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CGC: Battle For Canadian Supremacy

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[B]Seattle, WA - 12/31/06 Onward Cliche![/B] [I]"Another week, another boring SWF show. This was getting all too monotonous. I need a change. Hell, I've been working for this company for going on 10 years and all I have to show for it is Eisen paying for my rental cars. Whoop-de-doo. Even that fat tub of goo Jumbo probably gets that. I need to go somewhere that appreciates me."[/I] Those are just some of the thoughts that were running through my head as I pulled up to the Theatre Of Dreams, where I had been sent to do some preliminary work for any future SWF shows there (audio set-up, stage positioning, etc.). As you can imagine, it's not the most glamorous position, especially for someone who has been with the company as long as I have. To the best of my recollection, I joined SWF in late 1998, right after I graduated from college with a degree in media relations. So, with that pedigree, what did I end up doing for SWF? Yup, you guessed it -- ring crew. That should have given me an idea of the way things were going to go for me. Sure, I got some promotions along the way (I wouldn't be here in Seattle if I didn't), but I wanted a shot at more. With all I had learned about the business, I wanted a chance at getting my thoughts on the air. There was no chance of that happening with SWF, Sam Keith was way too entrenched to be sacked. I could always jump to TCW, but Joel Bryant wasn't going to budge any easier than Sam would. So, I started to resign myself to the fact that I would be doing this menial garbage until I decided to retire. That was the case, until just a few days ago. On a whim, I called George DeColt and asked him if there were any openings on his booking team. I wasn't expecting anything back, so I was shocked when yesterday morning I got a call back ... [I]Mr. DeColt wanted to meet with me!?[/I] I told him that I would be on SWF business in Seattle the next day and we made arrangements to meet. That meeting ... is today.
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[B]Seattle, WA 12/31/06 The fateful meeting...[/B] As I pulled up to the hotel I was directed to by DeColt's secretary, the first thought that went through my head was that there was no way I could ever afford it. The scond thought - if he can and I go to work for him, maybe I can. I asked at the desk for Mr. DeColt's room number and the receptionist gave it to me. They must have been told to be expecting me... As I knocked on the door, a familiar face answered it. Was it George himself? Nope, it was the current CGC World Champion, current booker, and well - son of George, Alex DeColt. As I entered the room after a few pleasantries, I saw George and Alex were not the only ones there. Hell, they weren't the only DeColts there. Also sitting at the rather large table in the dining room portion of this suite were Steve, Jack, & Ricky DeColt. The old man sure knows how to travel, doesn't he? Anyway, the DeColts and I sat down and got down to brass tacks right away, so to speak. He made it clear that he wanted CGC to not really go in a completely new direction. He just wanted some new blood. As he said that, I saw a slight reaction from Alex. I couldn't quite tell what it was, but my best guess is a delightful mix of contempt for me and anger at his father. It was soon masked, however, by a awkward contrived smile. The other DeColt boys were civil, but I'm sure they probably were of the same mindset as their brother. George took point in this discussion, which was a good thing for me. He elaborated that NOTBPW has kicked his company's butt for long enough and he wants to fight back. For instance, he already knows that NOTBPW has contacted three of four of his employees and all of them are close to jumping. I can understand how that would tweak him, and the fact that it happen on his son's watch probably helps my chances. George stopped setting up the situation finally and came out and asked me to come to CGC and oversee their rise to prominance. According to Pro Wrestling Hits magazine, which I was shocked George actually mentioned, they were only a cult promotion. He wanted to be national, so he could make his sons true national heroes. To that end, his main requirement was that never even come close to bankruptcy, which George specified as $1.5 million. As for the quality of my hires, all George wanted was some guys who knew how to lace their boots and could call some semblance of a match. Perhaps too quickly, I confidently said yes. George got up, shook my hand, and asked me to stay around for a nice glass of his finest Canadian whiskey. I declined, but not because I'm averse to some alcohol, but because I still had to do some driving tonight. George seemed a little bit put-off, but I hope he understood. As I excused myself, I could feel all of the DeColt boys staring a hole right through me as I left. Heck, I could still feel it in the elevator on the way back to my car. As I turned the key, I paused for a moment to reflect on what had just happened. I then tried to figure out how to break it to the powers-that-be in SWF.
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[B]Vancouver, BC 1/2/07 And So It Begins...[/B] My first day at CGC headquarters in Vancouver was about to begin. I think I'm going to like working in Vancouver. It reminds me a lot of my home area around Buffalo. As I entered the building, the receptionist told me where to find my office. What I found was ample, but really, really spartan at this point. I guess it would be up to me to spring for the ficus. Anyway, I got right to work, calling a few wrestlers who I knew might be interested in joining us up here at CGC. In due time, they'll call back and hopefully they'll be in a CGC ring shortly. As for the schedule, I made a few changes. The first thing I did is move this month's pay-per-view, Elimination, back a week. It would now take place on the last Friday of the month. That way, I get three weeks to set up the matches instead of only two. Also, I notified everyone under a written contract (the DeColts, Elite, CGC tag champs Youth Energy, The Specialists, & Ryan Powell) that we were immediately starting up house shows. We were going to start out with only one a week, but if they go well, we could always add more. They're going to give us some extra cash on hand, and we can slowly build our reputation all across Canada AND in America. We can't stand idly by and let NOTBPW be the only Canadian company that has any name recognition in America. The way I see it, this is the first step to getting a deal with an American network. The first house show ... tomorrow. Luckily for everyone involved, it was right here in British Columbia. The last piece of business for the day was to fire off an e-mail to the webmasters down the hall. Hopefully soon, they'd post the following missive about this coming Sunday's Title Bout Wrestling, my personal maiden voyage. [B][I]This Sunday, the Victoria Royal Athletic Park will see the 2007 debut of Canadian Golden Combat! The show will be highlighted by what is sure to be another epic match-up between the DeColts and Elite, as Ricky DeColt will lock it up with Dan DaLay. In other action, "Fabulous" Eddie Chandler is not in a laughing mood, as he is going to try his best to silence Whippy The Clown for a long time! We've also received word that Shooter Sean Deeley will be issuing an open challenge for anyone to challenge him for his Canadian Title. Who will answer the bell? Lastly, CGC World Tag Team Champions Youth Energy will be action, hooking it up with "The Bronzed God" Zeus Maxmillion and the brash youngster Trent Shaffer. Come and see the stars of CGC in person![/I][/B] with that done, I turned off my computer, turned out the lights, and headed to my new apartment in downtown Vancouver to settle in and sleep my first night as CGC booker ... hopefully extraordinaire.
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I like the direction of this so far. It's also making me miss my old TEW2005 TCW/CGC dynasty, especially with the meeting with the DeColts. I've always prefered CGC to their Canadian rivals, especially with the pre-packed DeColt vs Elite storyline to work with. The talent raids from NOTBPW always hurt, but at least the DeColt boys are permanent fixtures. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;367440]I like the direction of this so far. It's also making me miss my old TEW2005 TCW/CGC dynasty, especially with the meeting with the DeColts. I've always prefered CGC to their Canadian rivals, especially with the pre-packed DeColt vs Elite storyline to work with. The talent raids from NOTBPW always hurt, but at least the DeColt boys are permanent fixtures. I'm looking forward to seeing more.[/QUOTE] I remember that diary fondly, sebsplex. I'll try to build up the DeColts and make them each individuals, instead of just one lump of DeColt-ness. I've got big, and possibly shocking, things in store.
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