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Simple idea, but i like it. My idea is that you could now sign people to work a set number of dates rather than a set number of days. Also, if you signed for a low number of dates (say i signed RVD to appear for 1 show in PWR, Booker T's company) he would be willing to work for me regardless of size. This lets the booker of a small company to "pull out all the stops" for a big show. He could risk lossing money by brining in a big name for 1 night only.
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[QUOTE=takertitan;371797]but there is not benifit as it is to sign someone by dates. It could also be part of written deals where some like Kurt Angle or Sting only work 2-4 days a month.[/QUOTE] I really don't see what the difference is. As for the written contract thing, TNA is weird. Their wrestlers sign contracts, but instead of getting paid monthly, they get paid per appearance (if two episodes of Impact are taped on one day, they get paid for both appearances). But during the rest of the time, they can work in other places, as long as they don't appear on TV, and the DVDs of their appearances aren't sold by specific retailers. I think there are a few other conditions, but yeah... As for Sting, he could just be set as a Semi-Active wrestler, if that's what you're looking for.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;371830]but TNA books appearances for their talent and gets paid quarterly for those appearances, just to clear up that they cant control their own schedule[/QUOTE] It depends who the talents are. The upper-tier, yeah. But the smaller guys usually can take independent bookings.
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