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Picture Suggestion

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I know this may sound stupid but I am going to throw it out there anyway. I am a huge fan of the work Sebplex has put into his Renders and think this game would benifet from have a consitent image style. The only thing about the CV that bothers me is some images match the same style and other look "to real" or don't fit that original CV style. I know it may take some extra time but if you took Sebsplex for example you could have him reimage all of the characters from the database and you would have a great image collection that would fit the mold wonderfully, then on top of that you would be able to have him use his GDVerse pictures in as random new workers in the game which are something up to 200+ pictures. I think you should consider this because unifority would look alot better then the images that are currently thrown together. I know the biggest thing here is that everyone like the current picture for their favorite characters but over time all the characters would match and you would see it as the only one. Also want to point out that I am in no way putting anyones images down, I am just suggesting a standard form similar to what Sebs has worked on perfecting.
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Difficulty there is that it's a huge undertaking for one person given the amount of work that would have to be done. Plus, originally the CV pics were done by one guy, but then as more workers were added and future incarnations of the game appeared, different people were doing the pics and therefore you'd only end up with a similar disparity of pictures a year or two down the line. There's no saying that Sebs would always do pictures for future editions to keep it the same. Plus, I think there are some other fantastic renderers who deserve to have some of their work in the game. What I would like to see though is more uniformity in the scale of the worker in the picture. I like Sebs' renders too because they are the kind of size of the original CV renders and sit well alongside them. The ones where the head takes up almost the whole box, whilst very good renders, aren't quite my cup of tea so much - and they don't fit my diary too well when I'm trying to show a tag team together in one box! :D
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