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TCW: I'm not firing Nation of Filth!

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...Or am I?... [CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/internet.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]The final "TCW Team" members announced today.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial]By the end of 2006, Cornell announced that the Head Booker position would be extinguished, the booking and creative powers would be distributed by one single team, "no one in Total Championship Wrestling will have the final word in creative issues, the creative and booking team, as a whole, will, as of 2007, be homogenized, and every aspect in our product will have to be discussed and defined between all the members of the team, one team, one voice" said the owner of TCW. Cornell also anounced the first team members: "By the end of 2006, the team will be made of 5 people, so far, Joel Bryant, Archie Judge and myself, are a part of it, the other final two members will be announced December 30th". These came from a press conference held in December 28th, the two other members will be announced tonight, rumors is that Crippler Ray Kingman, arguabely one of the best technical wrestlers from the 70s/80s and Thomas Bryant(ooc- My character), the older brother of Joel Bryant, one of the fundemental pieces in CZCW's creative team, are the most talked names.[/FONT] [I]I had goosebumps just by reading this paper, I'm a pretty tough guy, but this made me scared, I was about to become a recognised person in the wrestling world, I was going to join Cornell, Judge, my brother, and "The Crippler", I was going to be a part of "THE Team"! I was pretty motivated when Joel came up to me and took me for a dinner at some fancy restaurant, he told me that I was going to meet with someone special, at first, I thought it was one of those blind dates or something, but when I arrived, I saw Tommy Cornell sitting on a table, with some papers in hand, and drinking a fine glass of wine.[/I] [COLOR=Blue]"Well you must be Joe's brother, Thomas Bryant! Have a seat.[/COLOR] [I]The initial treatment didn't quite bother me, but then, he gave me an offer, an offer I couldn't refuse *cues Godfather music*[/I] [COLOR=Blue]"Listen up chap, I'm looking for minds, for great minds, minds that can revolutionise Total Championship Wrestling, and I want you to be one of those minds Tom, I want you to join "The Team". I've seen your work in CZCW, I know it was your idea to split Donnie J and Jimmy P, you found workers like Snap Dragon and Fox Mask, you were one of the fathers of the modern type of wrestling, we could use someone like ya. What do you say?[/COLOR] [I]I was happy, I was thrilled, I accepted the job on the spot, and I soon found out that TCW was not a talent filled promotion, with the likes of Stink, Grunt, Painful Prdocedure (the tag team), Ronnie V, Charlie, Rahn, Liberty..you get it, and I was very fussy on the skill department. I soon found myself caught into a world of trouble, as the only people worth a push were The Wrestling Machines, Wolf Hawkins, Rick Law and Texas Pete perhaps... And the people pushed didn't quite deserve it, RDJ and Liberty are charismatic as hell, but their skills are below par, Tommy had to carry the whole Main Event scene to a great match! I soon regretted the fact that, during my stay at CZCW, I never payed much attention to the Big Two, if I did, I would've probably refused Cornell's offer, but, then again, this could be challenging, and I fancy a challenge once in a while....[/I] (OOC- This is my second dinasty attempt, let's hope this one lasts, first meeting and show preview should be up later, any thoughts/comments/criticisms/worshipping?)[/CENTER]
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I'm a HGC/TCW mark, so I'll be keeping an eye on this by default. Firstly, I like the backstory. Nice and simple, yet adds some interest outside of what happens in the ring. Secondly, TCW does contain a fair share of dross. Why the likes of Stevie Grayson and Paul Steadyfast got canned, yet some of the others kept their jobs is a bit beyond me. One thing I would say though, is do not underestimate how useful Liberty is. He's popular, he can carry segments and in turn, a decent opponent can carry him to solid matches. I usually pair him up with a lesser partner and feud them with The Machines off the bat as you'll see his matches (regardless of chemistry) usually make the B- mark and his skills will pick up a bit in the meantime. As for the rest you listed, yeah you're pretty much on the money. Rahn is limited and Hopkirk is probably the only remnant of Painful Procedure that is worth investing any time into. Thatcher is poor in the ring, my advise would be to pair him up as a bodyguard with someone charismatic (like Tornado or Cornell) to keep his overness reasonable and just job him out every so often to superior opponents in short bouts. Anyway, that's enough of me telling you how to book, lol. I just hope you don't turn TCW into a complete CZCW hybrid in the first month, which is often the temptation with TCW due to their ability to basically sign any indy darling straight off of the bat sans Daryl Devine.
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Thanks for the advice sebs, I did consider hiring Darryl Devine, Perez, and some others right off the bat, but I'll rather keep an eye on other guys that could be useful to the companym expect some new signings before the second show, some might surprise ya. As for the deadweight, I'll try to look for some possible chemistry notes, that will be the only thing possible of saving the Nation of Filth, or Charlie for example. Show preview and respective meeting should be up soon.
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[Center]OOC- I will normally make a full description of the meetings, with dialogue and stuff, but, since I wanted to start full steam ahead, I'm making a short description of things decided [SIZE="4"]The Team has spoken[/SIZE] [I]Just after my reunion, I immediately took a cab home, it lasted from 8 in the morning to 1 pm, and I just wanted to sleep, it didn't quite go on as expected, Tommy pulled a shocker, he ordered me to sign someone, someone who doesn't fit with what the promotion represents..whatever... Tommy laid out three main goals, three guidelines we should follow: 1- TCW must be more prestigious by the end of 2008 2- We must not hire workers who have drug related problems 3- We must hire wrestlers with some athletic ability (I literally laughed when Tommy said this), no less than a D- according to the Pro Wrestling Rating System. We also pitched some ideas for the next few months worth of storylines, everyone had something to say, even Archie, though he prefered agreeing with everything Cornell said instead of..ya know, thinking... I also delivered the Total Wrestling preview to the webmaster, it should be up tonight. Everything in my first day of work with Total Championship Wrestling...[/I][/Center]
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[Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling![/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]The first show of 2007 promises to blow you away as every TCW wrestler looks to make an impact and start 2007 with the right foot! After a magnificent main event to finish off 2006 where we saw Tommy Cornell win back the TCW World Championship, Ricky Dale Johnson will announce tonight when his rematch clause will be evoked. One thing's for sure, it won't be tonight, as RDJ teams up with Liberty and Rick Law to take on Tommy Cornell and the Wrestling Machines in our Main Event. Rocky Golden defends his International Title against Texas Pete and American Buffalo, the International Champion faces a very tough challenge to kick off 2007. BLZ Bubb has been missing for weeks now, but he has been spotted near the TCW Headquarters, will the mystery unfold tonight Wolf Hawkins looks to continue his undefeated streak as he takes on the Arizona Assassin Ghengis Rahn, Wolf has been red hot ever since defeating Liberty two months ago, he hasn't lost since. What will acting GM Giant Tana have to say when he addresses the TCW fans tonight? In other action, Chance Fortune defends the All Action title against Ronnie V Pain, and The Nation of Filth take on the Darkness Warriors for a chance at the tag team titles.[/FONT] Quick Picks: RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law vs Tommy Cornell/The Machines Rocky Golden (c) vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title Wolf Hawkins vs Ghengis Rahn Chance Fortune (c) vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title Nation of Filth vs The Darkness Warriors Aaron Andrews vs Joel Bryant w/ Robert Oxford[/Center]
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RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law vs [B]Tommy Cornell/The Machines[/B] [B]Rocky Golden (c)[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Ghengis Rahn [B]Chance Fortune (c)[/B] vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title Nation of Filth vs [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] Aaron Andrews vs [B]Joel Bryant w/ Robert Oxford[/B]
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RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law vs [B]Tommy Cornell/The Machines[/B] [I]I just chose Cornell and the Machines cuz they are the Champions.[/I] [B]Rocky Golden (c)[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title [I]This match is all heels. American Buffalo isnt over enough yet. Texas Pete should be gaining skills by battling more talented guys.[/I] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Ghengis Rahn [I]Wolf Hawkins should be fast rising up the card to battle for the World Title.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune (c)[/B] vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title [I]Ronnie V. Pain does not fit the style for the All Action Title.[/I] Nation of Filth vs [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] [I]Nation of Filth suck![/I] Aaron Andrews vs [B]Joel Bryant w/ Robert Oxford[/B] [I]Aaron Andrews is good but young and unpolished.[/I]
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[B]RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law[/B] vs Tommy Cornell/The Machines [I]Even though Tommy & The Machines are alot more talented, I think the faces will pick up the win to put the champion trio under pressure. RDJ is due a rematch with Tommy and why not team Liberty and Law together to after the tag belts, because even though you have a tag division all the good teams are heels.[/I] [B]Rocky Golden (c)[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title [I]Shouldn't this be renamed the HOSS Title ? Rocky Golden to retain, because putting it on any of the other two wouldn't make a jot of difference.[/I] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Ghengis Rahn [I]Hawkins is on his way up, Rahn on his way down[/I] [B]Chance Fortune (c)[/B] vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title [I]What ? Ronnie V.Pain just did a spinning head-scissors, Incredible Ronnie V.Pain climbs to the top rope and busts out a Shooting Star Press, unbelievable Ronnie V.Pain just soared over the ropes to the outside with a handspring somersault plancha[/I] ;) Nation of Filth vs [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] [I]Both of these team kind of suck, The Nation of Filth suck worse.[/I] Aaron Andrews vs [B]Joel Bryant[/B] w/ Robert Oxford [I]Double A has alot of potential and can be built up as a genuine challenger for the All Action Belt , but I think for now he should come up short against established veteran such as Joel Bryant.[/I]
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Hey there, another TCW diary! Good luck, dude, and here's to our eventual triumph over our greatest enemy! No, not SWF - NOTBPW. You can't trust the bloody Canadians. RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law vs [B]Tommy Cornell/The Machines[/B] [I]Because Heels cheat. And cheating wins.[/I] [B]Rocky Golden[/B] (c) vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title [I]Can't pull the trigger on a title change so soon - see what can be done with poor Rocky first.[/I] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Ghengis Rahn [I]Genghis is the obvious choice to be jobbed out of the main event, and Wolf is the obvious man to fill his spot.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] (c) vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title [I]Ronnie V Pain? Don't make me laugh - he's nowhere near the quality needed for this belt.[/I] Nation of Filth vs [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] [I]Nation of who now?[/I] Aaron Andrews vs [B]Joel Bryant w/ Robert Oxford[/B] [I]Heels cheat, especially when they've got other heels watching them.[/I]
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[B]RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law[/B] vs Tommy Cornell/The Machines [I]One team has all the belts, a win for them reaffirms their status, but I think it's more likely that the three faces will come out on top, in particular to line up a first feuding partner for Cornell.[/I] [B]Rocky Golden (c)[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title [I]Golden is a fairly uninspiring champion. Apart from slinging him together with Huggins, I've never really done much with him other than keep him as a cheating heel champion until I've built up a challenger to take the strap.[/I] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Ghengis Rahn [I]Hawkins is the future.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune (c)[/B] vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title [I]No idea why Ronnie V Pain is featuring in this unless you're plotting to kill the All Action scene ala TNA's X Division or something. Otherwise, he's a useless lump and he'll be a losing useless lump.[/I] [B]Nation of Filth[/B] vs The Darkness Warriors [I]They're in the title... push them to the moon![/I] Aaron Andrews vs [B]Joel Bryant w/ Robert Oxford[/B] [I]Bryant is a great opponent for Andrews as he'll pick up some skills straight away, but he won't overcome the veteran just yet.[/I]
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Thanks for the predictions guys, I'm writing the first show, expect it to be up soon. Oh, and I see Ronnie V Pain's title shot has caused some confusion, well, let's just say someone might be pulling some strings backstage...
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[B]RDJ/Liberty/Rick Law[/B] vs Tommy Cornell/The Machines [B]Rocky Golden (c)[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete for the International Title [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Ghengis Rahn [B]Chance Fortune (c)[/B] vs Ronnie V Pain for the All Action Title Nation of Filth vs [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] Aaron Andrews vs [B]Joel Bryant[/B] w/ Robert Oxford
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[Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Showing live! From the V Thompson Arena, only on GNN Total Sports![/SIZE][/Center] [I]The pyro blasts, signaling that it's time for Total Wrestling! I've got goosebumps, I'm gonna be the backstage interviewer as long as I'm here, and I've go work to do tonight, but not now, as I sit back and watch Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes greet us[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Total Wrestling! I'm Jason Azaria, alongside my always pleasent partner Kyle Rhodes!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Ha ha ha."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"It's our first show of 2007, and we bring to you one heckuva Main event, Tommy Cornell, the recently crowned TCW World Champion, tags alongside Tag Team Champions The Machines, to take on the team of Ricky Dale Johnson, and the new tandem called "L Words": Rick Law and Liberty!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]""L Words"? We are so gonna get sued..."[/COLOR] [I]They are interrupted by Tommy Cornell's theme song "My World", I don't know who had the idea of giving him that theme song, I swear. The ****y Britishman is greeted with a swarm of boos.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"Behold you twats, I'm the friggin World Champion once more! What a way to end 2006! Psycho Circus, me against that brute Ricky Dale Johnson, he goes for the Southern Justice and I bam! I blasted his arse with some Rough Justice! And-"[/COLOR] [I]The crowd starts laughing and the homosexual content Tommy just exposed.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"Wait, wait, not that way, stop laughing you arseholes! I know you all payed to see me! To see your new TCW World Champion, Tommy Cornell himself! Now I know that RDJ wants to cash in his rematch clause as soon as possible, but, and I've arranged that myself, when he ideed evokes the rematch clause, it will be his last chance at the TCW Championship as long as I'm Champion, and so, I advise Ricky to be cautious, bec-"[/COLOR] *GLASS BREAKS* [I]RDJ's characteristical entrance theme plays, as he comes out, to much of the crowd's delight, he takes off his jacket and enters the ring, grabbing a mic, as we hear "Ricky" chants, he might not be a great wrestler, but he's over as hell![/I] [COLOR="Orange"]"Now listen up you English pig! You come out here, make yourself look like a ballerina, and then warn me to be careful? Look here son, you're the one who should be careful! Because when I get my rematch, I'm gonna snap you in half, regardless if that could be my last shot at the title or not, you bear in mind Tommy, I've beaten you plenty of times, and I damn sure don't mind to beat you up tonight, and next week, yeah, I'm cashing in my rematch clause next week!"[/COLOR] [I]Huge pop[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"Fine, you'll have your match next week, did you fatties listen? Grab your McNuggets, save some Coke, cos Tommy Cornell's taking Ricky Dale Johnson out of the title picture! PERMANENTLY!"[/COLOR] [I]As Cornell finishes talking, we hear Giant Tana's music[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Here comes TCW's Comish! Giant Tana, and here's a little fact you may not know: Giant Tana is a part of the extended Samoan family, being related to other great Samoan wrestlers, like Rhino Umaga, or Samoan Machine"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Wait, Tana's a Samoan! Holy smokes, I swear I didn't know that Jason!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Hello TCW fans! It sure feels great to be right here, in...this arena! *thumbs up* now as you heard, Tommy Cornell puts his title on the line next week, and Tommy, just an heads up, that match will be a Ladder match! Goodbye everyone, and be sure to drive safe back home!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"That guy is one weird Commissioner..."[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B+ for the Tommy/RDJ confrontation; B for the Tana announcement [center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Looks like Aaron managed to handle Joe pretty well, Oxford tried to get involved some times, but Aaron took him out of the picture with a beautiful plancha, unfortunately for Aaron, that gave Joel the definite upper hand, hitting the One Shot Drop for the win [B]Winner:[/B] Joel Bryant by pinfall at 13:31 [B]Rating: [/B]C+ [COLOR="Sienna"]"Impressive showing by Double A, but the veteran Joel Bryant prevailed"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Coming up next, Chance Fortune defends his title against Ronnie V Pain, and I think that's great!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"What do you mean by it's great?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"It's my first bathroom break of the night, I love bathroom breaks!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] D Not even Kyle's antagonism made this a good segment, Fortune and Pain are seemingly irrelevant to the public... [center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][/Center] An unspectacular 8 minute match, definitely NOT the definition of All Action, but hey, all for the sake of..well..stuff I've planned... Chance retains after a Stroke of Luck. [B]Winner[/B]: Chance Fortune at 8:51, Chance Fortune makes defence #1 of his All Action Title [B]Rating[/B]: C- [I]We roll backstage, where RDJ is warming up, Rick Law and Liberty enter the locker room[/I] [COLOR="Orange"]"Oh, Liberty, Law, didn't see you guys, you ready for tonight?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]"Yeah, like, totally."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"The Law will be with us tonight Ricky I sense it, me and Liberty, we defend two important values, and Tommy Cornell, The Machines, they are against those."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]"Yeah, they suck!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"We just came here to say that we got your back Ricky, we will help in any ways possible, so that you can recapture the TCW World Title"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]"Totally. Peace!"[/COLOR] [I]Liberty and Law leave.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"]"Ok then, see ya... They're some strange sumbitches..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Well, that was different... Coming up next, it's the #1 Contendership for the World Tag Team Titles, Nation of Filth vs The Darkness Warriors"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Yay!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Huh?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Bathroom break #2!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B+ [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Grunt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Stink.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JayDarkness.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RaulDarkness.jpg[/IMG][/center] Thank god this lasted 5 minutes. The Darkness Warriors seemed poised to win this, but a cheap shot by Grunt managed for Stink to rolll Jay up, and, using the ropes for leverage, took the win at the fifth minute. [B]Winner[/B]: Nation of Filth by pinfall at 5:03 [B]Rating[/B]: D Ouch... [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"So, who won?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Oh c’mon Kyle, you never left the booth, and I think you’re not blind."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Nation of Filth?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"The stinky duo steals one…WAIT!"[/COLOR] [I]Too late, The Machines have struck, Machine #1 (Arsenal) hit Stink with an Ammo Dump, whilst Wrestling Machine #2 smacked Grunt with a sledge hammer, they raise the World Tag Team Titles up high, as we go to commercial[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] C [I]We return to see Giant Tana wandering backstage[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Bubb? BLZ Bubb? Come out come out wherever you are…"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Tana continues his search for BLZ Bubb, who has been missing ever since he lost to Tommy Cornell two months ago."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"TCW hasn’t been the same ever since Bubb went missing…"[/COLOR] [I]Tana opens some locker room doors, but to no avail, until….he tries to open one of the doors, but it is locker, he charges and busts the door open, only to find himself on top of TCW’s most hated singer: Troy Tornado[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Oh! Mr Tornado, I didn’t see you…sorry.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]”Sorry? You wished, me and you, match, next![/COLOR] [I]He slaps Giant Tana and leaves, Tana takes off his suit, and puts his gameface on[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] D+ for Tana walking backstage; C+ for the challenge [CENTER] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This impromptu singles match turned out to be an interesting bout, Tana dominated Tornado in the early goings with some smash mouth offense, but Tornado fought back with a poke in the eye, this pissed Tana so badly that he went beserk, unfortunately for him, it also meant that one mistake would cost him dearly, one missed clothesline later, Tornado landed a Star Maker around the 8 minute mark for the pinfall [B]Winner:[/B] Troy Tornado by pinfall at 8:23 [B]Rating:[/B] B+ a pleasant surprise [I]We go backstage where Wolf Hawkins is standing[/I] [Color=Green]”My name is Wolf Hawkins, and I’m the future of this business! So tonight, the future takes a step back, as I have to wrestle…if you can use the verb “wrestle”, with Ghengis Rahn, the guy of few words, mostly due to the fact that he has an IQ of a pineapple. Another problem with Rahn is the fact that he doesn’t know how to wrestle, he’s a mad, blood obsessed, freak, and it’s up to me, Wolf Hawkins, to take him out. 2007 is my year, MY time, by the end of 2007, you’ll take a look back at the year, and see who shone the brightest, remember who was the standout star of 07, and only one name, one name, will stand out: Wolf…Hawkins!” [B] Rating:[/B] B+ [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Not so bad of a match, Hawkins seemed to help Ghengis, bu when he tried to go technical, that's when Rahn got a little lost, but still managed to hide his technical flaws with some straight up brawling, Wolf proved why he's indeed a rising star, beating the Arizona Assassin in 10:43 with a Full Moon Rising. [B]Winner:[/B] Wolf Hawkins by pinfall at 10:43 [B]Rating:[/B] B- [COLOR="Sienna"]"And Wolf remains undefeated!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Oh boy he sure's in for one helluva year here in Total Championship Wrestling"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"And here's a little fact you-"[/COLOR] [I]The lights go out, Wolf was still in the ring celebrating[/I] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"What's happening, are we still on?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"I think so, the lights went out, we're all confused."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Now here's a little fact you may not know Jason, you used to be known as Captain Obvious, due to your predictable, dull statements..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Such a charmer... Wait, the lights, they're back on..oh my...the ring, THE RING IS ON FIRE!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"More like the ring ropes dumbass!"[/COLOR] [I]lots of people rush into the ring, extinguishing the flames from the ring ropes, only to reveal Wolf Hawkins lying in the canvas, in a bloody mess[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Someone attacked Wolf Hawkins!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"What? How do you know that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Why are you so b*tchy?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Does that even matter? Wolf Hawkins was brutally assaulted!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"We'll be right back ladies and gentlemen!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B [COLOR="Sienna"]"We're back everyone. And Kyle, the moment we just witnessed might be one of the most frightening moments in the ten year history of TCW!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"No doubt!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Wait, did you just agreed with me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"That thing scared the sh*t out of me! Anyways, Rocky Golden defends his International title against American Buffalo and Texas Pete in a triangle match!"[/COLOR] [I]Rocky Golden is seen walking, with the International title on his shoulder [COLOR="Sienna"]"And it is next"[/COLOR] [B] Rating:[/B] C+ [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TexasPete.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Not an all time classic, but a nice match, even though Buffalo needs to spend a little more time on the treadmill, it wasn't that bad, the ending came when American Buffalo anihilated Texas Pete in the corner, with a powerful Avalanche, this left an opening for Rocky Golden, who quickly capitalised with a devastating clothesline, proceding to lock in a Coquina Clutch, making Buffalo tap, Rocky retains at 12:40 [B]Winner:[/B] Rocky Golden by submission at 12:40 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [I]Rocky doesn't have time to celebrate, as Troy Tornado appears on the TotalTron, clapping with an ironic smirk[/I] [COLOR=Red]”Congratulations Rocky, well done, seriously, you're proving to be one helluva champion...NOT! I didn't forget how you took away my precious belt last Sunday, and quite frankly, I want it back! So Rocky, the challenge is laid, and rest assured, that when you step into the ring with me, I'll do everything possible to make sure you leave the ring not so "Golden". Your ass is mine![/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [I]Here we go, my first interview, for the first time ever since the '81 Supreme Challenge, I was nervous, I was damn nervous[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Hi, I'm Robert Lee, TCW's newest backstage interviewer, and I'm standing by with Tommy Cornell and The Machines!"[/COLOR] [I]Tommy and The Machines step up to the plate, I was pround to be in the presence of three of the best wrestlers of TCW, the crowd didn't share the same feelings, as they booed the crap out of them[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Tommy, regarding the upcoming main event..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You're new to this aren't ya?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Erm...yes""[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I'll help you out on this one ok? Look, me and The Machines, we're the best TCW has to offer, we're dominant in the ring, and we all have proof of such, just look at the gold, we're not some beer drinking redneck, we're not some hippie, and we're not dressed up, pretending to be policemen, we don't need gimmicks, we go out there and outwrestle our opponents, ain't that right?"[/COLOR] [I]Both The Machines answer[/I] [COLOR="Black"]"Affirmative"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Listen chap, I s'pose you were going to ask something like "What are your feelings" or "Aren't you afraid of what RDj can do", I'm saving your time, go back home, turn on the TV, order a pizza, sit back, eat like an American, and watch Tommy Cornell and The Wrestling Machines dominate those twats!"[/COLOR] [I]Tommy pushes me aside, as they make their way to the ring[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] B [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Oh boy what a match, this classic passed the 20 minute mark, and although RDJ's team had some trouble keeping up with Cornell's team, it didn't take much from it, most of the match consisted on the Machines dismantling either Law or Liberty, with RDJ tearing it up from time to time, one thing that remained constant was Cornell avoiding being in the ring at the same time as Johnson. The ending saw Machine #2 counter a Liberty Slam and hitting a low blow, unnoticed by the ref, this triggered Rick Law to go frenzy, shouting stuff like "You broke the Law", long story short, Law kicked everybody's ass except Cornell, the cunning Britishman got the better hand of Law, hitting a Rough Justice, but Liberty, the legal man, got the tag with RDJ, result? The long awaited confrontation, both of them traded haymakers, until a stiff right hand finally took down Cornell, Johnson signaled for the Southern Justice (his version of the Uranage Slam, with added impact), but Tommy elbowed his way out of it and tagged Wrestling Machine #1, who immediately got handed with a Liberation Slam by Liberty, as RDJ finished his job with Cornell, knocking the World Champion off the apron, Liberty made sure Machine #2 didn't cause any trouble, as RDJ nailed the Southern Justice for the 1...2...3 [B]Winners:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson, Liberty and Rick Law by pinfall at 25:03 [B]Rating:[/B] B+ [I]Post match, RDJ's team celebrated in the ring, as Cornell retreated to the back, visibly frustrated, the TCW Logo and Disclaimer appeared and the bottom left corner of the screen, as Azaria and Rhodes bid farewell from the viewers. The first TCW Episode of 2007 had ended, in a positive note[/I] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B][U]Final Rating:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Green"]B[/COLOR][/SIZE] A positive first show, we got all the main stories rolling, and provided the fans with solid wrestling action, especially regarding the Main Event[/CENTER]
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Good stuff. The AA / Bryant match was well done, and the main event had a good chaotic finish. I like where you're going, although, I'm not too sure whether Wolf Hawkins is turning or not. I never liked him as a heel, but it'll be interesting to see what you do with him. All in all, a good debut.
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I really like the show style, I like that you're not crapping all over Rocky Golden just because he doesn't have an A for all his stats and I like that you have some interesting storylines going on. In fact, the only bad thing so far is the name of the dynasty! Seriously, you'll be stuck with that name forever!! :p
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[Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/internet.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]The "Big Two" hiring spree, huge signing for SWF, Tuesday's ratings...[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]The Big Two of America, TCW and SWF, have been on a hiring spree recently, as TCW signed, as far as we know, Des Davids and Jack Grifith. SWF has come out on top in terms of hirings, as they have secured Darryl Devine and Jim Force, Force was rumoured to be a sure sign for TCW, but Force chose Supreme, it is unknown when will the new signings debut. Rumour is that TCW have offered contracts to Frankie Perez, Fumihiro Ota, and Carl Batch, no word yet on how will the negotiations unfold. TCW once again won the Tueday's ratings war, drawing a 26.48 on GNN Total Sports, whilst their direct competitors: SWF, only managed a 8.27[/FONT] Up next: Total Wrestling preview[/Center]
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Here's a little appetizer for the next week's show, preview should be up after this, feedback about my first show is still appreciatedm what did you like/hated the most, your opinions about the storylines iniciated, anything. [I]Oh crap, Monday again. Monday, to me, meant waking up early, drink coffee, and report at the TCW HQ for a pleasent meeting, and after that, it meant packing things up for the following day, always a great way to start the week, and there we were, sitting at the table, talking about the newest signings[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I think that you, Cornell, would be surprised when my brother tells you who we managed to sign."[/COLOR] [I]Tommy smirked[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"Is it Jim Force?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"No..."[/COLOR] [I]Tommy's smile evaporated, as I recited the names who had signed a contract for TCW[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"Only those three?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Yes, they are our first signings Mr Cornell"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"I'm a bit disappointed..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Yeah! So am I"[/COLOR] [I]Archie doing the ass kisser role as always[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"Yet, I'm interested to see what those 3 can bring to the table, I only know one of them, he's had quite a role in TCW's lower card, putting up decent matches, the other two, one's from MAW if I recall...and the other...he has a huge exclamation point over his head."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I agree with your Excellency, Jack Grifith had serious problems."[/COLOR] [I]Archie has the knowledge, he just kisses to many ass I guess...[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"But we can't deny that during his stint at SCCW, he showed potential!"[/COLOR] [I]That was The Crippler himself giving his thoughts. He's actually a very nice person, his insights and ideas can be very useful to us, he's the one that gave us the idea of the mysterious Wolf Hawkins assault, and what would unfold[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"So, Tom, do you have any ideas on how we're going to debut them?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"I'd rather wait until next week to debut those three, and let me remind you all, we're still under negotiations with some other talent, such as Perez"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"I've heard lots of great stuff concerning Perez, his hard hitting style could lure him to Japan, unless we grab him first, we're desperately in need of talented workers, stamina is one of the main weaknesses of our roster, only a handful of wrestlers in TCW can keep up with Cornell currently."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Even though I'm modest, I have to agree with Kingman."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"My brother always had an eye for talent, and I'm sure that by the end of this next week, our roster will be reinforced with talent."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Ok, so, onto next week's show..."[/COLOR] [I]Even though I hated waking up early, this new environment proved to be a challenge for me, remodeling an almost talentless roster had proven to be a dificult task, but I was confident that by the end of Week 2, TCW's chances of defeating SWF would increase.[/I] Coming up: TCW Presents: Total Wrestling preview
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Hey man, I like this so far. I set up my first TCW game a few days ago (just before this diary started) and am really loving it, so this is being a good read for me so far. Just a quick note, when the TV scheduling comes up, will you be planning to get a second TV slot?
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[Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling![/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]The next episode of Total Wrestling will be a decisive one for Ricky Dale Johnson, as he squares off with nemesis Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Championship, the weasel Cornell managed to add a stipulation to the match: if RDJ loses, he will not get another title shot as long as Cornell is the champion, will this prove to be a decisive stipulation? Will RDJ channel his anger and frustration and win back the gold? Or will Cornell come out obn top? Last week, Troy Tornado reafirmed himself as a contender to Rocky Golden's International Title, this week both Tornado and Golden will have to pick a partner, as they face each other in tag team action. Commissioner Tana announced at tcw.com that a mini tournament would be held to determine the next contender for the TCW World Title, Rick Law will face American Buffalo, whilst Liberty will face Texas Pete, the winners of these matchs will meet next week, the winner will get to main event Malice in Wonderland, one of the most important TCW PPVs along with the World champion at the time, with a shot at gold, these four will certainly give their best. Wolf Hawkins hopes to continue his winning streak this week as he'll wrestle Robert Oxford, the Florida blue chipper might still be puzzled after the brutal attack he suffered last week after his match, who his behind such brutal assualt? Will the mysterious attacker strike again this week? If so, will Wolf be ready for him? In other action, The Nation of Filth get their title shot, as they try to dethrone the reigning Tag Team Champions: The Machines, in a clear contrast of styles, will the Machines outwrestle their way to victory? Or will the Filthy brawlers dismatle the tag champs? Chance Fortune will also be in action, as he defends the All Action Title against Steve Gumble. Don't miss this week's Total Wrestling, live at 8:00pm, only on GNN Total Sports![/FONT] Quick Picks: RDJ vs Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Title Rocky Golden/??? Vs Troy Tornado/??? Wolf Hawkins vs Robert Oxford Rick Law vs American Buffalo Liberty vs Texas Pete Nation of Filth vs The Wrestling Machines for the World Tag Team Titles Chance Fortune vs Steve Gumble for the All Action Title Feedback and predictions appreciated![/Center]
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Solid first show (the write-up and the rating). Some interesting character portrayals as well, although RDJ should really lose the 'glass-breaking' entrance lol. Tana as a GM is a pretty unique twist for the comedy Samoan, then reverting a bit when Tornado slapped him into a one on one match. The write-up in general was nice and rounded, decent length, nicely broken up with segments. Also Archie Judge was gold in the last entry. ;) Predictions... RDJ vs [B]Cornell[/B] [I]RDJ loses (perhaps due to some Machine involvement) to put him to the back of the challenger queue for the rest of Cornell's reign. I really don't see a title change here and the stipulation would be wasted if RDJ somehow won without gaining the gold. [/I] Rocky Golden/??? Vs [B]Troy Tornado/???[/B] [I]Not sure on the partners, but I see Tornado coming out on top here.[/I] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Robert Oxford [I]Another win over a veteran to keep Hawkins rising.[/I] [B]Rick Law[/B] vs American Buffalo [I]Could flip a coin on this one. With Law winning last week, I'm going for this to be a momentum builder for him.[/I] [B]Liberty[/B] vs Texas Pete [I]I hate Texas Pete.[/I] [B]Nation of Filth[/B] vs The Wrestling Machines (non title) [I]Without the titles being on the line, there's room for an NoF victory![/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Steve Gumble for the All Action Title [I]Fortune retains.[/I]
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Good first show, I like the idea of Tana being the GM, it'll be interesting to see where you go with him. I'll chip in some predictions. [B]RDJ vs [COLOR="Red"]Cornell[/COLOR][/B] Got to go with the Champ on this one, just seems to early for Cornell's reign to end. He's usually the guy to beat so I think he retains. [B]Rocky Golden/??? Vs [COLOR="red"]Troy Tornado/???[/COLOR][/B] I think I'll go with Tornado's team on this one, reason being he's got to look strong going into his challenge with Golden so I think his team get the win. [B][COLOR="red"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] vs Robert Oxford[/B] Wolf Hawkins is rising, Oxford isn't so youth prevails in this one. [B][COLOR="red"]Rick Law[/COLOR] vs American Buffalo[/B] I'm going to go with Rick Law on this one. I agree with Sebsplex, I think Law's going to gain momentum from here. [B][COLOR="red"]Liberty[/COLOR] vs Texas Pete[/B] This one I prefer Liberty over Texas Pete. [B]Nation of Filth vs [COLOR="Red"]The Wrestling Machines [/COLOR](non title)[/B] The Wrestling Machines retain, and I think they will be the cornerstone of the tag division. [B][COLOR="red"]Chance Fortune[/COLOR] vs Steve Gumble for the All Action Title[/B] I prefer Fortune over Gumble and I think he will definitely retain here.
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