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More Flexibility In Weight Size

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Alright, maybe it can reflect how well they reflect the specific Body Type stat. Like if they're set at muscular, you could have the difference between Randy Orton, who's slighlty muscular, to someone like Batista who is ripped. Actually, the Looks stat could be used as an extension of the Body Type stat, where it's like they're at a certain level. Let's say the Body Stats are Muscular, Normal, Fat, and Skinny. Someone starts at 100% Look, with Muscular as their body stat. But then they become lazy, and their Look starts to go down, but they're still muscular. When Look reaches 0, they drop down to normal, but with 100% Look again. If they're still lazy, the Look keeps going down until it reaches 0 again, at which point they change to either fat or skinny, with 100% Look again. And it keeps going, with the worst look possible 0% Looks, Skinny (like they're malnourished) or 0%, Fat (like they're a blob, think Big Daddy V or maybe even bigger). The other way around, they start from Fat or Skinny at 0%, and then go to Normal, and then to Muscular. This way, you could ask a wrestler to put on muscle or lose some weight. This could also be affected by Personal Stats. For example, Steroids, where if you pressure them to put on muscle they could resort to using them, which would result in faster gain of Look but the obvious side effects. Or Drugs, where an addiction can cause their body to detetiorate. Finding Religion could cause them to be inspired to take better care of their body if they're fat... So on. There's a lot of things that can be done from this, so it could have more than just a "minimal effect on gameplay".
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How come TEW07 did not just use weight and heights in pounds and in feet and inches. Would this not be the proper way to have it in the game with maybe wrestlers losing weight or gaining weight as the game goes on. Maybe if a young worker gains more muscle mass then their look stat could maybe improve if they are in a sports entertainment promotion as wrestler are generally considered to have a better look by the crowd if they are bigger and more muscular. Then again maybe i am not understanding the looks stat, its been about a year since i played TEW.
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[QUOTE=Acidburned;367100]How come TEW07 did not just use weight and heights in pounds and in feet and inches. Would this not be the proper way to have it in the game with maybe wrestlers losing weight or gaining weight as the game goes on. Maybe if a young worker gains more muscle mass then their look stat could maybe improve if they are in a sports entertainment promotion as wrestler are generally considered to have a better look by the crowd if they are bigger and more muscular. Then again maybe i am not understanding the looks stat, its been about a year since i played TEW.[/QUOTE] I think you're understanding it pretty well. I'm not sure, but I think the reason true weight and height were not used is because they're not needed, at least not like they're needed in WMMA. I think that the proposed system would be able to simulate height and weight, as well as body type, without having to keep track of numbers.
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[QUOTE=Acidburned;367100]How come TEW07 did not just use weight and heights in pounds and in feet and inches. Would this not be the proper way to have it in the game with maybe wrestlers losing weight or gaining weight as the game goes on. Maybe if a young worker gains more muscle mass then their look stat could maybe improve if they are in a sports entertainment promotion as wrestler are generally considered to have a better look by the crowd if they are bigger and more muscular. Then again maybe i am not understanding the looks stat, its been about a year since i played TEW.[/QUOTE] Because wrestling is work and the weight and height really doesn't matter.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;367159]Because wrestling is work and the weight and height really doesn't matter.[/QUOTE] True to a sense, but also not true. There are some feds where bigger guys get over easier and other feds where smaller guys can thrive because they're more athletic. Maybe you tell a guy to bulk up, he refuses and his morale is down so his matches suck, he no-shows, etc... Maybe he goes and bulks up but the crowd doesn't buy Paul London as a muscle man. Maybe he tries to bulk up, but fails. Perhaps his athleticism stat suffers because he's now bulked up.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;366802]I'd prefer anything that makes the game play better. I don't think having to worry about whether we give Randy Orton an 80 for 'chiseled jawline' and a 75 for his muscles is really going to add much to the game, when we already have a general looks and superstar quality stat that cover every single one of these scenarios. It's adding needlessly complex detail to an area of the game that has a minimal effect on gameplay.[/QUOTE] I thought of this as an idea to add a lot to the gameplay, not just cosmetic. It would make your wrestler more flexible. Tell your hopeful future Main Eventer to put on more mass and he will then get a better look and the downside is it might pressure him into steroids is just 1 of many new additions this feature could bring. As for modders, I think it might actually be easier, now instead of debating if someone is a middleweight or heavyweight you just put Tall & Lean [QUOTE=tommytomlin;366802] It's not changing one stat. I'm cool with new stats. It's trying to figure out a completely subjective stat, that will just lead to people whinging about how Batista's cheekbones mean he should get a 72 in looks over the 71 Cody Rhodes.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure what you're saying here, the body type and height stat wouldn't be measure in numbers.
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[QUOTE=hulkamaniac;367419]True to a sense, but also not true. There are some feds where bigger guys get over easier and other feds where smaller guys can thrive because they're more athletic. Maybe you tell a guy to bulk up, he refuses and his morale is down so his matches suck, he no-shows, etc... Maybe he goes and bulks up but the crowd doesn't buy Paul London as a muscle man. Maybe he tries to bulk up, but fails. Perhaps his athleticism stat suffers because he's now bulked up.[/QUOTE] Exactly what I'm getting at
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As somebody whos a semi active modder, i kind of like the suggestion of body typs etc. I think its easier to think in your head "yeah randy Orton is a fairly tall well toned dude" rather then thinking, "randy Orton, what would i guess his weight to be? What weight class does that make him?" I know most mods are based on wrestlers so its kind of easier to get hold of height/weight stats (atleast for WWE/TNA guys) but when it comes to indy guys it aint quite so simple. I love the idea of introducing a workers physical stature as a facet of gameplay though, would definatly add a neat little addition. And there is definatly a precidence for it. Workers being dropped for being too heavy or being told to bulk up. And as pointed out, we all know how prominent steroids are in pro-wrestling, this could be written in to the system too. I can see it panning out with overdosing muscleheads and people developing anorexia in trying to shed a few pounds, wrestling physical stats detoriorating due to poor physique. I mean at the moment the weight doesn't add a lot to the game, but it could really be utilised in a big way should Adam choose to pursue it.
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Here's the biggest question though...so what? Does it really matter if Randy Orton is a Middleweight or a Heavyweight or a XXXXweight? Does the game care? The only differences I've seen is that modern product stresses lighter guys and traditional/brawling stress heavier guys. That's it. I think it's really easy to tell the difference between a Heavyweight and a Lightweight, so what does it matter whether Kane is listed as a Giant or a Super Heavyweight or a Large Heavyweight, just pick one and go on with it. If you're not sure just put Middleweight and move on, they fit anywhere. Heck, even the weight classes is just one step above fluff gamewise, and I'd hate to have to actually manage weight classes. That's important in real combat which is why weight and height are important in WMMA, but in wrestling where an 80lb weakling could easily defeat a 600lb monstrosity if that's the way it's booked, does height and weight really matter?
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[QUOTE=praguepride;369066]The only differences I've seen is that modern product stresses lighter guys and traditional/brawling stress heavier guys. That's it.[/QUOTE] Weights come into play significantly in the hiring and firing routines, play a major factor in the statistical caps that are calculated, are used extensively in how a worker is regarded by the fans, and of course are also referenced by both titles (weight limits) and gimmicks (restrictions). They are far from "fluff".
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No worries, I don't mind people calling me out when I shoot my mouth up. I did know about weight classes and gimmicks, as well as the title belt limitations (although i personally never use them). I did not know that they were used as caps on workers though. I guess I just thought that the big guys had low stamina and athleticism and those two qualities weren't likely to raise up any time soon. Thanks for the clarification.
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