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Oh you want a back story? Well all I can say is Mr. Heyman is attempting his magic once again. After finally sitting out the remaining time of his WWE contract Paul was sure his days in wrestling were not over. He could go to TNA.. I guess… but why? So what to do??? I KNOW! Go have lunch. Eating alone however sucks so how about inviting a couple of friends to reminisce about the good old days? It didn’t take long until ideas were thrown out there and a future of wrestling changing decision unfolded. So with the two legends of past glories, a small collection of unhappy misused talent formerly from other organizations and the best of the best of the raw talent the independents can produce Mr. Heyman is definitely been putting that cell phone to good use. And with out further ado I give you based out of Hollywood CA REVOLUTION PRO WRESTLING!!!!!!!!
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[CENTER][B]ROB VAN DAM[/B][/CENTER] Any breaking news on the set dates of events. locations, and matches booked will be forthcoming as soon as the information is made available.
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It has been announced by the newly formed RPW Revolution Pro Wrestling on there newly established website that the beginning of the new era will begin on Wednesday of the first week of August 2007 at the Anaheim Convention Center with the first Township Rebellion SuperShow! The offices have stated that this first Township Rebellion SuperShow will be a 3 hour mega spectacular before the Township Rebellion tour show will go to its 2 hour format. On this 3 hour Township Rebellion SuperShow an 8 man tournament will take place to declare the first RPW Global Champion and the matches announced for the first round one night tournament are astounding! The first round matches include: [CENTER]Rob Van Dam vs. Brian Kendrick Eugene vs. Vladimir Koslov CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe Sabu vs. Paul London Winner of RVD/Kendrick vs. Winner of Eugene/Koslov Winner of Punk/Joe vs. Winner of Sabu/London RPW GLOBAL FINALS[/CENTER] Also announced is a 25 man Royal Rumble style match to introduce to the world the roster of the next wave of wrestling! The participates are: Chris Sabin, Jimmy Wang Yang, Jushin Thunder Liger, Mistico, Harry Smith, Low Ki, Shannon Moore, Alex Shelley, Bryan Danielson, Delirious, Dragon Kid, Matt Classic, Austin Starr, Brent Albright, Jay Briscoe, Platinum Matt Bentley, Nigel McGuiness, Airwalker J.E., Super Dragon, Mark Briscoe, Claudio Castagnoli, Davey Richards, Jigsaw, Mike Kruel, Teddy Hart THE FIRST ONE ON ONE INTERVIEW WITH PAUL HEYMAN COMING UP THIS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY HERE ON [url]WWW.REVOLUTION.COM[/url]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Predictions welcome!
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INTERVIEW WITH PAUL HEYMAN IN FULL ON [url]WWW.REVOLUTION.COM[/url] PART ONE INTERVIEWER: “First let me thank you all for joining us for this one on one online interview with the founder father and owner of the newly formed and heavily talked about Revolution Pro Wrestling. Welcome Mr. Heyman..” HEYMAN: “Thank you internet geek guy your pleasure is obvious. When I sat down over 10 minutes ago as you began hitting all your little buttons to get whatnot download and this whatever window uploaded and your face stuffed with that Chocodile I was handed by that poindexter over there in the corner this piece of paper. It reads in bad handwriting PHASE ONE: Introduction PHASE TWO: Questions from Interviewer PHASE THREE: Show Notes and Info PHASE FOUR: Questions from Chatters PHASE FIVE: Repeat Show Notes and Info PHASE SIX: CLOSE. First to presume you can even suggest of me what to do is both amusing and disturbing at the same time and secondly I am a busy man so we are cutting this in half. You get phase one through three AND THEN I have an announcement. OK begin - And that was Phase One.” INTERVIEWER: “Ok. Mr. Heyman as you wish. First question how did RPW begin how was the talent chosen and who are the minds behind the scenes?” HEYMAN: “That is three questions. Is your brain so infused with multi-tasking that you don’t know the difference between One and Three? To answer Myself, Rob Van Dam, and Sabu went to lunch one day when I was out in LA with other business and I expressed and Idea I had to bring a fusion of the new pure wrestling talent currently gripping real wrestling fans on the independent circuit and the numerously reported unhappy talent that were basically coming into contract negotiations all actually in the span of 3-4 months that could and in some cases have worked well together in the past and now they have at least some name recognition. My major problem if I was going to undertake this venture was going to be name recognition as it would mainly have to be built for ground up as the federation grew. With the complete exception of Punk and hopefully and successfully RVD and Sabu old war comrades from the past. With the agreement of RVD & Sabu they became signing one and two I went got on the phone and made some calls eloquently informing them of my plan. And in the span of two weeks I had verbal agreements with Eugene, Low Ki, Bryan Danielson, Delirious, Brent Albright, Briscoes, McGunniess, Airwalker J.E., Super Dragon, Castagnoli, Davey Richards, Jigsaw, & Teddy Hart. That was the original 16 those 14 with RVD & Sabu. That was actually the plan to begin with before I was informed of all the contracts coming up within the short span. So I decided to wait to see maybe just maybe I could sign one or two of these guys. In this time I got lucky and came to agreement with our Road Agent and one of the greatest wrestlers of all time Dean Malenko who was unhappy doing backstage bullcrap when what he wanted was to be down in Ohio training or at least doing something useful! He had become close with most of the developmental talent and was THE reason behind our success signings of the big Russian, Matt Classic, Harry Smith, & Mike Kruel. The first big signing from the major competition was of course Samoa Joe. It was known globally that he was misused in TNA and he was pissed about it. TNA had no chance to resign him but Vince of course did. He could buy Jesus. Our roster was beginning to fill with a nice group of former compatriots and it just appealed to him. Then the second of the big come over was of course CM Punk who we had help with from good friend of his Matt Classic. He knew it was a major risk. He was having a good run in the largest wrestling promotion in the world. It was a gamble. And we are going to make it pay off. Then came Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore. Both rejected by the WWE more then once and had no illusions about their job security. Around this time I went abroad to see if I could add to the budding base we were building and I was like I always am completely successful. I picked up Dragon Kid first and then came the greatest Super Junior in history and acquaintance from years past Jushin Thunder Liger. Then I remember the try out of Mistico Vince forgot to watch and I thought what the hell give it a go and he wasn’t very interested. So I threw cash at him and begged and he said Yes in Spanish. Then another very talented man in Matt Bentley was furious with what TNA was doing with him so he was easy. Tazz came next he was still pissed they had threaten to remove him in favor of Brad Armstrong of all people. So when I let him know the money was right he signed. Then came the Machine Guns and the Hooligans and I knew that just right there with those two tag teams feuding alone I could sell out arenas across the country. With all the other talent together all focused on one goal making RPW work and successful I felt an old fire I have not felt for a long time.” INTERVIEWER: “Thank you for such an in depth analysis on RPW the next wave of excellent mat action I am looking forward to it very much. Now I would like to take a break where afterwards I am told that Mr. Heyman would like to say a few parting words and we will TRY to get him to answer some of your questions.”
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[B][I][U]PART TWO OF THE INTERVIEW WITH PAUL HEYMAN[/U][/I][/B] INTERVIEWER: “Welcome back with this well what was suppose to be a one on one with Paul Heyman however he has now been joined by a lovely young lady.. Your name miss? …” HEYMAN: “Wait wait wait… That waits… first nerd time to do PHASE THREE & FIVE.” INTERVIEWER: “Yes sir. Quick reminder to all reading this Wednesday night at the Anaheim Civic Center gate opens at 6:15 with the first contest beginning at 7:00 a projected three hour event THE FIRST CARD EVER OF REVOLUTION PRO WRESTLING THE NEXT STAGE IN COMBAT AND THE NEW WAVE IN ENTERTAINMENT we will have a run down on the card later BE THERE! I know I will be.” HEYMAN: “Not bad kid. I would offer you a job if your weren’t so retarded. Now on to another matter… What is he typing over there what is that he is doing it is quite annoying…” INTERVIEWER: “Well Chuck over there is typing in the chat as we record the interview so that those in the chat room know what is said minute by minute and Joel that is Joel over there, he is typing out the more interesting questions from the chatters to ask you if you have time.” HEYMAN: “I swear as I zoned out not listening at what you were saying and looking at you your face it morphed into Steve Carell in that 40 year old virgin movie.. YOU WERE HIM! It was quite odd…. Anyway I am not answering questions I have to go but first this young lady…. (Heyman smiles) Ask her name once again for me…” INTERVIEWER: “Ok. Hi Madam. May I ask your name?” YOUNG WOMEN: “My name is Porsche Lynn.” (Heyman is still smiling) INTERVIEWER: “And your responsibilities when it comes to RPW you exact duty is?” HEYMAN: “Ask her last name!!!” Heyman smiles wide and giggles a bit” INTERVIEWER: “Umm.. Alright if I can ask your last name miss?” YOUNG WOMEN: “Hickenbottom” Heyman has that evil grin we all know and love on his face. INTERVIEWER: “I admit to knowing who that last name belongs too… but I must admit I don’t understand what you are saying with her presence. Care to explain Mr. Heyman?” (takes off his hat) HEYMAN: “First of enough of that Heyman stuff. (raises his voice quite higher despite it beinging an online interview) MY NAME IS PAUL E. DANGEROUSLY AND RPW WILL BE MY PLAY GROUND! I WILL MOLD AND TEACH AND TRAIN MY OWN PERSONAL ARMY OF GRAPPLERS AND STRETCHERS AND STRIKERS AND WE WILL TAKE ON THE WORLD! ONE BATTLE AT A TIME! UNTIL THE WAR IS WON! WHAT WAR??? YOU NOW KNOW HER LAST NAME. HER STORY YOU DO NOT KNOW AND WILL ONLY BE TOLD WHEN I CHOOSE TO LET IT BE TOLD. HER BATTLE IS ONE OF MANY. CM PUNK TOOK THE THREE LETTERS VINCE INTERNED AND THE SORRY EXCUSE IT HAS BECOME AND INSTILLED PRIDE INTO THE LOCKER ROOM AND THE LEGACY BACK TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP BUT WAS LOOKED DOWN AT FOR IT WHEN HE REFUSED TO GO BE A MIDCARDER ON SMACKDOWN OR A JOBBER TO SNITSKY ON RAW. SAMOA JOE BELIEVED WHAT JARRETT PROMISED HIM FORGETTING THAT INBREEDERS ARE KNOWN TO HAVE BAD MEMORIES. HERE HIS STYLE WILL BE APPRECIATED AND HE WILL NOT BE ASKED TO EVER JOB TO A FAT GUY IN A FAKE KANE MASK. EVER. THAT’S A PROMISE!!! GO UP AND DOWN THE ROSTER OF RPW AND EVERY ONE EVERY ONE WILL INFORM YOU OF HOW THE MONOPOLIZING BY VINCE OR THE INEPTITUDE OF THE JARRETTS EFFECTED THEIR CAREERS. SOME WERE THIS CLOSE TO QUITTING! THESE MEN WERE BORN AND BREED AND TRAIN FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIVES TO BECOME THESE AWESOME ATHLETES AND SKILLED FIGHTERS AND THEY WERE CLOSE TO GIVING UP THERE ENTIRE LIVES DUE TO THE ACTIONS OF A BUSINESSMAN AND A TABLE OF MORONS. REVOLUTION PRO WRESTLING WILL BRING THE BATTLE BACK INTO THE FIGHT WE WILL BE THE FORCE THAT MAKES VINCE BLINK AND DIXIE’S DADDY QUIT GIVING HER HER ALLOWANCE. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS BECAUSE YOU DOUBT US WHICH FUELS US WHICH WILL ENGULF YOU WHEN WE SET FIRE TO THE HISTORY BOOKS AND FORGE A NEW ERA IN WRESTLING!!!!!!!” Dangerously leaves… INTERVIEWER: “Well there you have it Paul Heyman I mean Dangerously letting it be known that RPW is where it is at and is here to stay. AGAIN A reminder Anaheim Civic Center gate opens at 6:15 with the first contest beginning at 7:00 a projected three hour event THE FIRST CARD EVER OF REVOLUTION PRO WRESTLING THE NEXT STAGE IN COMBAT AND THE NEW WAVE IN ENTERTAINMENT!! Thank you for joining us.”
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[CENTER](The show starts with Paul E. Dangerously doing his best version of the McMahon strut towards the ring) [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]DANGEROUSLY[/B]: “WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE REVOLUTION!!!!!!!! A NEW ERA IN WRESTLING STARTS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I will not be keeping it from you much longer. I would just like to take this time to thank all of you for going out, working hard…. and then giving your money to me!!!! (Boos rain down) Also I would like to introduce to you the referee for RPW! At one time known as Lil’ Natch please put your dirty digits together for mister Charles Robinson!" [/LEFT]
[CENTER](Charles Robinson walks to ringside and climbs in)[/CENTER]
[LEFT] [B]DANGEROUSLY:[/B] “I would like to also take this time to welcome to the booth, a former ECW WORLD Heavyweight Champion as well as being the toughest man that has ever been in this business bar none THE HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE TAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/LEFT]
[CENTER](Taz walks out from the back and heads towards the broadcasting table)[/CENTER] [B]DANGEROUSLY:[/B] “And there is one last introduction I would like to give and then I promise you will be in for a treat as we see the first ever RPW Title tournament and a 25 man El Rumble de Royal both of which will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!! Now… “ (Paul gets that grin on his face again.. then motions to the back. A young quite attractive lady comes out and begins to head to the broadcast booth)
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[B]DANGEROUSLY:[/B] “NO NO NO HON! Come out here I want everyone and especially one person to meet you. Come on out her sweetie.” (The lady comes to the ring and slowly enters between the bottom and second rope) Everyone I would like you to meet our lead announcer! This lovely thing is book of knowledge of the sport of kings!!! Why you might ask would a young lady of such caliber be so interested in our little sport?? Well… it is in her blood… But I will let her tell her story….” (Paul hands the mic to the female. The male fans begin to get a little rowdy with whistling and shouts of unclothing her mammary glands.) [B]YOUNG LADY:[/B] “First thing I want to do is something I always wanted to do which is start and “E-C-W” chant. But being that despite what the TV guide states airs on the Sci-Fi channel ECW is long dead.. Lets pick three new letters shall we??? RPW- RPW - RPW - RPW - RPW” (The fans join in and the first RPW chants are heard) “OK now my name is Porsche Lynn. I have no last name I denounced it long ago but in truth I guess it denounced me. First I must admit something my mother…. Well…. She was a wrestling groupie. She would follow wrestlers and I mean not in the PWI 500 and the wrestling rags or on TV she would literally follow them from town to town. (The fans laugh and so does Porsche a little) So of course as a youth I would watch tape after tape after tape of these massively and in some cases quite attractive men put on little tights and try to hurt each other… and I was hooked. Maybe it is genetic! Mr. Dangerously is quite right when he states that I am very knowledgeable about this profession. To get back on topic and to make a long story short a certain famous athlete impregnated my mother. I knew that this will be a topic of conversation around here for quite awhile and I understand that but I ask everyone to respect me and not to use the sperm donor that made this (does a little turn to more animalistic grunts and caveman like approval) as either a weapon due to some jealous vendetta or in any hurtful way.” (Porsche Lynn hands the mic back to Paul who has had this grin on his face the entire time) [B]DANGEROUSLY:[/B] “Thank you very much Porsche Lynn! I take it you do not want to let the fans here know who your father is or…” (Porsche grabs the mic back) [B]PORSCHE LYNN:[/B] “OH I AM SORRY! That wasn’t planned it isn’t a work I am not trying to keep you in suspense or anything! My given last name is Hickenbottom and for those who don’t know is the last name of a appropriately named Heartbreak Kid Shawn Micheals. OK! NOW I GO! (blows kisses to the fans) (at the booth) [B]TAZZ:[/B] “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DA DAWGHTER OF THE HEARTBREAK KID SHAWN MICHEALS! HOW BOUT DAT???? HUH?? Here she comes now… Hello dere young lady hows it goin’ have a seat! So you and me are gonna call the goings on around here huh! That’s cool I wonder where Paulie found choo oh wait that maniac is still talking.. Oh he is done now what he say???” PORSCHE LYNN: “oh he was just welcoming everybody to the show and not to worry that we are a wrestling promotion no 15 minutes mic segments and pointless back stage segments and that he would only return when to the ring when a champion is declared!” TAZZ: “HEY HEY HEY chick I am being told we gotta go IT IS TIME TO START A REVOLUTION!!!!!”
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[I]Eugene was able to shock Koslov a couple times with some clever escapes but finally fell to a Triangle choke. The big Russian moves on rather easily. [/I] [B]MATCH RATING: B[/B]
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[I]This was a excellent match that got the crowd popping and standing on their feet through out. Sabu hit his usual chair assisted leg shots and Arabian Skullcrushers/Facebusters. The ending came after a missed flip off the apron onto a prone London through a table. Sabu crashed had to the concrete giving time for London to shake out the cob webs hop onto the apron himself and hit a shooting star into a wreckage of table and a devastated Sabu. A roll into the ring a standing moonsault for show and a pin and London moves on.[/I] [B]MATCH RATING: A[/B]
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[I]RVD saw his partner lose to the partner of his opponent in the match previous would it have an impact? Of course not (does the thumb thing) this is ROB VAN DAM. Van Dam and Kendrick had a good match that went back and forth but Brian Kendrick couldn’t hang in the end and is nailed with a Rolling Thunder followed by a quick split legged moonsault for the win. [/I] [B]MATCH RATING: B+[/B]
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[I]How many classic matches have come from these two? Well add one more to the list. Joe and Punk battled each other all over the place. Joe hit some of the stiffest shots I have ever seen but Punk retaliated each time even hitting the Uranage twice. Right at the 18 minute mark is when the beginning of the combo that ended it began. Joe nailed Punk with a Shining Wizard before a Muscle Buster and then locking in the Coquina Clutch and forcing the former ECW Champion to tap.[/I] [B]MATCH RATIN A*[/B]
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[I]The big Russian tried to use the power to slow down RVD but he just couldn’t seem to get the agile RVD in a good enough grip to really lay a stretch to him and all strikes seem to miss and end up with an RVD boot to the back of the head out of no where. The match ended after a Rolling Thunder with a chair.[/I] [B]MATCH RATING: B[/B]
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[I]A great match that saw London take everything Joe could deliver and Paul was able to get a shoulder up ever time. London was able to hit a high spot when he nailed his shooting star press on a standing yet reeling Joe but Joe was able to get his foot on the rope to stop the pin attempt. In the end London was forced to tap to the Coquina Clutch. [/I] [B]MATCH RATING: B+[/B] [CENTER][B][I][U] END OF PART 1/INTERMISSION/PEE BREAK/SNACK GRAB TIME/COMMERICAL[/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"] COMING IN PART 2 A 25 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE AND THE FINALS OF THE RPW GLOBAL TOURNMENT BETWEEN ROB VAN DAM AND SAMOA JOE!!![/SIZE]
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[CENTER][B][U]25 Man Royal Rumble Match[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The men who drew #1 & #2 respectively were Harry Smith & Nigel McGuinness.[/I]
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[I]These two battled it out with no clear favorite until #3 hit the ring Jimmy Wang Yang.[/I]
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[I]Yang came in and did a Yee-Haw which confused the two Brits who stopped hitting each other and looked stupefied at the Asian Cowboy. It was when Yang tried to bull rope Nigel that he started getting a double beat down. Smith & McGuinness were unsuccessful in getting Yang over before the fourth entrant entered the fray though in the form of Super Dragon.[/I]
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[I]Super Dragon came to the ring slowly soaking up the admiration of his South West fan base. Dragon slid into the ring and at once begin to battle with an old rival McGuinness as Smith got Wang Yang one on one. Yet to have our first elimination as entrant #5 comes to the ring Jay Briscoe [/I]
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[I]As Jay Briscoe comes to the ring he is met as Smith launches Yang onto Briscoe. [B]JIMMY WANG YANG IS ELIMINATED[/B] Briscoe counters by catching Yang midair and using the momentum hitting a moonsault slam onto the floor! Smith smiles as he watches this but, as Briscoe rises he spits up at Smith before sliding into the ring. Smith begins to lay the stomps onto him not giving Jay time to gather himself. In the other corner McGunniess and Dragon continue to counter each stiff strike with one of their own with no real advantage being noticeable. Entrant #6 is Jigsaw.[/I]
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[I]Jigsaw came in and begin to punch Dragon before turning on McGunniess before turning back to Dragon before turning back to McGunniess before realizing that they were having no effect on either fighter. Dragon and McGuinness then begin to stomp a mud hole in Jigsaw midsection sending the lightweight hard to the bottom turnbuckle in the corner begging for restitution. The one half of the Briscoe Brothers in the match up however began to get the better of Smith hitting a double knee lift as well and a solid 360 twisting neck breaker. No eliminations # 7 is Mistico![/I]
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[I]The masked luchadore ran to the ring, hopped onto the apron, leaped onto the top turnbuckles and then nailed McGunniess with a missile dropkick that sent McGunniess over the top! He was able to pull himself back into the match in a close call. In the corner Super Dragon was continually sending his heel straight into the side of the head of Jigsaw as Smith was beginning to recover from the explosiveness of Briscoe after an eye gouge. No eliminations. #8 entrant Delirious![/I]
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[I]This crazy SOB walked slowly to the ring then slid in slowly and THEN quickly rolled out and ran around the ring slapping the hands of the fans around ringside acting like a completely looney jackass. He continued to do this for the entire two minutes. Inside the ring Jigsaw was in pain as he was suffering from a kneeling torture rack by Dragon as Smith had help now from a returning McGunniess as the two brits pounded Briscoe into the turnbuckles. Mistico was trying his best to get Dragon to let go of Jigsaw with solid buzz saw kicks to the chest and back of Dragon but Dragon would not break the hold. No eliminations #9 entrant Matt Classic![/I]
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[I]Classic walked to the ring swinging his standard medicine ball from arm to arm until he saw Delirious playing the fool. Classic lifted the heavy ball over his head and heaved it at Delirious who tried to catch it before falling under its weight to the concrete. Classic then made his way into the ring and got met with a dropkick by Mistico that was shrugged off before he grabbed Super Dragon around the middle and lifted him as he torture racked Jigsaw and dropped both over the top with a belly to back over the top [B]SUPER DRAGON AND JIGSAW ARE ELIMINATED[/B]. No other elimination entrant #10 Claudio Castagnoli.[/I]
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[I]Castagnoli was having none of Delirious antics as he begin to pound on the lunatic first finally pushing the ball off him before giving him the stomps and a slingshot suplex onto the guard rail. Castagnoli then finally throws Delirious into the ring who is hit right a way with a roaring knee by McGuinness sending him to the floor. [B]DELIRIOUS IS ELIMINATED[/B]. As Castagnoli climbs into the ring he is right away hit by a slingshot dropkick by Mistico. On the other side Smith had the hurt Briscoe brother in a running power slam yet Briscoe somehow is able to grab the top rope, swing over onto his back, place in his left foot under the arm of Smith, and send him flying over the top all in one fluid motion. [B]HARRY SMITH IS ELIMINATED[/B]. Entrant #11 is Davey Richards.[/I]
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[I]No eliminations the highlights of the ring action include a straight standing Lou Thesz press by Classic on Briscoe and a double running bulldog preformed by Mistico & Richards onto Castagnoli. McGuiness bought his time and breath although he did hit Classic with as a hard enziguri kick. Entrant #12 Alex Shelley![/I]
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[I]Shelley came in and found himself face to face with Nigel. The two began brawling but it wasn’t long that Shelley found an ally in an incoming Richards who hit Nigel with springboard flying fist. They two then began to double teamed McGuinness. Castagnoli was being schooled by Classic as Claudio could not get an advantage. A laugh was had by all when Classic got Castagnoli in a old school giant swing sending him embarrassed and dizzy to the canvas. Briscoe had the advantage over the smaller Mistico as Briscoe hit Mistico with hard chops with a confident look on his face. No eliminations Entrant #13 Bryan Danielson![/I]
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[I] Danielson came down slowly to a great round of applause. As he climbed into the ring an elimination occurred when the over confident Briscoe got caught with a ear lock take over sending Briscoe over the top to the floor [B]JAY BRISCOE IS ELIMINATED[/B]. Danielson was a target and was swarmed by those around him that noticed his entrance. Classic got a couple quick dropping shoulder rams to the gut, Richards got a devastating European uppercut that sent him back four feet at least as well as to the canvas. Shelley got a punch barrage but it was Castagnoli that got the worse with a combo knee to the front the back a swift kick to the back of the head and a hard spin kick to the chest that sent him to the floor [B]CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI IS ELIMINATED[/B] Entrant #14 Teddy Hart![/I]
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[I]Hart came in and began to battle with Shelley. McGuinness battled Richards. Classic went around hitting extremely ancient wrestling holds on people. Mistico got caught on the shoulders of Danielson who hit the luchadore with a 3 hard fireman rams before dumping the little guy to the floor. [B]MISTICO IS ELIMINATED[/B] Entrant #15 Airwalker J.E.![/I]
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[I]When J.E. got in he & Hart began to go at it. Classic found himself on the wrong end of a American Dragon and Shelley & Richards found themselves once again double teaming and trying to eliminate the man who drew #2 and was still alive Nigel McGuiness. No eliminations. Entrant #16 Dragon Kid![/I]
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[I]Dragon Kid I guess hearing about J.E. wished to test out the air walker and went for him. That left Hart to attack Richards from behind and without the help of Richards Shelley began to find himself on the defensive against McGuiness. In the only elimination the Dragon took out Classic with an electric chair that was so classic that afterwards Matt Classic stood up and applauded Danielson. [B]MATT CLASSIC IS ELIMINATED[/B] Entrant #17 Austin Starr![/I]
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[I]Starr came in an went right after Danielson. As those two traded blows Shelley saw his alliance with Richards come to an end as Richards attacked Shelley with a hurricanrana perfectly placed that sent Alex head first into the top turnbuckle .McGuiness got a hold of J.E. having him squirming in a dragon sleeper as Dragon Kid’s speed was getting the better of Hart. Entrant #18 The Reject![/I]
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[I]The Reject took over for Dragon Kid laying into Hart. Dragon Kid… for some reason unbeknownst to the sane went after McGuinness. Dragon Kid did get Nigel to let go of the sleeper though so he had some help from J.E.. Shelley coming back from the backstabbing by Richards nailed Davey with Shirunai and then sent Richards to the floor [B]DAVEY RICHARDS IS ELIMINATED[/B] Entrant #19 Jushin Thunder Liger![/I]
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[I]In an odd elimination McGuinness and Danielson had become locked up again and were battling passed a another battling pair of Hart & Airwalker J.E.. Danielson & Nigel stopped in mid forearm blows to throw out both men. [B]AIRWALKER J.E. & TEDDY HART ARE ELIMINATED[/B]. Elsewhere in the ring the newcomer Liger began battling with Dragon Kid. Shelley had a new problem with a tough Austin Starr. The Reject was giving McGuiness and Danielson forearm blows but both men were to focused on each other to give the Reject much thought. Entrant #20 Mike Kruel![/I]
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[I]Kruel stepped into the ring and right away slapped on a submission armbar on to The Reject. The Reject tried his best to get out of it but to no avail. When he was about out Kruel picked him up into a Samoan press and threw him to the floor [B]THE REJECT IS ELIMINATED[/B]. No other eliminations. Starr continued to get the better of Shelley as McGunniess and Danielson still were with out a victor nor was Liger or Dragon Kid. Entrant #21 Low Ki![/I]
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[I]Low Ki came in on a house of fire nailing both Liger and Dragon Kid with a Ki Krusher 99. Ki didn’t try to eliminate either of the men however before he dived right into the middle of the McGuinness/Danielson war. Starr was unable to get Shelley over the top but it wasn’t for a lack of trying. Kruel seeing Low Ki come in a devastate the super juniors wasted no time in picking one up in each arm and casually dumping them over the top. [B]JUSHIN THUNDER LIGER & DRAGON KID ELIMINATED[/B] Entrant #22 Mark Briscoe![/I]
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[I]The three way Ki/McGuinness/Danielson battle was going nowhere. No advantage. McGunniess is a war horse and was showing no signs of exhaustion, Danielson had a small cut under his eye but it was just a flesh wound honestly, and Ki just got there. Kruel got jumped on by an entering Mark Briscoe and finally The Starr of the Show got rid of one half of the Motor City Machine Guns when Starr nailed Shelley with a brain buster over the top to the apron then a baseball slid to Shelley prone body to the concrete and he was gone. [B]ALEX SHELLEY IS ELIMINATED.[/B] Entrant #23 Platinum Matt Bentley![/I]
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[I]Bentley came in and attacked Briscoe. Finally in a conclusion to the McGunniess/Danielson war. The long lasting Nigel McGunniess was finally eliminated when he was caught with a dragon suplex and sent head first over the top by Danielson [B]NIGEL MCGUINNESS IS ELIMINATED.[/B] That left Low Ki to go one on one with Danielson as Starr joined Bentley in the pounding of Briscoe. Kruel bid his time like the smart man even pantomiming so with his finger to his temple as he waited for the next man. Entrant #24 Brent Albright![/I]
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[I]Albright began on Kruel and began to pound on him relentlessly. Ki and Dragon still went at it with stiff body shots and odd joint holds as Bentley and Starr continued to double teamed Briscoe. No eliminations and the final entrant #25 Chris Sabin! [/I]
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[I]The first of the final 8 to be eliminated was Kruel who was caught by a full follow through curtain call over the top by Albright. [B]MIKE KRUEL IS ELIMINATED.[/B] The second of the eliminations went to Mark Briscoe when he could not over come the double teaming of Bentley and Starr. Briscoe tried to save himself with a roll through as he had Starr in a headlock and Bentley in a head scissors but Starr and Bentley were able to stop the momentum and push Briscoe off and over [B]MARK BRISCOE IS ELIMINATED.[/B] Now the match saw Ki and Danielson continue to battle each other with Albright and Bentley singling each other out and the same with Sabin & Starr. The next man eliminated was Bentley when he was caught in rolling German suplexes with the last sending Platinum to the floor. [B]PLATINUM MATT BENTLEY IS ELIMINATED[/B]! the next eliminations went suddenly. Albright sensing opportunity saw a shot and nailed Danielson in the back with a hard shining wizard sending both Danielson and Low Ki who he was locked up with at the time over the top rope and to the apron. Sabin seeing this quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle and came off with a missile dropkick that Low Ki ducked but hit Danielson in the shoulder sending him to the floor. [B]BRYAN DANIELSON IS ELIMINATED[/B]. Sabin after this move landed himself onto the apron as well. As he rose Low Ki caught Sabin with a perfect temple kick sending him to the floor [B]CHRIS SABIN IS ELIMINATED[/B]. Albright suddenly grabbed Low Ki and picked him up for what looked to be a face first suplex to the floor, however Starr came up from behind Albright grabbing him by the shin lifting him up, twisting and sending both Albright and the upside down Low Ki hard to the floor. [B]BRENT ALBRIGHT & LOW KI ARE ELIMINATED[/B]. [B][I][U]THE RUMBLE WINNER IS: AUSTIN STARR!!!!!!!![/U][/I][/B][/I] [B]MATCH RATING: B-[/B]
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[I]If there is a wrestling fan who wouldn’t love to see this classic I don’t know them. The match was what you would expect it to be. Joe hitting his strikes Rob selling them better then maybe any opponent Joe has faced to date. Van Dam hit his spots with Joe slowly selling them yet keeping his strong style machine character strong never seeming weak. Weaken a little but never weak. After Van Dam hit the Van Terminator and selling a injured ankle from the move Van Dam ran into the ropes and come off with a Rolling Thunder but Joe caught him in a Coquina Clutch as he landed. Van Dam kicked his powerful thighs into the air and tried to get the ropes reaching with all his might but in the end RVD tapped like everyone else. [B]YOUR NEW AND THE FIRST EVER RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION: SAMOA JOE[/B]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/I] [B]MATCH RATING: A* [/B]
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[QUOTE=The Human Cancer;363079]Can you say your product?[/QUOTE] As you wish. TRADITIONAL: Medium MAINSTREAM: Low COMEDY: Very Low CULT: Heavy RISQUE: None MODERN: Key Feature REALISM: Heavy HYPER REALISM: Low HARDCORE: Low LUCHA LIBRE: Low PURE: Heavy DAREDEVIL: Medium THANKS FOR READING!:D
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[CENTER][B][U]FROM THE DESK OF PAUL E. HEYMAN[/U][/B][/CENTER] Well the first card of the new era has happened and I can’t be happier with the results. The turnout was exceptional with a sell out crowd of 5,000! There were time restraints with them having to get ready for California junior hockey championships ages 10-13 so of course that is of importance so I was unable to present the title to Joe but I think the image of the exhausted champion staring at the belt will be good enough for the DVD - TO BE PURCHASE AT [url]WWW.REVOLUTION.COM[/url] by the way. What a shocker about Porsche huh? Now some may be asking why would I do this and what is it exactly that I am doing? Well let me explain even though I feel like it is not your business. Shawn Micheals at one time before Jebus found him, was among other things a skirt chaser. I was introduced to this young woman at this convention where I was forced to sit in between the Iron Sheik and the Honky Tonk Man and sign autographs. She came up to me and asked me to sign an old Raven shirt and she began to pretty much tell me my life story and I could feel her appreciation in my accomplishments were genuine. I asked her name and she preceeded to tell me her life story. It was pretty much that simple and was innocent of course I knew the information was worth gold for a shoot storyline so I remained in contact. I then began to develop a friendship with her and I was stunned with the wrestling knowledge this 5’3 cutie storied in very attractive brain of hers. So yeah, she is a little green, and cuts off Taz in mid sentence (NO MAN HAS THE GUTS TO DO THAT!) but as the calling of the holds and the chain wrestling I think is perfect. As well as will give those wet dream having adolescents another reason to come out and check out the action. Well I hope you enjoyed the show and here is a run down on next week’s Rebellion…. [CENTER][B][U]COLLECTIVE ELITE TAG TITLES TOURNAMENT ROUND 1[/U][/B] [B]RVD & Sabu vs. Eugene & Jimmy[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Motor City Machine Guns vs. European Fashionplates[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Hollywood Makers vs. The Foundation[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Explosion Express vs. Dragon’s Breath[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Briscoe Brothers vs. The Riddle Box[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Hooligans vs. Legends of Foreign Lands[/B][/CENTER]
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PREDICTION KEY COLLECTIVE ELITE TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1 RVD & Sabu vs. Eugene & Jimmy Motor City Machine Guns vs. European Fashionplates Hollywood Makers vs. The Foundation Explosion Express vs. Dragon’s Breath Briscoe Brothers vs. The Riddle Box Hooligans vs. Legends of Foreign Lands RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION FIRST DEFENSE Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki THE FIRST ROUND IN A OLD WAR MADE ANEW Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness BATTLE OF PUNKS C.M. Punk vs. The Reject DAVID VS GOLIATH Airwalker J.E. vs. Vladimir Koslov A MASTERPIECE OF TECHNICAL DISPLAY Matt Classic vs. Mike Kruel
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;363266]Wow I really liked the show! This is going to be a nice diary if you continue to put this much effort into it.[/QUOTE] I appreciate the sentiment and taking your time to read. I actually don't play real world much and haven't been into a real world game as much as this one probably ever. I will continue to put my best effort into it as long as people keep viewing and giving a "thumbs up" every now and again. Thanks again ninja - be seein' you in Shangri-La when those wagons come. Peace.
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COLLECTIVE ELITE TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1 [B]RVD & Sabu[/B] vs. Eugene & Jimmy [B]Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. European Fashionplates Hollywood Makers vs. [B]The Foundation[/B] Explosion Express vs. [B]Dragon’s Breath[/B] [B]Briscoe Brothers[/B] vs. The Riddle Box Hooligans vs. [B]Legends of Foreign Lands[/B] RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION FIRST DEFENSE [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Low Ki THE FIRST ROUND IN A OLD WAR MADE ANEW [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs. Nigel McGuinness BATTLE OF PUNKS [B]C.M. Punk[/B] vs. The Reject DAVID VS GOLIATH [B]Airwalker J.E.[/B] vs. Vladimir Koslov A MASTERPIECE OF TECHNICAL DISPLAY [B]Matt Classic[/B] vs. Mike Kruel
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COLLECTIVE ELITE TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1 [B]RVD & Sabu[/B] vs. Eugene & Jimmy [B]Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. European Fashionplates Hollywood Makers vs. [B]The Foundation[/B] [B]Explosion Express [/B]vs. Dragon’s Breath [B]Briscoe Brothers[/B] vs. The Riddle Box [B]Hooligans[/B] vs. Legends of Foreign Lands RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION FIRST DEFENSE [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Low Ki THE FIRST ROUND IN A OLD WAR MADE ANEW Bryan Danielson vs. [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] BATTLE OF PUNKS [B]C.M. Punk[/B] vs. The Reject DAVID VS GOLIATH [B]Airwalker J.E.[/B] vs. Vladimir Koslov A MASTERPIECE OF TECHNICAL DISPLAY [B]Matt Classic [/B]vs. Mike Kruel
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COLLECTIVE ELITE TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1 [B]RVD & Sabu[/B] vs. Eugene & Jimmy [B]Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. European Fashionplates Hollywood Makers vs. [B]The Foundation[/B] [B]Explosion Express[/B] vs. Dragon’s Breath [B]Briscoe Brothers[/B] vs. The Riddle Box Hooligans vs. [B]Legends of Foreign Lands[/B] RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION FIRST DEFENSE [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Low Ki THE FIRST ROUND IN A OLD WAR MADE ANEW [B]Bryan Danielson [/B]vs. Nigel McGuinness BATTLE OF PUNKS [B]C.M. Punk[/B] vs. The Reject DAVID VS GOLIATH [B]Airwalker J.E.[/B] vs. Vladimir Koslov A MASTERPIECE OF TECHNICAL DISPLAY Matt Classic vs. [B]Mike Kruel[/B]
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COLLECTIVE ELITE TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1 [B]RVD & Sabu[/B] vs. Eugene & Jimmy [B]Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. European Fashionplates Hollywood Makers vs. [B]The Foundation[/B] Explosion Express vs. [B]Dragon’s Breath[/B] Briscoe Brothers vs. [B]The Riddle Box[/B] Hooligans vs. [B]Legends of Foreign Lands[/B] [B]RVD and Sabu to win the tournament.[/B] RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION FIRST DEFENSE [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Low Ki THE FIRST ROUND IN A OLD WAR MADE ANEW Bryan Danielson vs. [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] BATTLE OF PUNKS [B]C.M. Punk [/B]vs. The Reject DAVID VS GOLIATH Airwalker J.E. vs. [B]Vladimir Koslov[/B] A MASTERPIECE OF TECHNICAL DISPLAY [B]Matt Classic[/B] vs. Mike Kruel
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[I]Porsche Lynn and Taz are joined this evening by Paul E. Dangerously at the broadcast booth who welcome everyone to the show as the camera man shoots the entrance way as the action starts right now! [/I] [I]Mike Kruel comes to the ring first threatening to back hand a fan for touching him. He climbs into the ring and begins to test the ropes as this short was shown of his opponent for the evening. (minus those words at the bottom at the ending but what can I do)[/I]
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[I]Matt Classic comes to the ring swinging his medicine ball to a small amount of cheers but mainly silence as the fans of RPW anxiously waited the action to begin. As Classic removed his jacket and towel he was quickly attacked from behind by Kruel. This didn’t last as Classic quickly came back with a couple of ridiculous looking old school judo chops before doing knee to the mat step ups around the ring. He then stood up and did that thumb on each hip bone pec pose staring at the recovering Kruel. Kruel rushes Classic who sides steps Kruel and slaps on a go behind body lock. Classic forces Kruel into the center of the ring despite the protests of Kruel who was trying his best to push down the wrists of Classic to break the hold. Classic continued to show up Kruel by lifting him off his feet and dropping him to the mat. He did this numerous times riding Kruel like a mule until Kruel was able to get to the ropes finally to break the hold. Kruel quickly stood up to and begans to shout at Classic losing his cool in which Classic responds by doing another one of those old thumb on the waist pectoral poses. Kruel out of anger shoots Classic with a one leg and was successful getting Classic on the mat and placing him in a nice rear chinlock. Classic of course countered by pulling his legs up with a head scissors and pulling Kruel over. Classic then slapped on an armbar and it was Kruel’s turn. The motion began to quicken as Kruel rolled through the armbar to turn it into a head scissors of his own which was jumped out of by Classic who then slapped on a side headlock. Other highlights of the match included a one legged crab through the middle rope onto Classic as Kruel stood on the apron which on the second count of 5 by the ref Kruel knee dropped the back of Classic’s head which was prone as it was suspended over the rings edge. Classic of course had his own share of offense with a nasty abdominal claw on Kruel that had Kruel screaming in agony. Some of the fans seemed to appreciate it but the majority were yawning or in the bathroom urinating or getting a pepsi. None the less the two technical wizards put on a display that was their best effort with Matt Classic getting the win by pinfall after a combo of three twisting falling power slams. I don’t think the fans knew the match was over until the bell had rung and the winner announced.[/I] [B][I]WINNER: MATT CLASSIC[/I][/B] [B]MATCH RAING: D [/B]
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[I]The second match of the evening was the first match of the first round of the Collective Elite Tag Title Tournament pitting Explosion Express Brent Albright & Davey Richards versus the team calling themselves Dragon’s Breath consisting of Super Dragon & Dragon Kid. The fans up here in Washington weren’t as vocal for Super Dragon as his loyal LA fan base of course but all four men seemed to be holding their interest pretty well. The match started with Albright and Super Dragon showing down with a test of strength that quickly turned into a hard knee to the midsection followed by an forearm to the temple by Albright. Brent then attempted to irish whip Super Dragon but Dragon rolled through and landed a solid leg lariat. Albright and Super Dragon continued to battle with hard strikes until Super Dragon was able to hit a twisting flying knee off the second turnbuckle that downed Albright. Super Dragon quickly grabbed the arms of Albright and nailed him with that infamous step through face plant of his. Super Dragon then tagged in his partner Dragon Kid. Kid quickly scaled the turnbuckles and nailed Albright with a spinning leg drop. Kid then sat on the back of Albright pulling up his neck for a nice dragon sleeper. Dragon Kid however as Albright struggled began having problems with the strength of Brent. Albright was able to pull Dragon Kid over, however as Kid flipped he ran into the ropes and came off with a dropkick to the face of Albright. Kid then propelled himself off the same ropes but Richards on the outside was able to catch Kid with a hard knee to the upper back. As Kid staggered forward a recovering Albright nailed him with a head and arm suplex. After this Explosion Express never really lost the momentum. Albright tagged in Richards who worked over Dragon Kid for a couple minutes hitting his Davey Driver and attempting a pinfall that only got a 2 count due to a break up by Super Dragon. Dragon Kid was finally able to regain the offense with a springboard full 360 flip turned into a hurricanrana that sent Richards through the middle rope to the floor. This abled Kid to get the hot tag to Super Dragon. Super Dragon of course seeing the opportunity ran into the opposite ropes and came off onto Richards with what would have been a nice plancha that got kinda ugly due to a caught foot on the top rope. As Richards and Super Dragon rose off the concrete they were met by a Dragon Kid who had copied his partner with a plancha this time adding a nice midair twist. Albright of course got into the mix but being the smart wrestler that he is awaited the legal man Super Dragon to rise and singled him out with a hard running flying lariat off the apron. After shoving Super Dragon with all his might into the ring post Brent rolled Super Dragon back into the ring. Dragon Kid and Richards rose about the same time and begin to go blow for blow. Not where Dragon Kid wanting to be going blow for blow with Richards and sensing desperation Dragon Kid retreated from Richards to gain space before running at him for a dropkick. Richards was able to catch Kid about the knee and with a sharp leg whip sent Dragon Kid sideways hard into the guard rail. This hard shot even knocked over this overweight guy in the first row sending his extra large popcorn with extra butter everywhere which brought entertainment to those surrounding. Richards after this nice move glance up and saw ref Charles Robinson at the count of 8 and quickly slid into the ring where a hurt Super Dragon was beginning to gather himself. Before he could do this Richards quickly climbed to the top and nailed the on all fours Super Dragon with a perfect Shooting Star. Richards quickly rolled him up for the win.[/I] [B][I]WINNER: EXPLOSION EXPRESS [/I][/B] [B]MATCH RATING: C-[/B]
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[I]Paul E. Dangerously excuses himself from the announce table and proceeds to the ring. Despite Mr. Heyman’s every attempt in the past to deserve every contempt from every wrestling fan on the planet the fans can’t help but to cheer and even start a chant of ‘Thank You”. As Dangerously stands in the middle of the ring before he speaks he mouths the words “Your Welcome” and then begins his tirade and self promotion.[/I] [B]DANGEROUSLY[/B]: [I]“There are many accomplishments in my life that I am proud of. Of course you can guess that ECW was my crowning glory I took a floundering East Coast wrestling promotion and turn it into an idea. An idea of change where those that were belittled for not “having the right look“, or have heard “that we have nothing creative for them” or was told they didn’t have “It” sought the same vision of conquest against those who had doubted their passion and drive. That war was lost but a new battle begins here now and ALL OF YOU (points out to the crowd) are on the front-lines!!! Choose your sides! A War Declaration has been declared! Do you choose an initiative style with fresh characters and faces or a stale product where your main eveners are banging the bosses daughter, or is a rapper from the suburbs of Massachusetts, or is a 3 move having Animal, or is a like 50 year hip wiggling Christian dead beat parent… (a chorus of boos rain on the mention of Shawn Micheals) OR Do you choose an even staler product where ageing veterans battle it out with the reminisces of the what the stale product doesn’t need anymore and both are put over the little talent that remains having to pay for their own hotel rooms and take the bus through throngs of tourists just to get to work ever week. (Laughter ensues). CHOOSE YOUR SIDES!!!!! (applause) NOW…. There is another time in my career that brought me a lot of joy and challenges… my FIRST attempt at taking over the wrestling world…. (pauses and then holds up 5 fingers)….. Beautiful Bobby Eaton (lowers a finger and does so as each name is announced), The Living Legend Larry Zybysko, The Enforcer Arn Anderson, Ravishing Rick Rude, Stunning Steve Austin…. THE DANGEROUS ALLIANCE!!!!!!! (the fans go nuts) … THAT WAS THEN… This is now… MY NAME IS PAUL E. DANGEROUSLY…. A new war has begun and I am not going into the battle alone!!!! 5 MEN!!! A NEW DANGEROUS ALLIANCE WILL BE FORMED! Starting NOW I would like to announce the first man smart enough to accept my services… VLADIMIR KOSLOV!” (The big man comes to the ring and Dangerously sends it back to Taz and Porsche Lynn as the big Russian stands in the middle of the ring with Dangerously on one knee in front of him looking up.)[/I]
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[I]The Riddle Box were introduced first. The two masked men walked to ring slowly trying to be all mysterious and cool and not that the effect wasn’t pulled off it just probably could have been pulled off better if the guy didn’t have a puzzle piece on his face. Not taking away of the talent of the new team calling themselves The Riddle Box as it comprises two great young talents whose past accomplishments were sold adequately by Porsche Lynn. Delirious slid into a corner and stoically stared at the empty opposite corner that would soon hold his opponents as Jigsaw reversely stood on the middle turnbuckle over Delirious with his arms crossed and stared out over the 5,000 strong crowd. The entrance of their opponents however was greatly anticipated and came out with the largest pop so far of the evening. Jay & Mark with the hoods pulled up and their confederate d-rags over there mouths like the real new age outlaws that they are walked quickly to the ring not paying attention to anything else but their destination. As the Briscoe’s made their way to the opposite corner Jigsaw slowly turned around and faced his opponents with his partner. Jay and Mark removed their excess clothing with Jay checking the ropes and Mark just hoping from one foot to the other. Mark exit’s the ring right as the bell rings and then… Delirious goes nuts. He slid out the bottom of the ropes and begin to give all the front row fans the usual bear hugs and high fives. Jigsaw tries in vain to scream at his partner to get back in the ring almost losing his footing and falling over the top to the arena floor which would have been embarrassing and hazardous but he regained his footing and yelled at Delirious who just looked up at Jigsaw like a 3 year old with a lollipop as the fans engulfed him. Jay Briscoe shook his head before hoping on the second rope as a springboard and nailing Jigsaw with a reverse neck cutter. Jay Briscoe worked over Jigsaw for a minute or two nailing him with hard knee shots in the corner and an nice monkey flip that saw Jigsaw do a flip and a half in the air. Jay tagged in Mark and the Briscoe’s began to do what they do best nailing Jigsaw with a hard double enziguri before the Briscoe Brothers stood back to back. Jay then grabbed Jigsaw as he laid on his stomach by each leg lifting him in what looked to be a reverse face plant however Mark continued to lift him into a full rotation where Jay awaited to grab Jigsaw by the waist and plant him with a hard impact power bomb. The fans on the outside began to point to the ring and plead with Delirious to go help his partner but Delirious just looked dumbfounded for a moment. As Mark Briscoe frog hopped over his brother and landed a nice hard elbow before he went for the cover on Jigsaw. Delirious finally realizing the predicament his team was in slid into the ring to break up the 3 count. The Briscoe Brothers quickly regained the advantage as they began to double team Delirious. It was actually quite quick that Delirious found himself again on the outside after a double running leg lariat. Jay Briscoe then followed that up with a high arch splash onto the already downed on the arena floor Delirious. This left both legal men one on one in the ring with a busted up Jigsaw and a confident Mark Briscoe… took about 15 seconds with Cut Throat Suplex and a pinfall.[/I] [B][I]WINNERS: BRISCOE BROTHERS[/I][/B] [B]MATCH RATING: C-[/B]
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[I]After the end of the Briscoe Brothers/Riddle Box match Paul E. excused himself from the announcing booth and went to back to accompany his new man Vladimir Koslov to ringside in his match against the Airwalker. The Airwalker J.E. came to the ring first dancing to his music down the aisle to scattered applause from the few who have witnessed this gravity defying rarity. In the ring J.E. did his break dance routine until the big Russian and Paul E. Dangerously made their own way down the aisle. Paul E. Dangerously continued to talk to the Russian as they made their way to the ring occupying his attention. This was a mistake as the Airwalker took the opportunity to come running off the opposite ropes into a cartwheel, leaping to the top of the other ropes, into a flip onto the unexpecting Koslov barely missing the boss as he was able to jump out of the way. J.E. got up first and began to put the boots to Koslov but they weren’t took effective as the Russian began to get up anyway. The Airwalker then leaped up onto the guard rail and walked it before making the leap, and jumping up to the apron almost slipping in the process. J.E. was able to grab the middle rope to stop from falling saving himself from an embarrassing moment. Koslov on his feet now sees this, so when J.E. springboards off the middle rope with a moonsault Koslov catches J.E. over his shoulder. With a hard sprint Koslov slams J.E. back into the ring apron. Charles Robinson was able to gain alittle bit of control now as the Russian finally realized he was there telling him to pick up his carnage and put it in the ring which he did. As Koslov climbed in after his prey the Airwalker slowly and staggering got to his feet. As J.E. turned around Koslov ran at him with a clothesline that J.E. ducked. J.E. then with his quickness is able to run into the ropes and comes off with a dropkick to the shoulder of Koslov that sends him reeling. J.E. repeated this move - running into the ropes and hitting Koslov with a dropkick two more times before on the fourth try Koslov grabbed the leg of J.E., steps over and plants on a nice single leg crab. J.E. looked like he was about to tap when the Russian let go of the crab to mount the Airwalker’s back and landed TEN hard forearm smashes that in the end had J.E. with a bloody perhaps broken nose. Koslov then quickly clamped on a Triangle choke and Robinson called for the bell.[/I] [I][B]WINNER: Vladimir Koslov [/B][/I][B]MATCH RATING: D[/B] [I][CENTER]A short promotional clip of the Motor City Machine Guns is shown[/CENTER][/I]
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[I]The Motor City Machine Guns ran to the ring to the now greatest pop of the evening as the fans seem to be really into them. Their opponents the European Fashionplates awaited them as they had entered the squared circle as the previous MCMG piece was shown. The Machine Guns ran and slid quickly into the ring wasting no time as all four men began to go punch for punch with out even taking off their entrance gear. As expected the Motor City Machine Guns were able to gain control of the ring as their opponents soon retreated to the outside to re-gather themselves. Alex & Chris took this time to remove their matching MCMG coats and stand on the opposite middle turnbuckles gaining another huge pop of fan reaction. The bell rang and the match finally got on the way officially with Castagnoli and Shelley starting it out. Castagnoli got the better of the original lock up when he was able to swing Shelley around into a nice abdominal stretch that was reforced as Castagnoli pulled on the upper rope for leverage unbeknownst to Charles Robinson. Robinson eventually caught onto Castagnoli antics forcing him to break. This was what Shelley needed as with a simple hip toss the momentum shifted and Shelley began to work on Castagnoli with a couple stomps that turned into chops as Claudio rose to his feet. It was when Shelly hit an inverted DDT turned into an crashing elbow drop and tagged Sabin that Castagnoli was in real trouble. Sabin came in with a springboard over the top leg drop and then got up quickly and ran into the ropes hitting a succession of three quick impact running leg drops. Sabin stayed on the neck with a well placed rear chinlock that forced Castagnoli to take Sabin’s entire body weight. Claudio was eventually able to rise but Sabin was there to hit a couple European uppercuts forcing Claudio into the ropes. Sabin then tried to irish whip Castagnoli, but it was reversed gaining Claudio the momentary advantage. After Castagnoli nailed a running lariat onto Sabin he wisely tagged in his partner Milano Connection AT. Connection AT stomped on Sabin a couple of times before placing him in a hammerlock/head scissors combo. After about a minute Sabin was able to walk up with the hold which put Milano Connection AT shoulders on the mat forcing him to kick out before the count of three simultaneously breaking the hold. Sabin quickly regained the offense with a couple quick buzz saw kicks to the chest before Shelley got the hot tag. Castagnoli trying to prevent this ran into the ring but was unsuccessful. This got all four men back in the ring and we were back to where we started from with a four men battling it out at the same time. Castagnoli picking up Sabin in a Gorilla Press attempted to throw him from the ring but Sabin was able to squirm out the back of it as well as was able to land a quick drop kick to the top of the shoulder blades as he fell that sent Castagnoli through the middle ropes to the floor. This left Milano Connection AT having to deal with both Shelley & Sabin alone. - A combo Cradle Driver followed by a Shellshock and we have our victors.[/I] [B][I]WINNERS: Motor City Machine Guns[/I][/B] [B]MATCH RATING: C+[/B]
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[I]The final match before intermission saw the two talented teams of The Foundation and the newly paired combo of Austin Starr & Platinum Matt Bentley calling themselves the Hollywood Makers I guess with RPW being based out of LA it fits. The Foundation came out first to scattered applause although their was a few Teddy Hart signs so the RPW faithful seem to sense the potential in this young stud. Smith although not as over, everyone better believe nobody could care less more then Harry Smith. As Teddy oozes ego, Smith has determination etched on his face. Anyone reading these two’s features would think that victory is already assured. The Starr & Bentley combo came out to a similar amount of pops. These teams seem at least in the fans eyes seem to be the most equal matchup in the tag tourney so far tonight. The match began with Bentley and Hart as the two lightweights began to show what brought them to the dance. Bentley scored some points with a a flying forearm and nice belly to belly. Hart hit a terrific springboard lionsault after downing Bentley with a excellently executed Russian legsweep that was reminiscent of a signature move of another Hart of days past. Smith got the first tag and quickly lifted Bentley up as Hart ran into the ropes and came off with a leaping clothesline - The original finishing move of their predecessors. Smith worked over Bentley with power moves like a nice short armed clothesline as well as a beautiful combo of three moves where he nailed Bentley with a knee kneeling rib crusher, then re-lifted him and turned it in into a knee kneeling back breaker before re-lifting him up again, swinging him over his shoulder into a standard shoulder breaker. Smith looked like he was about to end it when he attempted to hit his running power slam but Bentley was able to slid out the back. As Smith turned around Bentley caught him in desperation with a Platinum Chin Music that sent Smith through the middle rope to the apron. Bentley rolled around for a second before realizing his placement in the ring and making the hot tag to Starr. The winner of the Rumble on last weeks Rebellion quickly came in an propelled himself over the top hitting Smith with a shoulder block that sent Smith hard back first into the guard rail with Starr crashing on top of him. Hart quickly jumped to the floor and began to pound on Starr until Robinson did his job by jumping to the floor himself placing his body in between the two men. Starr quickly rose and whipped Smith into the steel post. Smith crumbled to the concrete with his back to the ring steps. Starr sensing opportunity to do damage took two quick steps back and ran at Smith with a hard running knee to the face smashing the back of Smith’s head into the stairs. Hart having gotten away from Robinson jumped on Starr again, but this time Bentley had recovered and launched himself over the top with a spread eagle high arch splash that sent all three men hard to the floor in a mass of body parts. When Starr rose he nailed Hart with some swift kicks to the chest as Bentley lifted Smith and rolled him into the ring. Bentley then called to Starr where as both men then climbed the turnbuckles simultaneously. Bentley came off first with a nice Picture Perfect Elbow Drop then Starr hit a flawless 450 Splash on to Smith. The cover and three seconds afterwards we have our victors.[/I] [B][I]WINNERS: Hollywood Makers[/I][/B] [B]MATCH RATING: C+[/B]
[CENTER][I]A segment is shown to hype tension between the two opponents further on in the evening.[/I][/CENTER]
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[I]Paul, Porsche, & Taz welcome everyone to SIDE B on the DVD and thank the fans for turning it over and continuing with the mat action. Porsche begins to gush and mark all over the next match giving the fans the inside scoop on the past history of these rivals. A short is shown of the hard fought previous contests between the two.[/I]
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[I]Nigel McGuinness came out first to a combination of applause and boo’s obviously where the fans in attendance may not have like him as a person but his talent was respected. Nigel did his stupid ass out slide into the ring before the American Dragon Bryan Danielson music began shaking the arena from the roar of approval from his faithful. Danielson slowly walked to the ring rubbing his wrists glaring at McGuinness ignoring the encouragement from ringside. Danielson grabbed the middle rope to climb in but Nigel was there to kick at the middle rope to prevent as he ignored the protests of Robinson. Danielson just glared at McGuinness for a second before beginning to circle the ring slowly. The fans began the first chant of “Dragon” as Robinson now successfully able to back Nigel away was now demanding Danielson to get into the ring. He again attempted to do so by grabbing the middle rope and pull himself in but again Nigel was there to give the middle rope a snap kick forcing Danielson back. This time in response Danielson gives Nigel a rude arm gesture and badmouthing Robinson for not preventing this. The third time was the charm as finally Nigel allowed Danielson into the ring to a round of applause by the action hungry masses. The bell sounded and the two opponents began to circle each other numerous times before finally locking up. Danielson tried to stay as low as he could not allowing the bigger McGuinness to throw him back. McGuinness did however slap on a quick side headlock wrenching it once before Danielson was able to get one arm through to stop the pressure. McGuinness then countered this by grabbing that arm, twisting behind Danielson as well as grabbing the other arm. McGuinness did his best to slap on a double hammerlock however Danielson with all his strength tried to straighten his arms and lock his fingers to avoid the pressure on his shoulders…[/I]
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[I]With both men applying all their arm strengths trying to hold and counter this maneuver, Danielson used his legs by first falling to his knees, and then rolling over sending McGuinness flipping over Bryan onto his back. Danielson rolled through as well which left Danielson on top of McGuinness with Nigel’s shoulders down for the 2 count. Forced to break the hold to escape the pin attempt McGuinness found himself in a awkward position with Danielson now on top and it was the Dragon that scored the first hard shots as he began to drive his knee into McGuinness chest. Danielson remained in control of McGuinness with a pound and ground attack until Nigel was able to pull himself up by the turnbuckles. Nigel & Bryan then began to go blow for blow with hard back elbows, European uppercuts, forearms, and impact chops all of which forced “ooh’s” out the enthralled crowd. Nigel after sending Danielson reeling with a roaring forearm hoped onto the middle turnbuckle and came off with a falling back elbow that sent Danielson to the mat. McGuinness then showed the American Dragon the true of art of a striker removing his elbow pad and kissing the British flag on it before the pain was unleashed. The now sitting up yet groggy Danielson was then the victim of numerous and uncountable vicious lightning quick elbow strikes to the head that quickly opened a nice long gash over Dragon’s eye. When Nigel was finally finished Danielson face was a crimson mask of blood. He gave the final blows of the sequence by nailing Danielson with three swift spine kicks. Nigel then in a disgusting act spit on Danielson before picking him up and whipping him into the ropes. Danielson came off and was met with a signature roaring lariat by McGuinness. McGuinness went for the cover yet somehow Danielson was able to lift a shoulder at two. Nigel got so angry at this that he grabbed Robinson by the scruff lifting him a good three feet off the ground. Robinson threatened to DQ McGuinness which got the Brit to drop Robinson and place his hands up to show that he was submitting to the ref’s will. McGuinness turning his attention back to Danielson began to stomp Bryan in the back of the head hard before picking him up and returning him into the ropes. McGuinness again attempted the roaring lariat this time however Danielson was able to catch McGuinness arm in his own before swinging himself over the shoulders of Nigel and nailing him with a hard implant DDT. In the middle of the ring Danielson quickly slapped on his reverse Dragon Sleeper. Nigel screamed, he swore, he bit the mat, he threaten to murder Robinson, and in the end he submitted.[/I] [B][I]WINNER: Bryan Danielson [/I][/B][B]MATCH RATING B-[/B]
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[I]Danielson though bloodied and battered had his hand raised so he was finally able to let himself soak in the adulation from the appreciative. After Porsche, Taz & Paul gabbed on about the excellence of the last contest the first team of the next match music began and the focus left the last battle and moved on to the one’s yet to come.[/I]
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[I]After the Hooligans slid into the ring and removed their masks as well as finished the whole standing on the middle turnbuckle to the high pitched screams of the 13 year old teenage girls thing, it was time for the entrance of their opponents the awesome combination of Jushin Thunder Liger & Mistico. Many people across the world have thought that this test of the great Mistico and Liger may just be too much for the former World champions Kendrick & London to overcome. All four men stood in their corner removing their vests and robes but before the bell rang in a sign of sportsmanship and respect shook the hands of their opponents. Liger started it out with Kendrick who after a quick lock up was broken by Liger with a couple kicks to Kendrick’s side. Kendrick returns with a couple weak forearm shots backing Liger into the ropes then irish whipping him and the fast paced action expected from these two teams began. Liger came off the ropes running right into a perfect drop kick by Kendrick. Liger quickly rolled up back to his feet and ran at Kendrick who hit a nice arm drag which he turned into a solid armbar. Liger soon was able to hop up and twist under turning it into a standing hammerlock of his own. Kendrick breaks this by nailing Liger with a couple of elbows before running towards the turnbuckle and dropping to his knees sent Liger through the middle rope hard to the floor. Kendrick quickly scaled the turnbuckle an awaited Liger to rise before downing him again with a high arch splash off the top. Mistico & London seemingly then had the same idea. As Kendrick and Liger arose, both other men ran down the apron and came off with in Mistico’s case a front flip, and in London’s case a shooting star, onto their respected foes sending all four men hard to the floor in a pileup. Robinson was then after some time able to get London and Mistico back to their corners as Kendrick rolled Liger into the ring. London then got the tag and continued to work over Liger nailing a nice moonsault dropkick as well as a run up the turnbuckle swinging bulldog. London threw Liger back into their corner cutting the ring in half tagging in Kendrick as the experienced team showed how its done. Kendrick remained on the offense getting Liger ready for the Sliced Bread #2 but when it was attempted Liger grabbed the top rope sending Kendrick alone hard to the mat. When Kendrick got up Liger nailed a desperation Liger Driver then rolled and got the hot tag to Mistico. Mistico right away showed that the reputation he has gathered is well deserved. He quickly scaled his own turnbuckles before walking the entire top rope then leaping off on to the other ropes and hitting Kendrick with a moonsault! Mistico went for the cover but it was broken up by London. Mistico then picked up Kendrick and irish whipped him into the ropes. Kendrick came off and is nailed with a nice hurricanrana turned into a roll up pin attempt from Mistico that saw London once again have to save his team from defeat. Mistico then tagged back in Liger and the two Legends of Foreign Lands nailed Kendrick with a double running drop kick that sent Kendrick hard into a neutral turnbuckle. Liger quickly followed up nailing Kendrick with a couple hard kicks to the chest then picked him up and placed him on the top turnbuckle. Liger climbed up the turnbuckles wrapping Kendrick’s arm around his head for a superplex but Kendrick was able to gain control by a couple quick jabs to the ribs with his free hand and out of no where grab Liger’s head and come off the top with a Sliced Bread #2! Kendrick slowly rolled Liger over and by places one arm over Liger’s chest able to gain a three.[/I] [B][I]WINNERS: Hooligans [/I][/B][B]MATCH RATING: B+[/B]
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[I]It was time for the match up of Punks. Or well one guy who is called Punk and another guy who claims to be a Punk, but is in fact if the internet rumors are true a former “friend” of Lance Bass. The Reject came out first to a chorus of boo’s from fans who remember him from his previous employment, and remember that they dislike him quite a lot. His opponent however is without a doubt the most popular man on the roster with only RVD being a reasonable argument. C.M. Punk came out to an ear popping reaction that couldn’t help but put a smile on the straight edger’s face. If anyone expected anything but a squash match for C.M. Punk I am afraid you will be disappointed. I do remember The Reject getting a nice over the back standing eye gouge at about the thirty four second mark but that was about all. Punk seems to like slapping The Reject because the match began with Punk slapping The Reject three times and through out the match Punk slapped The Reject across the face out of distaste for his fakeness. Punk had mercy on Moore finally with a GTS to get the win.[/I] [B][I]WINNER: CM Punk [/I][/B][B]MATCH RATING: B-[/B]
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[I]The odd tandem of the mentally challenge wrestling savant and the Oriental Cowboy came out first to a great amount of love as they both slapped hands with the first row and played to the crowd. Then it was time for the legends here in RPW. Without which their would be no RPW. The music hit, they ran down, and slide into the ring…..[/I]
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[I]… and the crowd went nuts. The entire arena including the announcers completely marked for the One of a Kind - TH Whole F’N Show (come on! Do it with me - the RVD thumb motion -) ROB VAN DAM and the Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal Maniac - The Inhuman Highlight Reel SABU (- points to the heavens - YOU KNOW YOU ARE TOO!!!). After the pop’s died down and the bell rung it was to be RVD and Eugene to start it out. Eugene seemed to be in awe of RVD and kept doing the thumbs down motion and then pointing at RVD for him to do it. He did as requested to applause by Eugene and it was the start of the “RVD” chants that never truly stopped the entire match. Eugene still caught up being in the ring with one of his all time favorites as he says, then offered his hand in friendship. RVD pretended to accept before stepping over the handshake and nailed Eugene with a leg lariat. Van Dam then quickly put a couple boots to Eugene before picking him up and hitting a couple forearms. Van Dam somersaulted backwards to gain space and came back with a super kick the Eugene was able to duck. The angry retard then unloaded with wild will mill punches on RVD before nailing a running clothesline. Eugene remained on the offense for a minute or two before RVD caught Eugene with a springboard jump kick that sent Eugene falling back into his own corner and also gave RVD time to tag in Sabu. Wang Yang also grabbed the tag and the other two competitors were now legal. Sabu started it out by pointing to the heavens and then at Jimmy and then back to the heavens. If this was a game of charades I would have guessed he may have been threatening his life and he came pretty close. Sabu was on the offense throughout however it wasn’t as long as originally planned as Jimmy Wang Yang suffered an injury in this sequence. RVD set up a table on the outside for one of Sabu’s trademark table spots which was to send Wang Yang through the table with a suplex over the top rope, however Wang Yang for whatever reason was unable to follow through completely, and landed back of his head first through the table crashing into the concrete. A full analysis of the injury would be done later (and we will let the fans of RPW know the full extent as soon as we can) but for now the injured Wang Yang would not be seen again in this match. Eugene not being the legal man was “forgotten” by Robinson as now wrestling’s “special man” was in a handicap match against two of the most innovative superstars of all time. Eugene didn’t stand a chance and was finished off with a nice frog splash from RVD.[/I] [B][I]WINNNERS: RVD & Sabu[/I][/B] [B]MATCH RATING: B+[/B] [I][CENTER]A video segment was shown of the champion’s opponent for tonight’s main event[/CENTER][/I]
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[I]The challenger came out first with his warrior walk to the ring before sliding in and stepping up the middle rope and glaring at the crowd. Low Ki despite not having one ounce of appreciation for those who were appreciative of him, he did get a few claps from those who have seen exactly how completely awesome the Warrior is. It was then time for the entrance to the REVOLUTION PRO WRESTLING GLOBAL CHAMPION! THE ONE… THE ONLY… SAMOA JOE!!!!!! The big man came down with the usual towel around his neck with his eye line lowered his gaze never leaving Low Ki who crouched in the middle of the ring ready and eager. Joe walked up the steps removing the towel and stepped in the ring. Low Ki not have any patience charged at Joe to deliver a patented chest kick but Joe telegraphed the move grabbing Low Ki’s leg and throwing him into the corner. Joe destroyed Low Ki in the corner with hard knees and a few head butts that sent Low Ki on his back with his head resting on the bottom turnbuckle. Not the position you want to be in with Joe who of course ran quickly into the ropes and came off sending his boot slicing across Low Ki’s face. Low Ki grabbed his face with both of his hands as he fell out of the ring head first landing in an awkward crumpled position on his shoulder blades with his legs over his head. Joe followed Low Ki to the floor picking him up and sending him hard towards the guard rail. Low Ki was able to reverse this by stepping up on the guard rail and fly off with a back elbow that knocked Joe reeling back. Low Ki quickly got up and begin to hit Joe in rapid fire secession hard swift kicks to Joe’s right thigh probably a total of six or seven before he walked up the same thigh of Joe and planted a hard knee to Samoa Joe’s jaw. Robinson finally regained control getting Low Ki to roll Joe in the ring before jumping onto the apron himself. Low Ki then spring boarded himself over the top rope and came off on Joe’s gut with a nice double stomp. Low Ki then grabbed Joe by the back of the head and rolled him up into a sitting position before coming down with three hard knees to the side of the neck. Low Ki then spent around with a roaring side kick to the temple that had Joe fall looking with arms limp and eye’s glazed over that he may have been concussed. Low Ki went for the cover and would have gotten a three count, but at the last moment Robinson noticed Joe’s leg was outside the bottom rope forcing a stoppage of the pin attempt. Low Ki quickly pulled Joe back into the ring placing him strategically where he wanted him before climbing to the top turnbuckle, and nailing him with another hard double stomp to the gut. Low Ki then began to shake his head in satisfaction to the fans as if he thought the big Samoan was ready to be finished off. Low Ki is a very dangerous individual however unfortunately at times his small stature is a hindrance, and he obviously had a hard attempt as he with all his strength tried and was successful getting Joe onto his shoulders. Everyone knew what was coming the hard run into the turnbuckles called the Ki Krusher however about halfway Ki expression changed and his momentum stopped. Joe had maneuvered his arms and had slapped onto Low Ki the Coquina Clutch! Low Ki quickly was forced to the mat and although he fought for a good few seconds he did eventually tap.[/I] [I][B]WINNER AND STILL RPW GLOBAL CHAMPION: SAMOA JOE!!!![/B][/I] [B]MATCH RATING: B+[/B] [I]Joe grabbed the mic afterwards and did a shoot interview about TNA as well as showed appreciation to his opponent Low Ki and thanks to those who have Joined the Revolution!!!!!!![/I]
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$&%!@*%#$#!@*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SIZE="4"]WTF!!!!![/SIZE] I write up the card last night post it today go into the game AND THE GRAND OL' [CENTER][/CENTER][SIZE="4"]RUN TIME ERROR 63[/SIZE] [CENTER].......................... I hate all..................................... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [/CENTER]
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