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tougher at war opponents

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I find that that the promotions never really try and hurt me ever. I been feuding with TNA right now(i am a cult promotion) and i wish they could do more to hurt me than just not let me sign there talent away. Hostile: current level of war. you can't have workers working for both companies. Rival: you run shows against eachother. Kind of like before the war(around 80-early 90's). WCW would run MSG while WWE would run hammerstine ball room on the same night. Each would try and: out addvertise/out book/ and in turn, out draw his opponent. Something like there is only so much room in 1 location in 1 night, and there has to be a winner. War: Now you are playing for keeps. Each promotion can do considerable harm to the other. They need to be able to give away results, talk **** about the other promotion/wrestlers, do gilberg type stuff, pull a Rude(show up on both shows)... the other levels(rivel/hostile) stuff would also be in effect. Would help generate more of a rival between promotions. I would also expand on the "at war" feature. Doing levels to it. something like...:
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[quote=Adam's Developer's Journal] #3: National Battle One feature that should prove an additional level of strategy to the game is the new National Battle system. In layman's terms, "this town ain't big enough for the three of us!" A National Battle scenario occurs whenever a game area becomes home to three or more promotions who are above Cult size. As no industry can support that many titans, it becomes a war zone. At the end of every month all the eligible promotions are rated based upon the best show they have produced in the past four weeks. It then becomes a domino effect: whichever promotion comes first damages everyone below them; the second-placed promotion damages everyone below them; and so on. Of course, the worst place to be is last, as that means you take damage from every promotion above you, but don't get to damage anyone else. "Damage", in this situation, entails a loss of popularity in each region of the area in question. The amount is greater if the winner was already more popular, smaller if the winner was less popular. If the winning promotion has less prestige, it can also steal some from the losing promotion. Of course, the cumulative effect of this is that eventually the losses will cause one of the promotions to fall back to Cult size and out of the battle. There are certain extras at play. Firstly, if two promotions already have a War relationship, any damage done during a battle is automatically increased by 50%. If two promotions have a friendly relationship, no damage is done. There are also 'warming up' and 'cooling down' periods. When a promotion first rises to National size, it has a one month warming up period to get ready for the coming battle; during this time, it is exempt from taking part. This allows the company time to get ready. Furthermore, when a promotion falls back to Cult size, it enters a mandatory cooling down period. This is a six month time frame where the promotion cannot rise back to National size (even if it achieves the necessary popularity). This stops promotions zig-zagging between Cult and National, and makes losing the national battle all the more painful! The monthly "battle results" are available for everyone to see, in the form of a league table of sorts. The reason for this feature is to stop games becoming "top-heavy", i.e. loaded with big, successful promotions. In previous games it seemed to be the case that once you'd attained National status, your worries were over; or as King Louie eloquently put it, "I've reached the top and had to stop, and that's what's bothering me." Now you will have things to deal with; establishing yourself in the first place, potentially having to fight the big dogs that are already there, and then watching your back as up-and-coming promotions try to take you down. It also adds a huge amount of strategy when making your company a power player; it's no longer good enough to reach National size and then start slowly enhancing your roster, as chances are you might be just 28 days away from having to fight established super-powers. Furthermore, having your star workers stolen becomes even more dramatic, as not only does their loss hurt you, it actively helps your opponents attack you. In short, this feature adds a whole new set of strategy, worries, and challenges for the big promotions, putting an end to their relatively easy life. [/quote] Just thought I'd point this out in case you missed it in the dev. journal. I think this will address what you might be looking for, as smaller feds at war with each other is either storyline (ROH vs CZW) with no real animosity toward each other or they just aren't powerful enough to do any real damage if it is real.
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[QUOTE=takertitan;374615]I find that that the promotions never really try and hurt me ever. I been feuding with TNA right now(i am a cult promotion) and i wish they could do more to hurt me than just not let me sign there talent away. Hostile: current level of war. you can't have workers working for both companies. Rival: you run shows against eachother. Kind of like before the war(around 80-early 90's). WCW would run MSG while WWE would run hammerstine ball room on the same night. Each would try and: out addvertise/out book/ and in turn, out draw his opponent. Something like there is only so much room in 1 location in 1 night, and there has to be a winner. War: Now you are playing for keeps. Each promotion can do considerable harm to the other. They need to be able to give away results, talk **** about the other promotion/wrestlers, do gilberg type stuff, pull a Rude(show up on both shows)... the other levels(rivel/hostile) stuff would also be in effect. Would help generate more of a rival between promotions. I would also expand on the "at war" feature. Doing levels to it. something like...:[/QUOTE] Not to be a nitpicker, but WWF has been the only game in town wrestling wise when it comes to MSG for over 50 years now. And WCW was only dumb enough to try to break into the Manhattan market on 1 occasion that I remember in the 1990's...
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To be fair WCW only did it once because it blew up in their face. If it had been successful they would have done it more often. Same goes for working in the same territories, it was done a few times but when DX invaded WCW it pretty much marked an end to the two promotions running events in the same town because WCW wasn't going to be invaded twice and the WWF didn't need to hold places where WCW was. HOWEVER if the roles were reversed and WCW had come out on top during that skit it probably would have marked an escalation of the practice simply because it would have been beneficial for WCW to do so.
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I have tried to get the idea of improved AI into the game numerous times, and I'm sure everyone would agree. Adam prolly wants the AI to be better too, but it's probably a b*tch to code. :D it's true we don't have war irl for the moment, but the C-Verse 2007 has it (obviously), so it should be an option. 'War' in TEW07 is really a breeze. No matter who you'll play, you'll end up winning it, whatever it means.
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