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how about television relationships

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I like the idea, I think it could be enhanced by introducing the whole network umbrella thing, where if you sign a tv deal with one of the channels in an umbrella, you could have one shot deals with bigger channels in their network, or have a shorter show on a smaller channel without having to go through the whole negotiation process of a new show. This might actually help you get that second tv show you want even when the economy and the industry are down.
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i think there would have to be a HUGE downside to this to be honest. Maybe the person has to go over, be put in main event matches and get a title run. Basicly make creative controll but the network tells you what you would have to do with the person. I don't think it should be as easy as here is alot of money fell free to do with it what you want.
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[QUOTE=Stennick;373910]Yeah exactly, everything has to have a give and a take. They give you the worker but then the network sets goals for this worker. Main events so many ppvs', has a title run lasting so long, etc.[/QUOTE] I think that they would be more likely to suggest that they appear on a minimum number of TV shows. Maybe being used at least two or three times a month, probably barring circumstances lie injury or whatever.
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I think it would have to depend on how much the company payed. maybe like ten percent they can say use atleast x number of shows. twenty percent they can say x number of shows and x number of victoys. thirty percent all shows ppv and x number of "main events". all the way up to say fifty percent where they basicly say this man is the star of the show and make him your champion.
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[QUOTE=alden;373933]I think it would have to depend on how much the company payed. maybe like ten percent they can say use atleast x number of shows. twenty percent they can say x number of shows and x number of victoys. thirty percent all shows ppv and x number of "main events". all the way up to say fifty percent where they basicly say this man is the star of the show and make him your champion.[/QUOTE] I agree with most of that. But my point was that I don't think the TV network would care if the guy was on PPV. They put him there to draw ratings on TV.
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i like this and it does happen alot i don't know about how many times a tv network pays for a wrestler but the relation ship i see and then again if the owner has a bad relationship with a owner of a tv network they wouldn't take u on also if u do ****ty ratings they should kick u off air and even if u get better have a grudge against u for sometime and make u have smaller air time till the owner starts likeing u or even trusts u
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