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Defending in another fed

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For promotions with a working agreement, a champion could be defending his title in another fed. It would add some prestige for this fed having it's title defended somewhere else. I've been seing this for a few months now in Quebec city having the IHW title from Moncton being defended against wrestlers who are part of both feds. I even saw the X division title being defended in the EWR (not the game). All the game needs is an option for the defending fed to have the right to say yes or no to the booking. And if the title is won by a worker not in your fed then either the champ can come and defend in your show or he is still defending in his until you decide that a wrestler from your organisation wins it. Of course, if the title changes hands after only one defense, the title prestige goes down.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;373344]I thought PWI decided it had to be a major promotion's top title, defended outside it's home country, and defended against someone from another country.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I think that's true. But really, what would having it be a TRUE 'World Title" mean in the game? And what does it mean in real life? I think any title in a major promotion is a world title, unless it's explicitly stated that it's not (like the United States title). Even then, I think it has some sort of 'World' status. So what's the point of that? And as for being able to defend titles in other promotions... I would say that if it's in there should be a complete block on a switch. With the WWE and WCW's titles, if a change happened in Japan or somewhere, they ignore it in the title history anyway. I think the only exception is the NWA Title switch at that BCW event, but BCW was affiliated with TNA, anyway. And anyway, what would it add to the game? You can't announce a title match in Advance Booking.
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[QUOTE=Akki;373381]Yeah, I think that's true. But really, what would having it be a TRUE 'World Title" mean in the game? And what does it mean in real life? I think any title in a major promotion is a world title, unless it's explicitly stated that it's not (like the United States title). Even then, I think it has some sort of 'World' status. So what's the point of that? And as for being able to defend titles in other promotions... I would say that if it's in there should be a complete block on a switch. With the WWE and WCW's titles, if a change happened in Japan or somewhere, they ignore it in the title history anyway. I think the only exception is the NWA Title switch at that BCW event, but BCW was affiliated with TNA, anyway. And anyway, what would it add to the game? You can't announce a title match in Advance Booking.[/QUOTE] I would agree that there should be a block on changing the title. I know the AI, when I send a wrestler in a talent trade, likes to job out my wrestler in all of his appearances. Personally, I like to give my temporary acquisition a win or two before having them lose. Make it seem like a big deal. Maybe give them a short title reign with one of my belts (midcard or lower). But, I would think it's overly complex, in terms of coding, to handle a title changing in another company via a talent trade. Sure, one suggestion would be to give the new champion a limited date contract, but I'm sure that would be a nightmare to code. Also, there would be too great a risk of a player abusing this type of thing. Like having the world champion from another company lose the belt to an Enhancement Talent. It would likely kill the prestige of that belt, having such a low tier guy win it. Not to mention beating the top guy from that company in the process. Yes, it would be nice, but the champion can't lose the belt. There's too much risk. So what's the point of defending the belt if the champ can't lose? On a side note, does the AI perform talent trades with itself? Meaning, will one AI company ever do a talent trade with another AI company, or is it only player-activated? It would be nice to see the AI utilize talent trades once in a while.
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[QUOTE=Lucied;373403]On a side note, does the AI perform talent trades with itself? Meaning, will one AI company ever do a talent trade with another AI company, or is it only player-activated? It would be nice to see the AI utilize talent trades once in a while.[/QUOTE] Adam mentioned a while ago that talent trades are player-only. It's basically there for dream matches, and the like, in his eyes. Fun stuff, but not something that's fully integrated into regular gameplay. I imagine that it would be a nightmare to try to get AI companies to trade with each other.
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That would be nice. When playing as ROH, you can have the Shimmer title be defended on your PPV's. :D With TEW, I hope to realise my dream (in-game, note!) to own a wrestling empire. So I would own multiple promotions, with different styles and such. The problem with that currently, is the style of your product that remains consistent over all your brands. You want a high flying and a technical brand, the best thing you can do is just hire the appropriate talent and work your shows. You can't finetune the product for each brand though, and that's kinda what I want in the game. I think it's fairly easy to code so I hope it makes it into the game (though there are no real life connections to the idea. Sadly WWE's product is consistent as well... :( )
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[quote]I know the AI, when I send a wrestler in a talent trade, likes to job out my wrestler in all of his appearances. Personally, I like to give my temporary acquisition a win or two before having them lose. Make it seem like a big deal. Maybe give them a short title reign with one of my belts (midcard or lower). But, I would think it's overly complex, in terms of coding, to handle a title changing in another company via a talent trade. Sure, one suggestion would be to give the new champion a limited date contract, but I'm sure that would be a nightmare to code. Also, there would be too great a risk of a player abusing this type of thing. Like having the world champion from another company lose the belt to an Enhancement Talent. It would likely kill the prestige of that belt, having such a low tier guy win it. Not to mention beating the top guy from that company in the process. Yes, it would be nice, but the champion can't lose the belt. There's too much risk. So what's the point of defending the belt if the champ can't lose? [/quote] It's somewhat like the minor belt suggestion I made in the [i]JAPAN[/i] thread here. [quote][B]=Championship Belts Defended Elsewhere=[/B] In Japan, belts--on occassion--can be defended in another promotion. If a promotion owns the belt (ie, it was created by the promotion and not inherited like some of the junior belts floating about Japan now) have where the belt can be won in another promotion if the parent promotion OKs it. If there is an existing trust (ARGH! Another small feature for promotion agreements ) or benefiting existance between the promotion--or considering the owner's behaviour (either one will work) then they are least likely to screw you over. However, you have the choice to put a fee on the belt--an amount the company will have to pay either up front to get the belt. A deposit if you will. If the belt comes back to your company, you return the deposit, OR screw them over (oh yeah). If you don't have their deposit, they keep your belt.[/quote] I truly believe that this title defence addition should be in TEW. It would make promotion relationships much more interesting.
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