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When Writers Strike: NBC wrestling

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[QUOTE=Jaded;370747]All in one post sounds good. Also, since it sounds like you've put a lot of time and effort into it, I feel bad saying that I might not read the whole show - but since I sometimes AM lazy, and would imagine some other possible readers are as well, a summary at the end would be really nice as well. :)[/QUOTE] What is all my hard work for, if i produce something so bloated that a new reader gives up before ever trying to dig in and see what it is i have to offer? Thank you all for your support, the first show will be up before 12 est.
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday January 6th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Live from the Studio 5 in Los Angels, California in front of a sold out crowd of 10,000. Good evening Ladies and Gentleman I'm Bob Costas, and on behalf of my self and my broadcast Colleagues I would like to Welcome you to this NBC sports Presentation. Tonight The premier Athletes from the world of Professional Wrestling will come together both new faces and old to tell a story as old as time it self. Man against Man not in Conflict, but in peace to determine who among them should be considered the mightiest of Warriors. For it is only when we test our selves against our fellow man, that we will know how to handle Life at The Pressure Point. With that in mind, I want to make sure that each and every one of you that have tuned into this premier Presentation of No-Hold Barred Championship wrestling is aware of the magnitude of tonight’s competitions! The Phenom Goldberg will be in action. As well we will kick off a tournament to see who will be named the first NBC World Champion. Tonight’s tournament bouts will include, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage, Lex Luger's return to the world of professional wrestling, and YES Hulk Hogan will be in action Here tonight! With that in mind I want to send you now to my Broadcast Colleagues at Ring side, and the Action in the Ring. [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Hulk Hogan is making his way to the ring, once in he waits for the fandamonium to die down. “Hulk-a-maniacs, oh man, am I excited to be here tonight live on NBC. And do you dudes know what? (Echo what) Right here in this very ring tonight we are going to start a tournament (echo what) a tournament to crown the first ever NBC World Champion (echo what). Tonight’s entrants will include Lex Luger against that crazy Indian Dude Tatanka. (echo what) and Bret Hart will take on Marty Jenetty (echo what) boy I bet those two will tear the house down.” [B](B+)[/B] “What did you say?” The Rock appears at the top of the ramp, Hogan starts to repeat himself, but Rock holds up his hand to stop him, “No body cares what you said. Shut your rudie-poo candy *ss pie hole and listen to what the rock has to say.” The rock pulls himself into the ring, Hogan puts a who me face on, and hold a hand out to the rock who takes it. Then pulls Hogan in for a hug, that opps, turns into a rock bottom. (The crowd goes wild) The rock then mounts the ring post with Hogan’s fallen microphone in hand. [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket “Finally, The Rock has come back, to broadcast television!” fandamonium breaks out again. “But the Rock did not come alone; no The Rock learned along time ago wrestling like football is a team sport. So the rock went out and found himself the best team mates he could think of, other former football stars. So the rock went and got an NFL legend Terry Bradshaw and sat him right by the ring as an announcer, so help is never to far away. And I brought a few more friends.” With this rock drops the microphone and rolls out of the ring and the fans erupt again as Goldberg’s music hit’s and The Rock joins Goldberg and Montel Brown at the top of the ramp for a pose down. [B](B+)[/B] (A voice over from Terry Bradshaw says “four Super Bowl rings can’t be wrong the Grid Iron Way is the only way.”) Hulk Hogan rolls back into the vacated ring, and dust himself off. “Brother how rude can one dude be? But the rest of the night should go much smoother, we will get to see my friend “The Macho Man” Randy Savage take on Raven in our double main event.” Looking as modest as he can, the Hulk continues, “And then in our second Main event I am going to Squash Test like a ……” [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket The last part is drowned out by the sounds of screeching tires and glass shattering every where. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin appears at the Top of the ramp and ambles down to the ring. As Austin climbs into the ring, Hogan holds the ropes apart, apparently getting used to the interruptions. Hogan once again offers his hand, and once again the accepted hand shake ends badly for the Legend. Stone Cold pulls Hogan in and delivers the Stunner. Fandamonium ensues, but before Stone Cold can put the boots to the fallen bulk of red and gold, Bret Hart hits the ring, and a Russian leg sweep latter Stone Cold has rolled out of the ring. [B](B+)[/B] Hogan rises to his feet once more, “Thank you, Brother.” Hogan puts his hand out again (you would think the guy would learn). Bret Hart takes the offered hand, and in no less than ten seconds the legend is tapping out to picture perfect sharp shooter. [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket “Boy that felt good.” Bret Hart smiles, “and the rumors of my death have been truly exaggerated.” The crowd goes wild. “In fact I am in such good shape; I guarantee you fans will get to see that sharp shoot at least one more time tonight!” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket “To say the least the opening confrontations of tonight’s programs have been exciting. Wrestling as a sport of champions is as much a mind game before the match ups as it is inside of the ring. Each Wrestler looking to win the match before he ever steps through the ropes. Latter tonight I will sit down with Terry Bolea, aka Hulk Hogan and we will discuss his recent past and how he sees himself fitting into NBC wrestling. But for now Lets go back to the ring and my broadcast Colleagues for the call on the force known as Goldberg versus the young man Ted Hart” [B](B-)[/B] [B]Goldberg over Ted Hart in 9:42 (A)[/B] Photobucket vs PhotobucketThe match was not quite as one sided as many of Goldberg’s matches have been. But he did show that he was suffering from absolutely no ring rust. A clean Spear and Jack hammer left Ted Hart unable to answer the three count. Photobucket “Who’s Next, argh, Who’s Next. I don’t care who it is, because who ever my opponent is for my title tournament bout next week, that’s who’s next on the list of causalities!” [B](B+)[/B]
Our announcers: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw. ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “you know tonight chuck, starts the drive for Championship gold.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Yeah, Terry Just like you, I know something about being a champion, I know you have four Super Bowl Ring’s Terry”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “And Chuck I know you are six time world Karate champion, but the guys in this tournament have to do something with their title we never had to.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “what’s that Terry?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “well once they win it they will have to defend it on a week in and week out basis, once you win a Karate title or super bowl ring, no one can ever take one of those from you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I guess your right terry, with that in mind, we will get to see Randy savage take on raven right here tonight in round one of the tournament.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “You’re Right Chuck and if that wasn’t enough Hulk Hogan after the pounding he took in the opening of this program will have to come back down to the ring to face Test.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Ouch tonight could shape up to be a classic.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Looks that way chuck”[/COLOR][B] (B)(B)[/B] [/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"][B] Hour 2:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “This should be a great match up, Lex Luger against Tatanka, both men have been absent from the ring for so long, and done so much soul searching, let see if they found any new moves[/COLOR].” [B]Lex Luger over Tatanka in 12:52 when Buff Bagwells' interference back fires. (C)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The match was slow paced at first, with arm bars going back and forth. A Suplex from Tatanka opened things up and the Indian warrior ran the ropes and delivered a vicious falling chop. Luger made it back to his feet, and caught the Indian coming off the rope with a big boot to the face. The whole thing looked over for Lex when Tatanka hit the Tomahawk Chop, but Lex managed to kick out of the pin attempt at two and a half. Tatanka started arguing with the ref, so neither noticed when Buff Bagwell slid into the ring to plant a chair across luger’s forehead; Luger dropped kicked the chair which wound up hitting Tatanka. Tatanka took off after Buff not realizing he was not the intended target, and lost the match due to count out while chasing buff. Photobucket The Chase continued, with the camera men scrambling to keep up. Twice Tatanka almost got his hands around Bagwells' neck. Each time Buff squirmed free, taunted Tatanka and ran off again. The Cameraman finally lost the duo after rounding a corner too late to see which turn the duo had taken next. [B](C-)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’m looking at my schedule Terry and I don’t seem to know what next.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well Chuck that’s because we have our unannounced match of the night next.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, are you telling me they are going to do this to me every week?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Yup Chuck, as a thank you to our great live audience we are going to throw in at least, one unannounced match every week.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well that aught to make sure the fans tune in to each week to make sure they don’t miss their favorite wrestling action.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That’s right chuck, and tonight it will be Diamond Dallas Page versus D’Lo Brown.”[/COLOR] [B]Diamond Dallas Page over D’Lo Brown in 13:02, despite interference on DDP by Raven (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket D’Lo looked good but page looked better. An early run in by Raven, who hit the even flow on DDP, was over looked by the ref who was busy telling Chris Kanyon who had accompanied D’Lo to ring side to get off the apron. D’Lo took advantage of the situation by hitting a top rope frog splash on Page, how ever page kicked out at 2 with authority. The match then went back and forth, until a tiring D’Lo stepped right into a Diamond Cutter and DDP pick up the pin fall victory. Photobucket After the match Raven returns to the top of the ramp. “What about me Page, What about Raven. You Page got this most excellent offer from NBC, and you didn’t even bother to call and tell me? You knew how much I hated the job I had, and this opportunity came up, but no, I had to learn about it from a commercial on New Years Eve? Why Page, Why?” [B](C+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “To be honest with you terry I think this next match up is the one the fan inside me has been waiting for all night.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck the level of this match all depends on whether or not Bret Hart is really in any condition to get back inside of that squared circle.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck “How right you are, but never under estimate the Hitman's will to out perform. I here he’s been using the Total Gym system to prepare.”[/COLOR] (Terry just shakes his head at the shameless plug.) [B]Bret Hart over Marty Jannetty in 7:10, when Tatanka’s Chop hits Bret Hart instead of Buff Bagwell (C+)[/B] Photobucket vsPhotobucket Marty Jannetty hits the mat with several forward rolls, literally rolling circles around the Hitman whom appears stiff in the ring. A top rope dive catches Bret short and sends him to the canvass. A sunset flip latter Bret barley kicks out of the three count. A short set of blows is the best offense the Hitman can get off before Marty again sends him to the canvas when he gets hit with a drop toe hold while attempting a running clothes line. Bret hart’s saving Grace comes when Tatanka chases Buff Bagwell right up into the ring; the ref demands that Bagwell exit the ring, while Tatanka climbs to the top rope to deliver the tomahawk chop. When the wild Indian takes the leap, buff pulls Bret hart in the way and ducks back out of the ring, but the damage is done. The ref calls for the bell and award the match to Bret “the hitman” Hart due to interference. [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “this guy in my ear is telling me we need to go to a camera man back in the locker room area.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “ ‘the guy’ in your ear is Stan Nedleman, and your just supposed to let the people know that we are going back to our camera man in the locker room to see what has just happened.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh, sorry Stan, Fans lets take you back stage to see what just happened in the locker room area.”[/COLOR] (Again terry is shaking his head as we go back stage.) Photobucket Macho man is standing over a fallen Trent acid. Bob Costas “Macho Man, what is going on here?” Looking at the fallen Trent, then at Randy savage, “Randy what did you do to Trent? Why did you do this?” Macho man with a far away look in his eyes responds, “I didn’t do anyyything, oh yyyeah, your hear me brotherrr, noth’innn. The Maaacho Man had noth’inn to do with this.” Costas looks unreassured by this proclamation. [B](B-)[/B]
[B]Interview:[/B]Hulk Hogan by Bob Costas Photobucket by Photobucket Hulk Hogan is setting in a nice chair beside Bob Costas’s announce desk. Costas makes his way in stage right, returning from his run in with macho man randy savage, sets down and smoothes his suit. Costas: “Good evening Mr. Bolea” [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Hogan: “Please, it's Hulk”[/COLOR] Costas: “So you are NBC studio’s go to guy for the dynamic sport of professional wrestling? Were you excited to return to the sport that you helped define in the 80’s and 90’s? And are you looking to redefine it again here today? [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Hogan: “well brother,” Costas looks offended at the lack of formality “It was kinda a right time right place, bad things in my life so just do it kinda deal, ya know?”[/COLOR] Costas: “Well those times in life do tend to happen in the entertainment industry, is that why you have returned to the world of sports?” (The fact that Costas can call wrestling a sport with a straight face is amazing) [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Hogan: “Well Brother it has defiantly taken my mind off of some of the other things in my life, but you know, I haven’t really left the world of entertainment, I am still the host of that other monster hit on NBC. You now Bother, American Gladiators."[/COLOR] Costas: “I do indeed know that ratings monster. Thank you so much for your time Mr. Bolea, and good Luck in your match with Mr. Martin tonight.” [B](A)[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’m not sure which one of these guys scares me more.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “you’re a six time world bad ass why does either of them scare you chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well isn’t madness contagious?”[/COLOR] (Terry just shakes his head as raven makes his way to the ring. Terry is thinking “chuck Norris does not where a condom during sex, because there is no such thing as protection from chuck Norris.” How am I going to survive this job!) [B]Randy Savage over Raven, in 17:41 (B)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The Old man still moves like the wind, and every time raven attempted to take it outside the ring and up the violence level, Macho proved he was more than up to the punishment. Then Macho would turn it around and put raven right back into the ring and dole out the old school pain. Raven may thrive on pain, but no one goes on empty like the Macho Man. In the end Raven just couldn’t answer the top rope elbow, and randy savage picked up a clean three count. Photobucket As the match ends, Diamond Dallas comes to the top of the ramp microphone in hand. “Raven, what about poor little decrepit Raven? I’ll tell you what, he just got banged by the elbow of a geriatrics patient. What about Raven? Why didn’t I call you? You just showed why I didn’t call you, you can’t even hang with the nursing home crowd, how you gonna hang with the likes of DDP? You get in my business again raven and your gonna get banged.” DDP throws down the microphone and makes the Diamond Cutter symbol [B](C)[/B]
[B]Interview:[/B]Mark Wahlberg by Bob Costas Photobucket by Photobucket Back in Bob Costas’ office we go, the camera is in tight focus so that we see just bob, and not the usual shot of his whole office. Bob looking right into the camera. Costas: “Ladies and Gentleman, the man sitting in my office is platinum artist and a screen legend in his own right, and has recently added executive producer to his growing list of Hollywood accolades. Growing up on the mean street of Boston, and then passing through the cut throat world of hip hop music, my guest Mark Wahlberg has learned what it truly means to be fighting champion.” The camera pans out, the fandamonuim ensues, “Thank you for meeting with me tonight mark. I hear you have a major announcement for our fans hear tonight.” [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Mark: “Bob, thank you so much for having me. Yes, Hollywood’s in a bit of slump, my agent calls me up and asks me if I would be interested in stopping by maybe kicking it with the boys. I said, hell yeah, throw my name in for a match or two. He of course was like (in a pinched voice) Mark, um, that’s probably not the best idea. But I was like hells yes, and here I am to prove that Mark Wahlberg can not just wrestle, but that he is actually one of the best Hollywood has to offer.[/COLOR] Costas: “Do you think it’s wise risking you looks, your career, maybe even your life in a sport as competitive as professional wrestling. You are of course aware anything can happen out in that ring, and (long pause) usually does?” [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Mark: “Bob, like you said, I grew up on the means streets of Boston, and just because I got the money, don’t think for a minute I lost the fight.”[/COLOR] Costas: “I know you’re aware and are training hard, but just so the fans know. Your first fight is right here Live next week. You of course will be facing the rolling thunder of Rob Van damn, in a title tournament match. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Mark: “That’s right, and when it’s all said and done I think the end of the line for rob stops right here.” (Wahlberg is holding up a tapped fist)[/COLOR] Costas: “I’m sure it does, Good luck in your first match up, and have a great week” [B](A*)[/B] ChuckNorris [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “What does your Schedule say is next, Chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh, I pitched that piece of sh*t after that third match wasn’t on there.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Why chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I figured I’d kick it’s *ss before it kicked mine.”[/COLOR] (Terry shaking his head yet again) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well chuck it’s time for the second part of our main event…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: (interrupting): “Oh, ladies and gentleman it’s time for round two of Randy Savage versus Raven”[/COLOR] (Terry still shaking his head) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “No chuck, it’s time for Hulk Hogan vs. Test, the one man wrecking crew”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh, I thought most wrecking balls were operated by one man, why is he bragging about being average, he should call himself the half a man wrecking crew or something.”[/COLOR] (Terry takes his head set off and hangs his head) [B](B+)[/B]
[B]Hulk Hogan over Test in 17:54 (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The match is a dead heat for the first ten minutes. Clothes lines and punches, old school all the way. Then something seems to come over test and he just starts firing on all cylinders. Right left right, and Hogan even takes a suplex. Test choke slams him and it looks like everything is lost for our hero in red and yellow. But just as Test goes to pin Hogan he just seems to run out of steam. Hogan starts firing back, and test just can’t answer. Hogan hits a massive clothes line that nearly sends test for a 360 flip, and then hits the leg drop and that’s all she wrote. Test isn’t just down for the three, he doesn’t move as we fade to black with Hogan celebrating his win. [B]Show Rating: B Fast over nights: 39.38[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Recap:[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Hour 1[/SIZE][/B] (5)[B]B+ [/B]intro: bob costas (introduce show) (4)[B]B+ [/B]goes down to ring and hulk hogan (to talk about title tournament) (3)[B]B+[/B] hogan gets attacked by rock (5)[B]C+[/B] rock introduces grid iron way (rock, terry bradshaw, goldberg and monty brown) (4)[B]B+[/B] hogan gets back up and continues tournament talk (3)[B]B+[/B] hogan takes a stone cold stunner but bret hart runs out for the save (4)[B]B+[/B] then bret hart cold c*cks hogan and puts him in the sharp shooter (4)[B]B+[/B] hart talks about how great it is to be infront of a broad cast audience (5)[B]B-[/B] we go back up to bob costas for the anouncement of our first match [B]first match:[/B] (12)[B]A[/B] [B]goldberg[/B] vs ted hart, goldberg dominates (5)[B]B+[/B] golberg takes mic and advocates why he should be the first champ (3)[B]B[/B] anouncers hype randy savage vs raven in our double main event (3)[B]B[/B] anouncers hype Hulk hogan vs test in our double main event [B][SIZE="3"]Hour 2[/SIZE][/B] [B]Second Match:[/B] (15)[B]C[/B] [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs Tatank (buff interferes, by accident) Lex gets the win (3)C- tatanka takes off after buff [B]Third match:[/B] (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]Diamond dallas[/B] page vs D'lo Brown (raven run in) DDP still wins (5)[B]C+[/B] Raven takes mike on ramp and adresses Page [B]Fourth match:[/B] (10)[B]C+[/B] [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs Marty genety - bret gets win (tatanka bumps genety while still chasing bagwell) (5)[B]B-[/B] randy savage attacks trent acid, or does he? (7)[B]A[/B] bob costas interviews Hulk Hogan on why he chose to come back to wrestling [B][SIZE="3"]Hour 3[/SIZE][/B] [B]Fifth Match:[/B] (20)[B]B[/B] [B]Randy Savage[/B] vs Raven - Randy savage wins (5)[B]C[/B] Diamond Dallas Page comes out and mocks Ravens loss (10)[B]A*[/B] Bob costas interviews Mark WHalberg and welcomes him to NBC wrestling (5)[B]B+[/B] Chuck norris and Terry bradsahw hype main event again [B]Sixth match:[/B] (20)[B]B-[/B] [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] vs Test - Hulk hogan over test when test seem so run out of steam [SIZE="3"][B]Show rating B rating 39.38[/B][/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=DarkRed]
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Commercial [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="navy"]January 8st 2008, Monday Millions of fans around the world turned into the premier episode of Pressure point. (shots of large crowds run across the screen) Did you miss history in the making? (flashes of Hulk Hogan taking the stunner, Goldberg delivering the jack hammer, and Randy savage being flung into steal steps) Could you ever forgive yourself if you missed the impossible? (The Scene of Hulk Hogan tapping out to the sharp shooter) or has it already happened? (test lying what looks like dead on the mat) Find out if Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart or Goldberg has already lost their chance at future immortality. And who said PPV didn’t come on 400 inch screens?(picture of a packed theater with Stone cold Steve Austin standing on the ropes) Saturday at 8 Est. you will believe. The disclosed card: [INDENT]Chris Kanyon vs Ted Hart Perry Saturn vs D’lo Brown[/INDENT] One half of the World Title Tournament: [INDENT]The Rock vs Brock Lesnar Goldberg vs Giant Sappling (Bob Sapp) Sid Vicious vs Diamond Dallas Page Mark Wahlberg vs Rob Van Dam[/INDENT][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[B]Chris Kanyon[/B] vs Ted Hart (Who's better thank Kanyon? Nobody!) [B]Perry Saturn[/B] vs D’lo Brown (Man is a real life hero... And a great wrestler.) The Rock vs [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] (Since Rock is part-time...) [B]Goldberg[/B] vs Giant Sappling (Bob Sapp) (What's there to say?) Sid Vicious vs [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] (Sid's got a messed up leg. BANG!!!) [B]Mark Wahlberg[/B] vs Rob Van Dam (I like RVD, but I see Wahlberg getting a bit of a push)
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday January 13th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Live from the Studio 5 in Los Angels, California in front of a sold out crowd of 15,000, this is Pressure Point. Good evening ladies and Gentlemen I’m Bob Costas, and welcome to the pinnacle in the sport of professional wrestling. Tonight we will sit down with some of newest premier talent in the wrestling industry. But first, tonight marks a mile stone for NBC wrestling, as we announce our first Cineplex event. Friday night February 5th, live across the nation NBC wrestling will Debut UnContainable on PPV and simulcast to a theater near you. NBC wrestling is proud to bring you wrestling in a format as close to live action as possible. Tickets won’t last long so call now. With that being said lets send you now to my colleagues on the floor, who will get us right into the action, as we have a packed card for you here tonight. Including Rob Van Damn, The Rock, and Goldberg. Take it away Chuck. [B](B+)[/B]
Our announcers: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw. ChuckNorris Photobucket . . . . . [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: thanks, Bob. (elbows chuck) Good evening ladies and gentleman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: It wasn’t 8:04 yet Terry.[/COLOR] (Chuck turns on his head set) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: Boy do we have an opening bout for you tonight[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: is this guys name really Giant Sapling?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: Goldberg will face “The Giant Sapling” Bob Sapp[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: It will be our first Title Tournament bout, but I wonder if they brought a stretcher large enough to the arena tonight?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: (knowing he is going to regret this) why is that Chuck?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: Because their going to have to haul the whole ring out of here when Goldberg plants the Giant Sapling with that jack hammer of his.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: (looking taken back by chucks statement) how true that is.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: Yeah it’s illegal to uproot a sapling once planted in Los Angeles County.[/COLOR] (Terry hangs his head; it’s going to be a long night) [B](B)[/B] [B]Goldberg over “The Giant Sapling” Bob Sapp in 12:48 (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs PhotobucketBig man versus bigger man has never seemed to bother Goldberg. Bob Sapp brought the power and poise of his years in the sport to the ring. Goldberg tried power, submission and even some mat wrestling. Bob Sapp countered every move and often set Goldberg back on his heels. A Wicked sit down power bomb from “The Giant Sapling”, took Goldberg to with in a hair of the three count, but in classic Goldberg style, when the pain has reached its threshold. Goldberg snapped off a spear, and a vicious Jack Hammer, and Bob Sapp could not kick out in three. Brock Lesnar who had accompanied The Giant Sapling to ring side stormed into the ring and laid a wicked boot to the side of Goldberg’s Head. Rising to one knee and shaking loose the cob webs Bob Sapp rose to Join Lesnar in dismantling the phenom. Terry Bradshaw rose to help, but chuck Norris doing something uncommonly wise held Bradshaw back from getting in the middle of the ruckus. Goldberg despite the beating managed to roll out of the ring, and neither behemoth attempted to follow, instead signaling for microphones. [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket “I am Brock Lesnar and for those of you that are uninformed, this is The Giant Sapling, as strong and constant as any Oak Tree. Brock Lesnar and the F5 stand for power and strength. Bob Sapp stands for the true Human Potential. But this “Grid Iron way..ste of effort” is crap. A man gets what he can take and there is no team in I, and that is all this sport is about! So when The Rock Comes out here to face me, or should I say if he has the guts to come out here and face me in the main event. Brock Lesnar will show him an old school Grid Iron beat down!” [B](B)[/B]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I am Ben Jordan, and joining me tonight is Marty Jannetty”[/COLOR] Jannetty is hopping from foot to foot in front of the microphone “Ben man, we gotta talk about your eating habits” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well, I, um”[/COLOR] “Never mind, what’s more important is Tatanka, and his reckless actions last week.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“How so”[/COLOR] “Ben, there is no way Bret Hart would have won that match last week, if Tatanka hadn’t interfered in my match” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well in his defense Marty, he was going after Buff Bagwell”[/COLOR] “And in my defense, it still cost me my shot in the title tournament. So, if Tatanka is a real man he will show up her next week, ready to give me a chance to pick up my first victory in NBC wrestling!” [B](D)[/B] [B]Ted Hart over Chris Kanyon in 8:00 (C-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Chris Kanyon was accompanied to the ring by both his manager Jennifer Blake and D’Lo Brown. While the referee’s back was turned both took turns trying to cheap shot Ted Hart. The Referee quickly grew tired of trying to keep track of the three on one, and ejected D’Lo Brown from ring side. Kanyon became so incensed with the referee, that Jennifer Blake had to jump in the ring and keep Chris from striking him. Moments latter when Jennifer again tried to cheap shot Ted, the Referee signaled for her ejection as well. As Kanyon turned to argue with the referee, Hart took the opportunity to drill Kanyon in the back of the head with a round house kick coming down from the top rope. A quick roll up and Ted Hart was your winner. Chris Kanyon jumped quickly to his feet, and charged Ted Hart and the Referee, who both quickly rolled out of the ring. The Referee then raised Ted Harts Hand half way up the ramp. Jennifer threw a microphone up to Kanyon in the ring. “What a screw job! Chris Kanyon, and who better than Kanyon! Comes out here, and I have two witnesses to this fact.” Jennifer is wildly nodding her head, and mouthing that’s right “The referee blatantly calls the match in my opponents favor, and then when it is clear that no one is better than Kanyon, the referee distracts me and uses a fast count to cost me the match. So mark my words, Who Better than Kanyon to rid this federation of such corruption.” [B](D+)[/B] Photobucket If Chris said anything else it was drowned out by screeching tires, shattering glass and utter fandamonium. “Hey slap nuts! Shut your mouth and get outa my ring!” Stone cold is Stalking to the ring, and even all of Kanyon’s bravado knows it’s time to exit stage left. Steve Austin pulls himself to the apron. “If you folks are glad to see that moron shut up, give me a H*ll Yeah! (echo H*LL YEAH). Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s been a slight over sight (echo what) some fool up in the back there (echo what) some guy who think he knows it all (echo what) H*ll some guy who’s just looking to get his *ss kicked (echo what) forgot to put Stone Cold Steve Austin’s name in the Title Tournament. (echo what) So here’s what I propose (echo what) that guys got five seconds to get down here and tell me what he’s going to do about it. 1….2….3….4 [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket “Hold it, Hold it, Hold it” Test walks out, Stone Cold stares him down all the way into the ring. Test holding the microphone up with only and inch between his nose and Steve Austin’s icy glare. “I dare you, count five.” Austin opens his mouth but a low blow and a Test-tosterone driver latter, and Steve Austin is on the Canvass carpet ride to lala land. “Stone Cold if you think you deserved a Tournament match, then consider next week your wild card shot!” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket vs Photobucket Sid looked Strong, because DDP sold every move over the top. DDP took a monstrous back body drop. A running clothes line, that if I didn’t know better gave the audience whiplash. DDP managed to lock Sid in a figure 4, but when Vicious reversed it, DDP had to fight to the ropes to break his own hold. A power bomb latter and Sid took his time with the casual cover for the three count. Photobucket The cut over to the office of Bob Costas is met by a huge pop from the crowd. Wesley Snipes is already seated and casually talking with Bob. Costas turns to address the camera. Costas: Ladies and Gentleman it is my pleasure to introduce the blockbuster actor, and newest member of the NBC wrestling roster, Wesley Snipes. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Wes: So glad to be here, so glad.[/COLOR] Costas: And we are so glad to have you. Despite your legal issues, how are you doing these days Mr. Snipes? [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Wes: you know ABC 123 sometimes you just gotta go back to basics.[/COLOR] Costas: And some times you are hit with multiple counts of tax evasion and the movie scripts dry up for an unknown quantity. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Wes: (looking truly hurt) well sometimes you trust people and some times those people turn out to not be the kind of people you should have trusted. But like I said I am moving past that point in my life.[/COLOR] Costas: But Wesley, how can you be sure that the people who advised you to come to NBC wrestling are those last kind of people? [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Wes: I’m not sure what you mean? I made the decision to join NBC wrestling in order to show my fans that I am the total package, the action hero with both the on screen and off screen chops, dig?[/COLOR] Costas: We definitely look forward to seeing you in the ring. And I advise against any bright orange ring attire, some people might get the wrong idea. (Wesley has no come back at all for this last dig) [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: Is this a wrestling ring or a giant soap box?[/COLOR] Photobucket The Rock has taken up position on a corner ring post. “Finally The Rock has come back to Los Angeles!” the fandamonium takes hold and the rock basks in its glory. “Brock Less than nothing and Giant Tooth Pick, you need to know your roll, and shut your mouths.” The rock points over to the announce desk, “In the words of Terry Bradshaw, Four super bowl rings can’t be wrong, The Grid Iron way, is the only way. It’s not about talk, it’s about action. And tonight in the main event you will smell what the rock, is cookin’.” [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I don’t know what the rock is cooking, but I can smell his lunch from here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck that is the hot dog breathe from the guy behind us.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: (turning around) “Hey can you get me one of those?”[/COLOR] (Terry shakes his head) [B]Perry Saturn over D’lo Brown in 7:22 (D+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket D’lo Brown came down to the ring with a chip already on his shoulder. Perry Saturn did his best to help knock that chip right off. D’lo could no more block one move than Saturn would knock him down with another. Chris Kanyon Tried to draw to Referee’s attention, to how badly he was calling the match, and while the referee’s back was turned D’lo in desperation tried to plant a low blow on Saturn. Saturn, fell forward onto D’lo and took all his pain out on D’lo by locking him in the rings of Saturn. Giving D’lo little choice but to tap out. Photobucket As D’lo Brown and Kris Kanyon Flee ring side, Ted Dibiase brings out his protégés the Million Dollar Duo, Mark and Jay Briscoe. “What is the world coming too, I ask you. The spirit of the sport just seems so broken. The Million Dollar man goes out and tracks down what are arguably the best tag team in professional wrestling today. And then when I bring them into find out who their first opponent will be, they say (in a high pitch voiced) I’m sorry Mr. Dibiase, but we don’t have a tag team division at this time,” Perry Saturn from ring side, “your boys wanna fight? Then next week they got one, Briscoe’s versus Saturn, you happy now you rich old fart?” Million Dollar man just smiles evilly back at Saturn. (E+)
Back stage with Ben Jordan: [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Macho man, how do you feel about the allegations made against you by Bob Costas, that you were Trent Acid’s attacker?”[/COLOR] “Trent Acid, ooh Yeahhh, the Macho Man, had nahthin’ to do with that, nahthin! But Bob Costas, look here, you wanna step on the Macho man, the Macho mans gonna step on you, if ya dig” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Thank you for those word Randy, and good luck on your up coming match tonight” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Yes Chuck”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I don’t see the macho man’s match on my schedule”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Just like last week Chuck, there is an unannounced match here tonight, and it will be Ken Shamrock against the “Macho Man” Randy Savage.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Do they have to keep making me look like a fool?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, I would have to say [B]they[/B] don’t make you look like a fool”[/COLOR] [B]Randy Savage over Ken Shamrock in 12:59 (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The Macho Man put up a good fight, but Ken Shamrock is the most dangerous man in the world. Twice Randy barely got to the ropes in time to break the hold. Savage then took to the air, and caught Shamrock off guard, on his heels and off balance Ken Shamrock took the punishment, but then things just kind of stared clicking for ken. And it was all Savage could do to keep from blacking out from the pain when shamrock locked the ankle lock on the third time. Shamrocks victory looked immanent, with The Macho man Poised to tap out, when suddenly Ken just seemed to lose his grip, and savage kicked free. One, two, three, four, the crowed counted along as Savage began pummeling Shamrock. A Suplex and a flying elbow latter Savage was celebrating his victory while Ken lay looking almost dead on the canvass. Photobucket As Savage was celebrating his victory from one ring post to the next, Sid Vicious came to the top of the ramp, microphone in hand. “Hey savage, I saw that look in your eye last week. I know that look savage! You maybe able to fool all of these simple minded fans with your petty “oooh Yeaaahs” but Sid Vicious sees you for what you are. A brutal monster that needs to be caged! Mark me Savage, I will be watching you.” (as this exchange has gone on, ken has rolled from the ring and hobbled back stage) [B](B)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Thanks Moe, I’ll tell the fans, Fans Moe says that there is something happening in the back so we are going to that camera.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, more like this, Folks I’ve just got word of a disturbance in the back, let’s check in with our camera back stage to find out what happening. Got it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “but that’s not how Moe said it.”[/COLOR] (Terry just sighs deeply, and thinks to himself “Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits” I just hope he’s not waiting for me!) In the back we find Ken Shamrock holding Orlando Jordan up against a row of lockers. “You said the stuff would work! What the H*LL was that? Because it sure shooting wasn’t “working”.” At this point Ken notices the camera, cuffs Orlando on the back of the head and forces him to move off out of the view of the camera man. [B](C)[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Photobucket Lex Luger is pacing back and forth in front of a stationary camera. He turns starts to speak, stops and continues pacing. Finally he man’s up and faces the camera using the Clinton soft chop thumb. “Buff Bagwell, I didn’t need your assistance to win. Me and the man up stairs had that match sewn up. So Buff when I have finished this tournament, and me and the big guy are wearing gold. I am warning you, you are going to answer for trying to upstage my silent partner!” [B](B-)[/B]
[B]Rob Van Damn over Mark Wahlberg in 18:04 (B)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket If you thought this match was going to be a waste of time your wrong. It was evident that the best that money could buy had gone into training Mark for this match up. Mark Wahlberg opened with an offensive set that would have made any luchadore proud. He sold Rvd’s moves like only a professional actor could, and made even the little things look like a big deal. It’s hard to admit, but Marky mark almost came off as a real wrestler. The highlight of the match up was Wahlberg’s Plancha onto RVD on the outside, I think every fan held their breath until Mark had regained his feet. No one and I mean no one in the building had expect to see Mark Wahlberg hang with Rob for more than 5 seconds, but it was not until well past the 15 minute mark that RVD’s superior conditioning and lifetime of experience slammed into Mark, in the form of rolling thunder. And that was all she wrote. Rob Van Damn walked away with the clean three in a hard fought match up. Photobucket Bob Costas office seems a little darker than usual, like a bulb has burned out or something. Bob is seated at his desk; the interview chair is currently empty. Costas: “Ladies and Gentlemen, my next guest is running a few moments late. He is the Star of uncountable box office goldmines, such as perfect dark and triple X. and his hard core life style and bad boy attitude should make him the perfect addition to the NBC wrestling line up.” (Vin Diesel enters the set still on his cell phone takes his seat next to Bob Costas, and hold up a finger indicating to hold for one more moment, bob gives it a three count) Costas: “My Guest Tonight Vin Diesel!” [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Vin: (hanging up the phone) “Man, Look, I am sorry about being late but ya know traffic and everything.”[/COLOR] Costas: “Vin its ok, NBC wrestling is just glad, and dare I say proud to have some one of your caliber joining our federation. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Vin: “Well ya know, I heard that Snipes guy was coming here to represent action heroines, and I figured someone should come to represent the action hero’s” (he snikers at his own joke)[/COLOR] Costas: “How big of an immediate impact do you think you will have on this sport?” [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Vin: “Well I am sure I will dominate, and I’m pretty sure the brass around here thinks so too, that’s the only reason to keep Vin Diesel out of the title tournament!”[/COLOR] Costas: “I’m sure you right, and a major over sight it was…” (Commotion is coming from the hall, a producer sticks his head in and says something, but the microphones don’t pick it up) Costas: “Vin, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me, and good luck in your first match here in NBC wrestling.” [B](A*)[/B]
Bob Costas is seen tearing off his head set and running out of the office, the camera man in tow. The camera man rounds a corner and almost runs into Costas. Costas is standing stock still, B-boy battered, bloodied and bruised in a heap at his feet. The word “The Madness Lives” written in what we hope is just red paint across the cinderblock walls. [B](B-)[/B] Photobucket Hulk Hogan is standing inside of the ring. “Do you Hulkamaniacs know what? Last week brother, not once, not twice, but three times, Guys who call themselves honorable wrestlers came out here and blind side me. The rock (the crowd cheers), “Stone Cold”, Steve Austin (the crowd cheers again) and then that venomous snake Bret Hart (the crowd cheers). So, do you dudes know what I did? When Hulk Hogan won his Title tournament match last week, he went straight to the guys in the back and he said, “you dude’s better put Hulk Hogan and Bret hart in the same ring in the next round” so Next week I am proud to tell you Hulkamaniacs it’s gonna be Hulk Hogan versus Bret “the Hitman” hart!” [B](A)[/B]
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck are you ready for the main event?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I don’t know what is it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “It’s on your schedual, The Rock versus Brock Lesnar”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “ Schecual-schmedual, I had to blow my nose and it was the only paper out here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “just so you know next time, Chuck. There is a box of klenex under the announce desk.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh, I know, but the soft stuff hurts my nose.”[/COLOR] (Terry just looks away) [B] Brock Lesnar over The Rock when The Giant Sapling interferes at 17:13 (A)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket What can I say about a match where a force of nature runs into a God of wrestling and the deciding factor is a giant tree of a man? The rock went high impact with a flying shoulder block and did not even take Lesnar off of his feet. Lesnar then Drug the Rock around the ring in a modified choke hold, when the referee finally made Brock break the hold, The Rock pushed him into the ropes and landed a wicked spine buster. This was the first point at which Bob Sapp attempted to interfere, but Terry Bradshaw snuck up behind the Giant and landed a boot in his nether regions, Terry then retreated back to the announce desk, and even the Sapling was afraid of getting too close to Chuck Norris. The rock hits the peoples elbow, and even Brock knew he was in trouble. A whip to the ropes and Brock Lesnar managed to pull the referee into rocks way, the ref crumbled under the brutal rock bottom. Rock then sent Brock for the ride one more time, and this time there was no escaping the rock bottom, and rock went for the cover, but the ref was out cold. Bob Sapp climbs into the ring and delivered Brock's F5 to the rock before he knew what had hit him. Then the Sapling pulled Lesnar on top of the Rock and woke the referee up just enough to count Brock's win. The Show faded to Black with Lesnar and Sapp celebrating, and the announcers decrying the travesty of it all. [B]Show Rating: B Fast over nights: 43.46[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Recap: [SIZE="3"]Hour 1[/SIZE][/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Intro: Bob Costas, talks about PPV (3)[B]B[/B] hYpe for first match by announcers [B]First match:[/B] (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]goldgerg[/B] over bob sapp (3)[B]B+[/B] goldberg beat down by sapp and lesnar (3)[B]B[/B] sapp and lesnar talk about how useless the GIW is (3)[B]D[/B] back stage jannetty challenges tatanka [B]Second match:[/B] (10)[B]C-[/B] [B]chris kanyon[/B] vs ted hart- ted hart wins (3)[B]D+[/B] chris pouts and swears he is going to tear NBCw apart, becuase this just isn't real wrestling (5)[B]B+[/B] steve austin wants to know who's *ss he should kick for not getting tournament bid. (3)[B]B+[/B] test comes out an floors austin you want a bout, you got one next week (3)[B]B-[/B] anouncers hype sid vs DDP (3)[B]B[/B] announcer hype rvd vs walhberg (3)[B]B[/B] announcer hype Rock vs lesnar [SIZE="3"][B]hour 2:[/B][/SIZE] [B]Third match:[/B] (10)[B]C+[/B] [B]sid vicious[/B] over DDP (5)[B]B+[/B] wesley snipes interview with bob costas (5)[B]B+[/B] The rock responds to Brock/sap warns away from interference in his match [B]Fourth match:[/B] (10)[B]D+[/B] [B]Perry saturn[/B] over D'lo Brown (5)[B]E+[/B] ted brings out brisco bros, perry takes challenge for next week [B]Fifth match:[/B] (4)[B]B+[/B] Macho defends himself (15)[B]B+[/B] [B]macho man[/B] over ken shamrock (3)[B]B[/B] sid comes out and berates macho behavior (3)[B]C[/B] orlando jordan taking a beatng from ken shamrock [SIZE="3"][B]hour 3:[/B][/SIZE] (5)[B]B-[/B] lex luger challenges buffbagwell, luger doesn't want to win that way [B]Sixth match:[/B] (20)[B]B[/B] [B]Rvd[/B] over Mark Wahlberg (7)[B]A*[/B] Vin diesels interview with bob costas (3)[B]B-[/B] macho found over another body (5)[B]A[/B] hogan comes out and tell the crowd how he is glad his next opponent in the tournament will be bret hart [B]Seventh match:[/B] (20)[B]A[/B] [B]Brock Lesner[/B] over the rock when Bob Sapp interfers [B] sold out 15,000 Show rating B fast over night: 43.46[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
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thank you to every one who has commented or participated. your kind words have been great. But now is the time to be mean. i am ready to start writing up my third show. what should can i do to improve? is the format wrong? am i spending to much time on something i shouldn't or visa-versa. thank you so much for the heads up. I will have the perdictions key up this evening.
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It's really really text heavy which can induce the temptation to scroll through - but I feel that the quality may detract if you're not careful. Your main logo has some fuzzy white bits on it that kinda spoil it - could you tidy this? Also, it's know your "role", not "roll". Just little things - and I am enjoying this (especially the notion of the Rock sitting nonchalant on a turnbuckle - perfect for his character!). Just a bit of tightening up and it'd be a winner I think :)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;373071] Your main logo has some fuzzy white bits on it that kinda spoil it - could you tidy this? [/QUOTE] quite right, i had another go at it. it was the very first Graphic I attempted and the first time i had ever used gimp. i think i have gotten a little better, though not by much. i will clean up some of the others as time allows. Since most of the main roster is now done. i will also replace those few that were not original cuts with ones that are, if i find appropriate pictures. thank you again for your critiques. i will take them to heart, hopefully to our mutual benefit.
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The Commercial [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]January 15th 2008, Monday Is, this, the end of days. (Goldbery drilling Bob Sapp into the canvas with the jackhammer) One more reason we should stay away. (Mark Wahlberg’s, plancha onto Rob Van Dam) Back down, before we fall, nothing on the other side of emptiness (The vicious power bomb, on Diamond Dallas Page by Sid Viscious) Or is there another reason, (the Macho Mans face semi imposed over “The Madness Lives”) We should stand and fight (Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapling beating down Goldberg). [graphic] “It all comes to a head, at UnContainable” [Anouncer] don’t miss Pressure Point Saturday nights at 8 only on NBC. Announced Matches:[INDENT]Perry Saturn vs Mark & Jay Briscoe Test vs “Stone Cold” Steve Austin[/INDENT] Round two of the World Title Tournament:[INDENT]Lex Luger vs Goldberg Sid Viscious vs Randy Savage Brock Lesnar vs Rob Van Dam Bret Hart Vs Hulk Hogan[/INDENT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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