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A few simple carry-overs from WMMA

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Two things that made things in WMMA flow better that I'd love to see in TEW08. 1) Popularity progress meter. I like knowing how close I am to getting to the next level of popularity so I can start spreading out my shows in different regions to get to the point where I can, say, sign written contracts or try for a TV deal. 2) Money spent on a show A running total of how much a show is costing you as you're booking it, so that know how much you'll be losing/making or at least figure a rough estimate of it. And one more not in WMMA 3) Something that lets you see what days certain members of your roster won't be available because they're working with other feds.
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[QUOTE=Gigas;369253]The booker. Its so much easier, way less clicks.[/QUOTE] :confused: The booking is easier to do and has less clicks in WMMA because it's an MMA sim, not a wrestling sim - surely you realise that the ease of use is less to do with the design and more to do with the fact that you only have 1 vs 1, don't have angles, don't have road agent notes, etc, etc? There's always going to be less clicks with MMA, simply because there's considerably less options!
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You could always select a match based on hype, and edit the details of the match yourself. That would also speed things up. Either way, I hope to god you are spending a lot of time speeding up the process of booking. Theres really no reason we should have to view 5 different screens to set up a match other than the interface. Pulldown menus are our friend :)
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Agreed. A one-stop screen that starts off with you only being able to select from your advance booked matches (or choose a new match) and then add in the details as you go along... I hope it's possible - it's the last obstacle to making booking a card a completely intuitive process for me. It sounds dopey, but I often forget which matches I've already booked when doing a show, and by the time I've reached the advanced booking screen, I have three windows open on top of the main TEW window, so I can't drag them out of the way to get back to the main. Having a single screen where you can input all the details would be my ideal.
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You guys keep giving me ideas... although I'm not sure if it can be done or not. I'm kinda envisaging a construction screen for matches that could drag and drop a number of items of information. 1. Competitors, obviously 2. VS, so you can just drag or drop numbers of people onto teams. Worker 1 VS Worker 2. Worker 1, Worker 2, Worker 3 VS Worker 4. 3. Match style templates. Created in advance, these would be things like the Cage Match, Ladder Match, TLC match 4. Quick Styles. For example, generic 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 matches... or specific trademark types of match like Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber where the rules are set. Picking one of these would mean you just need to slot your competitors into place with everything else done. 5. Create New, for making new matches/styles. The obvious benefits of this.... you can create matches on the fly if you wish. With styles being able to be applied to 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, handicap etc you don't have to create a LOT of variations of the same match. Should make match creation easier. Quick styles can save your most frequent matches for easy access, perhaps with some kind of ability to put your promotion's default match types on top of the list? And best of all... it could potentially all be fitted onto one screen. Saving countless clicks, making booking matches easier and massively flexible. :D
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