B]v Christian v Edge - Christian costs Edge or sometin like that to really solidify their history and their feud Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] PS: Who did your Wrestlemania poster broheim? Because that is ze shizzle for da nizzle. I love it. That is one stacked card, but heck you've booked into it extremely well as per usual. :D
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Carlito v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick Big Show v [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Shelton Benjamin Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Shawn Michaels [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Kane v [B]John Morrison[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Christian v Edge [B]Triple H[/B] v Jeff Hardy
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Yay Wrestlemania is here! *squeals* :D Carlito v Colt Cabana v [B]Matt Hardy[/B] v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick - [I]I think that it's about time for Matt to get his shot alongside his brother, Hardy v Hardy Title feud would be absolutely epic. In-ring promos would be awkward though.[/I] [B]Big Show[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter - [I]I think MVP's got nowhere to hide this time, and Show will end up getting the win.[/I] [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Shelton Benjamin - [I]No one can defeat Kurt in submissions, nobody.[/I] Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] - [I]Could go either way, but I'll pick Cena.[/I] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield - [I]I get the feeling that Lashley will quickly squash JBL and Bradshaw retire just like irl.[/I] [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Shawn Michaels - [I]Call me crazy but I think this is the point where Dykstra starts to get his push and possibly start a feud with Trips for supremacy of Revolution.[/I] [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin - [I]Orton wins the match, Austin beats his ass down afterwards.[/I] Kane v [B]John Morrison[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga - [I]His time's due, give him the title.[/I] Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] - [I]17(?)-0 Baby![/I] CM Punk v [B]Christian[/B] v Edge - [I]Could see you leading to a big Christian v Edge feud out of Wrestlemania.[/I] Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] - [I]Jeff gets back on top of RAW with the WWE Championship.[/I]
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Carlito v [B]Colt Cabana[/B] v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick Big Show v [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Shelton Benjamin Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield Kenny Dykstra v[B] Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Kane v [B]John Morrison[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Christian v Edge Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]
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Carlito v Colt Cabana v Matt Hardy v Mr Kennedy v [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] v The Brian Kendrick Big Show v M[B]ontel Vontavious Porter[/B] Kurt Angle v [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Shawn Michaels Randy Orton v [B]'Stone Cold' Steve Austin[/B] Kane v [B]John Morrison[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Christian v Edge [B]Triple H[/B] v Jeff Hardy In a game I'm playing I had a Y2J/Taker, Austin/Orton and Punk/Edge/Christian feud and all three paid off, hopefully they do here. Looks better than the real life WM25 that's for sure...although anything would.
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[QUOTE=tristram;652666] PS: Who did your Wrestlemania poster broheim? Because that is ze shizzle for da nizzle. I love it. [/QUOTE] Honestly I don't know. I'm pretty sure I just searched deviant art for WM25 posters and that came up. Hopefully said artist doesn't mind me using it. :o Just to say that 7 of the matches are written, so we are still looking good for some point on Sunday night. MITB, Show/MVP, Batista/Cena, Lashley/JBL, Orton/Austin, Jericho/Undertaker and Triple H/Hardy are all in the bag. Anyway, shameless bump complete, I'll get back to the writing... and of course anymore predictions would be swell. The ones so far are very interesting (and one of you seems to be living inside my head regarding a certain angle :eek:).
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Sorry I've not been around much lately to leave feedback buddy, just been super busy. The last few shows have all been great and have been perfect for creating the buzz to 'Mania, I'm really looking forward to it! Carlito v Colt Cabana v [B]Matt Hardy[/B] v Mr Kennedy v Rey Mysterio v The Brian Kendrick [I]Carlito isn't at that point yet, Colt has been getting a push and could be ECW CHampion but doesn't really need the 'case, Rey has had his time and Kendrick isn't there yet, but has been pushed well. That leaves Matt & Kennedy. Both would gain a lot out of having the briefcase, but Kennedy's greater charisma mean he probably doesn't need the case as much as Matt[/I] [B]Big Show[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter [I]Unless there is a big screwy ending, Big Show would look terrible in losing after trying to get at MVP and MVP seeming a bit scared this whole time. MVP is going against a giant so wouldn't lose anything in losing, but Big Show would due to the size difference. It would be hard to use 'Show as a big deal again if he loses here[/I] Kurt Angle v [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] [I]Shelton gets the upset, possible with an out of nowhere pin. Might he move in the draft to push himself thta bit further? I don't think Kurt needs the win in the same way but, to be honest, after everything Shelton has done it would be a nice ending for Kurt to win.[/I] Batista v [B]John Cena[/B] [I]No matter what anyone thinks of him, he moves merchandise and should be at the top of the card for the next several years. Batista, whilst infinitely more interesting in this diary than he has been for years in real life, is still pretty old and limited[/I] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [I]JBL doesn't need the win, Lashley does. JBL gets his cummupence and possibly retires afterwards. Hopefully to go behind the announce table intead of Coach..[/I] Kenny Dykstra v [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]I think Kenny needs a win but it seems a bit excessive to give him this win already. But either way it's a winner and should be a great match and establish Kenny as a big name in the company to finalyl get to feud with Triple H. To be honest I thought Kenny was going to win MitB but, alas, he's not in it![/I] [B]Randy Orton[/B] v 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin [I]It wouldn't make much sense to have Austin win here, but it's a great storyline to have. Orton wins with an RKO out of nowhere and Austin will probably get a Stunner at the end and toast the fans before riding off in to the sunset.[/I] [B]Kane [/B]v John Morrison v Tommy Dreamer v Umaga [I]It would be nice for Tommy to get his moment, or Morrison to break through, but Kane has been so dominant it needs a bigger spectacle to dethrone him[/I] Chris Jericho v [B]The Undertaker[/B] [I]Jericho's not the man to end the streak. I've been been planning an Undertaker/Jericho feud for a couple of different games and I think they are a natural fit. Should be great[/I] CM Punk v [B]Christian[/B] v Edge [I]Christian wins, possibly by pinning Edge, giving Punk and Edge a legitimate grievance (Edge won the Rumble, Punk wasn't pinned, why was Christian there etc) which sets up future matches, maybe a Punk turn and gives Christian a nice Mania moment[/I] Triple H v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] [I]Triple H has had his day beating faces at Mania, but this isn't one of them. Jeff has been pushed so hard, and while it would be shocking to see Jeff lose, it wouldn't be a good surprise. Triple H needs to be taught a lesson, and Jeff needs to get that defining win to make him perhaps the top person in the company. Jeff needs the clean win to end Mania on a great note.[/I] Looks like it's gonna be a great show buddy.
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