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I'm confused

Guest Ransik

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Ok I'm at the end of March 1998 with WCW. I have Curt Hennig with A all across the US in popularity... average of about C everywhere else in the world... he's a Main Eventer. I have Bret Hart with As all across the world... it pushes him as Upper Midcard. Am I missing something here?
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Hennig is probably in the high As, with Hart almost being B+s. I'm assuming your other Main Eventers are up in the same letter range. Style also plays a part, so if Hart is set to a Technician (for instance), then he isn't as high in a Sports Entertainment environment. Although, I can't see Hennig and Hart being different styles. That would be just silly.
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Only popularity in your home country matters for the autopush, not around the world. Worker style, product settings, momentum and relationships also have an effect. And of course, there is a limit on how many people can fit into your mani event scene at once. You must have a LOT of A overness workers if one is being pushed at upper-midcard level... or you've got a technician being under-pushed in a highly Mainstream promotion. That always happens to me with Phillip Roberts. :)
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