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  • Birthday 03/07/1985


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  1. For 2028 I've added a weekly TV show on UK Broadcasting Digital. Pricey on the production values, but they only needed me to be popular in 3 areas of the British Isles. Not 6. I can draw 800+ people to the tapings, so if I'm careful not to use my expensive guys (Welsh Dragon, Tommy Jr, Rhys Pendragon, Darin Flynn) too often, and get a good crowd into my monthly big show (4k-5k fans) it's still profitable. January was slow going, but more shows was the aim, so that's the bed I've made to lay in. Following my end of year roll of 1, My avatar's little brother has debuted; Chris O'Malice, named after the winged ram Chrysomallos, of the golden fleece myth. The little twerp isn't worthy of the Golden Fleece name/storyline yet, so I've put him under a much cheaper mask and he's working undercard scramble matches as Lambskin. I've made him flashier, more charismatic, more handsome, and taller than my guy, so eventually there will be good scope for bitterness.
  2. Golden Gloves... Golden Fleece... There's something there. I'll AI generate some blonde kid and cycle through masks every couple of years like I'm doing with my avatar. I had thought about a sister, to bulk out the women's scene, but long term it might be better to try to create the flashy Jeff Hardy/Nick Jackson to my guy's Matt Hardy/Matt Jackson. I'm going to try to sit on my game for a few days and ponder what will be fun to play. I would like to run more shows, in a believable and fun way. Not just spamming big venues for ludicrous money. And I'm not sure I want to do TV unless it's actually on a decent sized broadcaster.
  3. Finished 2027. To my great surprise, my guy made it onto the Power 500 at #395. I must be doing something right. Selling certainly lagging behind the other Fundamental stats. It's strange going back to running Free Exhibitions in Ireland/Scotland, and watching my attendances crawl from 69 to 75 to 80 to 86... and meanwhile in Wales I'm casually gaining 500 new fans practically every show. Money is bananas. I spent the last few months running one major show, and then a couple of free exhibitions where I lose like $5k a time. I could hire some guys... but between Welsh Dragon, Rhys Pendragon, and the absolutely broken Tommy Cornell Jr my main event scene is doing the business. Dragon vs Junior scored a 90 at my end-of-year CastleMania show. I should really book myself against Tommy again. My merch is only level 4, and broadcast revenue remains nothing to write home about. It's all ticket sales. I think I got all of my rolls right filling this in. Should have done it as I went along. Rolled a 1, so now I guess I need to come up with a younger sibling. Perhaps a different coloured sheep.
  4. This was last chapter, leading to In the Company of Legends. At the top I have my shows. Capital letters for matches. a little bit of colour coding depending on what I need. Orange here is Title Bouts. Not sure what pink is supposed to be. Below that is my roster, grouped into storylines, where I track usage. Dark Green if they're wrestling. Light green if not. Yellow is usually a warning for 'find something for them to do'. I tend to get lazier with this the closer I get to the end of the chapter, when momentum and the Word documents take over. The more I look at this, the more I seem things I changed in the script stage (I don't think we saw any of the Students actually get kidnapped). My main goal with this document is making sure everyone is being used enough. Not wrestling too much or too little (especially on each taping, which is two episodes).
  5. 5 years, 8 months in, I'm on 118 shows with 23 booking reputation. If I had also gained +10 reputation alongside booking skill, I would be on 83 reputation now (25 event, 50 event, 75 event, Tiny, Small, Medium). Seems a little much for 24 years old. If it was +5, I'd be on 53. I wouldn't have bested Johnny Martin for the PSW job, but I'd be competitive. Hadn't found this screen in a while. I like the career earnings bit. Maybe there's some challenges/achievements to that. Success isn't about 5* matches or working for the top dog. Bank account is king.
  6. What triggered that request? Biggest I've had was Rheon Regal. I forgot to hire commentators for my first streaming show, so asked him to work colour. The next day, thinking he was a big shot, he wanted an increase from $30 to $400. To be fair, he was a natural. Similar to Ariel, he phoned in a performance shortly after being refused the increase (I was struggling to make finances work for the first 6 months of streaming) and was promptly fired. Now I'm very cautious about asking people to become referees/road agents/announcers.
  7. Another month, another rejection. Didn't get the PSW job either, although this time they just hired someone with more reputation (Johnny Martin) instead of telling me I wasn't suitable. At least my current job is secure. Dragon FLIGHT Wrestling hit Medium in August, succeeding in my all-important Owner Goal much earlier than expected. Going to relax into a new schedule. One big show per month, and a bunch of small "Free Wrestling Exhibitions" in Scotland and Ireland to bump my popularity up in those regions. Three matches. Set up in some park. Local talent. Just like the old days. I want to move off of WrestleWorld GB and that's going to require popularity throughout the UK. Also going to change my product to Guerilla Warfare. My idea for the company was more flips and masks, but my owner switched it to Respectable Wrestling really early. Technical Masterclass matches have been a novelty for me, but the novelty has worn off. The move to Medium hurts my Women's Division a bit. Despite solid midcard ratings, they're all Unimportant, and the crowds want something Recognisable or higher in every match at this level. Introducing a Mixed Tag Title for a bit. I need to get some girls over. Enjoying the new Media Scrum feature. They keep asking my thoughts about SNP being in massive debt. I'm trying to be nice about it. They also told me Tommy Cornell wanted to be on the booking team. You would think an adult would tell me himself, instead of crying to the newsletters. This month saw the return of Cain Carlisle to my promotion. I first hired him in 2024, and he quickly rose to the top of the card as a skilled (and cheap) high flyer. Sadly, he suffered a Badly Herniated Spinal Disc in 2025 that put him out of action for over a year. Even now, his body is in a dreadful state, and he's rusty, but I feel bad for the guy. Only 31, but his glory days are far behind him. I like when games go a long time like thing.
  8. In the chaos and confusion, I don't think anyone got around to asking his name. Or maybe they did, but he didn't understand the question. It would be a bit silly to permanently call him Hot Dog Seller. I don't think he sold any hot dogs.
  9. BARRY KINGMAN VS STEVE DECOLT 53 John McClean Promo 47 Whipper Removes Security 33 LAND MASS & MAMMOTH VS THE FLOCK 32 Helen Returns 29 Roger Rogers Denies the Knock Out 37 TAVARE LORING VS CONDOR 44 Moose Mulder Promo 49 Helen Wheels Promo 34 JOHN McCLEAN VS ALEX DECOLT 58 George & Melissa Announce the Last Man Standing Rumble 74 Final Rating 60 I didn't get around to posting the card during the week. I've been distracted all week, and wasn't even sure if I'd finish the show in time. The matches didn't seem particularly exciting to predict regardless. TEW9 and my Road to Glory game are taking up most of my free time, and this project is suffering a bit for it. Which is a shame because I love some of the stories I've got going and there are things I'm excited to write. I'm finishing with the Last Man Standing Rumble. It's always what I had planned for this part of the story, however, I've gone back and forth a lot due to TEW9's release. It's putting up fan voting at a time when readership is at an all time low. Still, most of the order is determined by in-game popularity, with reader votes tweaking things, so it won't break anything. And there's six whole weeks (maybe more... I'm not 100% certain I'll post weekly going forwards) to get votes in. Not much to say about the show. McClean stepped up into the main event well, and Moose Mulder's promo was unexpected. Better than Roger Rogers. That bodes well. Next time on Title Bout Wrestling (no promises for next Sunday) CGC Bubbleweight Title: Helen Wheels vs Black Sheep Dan DaLay & Eric Tyler vs Soldiers of Fortune Jon Jetson vs Moose Mulder The Last Man Standing Rumble is coming. Who gets your vote from the roster below? Thumbs Up (Pick 3 CGC wrestlers you like, they will enter the Rumble later) Thumbs Down (Pick 3 CGC you don't like, they will enter the Rumble earlier... if at all)
  10. Jerome Turner "Last week the CGC World Champion was knocked out! The unstoppable Runaway Train; Barry Bowen was truly stopped in his tracks for the first time I can recall, by the Moose Punch. We'll get words from Moose Mulder, and the Champion's manager Roger Rogers tonight." BARRY KINGMAN VS STEVE DECOLT Jerome Turner "Steve DeColt is fighting to earn back the Matchmaking Committee's trust." Steve tries to strut his stuff, but he isn't the only second-generation fighter in the ring, and Barry has inherited plenty of his father's counters to the classic DeColt arsenal. Steve has to think outside the box, and does so with a head scissors! Clumsy, but enough to throw Kingman Jr off. Luscious Lariat! Sexy Slam! DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog)! 1. 2. 3. STEVE DECOLT WINS (3:45) SCHOOL OF TRADITION CLASSROOM JOHN McCLEAN Television has become a cesspool of debauchery. Have you seen the line-up on GNS lately? "Soul Dates". "Canadian Cook-Off". Disgusting. I bet they'd love to see more degenerate, gyrating DeColts on their network. But when I'm Television Champion things will change. My demands will be met. No more cartoons or cursing. I will demand round-the-clock educational programming and stories that promote traditional values. If I ask Mr. Tyler nicely, maybe he'll let me film some of his 4-hour lectures so all of you can get the same quality education I've been enjoying. Tonight, Alex DeColt can kiss the CGC Television Title goodbye. INTERVIEW ZONE JULIE FORLETTA interviews WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS. JULIE FORLETTA Up next, The Flock are scheduled for tag team action, but what makes you think Black Sheep will show up? Surely he knows he's a wanted man. WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS While the CGC Matchmaking Committee are eager for information on the disappearance of Helen Wheels, we also want to deliver quality matches to our fans. As a show of good faith we'll be removing security from ringside during that tag team match, so that Black Sheep feels comfortable competing. Hopefully he'll be willing to talk to us afterwards. JULIE FORLETTA Really? No security at all? WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS Absolutely. We are in no way trying to capture Black Sheep tonight. Security have left ringside, but there are a suspicious number of burly men suddenly at ringside, sporting regulation haircuts, black sunglasses and earpieces. Several are 'reading' newspapers with eyeholes cut out of them. A hot dog seller ignores everyone around him trying to buy a hot dog. LAND MASS & MAMMOTH VS BATTERING LAMB & ... Jerome Turner "Why hasn't Black Sheep taken the bai- I mean, showed up? This is clearly not a trap." Battering Lamb valiantly battering rams his opponents, but it's two against one and he's soon getting squished and squashed. Not satisfied with the numbers advantage, Land Mass & Mammoth also cheat constantly, while the referee (burly, sunglasses, ear-piece... I think he's new) doesn't seem to be paying any attention to them. He's scanning the crowd. Battering Lamb valiantly fights back with Mutton Chops, reaching for a tag, but his partner is nowhere to be found. Suddenly, commotion! The masked HOT DOG SELLER tries to jump the guardrail and the 'hidden' security spring into action! He resists arrest with foot-longs and handfuls of relish! With the coast clear, BLACK SHEEP runs down to the ring and gets the tag! Eye pokes! Foot stomps! He lets the big men chase him in, around, and under the ring. He takes a left turn at Albuquerque and Land Mass accidentally squashes his partner with the Ten Ton Avalanche (Corner Splash). Mammoth topples directly into Land Mass's equator and Black Sheep drags his partner on top before making his escap- It's HELEN WHEELS! She launches herself at Black Sheep and starts rabidly trying to claw his eyes out! The "innocent bystanders" swarm the ring and separate the two, taking Black Sheep into custody as Helen screams bloody murder. NO CONTEST (6:09) Jerome Turner "Helen's back! She's okay. What a... Relief? We'll hunt her down for comments soon, but first Roger Rogers has asked for time to speak." INTERVIEW ZONE JULIE FORLETTA interviews ROGER ROGERS. ROGER ROGERS Whatever you thought you saw last week, was not what happened. Wishful thinking. Tricks of the light. Barry Bowen was not knocked out last week. Barry Bowen is a Runaway Train. He can't be knocked out. Physically impossible. What you saw was Barry Bowen selflessly taking a bullet for his tag team partner and dear personal friend Jon Jetson. Like a knight in shining armour. Was it a good punch? Yes. Did it knock Bowen down? Yes. Did it knock Bowen out? No. Bowen could have got up if he wanted to. He simply didn't need to. Jon Jetson had everything under control, and like a wise, tactical genius that he is, Barry took a short rest. So that's the story you should be reporting. Tactical Genius. Knight in Shining Armour. Anything else is hearsay and conjecture and I will sue anyone who says otherwise. JULIE FORLETTA You may need to sue the entire CGC Matchmaking committee. You may not have been impressed but they were. The votes are in and Moose Mulder will be receiving the next CGC World Title match against Barry Bowen. ROGER ROGERS Ludicrous! Preposterous! The conspiracy against my client continues, and I promise you there will be hell to pay! /w Rocky & Wolfgang TAVARE LORING VS CONDOR Jerome Turner "A very dangerous trio has emerged in Canadian Golden Combat." Condor's distracted early by Rocky & Wolfgang at ringside, and is attacked from behind by Tavare. No stereotypes, just violence. Punches. Stomps. Brutal knee strikes that pulverize his opponent's ribs. Condor manages to duck and weave and take flight with a Flying head scissors and Soaring dropkick, but Rocky distracts the referee, Wolfgang shoves him off the top rope, and Tavare hits a Kneeling Piledriver for the 1. 2. 3. TAVARE LORING WINS (6:47) BACKSTAGE MOOSE MULDER You think I don't know what it looks like when a man gets knocked out? That glassy look in their eyes? When their bones turn to jelly. I've seen it a thousand times and that's exactly what I saw with you, Barry Bowen. I knocked you out. Your man can deny it. You can deny it, but I knocked you out. And if I did it once, I can do it again. INTERVIEW ZONE JULIE FORLETTA interviews HELEN WHEELS and the mysterious masked HOT DOG SELLER from earlier. JULIE FORLETTA Helen! We haven't seen you in weeks! What happened? HELEN WHEELS What happened? WHAT HAPPENED??? I was in the departure lounge at Washington Airport, minding my own business, when suddenly I have a bag put over my head, stuffed into a suitcase, and put on an airplane to who-knows-where. No wallet. No belt. No one seemed to understand me no matter how loudly I yelled at them. By some miracle I eventually learned I was in Japan, and found the one person over there who isn't a complete idiot, who could get me on a flight home. HOT DOG SELLER Hito Ichihara. Koryusai Koitaji. Motoichi Arakida. HELEN WHEELS Black Sheep, I know it was you! I want my belt back! You put me through hell and next week I want payback! LAND MASS & MAMMOTH are thrilled as they barge in and squash Helen with a big hug. CGC TELEVISION TITLE MATCH JOHN McCLEAN VS ALEX DECOLT Jerome Turner "John McClean certainly has strong views on what's suitable for television." Alex struts his stuff and McClean does not think that's suitable for television. He complains to the referee and tries to get the cameramen to stop filming, to no avail. Refusing to allow even the hint of sexuality on display, McClean uses violence, censoring the Champion's antics with eye pokes and hair pulling from the Eric Tyler playbook. In control, McClean chooses to air History of Armbars, showcasing different methods of applying the same hold across the years. It's a bit dry. And not entirely accurate. As it happens, Alex has studied this subject himself. He questions! He fact checks! McClean gets flustered and Alex changes the channel. Powerful Punches! Pretty Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! He gives a Peruvian Armbar a little screen time, with some added gyrations to trigger McClean's delicate sensibilities. Furious, McClean twists and turns and ends up putting himself in a straightjacket hold! DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop)! 1... 2... 3! ALEX DECOLT RETAINS (11:28) INTERVIEW ZONE MELISSA MONROE We at GNS are thrilled with our partnership with CGC and Title Bout Wrestling, but sometimes 60 minutes is not enough. Sometimes there's a match so big that a normal episode just can't contain it. GEORGE DECOLT The Last Man Standing Rumble. 30 men. Timed entrances. Over-the-top rope elimination rules. If you think that sounds familiar, think again. We're not letting a random draw determine entry. We're letting the fans decide. Starting now you'll be able to vote on your favourite, and least favourite, CGC wrestlers to help determine the order. Give a thumbs up? That wrestler enters later, improving their chance to win. Give a thumbs down? That wrestling enters earlier, if he gets the chance to enter at all. MELISSA MONROE It's a marathon match of epic proportions, and it's airing live on GNS; Friday Week 3 September. That gives you 6 weeks to get your votes in. And the best part? The grand prize. $200,000. GEORGE DECOLT Hold on. I thought we said $10,000. MELISSA MONROE Oh pish. Let's give them something to really fight for, darling. They're grown adults. I'm sure a little money won't make things get out of hand.
  11. Still Small. 50 pop in Wales and 29 in the Midlands/South. I have a little over 8 months to get to 59 & 35 for Medium or Red Dragon gets mad, and I think I might make it. I think I over-estimated how severe the cap of monthly pop increases are. Running a Very Cheap 2-hour event every two weeks. When I run big venues (Swansea, Cardiff) I can make $11k profit in a month, but I'm usually handicapping myself by also running small & medium sized venues (Newport, Carmarthen) that I set up at the beginning of the game. I'm assuming the pop gain is the same, even if attendance is significantly smaller. It adds flavor to my game. I made a copy of my save and tested TV for a month. Lost $12k and made barely any pop gain. Waste of time. I can absolutely afford a few select 21CW guys, but I've stuck to midcarders and road agents. Rhys Pendragon ($900) and Welsh Dragon ($1.4k) felt essential to the concept of my promotion. Tommy Cornell Sr ($900) is my head road agent, while the Dark Angel; Clifford Wilson ($600) came in to translate for the Joshi workers I brought in. I'm not too familiar with 21CW so I needed to look up where their stars went, and it explains how SNP ended up in debt. They snatched up a bunch of them to exclusive written deals. Having lost/dropped their TV show in September (it was on Wrestleworld GB, so I can't imagine it was much of a money-spinner) they're running one PPV per month... but they're still paying Landon Mallory, Apollo Prince and Alton Vicious $100k+ a month. Each. SNP's financials. Not mine. Definitely the roster. I probably do need to make one big hire, as my shows have started getting the occasional 'lack of big names' penalties. I only have one Major Star (Neville Jones). Pendragon, Cornell Jr and Welsh Dragon are objectively my best workers, but they haven't been here long enough for the fans to see them as big, big stars.
  12. Got my 75 rated match, and then some. Tommy did not like taking the pin in that one (I think SNP are inflating his ego with the Jesus push). Pretty disappointed that my guy was the weak link. He's been on par with Welsh Dragon and Rhys Pendragon thus far, and I've had a few 74-rated singles matches with Junior. He did recently lose his manager to Camp Cornell in the storyline, so maybe that chemistry was helping him more than I thought. Rolled a 9 for a bit more Toughness. The show also got me my first 75+ rated show, so more booking skill. Personally, I don't find that particularly exciting a bonus. There's plenty of booking help available to max out creativity, and I'm generating more finishes than I can be bothered to use. Only the first boost felt useful. SNP might be the next casualty in my game. $6 million in the hole. Bankruptcy is looming.
  13. Finished 2026 this morning. When I posted a couple of days ago, I was getting bored of my game. Doubly when VWA let me know they didn't consider me a suitable candidate for their open booking position. The idea of years upon years stuck in Wales didn't sound too appealing. However, things turned around. After spending much of the year trying to manage WrestleWorld GB production costs, money has begun to roll in. I've dropped the smallest of small towns from my regular schedule (300 premium tickets makes a profit, anything below that is a waste) and started streaming Cardiff/Swansea shows every two weeks. Made $12k profit in December. I brought in Tommy Cornell Jr, with the idea of beating him like a typical 19 year old rookie. However, he brought Rhys Pendragon with him on his first show, and then I noticed Tommy Cornell Classic was available. Retired. Unemployed after the death of 21CW. Only $900 per show, at a time when I have that kind of spare cash floating around. They've come in as a main event group. Rhys quickly took the Dragon King belt, while the Cornells are feuding with my avatar, who is on a booze-fuelled quest to defeat Jr. The angles far surpass anything I've had so far, while the matches are... Solid. Their hefty price tag comes from being popular in other places, not Wales, so they aren't doing anything $100 Rhys Vali can't do. But I haven't booked a Cornell since TEW2008. There's novelty to this. I also spent cash on plane tickets, flying some Unemployed Australian girls over to work with Blair Kerrigan. Like every wrestling woman in Europe, they're rusty, but it's freshening up the shows. I may be losing some Welsh identity. Dragon FLIGHT has already stopped being a high flying promotion, with bog standard UK Technicians beating them in ratings. Neville Jones is annoyed at slipping down the card and happy to let me know it. Rhys Vali is kind of a menace backstage. Bat Cooper got fired for showing up drunk for his only main event all year. I get into frequent fights with Aurelian Bradley in booking meetings. Now I'm starting 2027, and I have to somehow hit Medium by December. I'm not even sure it's possible, given limits on monthly pop growth. I think I'm on 46 pop now, and need to be 59. This could be my last year in Dragon FLIGHT whether I want it or not. Running weekly might be the play to try to get my booking reputation up, although I don't know whether quantity, quality, or size are the most rewarded. I'm only on 19 reputation so far.
  14. Pick one to start, then change gimmicks every few years. That's what I did to get some extra feeling of progression in my game. Two years as wrestling referee Judgement Dragon, then three years as evil sheep Ovis Lividus. Now I've lightened up as more of a party animal... Need to come up with a name. And a new mask.
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