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TEW Pic Pack: On A Mission.

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Okay, Long time lurker here and reader. I've never been able to find a pic pack that seems to have everybody or close to it. Seeing as how panix04 attempted something similar but wasn't able to fully dedicate himself to it.. i've decided to try and step up. Here's my idea of how I want it to go down. - Since everyone seems to have a favorite mod pack, let's all choose one that we like as a whole. I'm thinkin' TEW-Zone. Or if you all know of any more current ones, do let me know. - I would need about 9 additional people (more are welcomed, but i'm tryin to aim low LOL) for a total of 10 including myself. - There are around 4,000 workers in the TEW-Zone file if I recall correctly. Therefore, with ten people doing about 20 cuts a day, we could have an ENTIRE picture package within A MONTH! - I would then send out the list of 20 workers to the people who are willing and we'd go from there. If there's anybody that couldn't be found, they'd just make a note of it and then at the end of the month or so, we'd all do a scramble to find the missing people. - It may not appeal to others, but i'd want this done all from scratch. Reason is, it seems a popular decision to have 3 - 4 different backgrounds for each picture and me being the anal-retentive person I am; it'd be much easier as the cut would already be done to paste them on 4 different backgrounds. Also could include alternative pictures if the cutter was up for it such as Steve Austin.jpg , Steve Austin_2.jpg , Steve Austin_3.jpg and so-forth - I would then take all the pictures.. assign the pictures to the appropriate profile in TEW and then upload the data and pictures (so that whenever anyone else downloads it, everything is pretty much set. You wouldn't have to go through each worker and set the picture) - I'm not looking to do any data changing or whatever.. that'd be completely up to y'all. I'm just trying to get something started. It would be ideal for alot of people if they had a COMPLETE picture pack without having to download several different ones which end up having extra's anyway thus cluttering up the folder. If anyone is interested, please just reply to this thread. I'm not looking for expert cutters as i'm not an expert. Something that is passable though and not pixelated or stretched or whatever is the only requirement If we get enough people willing to contribute, like I said, this could be done in as little as a MONTH! Not too shabby if you ask me. Plus, it gives us something to do while waiting for the next installment of TEW! What do ya think?!
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okay.. but what's that got to do with what i'm attempting to accomplish? Obviously the demand for new tna / wwe pics is high.. but within a month, how many new pictures could become available? And it's not so much having new pictures available, it's having one whole complete set (or sets if people choose multiple backgrounds) without having to sift through a bunch of extra pictures. If people choose to override them with their new pics, then so-be-it.. but this would be a start. I think the group effort would come in handy for the 'lack of source pics' problem. If there was a picture you couldn't find within a reasonably quick amount of time, then just skip and make a note of it.. then at the end of the month or whenever it'd be done, we'd all gradually look for those people. The main gripe seems to be people wanting pictures of all the same background.. i've searched extensively, there is no such pic pack like that (those that are, are quite out-of-date) so this would pretty much please everybody. But anyway, if you don't agree.. fine.
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