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I am trying my first crack at SWF for soemthing different. I knew from the start I was going to job the hell out of this guy cuz I hate that in every game I do he ends up SWF World Champ. So here I am 2, months in and Eric Eisen is 0-9. The thing that is killing me is he is still a C+ across the board. Every person that has beat him has had less overness then him. He is even averaging a B in his matches with 1 A* against Elmo Benson. He's making a believer out of me I guess.
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[QUOTE=sabataged;374586]I am trying my first crack at SWF for soemthing different. I knew from the start I was going to job the hell out of this guy cuz I hate that in every game I do he ends up SWF World Champ. So here I am 2, months in and Eric Eisen is 0-9. The thing that is killing me is he is still a C+ across the board. Every person that has beat him has had less overness then him. He is even averaging a B in his matches with 1 A* against Elmo Benson. He's making a believer out of me I guess.[/QUOTE] Just like overness caps, there's probably a low point to his overness that he just won't go below, however much you job him out, and it sounds like you reached it. Don't know definitely if this is the case with TEW07 because I've only played ROF and don't really pay too much attention to overness, but I know in 05 I used to enjoy when a fairly talentless worker, or an ageing worker had reached a point where he wouldn't go any lower. Could use him to bring up all the less over workers.
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Eric Eisen Eric Eisen seems to be guy that just don't seem to lose overness even if you job him out. In my game 2007 his averaged B matches with 4 A* matches and now in 2008 he averaged B+ matches with several A* matches. I even gave him North American championship (literally gave, after Rich Money changed it to World title shot) and feared that he would lower the prestige of the title but he started pulling A matches left and right. Maybe SWF have just so talented roster that anybody can pull Eric to good match.
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