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Have You Taken Your Happy Pills??? (C-Verse)

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[SIZE="4"]The DVD starts off with the fans chanting “Mitch! Mitch! Mitch!”. Once again seated are Mitch Naess and the Crazy Midget Clown Klan. That is until Naess staring a hole through the head of Joker... slowly rises. Joker remains seated as he looks up at Mitch with a combination of ignorance and innocence. Hustler stares at the camera absently putting a Rolling Rock beer to his lips and taking a gulp. Mitch stares at the two for another few seconds, looking like he is about to start swinging at them. Then the anger releases from his face as he pulls out from his pocket a lollipop and a bottle of rum as a peace offering. He hands the lollipop to Joker as Hustler grabs Mitch wrist and bites it forcing Mitch to let go of the bottle of rum.
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Jed High played off the crowd a lot trying to get them into it, but this was a match to show case Dee White Anjil . The end came when High got caught in the Dragon Sleeper of Anjil’s. High kicked his legs for a second or two before Holland began to lift his limp appendage three times in secession. [B]WINNER: Dee White Anjil MATCH RATING: D+[/B] Back at the broadcast booth Naess finishes putting over Dee White Anjil which leads into doing the same for the Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota. Joker listened and seemed to actually be paying attention to Mitch interjecting his own thoughts. This consisted of screaming “NINJITSU!” karate chopping the table hurting his hand, as well as looking at Hustler and whispering “He’s Cool.” - to which Hustler slowly nodded. Mitch then introduced his opponent Leisure Suit Morty calling him a “slight” underdog making the quotation hand gesture with his fingers. Hustler then replies with a odd statement of “Susceptible to Domination” which got Naess to stare wide eyed (I am not sure he knew Hustler spoke English). Joker threw his two cents in by saying he “sucks harder then Jenna Jameson” which got Naess attention away from Hustler and he even grinned a little this time, as he shook his head in shame.
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Fourty nine seconds. A kick to the knee, a spin kick to the gut then spinning back with a roundhouse to the side of the head downed Morty. Ota picked him up and nailed him with a Ninja Strike. [B]WINNER: Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota MATCH RATING: D+[/B]
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[SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][SIZE="7"]0-2[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Mitch congratulates Ota on his quick victory to which Joker agreed with a “GOD THAT GUY SUCKS! SOOOOO… - then spotting something in the crowd to lose his train of thought - OOOO SHE’S CUTE!!” before hopping away. Will he be seen again? I like you have no clue. Mitch then looks at Hustler who lazily waves at him then points at the empty bottle of rum and gives a thumbs up. He then puts his head into his arms and falls asleep. Mitch then begins to introduce the next match one he states he is very excited about.
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I think this match lived up to Mitch’s expectations. It introduced the OD fans to three teams of our tag division and was the start of the good matches that were to prevail through this - both the greatest and the saddest night in OD’s short history. The first team eliminated was the Can-Am Blonde’s. Seeing that Trademark had The Natural in his submission hold called Trademarked, Dr. Love attempted to make the save. Mainstream put an end to this quickly though with a well place Super Kick. As The Natural was forced to submit, Jacob Jett quickly scaled the turnbuckles and came off onto Trademark with a nice frog splash. Both Amazing Sensation worked over Trademark for awhile cutting off the ring from Mainstream. After Trademark was Jett & Stone’s bump dummy for a while, Trademark was able to get the hot tag to Mainstream. Mainstream came in and cleared house remaining on the advantage, that is until he hit Jett with a Apparition #14 and ended the match. [B]WINNERS: Excellence Criterion MATCH RATING: C+[/B] We go back up to Mitch who is praising the three teams that just gave it their all. He is marking all over himself like a sex addict in a porn store - Despite all his moaning I think Mitch may secretly like his job. Joker is once again gone, and Hustler is… yep, asleep.
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They tell me that this match suffered from a lack of selling on display. So I tell “they” a little story that goes like this. One night at a party I saw Perez hold a lighter under his arm. He held it there, right there under the flame until his flesh was burned…. So this guy asked him what was the secret? He replied “The secret is not minding”. That is not mentioning "P-Ball". Awaiting the show's start time Hustler & Joker kick P in the junk for sport and due to boredom, literally every pre-show. P is addicted to the pain and I see him attempting an overdose sooner rather then later… but not tonight as P handled Poison at will. Just so happens his will was after Joey had already kicked his teeth in for 12 minutes. [B]WINNER: P MATCH RATING: C-[/B] [I][B](We are supposed to go back to the booth here. Mitch Naess refused to do this due to his loyalty to the OD. He could not in good conscience any longer put over men whose actions he finds to be reprehensible.)[/B][/I]
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This last match lasted almost two minutes and a minutes of that was Jay Darkness doing his - walk slowly to the ring in the dark by torch light thing. Retro danced here and there and everywhere not paying attention to his hell born opponent. Then the bell rang. Darkness walked over the top rope into the ring and took a step towards Retro. Darkness pulled his arm back slowly as to grab Retro by the throat. Retro through his arm up into the air in the infamous Disco poise. Then they both just froze in that position for what seemed like a minute, but was actually more like 15 seconds. Retro turned his face and looked Darkness in the eyes before reaching into his red shiny pants, and pulling out two royal blue t-shirts. Retro threw one across the shoulder of Darkness before putting on his own… across the front read three letters.. S-W-F. The chants of “YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT!” began to echo throughout the arena as a group of OD loyalists consisting of: Sammy Bach, Teddy Powell, Can-Am Blondes, Fumihiro Ota, Plague, & Maggot flooded from the back. Retro quickly jumped out of the ring and TRIED to escape through the crowd. The crowd was unruly however spitting and throwing garbage at Retro as he exited. Darkness however turned towards the army of men coming at him. He has got guts… no brains… none… SWF???? WTF??? Anyway, the OD quickly slid into the ring and were about to give Darkness what was coming to him until the lights went out. When the lights returned on he was gone. [B]WINNER: Draw MATCH RATING: C[/B] [I](Wow a C for two minutes of a whole bunch of interference notes and a cheap finish with not one wrestling hold even attempted. I guess these two are going exactly where they need to be. )[/I] As we go back to the broadcasting booth, Naess is attempting to ignore the last match as if it never happened. However it is etched on his face that the Benedict Arnold like actions of Darkness & Retro bothered his soul. Mitch introduced the final eight of the Empire tournament and we began a short on how all eight men got here. As Mitch attempts to do this, Joker comes back climbing on to the table grabbing his sleeve and yanking it. He gently begins asking in a child’s voice “Mitchy what happened? Mitchy what happened?”… [CENTER][B][U]THE FINAL EIGHT[/U][/B][/CENTER]
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We come back to Mitch who is patting Joker on the head softly as he sobs into forearm. As Mitch introduces the next match, Joker wipes his nose on Mitch’s sleeve leaving a slug-like trail of mucus from wrist to elbow.
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A good solid match. Monkey has been the OD golden boy being its most consistent performer. He did his job here too as he was able to put Steven Parker over as a viable threat. He even agreed to let Parker kick out of a Hell Fire Kick. We are not saying Parker isn’t viable he definitely has that “IT” factor, but it is just too soon for the future. Parker came out on a hell-a-fire (pun intended) actually pretty much just destroying Red Hook‘s favorite chimp. The fans are starting to get behind Parker, we just can’t Cena him and do it to soon. When Monkey came back he roughed Parker up pretty well with the likes of hard rib crushers and fireman carry ram sprints. After three roaring elbows in the corner Parker looked completely out. It is here Monkey hit the Hell Fire Kick for a two count with a remarkable shoulder lift. Got to give him credit for the shoulder lift!!!! … a Tumbling Monkey later and those shoulder’s had no lift. [B]WINNER: Hell Monkey MATCH RATING: B-[/B] As Mitch congratulates Monkey on his win, Joker finally quits crying mumbling something about “my Monkey?” before dashing away. Hustler also recognized the name in victory when it was mentioned by Mitch. He opened his eyes slightly letting out an ape call before turning his head, and going back to dreaming about really short face painted women.
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I just had a meeting with Hash and informed him that they original plans we had for him were injudicious. He said “What”? I explained to him that bringing in Panda Mask II just for a short feud with an under carder was unwise and retarded. An being that we have no direction to go with him, that he was to just put over Bach to the best of his ability, and we would talk tomorrow about his future with the OD. I guess I said it wrong because he went and called his mother telling her that the bad man was going to fire him. I then had to explain not only to Hash, but to Mrs. Hash that a mistake was made in translation (I guess Canadians can’t understand Bostonians must just be one of those odd things). We did indeed have a plan for Harrison ending it (getting a little upset about my time being wasted) with a “NOW KID GET YOUR CANADIAN MOOSE MOLESTING ASS OUT THERE AND GO UNDER BENEVOLENTLY!”… which he answered with a “What?”… I wanted to either smack him or give him a dictionary couldn’t figure out which.
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[CENTER] [B]We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties…. Please Stand By...[/B][/CENTER] [B][I](those responsible have just been sacked… the rest of the show has been shot at high expense and at the last minute…. When did we hire so many llamas?)[/I][/B] ALRIGHT! I am sorry! I just wanted to tell that Hash story…Anyway back to the action, the match was a Bach showcase and I admit Hash did his job well. Bach won after a Bach on Your Back. [B]WINNER: Badass Sammy Bach MATCH RATING: B-[/B] Human Arsenal came out for his next match first, odd one would think Samoan Machine would come out first as Arsenal is the clear favorite. Arsenal seems distracted getting Mitch to comment on this fact. Samoan Machine comes out next to a mild reaction, but without a doubt his loudest yet. The OD fans are still trying to get a handle on this guy though they appreciate his skill levels and the way he carries himself.
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This match was excellent. I hate saying it, but it was excellent. Arsenal and Machine had the battle of the suplexes. If one man wasn’t being thrown right on the top of his head it was the other. That is when currently the most hated man in the OD made his appearance. Brent Hill (he refuses to be called Wrestling Machine #2 now) exited the back and began a slow walk to the ring. He was equipped with a chair and had a red and white NOTBPW maple leaf imprinted t-shirt on. The OD crowd gave him hell yelling “CANADA SUCKS!!!” (Which I understand hurt Owen Love’s feelings). They began giving him the Robbie Retro treatment throwing there $5 popcorns and $3 watery soda’s at him as he walked to the ring. Inside the ring Samoan Machine had an odd submission hold on Arsenal a standing inverted bear hug. The Samoan seeing Hill coming down let Arsenal go focusing his attention on Hill. Hill bad mouthed the Samoan threating to hit him with the chair as Arsenal got up. Arsenal now seeing Hill began to bad mouth Hill back, and pointed at him and at the shirt his was wearing. Out of nowhere though Arsenal quickly went behind the big Samoan and rolled him up for a quick two count. An odd thing for Human Arsenal to do as he is a stand up guy. He must of just been worried about the Samoan Machine... as he should have been. The big Samoan didn’t take well to being tricked by Arsenal and began to lay into him hard. As Samoan Machine picked up Arsenal after a nice butterfly suplex, Hill jumped onto the ropes and swung the chair at Samoan Machine. The Samoan sidestepped the swing, which sent the full impact hard into the side of Human Arsenal’s skull. Samoan Machine then grabbed Arsenal and nailed him with a Samoan Driver for a three count. [B]WINNER: Samoan Machine MATCH RATING: B[/B] Mitch admits his bewilderment at the finish both with Arsenal underhanded tactic and Hill’s seemingly frustration at missing Samoan Machine even though his shot did connect with his arch-enemy Human Arsenal. He also wishes Hill good riddance and hoped he gets frost bite on his unmentionables.
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Hill already at ringside climbed into the ring and awaited his opponent. When AC/DC hit the speakers informing the fans of who indeed had the most prevalent testicles they went completely bonkers. Powell ran to ring and just lit up Hill. Powell hit every move in his collection (it wasn’t much so he went a head and hit each move a few times). Teddy quickly grabbed Hill’s chair and slammed Hill across the back with it twice. Powell then nailed Hill with a DDT onto the chair for the 1-2-3. [B]WINNER: Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell MATCH RATING: B [/B] It was what all expected and wanted - Brent Hill getting his butt kicked which must be the explanation of the high rating. :) After the match Powell continued his beat down on Hill hitting a couple Motion Censor’s until Human Arsenal now dressed back in his casual clothes hit the ring to a huge pop from the OD faithful. Arsenal with his own chair in hand slid into the ring. Powell shook his head yes and points at Hill, then time stopped………… Or at least it seemed like it. Human Arsenal with all his might took the chair and nearly decapitated Teddy Powell. After he did this he took the black shirt he was wearing off, turning it inside out and held it high. It had three letters written on it which read - TCW. The camera goes off with the entire locker room being emptied with everyone hitting the ring. I mean everybody, even Joker was there. Arsenal unfortunately was able to make a quick getaway. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]CARD RATING: B-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"]Those low down and dirty son’s of Cain ungrateful little peons unbelievable f**kheads How Dare They? WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?? HUH??? WHERE TO THEY GET THE BALLS TO QUIT ME??? They will pay… oh yes…. They will pay…[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Well another Free Base is in the books and it is one we are not soon to forget. Late last week Hill informs us of his intent to leave for NOTB. The day before Free Base both Retro & Darkness tell me the SWF have offered them contracts. Ten minutes before showtime Arsenal tells us that LAST WEEK he signed with TCW.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Can the OD survive? If you have to ask then you need to put down that pipe you smoking and…. Ok… nah ya don’t. WE THE OD BABY! - WE DON’T DIE WE GET HIGH BUT WE DON’T DIE!!! Due to these four Main Event caliber talent here in the OD leaving in the span of a week, as well as most of the rest of the roster taking other pay-per-appearance gigs to feed their families (this could lead to scheduling conflicts and probably will). The OD has decided to offer 10 contracts to other performers. When the contracts are signed you will be informed forthwith. [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]I wish I could go into more details about both the emancipation of the OD from those who didn’t believe in us (SCREW THEM!) as well as those who may or may not be the new faces around here.. Unfortunately we don’t have the time![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]With Free Base now over we only have two days until THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD!!!! Free Base was the last night in the OD for Brent Hill, however the rest of the treacherous (expletive) will have to face the wrath of the OD faithful!!! Lets take a look at the entire card![/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"]So who do you think it is going to be? Is it going to be the Samoan vs. the Badass? Maybe the Monkey and big baller? Whomever it ends up being the OD will FINALLY have a champion! … Oh yea did I forget to mention this is a Ladder Match?[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]A FIRE CASKET MATCH[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"]A Fire-Casket Match! Rules are the same as a casket match with the difference being once your opponent is in the casket, you are not the victor until you light it on FIRE! Will the Darkness get lit up or will the now lone gunman Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes fall short?[/SIZE] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="4"]THE OD VERSUS TCW[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B]
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[SIZE="4"]I didn’t have to seek someone to take on Arsenal at TBDWEP, the entire roster wanted a crack at him. I almost gave it to Holmes, but then Mainstream got me alone and completely sold me that he was the guy needed. GOD HE IS GOOD AT THAT![/SIZE] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="4"]STEEL CELL[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B]
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[SIZE="4"]If these gas guzzling no turn signal using motorcycle riding guys aren’t attacking each other they really don’t know what to do with themselves. So we are going to stick them in a steel cell and see if they kill each other. Could be fun.[/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="4"][CENTER]FIVE WAY ELIMINATION MATCH[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B]
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[SIZE="4"]The final match of the first round pits friends and teammates against one another. So? Who’s better? Will this match cause bad blood between the two? Will the ego of the defeated be able to take the loss? [/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="4"][CENTER]THE FIRST FINALIST IS DETERMINED![/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B]
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[SIZE="4"]The Japanese fan is well aware of the caliber match that the OD will be witnessed to. This is a sleeper that could and probably will steal the show![/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="4"][CENTER]THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD’s UNDERCARD[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B]
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[SIZE="4"][LEFT][U]BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD FULL CARD[/U] Samoan Machine/Hell Monkey vs. Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell/Badass Sammy Bach Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes vs. Jay Darkness Mainstream vs. Human Arsenal The Road Killers vs. Death Row Riders Disco Stud Robbie Retro vs. P vs. The Ringmaster vs. “Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown vs. Maggot Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. Badass Sammy Bach Samoan Machine vs. Hell Monkey Plague vs. Insane Machine Can-Am Blonde’s vs. Amazing Sensation The Future Steven Parker vs. Joey Poison Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota vs. Dee White Anjil Harrison Hash vs. Jed High Trademark vs. Leisure Suit Morty [B]AS ALWAYS PREDICTIONS WELCOME![/B] [U]Prediction Score[/U] [I]LAST SHOW[/I] Marcel Fromage (5-4) [I]COMPLETE RECORD[/I] Jaded (16-9) Marcel Fromage (5-4)[/LEFT][/SIZE]
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[b]Samoan Machine[/b]/Hell Monkey vs. Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell/Badass Sammy Bach [b]Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes[/b] vs. Jay Darkness Mainstream vs. [b]Human Arsenal[/b] [b]The Road Killers[/b] vs. Death Row Riders [b]Disco Stud Robbie Retro[/b] vs. P vs. The Ringmaster vs. “Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown vs. Maggot Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [b]Badass Sammy Bach[/b] [b]Samoan Machine[/b] vs. Hell Monkey Plague vs. [b]Insane Machine[/b] [b]Can-Am Blonde’s[/b] vs. Amazing Sensation [b]The Future Steven Parker[/b] vs. Joey Poison [b]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs. Dee White Anjil Harrison Hash vs. [b]Jed High[/b] [b]Trademark[/b] vs. Leisure Suit Morty
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;373686]It's kinda hard NOT to like this diary. The zany, madcap style of writing you've got makes it very readable, and your roster is damned impressive.[/QUOTE] awww.... you made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... For real - I appreciate it!!!!! Thank you for reading 1PWfan and I hope ya continue to find it cool! --------------------------------------------- [I]TO DEREK B[/I] - Thanks for predicting man!!! ---------------------------------------------------------- [I]TO MARCEL AND THE OTHER EYE SLANTERS[/I]: Is it better?
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Holy crap. This diary is insane....in a good way. You might want to edit past shows to match the last one as the bolded text might turn away some people who might otherwise read it. The new text is big, but isn't hard on the eyes. [b]Hell Monkey[/b] vs. Badass Sammy Bach [b]Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes[/b] vs. Jay Darkness [b]Mainstream[/b] vs. Human Arsenal The Road Killers vs. [b]Death Row Riders[/b] Disco Stud Robbie Retro vs. P vs. The Ringmaster vs. [b]“Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown[/b] vs. Maggot Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [b]Badass Sammy Bach[/b] Samoan Machine vs. [b]Hell Monkey[/b] [b]Plague[/b] vs. Insane Machine Can-Am Blonde’s vs. [b]Amazing Sensation[/b] [b]The Future Steven Parker[/b] vs. Joey Poison [b]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs. Dee White Anjil Harrison Hash vs. [b]Jed High[/b] [b]Trademark[/b] vs. Leisure Suit Morty
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BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD FULL CARD [B]Samoan Machine/Hell Monkey[/B] vs. Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell/Badass Sammy Bach [B]Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes [/B]vs. Jay Darkness Mainstream vs. [B]Human Arsenal[/B] [B]The Road Killers [/B]vs. Death Row Riders Disco Stud Robbie Retro vs. P vs. [B]The Ringmaster [/B]vs. “Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown vs. Maggot Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [B]Badass Sammy Bach[/B] Samoan Machine vs. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] [B]Plague[/B] vs. Insane Machine [B]Can-Am Blonde’s [/B]vs. Amazing Sensation The Future Steven Parker vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] [B]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Dee White Anjil [B]Harrison Hash[/B] vs. Jed High [B]Trademark[/B] vs. Leisure Suit Morty Note: I was tempted to pics Maggot in the 5-way, but I just know you won't let him win:mad:
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First of all, yes it was much better without the bold. And now for predictions! Samoan Machine vs. [B]Badass Sammy Bach[/B] [B]Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes [/B]vs. Jay Darkness Mainstream vs. [B]Human Arsenal[/B] The Road Killers vs. [B]Death Row Riders[/B] Disco Stud Robbie Retro vs. P vs. The Ringmaster vs. [B]“Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown [/B]vs. Maggot Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [B]Badass Sammy Bach[/B] [B]Samoan Machine [/B]vs. Hell Monkey Plague vs. [B]Insane Machine[/B] [B]Can-Am Blondes [/B]vs. Amazing Sensation [B]The Future Steven Parker [/B]vs. Joey Poison [B]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Dee White Anjil [B]Harrison Hash [/B]vs. Jed High [B]Trademark[/B] vs. Leisure Suit Morty
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bumpitybumpitybumpitybumpitybumpitybumpitybumpity... [SIZE="7"]WHAT?[/SIZE] [I]Was I doing that to loud?[/I] My bads... :D [B]COME ON I WAS ON LIKE PAGE 4![/B] Anyway, I have three more matches to write up and the THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD will be finished. Anyone For Last Minute Predictions?....... well... cause like... that be cool.
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Ladies and Gentlemen please would you bring your attention to me? A feast for your eyes to see. An explosion of catastrophe. Like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Watch closely as I open this door. Your jaws will be on the floor. After this you’ll be begging for more. Welcome to the show. Please come inside. Ladies and Gentlemen… Do you want it? Do you need it? Let me hear it! Ladies and Gentlemen…. Ladies and Gentlemen good evening. You’ve seen that seeing is believing. Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding. Please check to see if you’re still breathing. Hold tight cause the show is not over. If you will please move in closer. You're about to be bowled over. By the wonders you’re about to behold here. Welcome to the show. We’re glad you came along. Please come inside. Ladies and Gentlemen…. Do you want it? Do you need it? Let me hear it! Ladies and Gentlemen…
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As Saliva blares into everyone’s ears, we join the OD broadcasting team who are obviously ready for THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD! Mitch had his pinkie in his ear, but his face was all smiles. He was not even attempting to welcome all to the show until the excitement calmed itself. Joker was standing on the table jumping up and down in an anticipation overload. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, but you could barely hear him. Of course that was until he pushed himself off the table. Hustler was standing on his chair shaking a bottle of champagne. When the cork was popped, if soared at Joker knocking him in the forehead. Joker was mid-jump when this happened so he was actually suspended in the air. Not only did the unexpected soaring projectile hit Joker in the head, but as a simple reaction Joker slammed his own palm into his forehead as one would when a insect bites you. This momentum sent Joker a little to far back so when he came down, only one foot hit the table. Which means of course that the rest of Joker didn’t hit the table, but went hard to the floor AND THAT is how Joker pushed himself off the announcing table. This of course made Hustler laugh hysterically, but Mitch just shook his head eager to get on with the action, and the first match of THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD. Mitch welcomes everyone to applaud the efforts of our first man whom has at least shown up. Leisure Suit Morty slowly walks to the ring with some short of elevator music as an intro. This pretty much cooled down the crowd as the excitement that Saliva brought was extinguished. The fans sat and hoped that they made the right decision going to see the OD, when the Cineplex two blocks down is showing the new Matthew McConaughay and that Hudson broad movie. As Morty calmly and extremely slowly made his way to the ring the voice of Trademark began to be heard. He told Morty that he was going to hit him so hard that it would knock him back to the 70’s. - Morty didn’t seem to mind this idea.
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I don’t know what you all want me to say you already know what happened. Morty has yet to have one offensive sequence in the OD yet people still rush the barrier to shake his sweaty hand. It’s weird. Anyway, Trademark beat on Morty and could have had the win numerous times. He did the whole lifting of the head thing, and he even grabbed the mic and berated both Morty and the crowd during the match twice. Trademark slapped on his move that is called Trademarked, and that is also literally Trademarked twice during the contest also. The first time Morty was unconscious and Holland was about to ring for the bell, but Trademark put Morty’s hand on the bottom rope. The second time Holland didn’t even lift Morty’s arm and just called for the bell. [B]WINNER: Trademark MATCH RATING: D[/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="7"]0-3[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] During Trademark’s tirade at the open, Mitch as a professional waited till he was off camera before going and tending to Joker. This is the explanation of why when we return to the booth Joker is now on Mitch’s shoulders. The reason why the left side of his body is wet is of course due to the champagne Hustler is celebrating with - I mean was celebrating with - that splashed all over him. His hair is wet and in tangles due to Joker crying his pain away on the top of his head destroying Naess well manicured hair. Now that we understand WHY Mitch looks the way he does and why he has grown by three feet, he introduces Jed High first. Jed High comes to the ring swinging that light sword of his back and forth. He does this, fighting this invisible Sith Lord the entire way to the ring. Joker then quietly made the comment “Jar Jar Binks *sniffle* rules”… I think the little guy will be ok.
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Without his past haunting him Hash seemed more comfortable. He has been informed of the new concept we have for him and he likes the idea. Good thing due to the fact he doesn’t have a choice. With Hash removing the stupid face paint from under his eyes and in limbo this was a good opportunity for Jed High to pick up the win…. He should of made better of this opportunity. Jed High did receive some good news though. He has been informed that he will be returning to the tag division as a partner has been found for him. Great news indeed! Now he can be a jobber twice over. Alone and now with a jobber buddy. So now this makes this a singles match between two under carders who come tomorrow will both be in tag teams. So I guess this was just a time killer… it ended with a Century suplex from Hash. [B]WINNER: Harrison Hash MATCH RATING: C-[/B] After the victory and Hash gets his hand raised, he is unnerved as his victory is celebrated by the fans with a nice chant of “PANDA F&CK*R”. Hash lowers his head feeling dejected, and made his way back to the locker rooms. Where I hear he went and called mommy. Kid needs to cut the cord already. When we hit the booth we find the root of Hash’s problem. Joker seems to be the one that initiated the chant and is leading the crowd as a conductor would an orchestra. Hustler it seems got a little hungry. As he is quite messily enjoying an oddly ingredient filled sandwich that consists of sauerkraut, pastrami, two eggs, a great amount of pickles in between two vinegar soggy sour dough buns… whatever gets your belly full I guess. With these two attention diverted Mitch was able to introduce Dee White Anjil & Fumihiro Ota without much difficulty.
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A solid average match. Both showed what they could do in the air with Anjil hitting a missile dropkick and a nice flipping leg drop, Ota using his feet with a lot of springboard kicks. Ota showed where he had the upper hand over Frankie when he slapped Anjil in a great Octopus Hold. That was the beginning of the end as not to long after Ota hit the Ninja Stike for the win. [B]WINNER: Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota MATCH RATING: C[/B] After the win by Ota, Mitch did his usually praising of the victor. Joker seemingly a big fan of Ota, left the announce booth first stealing Naess pin and one of his index cards (which Mitch kept notes of the evening festivities on). Joker ran down from the booth to the entranceway where Ota was returning up from his victory over Anjil. As Joker ran towards Ota, Ota met him with a snap kick to the jaw! Ota just did this in mid-step as if Joker was a fly to swat away, afterwards just continueing to the back. Mitch winced a little as Joker got his head taken off, but didn’t let it deter from his putting over the next man Steven Parker. According to Mitch with the departures of a few who were no longer welcome here anyway, an opening in the Main Event makes now Parker's opprotunity.
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Joey is having problems in the OD. He can’t find a win if you give it to him. Of course, I haven’t given him any so SURE BLAME ME. Maybe we should bring in Remmy Skye and they can dye each other’s hair. We can call them X-Factor and bring back that guy I fired and his Uncle Kracker music. Could work…. Probably not though. Did I already give away who won? DAMN! I am always doing that… [B]WINNER: The Future Steven Parker MATCH RATING: C+[/B] Mitch welcomes us back to the booth and he is marking out again. He loves these Canadians… oh and that Natural guy too I guess. Joker hadn’t moved. He was completely unconscious at the entrance way. No one had really noticed he was there. Hustler although slurring his speech seemed semi alert. It is not like he wasn’t drinking of course, but he did make a few remarks to Mitch’s “love” for the “tag action” coming up. It revolved a couple nights Hustler spent in a Columbian prison… but I beg you to let me leave it there.
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A nice match between the two teams that saw themselves on the losing end just two days ago. It was a solid match that went back and forth. I thought Stone had it won when he hit the Party’s Over, but The Natural was saved by the head’s up of Dr. Love. It was when Edd Stone missed that corkscrew plancha that the Can-Am Blondes took the offense for good. Dr. Love got the three count with a Love Gun.[B] WINNER: Can-Am Blondes MATCH RATING: B-[/B] Welcoming us back from the tag match, Mitch makes a bold declaration. He predicts victory for the Can-Am Blondes in the upcoming tag team tournament to declare the first ever OD Deadly Duo Champions! A bold prediction indeed! [CENTER][I]At the bottom of the screen scrolls[/I] [I](The Deadly Duo Tag Team Tournament to begin this week at Free Base!!! If you can’t be there in person make sure to purchase the DVD only to be available at [url]www.overdosewrestling.com[/url]!)[/I][/CENTER] Mitch introduces the next match by showing highlights of their first encounter. The two men showed good chemistry in the match and Round 2 should only be better.
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Machine came down first to his War Anthem. It got changed up a bit I think, maybe someone else in the OD is actually working. If the end of the world has a sound… It sounds like that. Plague came down doing the arm-wing motion (WHERE THE VAMPIRO FANS AT? WHERES THE LOVE FOR THE CANADIAN VAMPIRE????… Can you picture him doing the Vampiro arm-wing thing? It so fits him.) to a great pop. The indy darling seems to have fans wherever we go. I get e-mails everyday about how it is travesty I am not pushing Plague to the moon. The OD has been in existence for 2 months go smoke some opium and slow down already. He will get his! That being said some in the offices have an legitimate fear that we would be the target of vigilante wrestling news sites, as well as armed and dangerous smart marks who are willing to martyr themselves for their prophet from New Jersey… if we did not put him over here. It’s Complete Paranoia I Say! AS OF NOW Bring Your Cannabis Tuesday is hereby CANCELED! We are bringing back Hawaiian Shirt Friday’s… I saw my secretary taking a weed nap at two o’clock in the afternoon! The phone’s just ringing away by her head! We can’t have that… Just to be safe however….. :) They showed their chemistry and each time they take on each other the matches will just get crisper. I knew that the match would be a solid match to get the fans ready for the upper card, but I didn’t expect it to be the match of the night. Might not have been the highest rated match, but it was the most talked about on the morning after. In the end, it was Plague getting the pin with the Turnpike. [B]WINNER: Plague MATCH RATING: B[/B] As Plague’s hand is raised the fans show their favor. Mitch too, shows his appreciation for the skills of both men. With that match behind us however, it was the continuation of the tournament that has thus far been the essence of the OD. It was time to put that classic in our memories and make new ones. Samoan Machine came to the ring first to a even greater reaction by the OD faithful. Every match this big skilled Samoan puts on, he gains fans by the truckload. The Infernal Monkey came out next, but didn’t make his way to the ring right away. Finally, someone shows attention to the unconscious Joker. He had been laying there for almost an hour with no movement, well unless you count Insane Machine kicking him out of the way. Monkey picked him up by the back of his pants and threw him over his left shoulder, before making his way to the ring.
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Hell Monkey placed Joker faced down on the middle step (not gingerly) as he climbed into the ring. His opponent didn’t care. The big Samoan paid the extra’s no attention his focus was on victory…. his focus was on a championship……… his only concern…….. was a Monkey. (yeah, you gotta love the OD!) Once the bell rang the Samoan was like a predator pouncing on his simian prey. He didn’t give Monkey a chance to breath. He pounded on him with strong solid strikes before catching and releasing Hell Monkey in diverse suplexes and body drops, all in quick secession. The finish seemed to be emanate Samoan Machine having Hell Monkey in a rib crushing bear hug that Monkey could not get out of. Monkey tried hard forearms and elbows to the temple of the Samoan, but the grasp never loosened. The Samoan then turned this into a bridged belly to belly pin attempt flipping Monkey quickly over his head 1.. 2... From the back came a sprinting Ringmaster. Just as Holland’s hand was to go down for the three count, I grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him to the outside floor preventing defeat for my ally. Ryan responded by rearing back and delivering a solid shot to my jaw. I saw stars, I saw tweety birds, and I saw the concrete floor rushing at me. I was no longer available for any assistance to Monkey… I had just got my ass kicked by the ref. Holland slid into the ring but at least my interference was able to give Monkey the respite to get his barrings enough to kick out. It was around here that Joker finally moved. Sitting up and asking anyone and no one in particular “Where me at?”. Inside the ring the big Samoan continued his relentless offense hitting a gorilla press into a gut buster. Joker noticing his Monkey in trouble quickly scaled the turnbuckles. He came off onto the Samoan landing with his legs over the Samoan’s shoulders with I guess a face claw, only Joker used his entire body instead of one hand. With Joker smothering the Samoan, Hell Monkey took the opportunity to hit a surprising Hell Fire Kick! Joker took most of the impact, but the Hell Fire Kick with the midget clown taking his oxygen it was enough. [B]WINNER: Hell Monkey MATCH RATING: B[/B] Mitch is completely glowing at the action just seen although he expresses disappointment in the interference. Hustler has developed extremely vocal hiccups from laughing so hard at the last match. The giggling started when Monkey showing no concern for Joker threw his unconscious body on the steps, they grew into gruff laughter when the Ringmaster got decked by Holland, turn high pitched when Joker put the body claw on the Samoan's face, and became completely uncontrollable when Joker was knocked unconscious once again by taking the Hell Fire Kick to the back of the head. Mitch did his best to ignore the unprofessional behavior of the alcoholic faced painted small person he was forced to call the action with, and showed a highlight of the next two men most of it with the two men teaming as the team Adrenaline Rush.
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A match that many wanted to see just due to the past teaming of the two men. Most knew that this matchup was just per chance due to the behind the scene relocation of Human Arsenal to TCW, but it even added to the flavor as if this was a match that wasn’t suppose to take place. Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell came out first to his usual anthem which was sung along word for word by the crowd. Then came Badass Sammy Bach the predicted winner of the tournament by most with his new hard image actually being bought by everyone. That in itself is amazing as just a few months ago no one could have believed the pretty boy could get Badass. Sammy has shown his admiration of our belief in him by having loyalty to the OD which at times like these is very appreciated. The anticipation of the match may have been part of the high rating, but the training with each other for years showed with great ring chemistry. That is almost to bad, because now a break up of the Rush down the line is a damn certainty. Bach was able to reverse most of Powell’s offense, as Powell was prepared for the new all out attack style of Bach. Powell held his own for 15 minutes if not more before the exhaustion of Bach unremitting aggression began to take its toll. After the Bach on Your Back Powell was done. [B]WINNER: Badass Sammy Bach MATCH RATING: B+[/B] After praising Bach on his hard fought victory, Mitch now reminds us that we are at long last able to announce the finalist of the Empire Championship Tournament!
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The voice of Corey Taylor and the band Slipknot with “Pulse of the Maggots” began to rock the house, introducing us to the little Wilson brother Maggot and the next match - the 5 way elimination contest.
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The first elimination came quickly as the SOB took advantage of Holland’s handiwork. Before even any of the other entrants made there way to the ring, Maggot ran down to the Ringmaster and nailed him/me with his patented New Abortion finisher. The New Abortion is a devastating move let me tell ya. Wilson picks you up by your leg first at the ankle as if to drop ya on your shin, but he then turns it into an atomic drop spreading your leg out sending his knee hard into your… ahem…. manly area. It smarts… I mean stitches on your ball sack and maybe never have children again (thank the heavens) smarts. After a roll into the ring and a very fast count by a still pissed off (when is he not?) Holland, and yours truly was the first eliminated… before the match really had begun. [B]THE RINGMASTER ELIMINATED FIRST.[/B] “The Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown hardcore gangsta music hit the ears of the OD and even they winced. (Ganksta Nip raps about crazy stuff you guys, like killing you and using your skin for a raincoat, raping babies, and just completely offensive crap. Just thought I would let those know who have been lucky enough not to have listened to his “music”. ) Brown hit the ring and just punished Maggot. I think the sight of the masked man just enraged Omar. He completely destroyed the young kid, I mean he just permanently scarred my most sacred area and even I felt sorry for him when I later saw the DVD…. [CENTER][B][I]CHEAP PLUG!!! CHEAP PLUG!!![/I][/B] [I]Flashes on the screen…[/I] [I]the scrolling text across the bottom reads…[/I] [I](This, any and all the fantastic other OD merchandise can only be purchased at [url]www.overdosewrestling.com[/url] so GO STEAL YOUR PARENTS CREDIT CARDS!! GO! GO! GO! NOW! NOW!! NOW!!!!)[/I][/CENTER] Anyway… my gawd I smoke too much… P came down next to his stupid crap of whateveryawannacallit, slid into the ring, and begged Omar to stop his punishment on Maggot…. Out of concern? No… he quickly hit his knees begging Omar to do the same to him. Freakin’ Weirdo. Omar was happy to oblige and Maggot will be eternally grateful to P. Maybe he would even join in a few games of P-Ball if asked. Omar continued to pound on P as the Disco music played bringing the last entrant and new SWF roster member Robbie Retro to the ring. Retro didn’t dance this time however as he was wearing a raincoat and was carrying an open umbrella in each hand. These were of course needed, as the OD fans showed their disapproval as they did before by flinging their nacho’s and Dr. Peppers all over Retro. Retro extremely worried about his hair quickly walked/ran backwards to the ring holding the umbrella’s as shields. His concern should have been the match though because as Retro backed into the apron, Brown quickly grabbed him by his hair and helped him enter. Brown wasted no time nailing the traitorous Disco fool with a Neck Trama Suplex before slapping on the Anaconda Vice. P & Maggot both quickly got up and began to put the boots to Retro as Brown pulled on the Vice. Holland looked left, then looked right, and then did what the rest of us wished we could do - join in. Holland, P, Maggot all putting the boots to Retro still with his raincoat on… I have a feeling that will in the future become a classic OD moment. After Brown let him go Maggot & P picked him up and threw him over the top rope in a symbolic act of get the f*ck out of here. Retro would not be seen again. [B]ROBBIE RETRO IS ELIMINATED SECOND.[/B] After P & Maggot tossed Retro, Maggot quickly kicked P in the gut and the two began brawling into the corner. This pi$$ed off Brown, if a guy who is pi$$ed off all the time can still get pi$$ed off, as if the fact that he was being ignored was an insult. Brown yelled “Hey Sucka’s”… before rushing at them both nailing a hard clothesline knocking senseless two people in one blow. The ending of the match then came quickly, as Brown showing his strength picked up Maggot first, and then with P’s help (it was kinda visible, so that sucked.) put P on his other shoulder, then nailing them with a double Dominator! Brown rolled over both men, and stood on them with a foot on each. A double three count and it was over. [B]MAGGOT & P ARE ELIMINATED TOGETHER. [/B] [B]WINNER: “The Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown MATCH RATING: B-[/B] Brown heads to the back leaving the limp bodies laying in the ring, as the steel cell begins to descend from the rafters. Mitch introduces the four men who will be in the steel cell by looking back at all the problems these two teams have had recently……………………… As this concludes, the camera goes back to the ring where the cell is almost finished slowly falling over the ropes. Unfortunately P and Maggot still have not moved! At the last second P noticing the cell falling quickly rolls to the floor to escape confinement. Maggot didn’t even look like he was breathing, so obviously was unable to move quick enough as the cell finished it’s fall downward. The sounds of a motorbike raring comes through the speakers, which means that the Road Killers were on their way.
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Pain & Shady road their bikes down the ramp and around the ring a couple times, before finally getting off and walking up the steps into the cell. As Motorhead welcomes the Death Row Riders, The Road Killers begin putting the boots to Maggot. I guess Pain hasn’t forgiven the little flesh eater for knocking him out of the title tournament. Maggot does what he does well. Yep. Get his ass kicked. He is really good at that! As Pain tossed Maggot into the steel like a javelin, Knuckles & Shady climbed through the door. These four men have been waiting to settle their differences since before the OD was formed! The door was locked shut and NO ONE was leaving! The I guess five men, were inside until a outcome was determined! I wished the outcome could have been determined quicker…. Cause this match blew. The two gangs went at it tooth and nail with Maggot jumping on someone’s back every now and again… before getting a mud hole beaten into him by all three. Maggot was the only person that gave this match any enjoyment for ANYBODY, and the one person not suppose to be in the match was the only one who ended the match bleeding. It was a steel cell match and the only guy who bled was wearing a rubber mask so you couldn’t see it anyway. The end came when one of the Death Row guys pinned one of the Road Killer guys.. YAWN… [B]WINNERS: Death Row Riders MATCH RATING: C-[/B] All the fans who had left the arena during the last match to pick up snacks or “unload” their snacks… [I]Maybe you heard some hearsay, but it is fact that there was an announcement made to please not touch the hot dogs that were being sold. There is a rumor going around that they were giving people food poisoning but the lawsuit is still pending so we can not really comment on this at this time. [/I]
… hurriedly came back to there seats not willing to miss Johnny get his comeuppance.
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Ok so maybe I am vindictive. Arsenal didn’t seem to mind at all about putting over Mainstream though. He knew that we had a lot of plans for the kid, and John also felt a little bad about leaving the way he has. Tonight was going to be his last in the OD, but he came an apologized so I think if the moons realign right Arsenal would be welcomed back. Unfortunately for the former Wrestling Machine the fanatic OD faithful were not as forgiving. They didn’t throw anything at him this time as the look in his eyes forewarned any who might. They did express their displeasure in words and I mean every dirty term available in the English language was used. It was vulgar and crude and completely appropriate. Mainstream did this in his own way during his standard music less entrance with microphone in hand. Mainstream was a little more eloquent in his calling up of Arsenal’s recent actions in question by asking Arsenal if his skull was on too tight. Human Arsenal may have had to take that crap from the fans, but he didn’t from Mainstream and he showed him he didn’t. He went and grabbed Mainstream up at the entranceway and brought him to the ring the hard way. I wasn’t going to punish John I guess I just like him more then Robbie Retro. :) Arsenal was on the offense most of the match. The end even came after Arsenal hit an Ammo Dump. Unfortunately, Holland refused to count it. Arsenal then got up and grabbed Holland by the collar, and threaten to suplex him on his head. Holland looked almost fearful at first… but then a smile widen on his face. Behind Arsenal, Mainstream was getting up. Not only that but he was obviously setting up for that Super Kick of his. When Arsenal turned he got it hard in the jaw! Mainstream fell on top of Arsenal and a quick 3 count that could have been even quicker if ya ask me and we had our winner. [B]WINNER: Mainstream MATCH RATING: B-[/B] We come back to Mitch and the passed out Hustler (hey he lasted over an hour he should get a metal). He stats that the FIRE Casket match was up next putting a lot of emphasis on how you must light the casket aflame to be victorious. He then puts over Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes showing some highlights of his matches in the orient that the marky OD fans just ate up. The entire time he would not call Jay Darkness by name only mentioning him as the opponent. I think Mitch has a distaste for the SWF… ok I know he does as berating them is his favorite hobby.
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Jay Darkness came out to his usual seemingly infinite procession of a whole bunch of guy’s dressed as Druid’s holding torches as Jay pushed out a big black casket in front of him. An occasional “BOOO!” was heard throughout this, but most kept silent just due to the eerie feelings Jay Darkness provides. Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes received a nice loud pop, but I don’t know if he has to do with him or just the fact that his opponent is now just another SWF guy. The match itself was what all Darkness matches have been in the OD. He gets pummeled, but to no effect as he Jason-like slowly and continually stalks his enemy. Holmes was laying into him pretty good though so I know that the Darkness in the morning are going to be the black and blue marks all over Jay’s body. Even though Holmes was dominating Darkness the enclosure in the casket seemed far off, until the Druids that had accompanied Darkness redrew their hoods. The ten men under the hoods consisted of: Jed High, Trademark, Frankie Dee, Jacob Jett, Edd Stone, Dr. Love, The Natural, Teddy Powell, Samoan Machine, & The Ringmaster. In Yokozuna like fashion these ten men joined in with Holmes as the OD beat the living daylights - or dead nightdarkness, whatever, out of the SWF representative. The men spent a couple minutes to hit their personal moves on Darkness before locking him up in his own casket and lighting it ablaze. Bye-Bye Jay. [B]WINNER: Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes MATCH RATING: B-[/B] And then there were only two… it was time…. About damn time if you ask me. THE OD was about to declare it’s first ever champion! Do ya got goose bumps???? I DO!!!! Of course this is New England and it’s freezing, but shut up. Mitch did what he does, he put over the championship match as if it was the be all of everything. The match of matches. David vs. Goliath.. Jesus vs. Satan. Red Sox vs. Yankees. Abe Knuckleball Schwartz vs. The Goon. - (sorry) THE MATCH OF THE NIGHT - THE LADDER MATCH - TO DECLARE THE FIRST EMPIRE CHAMPION -IS JUST A FEW SECONDS AWAY AND I AM TALKING ABOUT STEVE LOMBARDI! What’s wrong with me????….. Nah for real… I’m asking.
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I admit I was hoping for a main event to live on in the memories of all forever… I didn’t get that exactly. Not by that “Ryland Scale” anyway, as according to that it was just slightly above average and the third identical ranked match in a row. Screw that! This Ryland person is the one on drugs, Monkey and Bach beat the crap out of each other. They delivered a ladder match worthy of the OD! Bach started the match when he scaled the ladder that was still outside of the ring. He then was able to hit a missile dropkick off the ladder, over the top rope, hitting Monkey who was standing in the ring. It was pretty cool! Monkey hit a Tumbling Monkey off the ladder which “ooh’d” the crowd as well. He hit that about midway through. The crowd also seemed to enjoy Monkey getting the life choked out of him when Bach had the ladder across his throat, and was jumping on the upside down steps like a pogo stick. Monkey didn’t seem to think that was much fun however. The end came when Bach ducked a Hell Fire Kick by Monkey. The kick lodged Monkey at the ankle in the ladder. Bach took quick advantage of this by chop blocking Monkey sending him down to the mat. Unfortuntely, Monkey ankle was still lodged in the ladder, and after the chop block and subsequent fall to mat it was twisted in a gruesomely distorted manner. Bach then put numerous hard boots to the head of the prone Monkey, until he seemed completely inert. Bach then walked over Monkey, scaled the ladder, and pulled down history. [B]WINNER: Badass Sammy Bach MATCH RATING: B-[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]CARD RATING: B-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"]Well the ink is drying on the last name as we speak… We are ecstatic about the prospects and would like to welcome all 10 to the OD!!! May they be successful in there attempts at victory, and if they fail may they be gracious in defeat….. Or don’t - Be pissed it’s cool we don’t mind…. [B][CENTER]All American Jack Marlowe[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]Fabulous Eddie Chandler[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]Joss Thompson[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]Mean Machine[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]Steve Flash[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]The Bulldozer[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]The Monster Raymond Diaz[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER]The Wrestler Art Reed[/CENTER][/B]
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Let us know what you think of the new signings!!!! SO HOW ABOUT THAT SHOW HUH? MY GAWD! I still can’t hear right! I wish we could just relive those moments indefinitely it was that cool!!! We can’t though the future awaits! So lets see what the first Free Base after THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD has in store…. [B][U]FREE BASE FULL CARD[/U][/B] [I]Newcomer’s Dark Match[/I] All American Jack Marlowe vs. Bullotaur [U][I]Free Base Show[/I][/U] [I]Round 1 of the Deadly Duo Tournament[/I] Death Row Riders vs. Defenders of the Republic (Jed High & X-Wing) Road Killers vs. T.H.C. - the Thompson Hash Collaboration Dark Carnival vs. Amazing Sensation Excellence Criterion vs. Can-Am Blondes [I]Three Way Elimination[/I] Plague vs. Maggot vs. Dee White Anjil [I]Other Single Contests[/I] Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota vs. The Future Steven Parker Insane Machine vs. P [B][U][I]Main Event[/I][/U][/B] Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. Vertbreaker Bryan Holmes [B]PREDICTIONS WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B] [U]Prediction Score[/U] [I]LAST SHOW[/I] foolinc. - (10-3) Marcel Fromage - (10-3) brat99 - (8-5) derek b - (6-7) [I]COMPLETE RECORD[/I] Jaded (16-9) Marcel Fromage (15-7) foolinc. (10-3) brat99 (8-5) derek b (6-7) [/SIZE]
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[B]All American Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Bullotaur Free Base Show Round 1 of the Deadly Duo Tournament [B]Death Row Riders[/B] vs. Defenders of the Republic (Jed High & X-Wing) [B]Road Killers[/B] vs. T.H.C. - the Thompson Hash Collaboration Dark Carnival vs. [B]Amazing Sensation[/B] [B]Excellence Criterion[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes Three Way Elimination [B]Plague[/B] vs. Maggot vs. Dee White Anjil Other Single Contests [B]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. The Future Steven Parker Insane Machine vs. [B]P[/B] Main Event Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [B]Vertbreaker Bryan Holmes[/B]
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Seems my prediction skills are lacking. Best get some more practise in. :cool: [b]All American Jack Marlowe[/b] vs. Bullotaur [b]Death Row Riders[/b] vs. Defenders of the Republic (Jed High & X-Wing) [b]Road Killers[/b] vs. T.H.C. - the Thompson Hash Collaboration Dark Carnival vs. [b]Amazing Sensation[/b] Excellence Criterion vs. [b]Can-Am Blondes[/b] [b]Plague[/b] vs. Maggot vs. Dee White Anjil [b]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs. The Future Steven Parker Insane Machine vs. [b]P[/b] Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [b]Vertbreaker Bryan Holmes[/b]
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[b]All American Jack Marlowe[/b] vs. Bullotaur [b]Death Row Riders[/b] vs. Defenders of the Republic (Jed High & X-Wing) Road Killers vs. [b]T.H.C. - the Thompson Hash Collaboration[/b] Dark Carnival vs. [b]Amazing Sensation[/b] Excellence Criterion vs. [b]Can-Am Blondes[/b] [b]Plague[/b] vs. Maggot vs. Dee White Anjil [b]Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs. The Future Steven Parker Insane Machine vs. [b]P[/b] Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [b]Vertbreaker Bryan Holmes[/b]
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[B]All American Jack Marlowe [/B]vs. Bullotaur [B]Death Row Riders [/B]vs. Defenders of the Republic (Jed High & X-Wing) Road Killers vs. [B]T.H.C.[/B] - the Thompson Hash Collaboration Dark Carnival vs. [B]Amazing Sensation[/B] Excellence Criterion vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] [B]Plague[/B] vs. Maggot vs. Dee White Anjil Super Ninja Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]The Future Steven Parker[/B] Insane Machine vs. [B]P[/B] Testicularly Fortified Teddy Powell vs. [B]Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes[/B]
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;378299]I'm impressed. Especially with the audio commentary by Ridley Scott (evidently he's more of a wrestling fan than I'd thought) :D[/QUOTE] Hey these are the Hollywood Hills, these people are just the OD's next door neighbors! :)
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[B] [CENTER] [SIZE="5"]GIVES THE OD TWO DR. GREENTHUMBS UP!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] [/CENTER] [/B] OK! I'm posting the show RIGHT NOW I promise! :)
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[SIZE="4"]To begin the evening the OD loyal were introduced to two new men here. One man claims to be an All American despite the fact that he is more known in the orient. (A few of our roster is more known in Japan. A move to Kinki in the future perhaps? After the Terminator bans us from California maybe!) His opponent was not quite a star in the USPW, and that was a place that had about as much starlight as a black hole. Of course he is young - the compliment given to all untalented big men at this stage, so at least there’s that. He has a lot of years of sucking a head of him. So that’s good… for no one… I guess…. Why did we hire him again? OH YEAH! He claims he is now the mortal vassal of some old demigod called Sargonnas and wears this cool bull mask that’s why!!!!
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By the powers of Sargonnas hit the bikes man! The stamina is atrocious! His skills are nonexistent! … ya gotta love that mask… Jungle Jack… oops… I mean THE ALL AMERICAN JACK MARLOWE! He came down to the U.S. Anthem waving the flag, and just doing the America rules and whomever disagrees with that (Communists, Fundamentalists, Sean Penn… whomever) can go suck on some rockets red glare!!! The Bull charged at Marlowe (as Bulls do) with Marlowe side stepping, sending the Bull into the corner. The Bull then came out of the corner to be met by a hard punch flurry from Marlowe. About 3 minutes after that Jack hit a new finisher he calls The War of 1812. [B]WINNER: All American Jack Marlowe MATCH RATING: D+[/B]
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The Snake Pit - the only home of the OD since its conception - was AS ALWAYS packed for another edition of Free Base. Many of the thousand in attendance have been to all the shows so some of the fans are becoming recognizable faces! These stanch supporters of the OD have our thanks and all know that if there is anything we at the OD can due short of loaning money, we are happy to oblige. [B][I][CENTER]Need Someone Killed? Afraid You Will Get Caught? Fear No Longer!!!! Just Call 1-800-555-HIRE And You Can Have A Professional Ninja Assassin Handle Your Homicidal Needs![/CENTER][/I][/B]
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[B][I][CENTER]Just Call 1-800-555-HIRE CALL RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!![/CENTER][/I][/B] Mitch voice finally having returned (he was mute for two days after the last show), welcomes everyone to Free Base. Joker seems ok after his ordeal at THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING EVENT PERIOD. This is kinda of shocking when you think of all the tribulations he overcame. He had noticed the Ninja For Hire ad shown at the very beginning of the program, and was attempting to write the number down. Unfortunately Mitch and Hustler were not helpful as they ignored his request of “How do you spell 800?” with Mitch’s attention on introducing the first match and Hustler attention on that very nice bottle of scotch. Mitch reminds us that the victor of the upcoming tag team tournament that starts RIGHT NOW! - will become the first ever OD Deadly Duo Champions!
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Well considering that this match was as enjoyable as the Death Row/Road Killers Steel Cell match, I have to give it up to the Defenders of the Republic. Not that they did much, but there antics outside of the ring is they only thing that I can think of that would have had the fans even attempting to pay attention. The new duo called the Defenders of the Republic did make an interesting entrance, I guess the OD prop guys have been hard at work! The man formerly known as Geoff Borne who we call X-Wing, had a entire body suit made in the shape of one of these fictional space ships that he is named after. It was a badly attempted “exact” replica that had X-Wing’s feet hanging out the bottom like a Flintstone car so he could walk. It also had a small step up on the back where Jed High stood pointing his fake light sword towards the ring. I don’t know if he was pretending to shoot womp rats or if the contraption was heavy, but X-Wing was moving slowly and staggering back and forth. Motorhead began over the speakers forcing everyone in the arena to quickly stand up in unison as only divine music can do. Shady & Knuckles as always riding there bikes to the ring actually could of overtook X-Wing & Jed High and made it to the ring first, but decided not to. Jed High turning around began yelling “HYPERSPACE ENGAGE!!!” which made Knuckles actually chuckle a little bit. Shady didn’t really find it funny though, as he parked his bike midway up the entrance. He then pulled Jed High off and sent him hard to the concrete with a short arm clothesline. After Knuckles pushed the contraption to its side and was able to pull X-Wing out by the ankle the match was actually finally starting! It could have ended when ever the Death Row wished it as they dominated from pillar to post and back again. The fans kept an eye on the entrance awaiting and knowing that the Road Killers would show their faces at sometime…. And they did. As Knuckles & Shady enjoyed the beat down they were delivering, Hogg & Pain unnoticed made their way down the aisle to where the adored two wheeled vehicles of the Riders stood unprotected. The Riders never even knew they were there until it was too late. Well too late to save their beloved, but not to late to get the victory. Shady nailed X-Wing with a hard standing spine buster before stepping on his chest for a 3 count. As Holland’s hand came down for the third time, the bikes began raring which finally focused the attention of Death Row on their new problem. Shady & Knuckles then quickly rushed after the Road Killers in vain.[B]WINNERS: Death Row Riders MATCH RATING: C-[/B] Hustler now feeling pretty good, begins laughing at the antics of the Road Killers. Joker not paying any attention (he was playing solitaire with a special deck of cards that have pictures of nude females on the back) then asked Hustler “What Happened?” ... which Hustler ignores. Mitch ignores his colleagues as well as the antics of the Road Killers. Mitch is not a big fan of them for some reason, and his calling of the action when they are in the ring is forced and unbelievable.
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Maggot was off his game tonight. I was hoping that those javelin throws into the steel cell would have knocked some sense into him, but apparently he is as wacked out as ever. He informed me and his opponents for the evening that he was still feeling out of it. Half of it was due to the ass kicking he has been receiving on a weekly basis, the other half was due to all the pain medication he has been taking due to him getting his ass kicked on a weekly basis. So it was decided to knock Maggot out of this match first and we didn’t want to waste to much time doing it. It started out as a three way battle, but it wasn’t long until Dee Anjil & Plague began to double team Maggot (poor guy nobody likes him!). Maggot end came when Plague & Dee nailed a picture perfect Total Elimination onto Maggot which had Plague go high and Dee go low. [B]MAGGOT ELIMINATED[/B] After Slippy Harry went by the wayside that left Plague and Anjil to showcase what they could do. They did an adequate job, enough for the fickle fans to keep focused anyway. After a shining wizard in the corner Plague took advantage for good. A Turnpike later and Plague was the victor… which wasn’t a good thing. [B]WINNER: Plague MATCH RATING: D+[/B] As Holland raised the hand of Plague a new trio hit the ring. Three men not seen in the OD before, but three men who intentions to make a name here are now apparent.
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The three hit the ring with a vengeance. What are they avenging? They just freakin’ got here! I don’t know what their problem is, but I am not going to go ask them I will tell you that! Diaz hit the ring first. He quickly kicked Plague in the gut hard, before picking him and downing him with a running power bomb. Wasting no time Reed quickly hopped onto Plague slapping on a Crossface. As these two caused pain to the unfortunate winner of the last contest, Fabulous Eddie Chandler stepped through the middle rope with a mic in his hand. He spoke forever. It was 15 minutes. After the six minute mark Joker was standing on the announce table screaming at him to “Shut the (expletive) Up!”. Diaz & Reed continued to beat down Plague. At the ten minute mark Mitch was joining in with Joker in his barrage for Eddie to gratify everyone requests for him to….. …..Yeah, I think “Shut the (expletive) Up!” puts it right well. Plague continued to get punished by Diaz and Reed. At the fifteen minute mark Joker joined in with Hustler and… fell asleep. Mitch had tried to sell the rest of the night by recalling the contests to come, but it just felt like Chandler’s tirade would never end so discussing future match ups was fantasy. Finally it ended as did Plague’s suffering. Oh you wish to know what he said? To put it simply a stable that once ran roughshod in a Golden federation up North has been reformed.. Right here… in the OD. The leader remains the same, however the muscle has gone from DaLay to Diaz, and the technical precision has moved from Maverick to Reed. The New Elite. See I put it in a couple sentences why couldn’t he??? Oh… and he made a challenge for any three men to take them on next week on Free Base. With all the loons in our locker room I don’t think that will be hard to find actually.
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The new combo calling themselves T.H.C. the Thompson Hash Collaboration came to the ring first. I have to say that look good together. The Killers came down on the Death Row Riders motorcycles which of course means that the Riders were not to far behind them. Hogg & Pain had almost made it into the ring when Shady & Knuckles rushed out from the back. The Killers & The Riders began brawling as always. I don’t think I personally would have gotten evolved. Inactivity seems less life threatening, but I guess Thompson has given Hash some guts because T.H.C. jumped right into the mix. They attacked deliberately as well as always together, and always against one of the Road Killers. Even if (and they did) one of the Riders would punch or push them off of a Killer to get at him, Hash and/or Thompson would quickly renew the attack on there opponent. T.H.C. had tag team tournament upset and big gold belts on their mind and their actions told this. Eventually both Riders switched over to just Hogg as T.H.C. pushed Pain into the ring. Thompson quickly lifted Pain up, as Hash climbed to the middle turnbuckle. Hash came off with a arm wrap clothesline sending Pain to the mat. I hear they call this move a Shotgun, and after Pain got hit by it Hash covered and got the pin. [B]WINNERS: T.H.C. the Thompson Hash Collaboration MATCH RATIN G:C-[/B] When we come back to Mitch he begins his praising of the new Hash/Thompson tandem. He say though that he sticking to his guns and picking the Blondes to take it all! Joker snorts himself awake and begins to rub his eyes. He then quickly grabs Mitch’s wrist and peers at his watch before bolting away. The mystical music of the Super Ninja then begins to be heard…
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Parker ran to the ring when his music started ready to get on with the action. Parker has been winning a good bit with his only loss coming from Hell Monkey knocking him out of the Empire Title tournament. Ota would be a test though as the Ninja is a tough customer when ever you must face him. Parker running to the ring was a mistake as Ota quickly attacked as he slid into the ring and was prone. Ota continued to work over Parker for a good five minutes with Parker selling well. It seemed the end was coming and Parker was not going to be able to overcome the Super Ninja after all. When Ota threw Parker into the ropes and Parker came off, Ota attempted a Ninja Strike that Parker somehow ducked. When Ota turned Parker met him with a mule kick to the gut. Parker then quickly jumped over Ota’s back and nailed him with his Future Shock flipping piledriver. [B]WINNER: The Future Steven Parker MATCH RATING: C+[/B] The Deadly Duo tag tournament continued with the entrance of Amazing Sensation. The two talented Canadians are having a hard time at it so far in the OD but anyone looking past Stone & Jett are foolish. “Welcome to the Show” by ICP means it was time for the Dark Carnival. The team of Hell Monkey and yours truly the Ringmaster who were accompanied by Joker.
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Quick action back and forth a solid contest… that should have been on a little later in the evening. Joker’s walking down the entrance with us is always an adventure of course. Joker loves to run down the barrier slapping … well not hands exactly… He won’t touch the great male demographic at our shows, nah he ignores them, but if a female fan rushes the barricade nothing can hold him back. He runs at her and… well gives her mammary glands a nice pinch and tickle. He calls it a pickle. The OD gets sued daily. Literally daily… about all sorts of things. That will probably be our downfall not the SWF! The match… back to the match, great contest that showed those who weren’t aware that the OD has talent behind the craziness. Jett & Stone ooze charisma. Especially Stone, chicks just dig him. Chicks of all ages too, I mean I seen this guy get panties thrown at him that still had pictures of Barbie on them, as well as thankfully unused Depends. I mean just chicks all ages just want his Johnson. .. He is a lucky guy! OH YEAH the match… just keep getting distracted by the muff that surrounds Stone like all the time, or the complete awesomeness that is the Dark Carnival. Everyone doubts, always doubts behind the paint, I am used to that… but we got FREAKIN’ HELL MONKEY! Look, I agree Stone & Jett are kings of any club ya go into, but this is a squared circle.. Its his Jungle… Jett did have an opportunity to win, that time when Joker jumped onto the ring apron and Jett ducked Monkey’s Hell Fire Kick and Joker got nailed with it… AGAIN… you remember! :) Jett took the advantage of the distraction by hitting Monkey with that Unprettier or Tomikaze (Depending if ya a bigger fan of Christian Cage or Tommy Rogers ya can call it whatcha like!) of his. It was just too bad that he didn’t have the energy to attempt the pin, and it took all he had to make the hot tag to Stone. Stone quickly scaled the top rope and came off with a flying leg drop. Monkey was able to sit up though, forcing the miss and getting a hot tag himself. The Ringmaster took advantage of Stone’s sitting position by nailing a hard Clothesline from Shangri-La. A Murder-Go-Round later and we have our victors. [B]WINNERS: Dark Carnival MATCH RATING: B-[/B] As “Welcome To the Show” blares through the Snake Pit once again, This awakens Hustler from his deep slumber. He quickly grabs Mitch by the collar and pulls him in close. Mitch nearly vomits on camera, and visibly gags from the stench of Hustlers breath as he asks “Much fee win???” Mitch looked at Hustler for a minute before being able to figure out what he was asking. When he finally figured it out, he replied “oh.. Yeah the Dark Carnival won Huss…” to which a sheepish large grin slowly etched on Hustler’s face, before he changed position a little bit and went back to sleep.
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The War Anthem of Insane Machine hit the Pit and damn that thing is cool. With that intro and the talent the man has, all he needs is a little direction and I think he could go far. I wonder what direction is needed? P and his freakin’ emo music. I lower my head in shame at what I have done to this, I mean, what he has done to himself. WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM??? Maybe that is just it. Because under the mascara and black lipstick even after you watch this pain hungry kid just get pummeled, when finally he decides enough is enough… the Dawg comes out of him! When that happens his shots are teeth jarring… his strong style is just superb. Insane Machine laid into P for a good 16 minutes before P had had enough. When that happens, it is always a quick lights out for his opponents. [B]WINNER: P MATCH RATING: C[/B] The generic studio made music of the tag team known as the Can-Am Blondes consisting of The Natural & Dr. Love began… Which meant the few deadbeat parents that allowed their preteen female daughters to actually attend an OD event (What are they thinking?), well their little angels were now fighting for position near the barrier to get a good look at the objects of their late night fantasies. The opponents for the last match of the first round of the Deadly Duo tag tourney were a team they have fallen to before. Excellence Criterion Trademark & Mainstream, a hot team who as always came out with their own mics. Excellence Criterion did what they do best….. They insulted everyone. The fans for showing up an hour and half early, having to seat through all the rest of the crap when they all know they bought tickets just to see the EC. The insulted their opponents the Can-Am Blondes telling them to return to the backstreets and to go O-Town each other. They are such a$$holes! … but they are quite humorous… and pretty cool too!
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I put this match up to high on the card but whatever. I guess I am just into the Excellence Criterion! They are listed as a midcarder and an opener but they are Main Event in my book!!! Mitch called this match fantastically. He is obviously as into the Criterion as much as I am, and the Blondes even more so! The match was sound just not spectacular. They went through the motions a little bit with only Mainstream standing out. I didn’t want Mitch to seem like a loser, so I did him the favor and put over the Can-Am’s here. It happened after Trademark got caught with the Nature Calls. [B]WINNERS: Can-Am Blondes MATCH RATING: C+[/B] Mitch went nuts. I mean come on now how about some professionalism around here!!!! … First off I can’t believe I said that, and secondly I can’t believe I said it about Mitch! After he calmed down from the Blondes victory he gathered himself enough to introduce the Main Event for the evening….
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“I’VE GOT BIG BALLS… YOU’VE GOT BIG BALLS… BUT HE’S GOT THE BIGGEST BALLS OF THEM ALL!”… sorry… ya just can’t help but sing along to that! This was a great match! Teddy has been going off recently!!!! I still can’t help but think it is his opponents carrying him though. Whatever it is Powell & Holmes put on a great main event that saw interference from our champion Bach (whom we gave the night off.). Bach's appearance popped the crowd huge, loud enough that it was from this that Holmes knew that he had another enemy to worry about. When Holmes turned to face Bach coming down the aisle, Powell almost school boy’d himself a 1-2-3, but Holmes was able to lift a shoulder. As Holmes quickly got up to continue his beat down on Powell, Bach quickly jumped onto the apron bad mouthing Holmes. Holmes ignored this throwing Powell into the ropes, and then hitting him with his new spinning spine buster namely called the Vertebreaker. Holmes put a knee on Powell’s chest and Holland counted the pin. As Powell laid there Holmes looked right into Bach’s eyes, then pointed at his newly won title… not that Sammy was afraid or anything… but it stopped him from coming to Teddy’s aid. [B]WINNER: Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes MATCH RATING: B[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]CARD RATING: B-[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"]Not a bad Free Base! I had fun with it. I hope you enjoyed it as well! Well the first round of the Deadly Duo tag tournament is in the books which leaves us with four teams remaining. Which two will make it to the finals? How about the New Elite???? They came in and made a splash indeed!!! They challenged any three in a match at this weeks Free Base and you know who the first man to step up was??? None other then Sensational Edd Stone! He said he had heard for years about the Elite with people always claiming it was the one thing that CGC had that NOTBPW didn’t. So who to team with Stone? Jett of course was an option… but then they walked into my office. You know who it was… the faces… or at least the voices…. Or at least the think they are the faces and the voices of the OD, none other then Excellence Criterion! Is Maggot actually going to get a win? Chances are better then ever…. Either that or he will get run over by a Bull. The Vertebreaker took out Powell pretty easily, but lets see how he does against the “Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown! Hey Jett ain’t doing nothing now if Stone is gonna step up to the Fabulous One Eddie Chandler, so why not put him in a singles contest against the Insane Machine? The All American Jack Marlowe demanded a tougher test…. So lets see if he takes out the big Samoan! It is time for Bach to get off his Back and go to work. But against whom? Who is the #1 contender? I have no idea either! However, I do know a guy who will test Bach… just so happens I am a pupil of his…. [B][U]ENTIRE FREE BASE CARD![/U][/B] [I]THE TAG TOURNAMENT CONTINUES!!![/I] Death Row Riders vs. T.H.C. - the Thompson Hash Collaboration Dark Carnival vs. Can Am-Blondes [I]SIX-MAN ACTION[/I] The New Elite vs. Sensational Edd Stone & Excellence Criterion [I]SINGLES ACTION[/I] Maggot vs. Bulltaur Insane Machine vs. Amazing Jacob Jett Vertebreaker Bryan Holmes vs. “The Regulator of Cypress Park” Omar Brown Samoan Machine vs. All American Jack Marlowe [I]MAIN EVENT - for the Empire Championship![/I] Badass Sammy Bach vs. Steve Flash [B]PREDICTIONS WOULD BE KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B] [I][U]THIS SHOW[/U][/I] Marcel Fromage (8-1) foolinc. (8-1) derek b (7-2) MaxxHexx (5-4) [I][U]COMPLETE RECORD[/U][/I] Marcel Fromage (23-8) foolinc. (18-4) Jaded (16-9) derek b (13-9) brat99 (8-5) MaxxHexx (5-4)[/SIZE]
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