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It would be cool to see an extra cost to using a Steel Cell, Cage, Chamber and other bigger misc. gimmick matches setups. It takes man hours, supplies, and normally an architect to create such structures (at least like the Elimination Chamber) so it would be realistic to see this put in place so smaller companies may not be able to afford something like a Chamber or a Cell... however, a steel cage itself may not be too expensive so they may be able to splurge on an occasional show to use to cage. This way you won't see a local company using Hell in a Cell matches when really it wouldn't be possible at all.
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The problem with this is that there would only be a cost for the first use of the structure. WWE uses the same cage, same Elimination Chamber, same Hell In A Cell, etc... Sure, they changed the HIAC a couple of years ago, but I think that was the first time they replaced it since its inception. Sure, they have to replace the broken panes in the Elimination Chamber and broken links in the Steele Cage, but those costs are negligible. Point is, the game would need to track whether you have used the match type before. In fact, if you started playing as present-day WWE, using the Elimination Chamber would cost you, even though the same structure has been used before. Also, the game would need to track the AI's use of the match types, which I'm not sure it even uses. Basically, while it would add some realism, I don't think it's feasible to be put into the game.
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