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Pro Wrestling Reborn: After the Fall

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[center][b]After The Fall [/b][/center] You think you know wrestling? You think you know the events as they went down? But if everything we knew now, was not to be. What if back in March 2001 things changed, and it would change everything, forever? In a different reality to ours, things did happen differently. Let me take you back to March 2001 and one where everything changed. [b]March 2001...[/b] At the height of their popularity, with their former enemy WCW vanquished and purchased, the WWF is riding high. It is undoubtably the most powerful promotion in the history of professional wrestling. But questions are being asked about the WCW sale. The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission begins a month-long investigation. [b]April 2001...[/b] The wrestling world is in shock. The World Wrestling Federation is hit with a three-hundred million dollar fine, after it was revealed that Vince McMahon and AOL-Time Warner executive Jamie Kellner colluded to intentionally lower the purchase price of WCW. Stockholders and investors deserted the WWF, leaving the McMahon family with a humbled empire almost overnight. Disgraced, distraught and heartbroken, with a roster of wrestlers angry at the McMahon's mismanagement, the WWF was effectively shut down. Live events were cancelled, and television contracts were torn up. The McMahons go into isolation. In the months that follow, promotions across the United States shut down left, right and centre. Without the support of the WWF, OVW, HWA and MCW close shop. After the loss of millions of casual fans, promotions such as JAPW, APW and UPW can't support themselves. Even promotions with a more hardcore following such as XPW and CZW close down. Some owners say they'll be back when the industry bounces back. Others leave for good. [b]October 2001....[/b] The effects of The Fall are still ongoing, but there is cause for hope. The National Wrestling Alliance, once facing extinction, has re-amalgamated under the leadership of Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. WWF loyalists Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels join the returned Shane McMahon to form Fusion Pro Wrestling. And on the west coast, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan use their connections to form the American Wrestling Federation. This new 'Big Three' is joined by independent federations across the country, and two exciting new touring promotions. In Canada, a rejuvenated Stampede takes the country by storm. The wrestling industry has bounced back from its perilous lows. [b]October 2005....[/b] In the four years since The Fall, the wrestling landscape is strong. The 'new' Big 3 - FPW, AWF and the NWA have all grown dramatically. The Extreme has carved out a large cult following. Promotions like STAMPEDE, Pro Wrestling Reborn, Revolution X and ESW are still going strong. Although some promotions have shut their doors, there is a sense of optimism for the future of the business. New promotions have opened their doors, from New England Wrestling on the East Coast, to All-Canadian Pro Wrestling up north, to the mysterious EVAD and the charity-based Wrestling For Shoes. The wrestling world is bouncing back, and twenty one promotions are there with the industry. [center][b]All Canadian Pro Wrestling[/b] [i]After the collapse of BCW, a promotion-sized hole was left in Canadian wrestling. Enter Jacques Rougeau. Sick of the Hart Family's stranglehold on Canada, Rougeau quit his position in Stampede and formed All-Canadian, taking with him some of Stampede's best talent. A-CPW also built a formidable Women's division, to rival Stampede's. Although nowhere near as popular as Stampede, A-CPW is a much stronger promotional rival than BCW was. The only question is - will it meet the same fate?[/i][/center] Owner: Armand Rougeau Head Booker: Jacques Rougeau Jr Size: Regional Top Talent: Rene Dupree, Sylvan Rougeau, Kurrgan, Pierre Ouelette, Bobby Roode and Phil LaFon. ------------ [center][b]All Japan Pro Wrestling[/b] [i]Was once the most prestigious promotion in Japan. However, in recent years, the passing of Giant Baba and an exodus of talent to Pro Wrestling NOAH has seen AJPW struggle. The signing of Jushin Liger to the position of head booker has boosted AJPW's fortunes, but has also seen the declaration of an all-out war with NJPW.[/i][/center] Owner: Mokoto Baba Head Booker: Jushin Thunder Liger Size: National Top Talent: Akira Taue, Jun Akiyama, Toshiaki Kowada, Ultimo Dragon, Giant Bernard, Shinya Hashimoto, ------------ [center][b]American Wrestling Association[/b] [i]The AWA, defunct since 1991, was reborn After The Fall. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the original AWA was one of the biggest promotions of the territories era. While a shell of its former self, this AWA is still focused on traditional, family-friendly action. Owned by Dale Gagne, son of the legendary Verne, the promotion boasts a strong roster for an independent.[/i][/center] Owner: Dale Gagne Head Booker: Michael Hayes Size: Small Top Talent: Chad Collyer, Evan Karagias, Christian York, Lash LaRoux, EZ Money. ------------ [center][b]American Wrestling Federation[/b] [i]Thought by many to be the federation to inherit the 'Sports Entertainment' crowd, the AWF is the brainchild of long-time friends Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. In the years that followed The Fall, the AWF became a global wrestling powerhouse, thanks in part to the enormous success of a feud between Hulk Hogan and The Rock. A talent raid of FPW and the addition of a Cruiserweight division in 2004 also bolstered the promotion, in its ongoing war for wrestling supremacy.[/i][/center] Owner: Hulk Hogan Head Booker: Eric Bischoff Size: International Top Talent: Adam Copeland, The Giant, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Jeff hardy, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, JBL, Jeff Jarrett and Goldberg. ------------ [center][b]Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion[/b] [i]Antonio Pena's AAA promotion is the largest promotion in Mexico. The promotion can best be described as Sports Entertainment meets traditional lucha libre. Aside from success in Mexico, AAA regularly runs shows in the USA under the Triple L banner.[/i][/center] Owner: Antonio Pena Head Booker: Adolfo Burmundez Size: National Top Talent: Shocker, La Parka II, Cibernetico, El Zorro, Latin Lover and Abismo Negro ------------ [center][b]Championship Wrestling from Memphis[/b] [i]Based in the wrestling heartland of Memphis, Tennessee, and run by veteran promoters Bert Prentice and Jerry Jarrett, CWM is an old-school, southern promotion, with a mix of young and old talent. After the collapse of Memphis Championship Wrestling following The Fall, Tennessee fans came together to support this new venture, perhaps the region's last hope for a promotion[/i].[/center] Owner: Jerry Jarrett Head Booker: Bert Brentice Size: Regional Top Talent: Ricky Morton, Mabel, The Blue Meanie and Brian Lawler. ------------ [center][b]Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre[/b] [i]CMLL is he oldest wrestling promotion still in existence. Successful since 1933, CMLL has found its niche promoting traditional lucha libre and was the home to many lucha libre legends over the years. Also referred to as it's original name - EMLL.[/i][/center] Owner: Francisco Lutteroth Head Booker: Savio Vega Size: National Top Talent: Mistico, Hector Garza, Negro Casas, Dr Wanger Jr, Universo 2000 and Satanico. ------------ [b]Empire State Wrestling[/b] [center][i]Nicknamed the 'Emp', ESW is a small federation run by former JAPW owner 'Fat' Frank Iadeavia, based in New York. Like JAPW before it, ESW promotes a hardcore, brawling-orientated product, albeit toned down to conform to the standards of the New York Athletic Commission. This is in direct contrast to ESW's rival in the East Coast indy wars - NEW. With NEW promoting a more modern and popular style, ESW is facing a fan exodus. With less money and an older roster, can ESW compete?[/i][/center] Owner: Frank Iadevia Head Booker: Ray Sager Size: Small Top Talent: Rodney Mack, The Blue Boy, Ian Rotten, Axel Rotten, Don Harris, Vic Grimes and Trent Acid. ------------ [center][b]Excitement Violence and Diversions[/b] [i]It's hard to say exactly what this Chicago-based promotion is trying to accomplish. A mix of 1980's-esque brawlers, power men, and conservative politics, it is the strangest promotion in North America. Most big names in the business haven't even heard of EVAD, but the few who have heard of the company believe it's doomed to failure in a spectacular way. Founded in 2005, by a mysterious stranger called Woyah.[/i][/center] Owner: Woyah Head Booker: Rick Bassman Size: Small Top Talent: Sylvester Turkay, John Heidenreich, Kevin Northcutt and Tracy Smothers. ------------ [center][b]Fusion Pro Wrestling[/b] [i]Formed by Shane McMahon, Steve Austin and a group of WWF loyalists after The Fall, FPW has grown to become a global company in just four years. A talent raid from the AWF in 2004 decimated the company's roster, however this was offset by the signing of Chris Benoit in 2003 and the return of Shawn Michaels to active competition later that year. With a roster full of stars and young talent, FPW has produced some of the best matches of the post-Fall era, a feat which looks set to continue.[/i][/center] Owner: Steve Austin Head Booker: Shane McMahon Size: International Top Talent: Booker T, Kane, Leviathan, Chris Beniot, The Undertaker, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage and Bob Sapp. ------------ [b]Golden State Wrestling[/b] [center][i]Established by the AWF as a feeder promotion and developmental territory, Golden State Wrestling is run by WCW and NWA alumni Harley Race. Based in the heart of the So-Cal wrestling scene, GSW has become a popular local federation in its own right.[/i][/center] Owner: Harley Race Head Booker: Dutch Mantell Size: Small Top Talent: Trent Acid, Chris Masters, Antonio Banks, The Miz and Horace Hogan. ------------ [center][b]Legends of Wrestling[/b] [i]After The Fall, many wrestling fans longed for the nostalgia of the 'golden era'. Legendary manager Jimmy Hart noticed this gap, and with the help of some old friends, formed the Legends of Wrestling, a touring promotion. While the family-friendly federation is a moderate success, age has caught up with it. Old stars such as Randy Savage have been replaced with names such as Mark Henry and Buff Bagwell, and attendance has declined in the last few years.[/i][/center] Owner: Jimmy Hart Head Booker: Glen Gilberti Size: Regional Top Talent: Lex Luger, Mark Henry, Buff Bagwell, Rikishi, Billy Gunn, Road Warrior Animal, Grandmaster Sexy and Jim Duggan. ------------ [b]Lone Star Wrestling[/b] [center][i]With so many promotions in need of talent, Fusion Pro Wrestling decided to ensure its future success by investing in the creation of a developmental promotion. Hence, Lone Star Wrestling, Texas' second-favourite promotion! Shane McMahon managed to procure the services of Danny Davis and retired legend Bill Watts to manage the promotion, starting LSW off with a very strong foundation. LSW Alumni include Brock Lesnar, Jimmy Yang, Lance Cade and Leviathan.[/i][/center] Owner: Danny Davis Head Booker: Bill Watts Size: Small Top Talent: Brian Lee , Devon Storm, Elijah Burke, Aaron Stevens, Slash and Trevor Rhodes. ------------ [center][b]National Wrestling Alliance[/b] [i]An upside of The Fall was the re-emergence of the NWA as a true force in pro wrestling, backed by a group of legendary alumni led by Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. Lacking the financial strength of its rivals, the NWA focused on old-school, realistic storylines and modern action to carve out a successful niche, and the promotion has become national in just a few short years. Boasts a roster of homegrown superstars like Randy Orton and Sean Morley and established names such as RVD and Triple H.[/i][/center] Owner: Ric Flair Head Booker: Dusty Rhodes Size: National Top Talent: Rob Van Dam, Triple H, Sean Morley, Randy Orton, Raven, Mike Awesome and Shane Helms. ------------ [center][b]New England Wrestling[/b] [i]New England Wrestling is all about promoting what they refer to as "The NEW Breed," the athletic, high-flying youth who use an American cruiserweight style as well as those with a Puro influence. In just a year (thanks in part to its Harvard alumni backers), the promotion has overtaken ESW as the #1 East Coast indy. The feud between the two promotions has grown ever more heated, with ESW fans invading NEW shows, prompting fights in the crowd between alcoholics and Ivy-league frat boys.[/i][/center] Owner: Bruce Prichard Head Booker: Tom Prichard Size: Small Top Talent: Elix Skipper, Matt Striker, Adam Pearce, Ace Darling and Petey Williams. ------------ [[center]b]New Japan Pro Wrestling[/b] [i]One of the largest promotions in the world, and has been the most popular federation in Japan for most of its existence. Mixes a variety of styles with its own, creating a unique, unmatched brand of wrestling. Has won the Wrestling Observer's Promotion of The Year award more than any other promotion. Is still embroiled in a promotional war with AJPW.[/i][/center] Owner: Antonio Inoki Head Booker: Riki Choshu Size: National Top Talent: Kenta Kobashi, Kenji Mutoh, Kensuke Sasaki and Yugi Nakata ------------ [b]Pro Wrestling Noah[/b] [i]A massive talent exodus from AJPW, including the legendary Mitsuhara Misawa, led to the creation of Pro Wrestling NOAH. Along with many big names, NOAH also features a strong junior division.[/i] ------------ [center][b]Pro Wrestling Reborn[/b] [i]Not even The Fall could see Jim Kettner and ECWA off. The home of the Super 8 was one of the few promotions to survive, albeit under a different name. Workers such as Jerry Lynn, RVD and Rey Mysterio helped the promotion grow in its first year, and PWR has carved out a solid niche for itself. In the last few years, however, PWR has seen some of its finest talent such as Samoa Joe and Low Ki jump ship to the 'Big Three', and now faces an uncertain future with a largely unproven roster.[/i][/center] Owner: Jim Kettner Head Booker: Gabe Sapolsky Size: Regional Top Talent: Joey Matthews, Nova, CM Punk, Jerry Lynn, Dave Taylor and Colt Cabana. ------------ [center][b]Revolution-X Pro Wrestling[/b] [i]Alumni from two SoCal feds, Revolution Pro Wrestling and Xtreme Pro Wrestling, formed an unlikely partnership in creating Revolution-X Pro Wrestling, which blends high-flying lucha with some of the industry's best extreme workers. Although it has built a strong fan-base in SoCal, RevX has failed to grow much at all in the years After The Fall. DVD releases and a popular show on YouTube have helped generate national buzz, but that has failed to translate into more money at the box office[/i][/center] Owner: Kevin Klienrock Head Booker: American Wild Child Size: Regional Top Talent: New Jack, RoadKill, Agulia, Juventud, Kaos and Supreme. ------------ [center][b]Stampede Wrestling[/b] [i]Canada's undisputed #1 promotion, formed by the Hart Family After The Fall, as a refuge for talent. The promotion focuses on crisp, pure in-ring action, and boasts some of the industry's brightest young talents, along with Canada's biggest names. In 2003, added a Women's division after the collapse of N-WOW. In that same year, after defeating BCW for Canadian supremacy, Stampede was rocked by the emergence of All-Canadian, and is now embroiled in an all-out promotional war.[/i][/center] Owner: Bret Hart Head Booker: Bruce Hart Size: Cult Top Talent: Harry Smith, Teddy Hart, TJ Wilson, Jack Evans, Jim Neidhart and Chavo Guerrero Jr. ------------ [center][b]The Extreme[/b] [i]No 'association', no 'alliance', no 'federation', just The EXTREME. Not even The Fall could deter fans of hardcore wrestling, whose thirst for blood saw the birth of The Extreme. Based in Philadelphia, The Extreme was founded by Tommy Dreamer and boasts a dream roster of brawlers, psychopaths and daredevils. While the promotion struggled in its early days, with talent raids and a volatile locker-room, it has grown continuously to become the most popular indy in the U.S.[/center][/i] Owner: John Zandig Head Booker: Tommy Dreamer Size: Cult Top Talent: Vampiro, Raven, Sandman, Sabu, Homicide, Steve Corino, CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer. ------------ [center][b]Wrestling for Shoes[/b] [i]Wrestling For Shoes is less a wrestling promotion and more a charity organization. Founded by wrestling legend Afa, and affiliated with his training school, it runs shows eight months out of the year, with proceeds going towards buying shoes for homeless and low-income families. It's a noble goal, and most local wrestlers are happy to work the rigorous schedule for a good cause.[/i][/center] Owner: Afa Head Booker: Court Bauer Size: Small Top Talent: Ace Steel, Snitsky, Alan Funk, B-Boy and JD Michaels.
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[B][CENTER]PWR ROSTER & TITLE HOLDERS[/CENTER][/B] [B]Singles Roster[/B] Bill Alfonso – Heel Manager BJ Whitmar – Heel, Midcard Chad Collyer – Heel, Upper Midcard Chris Hero – Babyface, Enhancement Talent Claudio Castagnoli – Heel, Midcard CM Punk - Babyface, Main Eventer Colt Cabana – Babyface, Upper Midcard Dave Taylor – Heel, Upper Midcard Doug Williams – Heel, Lower Midcard Jerry Lynn – Babyface, Main Eventer Jimmy Jacobs – Babyface, Enhancement Talent Jimmy Rave – Heel, Midcard Joey Matthews – Heel, Main Eventer John Walters – Heel, Opener Ken Doane – Heel, Main Eventer Larry Sweeney – Heel, Opener Matt Sydal – Babyface, Lower Midcard Mike Quackenbush – Babyface, Lower Midcard Mike Tenay – Babyface, Announcer Nigel McGuiness - Babyface, Midcard Nova – Babyface, Main Eventer Sonjay Dutt – Babyface, Midcard Terry Taylor – Babyface, Commentator [B]Tag Teams[/B] Full Impact – Ken Doane and Joey Matthews, Semi Active GenNext – Matt Sydal and Jimmy Rave, Active Nova and Dutt – Nova and Sonjay Dutt, Active The British Maulers – Doug Williams and Dave Taylor, Active Second City Saints – CM Punk and Colt Cabana, Semi-Active [B]Title Holders[/B] [B]UNIVERSAL[/B] – KEN DOANE [B]UNIVERSAL TAG TEAM [/B]– GenNext [B]*SUPER 8 TOURNAMENT[/B] – COLT CABANA [I]*The tournament is held every March and guarantees you a shot at the Universal Title.[/I]
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