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Supreme Boxing Game


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A new Online Boxing Game is currently in Beta testing. [URL="http://www.supremeboxing.com/"]http://www.supremeboxing.com/[/URL] Supreme Boxing is a free online boxing game in which you have the opportunity to build a fighter and take on the worlds best. Start as a novice with a big heart and big dreams, then develop your skills, rise throught the rankings and enjoy the perks that come with fame and fortune. Fight for regional, weight and international titles and earn the respect of your competitors. Fancy a break from boxing? Why not spend your hard-earned winnings in the casinos, the property market or on a shopping spree? In Supreme Boxing, there are no limits on how far you can go. Are you good enough? [URL="http://www.supremeboxing.com/register.php?REF=124"]http://www.supremeboxing.com/register.php[/URL] Enjoy!
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