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UCR - The Gulag

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[FONT="Arial"][B]The Gulag[/B] By Clarity & NordVolf [B]Previously:[/B]
At school, Adam could only have been described as an outcast. While he could join in with any group, he prefered the solitude of the local park to let his mind wander and come up with money making schemes. He would be frequently seen sitting in silence with his long time friend Tiffany, a girl who's past was speculated about but none of the local children knew for sure the exact circumstances behind her. When Tiffany was young, she lost her parents. The stories that go around the neighbourhood claim that Tiffany was present at the time of their deaths but cant remember what happened. The police reports suggest that her father had found out about her mothers affair (and to be honest, everyone else knew) and had killed her before killing himself, but there were a lot of inconsistancies in the report to fully confirm that. Since that day, Tiffany was left in the care of her grandfather, who has reported hearing her crying at least once a week ever since. Not openingly vocal, Tiffany's friendship with Adam flourished due to the fact that he never pushed her for information and could quite happily sit in silence. One day Adam, caught sight of an ambulance turning up outside someones house and went over to investigate. A blooded wrestler was being stretchered out having been knocked out during one of his 'shows'. Two weeks later the owner was putting on another show, and Adam was in attendance. The backyard wrestlings 'owner' Kris Adonis invited Adam to participate in a match and although he was beaten very quickly without much of a fight, Adam was hooked, and began to discuss with Kris ways to improve. However, he was starting to come of age, and Adam has started bringing Tiffany to Kris's events in the hopes of bringing Tiffany out of her shell. And like that Southern Hardcore Wrestling was born. However a contract blunder led SHW to financial ruin, and the three of them were dragged through the courts to try get back the monies owed. Upset at the fact that he had dragged his friend into his own mess, Adam upped and left town, finally leaving England altogether and finding work on a dock at Saint Malo, France. He walked the streets after work watching the world pass him by until one night by chance he saved a young lady from a mans drunken approaches. That lady was Jeri Behr of UCR fame. She introduced him to Louis Figo Manico, the owner of UCR who had a job for Adam. UCR had just lost its head booker and they needed some ideas for the next show, and in return they offered him a place to stay. Meanwhile back in England, Kris Adonis met with his former SHW roadagent Melvin Riggs who was an old school friend. Riggs gave Kris a cut from the wages that he had recieved for work with SHW, which had been the financial blunder that had crippled them. It had been Kris's plan to fleece the company for all that he could have before the contract error had been found and corrected. Kris had also begun to follow Tiffany around and watch her from afar with binoculars as she got undressed, dreaming of the moment when he would finally get his hands on her. After a successful start to things, Adam was offered the position full time which after some consideration, he accepted. However the strains of travelling full time, and trying to book a wrestling promotion begun to took its toll, leading to an encounter with the press who began to question Adam on SHW and he finally broke down in the office of Puskas Ferenc, a venue in Poland. He smashed the mirror to pieces after his reflection began to taunt him. He was found a few hours later by Jeri Behr who just held him until help arrived. He was taken away by the doctors, and Jeri met with Louis to discuss the future of UCR. [CENTER]* * * * * *[/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][CENTER]Contents:[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I][CENTER]Previously & Contents - Post #1 [SIZE="1"](This post)[/SIZE] Welcome To The Gulag - Post #2[/CENTER][/I] [/FONT] [quote][FONT="Arial"][I]Note: The previously is based off the last two diaries that i have been running on here. Links can be provided if anyone wants to read[/I][/FONT][/quote]
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[FONT="Arial"]From Wikipedia[QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][I]Gulag: A History, by Anne Applebaum, explains: “ It was the branch of the State Security that operated the penal system of forced labour camps and associated detention and transit camps and prisons. While these camps housed criminals of all types, the Gulag system has become primarily known as a place for political prisoners and as a mechanism for repressing political opposition to the Soviet state. Though it imprisoned millions, the name became familiar in the West only with the publication of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 1973 The Gulag Archipelago, which likened the scattered camps to a chain of islands. [/I][/FONT][/QUOTE]
The horn awoke Adam from his slumber and he stretched in his seat and watched the car speed past into the darkness ahead. It had been the only one for hours now and he began to wonder just how far away their destination was. He got out of his chair and headed down the aisle of the bus looking at all the passengers. Their faces were a mixture of boredom, and anxiousness. Each person gave him a slightly uneasy look as he went past as if they were trying to figure out where they knew him from. Upon getting to the rest room, he latched the door shut behind him and stared into the mirror. [CENTER]* * * * *[/CENTER] [B]2 Months Ago..[/B] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]'Adam... My friend.. How are you?'[/COLOR][/I] Louis Figo Manico had arrived just like he had promised to do all those months ago. Louis was a fairly well built man sporting his signature slicked black hair which had slowly began to show hints of grey and wearing a sharp pinstripe business suit. [I][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]'Please sir, keep it down. Your going to disrupt the other patients'[/COLOR][/I] the orderly said. [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]'Im sorry.'[/COLOR][/I] Louis remarked [I][COLOR="darkslategray"]'but it has been a while since i have seen him'[/COLOR][/I] Louis walked over to Adam and shook his hand before sitting down next to him. [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]'Where you been Louis. I've been here months and you said you would visit'[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]'Im sorry my friend, but work had called me away. But im here now. I've come to get you out of here. Doctors say your much better'[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]'Im getting out??'[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]'Yes my friend.. Your getting out of here'[/COLOR][/I] [CENTER]* * * * *[/CENTER] Adam blinked and refocused upon the mirror and his reflection, recalling the lessons learnt from his time in the Clinic. Positive thinking and relaxation had been the buzz words thrown around there, and while initially being skeptical, he had eventually tried the ideas and to his surprise had begun to feel better about things, even himself. Adam splashed some water upon his face and headed back out of the rest room. It was time for his announcement.. He headed to the front of the bus and took what was normally the tourist guides microphone. [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]'Hello... Hello... Is this thing on.... Right... Erm.. Im not one for big speeches, but Louis has asked me to speak to you all about what is to come in the future for all of you. Chances are by now that you all know that you will be working in a developmental fed for UCR but the rest of the details have been purposely sketchy.'[/COLOR][/I] Adam breathed. He knew what was to come. The driver signalled that it was time. [I][COLOR="darkred"]'Everybody, if you could all look out the windows, we've arrived'[/COLOR][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/The%20Gulag/OldGulag3.png[/IMG][/CENTER] The driver slowed down the bus to allow everyone a chance to see their surroundings. It was an old industrial complex left over from the cold war. The inital driveway into the complex had a brick wall on either side that had fallen down at some point in the past giving the whole area a bombed out look to it. Windows in the buildings were either boarded up or smashed. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][I]'Damn, does it come with some whacked out serial killers or cannibals. It looks like something out of a horror movie'[/I][/COLOR] came a voice from the back of the bus. [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]'This is your new home. UCR doesn't need some pansy arses whining about how they arnt being spoon-fed stardom. You cutting your teeth in this business. You wont find any of the comforts of home here. No TV's, No calorie controlled diets monitored by teams of dieticians. Its just you and the men next to you. Now follow me to where your going to be staying'[/COLOR][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/The%20Gulag/OldGulag2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Adam led them all off the bus and into an old office building. Inside the lights were flickering on and off and smelt like it had been used by the homeless since the dawn of time who had been unsuccessful at finding the loo's. The paint on the walls was peeling off and little was scattered all over the place. After a guided tour over what was going to be the front office, and accounting departments, Adam took his wards down a long corridoor with a big grin on his face. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/The%20Gulag/OldGulag.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="darkred"][I]'This is your locker room'[/I][/COLOR] Adam said. [I][COLOR="darkred"]'You can stow your gear here. In the next room you will find your bunks.'[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="darkorchid"]'BUNKS!!'[/COLOR][/I] came a unified response. [I][COLOR="darkred"]'Yes.. Bunks. I warned you that there were going to be no comforts, and that goes towards the sleeping arrangements. I want you guys to think of this place as a barracks.. Which i suppose could be technically true considering who one of your trainers is.. but you will meet him tomorrow. Now get yourself sorted and i will see you tomorrow.'[/COLOR][/I] Adam turned and headed back the way he came. He stopped just short of the door and turned back to them. [I][COLOR="darkred"]'Oh yeah...Welcome to The Gulag...'[/COLOR][/I][/FONT]
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