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Gentlemen's view of the Sport of Wrestling (O- Verse)

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[B][SIZE="7"][CENTER]Gentlemen's view of the sport of Wrestling[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Hello Readers and welcome to Gentlemen’s view of Wrestling (Top hats and monocles required). As we enter the 20th century this magazine hopes to showcase to the world the delights of wrestling worldwide! In the coming years wrestling looks to expand greatly due to increased popularity after it was announced the Olympics is concerning it for it’s prestigious games and we shall be here to cover it! Welcome. In the coming months I shall report on new wrestlers debuting as well as wrestling shows. [B]OOC[/B]: This thread is a watcher diary from the Organic Verse. Let’s see what happens. [B]April 1900:[/B] Dear readers, it has become known to me, Winston Wrestleworth, that some new wrestlers have debuted, they are: [B]Estaban Nietno:[/B] A Charismatic High flyer in Mexico [B]BatBoy:[/B] Some odd young chap in Scotland is going around calling himself “Batboy”. By all accounts he’s an all right high flyer. [B]Leon McKing[/B]= is the first Hard hitting Technician [B]Marvin Hawkins[/B]= is a fan favourite oddity high flyer [B]Frank Cronin[/B]= is a man of epic Charisma who has debuted. [B]May 1900[/B]= I was amazed by the performance of a Miss. Lille Langtry, Actress, when she played here in London after a splendid run in Washington America. Her role as a dissolute courtesan in the "The Degenerates was truly excellent. It was also at this time I heard of a Mr. Frank Cronin, a rather good wrestler in American. Kept your eyes and minds peeled readers. But now readers let us return to the sporting world. As you may already be aware, a Mr. Jim Jeffries of the USA is the current World Heavyweight Boxing champion. He won the title last June by beating British born Bob Fitzsimmons. He has just retained his title in New York after beating former World Champion James J. Corbett after 23 rounds with a right to the jaw. May the world's interest in sport continue! How hark, the second ever Olympics are coming soon! [B]June 1900:[/B] [B]Edmundo Lozano[/B]= Is a Powerhouse brawler oddball “rudo”, whatever that is… [B]Brandon Manna[/B]= the original fantastic looking c0cky heel High Flyer, with a possible nemesis in Tobias Vukovic [B]Jeffery Lawler[/B]= First Wrestler to get into trouble with the law [B]July 1900[/B]= Dear Readers I have just come back from the Paris Olympics and what a show of sport it was! The USA won 16 gold medals, merry old Britain won 4 gold medals and those wily French dominated the minor sports as the host nation. Britain’s own Charlotte Cooper was the first female Olympic champion, winning gold in singles tennis. Will Women ever wrestle? This reporter can only pray… [B]Hugo Mazur[/B]= A strong European Brawler [B]August 1900[/B]= America wins Tennis's Davis Cup 3-0 [B]Herbert Smash[/B]= Heel Machine [B]Enrique Garrido[/B]= First legit athlete in wrestling, a former Mexican soccer player [B]Nov 1900[/B]= Perhaps not Sporting news, but an article interesting to our young Gentlemen worldwide non the less, it has become know to this reporter that women are abandoning strait laced corsets and stuffy bustles in favour of knickerbockers, giving women the freedom to work and play. Interestingly, this also means the hemline is slowly creeping up above the ankle, o joy! [B]Ukyo Okura[/B]= First loyalty to a region. Tahoka is the poorest Japanese region but has a very high population. The free spirit Okura loves entertaining them. [B]Antonio Storm[/B]= Super Hot Future "match maker" and Owner [B]Dec 1900[/B]= [B]Domination[/B]= Superb High Flyer from Canada. What an odd name [B]Jan 1901[/B]= Queen Victoria dies. This is truly an end of era. [B]Sumio Sugawara[/B]= Great Colour reporter and match maker [B]Paul Green[/B]= A star "match maker" [B]Alice Massive[/B]= is a respected beautiful looking great “match maker” who has an attitude problem really. [B]Mokichi Torisei[/B]= A star “match maker” [B]Jan Thomson[/B]= He is a total “match making” package, A star charisma, A star looks, B+ Booking. WILL BE HUGE ONE DAY [B]Tomoaki Inaba[/B]= Great, Great all round talent, but unfortunately no looks or star quality. [B]Emilio Rodriguez[/B]= Not quite the greatest worker, but works his bottom off in the ring. Great personality and great look. [B]Bandito[/B]= Talented young man, looks and star quality could hold him back [B]Adam Clean[/B]= Same as Bandito [B]Dean Helmsley[/B]= Average Technician, awesome charisma. Not looks or star quality though. This era may not be for him. [B]Leroy Clark[/B]= Ok talent. Great Charismatic, who the fans love to hate. [B]Kevin Bowen[/B]= Great high-flyer, great in ring skills, amazing charisma. Defiantly one To watch [B]Sept 1901[/B]= The USA President McKinley is shot, Roosevelt is now President [B]Gloria Cook and Laurie Hall[/B]= First two great women's wrestlers [B]Mario York[/B]= Great colour commentary [B]Luis Blanco[/B]= Good high flyer [B]Oct 1901[/B]= First Black man (Booker T. Washington) dines at the White house. [B]Dec 1901[/B]= King Camp Gillette begins marketing his new razor. Appartly it's "The best a young Gentleman can get". [B]Jan 1902[/B]= the first French soccer team ever play it’s first match against England and lose 4-0. Whats cads. [B]Luis Blanco[/B]= A Good high flyer [B]Floyd Levesque[/B]= A man with good charisma [B]Gail Anderson[/B]= Absolutely greatfemale wrestler, good as any man in the ring today. Damn this era’s view of women… [B]Sui Kai[/B]= Female Japanese high flyer [B]Clinton Diaz[/B]= Former Rugby player, an absolutely savage in the ring. A big fan favourite [B]Owner Man 1[/B] gets into trouble with the police. There is much shame in the Great lakes of America. [B]Clifford Charisma[/B]= Good American Flyer [B]Jesus Martinez[/B]= Good Mexican Brawler and Technician [B]Duane Hannigan[/B]= Charismatic Technician, Good Looking [B]Edgar Long[/B]= High flyer [B]Matt Davis[/B]= Poor Wrestler, Great Match Maker [B]Kenzo Yasukawa[/B]= Great Japanese Hard hitter
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[COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][B]WEU (Western Europe)[/B] presents a show of RAW POWER from the Plaza La Navarre in front of 1000 spectators. Dean Helmsley def. Hugo Mazur E Floyd Levesque def. Harvey Kelly for the WEU European title after a double axe handle strike to the head of Kelly E Kevin Bowen def. Tobias Vukovic E+ Leon McKing def. Valterri O’Connor E Francis Bagwell def. Duane Perry for the WEU World heavyweight title after a well locked in knee bar submission E+ Overall show rating E+[/COLOR] Bagwell is a talent less cad in this reporter’s opinion. He is quite well known in the region as a notorious charlatan. He shall have to impress me in coming months. For the first wrestling show ever this was quite an entertaining event, so let us hope young gentlemen reader’s that we shall see so much more. [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][B]Tuesday, Week 2, May 1902[/B] [B]WEU [/B]presents a show of Extreme Warfare from the Plaza La Navarre in front of 1000 spectators. Floyd Levesque def. Harvey Kelly in a rematch from last month to retain the WEU European title after forearm to the nose of Kelly, which appear to hurt him greatly. It may even have been broken. E Dean Helmsley def. Hugo Mazur E Kevin Bowen def. Tobias Vukovic in a thrilling rematch from last month. Bowen defeated Vukovic after he jumped over Vukovic as Vukovic foolishly charged him and struck him with both legs in a bell clap fashion. Amazing ending to the match as Bowen got Vukovic down for a pin D- Leon McKing def. Valterri O’Connor E Francis Bagwell def. Duane Perry in a rematch from last month to retain the WEU World heavyweight title. Bagwell was again victorious after he once again got a well locked in knee bar submission. Perry needs to find some way to avoid the deadly submission. E+ Overall show rating: E+[/COLOR] After the show I met and interviewed a Mr. Tobias Vukovic about his speculator loss to a Mr. Kevin Bowen. A was quite disappointed to hear from Mr. Vukovic, who is fluent in 5 languages, that he boasts that he is the most talented wrestler in all of western Europe and that he shall be World Heavyweight Champion “sooner than we all think”. Mr. Vukovic has quite an arrogant manner even outside the ring. Mr. Bowen was unavailable for an interview but we should congratulate him for his achievements. From what I hear about town the man is quite free spirited and well respected. [B]Wednesday, Week 3, May 1902[/B] Yours truly had the pleasure of interviewing up and coming Mexican wrestler Estaban Nietno, who is on a trip to the UK, about his work. One of the interesting comments he made was that he loved the thrill of his first match in a region. He’d better be careful or his heart could explode from his thrills! [B]May 1902[/B]: In glorious news, Women have won the right to be bar maids again in Glasgow. I may just head right up there myself! [B]June 1902[/B]: Louis Stanley and Andre Batch debut, two talented high flyers Also reports are coming in that some Japanese Wrestlers are becoming loyal to just one region. The cads will never earn money, fame and glory that way! [COLOR="green"][B]Saturday, Week 2, June 1902[/B] [B]EEU (Eastern Europe)[/B] presents a show of Damage from the Upper Krasnodar Arena in front of 1000 spectators. Dean Helmsley def. Hugo Mazur Rating: E Andre Batch and Harvey Kelly def. Valterri O’Connor and Tobias Vukovic in a “Tag Team” match to become the EEU International Tag Champions. Batch used a “School Boy” roll up to pin O’Connor. Very skilful. Rating: E Leon McKing def. Floyd Levesque after a German Suplex to become EEU Nationwide Champion. Rating: E Kevin Bowen def. Darryl Gorman Rating: E Francis Bagwell def. Clinton Diaz after using his patented Knee bar submission to become EEU Universal Champion Rating: E+[/COLOR] At first readers I was a little disappointed by this EEU show because it had paired once again Dean Helmsley and Hugo Mazur off. However the night would become very, very interesting. EEU has created the concept of “Tag” wrestling, where two wrestler work together against another two wrestlers. Wrestler face each other like a normal match except they made take a break and “Tag” in a team mate to face their opponent. This made for interesting viewing and I can see the concept taking off in other wrestling regions. EEU felt the concept could work so well they made the team of Batch and Kelly champions. The championship must have felt like redemption for Kelly who lost two WEU European Championship matches previously. Some of the fans referred to Batch and Kelly as “The Scooby Gang” as their corner man is a Mr. John Scooby of Hull, England. Mr. Scooby is heard to be quite an entertaining man with quite the dog impression. Another interesting part of the night saw Leon McKing defeat WEU European Champion Floyd Levesque to become EEU Nationwide Champion. This may interest WEU in bring in McKing for a series of matches to establish who has the best mid level champion. And in the final match of the night Mr. Bagwell proved himself to be a successful wrestler when he won his second championship in only three months when he used that deadly Knee bar submission. Let us hope Mr. Bagwell does not become to dependant on that knee bar or an opponent may figure a way around it. After the show had finished this reporter heard rumours from certain sources that a Mr. Dean Helmsley is expected to mature into quite the wrestler. We readers could cite his three straight wins over Mr. Hugo Mazur as proof of this. [B]Tuesday, Week 3, June 1902[/B] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]WEU presents a show of “Troupe le Monde” from the Plaza La Navarre in front of 1000 spectators. Dean Helmsley def. Hugo Mazur Rating: E Floyd Levesque def. Leon McKing to retain the WEU European title after he forearmed McKing many times in the head when he attempted to Germen Suplex Levesque. E+ Harvey Kelly def. Tobias Vukovic E Kevin Bowen def. Valterri O’Connor E+ Francis Bagwell def. Duane Perry to retain the WEU World Heavyweight title after a Knee Bar submission. Perry looked as if he was about to escape the hold when Bagwell knocked him back down and reapplied the pressure of the hold. E+ Overall Show Rating: E+[/COLOR] It was interesting that this week it was Levesque who defeated McKing. I talked with many in the crowd and they believe that Spain (WEU’s area) may becoming Levesque’s “home ground”, where he feels most comfortable. Levesque seems to be the crowd favourite in both EEU and WEU while people seem not to like the arrogant manner of McKing, who the crowd has turned against. This has quickly turned into a battle of WEU’s European Championship against EEU’s Nationwide Championship. [B]Sunday, Week 1, July 1902[/B] [COLOR="green"][B]EEU (Eastern Europe)[/B] presents a true “Adrenaline Rush” from the Upper Krasnodar Arena in front of 1000 spectators. Dean Helmsley def. Hugo Mazur Rating: E Leon McKing def. Valterri O’Connor to retain the EEU Nationwide Championship after McKing used a Germen Suplex. E Harvey Kelly def. Darryl Gorman E Andre Batch def. Tobias Vukovic E Kevin Bowen def. Floyd Levesque after a leg sweep E+ Francis Bagwell def. Clinton Diaz to retain his EEU Universal Championship after Diaz escaped Bagwell’s famous Knee bar only to be trapped in an Arm bar. D-[/COLOR] Overall Show Rating: E+ Kevin Bowen seems to progressing nicely. His big win over Levesque is his 5th straight win. Bagwell and Diaz had an excellent match. I truly believed that Diaz could have turned things around when he escaped the Knee bar yet sadly he fell to that Arm bar. [B]Tuesday, Week 3, July 1902[/B] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][B]WEU [/B]“Broke it down” from the Plaza La Navarre in front of 1000 spectators. Hugo Mazur def. Dean Helmsley Rating: E Harvey Kelly def. Tobias Vukovic E Floyd Levesque def. Leon McKing to retain his WEU European Championship after a running “clothesline” strike from Levesque E+ Kevin Bowen def. Valterri O’Connor after a leg sweep E+ Francis Bagwell def Duane Perry to retain his WEU World Heavyweight Championship after he feinted going for a Knee bar only to lock in an Arm bar. D-[/COLOR] Wow, this gentleman was shocked by Hugo Mazur finally get a win over Dean Helmsley. A big win for the carrer of that man, [B]August 1902:[/B] John London and Taroemon Ishibashi, two great high flyers, debut in the wrestling world.
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[COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][B]Monday, Week 2, August 1902[/B] WEU goes past the “Pain Barrier” from the Plaza La Navarre in front of 1000 spectators John London def. Hugo Mazur E+ Tobias Vukovic def. Harvey Kelly E+ Leon McKing def. Floyd Levesque for the WEU European Championship after a German Suplex with a bridge for a pin E+ Kevin Bowen def. Valterri O’Connor E+ Francis Bagwell def. Duane Perry to retain his WEU World Heavyweight Championship after Bagwell clotheslined Perry and then locked in his Leg Bar submission hold. D- Overall Show E+[/COLOR] Gentlemen, I must say, I am stunned and shocked. Somehow, somehow, Tobias Vukovic has managed to win a match…but not only that, but Mister Leon McKing is the new WEU European Champion. The tension in the ring during the match was incredible and the 1,000 man strong crowd were in disbelief as EEU Nationwide Champion Leon McKing upset the fan favourite. McKing celebrated wildly with the belt, but shockingly when Levesque offered a sporting handshake McKing pretended not to see and continued to celebrate before leaving. This caused some jeers from the crowd at that show of arrogance. Who knows now what will happen between those two men. Also, begrudgingly I think I must admit that Mr. Francis Bagwell is improving and his matches are becoming quite entertaining to watch. It could even be said he deserves to hold both the WEU World Heavyweight and EEU Universal Championships. [B]Tuesday, Week 3, August 1902[/B] Today is a proud day in Mexico as the first ever Lucha Libre (Meaning “Free Fighting”, but is actually a form of Wrestling, similar to the British style in some ways) took place. Your Gentleman in the field, Winston Wrestleworth, was there to report on this. [COLOR="Red"][B]NMEX (Northern Mexico)[/B] presents Relámpico from the National Arena, Tijuana in front of 1,763 spectators. This show was recorded for Radio. Emilio Rodriguez def. Edmundo Lozano E Ramón Rubio and El Generico #7 def. Bandito and Estaban Nietno E+ Jesus Martinez def. Gonzalo Rey for the NMEX Mexican title after a vicious suplex E+ Luis Blanco def. Benito Ferrer for the NMEX Universal title after “small package” pin D- Overall Show E+[/COLOR] I found this event in Mexico quite entertaining readers. The concept of “Tag teams” has been transported here from East Europe and could well be part of Lucha Libre in times to come. The matches themselves were entertaining yet even I could spot that the winners of the last two matches were not favoured by the huge crowd. I could see the arrogance of Martinez and Blanco just in the way the carried themselves to the ring and how they treated the referee. Blanco had the gall once to question the referee on one of his counts, claiming it was “slow”. Interesting, this show was recorded for Radio and shall be listened to by many in Mexico when broadcast soon. [COLOR="Green"][B]Wednesday, Week 3, August 1902[/B] [B]EEU (Eastern Europe)[/B] presents a “Forsaken” show from the Upper Krasnodar Arena in front of 1000 spectators. Hugo Mazur def. Darryl Gorman E Tobias Vukovic def. Harvey Kelly E Leon McKing def. Floyd Levesque to retain the EEU Nationwide Championship after McKing and Levesque were caught in a struggle in a collar and elbow tie up until McKing slipped out and gave Levesque a German Suplex. E+ Francis Bagwell def. Clinton Diaz to retain his EEU Universal Championship D- Kevin Bowen and Andre Batch def. Valterri O’Connor and Duane Perry E+ Overall Show E+[/COLOR] Personally I found the last match a bit odd. Having it, as the last match was strange after the main attraction of the Universal Championship was held beforehand. Never the less the match went on. It was a good but brutal match. In fact afterwards the organisers told me that a Mr. Andre Batch suffered a Hernia from this match and shall be forced to vacant his EEU International Tag Championship and not wrestle for about two months. No doubt this will upset co-holder of the Championship a Mr. Harvey Kelly, who seems to be having a spell of poor luck. I wish Mr. Batch a speedy return from injury. [B][COLOR="Green"]Monday, Week4, August 1902 NMEX (Northern Mexico)[/B] presents Relámpico from the Gutierrez Community Center in South East Mexico in front of 137 spectators. This show was recorded for Radio. Estaban Nietno def. Edmundo Lorano E+ Gonzalo Rey def. Emilio Rodriguez E+ Jesus Martinez went to a double count out with Benito Ferrer D- Luis Blanco def. El Generico #7 to retain the NMEX Universal title. D-[/COLOR] A very interesting match in Martinez and Ferrer, Ferrer and Martinez both exhausted themselves in their all out match when suddenly they both went to clothesline each other. Afterwards neither could pick themselves off the ground to answer the 10 count. It was an interesting change of pace from what I normally see in Europe. It appears the Mexican style is a lot about using your weight to overpower your opponent.
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