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Chris Harris Signs With WWE


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[CENTER][B]Words From 'Wildcat' [/B] [I]Watch Out! Wildcat is Moving to WWE![/I] Due to confidential negotiations, I have had to keep quiet for some time. I have read a number of wrestling sites reporting what they suspected was happening with me. I have had numerous calls from radio stations and internet sites and have answered none. Fans on the site and in person want to know. Truth is, I wanted to keep quiet until it was official. Yesterday evening, I signed a contract with the World Wrestling Entertainment. I apologize for not responding to anyone, but there was no need to stir up the gossip until I had something official. Not to mention, I am not sure of the rules yet and didn't want to cause problems with my new employer. I have put a lot of thought into this decision and feel that it is the best for me. Wrestling is my life and I had lost my passion for it. I have been unhappy for some time. It was the right time to make some changes. I have fulfilled many dreams in my wrestling career, but the ultimate dream is to be at the top of the wrestling world...and that means the WWE. I will say nothing bad about TNA. I am grateful for everything they have given me. I appreciate the fact they have helped advance my career to where it is today. The past 5 1/2 years have been some of the best in my life, but also some of the most stressful. I have worked my ass off to become what I am today. Now it is time to take the next step. I don't know what the future holds for me. It is time to start at the bottom again and fight my way to the top. I am proud to be part of my new family. Even though I have not worked for WWE before...I feel like that is where I belong. I want to thank everyone for all of the support they have given me over the years. I can only hope that you continue your support. The real journey has just begun. I will put my heart and soul into this journey and let God lead me. I always remind everyone to "live the dream". This is my dream...and it's time to start living![/CENTER] Courtesy of wildcatchrisharris.com
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Yeah, I don't think Harris quite realizes what he just did to his career. Maybe he should've gone and called Paul Burchill before thinking his career was gonna skyrocket.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;368592]you are a couple weeks late with that news.[/QUOTE] Was just rumors a couple weeks ago. Not OFFICIAL until today. Just like Bobby Lashley not being with WWE anymore. Rumored weeks ago but not official until WWE announced it yesterday.
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A week or two ago it was posted on different web sites but wasnt confirmed by WWE or Chris Harris. Joe Smo at ProWrestling.com doesnt qualify as confirming it. Anybody know what brand he'll be on. I was always a fan of him when he was part of AMW so hopefully he gets a good push in the WWE. And speaking of Paul Burchill he is supposed to re-debut on Raw next week as part of a new storyline. Dont wanna spoil it for anyone so just check out Rajah or numerous other websites to read about it.
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