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WCW: After The Invasion

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[COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]WCW After The Invasion![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][B]In March 2001 WWF buys WCW from Turner Broadcasting. The Talk backstage is that WCW would continue under the WWF banner with heavy backing from Shane McMahon, Vince decided with input from Stephanie that an “Invasion” storyline would be a safer bet. Come August the Storyline isn’t going as well as hoped with a lack of “Big Names” from WCW. Even having Stone Cold Steve Austin lead the Invasion and Kurt Angle as his sidekick couldn’t save what should’ve been the greatest storyline of all time! Rob Van Dam being one of few highlights of the Invasion. Shane sick of stand back and watching this storyline go down the drain and still wanting to run WCW as its own company brought the idea back up to Vince. Vince who has already lost millions because of the Failure of the XFL and looking for another Business venture to at least gain some of the millions lost was willing to listen to most ideas he agreed to listen to Shane and set a meeting. Shane Spent two weeks on his proposal and presented it to Vince and the Board. Shane spent 3 hours presenting it and it is said to have really impressed everyone in the room. It took Vince 3 days to decide. He agreed to Shane’s proposal and told him he wants the “Brand” up and running by the start of the New Year. The Invasion storyline ended at Survivor series in November. [/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]The Info:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Shane McMahon/World Wrestling Federation [B]Head Booker:[/B] Paul Heyman/Shane McMahon [B]Size:[/B] National [B]Money:[/B] $15,000,000 [B]Based:[/B] New England [B]Titles:[/B] WCW World Heavyweight WCW United States Championship WCW World Tag Team Championships WCW Crusierweight Championship [B]TV Show:[/B] WCW Showdown 8pm Wed ESPN3 (New Station) [B]Announcers:[/B] Michael Cole Paul Heyman [B]Roster:[/B] Booker T Rob Van Dam Diamond Dallas Page Billy Kidman Chris Kanyon Rhyno Lance Storm Christian Test Hugh Morrus Justin Credible Chuck Palumbo Raven Steven Richards William Regal Tommy Dreamer Tazz Shawn Stasiak Shane Helms Sean O’ Haire Mike Awesome Mark Jindrak D-Von Dudley Bubba Ray Dudley Chavo Guerrero Jr Buff Bagwell (Rehired) Nick Patrick (Ref) Mickey Jay (Ref) Charles Robinson (Ref) Billy Silverman (Ref) [B](Clearly the roster looks small Vince has offered the contracts to anyone about to be released from the WWF. We will be doing some hiring ourselves)[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]WWF.com/WCW[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]WCW Showdown Preview:[/B] Having Lost the Invasion of the WWF at Survivor Series WCW are on the Back Foot. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle have defected back to the WWF and morel in the locker room at an all time low. How would Shane McMahon rally the troops? would he make an example out of someone for their failure? Turn into the First WCW Showdown 8pm Wed on the new ESPN3! WCW is pleased to announce the signing of Buff Bagwell, Crowbar, James Storm, Johnny Swinger, Kid Kash, Ultimo Dragon, Nova, Super Crazy and Little Guido and the Development workers Randy Orton, Rob Conway, Steve Bradley and Damaja[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]WCW Showdown[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 [B]Pre-Show:[/B] James Storm Vs Steve Bradley [B]Winner:[/B] James Storm [B](D+)[/B] Heartbreakers (Orton and Conway) Vs Nova & Damaja [B]Winners:[/B] Heartbreakers [B](C)[/B] [B]Main Show:[/B] Shane McMahon comes down to the ring followed by the entire invasion locker room. Shane gets in the ring and starts to degrade everyone for their failure of destroying the WWF. He singles out a number of superstars in his speech. He ends with “WWF may have won the battle but they haven’t won the war yet!” He then uses this time to announce a battle royal but not just any normal battle royal. The winner will feature in one half of WCW main event at WCW PPV New Beginning for the WCW Heavyweight title. The Last Six superstars (besides the winner) will face off in two triple threat matches new week with the winners of those facing off for the final spot at New Beginning. [B](B-) (B+)[/B] [B]Ultimo Dragon Vs Super Crazy Vs Shane Helms[/B] What you would expect from a cruiserweight match very fast paced and lots of good spots [B]Winner: [/B]Ultimo Dragon with an Asai DDT [B](B-)[/B] Chuck Polumbo is walking backstage when he runs into Hugh Morrus, Shawn Stasiak and Mike Awesome they accuse Polumbo of being a traitor of WCW but when he tried to explain it was WCW who fired him but Morrus, Stasiak and Awesome wouldn’t listen to any of it and vow to make his life a living hell that will start tonight with Palumbo facing Stasiak. [B](C+)[/B] Tommy Dreamer is hanging out backstage when Christian walks up and starts to insult ECW he claims that it was ECW fault they lost the invasion to the WWF. Dreamer took offence to this and hit Christian and starting a brawl Justin Credible and Test run in and pull them apart.[B] (C+)[/B] [B]Chuck Polumbo Vs Shawn Stasiak[/B] Average match with Chuck almost winning until Hugh Morris and Mike Awesome run out and cost Polumbo the match [B]Winner:[/B] Shawn Stasiak following help from Morris [B](C)[/B] After the match Morris Stasiak and Awesome continue to bet down Polumbo [B](C+)[/B] Backstage Bubba Ray and D-von Dudley are talking about the Battle royal Both claim they are going to win and wish each other luck in the match. [B](B+)[/B] [B]Billy Kidman Vs Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] Good Match the highlight of the match was Billy Kidman hit Chavo with a sick looking BK Bomb from the top rope. [B]Winner: [/B]Billy Kidman with a BK Bomb/Shoot Star Press combo [B](B+)[/B] Booker T Storms into Shane McMahon office demanding that this battle royal be cancelled and he be given the WCW World Heavyweight championship. He was the last WCW superstar to hold the title and should be given it back. Shane gives him a Blatant NO! If he wants the title back he would have to do it the same way everyone else does. [B](A)[/B] [B]Diamond Dallas Page Vs Rhyno[/B] And very even match with Rhyno dominating near the end of the match. Rhyno tries for a gore and DDP moves out of the way rolling him up and holding the ropes for the 3 count. Winner: Diamond Dallas Page by holding the ropes [B](B-)[/B] Both announces hype up the battle royal the comment on Booker T, RVD, Lance Storm and DDP being the danger men in the match [B](C)[/B] [B]Battle Royal:[/B] Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, Buff Bagwell, Chavo Gurrero Jr, Chris Kanyon, Christian, Chuck Polumbo, Diamond Dallas Page, D-Von Dudley, Hugh Morris, Justin Credible, Kash, Lance Storm, Mark Jindrak, Mike Awesome, Raven, Rhyno, Rob Van Dam, Sean O’Haire, Shawn Stasiak, Steven Richards, Tazz, Test, Tommy Dreamer and William Regal [B]Last Eight:[/B] Booker T, Christian, DDP, Lance Storm, Rhyno, Rob Van Dam, Chuck Polumbo, Raven With eight people and with 6 spots and 1 winner someone had to go. Booker T looked as good as gone until he raked the eyes of DDP who then was gored by Rhyno over the top rope. One of these seven people will get a free pass past the next stage. The Last two were Booker T and Lance storm with Booker T Superkicking Lance over the top [B]Last Six:[/B] RVD, Lance Storm, Rhyno, Chuck Polumbo, Raven and Christian [B]Winner:[/B] Booker T [B](B)[/B] Booker T stays in the ring Celebrating and WCW goes off the air..... [B](B)[/B] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B] (OOPS)[/CENTER]
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