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How does "Potential" work?

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I like this idea but I'm not exactly sure how its going to work. You said it won't matter for workers who are already established or old. Old, I understand, since a worker past his/her prime isn't really going to do any improvement. But is established as in overness? If someone like Marc DuBois is really over, but still young, will his potential stat still be in effect? Another question I have, is potential for workers who are not active wrestlers. Do managers and everything else have their own potential in which their regularly used stats are in effect? It wouldn't make sense for a pure announcer to have his high flying stat increase by talking on the microphone each week, but will his entertainment stats increase?
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If I may ask Adam, how does the potential feature work within the confines for an historical sense. Is it how much potential does the wrestler show at some points of his tenure, or his eventual turn-out/possible decline? An example of my question would be someone like Jun Akiyama. Ever since his debut(1992) and up to December 1996 Jun showed the potential to perhaps even surpass Jumbo Tsuruta as the greatest wrestler ever at the rate he was growing. Based on a grow like that you'd give someone the likes of Jun a 100. History has taught us though, that Jun turned out a few light-years away from Jumbo(in a subjective sense, as all the examples are) when it was time to step up to the big league plate. Let's not get into the reasons because the could be whatever the are, but obviously here his potential would be lower then forseen. There are a lot more examples of wrestlers who didn't turn out to their full potential(Juventud Guerrera, Val Venis, really just too many to list so it is needless) but does the stat, in it's historical sense, capture what they would turn into, or what they are able to fully become? Hope the examples and everything didn't make the post a bit loopy.
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But in the confines of historical sense is the chance that they workers could have been superstars....... I think that it may work as the potential in FM. Let's take a player/wrestler with a potential of 98. If we play the game 100 times with him since his debut to his retirement there will be a great number of results. In one game he have been a superstar in the Hall of Inmortals, in other he has been a very solid main eventer, in other he can be a total bust and ended his career in house shows in Montana. But if we take the 100 games, the average result its.. for example 92. Of course it's not-historical thinking about Val Venis as Hall of Famer, but this is because the reality can be runned just once. If we can go back to 1990 and re-run all the reality maybe Val Venis has been a star (sorry by I've problems in english with the past subjunctive). I think the easier way to make things more accurate is putting the right personality traits in each worker. Maybe we can put Juvi Guerrera as a talent of 95 (example) but we can put him as a very egomaniac, so it will make him less prone to develop.
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Interesting look over things, I agree that personality traits would have to do with a lot of the development in the case of someone like Juvi. On the other hand though, my loose translation is that you'd give someone the likes of Akiyama or Morley the massive potential that they show and just let them run with it. If it ends like real life, so be it, if not, then the better.
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[QUOTE=AndyJP;380234]Another question I have, is potential for workers who are not active wrestlers. Do managers and everything else have their own potential in which their regularly used stats are in effect? It wouldn't make sense for a pure announcer to have his high flying stat increase by talking on the microphone each week, but will his entertainment stats increase?[/QUOTE] Potential would mean that they could increase, not that it will necessarily on its own. As I understand it it works inconjunction with the destiny stat. So that someone with very high potential is more likely not to have lower caps on his overness/abilities etc... Is this right?
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