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My CZW Cards Rate & Predict

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[b]CZW 9th Anniversary Show[/b] [b]CZW World Heavyweight Title Match[/b] Nick Gage(F)(C) Vs. Eddie Kingston(H) [b]Joker Open Challenge[/b] Joker(F) Vs. ???? [b]UltraViolent Underground Title Match[/b] Brain Damage(H)(C) Vs. Drake Younger(F) [b]Grudge Match[/b] Lufisto(F) Vs. Sexxy Eddie(H) [b]UltraViolent Match[/b] DJ Hyde(H) Vs. Toby Klein(F) [b]Special Attraction UltraViolent Match[/b] BLKOUT(Ruckus & Sabian)(F) Vs. The Naptown Dragons(H) [b]UltraViolent Match[/b] Danny Havoc(F) Vs. Devon Moore(H) [b]CZW World Tag Team Title Match[/b] John Dahmer & Danny DeManto(F)(C) Vs. The Olsen's(H)
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I don't know much about this promotion - would you be able to give us a who's who of the all so it can inform the predictions a bit. It's also very hard to predict a mystery match without a remote clue as to who it is. That's the point I suppose. Is an ultraviolent match a hardcore match?
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I've just started with CZW XxBLKOUT420xX any suggestions for what works and what doesn't. As for predictions: [B]CZW 9th Anniversary Show[/B] [B]CZW World Heavyweight Title Match Nick Gage(F)(C)[/B] Vs. Eddie Kingston(H) [B]Joker Open Challenge Joker(F)[/B] Vs. ???? [B]UltraViolent Underground Title Match Brain Damage(H)(C)[/B] Vs. Drake Younger(F) Grudge Match Lufisto(F) Vs. [B]Sexxy Eddie(H)[/B] [B]UltraViolent Match DJ Hyde(H) [/B]Vs. Toby Klein(F) [B]Special Attraction UltraViolent Match BLKOUT(Ruckus & Sabian)(F)[/B] Vs. The Naptown Dragons(H) UltraViolent Match Danny Havoc(F) Vs. [B]Devon Moore(H)[/B] [B]CZW World Tag Team Title Match John Dahmer & Danny DeManto(F)(C) [/B]Vs. The Olsen's(H)
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