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I've been in the wrestling business for about seven years now, mostly as an announcer on the indies in Canada and the US. In 2005 I was signed by the TCW to be a road agent. So for the last two years, I been with the TCW, helping put together some decent matches. I was ok at it, but I didn't really have a feel for the "sports entertainment" aspect of the business. So when my contract was up at the end of 2007, I decided not to resign. The office was surprised and asked why. I told them I was gonna start my own WRESTLING promotion. They all laughed at me. I gave a call to my old buddy Joey Poison, the Head Booker and 4C Champion. He helped me get some contacts and set up a basic little roster. Nothing fancy, but the talent is there. That is how Real Action Wrestling was formed. I been living in Boston for years, so naturally that's were I started my promotion. The Biker's Paradise said they would rent out the bar for $200 per show. They even let me rent an office, right next door. It took me a few days to set up my office and the new laptop I got. I made a list of my current roster and started to make plans for the first show: RAW The Beginning. [CENTER][B][U]Roster[/U][/B] [U]Main Eventers[/U] [COLOR="red"]Thomas Morgan Gentleman Jim King[/COLOR] [U]Upper Midcarders[/U] [COLOR="red"]Frankie Dee[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]TJ Bailey[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]K-Squared[/COLOR] [U]Midcarders[/U] [COLOR="blue"]Cal Sanders Tempest Appleby[/COLOR] [U]Announcer[/U] [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Rand (me)[/COLOR] [U]Referee[/U] Andy Gordy [B][U]RAW The Beginning:[/U][/B] [I]Tournament To Crown The First RAW Champion:[/I] [U]Round One-[/U] Thomas Morgan vs TJ Bailey Tempest Appleby vs Gentleman Jim King Cal Sanders vs Frankie Dee [U]Finals (Three Way Elimination Match)[/U] ??? vs ??? vs ???[/CENTER]
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RAW The Beginning 07 [B][U]RAW The Beginning[/U]: 50 People at the Biker's Paradise[/B] [I]The show opens with Announcer Tommy Rand welcoming the internet viewers to the show.[/I] Tommy Rand: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hello ladies and gentlemen! Real Action Wrestling is ready to rock the wrestling world! Let's get ready for a new era in professional wrestling! Let's....[/COLOR] [I]Suddenly the music of "Trademark" Thomas Morgan cuts Tommy Rand off. Thomas Morgan struts down to the ring as the fans boo. He grabs the mike and tells the fans to shut up.[/I] "Trademark" Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"]Hey listen up you idiots! I am The Trademark! I am Thomas Morgan, and I am your next RAW Champion! So show me some respect! When the wrestling fans look back at the start of Real Action Wrestling, they will see me as the first ever RAW Champion. This event shouldn't be called The Beginning... It should be called The Trademark Era! Welcome to it, you morons![/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]"Trademark" Thomas Morgan defeated TJ Bailey in 9:44 to advance to the Finals of the RAW Title Tournament[/B] The fans hate Thomas Morgan and kinda like TJ Bailey. Bailey has been seen in the TCW doing jobs for some of their guys, so fans kinda known him. Morgan focused mostly on the neck before locking in the TradeLock (Crippler Crossface) for the submission win! [B]E[/B] [I]Gentleman Jim King mades his way down to the ring and is handed the mike.[/I] Gentleman Jim King: [COLOR="red"]Hello there turtleheads. I got a match with this little teacup sunshine pot, Tempest Appleby. It's gonna be one yellow bird of a match. You're looking at the mile long super bloody hell RAW Champy. Is it time for tea yet?[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Tempest Appleby defeated Gentleman Jim King in 10:12 to advance to the Finals of the RAW Title Tournament[/B] The fans have no clue to what Gentleman Jim King was talking about. The instantly liked Tempest Appleby, and were impressed with his high flying skills. Appleby surprised King with a moonsault for the win! [B]E[/B] [B]"White Angel" Frankie Dee defeated Cal Sanders in 9:43 to advance to the Finals of the RAW Title Tournament[/B] Cal Sanders tried to show off some technical skills but Frankie Dee just kicked the crap out of Sanders and murdered him with the Shinanju Kick for the win! Good match! [B]E+[/B] Tommy Rand: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]So it's now time for the Finals! Thomas Morgan vs. Tempest Appleby vs. Frankie Dee to crown the first ever RAW Champion! It's gonna be a Three Way Elimination Macth that is gonna be off the charts! [/COLOR][B]F-[/B] [B]"Trademark" Thomas Morgan defeated Tempest Appleby and Frankie in 9:06 to win the RAW Championship![/B] This was a great match! Match of the Night, saw these three fight for the right to be the first RAW Champion. The first elimination happened when Thomas Morgan hade Tempest Appleby set up for a Super Back Suplex, but Frankie Dee pulled Morgan off the top ropes and hit him with the Shinanju Kick. Suddenly Tempest Appleby flew off the top rope with huge Moonsault Bodyblock for the pinfall! The crowd errupted, and Frankie Dee was enraged! He grabbed Tempest Appleby and hits sick Shinanju Kick and locked in a Dragon Sleeper! The ref tried and tried to break the hold but Dee was insane. After a solid minute he lets go and storms to the back. Appleby lays on the mat, holding his neck as the ref restores order. Thomas Morgan takes advantage and locks in the TradeLock! Appleby reaches for the ropes, but they are too far away and he taps! Thomas Morgan wins the RAW Championship! [B]D-[/B] [B][U]Overall Show:[/U] D-[/B]
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Preview Winter War 07 [CENTER][B]RAW Winter War 2007[/B] at the Biker's Paradise [B]RAW Championship[/B] "Trademark" Thomas Morgan(c) vs Tempest Appleby Frankie Dee vs Gentleman Jim King Cal Sanders vs K-Squared[/CENTER]
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RAW Winter War [B][U]RAW Winter War[/U]: 44 People at the Biker's Paradise[/B] [I]The show opens with the RAW Champion "Trademark" Thomas Morgan strutting to the ring, followed by Cameron Vessey! Both men get into the ring and Morgan grabs the mike.[/I] Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]I told you idiots. I said I was gonna be RAW Champion and oh! Look at this nice gold belt around my waist! I am the Trademark, I am Thomas Morgan and I am your RAW Champion! [/COLOR] [I]The fans boo the heck out of the Trademark.[/I] Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"]Shut it jerks! I have a major announcement to make! Not only am I going to the RAW Champion and best wrestler in RAW, but I am also going to be the best manager in RAW! I have officially signed Cameron Vessey as my first ever client! Together we will rule over RAW for years to....[/COLOR] [I]Suddenly TJ Bailey's music hits. Bailey comes out from the back to a warm reaction and steps into the ring. [/I] TJ Bailey: [COLOR="Blue"]Last week Tom you got me. You beat me in the RAW Title Tournament, ending my dreams of being the RAW Champion. Right now I am 0 for 1, so I want to face your client over there in a match to show that I am a winner! [/COLOR] [I]Thomas Morgan and Cameron Vessey talk it over in the corner. [/I] Cameron Vessey: [COLOR="Red"]You want a match with me, the Second Generation Superstar? Uh? Well tonight is you're lucky night moron. You and Me in the ring... NOW! [/COLOR][B]F+[/B] [B]Cameron Vessey defeated TJ Bailey in 9:50[/B] Basic match with TJ Bailey trying to show that he can hang with Vessey. Vessey showed that he is a future star and pinned Bailey with the Vessey Driver. [B]E[/B] [B]Cal Sanders defeated K-Squared in 9:40[/B] I was shocked by this match. I really like Cal Sanders and these two worked good together. Sanders wins with a Half Boston Crab. [B]D-[/B] [I]Gentleman Jim King makes his way down to the ring as the fans boo. He waves and smiles as one fan throws a handful of peanuts at him.[/I] Gentleman Jim King: [COLOR="red"]Hello there you fun trash licking loves. I got meself a humpback turtle general of a match with White Birdy Wing Grand Frankie Dee. Is it time for tea yet? [/COLOR][B]F[/B] [B]Frankie Dee defeated Gentleman Jim King in 9:56[/B] Frankie Dee owned the Gentleman. He beat him from post to post, inside the ring and outside the ring. Dee wins with the Shinanju Kick. [B]E[/B] [I]Thomas Morgan struts down to the ring, ready for his match with Tempest Appleby. He grabs the mike and tells everyone to shut up.[/I] Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"]Last month, Tempest Appleby and me where the final two in the finals for the RAW Championship. So what makes you think that you deserve another shot at the title, Tempest? I already beat you once. This is the Trademark Era! MY ERA! And you can't stop me! [/COLOR][B]E-[/B] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Tempest Appleby in 10:29 by Count Out; Morgan Retains the RAW Championship[/B] These two don't click but still had one hell of a match. Tempest Appleby flew around the ring as Thomas Morgan tried to ground him with some submission holds. The finish came when Morgan whipped Appleby into the ropes and fell to the mat, holding his leg. The ref checked on Morgan as Appleby hit the ropes and was tripped by Cameron Vessey, on the outside. Tempest then catapulted himself over the ropes and right onto Vessey as the crowd errupted! Suddenly Frankie Dee rushed from the back and hit Tempest with a sick Shinanju Kick that knocked him out. Inside the ring, the ref helped Morgan to his feet and began counting Tempest out. The ref hit ten and the match was over. [B]D-[/B] [B][U]Overall:[/U] E+[/B]
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RAW Reign Preview RAW HAS RISEN TO SMALL!! With the growth of Real Action Wrestling, more talent has been signed: Valentine, Velocidad, Masked Cougar, Frankie Perez, Marc Speed, and Bulldozer Brandon Smith have all signed PPA contracts with RAW. Look for them to debut over the next few shows. [CENTER][B]RAW Reign 2007[/B] at the Biker's Paradise [B]Grudge Match[/B] Frankie Dee vs Tempest Appleby [B]RAW Championship[/B] Thomas Morgan(c) vs Cal Sanders Cameron Vessey vs Frankie Perez Masked Cougar vs K-Squared[/CENTER]
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RAW Reign [B][U]RAW Reign[/U]: 62 People at the Biker's Paradise[/B] [I]We don't waste anytime and jump right to our first match, the debuting Masked Cougar facing K-Squared![/I] [B]Masked Cougar defeated K-Squared in 5:42[/B] Holy crap! What a match! These two tore the house down and had the fans on their feet for the last few minutes of the match. Best Match in RAW to date. Masked Cougar wins with the I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. [B]D[/B] [I]RAW Champion Thomas Morgan comes out to the ring, followed by Cameron Vessey and ROMEO ROMARO! The fans boo as Thomas Morgan struts around, laughing at the fans. [/I] Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]Shut it, morons! I am signed yet another future champion in the form of Romeo Romaro! I will guide Romeo and Cameron to greatness! Together we will rule RAW for years to come! [/COLOR] [I]Suddenly Velocidad flies down to the ring and clears Thomas Morgan and Cameron Vessey out. Romeo Romaro looks around for help. A ref runs down to the ring and the match is on. [/I][B]F+[/B] [B]Velocidad defeated Romeo Romaro in 5:45[/B] These two don't work well together, but still had a decent match. Velocidad is one fast mother! He bounced around the ring like a rubberband. He caught Romaro with the Velocidad Tornado. [B]E[/B] [I]Velocidad waves to the fans when suddenly he is beat down by Thomas Morgan and Cameron Vessey! Vessey slams Velocidad with the Vessey Driver! Suddenly Frankie Perez runs down and clears the ring. Cameron Vessey doesn't back down and pushes Perez. Perez respones with a slap right across the face![/I] [B]F-[/B] Frankie Perez: [COLOR="Blue"]Hey Cameron. How about you and me right here, right now![/COLOR] [I]Cameron Vessey, still holding his jaw, nods his head as the ref calls for the bell![/I] [B]E[/B] [B]Frankie Perez defeated Cameron Vessey in 5:56[/B] OH MY GOD! Best match in RAW ever! These two were on fire! The fans loved this match and a feud between these two is in the future. Perez wins with the Perfect Parity. [B]D[/B] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Cal Sanders in 9:47; Morgan Retains the RAW Championship[/B] Good match between these two. Thomas Morgan continues to look good as RAW Champion, while Cal Sanders looks to break out and become a main eventer. Morgan wins with the TradeLock. [B]D-[/B] Tommy Rand: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Next up is the match we have been waiting for! Tempest Appleby will face off against the man who cost him his title shot, Frankie Dee! It's a Grudge Match so the rules are waved! Let's get it on![/COLOR] [B]F[/B] [B]Frankie Dee defeated Tempest Appleby in 9:57 [[U]Grudge Match[/U]][/B] This was a bad match. Frankie Dee was off his game and that hurt the match. Frankie missed alot of spots and made it a terrible match. Dee wins with the Dragon Sleeper, with Tempest wrapped in the ring ropes. [B]F+[/B] [B][U]Overall[/U]: E[/B] (The main event really hurt the show. Hopefully Frankie Dee will be back on his game next month. Look foward to the Frankie Perez vs Cameron Vessey Feud!)
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RAW MAY-hem Preview [CENTER][B]RAW MAY-hem 2007[/B] at the Biker's Paradise [B]RAW Championship[/B] Thomas Morgan(c) vs Frankie Dee [B]Rematch[/B] Frankie Perez vs Cameron Vessey Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Masked Cougar Marc Speed vs K-Squared[/CENTER]
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RAW MAY-hem [B][U]RAW MAY-hem[/U]: 47 People at the Biker's Paradise[/B] [U]Pre-Show:[/U] [I]Velocidad defeated Gentleman Jim King in 7:44 [B]E[/B] Romeo Romaro defeated Tempest Appleby in 8:23 [B]D-[/B][/I] [U]Main Show: [/U] [I]The show starts off with RAW Champion Thomas Morgan and his crew of Romeo Romaro and Cameron Vessey, making their way down to the ring.[/I] Tommy Rand: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]What do these guys want? I'm sick and tried of listening to Thomas Morgan boast about himself![/COLOR] [I]Thomas Morgan grabs the mike and looks around the bar. [/I] Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]Shut up jerkoffs! I am your RAW Champion and you will respect me! Tonight I am facing the unstoppable "White Angel" Frankie Dee. Someone I already beat once. I have a deal for you, Frankie Dee. Instead of challenging me for my title, how about I let you join my crew? You can be the Enforcer of... of.... of Talloni Arroganti! Yeah! Talloni Arroganti! You can have until later to decide.[/COLOR] [I]The newly crowned Talloni Arroganti leave the ring as fans boo.[/I] [B]F+[/B] [B]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Cal Sanders in 7:44[/B] Nice match between these two submission-style wrestlers. I think DWN has a bright future ahead of him. Sanders is great and my go-to guy. Newton wins with a STF. [B]D-[/B] [B]Marc Speed defeated K-Squared in 4:39[/B] Good match. These two went back and forth with both men looking equal. Marc Speed wins with a Cross Armbreaker. [B]D[/B] [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith makes his way down to the ring. He grabs the mike and holds up a hand.[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith: [COLOR="red"]Listen up. My name is Bulldozer Brandon Smith and I am gonna bulldoze my way through the RAW roster until I am on top with the RAW Championship around my waist. I gonna start with Masked Cougar, who everyone has been talking about. Cougar! You. Me. NOW![/COLOR] [I]The Masked Cougar flys down to the ring and runs around the ring, getting the fans wild. He then stops and looks at Bulldozer and nods his head, and the match is on! [/I][B]D[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Masked Cougar in 5:54[/B] Best match in RAW History. Period. These two were on fire! They tore the bar down and put on a great match! I smell a rematch! Bulldozer wins with the Backdrop Driver. [B]D+[/B] [I]Thomas Morgan and Cameron Vessey make their way down to the ring. The fans boo the so-called Talloni Arroganti. [/I] Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"]Tonight my client Cameron Vessey will get his win back against Frankie Perez and bring glory to Talloni Arroganti! Cameron is on the Road to Glory![/COLOR][B] E[/B] [B]Cameron Vessey defeated Frankie Perez in 7:56[/B] Strong match. Better than their last match but not quite as good as Bulldozer vs Cougar. Vessey and Perez work well together and their feud is coming together greatly. Cameron Vessey cheats and gets the pin with his feet on the ropes. [B]D+[/B] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Frankie Dee in 10:32; Morgan retains the RAW Championship[/B] The match started with Morgan holding out his hand to shake Dee's, but Dee pushed Morgan down and the match was on. One of Frankie Dee's better matches and Morgan made Dee look good. Ten minutes into the match, Morgan asks for the mike. Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"]Frankie... Frankie... Listen. I'll make you the Enforcer of Talloni Arroganti if you stop this match. Stop the match and you can be the Enforcer. Think of all the glory and money. I can guide you onto the Road to Glory! Shake my hand![/COLOR] Morgan holds out his hand again. Dee stands there for a few seconds, before he HUGS Morgan! The fans boo like crazy as Dee lays down and let's Morgan pin him! [B]D-[/B] [I]The fans boo as the rest of Talloni Arroganti join the ring and raise their hands as the fans throw beer bottles into the ring.[/I] [B][U]Overall[/U]: D[/B]
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RAW Fireworks and Wrestling Preview [CENTER][B]RAW Fireworks and Wrestling[/B] at the Biker's Paradise [B]First Annual Action Packed Cup Tournament [I]Round One:[/I] [/B] Cameron Vessey vs Marc Speed Frankie Perez vs Davis Wayne Newton Masked Cougar vs Velocidad Bulldozer Brandon Smith [I][B]Semi Finals:[/B][/I] ??? vs ??? ??? vs ??? [B][I]Finals:[/I][/B] ??? vs ??? [I]Winner will get a shot at the RAW Championship at Summer Heat![/I][/CENTER]
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