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quick real world update question

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i don't know which one to choose i want one that is up to date the closes but also has a lot of promotions and wrestlers i heard tzones the biggest and if im not mistaken 1rc is less but more accurate right? so how off is tzone with the skill levels? also where could i find them at? thanks for any help in advance.
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I really dont think there is a thing as an accurate real world mod because everyone is going to have different views of what a curtain workers skills would be. I say download both and then choose which one you like best or just edit the data to the way you like it you'll find most mods at [URL="http://www.bobinc.net/"]http://www.bobinc.net/[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Hurry84;365365]this is my last update post Royal Rumble and post RAW... from the italian site: [B]xtremewrestling.forumcommunity.net [/B] This is the [B]HURRY UPDATE[/B] [url]http://s2.massmirror.com/a53492b8ac728d5b062a1f9965847e7c.html[/url][/QUOTE] sorry man i checked it out didn't realy like it imo u have alot of talent underrated. the wwe don't have enough main eventer or uppermid card also u didn't even include brock lesnar or some of the ufc guys im not saying all of them but atleast the guys that have been in pro wrestling. also u have butch miller in the 2 times one as butch miller and one as bushwacker butch. also a lot of tag teams r duplicated with one high and one low tag team skills.
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;367349]sorry man i checked it out didn't realy like it imo u have alot of talent underrated. the wwe don't have enough main eventer or uppermid card also u didn't even include brock lesnar or some of the ufc guys im not saying all of them but atleast the guys that have been in pro wrestling. also u have butch miller in the 2 times one as butch miller and one as bushwacker butch. also a lot of tag teams r duplicated with one high and one low tag team skills.[/QUOTE] who needs to be in from the MMA world? Shamrock? Tank Abbott? There's maybe 5 tops that have transitioned to pro wrestling from MMA. And Lesnar should be set to "left the business" since he is no longer a wrestler and has left it since his New Japan days and is now an MMA fighter. And since this isn't WMMA and realistically none of the "key players" will ever be pro wrestlers they have no business in the data. The only people who belong in the data are people who are actually involved with the industry. That's what it's for.
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im really crappy with the stat thing and making mods i've only tried one time and i didn't really do anything i just borrowed some guys mod with permission and changed a few thing back on ewr i really only stick to wwe and tna sometimes so it be hard to add guys in for me i do usually change there stats though if i don't like what they are already in the game. also i hate searching for all there info yeah i know im lazy im just saying i wished the guy would of added more people. is there any other mod out there up to date with alot of wrestlers?
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;367349]sorry man i checked it out didn't realy like it imo u have alot of talent underrated. the wwe don't have enough main eventer or uppermid card also u didn't even include brock lesnar or some of the ufc guys im not saying all of them but atleast the guys that have been in pro wrestling. also u have butch miller in the 2 times one as butch miller and one as bushwacker butch. also a lot of tag teams r duplicated with one high and one low tag team skills.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;368074]im really crappy with the stat thing and making mods i've only tried one time and i didn't really do anything i just borrowed some guys mod with permission and changed a few thing back on ewr i really only stick to wwe and tna sometimes so it be hard to add guys in for me i do usually change there stats though if i don't like what they are already in the game. also i hate searching for all there info yeah i know im lazy im just saying i wished the guy would of added more people. is there any other mod out there up to date with alot of wrestlers?[/QUOTE] Rodzilla, you may want to take a look at the database again. I just checked in the editor, and Benoit is set to deceased (Eddie is not, but he is simple enough to import from another DB and set as deceased), Lesnar is in, and if you filter workers by MMA crossover style, the MMA guys you mentioned plus many many more are in the database.
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[QUOTE=brat99;368289]Rodzilla, you may want to take a look at the database again. I just checked in the editor, and Benoit is set to deceased (Eddie is not, but he is simple enough to import from another DB and set as deceased), Lesnar is in, and if you filter workers by MMA crossover style, the MMA guys you mentioned plus many many more are in the database.[/QUOTE] what's with your avatar? Is Jim Force supposed to be a surfer? Is that a surfboard in the bg?
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;371085]u sure i looked for brock and didn't see him what is he under?[/QUOTE] I found him under Brock Lesnar. Go into edit database...workers....filter for unemployed and then just scroll down. He's there. [QUOTE=Michael Wayne;371086]what's with your avatar? Is Jim Force supposed to be a surfer? Is that a surfboard in the bg?[/QUOTE] Don't know if you have seen any of the threads that Beeker had going on about his minis fed (HaLF) that he was working on for his game and a possibly diary, but yes that is a mini surfer Jim Force. It was one of my favorite mini pics (about 45) that I made for Beeker's "mod".
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