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First Ever Attempt at a Diary (SWF)

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I have never done a TEW Dynasty before so I am trying something new here.  When I set out to start this game, I had every intention just to do a regular game.  I decided to try something different for me and try an entertainment based fed.  So enter Supreme Championship Wrestling.  This is a complete work in progress, both the diary, and the actual game play.  Like I mentioned before I wasn't going to do a diary so we pick this SWF game up two months in.  It is March 1st.

Here is log for workers hired, and fired.  I usually try and keep a pretty small roster to get the most out of them so thats why there are so many firings...


Main Roster Hirings (Brief Description Why or whatever)

Playboy Jake Sawyer - Basically I like managers and he is one of the best

Shane Sneer - Same as above

Jenny Playmate - Same as above

Dharma Gregg - Same as above

Shawn Gonzalez - For some unknown reason DaVe cut him in the first week.

Hell Monkey - I meant to sign him to developmental but yeah I am dumb and screwed up in the contract signing.

Stevie Grayson - One of my favorite C-Verse wrestlers and always great for tag teams.

Jungle Jack - A good undercard guy for the future

Grandmaster Phunk - Great entertainer with passable in ring skills.

Jack Griffith - Probably the top free agent out there.

Wolf Hawkins - Cut by TCW off the bat for some reason I don't know.

JD Morgan - Stolen from DaVe when I signed Joel Bryant away from TCW to make them a tag team

Marat Khoklav - Signed away from INSPIRE

Joel Bryant - Stolen away from TCW (In my edited data I make Archie Head Booker for fun sake lol)

Troy Tornado - Contract came up and I about **** my pants, and in the process stole him from TCW

Sean McFly - See above times 10.

RIPW Hirings

  • Steven Parker
  • Steve Gumble
  • Harry Allen
  • Aaron Andrews
  • Sara Silver
  • Mainstream Hernandez
  • Champagne Lover
  • Rhino Umaga
  • Darryl Devin
  • Jacob Jett
  • American Elemental
  • Sean Deeley
  • William Hayes
  • The Natural
  • Cameron Vessey

Main Roster Firings

  • Big Smack Scott - He's horrible I knew he would just bloat my roster cuz I wouldn't use him.
  • Andre Jones - Should be in RIPW so I am going to wait 6 months and try to rehire him
  • The Guru - Brought in other managers
  • Shane Stones - Too many refs
  • Duane Fry - Too many announcers
  • Mikel Alonso - Had nothing for him
  • Shady K - Didnt really want big brawlers for my undercard/tags
  • Knuckles - See above
  • Lead Belly - Was going to keep him and his partner but decided to throw DaVe a bone
  • Grease Hogg - See above

RIPW Firings

  • Atlas
  • The Natural (got hurt for over a year his 2nd week in RIPW)


Current Champions -

World Heavyweight - Christian Faith (beat Runaway Train at Nothing to Lose)

North American - Rich Money

Shooting Star - Zimmy Bumfhole

Tag Team - Youth Gone Wild (Wolf and Grayson)  (Beat The Biggz at Hell Freezes Over)



Matches of Note in the Past 2 Months (A* Matches - What Show)

  • d. (Jan Week 2 Supreme TV)
  • d. !!! (Hell Freezes Over dark match)
  • d. (Hell Freezes Over)
  • d. (Jan Week 3 Supreme TV)
  • d. (Feb Week 1 Supreme TV)
  • d. (Nothing To Lose)



I'll check back tomorrow with a back story and my first Supreme TV

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In 2001 Supreme Wrestling Federation was so popular and churning out so much money they decided to go public. Richard Eisen made this decision against the wishes of his wife, Susan, and his two children. The major league promoter could not be talked out of this move. So with this SWF went public and shares of the company began to get traded via the stock market. Of course Richard bought up 51% of the stocks to make himself the majority stock holder and to allow himself the freedom run things his way. With that being said, flash forward to February 2006. SWF manager Ana Garcia has just been recently promoted from manager to color commentator of Supreme TV. Many inside the company thought there was something fishy going on, and did not have faith in this move but no one had the guts to stand up Richard on one of his personal decisions. Rumors began circulating immediately about something fishy going on behind closed doors. Backstage people began speculating about an inappropriate relationship going on between Ana Garcia and the married boss, Richard Eisen. Of course it didn't take long for Susan Eisen to catch wind of this one. So in April of 2006, she hired several private investigators and after several months of surveillance and several incriminating photos/videos of the happy couple, Susan Eisen filed for divorce. In the final divorce agreement Susan Eisen was granted 26% of the shares in SWF. This left Richard Eisen with 25%, and making Susan Eisen the new Chief Operating Officer of SWF, and nothing Richard could do about it. So out of spite, in October of 2006 Susan began scouring the globe for a new head man to run the day to day operations for Richard Eisen. Her son Eric told her about a guy named Sebastion DeMarco who was once a SWF employee, who was doing big things for some indy feds out west, Susan decided she had to meet him. After a lengthy lunch Susan learned that Sebastion actually was hired for an on air position as backstage interviewer and things along that manner. From day one that he questioned some of the script that was given to him by Richard, he was in the dog house. Sebastion never made it on screen and was pushed backstage as a stage hand. Sebastion constantly was submitted ideas to the creative team but every time Richard learned who they were from he shot them down immediately. Eventually Sebastion just worked up the nerve to quit and try and make it some where else. Susan was convinced she found her man. Not only does he actually seem qualified for the job, her ex-husband already doesn't like him. Sounds like a perfect fit. The day she broke the news to Richard, every one thought he was going to have a heart attack. He flipped out smashing chairs, tables, and everything else in sight. Richard refused at first but once Susan reminded him about his double dipping, with his own talent contract, which was still another 5 years left. Susan threatened to sue him and make his life a living hell, possibly losing other shares in the company, Richard reluctantly stayed on. Unfortunately Jerry Eisen was also not pleased with this arrangement. The Eisen family was split in half over the divorce, Eric siding with mom, and Jerry siding with dad. Jerry decided he wasn't sticking around, and quit right away. Susan granted the release and allowed him to come back whenever he wanted. The very first thing that Sebastion did was fire Ana Garcia, and hire himself as the new color commentator. Things were damn sure going to change in SWF, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but it is sure going to be interesting.
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[CENTER][B]SUPREME TV[/B] Tuesday Week 1 March 2007 Preview... [B]Steve Frehley vs Marc Dubois[/B][/CENTER] Steve has been on a heck of a run lately just plowing through everyone. This week he takes on up and comer Marc Dubois who is looking to make a big impact himself. [CENTER][B]Zimmy Bumfhole vs Eisaku Kunomasu[/B][/CENTER] SWF has recently signed a working agreement with PGHW to trade off their talent. This is the first incarnation of such dealings. SWF's Shooting Star Champion, Zimmy Bumfhole goes against PGHW's Eisaku Kunomasu! [CENTER][B]Marat Kholov vs Randy Bumfhole[/B][/CENTER] After debuting last week as Jake Sawyers newest monster, one has to wonder what kind of plans of destruction Sawyer has in mind for the huge Marat. This weeks unfortunate soul is the dynamic Randy Bumfhole. [CENTER][B]Lobster Warrior vs Kurt Laramee[/B][/CENTER] Deeply drenched in his vicous battle with Rich Money, Lobster Warrior decides to take a break from that war to take on the undefeated (in 2007) Kurt Laramee. [B][CENTER]Sexual Agression vs High Concept[/CENTER][/B] Both teams are trying to make a name for theirselves in the tag team ranks, one could think that a win in this match could secrure them a tag title shot in the future. [CENTER][B]Jack Bruce vs Grandmaster Phunk [/B][/CENTER] The Phunky one has been seen backstage running down the awesome Jack Bruce lately. Jack finally got tired of this and has requested this match up. [B][CENTER]Rich Money vs Shawn Gonzalez[/CENTER][/B] Rich Money defends his North American title against Shawn Gonzalez in what should be a classic match up. [CENTER][B]Plus...[/B][/CENTER] Richard Eisen's Newest Plan for Christian Faith...Find out what the man in charge has in store for the greatest wrestler on the planet this week!
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