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Killer goes Chaotic

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From the January Issue of Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine [quote]We here at Pro Wrestling Hits had the chance to sit down with Karen Killer, the "First Lady of Darkness" herself. PW: Welcome, Karen. KK: A pleasure to be here. PW: Let's get right to it: up until a few months ago, you were working at Mid Atlantic Wrestling with Rip Chord. Can you tell us what it was like to work with Rip? KK: Rip's a legend in this business, and he was great. For an owner, he was incredibly involved in every aspect of the business. Some guys kind of hang back and look at it as an investment, but that was never Rip's style. PW: What was the locker room environment like at MAW? KK: It was incredible. Nicole (Kiss) and I were the only girls on the roster, but we were never isolated- there weren't any pranks or big egos. We were like a big family. A big, weird family. And working for a promotion so small, it was a surreal experience sometimes. PW: So what have you been doing since your split with MAW? KK: I'm glad you asked. [b]I've actually been mining some of my contacts in the music industry to try to get financing for my own promotion. And without getting into the details, we'll be debuting in late January.[/b] PW: So, how similar to MAW is this promotion going to be? KK: Well, [b]I like that traditional, realistic approach, but one thing I always felt MAW was missing is appeal to a cult audience. So this is a little like MAW, but with a darker, edgier product.[/b] PW: Sort of an opposite to USPW? KK: (Laughs). Well that wasn't necessarily the goal, but it's a lot more physically intensive. PW: Can you tell us who is going to be involved with this new promotion? KK: Well, I don't want to spoil everything right off, but needless to say, we've got a few familiar faces from CZCW, and even a castaway or two from MAW. As far as big names, I can say [b]a certain Puerto Rican legend and a two time XFW champ who has lately become a big name in Canada as part of a tag team in CGC.[/b] PW: Do you have any plans to expand into television? KK: Absolutely. One of the things that bothered me about MAW is that there was so little exposure. What's the point of putting on great shows for the benefit of a hundred people? PW: Last question: are there any hard feelings between you and MAW owner Rip Chord? KK: Not at all. If there's anything I can do to help MAW, I want to do it. Des Davids, Steven Parker, all of those guys are the future of this business. I admire what Rip's doing, it's just not necessarily what I want to be doing. PW: Thank you for your time, Karen. KK: No problem.[/quote]
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It's got my attention so far. Karen Killer was always a favorite of mine in both 05 and 07. In fact, she has been on my roster of my NYCW diary almost since the beginning. Even though she doesn't play a big part in it visibly, she has been active in the game as a manager of lower level teams and wrestlers and part of the booking commitee and depending on the size promotion, she is an all around talent to use for commentary, manager, authority, etc. Good luck and I will be reading to see where this story goes. :D
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Chaotic Wrestling Presents: Rebellion! The show opens with a Good Charlotte soundalike, and Karen Killer comes down to moderate applause from the 2,000 in attendance here in Chicago. “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Chaotic Wrestling! I’m Karen Killer, the owner and general manager, and I’m here to welcome you to the future of this industry! Tonight, some of the best independent talents in the country get together with four titles on the line! It’s going to be one hell of a night, ladies and gentleman!” The crowd cheers as Karen makes her way back up the ramp. Rock Downpour and Sara Silver (who looks smoking hot) are at ringside for commentary, as the first match is ready to begin! Rating: E Match #1: Kristabel Plum vs. Vixxen The first match in Chaotic history is a #1 contendership match for the Chaotic Women’s title shot. Both of these women know each other from their days in AAA, and it shows as they trade a few holds. Vixxen takes control after a big suplex, but Plum fights back with a wheel kick that leaves both women down. Plum goes to work Vixxen with a chinlock, but Vixxen powers out of it. Vixxen with a couple of knee strikes connects and takes out Plum, but Plum fights out of a Fall of Reason and hits a leaping clothesline. Plum hits a bow and arrow lock, but can’t get the submission. Vixxen to her feet and goes for a clothesline, but Plum ducks it and hits the Plum Tucker for the 1-2-3! Kristabel Plum defeated Vixxen in 13:24 by pinfall with a Plum Tucker. D- Backstage, Tully Arthurs is desperately trying not to tear a muscle by warming up. A blonde girl (Vita) is next to him, telling him he’s going to be Chaotic’s first ever champion, tonight! The smarks in the audience all groan simultaneously at the thought. Rating: E- Match #2: Frankie Perez vs. Tully Arthurs vs. Titan vs. Rhino Umaga vs. Henry Bennett The crowd immediately makes it clear who they support, as Perez gets a huge pop, while even Arthurs, who is supposed to be a face, gets a mixed reaction. The match starts off as a general mess, with all five men going back and forth laying into each other with stiff strikes. Except for Arthurs, who mostly just waves his fist at Titan, who shows little interest in selling it. “You can’t wrestle!” is the first chant in Chaotic Wrestling history, but it’s not clear who it’s directed towards. In the meantime, Perez and Bennett are trading stiff as hell shots, and Rhino Umaga gets involved, tossing Bennett out of the ring. Umaga hits a huge suplex and goes for a quick cover, but Arthurs breaks it up. Tully hits some awful punches to Umaga’s head, but the Samoan looks mad as hell as he hooks an arm and hits an impressive one-armed release suplex. Arthurs lands awkwardly and rolls out of the ring, holding his shoulder. Bennett is back in and hits a high dropkick to Rhino, taking him down. Bennett locks in an STF on Umaga, but Perez is back in and breaks it up. While Arthurs and Titan continue to brawl outside, Perez hits the perfect parity on Bennett to get the 1-2-3! Winner and new Champion: Frankie Perez. Ranking: D (Notes: Arthurs is improving at performance skills, Titan is improving in technical skills) Perez remains in the ring celebrating, but Umaga is to his feet, and hits a brutal shoulder tackle, and follows that up with some kicks, obviously displeased. Rating: E Backstage, Sgt. Bubba Lee West is decked out in his military gear, wearing a camo jacket and no shirt underneath. “At ease, soldiers! Tonight, Sgt. Bubba Lee, the toughest sonofabitch to ever enter a wrestling ring, goes after Gareth Wayne and that freak Primal Rage. Gareth, you got the haircut, but you gotta lose about 25 pounds of ******* before you’d be ready to go to war. You think fighting a few squint-eyed bastards makes you a tough guy? Try getting shot at, you redneck bastard. And Primal Rage, you think you’re hardcore because you fought a few guys in Halloween costumes on Hollywood Boulevard? I’ve seen second day trainees in the Army Reserve with more to brag about. So Gareth, Primal, you both march your asses out to the ring, because they’re about to be drilled!” Rating: E Match #3: Gareth Wayne vs. Bubba Lee West and Primal Rage for the Chaotic Hardcore Title Gareth Wayne brings out the shopping cart full of assorted garbage, and the match is on. Yield sign to the face from Primal Rage to Wayne takes him down. Bubba Lee punches the yield sign down and hits mounted punching and Rage is busted open already. He’s the first to juice in Chaotic Wrestling history! Bubba makes the cover, but Wayne is there to break it up (actually, he was late and the ref held his hand for an extra second). Wayne and Bubba trade punches, each of them no-selling the other. Primal Rage comes diving in with a double clothesline that leaves all three men down. God, Bubba really opened up Rage with those punches. Bubba tosses Rage out of the ring and hits a 3-point charge that gets a 2-count on Wayne. Bubba goes to the shopping cart and brings out a kendo stick. He busts it over Wayne’s head 3 times before he goes down, but he only earns a 2-count. Rage back in the ring floors Bubba, and now it’s Wayne and Rage. Wayne hits a couple of head-butts and a headlock with a close-fisted punch to continue to target Rage’s bleeding forehead. Wayne hits a European uppercut that lays out Rage. Wayne turns around right into a Recon Wrench! 1-2-3! Winner and new champion: Sgt. Bubba Lee West Rating: E+ (Notes- Gareth Wayne was exhausted, but is improving in technical and performance skills) After the match, Sgt. Bubba salutes his opponents, and then the crowd, taking a moment to soak up the win. Rating: E- Dazzling Dave comes down and says he doesn’t have a match tonight, but he wants to know, he wants to know right now if Sara Silver is gonna be his girl? Sara Silver gets in the ring and teases being interested as Dave talks up his rockstar lifestyle, but when he actually asks a question, she slaps him in the face and goes back to the commentator booth. Rating: E+ Match #4: Barry Kingman vs. Idaho Punisher Barry Kingman, the man with no personality, is your babyface up against the Idaho Punisher. If there was any less charisma in the ring, I’d say I was watching the TCW undercard. The two test of strength, but Punisher throws the smaller man down. He hits some stomps, and then a big kick to the ribs. Kingman to his feet, but he continues to take a beating. Punisher tosses Kingman into the turnbuckles, but Kingman reverses a follow-up clothesline, and hits a few quick punches. Kingman brings Punisher into the middle of the ring and tries an armbar variation, working over Punisher’s right arm and shoulder. Punisher forces Kingman back into the corner and hits a big punch, no selling the arm that was just worked over. Punisher with some clubbing punches takes Kingman down and gets a 2- count. Kingman reverses a clothesline into a half-nelson slam. Kingman into a reverse sitting armbar, as he continues to work over the shoulder. Punisher takes back control and sets Kingman up for the piledriver, but Kingman bridges it into a pin, and gets the surprise 1-2-3! Winner: Barry Kingman Rating: D- Match #5: April Appleseed vs. Raven Nightfall Slow-paced and plodding match with a lot of rest holds. Raven picks up the win with the Night Faller to become the new champion. Winner and new champion: Raven Nightfall Rating: E+ A video plays hyping Masked Power vs. The Insane Heat. Rating: D- Match #6: Brady Prince vs. the Big Problem Another match between a big hoss and a small, bland worker. Big Problem shrugs off all of Brady’s offense, giving him a legit beating for a few minutes before finishing him off with a Choke Slam. Winner: the Big Problem Rating: D- Backstage, Masked Power puts over his history with the Insane Heat, promising to become the first Chaotic World champ in history. Puerto Rican Power looks like an idiot under a hood. Rating: D- Match #7: Masked Power vs. Insane Heat for the Chaotic World Title This one is nothing but a brawl from beginning to end. If you like watching huge guys punch each other, this was the match for you. Puerto Rican Power hits the Masked Man Rush to pick up the 3-count and the title. Winner and New Champ: Masked Power Rating: D- Rating: E+ (not enough storylines) Attendance: 2,000
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