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Red Ring of Death


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Has anyone else here had this problem? Cause it just happened to my 360, and now i'm trying to decide whether or not to send it back to Microsoft. On one hand if i do send it back they'll just send me back someone else's ex-repair which will probably break down again in a couple of weeks or months. Or i could just trade it in to either upgrade to the 360 elite or ps3, which if i choose that option it will most likely be for a ps3 as its $30 cheaper down here and runs blu-ray.
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Yeah, this happened to my 360 - and honestly, having been through the relatively painless process of getting a new one from them, I'd recommend sending it to Microsoft. I don't know where you're getting the idea that the Xbox they send you will break down within another month, but you're sadly mistaken - the new 360 they send you comes with a full warranty in case of further breakdowns which covers you for the next two years. I suppose it comes down to your preferences, though. There might be one or two games on there I'd check out... Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, for instance... but the total hours of gameplay when comparing the two systems is pretty heavily stacked in the 360's favor. Meanwhile, on the 360, you've got an abundance of recent releases that I consider worth playing... Mass Effect and BioShock stand out in particular. Add to that upcoming games like Fallout 3, Lost Odyssey, Too Human, and GTAIV on both platforms (along with the fact that only 360 will have the DLC for GTAIV), and I'd argue 360 is my clear choice to stick with in 2008. Sure, I regret that I won't be playing FF13, but after the atrocious story they managed to spew forth in FF12 that might actually be a blessing in disguise. The only other game that might sell me on a PS3 is Resident Evil 5, which isn't due out until 2009. So... yeah. And hey, when I got my new 360 they even threw in a free month of Xbox Live, which was nice for someone who couldn't afford it otherwise. I would've liked for the 360 to just not break in the first place, but I'd say for a big company they did a pretty decent job of making good on their screw up.
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I had one, didn't send mine back, but for a fairly good reason. My first 360 was a "hand-me-down" from a cousin who moved up to a 360 elite. He abused the one I recieved pretty hard when he owned it. I knew it wouldn't last. I mostly just used it as a "test bed" to see if I liked the 360 or not. Once it RRoD'd on me, I just bought a new one.
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;362536]Yeah, this happened to my 360 - and honestly, having been through the relatively painless process of getting a new one from them, I'd recommend sending it to Microsoft. I don't know where you're getting the idea that the Xbox they send you will break down within another month, but you're sadly mistaken - the new 360 they send you comes with a full warranty in case of further breakdowns which covers you for the next two years.[/QUOTE] The whole thing about the one they send you breaking down aswell was based off the fact that they don't fix your console and send it back to you, they fix someone else's console and send it back to you. While the additional 2 year warranty is nice, it does seem almost inevitable, going off what people on other forums have experienced or claimed to have experienced that the "new" 360 they send you will break down aswell at some point. As for choosing between the Elite 360 and PS3, its a tough choice. Right now as far as games and online play/features go the 360 wins hands down, but that being said i think the PS3 has yet to reach its full potential, plus blu-ray is a big feature for me as i have HD LCD, and at this stage the PS3 is easily the cheapest blu-ray player on the market.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;362595]I knew a guy who RRoD'd because the Microsoft update slowed down the fans (because users had complained they were too loud), so it overheated... He got it fixed... Plugged it in... It updates again, and he gets RRoD'd again. Brilliant.[/QUOTE] Yeah from what i understand once a 360 suffers a RRoD it can be fixed but it basically becomes a ticking time-bomb as to when it will go again.
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well guys thanks for the responses, but it looks like i'll be trading it in. I called microsoft and they said my warranty was void because i used the Nyko Intercooler add on, so if i want it repaired it will be at my own expense, which i don't think is worth it.
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[QUOTE=ahw26;362852]well guys thanks for the responses, but it looks like i'll be trading it in. I called microsoft and they said my warranty was void because i used the Nyko Intercooler add on, so if i want it repaired it will be at my own expense, which i don't think is worth it.[/QUOTE] Why would you tell them that?
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[QUOTE=ahw26;362526]Has anyone else here had this problem? Cause it just happened to my 360, and now i'm trying to decide whether or not to send it back to Microsoft. On one hand if i do send it back they'll just send me back someone else's ex-repair which will probably break down again in a couple of weeks or months. Or i could just trade it in to either upgrade to the 360 elite or ps3, which if i choose that option it will most likely be for a ps3 as its $30 cheaper down here and runs blu-ray.[/QUOTE] Ive actually had this happen to 2 360s. My first one I tried bringing it into a game store but they pretest everything to make sure they work and since it didnt work they wouldnt take it so I sold it to my friend for 50 who already had a 360 and knew about the conditions. My second one I sent it in to Microsoft and got a new one back in about 1 week.. and now it still runs and its been 2 months. Send it in... Trust me. Also never use the intercooler ive heard too many bad stories about it.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;362868]The intercooler is idiotic anyhow. I'm not a tech guy at all, but there's an explanation that it actually screws the 360 and produces more heat instead of fixing it. Chances are that's in fact the cause of your RROD. That's 3rd party hardware for ya ;)[/QUOTE] Yeah possibly although it did actually seem to make some improvement as before i had it the xbox was overheating or freezing after around 3 hours of play but with the intercooler it lasted around twice as long without overheating or freezing. But i can see how it would be the cause as it was drawing directly from the xbox's power source.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Wow, I just recently had my xbox do the red ring of death. I was playing Guitar hero and it just froze. I reset it and the Red rings showed up and wont go away now. so I have to call Microsoft and get them to repair it, so I now I have to go 5-8 weeks without a 360. I am kinda sad now :(
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;369958]Why not call again and this time tell them you didnt do it? Chances are they didnt black mark your record or anything.[/QUOTE] I probably could've but its too late now, I traded it in at EB with my games and got the PS3 for about $150. A funny thing happened just yesterday on this topic, a friend of mine told me that a friend of one of his workmates just bought a 2nd hand 360 from EB, then as soon as he started it, he got RRoD. He apparently bought it from the same EB I traded it to aswell.
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i did not have the 3 rings but i had one ring... i am still waiting for xbox to send me my box so i can send them back (been broken since christmas eve) i have called them a total of 5 times and some stupid computer error keeps showing up on their records about my location being wrong but they claim it's all fixed and my box will be here tuesday but they told me that it was all fixed like 2 weeks ago so idk... :mad:
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[quote=syndicate;370684]i did not have the 3 rings but i had one ring... i am still waiting for xbox to send me my box so i can send them back (been broken since christmas eve) i have called them a total of 5 times and some stupid computer error keeps showing up on their records about my location being wrong but they claim it's all fixed and my box will be here tuesday but they told me that it was all fixed like 2 weeks ago so idk... :mad:[/quote] Yea, they told me it will take 5 business days to get the ups box from them and then I had 20 days to send out my box and then it will take 2-3 weeks for them to fix it and send it back, the person told me it would take about 5-8 weeks for me to get it
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