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Ever Adjust where people can work?

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Have you ever adjusted where a person could work? (example: If he was only suppose to be available in Japan but you made it possible for him to also be available in the country you currently run your promotion?) I've done it here and there but recently edited Gino Montero to now be able to wrestle in the United States when he debuted and he's currently moving up the ranks pretty quickly due to his amazing abilities in both entertainment and in-ring skills. I did it to have a new up & comer to push! I had already moved Joss Thompson, Danny Patterson, Mainstream Hernandez, & Jay Chord... And needed a new enhancement talent to push through the ranks. Sooo... Have you ever done something like this? And if so, Why did you?
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I rarely edit the superstars like Gino Montero (seriously, he's all stats and no character) to become available but I have edited a number of unemployed guys or guys I like to be available elsewhere just to see if they could succeed. I often make guys like Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes and Phillip Cooper available to Japan, US and Canada to help them get some world experience. I make a fair number of Mexico's decent luchadores available to Japan in the hopes that BHOTWG or WLW will sign them up. Similarly, I make a few of Japan's top junior workers available to Mexico for the return trip. I have a tendency to make a few of the US's top big men or brawlers available to Japan too. In my mind, Japan loves their big, tough guys and who knows who the next big star could be. I also have the habit of making a few Japanese guys available to the US if I get the feeling they migh travel. And a handful of European guys get made available to other areas too. At least some of the bigger chatacters. I just can't help myself.
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