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Large Shows vs. Small Shows

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Which is more effective? My situation is that I'm a small, very well known fed in New Jersey, and I'm at the point where I need high-interest fights as my main event there now. This leads to a situation where if I stayed in New Jersey, I would have about 1 high interest fight and 9 lower card bouts as only about 5 of my fighters are famous enough to garner interest like that. So what I've been doing lately is splitting my show into 3 parts, where I'll have my 4 top fights in jersey, mid level fights in Ohio, and low level ones in California. I'll also put some really crappy fights in a location that's never heard of me at all. My reasoning is that those extra fights that would have been overlooked in Jersey could headline and increase my popularity in other places. But now I'm wondering if that's the best use of my money, since I am paying production costs and when a fighter fights in other places, he's not gaining notoriety in my flagship location. How did you guys handle your trek to 'medium' size? Did you concentrate in one place till you could get a TV show or did you spread your shows all over the place in the interest of becoming more widely known?
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I found that spreading shows all over the place was pretty effective. I did it as much as my bank balance would allow. Hit up Texas, Florida, California, Nevada, Ohio, etc... All the places with high prestige. Use shows in New Jersey when you need the cash, but try to expand as much as possible.
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