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[QUOTE=luismiranda;362555]I just finished year 2042 in my game and I'm currently coaching Ohio State. In my 11th season with the team I noticed that my schedule did not include a game against Michigan. Has anyone else ever noticed this before?[/QUOTE] Yes. The problem is, with 10 team leagues, each team will play only 8 of the other 9 teams. The schedule generated doesn't take into account the rivalry game, so if Michigan is supposed to miss Ohio State, that game won't get scheduled. I've reported this to Arles, and I believe others have as well, but have never heard him comment on it.
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[QUOTE=luismiranda;362555]I just finished year 2042 in my game and I'm currently coaching Ohio State. In my 11th season with the team I noticed that my schedule did not include a game against Michigan. Has anyone else ever noticed this before?[/QUOTE] I have not seen this yet, but I have only played out (or simmed) a few seasons. This is unfortunate though - rivals should always play no matter what.
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To be honest though in 35 seasons, I started simming at 2007 and am at 242, this is the first time I have ever seen this happen with any of the teams. I didn't know if maybe it was because I had beat them for about 7 straight seasons and they had posted a losing record for about 5 of those.
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