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Chemistry and Existing Relationships

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I had two guys debut a few months with reasonable stats and both had the surname Patinkin. As I'd hired the first guy, I brought in the second and had them team up. Deciding I might as well go the whole hog, I added a Family relationship between the two. Now, after the relationship was added, I got a note in their next match that they had excellent tag chemistry. I'm sure I didn't get that in their first match, so what I'm wondering is, is their a mechanic in game to allow family members to auutomatically always have good/great/neutral chemistry when working together? I know it's not flawless research, but I think the Gauge brothers had good chemsitry as a team, and I've not seen a family team with bad/no chemistry - although I've only tried three. Anyone able to comment on this?
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Tag Team chemistry doesn't appear as often as normal chemistry on the Road Agent notes, and I'm pretty sure you don't always get it the first time two people team up (although you might if they're an official team - I'm not sure about that one!). So I'd say it's just chance. Although in my game the Gauge's also have good chemistry when teaming... Perhaps relationships do have some kind of affect, but that would go against what little we know about destiny.
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As one nail in the coffin to debunk the theory; I had two related (parent & offspring) workers that I decided to start in as manager & worker. So I assigned the parent as the child's manager. Road agent note the very next show? They had akward chemistry... :rolleyes:
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