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Imagine for WM25...

Guest Ransik

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John Cena vs...... ... Eminem? According to an article on gerweck... Eminem has signed with WWE and has been in training for a while now and is taking being a wrestler seriously. All I can say is... what the deuce?
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if the guy can go then the guy can go. I will admit also that i was somewhat ammused by the k-fed stuff and from what i hear he busted his ass and was very respectfull to the boys. Eminem brings in a certain core group, if and that is a huge if he was to come in i would expect it to be a performance at wm and maybe get in the ring a little bit. to be honest i don't see who he would get in there with though. He does not have any "heat" in the main stream world like ferderline did so i don't see him coming in as a heel. I don't see any anti-rapper type guys now expect for MAYBE morison but i see them doing something with the tag titles at mania.
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And the K-fed angle led to the single greatest phenomenon in pro wrestling. Cena: You just said you LIKED F-feds cd? Booker T: Thats right..... Cena: Congradulations, you just lost your status as a black man! Booker T: ...!? (Ron Simmons Walks in) Simmons: ......DAMN......!!! (Ron Simmons walks away)
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[QUOTE=Akki;373465]Gerweck needs to check their facts before going forward with a story. Did they report this as a rumor or as a fact? [url]http://pwinsider.com/ViewArticle.asp?id=29156&p=1[/url] Like I thought when I first saw this post, it's BS.[/QUOTE] Isnt Eminem in hospital sick? and from what I hear he has turned into a fat *hit. but it does seem like fake news anyways Cena isnt even a "rapper" anymore so what would be the point of this storyline? Cena will probley be put in the Money in the Bank match where he kicks everyones arse and wins lol
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;373443]And the K-fed angle led to the single greatest phenomenon in pro wrestling. Cena: You just said you LIKED F-feds cd? Booker T: Thats right..... Cena: Congradulations, you just lost your status as a black man! Booker T: ...!? (Ron Simmons Walks in) Simmons: ......DAMN......!!! (Ron Simmons walks away)[/QUOTE] You, sir, win the prize for best post ever. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean the soda off of my monitor and keyboard from the laughing....
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;373443]And the K-fed angle led to the single greatest phenomenon in pro wrestling. Cena: You just said you LIKED F-feds cd? Booker T: Thats right..... Cena: Congradulations, you just lost your status as a black man! Booker T: ...!? (Ron Simmons Walks in) Simmons: ......DAMN......!!! (Ron Simmons walks away)[/QUOTE] I laughed at that segment for a good five minutes... I actually had to pause the DVR so I wouldn't miss anything.
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Guest loves2spooge
[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;373880]Aw, come on. Randy Orton is one of the shining hopes in WWE, one of the few. He has great charisma, plays the heel really well, and has decent wrestling skill. He is also hot as hell. ;) Sounds good to me. :D[/QUOTE] first time anyone on here has said anything like that about a bloke
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;373880]Aw, come on. Randy Orton is one of the shining hopes in WWE, one of the few. He has great charisma, plays the heel really well, and has decent wrestling skill. He is also hot as hell. ;) Sounds good to me. :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=loves2spooge;373885]first time anyone on here has said anything like that about a bloke[/QUOTE] Randy is ok in the ring, randy is great on the mic. But randy is a scum sucking human being who needs to be stopped. I don't care how hot people thinks he is the things he's pulled in his time as a wrestler even before WWE according to a few friends I have who do wrestle he should be beaten to a pulp and if he treated any of the women who think he's hot like he's treated a number of women backstage in WWE and before they wouldn't think he's so hot.
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;373880]Aw, come on. Randy Orton is one of the shining hopes in WWE, one of the few. He has great charisma, plays the heel really well, and has decent wrestling skill. He is also hot as hell. ;) Sounds good to me. :D[/QUOTE] I can't judge on the hotness, but I disagree with the charisma. He's bland. The only reason he plays a heel well is because he's a jackass in real life. He also has absolutely no skill at playing a face. Don't forget that he very noticeably screws up almost every interview he does. I think he was responsible for killing the hype for his WM21 match with Taker (which was actually a pretty good match that I saw live). And unlike Cena, Orton hasn't seemed to even put in an effort to improve his skills in and out of the ring. If anyone deserves to Main Event WrestleMania in the near future, it's Edge. He's good in the ring, great on the mic, and also plays a great heel (but he can play a face as well). He also has great charisma. There's plenty of guys in WWE who deserve a Mania Main Event before Orton. Edge is just at the top. People like Ken Kennedy and Jeff Hardy. If they never get their shot at the top, I'll be disappointed. If Orton doesn't, I won't care. Hell, I might even be relieved.
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hardy and kenedy are still young they have along time left in them. I think mania is and should be your two top guys. Hate them or not right now that is hhh and cena. They made the money for the company. I see an cena vs hhh with a heel in there some where as i don't see a face vs face at the mania main event. I do think raw will hold the main spot this year as while edge is good yah i just don't think he is there yet though. I have always been harsh on how i judge "the big one". They make millions on that one show so to me it has to be great.
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I do find Orton pretty bland. He's got the WWE style of wrestling down pretty well, but he has a tendency to look like a bitch quite easily. The only guy who he looked strong against was Jeff, put him against Cena or Trips or even Jericho and he looks kinda weak. Until the Rumble, I was unconvinced that he deserved the belt. Now I'm cool with it. As for a Cena-Triple H main event... You know, Main Eventer vs Main Eventer 'who-is-the-best' won't do it for me. I need a story I can get behind. As it stands, I have no interest in seeing them fight, and therefore no interest in buying the PPV. Jeff Hardy doesn't need to Main Event. He's really over. His merchendise sells well. He's one of those guys who doesn't need the 'big one' to say he's been succesful. Orton vs Jeff Round 2 does have some momentum behind it though. As it stands I'd much rather see that than anything else. Ken Kennedy is too inexperienced, too wild, too unproven to Main Event any PPV, let alone Wrestlemania. He has a nice entrance, but he's hurt a lot of guys over the past few years, and hurt himself twice. He puts some extra thought into his matches which I find commendable, but... Not yet Ken, not yet. P.S. Orton is kinda hot, in a goonish kinda way. Not my cup of tea though.
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[QUOTE=Akki;373932]I can't judge on the hotness, but I disagree with the charisma. He's bland. The only reason he plays a heel well is because he's a jackass in real life. He also has absolutely no skill at playing a face. Don't forget that he very noticeably screws up almost every interview he does. I think he was responsible for killing the hype for his WM21 match with Taker (which was actually a pretty good match that I saw live). And unlike Cena, Orton hasn't seemed to even put in an effort to improve his skills in and out of the ring. If anyone deserves to Main Event WrestleMania in the near future, it's Edge. He's good in the ring, great on the mic, and also plays a great heel (but he can play a face as well). He also has great charisma. There's plenty of guys in WWE who deserve a Mania Main Event before Orton. Edge is just at the top. People like Ken Kennedy and Jeff Hardy. If they never get their shot at the top, I'll be disappointed. If Orton doesn't, I won't care. Hell, I might even be relieved.[/QUOTE] Had to type up a response before I was able to finish reading your post. Do you realize a good percentage of wrestlers only play a heel well because they are jackasses in real life? I'm sure Edge is quite the jackass. Ask Matt Hardy. Let's add anyone with the last name McMahon... I'm sure we can all think of a pretty strong list.
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I can comment on Randy Orton's hotness because my best bud's girlfriend gave me an opinion to regurgitate. His body is good but his face is ugly. Her words, not mine. I like Randy's jackassness, I hate everything else about him. The fact he is a total jerk is the only thing, bar supposed hotness below the neck, that he has going for him.
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