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Imagine for WM25...

Guest Ransik

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[QUOTE=CapCee;374449]Had to type up a response before I was able to finish reading your post. Do you realize a good percentage of wrestlers only play a heel well because they are jackasses in real life? I'm sure Edge is quite the jackass. Ask Matt Hardy. Let's add anyone with the last name McMahon... I'm sure we can all think of a pretty strong list.[/QUOTE] I think you misunderstood his post. My take is the only reason you believe Randy as a heel is because he is such a jerk in real life that you genuinely dislike him anyway. It's not that his heel promos or antics really "get him over" as a heel. He's never been able to get himself over as a face or a heel to be honest. It wasn't until we all learned how much of a jerk he was and WWE was in desperate need of a maineventer that he got that push. And no, I don't think you have to be a jerk to be a good heel. Ric Flair was a great heel, and up until recently, I don't think the majority of fans knew anything about his personal life at all. Bret Hart played a great heel. Steve Austin, Mick Foley, The Rock, Terry Funk, etc. I can think of a ton of a guys who played a great heel that I have no reason to believe are jerks in real life. Usually it's the faces that are easiest to play. They just have to be clean cut and have decent skills to mask their lack of promo abilities. That's what they tried to do with Orton originally and it didn't work because he was so bland nobody cared. Now that he has genuine heat on him, he's pushed as the heel.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;374457]I think you misunderstood his post. My take is the only reason you believe Randy as a heel is because he is such a jerk in real life that you genuinely dislike him anyway. It's not that his heel promos or antics really "get him over" as a heel. He's never been able to get himself over as a face or a heel to be honest. It wasn't until we all learned how much of a jerk he was and WWE was in desperate need of a maineventer that he got that push. And no, I don't think you have to be a jerk to be a good heel. Ric Flair was a great heel, and up until recently, I don't think the majority of fans knew anything about his personal life at all. Bret Hart played a great heel. Steve Austin, Mick Foley, The Rock, Terry Funk, etc. I can think of a ton of a guys who played a great heel that I have no reason to believe are jerks in real life. Usually it's the faces that are easiest to play. They just have to be clean cut and have decent skills to mask their lack of promo abilities. That's what they tried to do with Orton originally and it didn't work because he was so bland nobody cared. Now that he has genuine heat on him, he's pushed as the heel.[/QUOTE] I never said you HAD to be a jerk to be a good heel. I'm just saying that Randy is just one of many wrestlers whose heel persona is easy to portray because of a real-life bad attitude or arrogance. I do agree that he wouldn't make a good babyface. But in my opinion he is a great heel. We don't seem to factor in the psychology in his matches and his overall demeanor. Just the look on his face when he hits an RKO from behind or a kick to the head of a defenseless foe would make the casual fan hate him and want to see a hero get revenge on this young, arrogant punk.
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