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WWE vs.WCW vs.ECW-The New Beginnings

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[CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="blue"][B]WCW Thunder[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]What will Jeff Jarrett have for his second show ever under control.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Quick Picks Booker T/Sharmell vs.Dan Rodman/Lacey Von Erich Amazing Red vs.AJ Styles The New Hart Foundation vs. The Rock and Rave Infection Joey Superstar/Stacy Keblier vs.Test Sudden Impact/Marina Santos vs.La Resistance "Kwik"Ron Killings vs.Ted Dibiase Jr Kevin Thorn vs.Takeshi Morshima[/COLOR]
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[B]Booker T/Sharmell[/B] vs.Dan Rodman/Lacey Von Erich Amazing Red vs.[B]AJ Styles[/B] [B]The New Hart Foundation[/B] vs. The Rock and Rave Infection [B]Joey Superstar[/B]/Stacy Keblier vs.Test Sudden Impact/Marina Santos vs.[B]La Resistance[/B] [B]"Kwik"Ron Killings[/B] vs.Ted Dibiase Jr [B]Kevin Thorn [/B]vs.Takeshi Morshima
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[B]Booker T/Sharmell[/B] vs.Dan Rodman/Lacey Von Erich Amazing Red vs.[B]AJ Styles[/B] [B]The New Hart Foundation[/B] vs. The Rock and Rave Infection Joey Superstar/Stacy Keblier vs.[B]Test[/B] Sudden Impact/Marina Santos vs.[B]La Resistance[/B] [B]"Kwik"Ron Killings[/B] vs.Ted Dibiase Jr Kevin Thorn vs.[B]Takeshi Morshima[/B]
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[SIZE="5"]WWE Smackdown[/SIZE] [CENTER][/CENTER] Cole:Welcome im Michael Cole and alongside me is Johnathan Coachman Coachman:This is now the second show under the Mcmanhon's era. Cole:The First match tonight is Mr Kennedy vs.Chris Hero for the Intercontinetal Title. [CENTER][/CENTER] Chris Hero comes out to a huge pop [CENTER][/CENTER] Mr Kennedy comes out to huge heat. [CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Mr Kennedy vs.Chris Hero-Intercontinental Title match[/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Chris Hero and Mr Kennedy lock up.And Kennedy hip tosses the rookie.He then hits the rookie with the running leg to the face.He Then hit Hero with some european uppercuts.Then Kennedy whipped Hero the started his counted he gets to 4 and Kennedy backs off only to get school boyed for 3 Winner and New Intercontinetal Champion: Chris Hero[/FONT] Were in the back with Maria and the Hurricane [B]Maria:[/B]Hurricane you take on Rey Mysterio next.What are your thoughts [B]Hurricane:[/B]Citzen Maria the Hurricane is going to beat Rey Mysterio tonight so I can win the cruiserweight Title. [CENTER][/CENTER] The Hurricane receives a huge pop from the crowd [CENTER][/CENTER] The roof blows off of the arena as Rey Mysterio makes his way down to the ring. [CENTER]Rey Mysterio vs.The Hurricane[/CENTER] Before the Match can start a Two men jump the barricade an attacks Hurricane and Rey Mysterio from behind.He picks up Hurricane and delivers a devasting Powerbomb.And then whips rey into the ropes and delivers a devasting spinebuster. Winner:No Contest [B]Fairplay:[/B]My Name is Johnny Fairplay and this is Bob Sapp.He will destroy anything and everything in his path.And that wants to stand in his path he will destroy you. [CENTER][/CENTER] [B]Lesnar:[/B]Seems to me that you talk a big game how about me and Numbnuts have a match on Raw next monday! [B]Fairplay:[/B]You're on (Commercial Break) Were back in the back with Maria and John Morrison Maria:John you're about to take on MVP and Val Venis.What are your thoughts John:MVP,Val I beat you both once I'll do it again because "The Shaman of Sexy"Always wins. [CENTER][/CENTER] John Morrison gets booed and still does the slow hair whip [CENTER][/CENTER] MVP comes out ****ily he see a sign that says MVP Sucks and rips it up [CENTER][/CENTER] Val Venis wastes little time and sprints down to the ring. [CENTER]John Morrison vs.MVP vs.Val Venis[/CENTER] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Morrison and MVP went right after Venis and double clotheslined Venis.They both put the boots to Venis after Venis was out.MVP an John Morrison locked up and Morrison hip tossed MVP.Morrison then hit the rock your body legdrop for 2.Venis then gained control by breaking it up.Venis hit a snap suplex on Morrison Then out of nowher MVP hits the play of the day on Morrison.Venis throws MVP out of the ring and hits the Money Shot for 3[/FONT] [B]Winner:Val Venis[/B] Were in the back with Paul Burchill and his sister Katie [B]Maria:[/B]Paul you debut next against Jeff Hardy.What are your thoughts [B]Katie:[/B]Paul I want you to win your match against Jeff Hardy! [B]Paul:[/B]You heard her what Katie wants,Katie gets. [CENTER][/CENTER] Paul Burchill and Katie walk to the ring very pompusly to the ring [CENTER][/CENTER] Jeff Hardy receives a huge pop from the crowd [CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Paul Birchall vs.Jeff Hardy[/FONT][/CENTER] Jeff Hardy uses his speed in the early going.But Burchill low blows him.Burchill then whips Hardy into the ropes and hits a powerslam for 2.Jeff Hardy then hits a flying forearm.Then he goes to the top rope and hits the whisper in the wind for 2.Then Burchill whips Hardy into the ropes and Katie grabs a chair and with the refs back turned she hit him with the chair.Burchill then hit the C4 for 2.Burchill loses his cool and grabs Katie chair and whacks Jeff over the head. [B]Winner by DQ:Jeff Hardy[/B] (Commercial Break) [CENTER][/CENTER] Paul London receives a huge pop from the crowd [CENTER][/CENTER] Brian Kendrick receives a Loud pop from the crowd [CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Paul London vs.Brian Kendrick[/CENTER] Paul London hits a quick dropkick to Kendrick,London then hits a hurracarana.Brian Kendrick then hit a dropkick of his own.London then hit a snap suplex for 2.London then goes to a top for London calling but misses and Kendrick then hits Slice Bread number 2 for 3[/FONT] [B]Winner:Brian Kendrick[/B] Were in Stephanie and Shanes Office [FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Stephanie:[/B]Shane we have a problem with are cruiserweights [B]Shane:[/B]Yeah what is it [B]Stephanie:[/B]We have a hole in are tournament. [B]Shane:[/B]I'll make a match at No way out to settle this We will have a Ladder Match for the Light Heavyweight Title [B]Stephanie:[/B]Who will be the particapints [B]Shane:[/B]Jamie Noble,Jimmy Wang Yang,Rey Mysterio,The Hurricane,Brian Kendrick and Jesse Dalton.[/FONT] (Commercial Break) [CENTER]object width="425" height="355">[/[/CENTER] Kurt Angle comes out to a huge pop from the crowd [CENTER][/CENTER] Brock Lesnar gets a huge pop from the crowd. [CENTER][/CENTER] JBL gets Huge heat from the crowd. [CENTER] Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle vs.JBL and Carlito[/CENTER] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Brock starts off with JBL.Brock hits a huge clothesline.Brock then hits a huge powerbomb for 2.As Brock then sees Bob Sapp at the top of ramp and he chases him down.Kurt is in the ring he hits JBL with a belly to belly suplex.Then hits a belly to belly on Carlito.As he locks the ankle lock on JBL,Randy Orton comes from behind and hits the RKO.JBL then hits a Clothesline of Hell for 3 Winner:JBL and Carlito[/FONT] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Brock is in the back searching for Bob Sapp when he runs around the corner and gets hit with a chair by Johnny Fairplay[/FONT] (Commercial Break) [CENTER][/CENTER] The Crowd gives Orton huge heat,from what he just did. [CENTER][/CENTER] Cena still receives a mixed reaction from the crowd [CENTER]John Cena vs.Randy Orton[/CENTER] Cena and Orton start with punching back and forth.Cena gains control and hits a clothesline.Cena then hits a suplex.Ortom finally gets control by poking Cena in the eye.As Orton then sees Kurt Angle walking down to ringside.Kurt Angle goes and grabs Orton's Title.Orton sees this only t get rolled up for the 3. Winner:John Cena Angle then bring the title in the ring and clocks Orton with his title.
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[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]ECW Friday Night Preview Paul Heyman has another chance to rebulid the land of Extreme.What will Heyman have in store for ECW![/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]Quick Picks Raven vs.Tajuri The Frat Boys/Brooke Adams vs.The Havanna Pitbulls/Armando Estrada Sandman vs.Mike Knox Sabu vs.Rhyno Abyss vs.Big Daddy V Justin Credible/Dawn Marie vs.Tommy Dreamer The Dudleys vs.Roadkill/Doring vs.The FBI[/CENTER]
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Raven vs.Tajuri [B]The Frat Boys[/B]/Brooke Adams vs.The Havanna Pitbulls/Armando Estrada [B]Sandman[/B] vs.Mike Knox Sabu vs.[B]Rhyno[/B] [B]Abyss[/B] vs.Big Daddy V [B]Justin Credible[/B]/Dawn Marie vs.Tommy Dreamer [B]The Dudleys[/B] vs.Roadkill/Doring vs.The FBI
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[CENTER]WCW Thunder Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Tenay:Hi I'm Mike Tenay alongside me is Scott Hudson.[/FONT] Hudson:[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Tonight we see the Debut of Booker T,AJ Styles,The New Hart Foundation and Ted Dibase Jr.[/[/FONT]FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Booker T and Sharmell come down confidently[/FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Dan Rodman comes down disrespecting the crowd with Lacey Von Erich[/FONT] [CENTER]Booker T/Sharmell vs.Dan Rodman/Lacey Von Erich[/CENTER] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Dan Rodman overpowers Booker in the early going.Rodman clubs Booker in the back.Booker then hits an axe kick on Rodman.Booker then hits the Bookend for 3[/FONT] [B]Winner:Booker T[/B] Were on the back with Letcia Cline and AJ Styles. Cline:AJ you take on Amazing Red next what are your thoughts Styles:Amazing Red the only think you better hope for is to not get caught in the Styles Clash (Commercial Break) AJ Styles walks out very arrogantly the crowd gives him huge heat. Amazing Red comes out to a huge pop [CENTER]AJ Styles vs.The Amazing Red[/CENTER] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]AJ whips Red into the ropes only to get caught with headscisscors takeover.Red then hits a DDT for 2.AJ then hits a pele kick to the head for a 2.Amazing Red then hit the East Coast pop for 2.Then Red hit the 314 but got caught when he was going for the East Coast Pop and AJ hit the Styles Clash for 3[/FONT] Were in the back with Letcia Cline with New Hart Foundation(all Members) [B]Cline:[/B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Teddy and DH you guys take on the Rock and Rave Infection next what are your thoughts [/FONT] [B]Teddy:[/B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]First of all Rock and Rave Infection I would like to introduce you to your worst nightmare.[/FONT] [B]Teddy:[/B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]My Cousins DH"The New British Bulldog"Smith,Naddie"The Black Heart"Neidhart,TJ"Anvil"Wilson,Jack"Flying"Evans and Tyson"Perfect"Dux and Teddy"The Hitman"Hart.This time it is time to you Amercian *******s what the Candians deserve.[/FONT] (Commercial Break) The Hart Foundation come down to boos The Rock and Rave Infection come out to a pop [CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]The New Hart Foundation/TJ Wilson,Jack Evans,Tyson Dux and Naddie Neidhart vs.The Rock and Rave Infection/Christy Hemme.[/FONT][/CENTER] DH Smith starts out with Lance Hoyt.DH delivers one hell of clothesline to Hoyt,Then whips Hoyt into the the ropes and delivers a big boot for 2.Then DH tags in his cousin Teddy,while Hoyt tagged in Jimmy Rave.Teddy Hart then hit a dropkick on Rave.Teddy Hart then hit a headscissors takeover for 2.Finally Teddy Hart locked on the Sharpshooter for the tap. [B]Winner:The New Hart Foundation[/B] After The Match the New Hart Foundation continues the Assault as DH Smith hit a running powerslam on Lance Hoyt and wroten"NHS" on Hoyt's back.Then Teddy Hart hits The Hart Attack on Jimmy Rave and also wrote "NHS" on his back.TJ Wilson an Jack Evans grab Christy Hemme and have Naddie Neidhart slap the taste out of Christy's mouth and they also Write"NHS" on her Sternum. [B]Hart:[/B]I Told you all we would be your worst nightmare.(talking to the Rock and Rave Infection) [B]Hart:[/B]I Told you all this how Candians do business.And that is what you get! (Commercial Break) Were in the Back with Test and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Test you take on Joey Superstar and your former love Stacy Keblier what are your thoughts [B]Test:[/B]Joey Superstar,Stacy I won't stop till I win the WCW World Title and you can count on that. Joey Superstar and Stacy come down to huge heat Test comes down to a huge pop [CENTER]Test vs.Joey Superstar/Stacy Keblier[/CENTER] Test and Superstar lock up and Superstar kicks him in the gut.Superstar then hit a tornado DDT on Test for 2.Test then whipped Mercury into the ropes and hits a Huge powerslam for 2. Stacy Keblier then gets on the ropes and Test gives her a kiss on the lips and she gives him a slap to the face when Superstar rolls up Test by grabbing the tights for 3 [B]Winner:Joey Superstar/Stacy Keblier[/B] Letcia Cline is in the back with With Cybrus and Hybrid with Marina Santos [B]Cline:[/B]Sudden Impact you guys take on La Resistance what are your thoughts [B]Santos:[/B]My boys love playing the underdog and La Resistance you better bring your A game because my boys will beat you. La Resistance comes out to major heat. Sudden Impact comes out to a huge pop from the crowd [CENTER]La Resistance vs.Sudden Impact/Marina Santos[/CENTER] Hybrid starts out with Rene Durpree.Hybrid gives Rene Durpree a hip toss.Hybrid then hits a DDT.Rene Durpree then hits a dropkick.Rene Durpree then hits a suplex for 2.Hybrid tags in Cybrus and Durpree tags in Grenier.Cybrus then started punching away at Grenier then he hit a spinebuster and setup Grenier for High Impact and he hit for 3 [B]Winner:Sudden Impact[/B] Letcia Cline is in the back with Ted Dibiase Jr [B]Cline:[/B]Teddy you take on Ron Killings next can I get your opinion [B]Dibiase:[/B]Yes Killings even though you NWA world Heavyweight Champion.You have never beaten a Third Generation superstar like me. (Commercial Break) "Kwik" Ron Killings comes out to a huge pop from the crowd Ted Dibiase Jr comes out to huge heat from the crowd [CENTER] Ron Killings vs.Ted Dibiase Jr[/CENTER] Ted Dibiase slaps Killings in the face.Killings then hits with a hard left hand.Killings then hits Dibiase with a neckbreaker.but Dibiase then pokes Killings in the eye.Dibiase then out of nowhere hits the Million Dollar Neckbreaker for 3. [B]Winner:Ted Dibase Jr[/B] As the take Ron Killings out of the ring Kevin Thorn comes out to huge Heat. Morshima comes out to a huge pop. [CENTER]Kevin Thorn vs.Takeshi Morishimia[/CENTER] Kevin Thorn and Morishimia lock up neither able to move each other.Kevin then finally gains control with a low blow.Thorn then hits a suplex for 2.Morishima then hits a backdrop then someone jumps the guardrail and stands on the rope and spits blood in the refs face giving time for Thorn to get a chair and hit Morshimia over the head the ref finally comes to his sentences and count the 3 [B]Winner:Kevin Thorn[/B] The Person reavels them as Ariel-Kevin Thorn's Lover.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="Lime"]WWE Velocity[/COLOR] The New Blue Blazer vs.Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay Kenny Dykstra vs.Umaga The Daltons vs.The Bluebloods Photobucket[/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][CENTER]WWE Heat[/CENTER][/COLOR][CENTER]Drew Mcintyre vs.Mark Henry The Edgeheads vs.The Mcalister Matt Hardy vs. Santino Marella Photobucket[/CENTER] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER]WCW Saturday Night[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER]Scott"Colt"Colton vs.Ryan O'Reily/Krissy Vaine The Bashams vs.The Riggs The Giant vs.Kenzo Suzuki[/CENTER]
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WWE Velocity The New Blue Blazer vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] vs.Umaga The Daltons vs.[B]The Bluebloods[/B] WWE Heat Drew Mcintyre vs.[B]Mark Henry[/B] [B]The Edgeheads[/B] vs.The Mcalister [B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs. Santino Marella WCW Saturday Night [B]Scott"Colt"Colton[/B] vs.Ryan O'Reily/Krissy Vaine [B]The Bashams [/B]vs.The Riggs [B]The Giant[/B] vs.Kenzo Suzuki
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