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I was going to start my final game on 07 with eithier SWF or TCW, but I have changed my mind and I am going to go DAVE. I just need a little help. Product - I want a product that will be able to include all size wrestlers, cheap finishes and angles etc. I also wanna be able to get a TV deal after mine goes. I am also going to have a woman's division. I want to make DAVE the biggest fed. I take it I will have to lower hardcore? After I play a month or to, I wanna bring back the Extreme belt and make it a high flyer or lightheavyweight belt, how do I do this? Any other good pointers would be nice, anyone who I must sign? I am going to keep the Belt on Eddie Peak for a while.
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I may be in the minority, but I really don't care for altering the product. DAVE is a cult hardcore fed, or it wouldn't be DAVE, it would be something else. I don't know if you're just talking about slight tweaks, but I think it's more fun to play with what you're given. A women's division is fine, but try to avoid the Alicia Strong vs. Wanda Fish feud, as neither really has a "cult" look. Here's a handful of good options for a DAVE women's division: Steph Blake- decent brawler and good athlete, but that's never going to get her a push in AAA. April Appleseed- a decent talent that nobody ever picks up. Susan Lee- a mediocre wrestler, but she has a unique look, being a former bodybuilder. Nina the Psycho Ballerina- a decent wrestler with a gimmick that could work great for DAVE. I think the key is to focus on female wrestlers that can work a hardcore/brawling style, with maybe some aerial thrown in. As far as the titles- that's easy. Go to the titles screen, hit "filter," toggle to "retired," and you'll see any inactive belts you currently have. Then just click on the belt and hit the "activate title" button to make it active.
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