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When Writers Strike: NBC wrestling

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[COLOR=Sienna]my disclaimer: Lack of common scenses leads to an untimely demise. NOTHING HERE IS REAL Nothing here represents the thoughts, opions, actions, or judgements of any person, company or entity represented. all trade marks are for fully fictional use and do not in anyway represent the brands or companies by which they are trademarked. NOTHING HERE IS REAL[/COLOR] [B][U][CENTER]Table of Contents:[/CENTER] [/U][/B]
[LEFT][post=370809][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 1/6/2008[/COLOR][/post] Goldberg vs Ted Hart Lexluger vs Tatanka * Bret Hart vs Marty Jannetty * Randy Savage vs Raven * Hulk Hogan vs Test *[/LEFT] [LEFT][post=372417][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 1/13/2008[/COLOR][/post] Ted Hart vs Chris Kanyon Sid Vicious vs Diamond Dallas Page * Perry Saturn vs D'lo Bron Randy Savage vs Ken Shamrock * Rob Van Dam vs Mark Wahlberg * Brock Lesnar vs The Rock * [/LEFT] [LEFT][post=376639][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 1/20/2008[/COLOR][/post] Perry Saturn vs Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe (the million dollar duo) Mark Whalberg vs Sylvester Terkay Goldberg vs Lex Luger * Steve Austin vs Test Sid Vicious vs Randy Savage * Brock Lesnar vs Rob Van Dam * Hulk Hogan Vs Bret Hart *[/LEFT] [LEFT][post=382024][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 1/27/2008[/COLOR][/post] Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe vs Aaron Agulera Ted Hart and Cruzz vs Chris Kanyon and D'lo Brown Raven vs Orlando Jordan Diamond Dallas Page vs Sylvester Terkay Brock Lesnar vs Sid Vicious * Goldberg vs Hulk Hogan *[/LEFT]
[CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] [post=386308][COLOR=Navy][B][SIZE=3]NBCw: UnContainable![/SIZE][/B] 2/5/2008[/COLOR][/post][INDENT]Tatanka vs Marty Jannetty Buff Bagwell vs Lex Luger Diamond Dallas Page vs Raven (No Hold Barred) Bob Sapp vs The Rock (steel cage) Vin Diesel vs Wesley Snipes Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar * (World Title Match)[/INDENT]* Title Tournament bouts
[LEFT][post=389093][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 2/6/2008[/COLOR][/post] Ted Hart vs Orlando Jordan Bob Sapp vs Montel Brown Buff Bagwell & Marty Jannetty vs Lex Luger & Tatanka Mark Wahlberg Vs Rob Van Dam Steve Austin vs Goldberg(c) (non-title bout) The Rock vs Hulk Hogan[/LEFT] [post=391017][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 2/13/2008[/COLOR][/post] Bret Hart & Ted Hart vs Chris Kanyon and D'lo Brown The Million Dollar Duo vs Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera RVD vs Test vs Marc Mero Mark Wahlberg vs Raven Steve Austing vs Hulk Hogan Brock Lesnar vs Wesley Snipes [post=392480][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 2/20/2008[/COLOR][/post] Ted Hart vs Chris Kanyon Randy Savage & Revival vs Sid Vicious & Ego Montel Brown vs Ken Shamrock Vin Diesel vs Diamond Dallas Paige Steve Austin vs Bret Hart Brock Lesnar & Bob Sapp vs Goldberg & The Rock [post=394566][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 2/27/2008[/COLOR][/post] Sid Vicious vs Mark Jindrak Randy Savage vs Sean O'Haire Ego vs Perry Saturn & Aaron Agulera Bob Sapp vs Ken Shamrock Revival vs The Million $ Duo Mark Wahlberg vs Test Bret Hart & Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan and Goldberg
[CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] [post=402265][COLOR=Navy][B][SIZE=3]NBCw: AfterMath[/SIZE][/B] 3/5/2008[/COLOR][/post][INDENT]10 man battle royal for PP tv title Ego vs Revival Raven vs DDP (Bowery Death match) Sid Vicious vs Randy Savage (cage match) Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan Goldberg vs Steve Austing (World Title match)[/INDENT]
[LEFT][post=408604][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 3/6/2008[/COLOR][/post] Ted Hart vs Sean O'haire (PP tv title) Chris Kanyon vs Cruzz vs Mark Jindrak NBC vs Ego vs Revival (Tag Title) Sid Vicious vs Raven R1: DDP vs Mark Wahlberg vs RVD R2: The Rock vs Test Vs Wesley Snipes Vin Diesel vs Steve Austin[/LEFT] [LEFT][post=413471][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 3/13/2008[/COLOR][/post] Million Dollar Duo vs Jindrack and O'Haire D'lo Brown vs Ted Hart (PP TV Title) NBC vs Genuine Talent R3: Raven vs Hulk Hogan vs Rob Van Dam R4: Bret Hart vs Mark Wahlberg vs The Rock Wesley Snipes vs Test Vin Diesel vs Diamond Dallas Paige[/LEFT] [LEFT][post=428647][COLOR=Navy]Pressure Point: 3/20/2008[/COLOR][/post] Ted Hart v Vampiro v Montel Brown v Cruzz (PP TV Title) Genuine Talent vs Perry Saturn & Aaron R4: Hulk Hogan vs Bret Hart vs Mark Jindrak R5: Wesley Snipes vs DDP vs Raven NBC vs Madness (Tag Title) Vin Diesel vs The Rock Goldberg vs Test[/LEFT]
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[COLOR="DarkRed"]OOC: This diary has been under preparation for several weeks now, first as an idea, then as an database edit project, then as a venture in learning a little gimp. Now as something i am excited to share. I have never written a real world diary, my previous diary attempts have been left field ideas, that i think i am the only one who found amusing. This diary hopefully has a more main stream appeal. The Data base is almost ready. i am jumping the gun, and i apologize, but i want this diary to start before the writers accept their new contracts. even though it will start in game on January 1st 2008.[/COLOR]
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the changes In this process I want to be very carefully to document the changes I make and why. Change 1, I resized the major network to represent the huge audience that and ABC, NBC, CBS or FOX actually represents Change 2, add NBC venues to the south west, sound stages are something NBC has plenty of, it has decked out a single Sound stage in Orange county to be reconfigurable to be anything from a small to very Big area. Change 3, the formation of No-hold Barred championship wrestling, as owned by NBC and immediately vaulted to 85% over in the us Change 4, the addition of NBCW presents Pressure point live Saturday nights from 8 to 11 on NBC. Change 5, adding the following contracts to NBC wrestling [COLOR="White"]Goldberg Hulk Hogan Bret hart Ken shamrock Brock Lesnar The rock Steve austing Perry Saturn Raven Vampire Buff Bagwell Ted Dibiase (manager) Diamond dallas page[/COLOR] Change 6, adding the following characters to the database [COLOR="White"] Bob Costas (announcer) Vin Diesel (wrestler) Chuck Norris (Manager) Mark Whalberg (wrestler) Jessica Biel (ring girl) Wesley Snipes (wrestler) Terry bradshaw (announcer\manager)[/COLOR] Change 7, I am increasing the overness of the WWE and TNA in America, as both of these would in theory see a bump in interest from the lack of new scripted programming. WWE has been adjusted up to global and TNA up to national. I know that neither really has the roster to support these changes, but I don’t want either's talent to immediately jump ship to my new promotion. Change 8, I am running one month to attempt to sign contracts, once these contracts are signed I will update the database with these changes so I have full roster ready to launch 1/1/2008. plus I will have actually allowed the game to decided if certain people do or do not wish to work for my fed. (every one but steve corino accepted my written contract offers, the database will be set to acknowledge this) i will now start the back story, but i still need to finish setting every ones starting momentum and gimicks in the data base before i begin the true game, and set out to run my first event.
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The Back Story: [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]In late November 2007 something very significant in the world of entertainment happened. The writers went on strike. By January 2008 Reality was King. To a Television executive, the words “I have a reality show idea," were production companies ticket to network gold. It was in this environment that an idea took hold. Hulk Hogan had just finished taping American Gladiators and had time on his hands due to the divorce. NBC, was looking at cutting budgets, and increasing their reality line up even before the writers strike, and now every reality idea worth running with seemed to be either, to expensive for their cost conscious budget, two out there to ever catch on, or NBC standards and practices dismissed as inappropriate for the NBC line up. This is where and how my story starts. My name is Stanley Nedleman. My friends call me Moe, don’t ask. I run numbers for a living, and the Hulk fresh from his TV exposure on gladiators approached me. “Brother, how much would it cost to run a federation live from an NBC sound studio? And what kind of money and buzz could we generate?” For several days I ran the numbers and discovered several very interesting facts. 1, the fall of WCW had created a void that had almost destroyed professional wrestling and left many worthy wrestlers out of a job either due to or because of WWE management style. 2, the network would have to put in seed money about equal to what an average low end reality show would cost to set up and run for 1 hour a week, and we could fill 3 hours a week on that budget. 3, with ticket prices and PPV contracts we could actually generate revenue for the network rather than being a drain. 4, we were scripted television that did not require writers to belong to the writers’ guild. 5, NBC had a long tradition of televising wrestling. 6, and biggest of all we would by default almost immediately have the biggest audience in professional wrestling today. The Hulk along with NBC executives returned to my office in the wee hours of December 3rd, all parties involved wanted to makes sure that I understood two things. First this meeting and this program never and were never going to happen. Second that if the writers strike did not come to an end by Christmas Eve, then NBC was truly interested in the rights to both produce an air any program that could fill 3 hours every week, on less than 5 million dollars a month. In fact, if there was any way to produce movie spin offs, that would be an added bonus. Universal Omni Media, the parent company of Universal pictures and NBC, was in fact in favor of a large PPV deal Friday nights, live at Cineplex’s across America. This show that they repeated “will never happen”, had not only a 3 hour time slot waiting for it, but a monthly PPV deal unlike anything the wrestling industry had ever seen before. We just need the strike to last another 3 and a half weeks…. But, we could not sit by twiddling our thumb’s, even the NBC executive’s recognized this fact. So they were tasking this internally as a reality sports project. The projects name “No-Hold Barred”, offers to appear/ participate were being fielded as we spoke, and by mid morning the agents of some of Hollywood’s most out of work or troubled actors and personalities would have been contacted. Hulk Hogan spoke up at this point, “Brother, if we are going to pull this off well then, dudes, we are going to need more than wrestlers wanna be’s! We are going to need some of the best wrestlers Vince McMahon ever deigned to piss off. And your in luck in my little black book, I have every phone number well ever need.” The non disclosure agreements were passed around, the potential Hollywood talent rosters were passed around and Hulk laid out a list of the talent, he was fairly certain he could secure for our fledgling project. The suits looked at both Hogan and I and asked the question I had been fearing, is that enough people? The cold hard truth was no, there were no more than 20 names on our list, no ref, and top heavy on personality with no wrestling ability or experience, and that was saying they all said yes. Hogan stepped up to the plate again. “You suits worry about the stars and I will bring the hulkamanics with in the wrestling industry to our door step.” They smiled, even the suits recognized the band name power of Hulk Hogan in this industry. With hand shakes all around, we all went our separate ways. We all had 3 weeks of hard work ahead of ourselves. And I don’t think any of us were in the mood to kid our selves, the executives were praying the writers would come back to the table, and if that happened, like they said “this meeting never happened.”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Cool idea. Though I would think that NBC wouldn't be likely to compete with WWE, seeing as RAW and ECW air on NBC Universal-owned networks, and WWE has aired SNME on NBC. This would probably make more sense on ABC (TNA is on Spike, part of the Viacom family, which is closely associated with CBS, and FOX is probably too conservatice). But meh, who really cares as long as the diary's good (and it seems to be heading in that direction).
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Actually, I could see News Corp. (the parent of Fox, FX, Fox Sports, etc.) doing this. FX especially. The company itself isn't conservative, it takes money from the whole spectrum. Regardless, the setup is really good -- looking forward to seeing how the roster and initial shows shape up!
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[QUOTE=Akki;369399]Cool idea. Though I would think that NBC wouldn't be likely to compete with WWE, seeing as RAW and ECW air on NBC Universal-owned networks, and WWE has aired SNME on NBC. This would probably make more sense on ABC (TNA is on Spike, part of the Viacom family, which is closely associated with CBS, and FOX is probably too conservatice). But meh, who really cares as long as the diary's good (and it seems to be heading in that direction).[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]I can't say i have the right answer, but i have given my choice alot of thought, hopefully that will make this a dairy worth coming back to. thank you all so much for your comments. *first: I envision NBC's lawyers avoiding any legal issues, by classifying this product as Scripted reality programing instead of wrestling. *second: NBC would be the most likely to understand the audience that wrestling can bring in due to their relationship with the WWE. *third: NBC is the only one of the four major network that met two criteria, one a stated belief that reality programming is the future of network TV (I think their crazy) second NBC is running fourth among the major networks and so might be desperate enough to actually try this. :) but like you say in reality it would never happen. no network would try setting up their own fed from scratch no matter how desperate the writers strike has gotten. In fact "the meeting never happened"[/COLOR]
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Christmas Eve: [COLOR="Navy"] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]No one believed it! The writers didn’t have to walk out on the networks and studios, the comments of Rupert Murdock had brought the proceedings to a stand still, and forced both sides to walk away with no hope of coming to a resolution before the new year. Murdock had called the additional demands of the writer’s guild “socialist propaganda” and that was it, neither side could come any closer while reality writers were on the table as potential members of the writer’s guild. The call was made so late in the evening on Christmas Eve, that Santa had already visited over half the globe. The message left on Moe’s answering machine was in pre-arranged code. “The No-hold Barred project has reached Championship level.” With that the line had gone dead, but the message as cryptic as it was, was the best Christmas present that Stan could have asked Santa for. Hogan had been busy. Men who had claimed they would never wrestle again, were out shopping for ring boots along with their Christmas gifts. Men who were not of sound body were convincing their wives and loved ones, that there was no way they would be getting in the ring it’s just an “on screen” job. Men who were not of sound mind, were readying their bodies to once again terrorize the unfortunate undercard. Even more impressive was the list of stars that the network suits had sent over. It looked like the promise of movie contracts, TV pilots and huge piles of cash had bought some top teir talent to the mat. He saw movie stars, TV stars, and Wrestlers turned actors who had vowed never to return to wrestling on this list. It was only at this point that Stan “Moe” Nedleman began to understand the enormity of the power these network executives and their film counterparts wielded in Hollywood. Moe opened a package that had been sent over earlier in the day, it was marked “Championship details, make sure package is “Level” before opening”. Moe cut the double taped seal open, inside of the package, moe found 57 Non-disclosure agreements. Unlike the two Moe and Hogan had signed, these agreements were just one page of threats on life, limb and happiness. Moe had signed away his freedom and first born child, but if he could pull off the most shocking television programming debut of a life time, it would be worth the secrecy at every step. Though Moe did regret that not even his wife or daughters, asleep in the next room were aware of the deal of a life time their father was a part of. The final pages of the packet contained the information Moe need to know most to make the next move. The list of six Hollywood “reality” writers he would be working with, and though Moe had no hand at all in writing the show, his new title was “Head Booker”. Hulk Hogan, had been named the Head of the production Company, and would appear on paper and to the world, to be the owner of NBC wrestling. The first show would be live Saturday the sixth of January, held in a specially retrofitted Orange county sound stage. The Last Fact the packet contained was transcript that the Add department had worked up for the debut commercial of NBC wrestling. Given that the writers had little knowledge of what project “No-hold barred” was the commercial looked to be impressive. The Following would run New Years Eve Sunday December 28th at 11:50 and again at 12:10 Monday morning. “When water hit’s 212 F, it’s reached it’s boiling point” the screen shows tea kettle and thermometer coming to a boil. “When men face decisions that will change their world,” the screen show the invasion of Poland, and the goes into D-day invasion footage. “they face their turning point,” the screen shows the atomic bomb blasts. “When the pressure builds beyond it’s capacity to be stood,” the screen show a picture of Mt Saint Helens exploding. “And men can not reach a civil understanding,” a picture of Ronald Regan in front of the Berlin wall, followed by footage of the fall of the wall. “then we must deal with our Pressure Point!” the logo for NBC wrestling flashes across the screen, with the message, Saturday, January 6th at 8:00 est.[/SIZE][/FONT] [/COLOR][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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[COLOR="DarkRed"]The following is my roster. For the safety of all passengers please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times. if you must reach out side the vehicle to take a peek at the roster just high light the white text and it will appear. Be warned, the operator of this vehicle is not responsible for any damage to your suspension of disbelief if you choose to preview this roster. [/COLOR] [COLOR="White"]Main Eventers: Wesley Snipes (F) with Jessica Biel Rob Van Dam (F) Mark Whalberg (H) Brock Lesnar (H) Sid Vicisous (H) Vin Diesel (H) Goldberg (F) Lex Luger (H) Upper Midcarders: Monty Brown (F) with Terry Bradshaw Diamond Dallas Page (F) Ken Shamrock (H) Sylvester Terkay (H) Raven (H) Bob Sapp (H) Test (H) Tatanka (F) Midcarders: Vampiro (H) Mark Jindrak (H) Sean o’haire (H) Marc Mero (F) Orlando Jordan (H) Marty Jannetty (F) with Jade Chung Perry Saturn (F) Aaron Aguilera (F) D’lo Brown (H) Jay Briscoe (H) with Ted Dibiase Chris Kanyon (H) with Jenifer Blake Buff Bagwell (H) b-boy (H) Lower Midcarders: Dan Maff (H) Mark Briscoe (H) with Ted Dibiase Cruzz (F) Jose Rivera jr. (H) Nick Gage (H) Vengador Boricua (F) Openers: Ted Hart (H) Louie Ramos (H) Trent Acid (H) Davey Andrews (H) Enhancement Talent: Black Pearl (H) Viking (H) T-Dawg (F) Ray Gonzales (H) Occasional Wrestlers: The Rock (F) Hulk Hogan (F) Randy Savage (F) Bret Hart (F) Steve Austing (F) Managers: Jennifer Blake (H) Jade Chung (F) Jessical Biel (F) Announcers: Bob Costas (H) Ben Jordan (F) Chuck Norris (F) Color Commentators: Terry Bradshaw (F) Authority figures & Personalities: Stanley Nedleman Damian Referee: Daniel Beaumont Road agents: Ted Dibiase Tom PRitchard Tag Teams: Million Dollar Duo (Mark and Jay Briscoe with Ted Dibiase) (there is not tag division at this time) [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Thank you for Flying NBC air, we now return you to your regularly schedualed programming.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;370310]Danny Maff? What has he been doing since he got blackballed from ROH? Does anyone know? Other than that, I'm excited for this.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Sorry that beyond the big names, several of the midcard, lower midcard, and enhancement talent, i had no idea who were. They were picked primarily on skill level and availability. I regret this, but the game makes you fill the roster to a certain point, or it penalizes you. So i will do my best to represent those wrestlers I know, and do my best not to dishonor to badly those i don't. Thank you all again for your patience.[/COLOR]
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The Commercial Entering Heavy rotation on Monday the week of January 1st 2008 [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]“Good Evening I’m Bob Costas, Please join me and my broadcast Colleagues this Saturday night at 8pm Eastern, as we bring you live wrestling action. The Likes of Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin will be present to witness the birth of one of the world’s oldest sports, newest incarnations. Wrestling Returns to NBC this Saturday night with Goldberg, “The Macho Man” Randy Savage, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, and Hulk Hogan in live action. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the New Tradition in Wrestling History.”[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] The disclosed card: Goldberg will be in action, Plus One half of the World Title Tournament: Lex Luger vs Tatanka Marty Jennety vs Bret Hart Randy Savage vs Raven Hulk Hogan vs Test
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[COLOR="DarkRed"]Real quick from those who may be on. I have finished the first show, and it's write up. The style hopefully is very close to the backstory. so there is emphasis on the story lines, and a little match detail. the show is 3 hours long. so i have the first hour in HTML right now. i plan on posting the whole show at once. but should i post it as one huge, and i mean [B]fat daddy huge[/B] post. or should i cut it into 3 seperat posts by hour, to make it easier to follow through. as well for those of you who are lazy (i know i often fall into this category) do you want me to post the summary that i work from. one line of what happened and the rating? Thanks for the help. I want to to what looks best and is easist to follow.[/COLOR]
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All in one post sounds good. Also, since it sounds like you've put a lot of time and effort into it, I feel bad saying that I might not read the whole show - but since I sometimes AM lazy, and would imagine some other possible readers are as well, a summary at the end would be really nice as well. :)
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