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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday January 20th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket In front of 10,000 fans Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels California. Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the weekly spectacle we call Pressure Point. Thank you for tuning in tonight. We have a great line up waiting for you, we will see Perry Saturn vs. the Briscoe Brothers and Test will take on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in our Wild Card Match. The Second round of the title tournament has also taken shape, and the following matches will be Live Here Tonight. Lex Luger versus Goldberg, Sid Vicious versus Randy Savage, Brock Lesnar versus Rob van Dam, and in our main event a clash of Legends. Bret “the hitman” Hart will take on Hulk Hogan in a match anyone but NBC would charge you to see. So with out further ado, or standing on any more ceremony let’s get right to the ring.[B] (B+)[/B]
Photobucket The Rock is already in the ring moving from ring post to ring post to post. The fandamonium is continuous and growing louder with each ring post the rock visits. “Do you folks smell that? I think its lily livered toad stool. “The Giant Sapling” wants to blind side the Rock and interfere in my match? Well then it’s time for that over grown shrub to smell what the Rock, is cook’in! Brock Lesnar if you and your lackey want to interfere and bash the grid iron way, it’s because you’re both Grid Iron rejects. That’s fine I will take your Tree Huggin’ friend, shine him Up Real nice, turn him side ways and stick him straight up your …..”[B](B+)[/B] “The Giant Sapling” Bob Sap enters the ring from the back side. Bob sizes up the Rock as he gets on his roll and then hits the Rock with a running clothes line as he turns around. The Sapling then hits the rock with his “Timber Line Driver”. Bob Sapp picks up a microphone “You want a Piece of the Giant, you got one at uncontainable!” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket The Giant Sapling looked phenomenal, but his lack of ring awareness came back to bite him in the butt, as Montel Brown, hit the shoulder tackle, to take the giant down. He then hoisted him up for the 5 minute drill, and went to check on the Rock. [B](C+)[/B] Montel Brown never made it to the far side of the ring, before being speared to the canvas by Brock Lesnar. The obligatory F-5 followed, then Brock, rather than checking on Bob Sapp went for the fallen microphone. And one mistake is worth another, as Brock's lack of ring awareness led to a Goldberg Spear and Jack Hammer that left Lesnar permanently a part of the mat. Goldberg, helped Montel Brown and the Rock to their Feet, as the three men rolled their attackers out of the ring, The Rock took up the fallen microphone. “You stupid tree if you want a match at Uncontainable, you got one!” [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan, and it is my pleasure to be standing along side the wild Indian, Tatanka”[/COLOR] “AAAAAAAAAAYAY. Jannetty you think I some how cost you the match against Bret Hart? Then your brain is as out of shape as you eighties style moves!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] “Tatanka what do you think about the challenge that Marty issued for you here tonight?”[/COLOR] “Tatanka has no problems wrestling Marty Jannetty, in fact I went to Moe and asked for a match, and he signed it, but not for tonight. No he signed Tatanka one on one with Marty Jannetty for next Friday night at Uncontainable!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Wow, that’s big news fans, the first official match for uncontainable will be the wild Indian Tatanka versus Marty Jannetty!”[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [B]Perry Saturn over the Briscoe Bothers in 8:01 (C-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket & Photobucket The match was like watching someone else play pinball. One Briscoe got sent to the ropes and took a Power Slam, tag and repeat, interference by manager Ted Dibiase, then more beating on the Briscoe’s as Perry Saturn was proving how powerful he is between the ropes. It was all over when Saturn sent one brother out to the floor with a back body drop, a drop kick to Ted on the apron and the rings of Saturn on the other brother to pick up the win. After the match a worn Perry Saturn was celebrating and working the crowd, the Briscoe’s with Dibiase were retreating from ring side when a relative unknown appeared at the top of the ramp. “I am Aaron Agulera! And that Perry Saturn was a hard fought match, but against two like this (he points to the Briscoe’s) even I Aaron Agulera could come away with a win! So next week you will see I Aaron Agulera against the Briscoe’s Bothers!” half of the crowd cheers weekly the other half laughs. [B](E-)[/B] Our announcers: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw. ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, what a night it’s already been, and we haven’t even gotten started![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “That’s right Terry, I had such and amazing day, and I haven’t even told you or our fans about it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That’s great Chuck, but what about Bret “the hitman” Harts match with Hulk Hogan?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “To be honest it can’t be as great as my negotiations to bring Walker Texas Ranger back as a reality Show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well then what about Brock Lesnar versus Rob Van Dam”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “now that’s what I’m talking about, a morality tale!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “what is that chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “you know, The Cheating Bully versus the stoned out but lovable teddy bear, which one should Walker Texas Ranger kill first? Uh I mean arrest!”[/COLOR] (Terry is already shaking his head) [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [B]Mark Wahlberg over Sylvester Terkay in 9:45 (C)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The match was all Terkay in the early going, because it was more of a UFC street fight than a wrestling match. Mark turned it all around with a wicked missile drop kick, he ran, jumped all the way up to the top rope and flipped back ward into a drop kick, that caught charging Terkay dead in the chest. The one awesome move not only took Terkay by surprise, but seem to steal every ounce of fight from him. Mark Wahlberg muscled the big man up for a running power slam, and with a three count, Mark picked up the W. Terkay is layed out on the mat looking like he is knocking on deaths door. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] Terry: “Can you believe that Drop Kick?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I know Perry Saturn really let Ted have it”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I’m talking about Mark Wahlberg's running reverse top rope missile drop kick!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh, I love Mark Wahlberg, but I don’t see a match with him on my schedule, let see (squinting at his schedule) I see Randy Savage versus Sid Vicious, oh and Goldberg will take on Lex Luger, but nope, no Mark Wahlberg match.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck (sighs), we have gone over this, it was the fan appreciation match, and it was phenomenal.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “You know something Terry; it would have been an awesome match if someone had, had it happen on this schedule.”[/COLOR] (He pokes it so hard his finger goes through it) [B](B+) (B+)[/B] Photobucket Costas: “Good evening again ladies and gentleman, tonight I have the pleasure of setting with one the brightest stars in our sport, whom almost saw his talent snuffed out. (Turning to Bret Hart as the camera pans, the crowd pops but not huge) Good evening Bret Hart.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Bret: “So Glad to be here tonight.”[/COLOR] Costas: “After how much this business has taken from you, I am surprised to hear you say that. Your health, your brother and your cousin, so much tragedy from one business for one family. I for one, will never be able to understand how you can return to this sport.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Bret: “ Well, you know, it’s hard. But life is hard. And this sport, this spectacle, this way of life it just runs in the blood, it is a hard thing to explain. You know, you just have to love it.”[/COLOR] Costas: “Well we have seen you in action, and it was only by a miracle that you made it through to the next round of the tournament, how on earth can you be prepared to face Hulk Hogan in tonight’s match up?” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Bret: “The conditioning I have been doing, just to get back to being healthy, well it has put me so much farther down the road to recovery I think, than any one else thought possible. But I believe in my self, and I know how Hogan thinks, so I think I have a real fighting shot.”[/COLOR] Costas: “Thank you so much Mr. Hart for taking the time to sit down with us here today, and best of luck to you.” [B](B+)
[/left][/size][/color][/font][/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] Randy Savage from the top of the ramp. “Oh Yeah, boys and Girls, the Maacho Maan has gott somethin’s to say to yaa. I know how it looked and all last week, but diig it! The Macho Man had nooothing to doo with that! Oh Yeah, Boys and girls the macho man just want to make sure your aware of that.” [B](B+)[/B] [B] Goldberg over Lex Luger in 13:04 (C+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Lex Luger and Goldberg squared off trading blows. Lex kept looking for and early torture rack, but Goldberg kept floating through. Luger managed to block a wicked spear attempt that sent Goldberg into the ring post, but Goldberg came out of it rather than injured, as a man possessed. The second attempted Spear struck gold, and the subsequent Jackhammer laid Lex out for the three count. As Luger Hobbles up the Ramp and Goldberg is touring the ring posts, the Jumbotron Sputters to life. “Page….Page…oh that’s right Page isn’t there. What about Page? No! What about Raven! What about me? I went to pages home and threatened his wife and children, and now Page is running scarred, rather than coming in and facing me like a man Page is hiding at home, sucking his thumb and clutching his blankee.” [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"] Chuck: “Terry, can you believe that guy?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I know threatening a man’s wife and children, how low can you get.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’m not talking about limbo here Terry, can you please stay on point! I mean some one should really teach that Raven character a lesson.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Your right Chuck, and I think Diamond Dallas Page is just the man to do it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh…oh (in a small voice), I was thinking Walker Texas ranger, but maybe Page works too.”[/COLOR] (Terry just stares at him) [B]“Stone Cold” Steve Austin over Test in the Title Tournament Wild Card match up in 11:00 (B+) [/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The match up was back and forth. Test then Austin then Test, around the ring, in the ring out of the ring, the match had it all. Well everything where both guys keep some point of their body in contact with the ground at all times. Test fought through it and hit a wicked Test-tosterone driver, but when he went for the cover he seem to have nothing left. Stone cold had to basically pick Test up and hold him in place to nail him with the Stunner, and the easy roll up three, for the Steve Austin Victory. As Austin Celebrated, Test Drug himself off the canvass and scurried back stage, the camera man in tow. We enter the locker rooms where Sylvester Terkay had Orlando Jordan cornered. “Dude this stuff was worse than the last batch.” Test Cuffs them both on the back of the head and points at the camera, then turns to Orlando. “Dude, lets go some place were we can talk, because that was strike two man!” [B](C-)[/B] [B] Sid Vicious over Rand Savage by Count out at 12:31 (A)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket I am not sure that putting a psycho in the ring with a mad man is ever a ‘good’ idea, but damn if it doesn’t make for some quality entertainment. Sid and Randy put each other through every form of punishment imaginable. Randy even went for the patented elbow dive from the top rope onto a prone Vicious laid out on the main announce Table. Every thing had swung the Macho Mans way, he even had Sid rolled up for the three, when Sid clearly leaned up and whispered something in Macho’s ear. Savage’s eyes glazed over, and after a few moments, Randy ran from the ring like he was running from a burning house. Sid Vicious was your winner by count out. As Macho Man leaves, exiting through the crowd rather than by way of the main ramp, Bob Costas comes to the top of the ramp. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Rest assured we here at NBC wrestling are doing everything in our power to ensure your safety, and very soon we will be at a point where we can take care of the Savage problem.” Bob Costas beamed at his own pun, with Sid Vicious nodding approvingly from the ring. [B](A)[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, the guy in my ear is babbling again, will you take care of him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Yes, Chuck it’s just Moe, and Just like every week he is requesting you tell the fans that there is something going on back stage.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Can’t he just have you do it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Fine, Folks something is going on back stage, let go back and take a look.”[/COLOR] Backstage Vin Diesel and Wesley Snipes have come face to face. The stare down is intense, and though neither is mic’ed you can tell they are tearing each other a new one verbally. The stare down only breaks when Wesley Snipes takes the first swing and back stage wrestlers quickly separate the two. [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Stone Cold made his way back out to the ring. “If you think it’s time for another *ss kicking give me a Hell Yeah. (echo Hell Yeah). So I won the wild card match (echo what) so now I ask ya, what next? (echo what) who’s going to give Stone Cold what he Deserves (echo what) what Stone Cold Has Earned (echo what) what honestly already belong to Stone Cold (echo what) Stone Cold wants to know who his next opponent is!” Austin looks up the ramp but no one shows up to answer the challenge. [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well folks, let's head back stage as it looks like a real travesty may have just occurred”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Hey why didn’t I get another shot at it, I was going to Say it Walker Texas Ranger Style!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “And how would that be Chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “The eyes of the ranger are upon something, let’s check it out!”[/COLOR] (Terry hangs his head and thinks to himself, “Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors”, but can he slam automatic sliding doors?) The camera cuts back stage and the camera just catches a fleeing Randy Savage, as the Camera pans down we see another battered body. This time the victim of the attack is Jessica Biel, the announcers decry the outrageous attack. [B](B+)[/B] [B] Brock Lesnar over Rob Van dam in 17:52 when Bob Sapp interferes (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The Speed, quickness and agility of Rob Van Dam just out matched, out paced and were surely out lasting Brock Lesnar. Even in the early going Rob picked up several two and a half counts. Brock would catch Rob with a power move every now and again, but being so far behind the eight ball, there was little chance Lesnar would make up for the pounding Van Dam had laid on him. Then Rob went for the 5 star splash off the Top rope and Bob Sapp managed a low blow while the referee’s back was turned, Brock recovered just enough to pull off the F-5 on the distracted Van Dam, and picked up the three count for the win. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan, and with me is the man, the Legend, Hulk Hogan. Hulk what are your thoughts about tonight’s match”[/COLOR] “Well Brother, let me tell you, the Hulkster is in the best shape he been in this decade. There is no way, brother, that the Hulkamaniacs won’t be celebrating Gold next Friday night!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well Mr. Hogan, with all due respect, first you have to get past the excellence of execution, the hitman Bret Hart.”[/COLOR] “I guess you were not listening, Brother! Hulkamania is ready to run wild all the way to gold.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Hulk Hogan it’s been my pleasure.”[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket The scene move directly to Bob Costas’ office, the man behind his desk wearing a look of concern. In the chair next to him is Jessica Biel in a neck brace, and not quite out of the shot is medic clearly looking on with concern for her well being. Costas: “Ladies and Gentleman despite the travesty that just occurred, my next guest being the true performer she is said, the show must go on. Ms. Jessica Biel, how are you tonight after the cowardly attack of Randy Savage.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Jessica: “Well Bob, I’m much better, and the medics tell me I should be alright in a day or two, but they do want to take me to the hospital as soon as possible to have the doctors give me a second look. I just wish I Knew why Randy Savage did this.”[/COLOR] Costas: (with a look of great glee jumping into his eye) “So you know that it was Randy Savage that attacked you?” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Jessica: “Well, yeah Bob, he hit me from behind, and I think I was unconscious for a few seconds, but it was clearly Savage running away from me when I opened my eyes.”[/COLOR] Costas: “Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with myself and the fans, but please go get the medical attention I am sure you are desperately in need of.” (Costas walks off the set with a grin on his face before Jessica can even respond) [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck do you know what match is next.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I sure do”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “and it is?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “that one big dude versus that other guy who’s facing him!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck what did you do with your schedule.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck : “Terry, let’s just say Chuck Norris doesn’t believe in ‘toilet paper’ and leave it at that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Fans once you get that image out of your heads lets move on to Hulk Hogan against Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart in a match that could quite possibly become an instant classic.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “That’s exactly where my schedule is, attached to an instant classic.”[/COLOR] (I swear Terry almost walk away from the announce desk after that one) [B](B+)[/B] [B] Hulk Hogan over Bret Hart in 13:23 (B)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Old school, slow paced and working the crowd all the way. These two masters of their craft put on a show that almost hid the decrepit state that both of their bodies are in. Hogan took a mean back body drop, and Hart sold a figure four as if flair was the one applying it. Twice Hart rolled Hogan over into the sharp shooter, but both times it was so close to the ropes that the referee quickly broke the hold. A wicked running clothes line, and guillotine leg drop spelled the end for Bret Hart, and with a three spot Hogan was your winner. [B]Show rating: B+ Fast over nights:43.93[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Recap: [SIZE="3"]hour 1:[/SIZE][/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas welcomes us to the show. (5)[B]B+[/B] The rock talks about last weeks match (2)[B]B+[/B] rock attacked by Giant sapling (2)[B]C+[/B] Giant sapling attacked by montel brown (2)[B]B+[/B] montel brown attacked by Brock Lesnar (2)[B]B+[/B] brock lesnar attacked by Goldberg (4)[B]C[/B] Backstage tatanka responds to Marty Jannetty [B]First Match:[/B] (10)[B]C-[/B] [B]Perry Saturn[/B] over the briscoe Brothers (3)[B]E-[/B] Aaron Agulera says if Saturn can do it, he can too! (2)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype Bret versus Hogan (3)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype Brock versus rvd [B]second match:[/B] (12)[B]C[/B] [B]Mark Walberg[/B] over sylvester terkay (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob costas talks with Bret Hart (2)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype randy vs sid (3)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype goldberg vs lex luger [B][SIZE="3"]Hour 2:[/SIZE][/B] (2)[B]B+[/B] Randy savage repeats he had nothing to do with the attack [B]Third Match:[/B] (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Goldberg[/B] over lex luger (5)[B]C+[/B] Raven comes on over the jumbo tron to explain why ddp isn't there tonight [B]fourth match:[/B] (13)[B]B+[/B] [B]Steve austin[/B] over Test when test runs out of steam (5)[B]C-[/B] test and Terkay corner Orlando jordan and demand answers [B]Fifth match:[/B] (15)[B]A[/B] [B]sid[/B] over randy when randy goes crazy and gets counted out (5)[B]A[/B] Bob costas comes down to ring side to tell the fans what he is going to do to protect the talent from Randy Savage [SIZE="3"][B]hour 3:[/B][/SIZE] (5)[B]B+[/B] Vin Diesel and Wesley Snipes have a Stare down (5)[B]B+[/B] Stone cold comes out and demands his shot in the tournament (2)[B]B+[/B] macho man found above jessica biels body [B]sixth match:[/B] (20)[B]B+[/B] [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] over RVD when Bob Sap interferes (5)[B]B+[/B] hulk hogan speaks out about tonights match (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas Sets down with Jessica biel (3)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype up coming match [B]seventh match:[/B] (15)[B]B[/B] [B]Hulk Hogan [/B]over Bret Hart [B]sold out 10,00 in attendance Show rating: B+ Fast over nights:43.93[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
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Commercial [FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="3"]January 22, 2008 Monday *chiming bells* (Steve Austin shaking Hulk Hogans hand) Why can’t we be friends (Hogan taking a stunner) *chiming bells* (Rock shaking Hulk Hogans hand) Why can’t we be friends (Hogan taking a rock bottom) *chiming bells* (Bret Hart shaking Hulk Hogans hand) Oh, why can’t we be friends. (Hogan tapping out to the sharp shooter. (A picture of mount st. Hellens eruptions) some times the animosity is Uncontainable! Don’t miss Pressure point this Saturday 8 eastern.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] Matches: [INDENT]Aaron Agulera vs The Briscoe Brothers D’lo Brown and Chris Kanyon vs Ted Hart and Cruzz Raven vs Orlando Jordan[/INDENT] Title Tournament: [INDENT]Brock Lesnar vs Sid Vicious Goldberg vs Hulk Hogan[/INDENT]
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The Graphic renovation is done. all of the original cuts have been converted to the better back ground with the better chain link fence. Though Editing Adeezy's posts and the graphics update have taken alot of time. and work was 60+ hours both last week and looks close this week i have also finished the fourth show. so get those last minute predictions in. because at 9:00 Est. show four goes up. and then we are moving on to the first PPV, UnContainable! advanced thanks to Akki for for the PPV logo.
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show 4 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday January 27th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Good evening and welcome to Pressure Point, I am your host Bob Costas, and for the 10,000 Live here at studio 5 in Los Angeles, California and the millions watching at home, I hope you are ready for the Sports Spectacular of a life time. A month ago, I don’t think any one would have predicted where we would find our selves here today. The title tournament semi-finales are here! Hulk Hogan versus Goldberg and Sid Vicious versus Brock Lesnar. These four men all with a history, of not only success but a ruthless willingness to do anything to obtain Gold. As well we have seen the likes of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin dominate the competition, as he seeks to prove he should have been part of the Title Tournament. The Macho Man Randy Savage has run wild attacking any one who stands in his way. These and many other Stories are driving our sport to new and grander heights. With that ladies and Gentlemen I want to remind you that this Friday Live on Pay-per-view and simulcast to your local theaters. NBC wrestling presents UnContainable! [B](B+)[/B]
Our announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: "Chuck, are you ready to get right into this weeks action?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: "No, I haven’t stretched yet."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: "You’re not wrestling Chuck why do you need to stretch?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: "its part of my announcing strategy."[/COLOR] (Terry C*cks and eyebrow) [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: "I want to be able to lay the verbal smack down on anyone at a minutes notice, and you know they always say to stretch before any strenuous activity."[/COLOR] [B]The Briscoe Brothers over Aaron Agulera in 7:30 (D)[/B] Photobucket Photobucket vs Photobucket Aaron Agulera showed that he had quite some skill in the ring, but against a veteran tag team like the Briscoes he had little opportunity for success. Quick tags and years of team work made this a beat down the crowd soon tired of. The Briscoes hit the huge combination power bomb and picked up and easy win. As the brothers celebrated with Ted Dibiase in the ring, and Aaron tried to catch his breath out on the floor, Perry Saturn came on the Jumbo-tron. “Hey Aaron. Yeah you. Look just because Perry Saturn can handle the likes of the Briscoes two on one, don’t feel bad you couldn’t. Hey you tried your hardest, and for that Perry Saturn respects the effort man.” [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and with me this evening is film great Mark Wahlberg. How’s it going tonight mark?”[/COLOR] “Well I’ll tell you Ben, it’s not going so great, all my fans asked me how I could loose to a stoner like RVD” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well Rob is a veteran in the sport.”[/COLOR] “Ben, my fans don’t care about years in the sport, they expect me to be the Tiger Woods of professional wrestling, H*ll my fans expect me to be the Tiger woods of everything I do! So Rob, how about a rematch right here next Monday night!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well there you have it folks, Mark Wahlberg just challenged Rob Van Dam.” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B] [B] Ted Hart and Cruzz over D'lo and Kanyon with Jennifer Blake in 8:29 (D+)[/B] Photobucket and Cruzz vs Photobucket Photobucket D’lo and Hart went blow for blow until a double clothes line left them both leaping for the desperation tag. Cruzz and Kanyon how ever were a mismatch, and Kanyon quickly had Cruzz looking for a quick tag, but tied up in no mans land he could not find one. A sloppy attempt at a power bomb turned into a huricaranna that Cruzz used as his opportunity to tag out. Ted Hart’s second turn in the ring was a clinic on holds and counters, and in desperation Jennifer Blake from the apron cleaned Ted’s clock with a chair shot while D’lo and Kanyon attempted to distract the referee. Unfortunately the ref turned around right as Jennifer made contact, and called for the bell, your winners Ted Hart and Cruzz. Photobucket Ted Dibiase comes back out to the top of the ramp as D’lo, Kanyon and Blake flee the ring and Cruzz tends to the fallen Hart. “This is so unfortunate. This crap is what passes for a ‘tag team’ match up in this back water federation? Ted Dibiase brings the Million Dollar Duo to NBC wrestling and is told (in a high pitched voice) ‘I’m sorry we don’t have a tag division’ and then I’m treated to this crap as NBC wrestling’s first ever tag match? Mark my words Ted Dibiase has the money, all my boys need now are some worthy opponents!” [B](E)[/B]
Bob Costas Strides past Dibiase shooting him a wicked glare, makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring. “Macho Man Randy Savage, for the good of yourself, these wonderful fans and the company as a whole, you have five minutes to make your way to this very ring. Randy, you have some heinous crimes to answer for! We, the fans as well as myself and the staff of NBC wrestling not only want to see the serious attacks come to an end, and justice done. But Randy to be quite honest we just want to know, WHY?” randy does not appear, but an unmic’d staff member runs into the ring and whispers something in Costas’ ear. [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck do you know who that gentleman is?”[/COLOR] (Chuck ever the master communicator shakes his head no) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That’s Moe.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck : “Terry, that can’t be Moe, Moe’s in my ear right now telling me that, ‘Bob you might want to come back stage, there appears to have been another attack.’”[/COLOR] (Terry just shakes his head) Photobucket The Camera Cuts back stage to a group of Emt’s who are working on securing Bret Hart to a stretcher. He is wearing a neck brace and a huge slash runs across his forehead. On the ground is a folding chair bent to nearly a right angle. [B](A)[/B]
Photobucket The shriek of tires and shattering glass followed by fandamonium forces the camera to switch from the scene of the fallen Bret Hart back out to ring, Steve Austin has already made it all the way into the ring, and we appear to have missed the question but the fan as are echoing back H*LL YEAH! “Do you folks know what Stone Cold Thinks? (echo what) Stone Cold thinks that next week he deserves a shot (echo what) that right a chance (echo what) a D*mn match with what ever slap nuts wins the title at UnContainable (echo what) in fact Austin 3:16 says I’m gonna Kick their *ss!” [B](B+)[/B] Hulk Hogan’s music hit’s and the Hulkster makes his way to the ring strutting and posing. “Dude, if you want a shot at my title next week, your going to have to stand in line like every one else, Brother!” Hogan pulls himself into the ring, “You came out here and attacked me on the premier episode of Pressure Point and now you think The Hulkster should give you a shot at the Title…” Hogan never gets out the part about having to win the title first, as a boot to the gut and a Stunner leave the legend laid out on the canvas and Austin’s whole hand a blur on network television. [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Now that’s stomping a mud hole and using an industrial wind machine to dry it out”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I don’t know about that Chuck, but it certainly won’t help Hulk Hogan win his match up with Goldberg Tonight!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “nonsense Terry, this is all part of Hulk Hogan’s master plan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “how’s that Chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Now that Hogan can’t feel his stomach Goldberg’s spear will have far less affect.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “So should I let Brock Lesnar know to take a Rock Bottom, before his match with Sid Vicious to prepare him for the Power Bomb?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry don’t be ridiculous, every one know the only way to warm up for a Power Bomb is a vertical suplex.”[/COLOR] (Terry just stares at Chuck, who seem to be contemplating wether or not he should call and let Lesnar in on this revelation) [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [/left][/size][/color][/font] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] Back Stage Ben Jordan tries to grab an interview with Wesley Snipes, but snipes keeps trying to avoid him. Finally Wes snaps around grabs the microphone from Ben and looks straight into the camera. “You want to know what is bothering Wesley Snipes, why I came to NBC wrestling, but have yet to lace up a pair of boots or so much as enter the wrestling ring? Well I’ll tell ya, Wesley Snipes has been served and injunction by Vin Diesel. Vin you want to keep me off your turf? Why don’t you meet me in the center of that ring at UnContainable and we will solve this like Men!” [B](B+)[/B] Sic Vicious has made his way into the ring. “You folks maybe asking yourselves ‘Is Sid here to tell us what to expect for tonights block buster match’ No Sid is here to plead with the Macho man Randy Savage to turn himself in. Macho man, the attacks have gone on for too long. And too many people have been injured! How can you justify this senseless violence? Please help us all, and turn your self in!” [B](B+)[/B] [B]Raven over Orlando Jordan when Ken shamrock KO's Orlando on the ramp at 12:45 (C+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Orlando Jordan surprises Raven right out of the starting gate with a spinning heel kick. There seems to be no stopping Orlando, Suplexs, running Knees and a moonsault. Jordan only falters when he walks right into and even flow DDT from Raven. But even that only appears to daze Orlando, who quickly reassumes the offensive. Raven as a desperation move, sends Orlando to the outside with a back body drop. As Jordan tries to get his feet back under him, Ken Shamrock makes his way to ring side and hits Orlando with a wicked belly to belly suplexes, and locks in the ankle lock. When Orlando passes out from the pain and is unable to answer the referee’s out of ring count, raven picks up the win. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and with me is Rob Van Dam, Rob did you have a response to the challenge by Mark Wahlberg?”[/COLOR] “Mark, you think you’re better than RVD even after the beating you took from me three weeks ago? Well Rob Van Damn has no problem teaching the refresher course.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“So you’re accepting Mark’s challenge?”[/COLOR] “You got it, let’s just hope Mark can handle the 200 level course.” [B](B-)[/B] Photobucket The office of Bob Costas has been electrified, and that can mean the presence of only one super star. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Good evening ladies and gentleman, with me tonight is the most electrifying personality in the sport of wrestling today. Actor, wrestler and all around great guy, please help me welcome “The Rock” Duane Johnson.”[/COLOR] (The Fans can be heard cheering even from back in the office) Rock: “I’m so Humbled, Thank you for having me.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “I understand you made some major sacrifices to be able to return to the sport of professional wrestling, are you finding those sacrifices worth it?”[/COLOR] Rock: “You know, football then wrestling and now acting, I have lived a life I just could not have anticipated, and through it all it is only my wonderful wife that has kept me centered. Sacrifices yes, worth it, in truth only time will tell.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “In your return to the sport you brought Legends of both the ring and grid iron with you, one of those men, having vowed never to return to this sport. How do you see this accomplishment?”[/COLOR] Rock: “Really, the Grid Iron way is a way of life, Football is a tie that binds for a life time, and I think we all saw an opportunity here in NBC wrestling, that may never come along again, and we just wanted to be part of it.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Mr. Johnson thank you so much for taking the time to sit down with us tonight, and I wish both you and your grid iron way the very best of luck here in NBCw.” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B]
As the interview is coming to and end Bob Sapp comes into the Picture, and hits a Timber Line Driver on the rock, putting him right through Costas’ announce table. Brock Lesnar joins in the fun, and he and The Giant Sapling continue to pick apart the Rock, until security comes in and pulls the two behemoths off of him.[B] (B+) (B+)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, how come there is a 15 minute hole in my schedule?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “because you poked it to hard with your finger?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “That’s not funny, are they pulling another unannounced match on me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Yes, Chuck it is that time of the night again when we have our fan appreciation match, this week it will be Diamond Dallas Page versus Sylvester Terkay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well at least now I know what match I’m not watching next.”[/COLOR] (Terry thinks to himself, “Chuck Norris can believe it’s not butter, but he can’t believe its fan appreciation!) [B]Diamond Dallas Page over Sylvester Terkay in 12:58 (C+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Page and Terkay went at it like it was a street fight, blows flying in all directions. A Suplex here and a power slam there, and both men were walking on legs that could barley support their weight. Terkay tried to take a short cut by going down stairs, and the referee pulled him aside to warn him, Raven took this opportunity to come in from the crowd and nail DDP with an even flow DDT. Terkay rushed over and got a 2 and ¾ out of it, but DDP kick out strong. The match then resumed it’s even footing until a desperation Diamond Cutter gave page the win. A prerecored message begins to play on the Jumbo-tron. “Why did Bret Hart Loose to Hulk Hogan last week? Could it be that Bret Hart still is not fully recovered from the brutal match in which Goldberg almost ended both my career and my life. Or could it be that Hulk Hogan knew my weakness and rather than fight fair choose to exploit those weaknesses in his desperate attempt to once again be a geriatric champion! Bret Hart will have his revenge!” [B](B+)[/B] [/size][/color][/font] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Vin Diesel with a microphone and a cameraman back stage. “Wes you think good ole Diesel is holding you back? You have no talent, no charisma and no style. You think Vin should meet you in the ring man to man, the only problem I see with that, is there is only one man in this equation and it isn’t you! But fine This Friday at Uncontainable you’ve got a match!” [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry what can we expect to see at Uncontainable.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well the winner of this next match Brock Lesnar versus Sid Vicious will be one half of the main event.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well Duh, but what else?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Why are you asking?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well I was thinking about making other plans, and I want to know if it’s going to be worth showing up for the early part of the show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “well Rumor has it Buff Bagwell will answer Lex Lugers Challenge from last week, and Tatanka Versus Marty Jannetty has already been signed.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Hmm I’m still not convinced you’ll need me for that.”[/COLOR][B](B+)[/B] [B]Brock Lesnar over Sid Vicious in 18:00 (B-) [/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Brock Lesnar brings the giant Sapling to Ring side, but after early interference Bob is ejected from not just the ring but from the building by the referee. Sid Recovers from the Timberline Driver and Plants Brock through the announce table with his Vicious Power Bomb. The two big men continue to trade power moves, that would leave any other wrestler unconscious. As Sid appears to have the upper hand, Randy Savage is chased through the ring by a string of security guards and police personnel. The distraction cost Sid dearly, and Brock takes him up for the F-5 and a three count later Brock Lesnar is your victor. “Macho Man” Randy Savage, grabs a microphone from the crumpled announce table as he scurries past, hops the rail and uses the crowd to evade the law. “Oooh Yeeahh. “The Macho Man” is in the House. and Ooo Yeeahh, “The Macho man” had nothin’ to do with the attack on Bret hart. In fact, the macho man wasn’t even in the building yet. Dig it!” [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Back Stage we are once again in Bob Costas’ office. Costas is behind his Desk, but his guest is not seated instead he is stalking from one side of the room to the other, cracking his neck and shaking out each arm in turn. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: (clearly unnerved) “Mr. Goldberg you are more than welcome to take a seat.”[/COLOR] Goldberg: (stopping for just a moment to look Costas is the Eye) “Who’s next Bob, who’s next, that’s all I need to know!” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “well, I um, I guess…”[/COLOR] Goldberg: (cutting Bob off) “It doesn’t matter who’s next their all just the next victim of Goldberg!” (with that Goldberg storms off of the set, leaving Bob Costas Clearly Shaken)[B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, I wish I could get that man in the ring, Goldberg doesn’t scare Chuck Norris!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well up next we’ll see Goldberg take on Hulk Hogan to see who the other half of the main event at UnContianable will be.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Who else will be there?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well of course we learned here tonight Wesley Snipes will take on Vin Diesel, and Diamond Dallas Page has had enough of Raven so those two will also meet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I heard the Rock will be in action.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “indeed the Grid Iron way is demanding retribution for tonight’s attack, and the rock will take on Bob Sapp at UnContainable.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well now, I might just have to come with bells on.”[/COLOR] (Terry truly hopes chuck will not come wearing bells.)[B] (B+)[/B] [B] Goldberg over Hulk Hogan after a run in by Bret Hart in 17:36 (C+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Hulk Hogan just couldn’t take the physical punishment Goldberg is used to handing out, so the slow style match of Hogan and the faster match up style of Goldberg Just did not click. Goldberg took several wicked shots from Hogan, and Hogan over sold every minor move he could take from Goldberg. But the whole match hinged on a missed spear attempt that hit the referee instead of Hogan. Bret Hart still showing signs of the earlier attack, including a neck brace, ran in with a chair and took a swipe at Goldberg who ducked and the shot caught Hulk Hogan Square in the face. Goldberg covered Hogan and Bret Hart shoved the Referee over to count the three casting doubt on whom Hart had really meant to hit with that chair shot. We Fade to black with Hogan on the canvas, Goldberg Celebrating and Bret Hart on the ramp wringing his hands. That's it folks see your at UnContainable! [B] show rating: C+ fast over nights: 42.86[/B] [/size][/color][/font] [B][SIZE="3"]Recap:fourth show hour 1:[/SIZE][/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas Welcomes us to the show [B]First Match:[/B] (10)[B]D[/B] [B]the briscoes[/B] over Aaron Agulera (2)[B]D[/B] perry saturn comes out and commends Aaron on a hard lost match (5)[B]B+[/B] back stage Mark Wahlberg demands a match with RVD [B]Second Match:[/B] (10)[B]D+[/B] [B]Ted Hart and Cruzz[/B] over D'lo and Kanyon (5)[B]E[/B] Ted Dibiase rants on how the briscoes were not in the first tag team match! (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas call macho man to the ring to answer for last weeks attack (5)[B]A[/B] macho man does not show up but another back stage attack occurs this time on Bret Hart (5)[B]B+[/B] Stone Cold comes to the Ring and Demands his title shot with whom ever wins the title at PPV (4)[B]B+[/B] hulk hogan comes out but ends up on the floor by way of stunner (3)[B]B+[/B] Hype goldberg bs Hulk hogan (3)[B]B+[/B] hype Brock Lesnar vs Sid Vicious [B][SIZE="3"]hour 2:[/SIZE][/B] (5)[B]B+[/B] Wesley Snipes Challenges Vin Diesel to a match at Uncontianable (5)[B]B+[/B] Sid vicious speaks out agianst Macho Mans attacks [B]Third match:[/B] (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Raven[/B] over Orlando Jordan when Ken shamrock KO's Orlando on the ramp (5)[B]B-[/B] Rob Van Damn agrees to a rematch (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas Sets down with the rock (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob sapps attacks the rock mid interview (3)[B]B+[/B] Brock lesnar joins attack and comments on the match at uncontainable [B]Fourth match:[/B] (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Page[/B] over Sylvester Terkay after failed run in by raven (5)[B]B+[/B] Bret Hart comes out and questions why he lost last week and when he will get his shot at goldberg? [B][SIZE="3"]hour 3:[/SIZE][/B] (5)[B]B+[/B] Vin Diesel accepts Wesley Snipes challenge (3)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype brock vs sid match [B]Fifth match:[/B] (20)[B]B-[/B] [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] over Sid Vicious when randy savage runs in (4)[B]B+[/B] Randy Savage evades the guards and again claims innocence (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas sets down with Goldberg (3)[B]B+[/B] announcers hype Goldberg vs Hogan match [B]Sixth match:[/B] (20)[B]C+[/B] [B]Goldberg[/B] over Hulk Hogan on a Bret Hart run in, but who did he mean to attack? [B] Atendance 10,000 show rating: C+ fast over nights: 42.86[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
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[CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic]NBC wrestling presents: UnContianable![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=uncontainablefy7.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/uncontainablefy7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Century Gothic]Only Availabe on PPV And Simulcast Live at Theater near You![/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy] [CENTER]
[CENTER][URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=Tatanka.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/Tatanka.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [CENTER] Vs.[/CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=MartyJannetty.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/MartyJannetty.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER]Tatanka[/CENTER] [CENTER]Marty Jannetty[/CENTER]
[URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=LexLuger.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/LexLuger.jpg[/IMG][/URL][CENTER] Vs.[/CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=BuffBagwell.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER]Lex Luger[/CENTER] [CENTER]Buff Bagwell[/CENTER]
[B]No Hold Bared[/B]
[URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=raven.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/raven.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [CENTER] Vs.[/CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=DiamondDallasPage.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER]Raven[/CENTER] [CENTER]Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER]
[B]Inside a Steel Cage[/B]
[URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=BobSapp.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BobSapp.jpg[/IMG][/URL][CENTER] Vs.[/CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=TheRock.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/TheRock.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER]“The Giant Sappling” Bob Sapp[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Rock[/CENTER]
[URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=wesleysnipes.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/wesleysnipes.jpg[/IMG][/URL][CENTER] Vs.[/CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=vindiesel.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/vindiesel.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER]Wesley Snipes With Jessica Biel[/CENTER] [CENTER]Vin Diesel[/CENTER]
[B]Championship Bout[/B] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=NBCwworldtitle.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/NBCwworldtitle.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=Goldberg.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/Goldberg.jpg[/IMG][/URL][CENTER] Vs.[/CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=BrockLesnar.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BrockLesnar.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER]Bill Goldberg[/CENTER] [CENTER]Brock Lesnar[/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Tatanka Vs Marty Jannetty Lex Luger vs Buff Bagwell Raven vs DDP In no holds Barred Bob Sapp Vs The Rock inside of a steel cage Wesley snipes w/Jessica Beil vs Vin Diesel Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar
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[B]Tatanka[/B] Vs Marty Jannetty [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs Buff Bagwell [B]Raven[/B] vs DDP In no holds Barred Bob Sapp Vs [B]The Rock[/B] inside of a steel cage [B]Wesley snipes w/Jessica Beil[/B] vs Vin Diesel [B]Goldberg[/B] vs Brock Lesnar
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Tatanka Vs [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] Lex Luger vs [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] [B]Raven[/B] vs DDP In no holds Barred Bob Sapp Vs [B]The Rock[/B] inside of a steel cage [B]Wesley snipes[/B] w/Jessica Beil vs Vin Diesel Is it bad that I'm looking forward to this match the most? [B]Goldberg[/B] vs Brock Lesnar
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Tatanka Vs [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs Buff Bagwell [B]Raven[/B] vs DDP In no holds Barred Bob Sapp Vs [B]The Rock [/B]inside of a steel cage Wesley snipes w/Jessica Beil vs [B]Vin Diesel[/B] Goldberg vs [B]Brock Lesnar[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic][CENTER][B]Friday night February 5th, 2008 Live on PPV and Simulcast to Theaters across the country[/B] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=UnContainable.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/UnContainable.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B]NBC Wrestling presents: UnContainable! [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket We’re in beautiful down town Indianapolis, under the magnificent RCA Dome in front of a spectacular crowd of almost 42,000. NBC wrestling is proud to present in partner ship with RCA and Motorola, live on Pay-Per-View and Simulcast to local theaters across the nation. [B]UnContainable![/B] Ladies and Gentleman thank you for joining us, I’m Bob Costas and I will be your Host for the evening. In every sport there is spectacle and accomplishment, but for every match up you see, for every hour on the field or in the ring, there are countless hours of preparation, training and conditioning and scouting your opponents every angle. To be ready for tonight these competitors have prepared not only their bodies for the physical challenge, but their minds for physical game of chess that is professional wrestling. As well they have prepared their heart, because it will take every ounce of physical will to out wit, out last and in some cases just plain out survive their opponent. Do not take these men or their sport for granted for one solitary moment, because they prepare as hard, and fight harder for their glory than the members of any other sport!
(The blimp over head shows us a shoot of the RCA dome as this is read, interspersed with Bob Costas at his desk and General Highlight reel footage) (The Pyrotechnics open the show) Photobucket Sid Vicious is already standing in the middle of the ring. “Welcome to UnContainable! I hate to start the show off on such a sour note, but for the safety of all the fans, I’ve got to come out here and plead with the “Macho Man”. Savage, brother, friend. You have got to turn your self in! We don’t blame you, in fact we understand your psychosis and we just want to see you get the help you need.” [B](B+)[/B] Macho comes to the top of the Ramp. “Oooh Yeeah, “The Macho Man” is in thee hooouse. Sid, I got the proooof, brother. “Thee Macho Man” diidn’t doo it!” Security is inching up behind Savage, who begins to approach the ring. “But the Macho man knows who did, dig it!” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket The macho man pulls himself into the ring, the security detail, surrounds the ring. “Brother, The Macho Man is calling out ….” Savage seems to notice that the ring is surrounded. “Soo it’s a set up is it?” Macho man kicks Sid in the gut, and delivers Sid’s own Vicious Bomb. The Security Swarms the ring and it takes a good ten men to hold Macho down while they put the cuffs on him. [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
The ring has barely been Cleared as the entrants for our first match are announced. [B]Tatanka over Marty Jannetty in 8:02 (D)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The match is old school flyer versus old school ground and pound, and fans seem to be in a daze after watching Savage hauled out of the arena in hand cuffs. Tatanka hits the tomahawk Chop for the victory, after Jannetty takes to long to stand after delivering a vertical suplex. Photobucket Buff Bagwell Passes both Tatanka and Marty Jannetty on his way to the ring, from the dirty glances they both shoot him, he must of made some rather derisive comments as he passed. “Lex Luger, you wanted me in the ring, one on one with the Adonis of NBCw? You don’t deserve to be in the same ring with a man with my physical conditioning, but hey I’m so Buff I can bend the rules.” He smiles ear to ear at his own pun. “So let me consult my date book, cause you know a man that looks like this has very little free time, and I’ll get back to you on when a good time might be.” [B](C)[/B]
Photobucket “Hey Buff” Luger hits the ramp and poses down, “I don’t think that scrawny thing you call a brain needs to try and figure out how to read that date book. Now’s as good a time as any! I’m free; you’re well, standing in the ring, so let’s do this.” [B](C+)[/B]
[B]Buff Bagwell over Lex Luger in 8:05 (D)[/B] Photobucketvs Photobucket Buff beats the ring rust out of Luger. Luger keeps under estimating Bagwell and paying for it. Luger repeatedly goes for the torture rack only for Bagwell to float through and hit Lex with a belly to back suplex. Finally Buff nails Luger with the Hollywood Blockbuster to pick up the three count victory. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and with me this evening is Jessica Biel”[/COLOR] Chris Kanyon and D’lo Brown push Jessica out of the way. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Who better than Kanyon to fix NBCw? I ask you Ben, did you see the blatant abuse of power by the referee in our match last week?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“You’re referring to the chair shot your manager Jennifer Blake delivered to one Ted Hart?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“No he’s not referring to any alleged chair shot, yo”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Who better than Kanyon to enlighten you to the situation Ben. Jennifer Blake was merely trying to ask Ted a question about the quality craftsmanship of the chair, when Ted Clearly assaulted her. Then the Referee, as an agent of NBCw saw fit to use that as an excuse to screw us out of our victory.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Yo, you need to see how it is Ben. You need to see the man is holding us down!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Like I said Ben Who better than Kanyon to Clean up the corruption destroying NBCw”[/COLOR] Kanyon and D’lo storm off, clearly recognizing they are getting no where with Ben, who turns back to Jessica. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Miss Biel how do you feel about tonight’s match up between your friend Wesley Snipes and Vin Diesel?”[/COLOR] “Wes and me go way back so when I got the call that he needed some one to stand in his corner, you better believe I was down for that.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“How do respond to those who say you’re just here for an easy pay check.”[/COLOR] Jessica looks stunned “If I wanted an easy pay check I’d have done celebrity apprentice or something, I’m aware of how often managers end up going through tables in the sport!” She walks off leaving Ben to think about his lack of tact. [B](D) (B+)[/B] Photobucket Screeching tires and shattering glass can mean only one thing. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand. If you think this evening could use a real UnContainable @ss kicking give me a H*ll Yeah (echo h*ll yeah) I don’t think I heard ya (echo H*LL YEAH). “Now Stone Cold won his wild card match, and no one answered his challenge, so what do you think Stone Cold should do? (echo what) I’m asking how you think I should handle the situation (echo what) what I want to know is what’s a guy to do? (echo what) I just want to know from Goldberg and Brock Lesnar.” His voice drops from playful to iced over serious, “what those to jokers are going to do about my right to a title fight!” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket Brock Lesnar comes to the top of the ramp. “Why should I give you a shot at my title? Because you beat Test? I could be test while taking a nap!” Lesnar pulls himself into the ring. “Austin you’re a has been, in fact you’re a never was as far as Brock Lesnar is concerned. Title shot, the only shot I’m going to give you….” Austin just smiles through it all, then politely puts a boot into Lesnar’s gut and hit’s him with a Stunner and leaves him out Cold on the Canvass. [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket Dun Dun Dun. Goldberg Comes to the top of the ramp, cracking his neck as he makes his way into the ring, and picking up Brocks fallen microphone. “You want onto the list of victims. You got it!” Goldberg stares a hole in Austin, but Austin doesn’t back down an inch. Stone Cold goes for the boot to the gut, but Goldberg catches it, and powers Austin down to the mat. A Jack Hammer and Goldberg is roaring around the ring, screaming “Who’s Next!” [B](B+)[/B]
Our announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, I don’t think that’s a good sign for our main event”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck when you’re right you’re right! Brock is defiantly at a disadvantage now.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry how often do I have to tell you to stay on task? I was talking about how is Goldberg ever going to talk trash after screaming like that, he’s sure to contract laryngitis.”[/COLOR] (Terry Just shakes his head) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Ladies and Gentleman we are going to send you back stage now, as we have gotten word something big is going on.”[/COLOR] [/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic] [B]Hour 2:[/B] Back Stage Lex Luger is beating the living day lights out of Buff Bagwell. If Buff had embarrassed Lex during their match up, Lex was surely returning the favor, as Bagwell seemed to have no Idea how to defend himself from the irate supper specimen. Security eventually drug the two apart. [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, that was a tremendous beating, Luger just laid on Bagwell.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I don’t think he laid it on, I think he drove it in like a Mac truck.”[/COLOR] Terry: “Well The match between Bob Sapp and The Rock should be like two Mac trucks colliding.” [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well as long as union stunt men are driving, I’m all right with that.”[/COLOR] (Terry thinks to himself “Chuck Norris can cross a picket line, but since no one can 'Strike' Chuck Norris, there will never be a need to.”) [B](B+)[/B] [B]Diamond Dallas Page over Raven in a No Hold Barred match up in 12:54 (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Raven brought his bag of tricks to the ring with him. And Page seemingly oblivious to the stipulation just brought himself. The action went hard core almost immediately. Raven hit a leg sweep and then rolled outside to dig through his trash can. DDP hit a baseball slide into Raven still hunched over his garbage can. Raven Recovered with a stop sign bent around Page’s skull, and then whipped him into the steel steps. The match continued to degenerate into a hard core spectacle. Every time DDP came back with some clean offence, or tried to move the match back inside the ring, Raven would pull out his garbage wrestling tactics. Kendo sticks, trash can lids, and even tacks end up pulled out of ravens bag of tricks. In the end, Page was lying on the ground with raven himself trying to find his feet while the Referee counted 6..7 DDP was digging in his trunks 8 .. Raven gets to his feet …9 Raven pulled page up by the hair, but page decked Raven, and revealed he had slipped on a pair of brass knucks. DDP passed out on top of Raven, the Referee counts the Three and it appears Diamond Dallas Page is your winner by passing out and falling forward rather than back. [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I didn’t see that much blood when I hit a deer last week.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, was anybody in the car hurt, you didn’t tell me you were in an accident?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: (looking puzzled) “Car? Hurt? No I was hunting deer hunting!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Oh, you shot a deer? How many big was it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Shot? No guns aren’t sporting, hand to hands the only way to go!”[/COLOR] (Terry just shakes his head) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folks it looks like the action has moved back stage again.”[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] Tatanka has Jannetty laid out on the food service table and has climbed on top of the freezer box, he jumps down and delivers the Tomahawk Chop to Jannetty, sending both men through the table to the concrete floor. [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"] Chuck: “Now that’s what I call a Tomahawk Missile!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “and how sporting did you find that chuck?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well it was hand to hand! “[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well another match that will be hand to hand...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: (interrupting) “Let me guess it’s time for the unscheduled match of the evening, Wesley Snipes versus Vin Diesel.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well your half right chuck, it will be Wes against Vin, but it is on your schedule!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I wouldn’t know I gave my schedule to my cleaning lady and had her translate it into Spanish.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “But Chuck, you don’t speak Spanish.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Now you tell me!”[/COLOR] (Terry gives up) [B](B+)[/B] [B] “The Giant Sapling” Bob Sapp over The Rock Inside of a Steel Cage when Brock Lesnar Interferes in 13:04 (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Both men make their way down to ring, where the Referee checks for weapons and then locks all three of them into the steel structure. The Rock Dominates Bob Sapp from the bell. Even hitting a rock Bottom and the people’s elbow, before picking up a very long 2 count on Sapp. Something seems to wake up inside of the big man after his near fall, and he takes control of the match, but inevitably he winds up with his back, pressed against the canvass, once more. After Sapp’s second kick out, the rock becomes a little frustrated and argues with referee, Bob Sapp sends Rock off toward the ropes with an Irish whip. Lesnar has come to ring side and slams the steel cage with a chair right as The rock hits the ring rope. Enough of the force makes it through the cage for Bob Sapp to drill The Rock with the Timber Line Driver and pick up the three count victory. Photobucket From the desk of NBC wrestling's front office: “Good Evening, I’m Bob Costas, and despite all of the wonderful action that has gone on here tonight and a Main event still to come. NBC wrestling has some dark business that needs attending too. The Powers that be at the broadcast head quarters have tasked me with letting you wonderful fans know, that tomorrow night on pressure point, we will finally have a resolute for the savage problem, so that we can ensure the safety of our fans, or wrestlers and our entire staff. Thank you so much for your patience and enjoy the rest of the show.” [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, did you here that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I sure did, they are finally going to resolve the safety issues that Randy Savage is posing.[/COLOR]” [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “No! That there are Patients watching the show, I wonder what kinda of diseases they have.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Not patients, patience.”[/COLOR] C[COLOR="Purple"]huck: (exasperatedly) “How can Patience watch the show?”[/COLOR] (All Terry can do is hang his head) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, just get ready for our main event Brock Lesnar taking on Goldberg.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I think he should change his name to Iceberg!” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan, and joining me this evening is none other than Hulk Hogan.”[/COLOR] “Hulkamanics we need answers, Ben did Bret Hart really mean to hit Goldberg last week? Or was I the original target?” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well Hulk, it sure looked like Goldberg was the guy he was aiming for.”[/COLOR] “Well like they say, brother, looks can be deceiving, and Bret sure as h*ll pulled the ref over to count three.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well you got me there Hulk.”[/COLOR] “If Brets the man he says he is, He’ll come out and let me know man to man where it is we stand!” [B](B+)[/B]
[B]Vin Diesel over Wesley snipes with Jessica Biel at ring side in 17:30 (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket with Jessica Biel. The king of all gimmick matches is one worthless celebrity versus a wrestler, so this must be the God of all gimmick matches. But truth be told, both men showed that they had prepared for this match. Vin Diesel opened strong, running and catching Wes with a missile drop kick to the chest. Snipes showed off his martial art’s back ground with flurry of kicks, followed by a leaping round house kick that sent Vin out to the floor. Vin rather than get back in the ring caught hold of Jessica and DDT’s her into the steel ring steps. Wesley abandoned the match to check on her, while Vin remained fixed on the goal of winning the match and climbed to the top turn buckle and leaped out to deliver a flying elbow to Wesley, who was on his hands and knees over a prone Biel. Vin then rolled Snipes back into the ring, and attempted to nail him with a Pitch Black DDT, but Snipes reversed the moved and hit a Blade Clothes line, followed by a Passenger 57 power bomb. Vin barley kicked out at 2 and 3/4. Emt’s came out and carted off Jessica, while the match continued to rage in the ring, in the end Vin locked Snipes in the triple X choke hold, and Wes had no choice but to tap out. Photobucket Bob Costas comes out applauding the match. “That Gentleman is what the sport of wrestling is all about. A pointer Mr. Snipes, never loose focus on the match, it will cost you in the end. But now to the point, NBC wrestling executives have decided that since Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Tatanka and Marty Jannetty can not get along, the four will be in Tag team action tomorrow night on Pressure Point.” [B](C)[/B]
Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan, and standing with me now is Bret “the hitman” Hart”[/COLOR] (the fandamonium erupt like at no point yet this evening) “Hulk Hogan, you want an answer, I think the answer is clear as day light. Goldberg almost cost me my career” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Bret with all due respect man, did you mean to attack Hulk Hogan.”[/COLOR] “Ben I think my actions speak for themselves, any one who watches that tape can clearly see, who I meant to hit with that chair shot.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well there you have it fans, if you know, I guess you know.”[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B]
[B] Bill Goldberg over Brock Lesnar in 18:29 to become the first ever NBCw World Title Holder! (A*)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket David versus Goliath always seems to get top billing, but goliath versus goliath is where the action is! Bill Goldberg signaled for Brock to lay one on him, and Brock obliged, the shot barely moving Goldberg, then Brock Indicated for Goldberg to do the same, the shot did not even rock Lesnar. Goldberg indicated Brock should take another shot, but Goldberg ducked it and hit a standing spear, knocking Brock to the canvas. Both men proceeded to show they possessed the ability to mat wrestle. Holds submissions and counters dominated the early going. About half way through the match Bob Sapp appears at the top of the ramp, but the rock and Montel brown step into his path, and we have a brawl on the outside. Back in the ring, Brock has managed to hit the f-5 and pick s up a 2 count for his effort. Goldberg kicks out with authority and the two begin to trade power moves. Both men beat the day lights out of the other, toward the end neither man seems to be standing on steady legs. Then out of no where, Brock seems to find the energy to take Goldberg up for the F-5, Goldberg escapes at the last possible second and push Lesnar toward the ropes, as he rebounds back, Goldberg nails him with a spear. The Jack hammer follows, and the three count is just a formality as your first NBCw World Champion is Bill Goldberg. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket with Photobucket Terry abandons the announce desk, to join Goldberg and the referee in raising the mans hand in victory, and presents Goldberg with the World Title. The Rock and Montel Brown, also make their way into the ring, and the Grid Iron way struts around the ring celebrating their huge victory. [B](C+)[/B] [B]Show rating: B PPV buy rate: 9.7 [/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] Recap:Live from the hoosier dome [B]hour1:[/B] Da:[B]B+[/B] goldberg brock hype video Dm:[B]D+[/B] Ted Hart vs D'lo brown Da:[B]D[/B] Ted Hart on how great it is to be in NBCw hour 1: (3)[B]B+[/B] Sid opens the evening taunting Macho man (3)[B]B+[/B] Macho comes out and claims he can prove he's innocent (2)[B]B+[/B] macho attacks Sid infront of the cameras (2)[B]B+[/B] macho is carried off by security First match: (10)[B]D[/B] [B]Tatanka[/B] over Jannetty (5)[B]C[/B] bagwell comes out and accpets Luger's challenge (5)[B]C-[/B] luger comes out and say lets do it here tonight, right now Second Match: (10)[B]D[/B] [B]Bagwell[/B] over luger (5)[B]D[/B] Kanyon and D'lo complain about how poorly NBCw is run (5)[B]B+[/B] Jessica biel Hypes wesley snipes vs Vin Diesel (4)[B]B+[/B] Steve Austin comes to ring and reminds brock and goldberg he is standing in line (3)[B]B+[/B] Brock comes out to stare down austin and takes a stunner (3)[B]B+[/B] Goldberg comes out to stare down austin who misses the stunner and takes a spear [B]hour 2:[/B] (5)[B]C[/B] Luger attacks bagwell back stage (5)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype Rock vs bob sapp Third match: (15)[B]B+[/B] [B]Page[/B] over raven in No Holds Bared match (5)[B]D[/B] Tatanka attacks Jannetty backstage (5)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype Vin vs snipes Fourth match: (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]bob sap[/B] over rock inside of a steal cage (lesner finds a way to interfere) (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costast tells the crowd tomorrow night on Pressure point the randy savage situation will be taken care of. (5)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar [B]hour 3:[/B] (5)[B]B+[/B] Hogan calls out bret hart for his attack last saturday on Pressure Point Fifth match: (20)[B]B+[/B] [B]Vin Diesel[/B] over Wesley Snipes (5)[B]C[/B] Bob costas say if luger/bagwell and jannetty/tatanka can't get along, they can have a match. (5)[B]B+[/B] Bret responds to hogans call out, but brings no clarity Sixth match: (20)[B]A*[/B] Goldberg over Brock Lesnar for the World Title (bob sapp tries to interfere but runs into the rock and montel brown at the top of the ramp) (5)[B]C+[/B] Goldberg post match Celebration, grid iron way joins him in ring [B]attendance: 41,928 Show rating: B PPV buy rate: 9.7 [/B]
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Awesome show. Not sure if I'm glad that Goldberg's the champ, but this lets Lesnar chase the gold. Although I could see Lesnar turning and joining the Grid Iron. Should be interesting with Hart and Hogan, too. Also: [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z80/_Green_WeeD_/chuck-norris.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Akki;386356]Awesome show. Not sure if I'm glad that Goldberg's the champ, but this lets Lesnar chase the gold. Although I could see Lesnar turning and joining the Grid Iron. Should be interesting with Hart and Hogan, too. Also: [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z80/_Green_WeeD_/chuck-norris.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] I love the picture, i may have to put that up as chucks icon rather than him in a tuxedo!
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
[/COLOR][/SIZE] I don't know whether i should take those numbers as a positive or a negative!
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[B]Commercial: February 1, 2008 Monday[/B] (music is soft violin) on the screen you watch mt. saint Helens erupt and go into cut scenes of Goldberg hitting the Jack Hammer (guitar cuts into the violin, clearly more violent) Brock Lesnar delivering the F-5, Bob Sap assaulting the rock. (the music hit’s it’s crescendo) and we get all three attacks on Hogan from week one, the Rock Bottom, the Stunner and the Sharp Shooter. “We know you won’t miss Uncontianable! Only on Pay-Per-View But don’t forget to find out what the fall out is Saturday night 8 Est. on Pressure Point, when Steve Austin gets his hands on the new Champion.” Orlando Jordan vs Ted Hart Bob Sapp vs Montel Brown Buff Bagwell & Marty Jannetty vs Lex Luger & Tatanka Mark Wahlberg vs Rob Van Damn Goldberg vs Steve Austin (non title bout) The Rock vs Hulk Hogan
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[B]Orlando Jordan[/B] vs Ted Hart [B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs Montel Brown [B]Buff Bagwell & Marty Jannetty[/B] vs Lex Luger & Tatanka Mark Wahlberg vs [B]Rob Van Damn[/B] Goldberg vs [B]Steve Austin [/B](non title bout) [B]The Rock [/B]vs Hulk Hogan
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the first pressure point of February is actually entirely written (i still need to put it into html). so what is the hold up? I had a great idea, but i'm not sure how long it is going to take to execute. I want to "publish" a magzine like WWE, to be release after every PPV but before the first PP of the month. unfortunately i had this bright idea, very late in the game. Next i wanted some guest columnist. and since i would hate to push these wonderful writers, it may take awhile to get the first issue up. So in the mean time: i'd love your opinion's on the monthly magazine idea? what kind of articles would you like to see? and any suggestions on guest writers for next month? (i've already sent out the invitations for this month, you may even nominate yourself :D ) thanks again for ready, and your patience. I hope it's worth the wait!
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[CENTER][URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=january08magcover.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/january08magcover.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic][CENTER][B]Contents:[/B][/CENTER] [B]*[/B] An Interview with the up and comer Ted Hart [B]*[/B] Who better than Kanyon? Hmm, just about anyone! [B]*[/B] Page vs Raven, the saga rages on. [B]*[/B] Mark Walberg, Vin Diesel and Wesley Snipes, do they belong in NBCw? [B]*[/B] NBC Wrestling finally has a champion, Goldberg! [INDENT]By Akki[/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]An Interview with the up and comer Ted Hart By: Bob Costas[/B] I had the distinction to set down with a young athlete who’s recent record can be considered nothing but impressive. [B]Costas:[/B] Ted Hart, how does it feel to be on the undercard yet hold the impressive list of victory’s so quickly here in NBCw? [B]Hart:[/B] I come from a long line of excellence, and it shows in both my in ring ability and my current record. [B]Costas:[/B] In light of how several of these victories have come, do you think you will be able to keep you this impressive record? [B]Hart:[/B] Bob, as with every wrestler I have got to prepare for one match at a time. And every match is different, so how ever I pick up a win I will take it, and then start preparing for my next opponent. [B]Costas:[/B] Is there anything else, you’d like to let the fans know? [B]Hart:[/B] You may not now me now, But you are about the experience Ted Hart! [B]Costas:[/B] Thank you so much for your time, good luck you’re going to need it. [B]Who Better than Kanyon? Hmm, just about anyone![/B] Chris Kanyon has in recent weeks repeatedly claimed he was going to tear a path of destruction through NBCw to purge the ‘corruption’. The only problem is week after week Kanyon loses, and his losses just seems to perpetuate, at least in Kanyon’s mind, the duplicity of NBCw. So is there anything that will put Chris Kanyon his manager Jennifer Blake, and D’lo Brown back on the winning path here in NBCw? With out Chris taking more time with his matches, and keeping his manager away from the ring apron, I think Kanyon, and quite possible D’lo Brown are in for a lengthy dry spell here in NBCw. That is just this writers opinion, but at least while it lasts, it is amusing to watch who better than Kanyon, storm around and take his angst out on the interview staff of NBCw! [B]Page vs Raven, the saga rages on[/B] It’s a cold January night in the suburbs. As Diamond Dallas Page tells it, the cops said there was nothing they could do about a blacked out van that has been parked across the street from Page’s home. The side of the van painted “I will Tear Page for the book of Life”. It is just the latest of the physiological attacks that the whole page family have come under. Including one against Pages ‘Progeny’ that currently has them removed from the public school system. But to be fair I ventured to the dark streets of the Bowery to talk with Raven, and find out how he views this whole situation. Raven avoided the topic of mind games with Page, his most definitive statement being, “If I were going to mind **** page, he wouldn’t live through the experience.” The rest of my time their achieved little. Will we see a resolution to this situation? It is truly doubtful, I for one am just hoping the two can find a fair compromise before this situation tears both of their lives, both inside and outside of the ring apart.
[CENTER][URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=stooges.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/stooges.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [B]The Three Stooges of NBC wrestling[/B] Don’t get me wrong, I’m a mark at heart, but these guys aren’t wrestlers, in some cases I’m not sure they even qualify as actors. Of the three, Mark Wahlberg has shown some tremendous in ring potential, The plancha in his first match and the ground assault drop kick in his second match show that he is willing to learn the craft. But that said, the push he has received over so many other deserving wrestlers, and the absolute lack of respect that he has shown for the sport and the fans, I’m not sure Mark Wahlberg is ready for the main event status that has been thrust upon him. As for the other two, Wesley Snipes and Vin Diesel would have been great for a one time stunt match as a pay-per-view gimmick, but come on I’m supposed to believe that Vin Diesel really drove Jessy Biels’s head into the ring steps? Oh, and that all of a sudden Wesley snipes has a back ground in the martial arts, but lacks the focus to go toe to toe with diesel as soon as his ‘friend’ gets hurt. Come on, what are these ex-soap star writers thinking? To be honest I am truly waiting for the unbelievably funny Chuck Norris to just stand up and go walker Texas Ranger on all three of them. I hope I’m wrong, but for now it looks like we maybe stuck with at least two wanna-bes clogging up the main event!
[B]NBC Wrestling finally has a champion ,Goldberg! By: Akki[/B] NBC Wrestling finally has a champion. And after a star-studded tournament filled with some of the biggest and best in the history of wrestling, the dust has cleared and Goldberg has emerged as the man wearing the gold. Of course, not everybody will be happy with him winning the belt, especially because of his buddies in the Grid Iron Way watching his back. Every wrestler must now be hoping that they will get the first shot at the new champ. And who will that person be? An obvious choice might be Lesnar, looking for revenge after being defeated in the tournament final. After that, the list is full of contenders who would be able to put up a good fight against Goldberg. Hulk Hogan, while having unfinished business with Bret Hart, will also be wanting a chance to show that he could have beat Goldberg if not for Hart's interference. Steve Austin has also been on a tear as of late, with the only man who has been able to put him down being Goldberg. Austin will face off with Goldberg in a non-title match on the first Pressure Point after UnContainable, and not only will he look for revenge but a chance to prove that he deserves a title shot. Another possible, but less likely, challenge is The Rock. Even though they are good friends and both part of the Grid Iron Way, The Rock can never be too far from a title match, and will always look for a way to get the gold. Of course, there could be plenty of surprises, but that's the way the World Title picture looks after UnContainable. And after the events of that PPV, the next few weeks promise to be UnPredictable.
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[B]First of all thanks again to our guest columnist Akki![/B] Second, i would like to make this a regular feature of this diary. but... did it add anything? what did you like or not like? who would you like to see guest write a column? and how would you like to write a column? i'm thinking the best prediction record at the end of each month will get a shot at his own column entry. is there any interest in that? now the general, the graphic for uncontainable turned out better than i thought it would, and the front page for NBC mag was not quite what i hoped. but both are Mt. Saint Hellens, one of course durning it's eruption, the other the jagged peaks of it's peace. I liked the metaphor of goldberg becoming champion, not actually resolving anything, and not being quite a perfect resolution. now for a shameless plug have your checked out my Babes of Sin City diary? [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30325"]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30325[/URL]
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